English Listening and Speaking Practice Learn While You Sleep

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in this sleep learning video we will help you practice and improve your english listening and speaking ability by listening to native english speakers talking about a wide range of topics the video features over 500 phrases and multiple dialogues of english being spoken about a wide range of topics listen to this as you go to sleep and leave on whilst you sleep for best results we use three different binaural beats in this video the first one enhances your learning ability the second initiates sleep learning and the third improves memory if you enjoy the video remember to leave a comment and hit the subscribe button hello lawyer's office hi this is scott i'm not feeling well today i'm sorry to hear that yeah i don't think i'm going to make it in today all right i can let the boss know thanks sure will you be going to the doctor today i'm not sure yet well you'll need a note from the doctor to justify the sick day okay i'll make sure to go today all right i hope you get better soon thanks hi scott what's up could i talk to you for a minute sure i'm free now great so what do you want to talk about well i've been working here for five years now that's true we're very happy with your work that's great and that's why i'm thinking i should get a raise oh well let me think about it i'm sure we can work something out thanks but do let me know because i've had job offers oh well we really want to keep you here so i'll do what i can thanks how's that spreadsheet coming scott a bit slow michael still hasn't gotten all the data to me yet all right well we need to present it to the client next monday okay i'll talk to him good because we can't let this client down i know once i get the data i'll finish the spreadsheet excellent and how is the presentation itself coming i think it's good i'll have it done by the end of the day great okay i'll let you get back to work thanks hey and don't forget we're all going out for drinks after work today i'll be there hey scott are you going to have lunch soon yeah in about a half hour did you bring your lunch today no i was thinking about going out you same all right do you want to go together yeah what kind of food do you feel like they just opened a new sandwich place around the corner i want to try sounds good i'll just finish one thing and i'll be ready okay same here hey what do you think about ann the new boss yeah hmm i'm not sure yet i have a friend at her old company and she said she's really tough wow i thought she seemed pretty nice yeah she said she was nice but tough well as long as she's nice yeah i was really tired of our old boss he could be so mean i know i heard him yelling at bob once i did too i'm so glad he's gone hey scott let's see what supplies we need to buy all right let's see do we need photocopy paper hmm i think we have plenty there are ten boxes okay what about staples we could use about 30 boxes we only have five all right and do we have pens we should get extra red and blue pens we have plenty of black ones great and one last thing sticky notes oh we have so many of those enough for years hahaha okay good and what about glue i think we could use some more did you hear the news no what's going on they're going to be holding special elections oh really why because the mayor quit i hadn't heard that why did she quit because she might run for president that's cool do you think she could win i don't know i hope so me too do you think she's got a chance i really do hi i'm new here welcome i'm scott what's your name i'm alice it's nice to meet you what job are you going to be doing i'm the new accountant that's great i hope you like it here i hope so too i just moved to town how long have you worked here wow i guess it's been about five years now and do you like it here yeah i do the people who work here are really nice i'm so glad to hear that we're all going out for drinks tonight you should come ah i'm totally freaking out what's wrong i can't find my favorite coffee mug oh well can't you use another one no i really like that one what's it look like it's got a funny cat on it oh i think i might have used that earlier ah well that explains it yeah i'm sorry i didn't realize it was yours don't worry about it okay thanks i'm going to have to leave early today really why i have to pick my daughter up from school oh all right could you finish a quick thing for me sure no problem what do you need i have to write an email to the new client okay and what should it say that the proposal will be ready by friday that's it yeah thanks so much i owe you one all right bye what's your favorite season i think it'd be summer really why well i love going to the beach and surfing i would love to learn how to surf it's really fun what's your favorite season i really like spring why i have a flower garden and i love seeing them bloom fall is so pretty too with all the leaves changing colors yeah and what about winter i really don't like being cold at all what do you think the weather will be like this weekend i heard it's going to be very windy oh that's great really why well i have a sailboat and i was hoping to use it on saturday where do you go sailing on the lake up north how did you learn how to sail my grandfather taught me and does it have to be really windy to sail it helps if there is no wind it's impossible if it's too windy it's too dangerous though i would love to come with you sometime do you think it'll be sunny tomorrow we'll see why do you have plans yeah i'm planning a picnic at the park let me look at the weather app on my phone alright what does it say it says it will be mostly cloudy with a chance of rain oh that's too bad well maybe i should reschedule the picnic yeah but it says that the day after tomorrow will be sunny all day all right i will do it the day after tomorrow i would if i were you would you like to come yes i'll bring some sodas boy i sure hope it rains soon really why well the plants in my garden could really use it it has been a while since it rained last it's been almost a month and a half that's a long time what have you been doing with your plants i've been watering them with the hose but it's time consuming what do you have planted i have lots of flowers and vegetables what kinds of vegetables i have lettuce tomatoes peas and onions how wonderful i think it's supposed to snow this weekend really oh my kids will love that what do they like to do in the snow they love sledding in the park with their friends does your family like skiing yes we went for the first time last year we love skiing we go every year where did you go we go to aspen is it nice there oh it's so nice we should all go together this year let's do it it is so hot i can't believe it i know and my air conditioner is broken oh that's terrible it's supposed to be the hottest year ever this year i know luckily there's a pool in my neighborhood that's great we have a pool at our apartment going swimming makes it easier to deal with the heat definitely and my kids have so much fun so do mine but they are asking to go to the beach and do you think you'll go i'm not sure i don't have much vacation time saved up we're going to the beach at the end of the month i'm sure you'll have a great time can you believe how cold it is no it's so cold today my lawn was all icy this morning so was mine what have you been doing to keep warm i have a fireplace at my house so do i i love drinking hot cocoa in front of the fire me too i bought a new coat this year i really need a new coat mine is really old i got mine online and did it fit well no i had to send it back but they sent me another one that fit perfectly i feel like it's been raining for weeks i know i think it's been raining for at least three days now i guess it's good after the drought yeah but i'm so tired of it me too i miss the sun same here i really want to go for a run without getting wet i know i really like riding my bike but it's too wet out yeah i usually walk to work but not in this rain the forecast says it will rain for another three days oh wow we'll just have to get used to it yeah i think i'm going to buy a new pair of rain boots i'm going to get a new rain jacket i just love fall really why i love watching the leaves change the best holidays are in the fall too yeah i just love halloween what are you going to be for halloween this year i think i'll be a witch you i'm going to be a ghost scary and thanksgiving is in fall too that's right i love seeing my family for thanksgiving me too i always go to my parents house and spend it with my brothers and sisters i love thanksgiving pumpkin pie is my favorite food did you see the storm last night yes there was so much lightning i know it lit up the night sky and the lightning got so close that the thunder was so loud it woke me up it was so loud my power went out shortly after the storm started so did mine it was back on when i left for work though i don't think mine has come back on yet what do you do when you don't have electricity i just light lots of candles me too i kind of like it yeah but it gets annoying if it's out for too long hey what are you doing after work nothing what about you i need to go shopping for a present for my husband do you know what you were going to get him no and i was actually going to ask if you would come with me sure i'd be glad to where do you want to go i was thinking about going to target great i love going there there are lots of things there yeah i wanted to look at the sports equipment that's a good idea you could also think about a video game console nice idea this will be fun yeah i'm happy to help will you help me make a shopping list sure okay can you check and see if we need rice yeah we could use some brown rice all right and what about pasta yeah we need spaghetti what else we could use more salt pepper and oregano okay and what about oil we need both olive oil and sunflower oil great and do we need cheese yes get lots of cheese hey are you ready to go yeah should we take my car sure thanks alright should we go to the sports section first yeah i was thinking about a tennis racket does your husband play tennis no but he says he wants to i think you have to know what size he would need yeah you're right let's look at those video games does he like video games yeah he does he said he wanted the new playstation let's take a look hi i'm having some trouble finding a few things what are you looking for well i can't seem to find the pasta aisle that would be aisle five thanks and do you know where the honey is yeah that's on aisle two great i also can't find frozen strawberries those are in the frozen food section aisle eight okay and do you know if you sell books here we do have some they're at the front of the store thanks and one more thing where's the cheese at the very back under the sign that says cheese hi welcome thanks are you looking for something in particular yes i need a new shirt all right what kind of shirt a white dress shirt okay and do you know your size no i don't that's alright why don't i get a few for you to try on thanks did any of them fit yes i found the perfect one hi i'm looking for a new lipstick sure what did you have in mind i'd like something that's light red we have these three shades oh i really like the first one can i try it sure here's the sample lipstick i love it i'll get it great and would you like some eyeshadow to go with it hmm yeah what color do you think would go well we have this nice blue color oh i love that you know i need some mascara too here you are hi i was wondering if you could help me sure what can i do for you i'm looking for a watch great who is it for myself okay and did you want an analog or digital one i think i want an analog one we have these ones these are nice are any of them waterproof yes this one is i love it is it very expensive it's one hundred dollars hi welcome to the jewelry store hi thanks what are you looking for well i want to ask my girlfriend to marry me that's wonderful so i guess you're looking for a ring yes i'm looking for something unique we have some lovely antique rings i'd like to see them here they are they are beautiful but i think i'd like something more modern we have these beautiful rose gold rings oh that one is perfect hi welcome to the outdoor store thanks i'm looking for a tent great we have a good selection i want one to use in the summer and how many people will be using it just two all right and will you be backpacking or traveling in a car a bit of both so i don't want it to be too heavy okay i think we have the perfect one it's yellow is that okay perfect i love that color great here it is you can go pay for it at checkout thanks hey where did you get that backpack i actually bought it online really where on amazon did you get a good deal yeah i had seen the same one in the store and it was cheaper online did it take a long time to get to you no it arrived four days after i bought it i think i'll check it out i need a new backpack yeah it's a good idea did they have the bag in other colors yeah they sold it in red blue and black hey so what's your mom like she's really nice she was born in france oh that's interesting how old was she when she moved here she was 15 so pretty young what about your mom oh she was born in texas and grew up in ohio what does she do for a living she's an elementary school teacher what about yours my mom is an engineer wow that's cool what kind of engineer she's a mechanical engineer and how old was she when she had you 35 and what about your dad how old is he he's 65. what about your dad he's 70. he's retired is your dad retired not yet i think he will retire next year what did your dad do he was a truck driver oh cool he must have seen the whole country yeah he loved being on the road what does your dad do he's a university professor what does he teach he teaches american history he must be really smart he is my parents actually got divorced when i was young oh really how young were you i was 10 years old and did they get remarried my dad did but my mom didn't my parents are still together that must be nice it is but i bet you got to have two christmases when you were growing up you're right i did i always got double the presents that's awesome do they get along okay now yeah they do that's lucky my dad's new wife had kids oh so you had a step-brother yes and a step-sister what was that like it was great more kids to play with were they older or younger than you the girl was exactly my age oh how fun yeah and the boy was just one year younger that must have been fun yeah we all have a good relationship now that's great do you have any sisters yeah i have one sister what about you i have two sisters did you get along when you were growing up we did fight a lot but we had a lot of fun my sister and i have always gotten along really well that's great what does she do for a living oh she's still in college what is she studying sociology oh one of my sisters is studying sociology too maybe they know each other do you have any brothers yeah i do he's two years older than me i don't have a brother i always wanted one though my brother and i used to fight a lot when we were growing up really and do you get along now yeah we do we have a barbecue every weekend that sounds fun what does he do for a living he's a car mechanic i always have problems with my car i could use a good mechanic i'll pass you his contact that would be great thanks no problem are you married yeah i am how long have you been married about five years that's great i'm engaged to be married to my boyfriend congratulations how long have you been together about three years and when are you planning on getting married we don't know yet sometime next year and do you want a big or small wedding i think it'll be pretty small was yours big or small it was huge there were 500 people there do you have kids yeah i have three boys wow that must be a crazy house it is do you have any kids i don't have any yet so you're planning to yeah but there are still things i want to do before i have a baby like what well i really like to travel that could be hard to do with children yeah i know do it while you can are your grandmothers still alive one is my father's mother is 95. oh wow that's great both of my grandmothers passed away yeah i really love my grandmother she's really funny i really miss my grandmothers one of them really liked to bake and what was the other one like oh she was an adventurer she spent her whole retirement traveling on cruise ships that's amazing my grandmother who passed away liked to go on cruises too maybe they ran into each other on one maybe mine really liked a good party so did mine maybe they're in heaven partying now do you know your grandfathers yes i was lucky enough to know both of them well what were they like one was a retired car salesman and the other had been a journalist for the new york times wow that's so interesting what about your grandfathers i only got to meet one of them what was he like he was so nice he always used to take me hiking and fishing one of my grandfathers loved to fish too i miss those days both of my grandfathers are dead now so are mine it's so sad hello lawyer's office hi this is scott i'm not feeling well today oh i'm sorry to hear that yeah i don't think i'm going to make it in today all right i can let the boss know thanks sure will you be going to the doctor today i'm not sure yet well you'll need a note from the doctor to justify the sick day okay i'll make sure to go today all right i hope you get better soon thanks hi scott what's up could i talk to you for a minute sure i'm free now great so what do you want to talk about well i've been working here for five years now that's true we're very happy with your work that's great and that's why i'm thinking i should get a raise oh well let me think about it i'm sure we can work something out thanks but do let me know because i've had job offers oh well we really want to keep you here so i'll do what i can thanks how's that spreadsheet coming scott a bit slow michael still hasn't gotten all the data to me yet all right well we need to present it to the client next monday okay i'll talk to him good because we can't let this client down i know once i get the data i'll finish the spreadsheet excellent and how is the presentation itself coming i think it's good i'll have it done by the end of the day great okay i'll let you get back to work thanks hey and don't forget we're all going out for drinks after work today i'll be there hey scott are you going to have lunch soon yeah in about a half hour did you bring your lunch today no i was thinking about going out you same all right do you want to go together yeah what kind of food do you feel like they just opened a new sandwich place around the corner i want to try sounds good i'll just finish one thing and i'll be ready okay same here hey what do you think about anne the new boss yeah hmm i'm not sure yet i have a friend at her old company and she said she's really tough wow i thought she seemed pretty nice yeah she said she was nice but tough well as long as she's nice yeah i was really tired of our old boss he could be so mean i know i heard him yelling at bob once i did too i'm so glad he's gone hey scott let's see what supplies we need to buy all right let's see do we need photocopy paper hmm i think we have plenty there are 10 boxes okay what about staples we could use about 30 boxes we only have five all right and do we have pens we should get extra red and blue pens we have plenty of black ones great and one last thing sticky notes oh we have so many of those enough for years hahaha okay good and what about glue i think we could use some more did you hear the news no what's going on they're going to be holding special elections oh really why because the mayor quit i hadn't heard that why did she quit because she might run for president that's cool do you think she could win i don't know i hope so me too do you think she's got a chance i really do hi i'm new here welcome i'm scott what's your name i'm alice it's nice to meet you what job are you going to be doing i'm the new accountant that's great i hope you'll like it here i hope so too i just moved to town how long have you worked here wow i guess it's been about five years now and do you like it here yeah i do the people who work here are really nice i'm so glad to hear that we're all going out for drinks tonight you should come i'm totally freaking out what's wrong i can't find my favorite coffee mug oh well can't you use another one no i really like that one what's it look like it's got a funny cat on it oh i think i might have used that earlier ah well that explains it yeah i'm sorry i didn't realize it was yours don't worry about it okay thanks i'm going to have to leave early today really why i have to pick my daughter up from school oh all right could you finish a quick thing for me sure no problem what do you need i have to write an email to the new client okay and what should it say that the proposal will be ready by friday that's it yeah thanks so much i owe you one all right bye what's your favorite season i think it'd be summer really why well i love going to the beach and surfing i would love to learn how to surf it's really fun what's your favorite season i really like spring why i have a flower garden and i love seeing them bloom fall is so pretty too with all the leaves changing colors yeah and what about winter i really don't like being cold at all what do you think the weather will be like this weekend i heard it's going to be very windy oh that's great really why well i have a sailboat and i was hoping to use it on saturday where do you go sailing on the lake up north how did you learn how to sail my grandfather taught me and does it have to be really windy to sail it helps if there is no wind it's impossible if it's too windy it's too dangerous though i would love to come with you sometime do you think it'll be sunny tomorrow we'll see why do you have plans yeah i'm planning a picnic at the park let me look at the weather app on my phone alright what does it say it says it will be mostly cloudy with a chance of rain oh that's too bad well maybe i should reschedule the picnic yeah but it says that the day after tomorrow will be sunny all day all right i will do it the day after tomorrow i would if i were you would you like to come yes i'll bring some sodas boy i sure hope it rains soon really why well the plants in my garden could really use it it has been a while since it rained last it's been almost a month and a half that's a long time what have you been doing with your plants i've been watering them with the hose but it's time consuming what do you have planted i have lots of flowers and vegetables what kinds of vegetables i have lettuce tomatoes peas and onions how wonderful i think it's supposed to snow this weekend really oh my kids will love that what do they like to do in the snow they love sledding in the park with their friends does your family like skiing yes we went for the first time last year we love skiing we go every year where did you go we go to aspen is it nice there oh it's so nice we should all go together this year let's do it it is so hot i can't believe it i know and my air conditioner is broken oh that's terrible it's supposed to be the hottest year ever this year i know luckily there's a pool in my neighborhood that's great we have a pool at our apartment going swimming makes it easier to deal with the heat definitely and my kids have so much fun so do mine but they are asking to go to the beach and do you think you'll go i'm not sure i don't have much vacation time saved up we're going to the beach at the end of the month i'm sure you'll have a great time can you believe how cold it is no it's so cold today my lawn was all icy this morning so was mine what have you been doing to keep warm i have a fireplace at my house so do i i love drinking hot cocoa in front of the fire me too i bought a new coat this year i really need a new coat mine is really old i got mine online and did it fit well no i had to send it back but they sent me another one that fit perfectly i feel like it's been raining for weeks i know i think it's been raining for at least three days now i guess it's good after the drought yeah but i'm so tired of it me too i miss the sun same here i really want to go for a run without getting wet i know i really like riding my bike but it's too wet out yeah i usually walk to work but not in this rain the forecast says it will rain for another three days oh wow we'll just have to get used to it yeah i think i'm going to buy a new pair of rain boots i'm going to get a new rain jacket i just love fall really why i love watching the leaves change the best holidays are in the fall too yeah i just love halloween what are you going to be for halloween this year i think i'll be a witch you i'm going to be a ghost scary and thanksgiving is in fall too that's right i love seeing my family for thanksgiving me too i always go to my parents house and spend it with my brothers and sisters i love thanksgiving pumpkin pie is my favorite food did you see the storm last night yes there was so much lightning i know it lit up the night sky and the lightning got so close that the thunder was so loud it woke me up it was so loud my power went out shortly after the storm started so did mine it was back on when i left for work though i don't think mine has come back on yet what do you do when you don't have electricity i just light lots of candles me too i kind of like it yeah but it gets annoying if it's out for too long hey what are you doing after work nothing what about you i need to go shopping for a present for my husband do you know what you were going to get him no and i was actually going to ask if you would come with me sure i'd be glad to where do you want to go i was thinking about going to target great i love going there there are lots of things there yeah i wanted to look at the sports equipment that's a good idea you could also think about a video game console nice idea this will be fun yeah i'm happy to help will you help me make a shopping list sure okay can you check and see if we need rice yeah we could use some brown rice all right and what about pasta yeah we need spaghetti what else we could use more salt pepper and oregano okay and what about oil we need both olive oil and sunflower oil great and do we need cheese yes get lots of cheese hey are you ready to go yeah should we take my car sure thanks all right should we go to the sports section first yeah i was thinking about a tennis racket does your husband play tennis no but he says he wants to i think you have to know what size he would need yeah you're right let's look at those video games does he like video games yeah he does he said he wanted the new playstation let's take a look hi i'm having some trouble finding a few things what are you looking for well i can't seem to find the pasta aisle that would be aisle five thanks and do you know where the honey is yeah that's on aisle two great i also can't find frozen strawberries those are in the frozen food section aisle eight okay and do you know if you sell books here we do have some they're at the front of the store thanks and one more thing where's the cheese at the very back under the sign that says cheese hi welcome thanks are you looking for something in particular yes i need a new shirt all right what kind of shirt a white dress shirt okay and do you know your size no i don't that's all right why don't i get a few for you to try on thanks did any of them fit yes i found the perfect one hi i'm looking for a new lipstick sure what did you have in mind i'd like something that's light red we have these three shades oh i really like the first one can i try it sure here's the sample lipstick i love it i'll get it great and would you like some eye shadow to go with it hmm yeah what color do you think would go well we have this nice blue color oh i love that you know i need some mascara too here you are hi i was wondering if you could help me sure what can i do for you i'm looking for a watch great who is it for myself okay and did you want an analog or digital one i think i want an analog one we have these ones these are nice are any of them waterproof yes this one is i love it is it very expensive it's 100 hi welcome to the jewelry store hi thanks what are you looking for well i want to ask my girlfriend to marry me that's wonderful so i guess you're looking for a ring yes i'm looking for something unique we have some lovely antique rings i'd like to see them here they are they are beautiful but i think i'd like something more modern we have these beautiful rose gold rings oh that one is perfect hi welcome to the outdoor store thanks i'm looking for a tent great we have a good selection i want one to use in the summer and how many people will be using it just two all right and will you be backpacking or traveling in a car a bit of both so i don't want it to be too heavy okay i think we have the perfect one it's yellow is that okay perfect i love that color great here it is you can go pay for it at checkout thanks hey where did you get that backpack i actually bought it online really where on amazon did you get a good deal yeah i had seen the same one in the store and it was cheaper online did it take a long time to get to you no it arrived four days after i bought it i think i'll check it out i need a new backpack yeah it's a good idea did they have the bag in other colors yeah they sold it in red blue and black hey so what's your mom like she's really nice she was born in france oh that's interesting how old was she when she moved here she was 15 so pretty young what about your mom oh she was born in texas and grew up in ohio what does she do for a living she's an elementary school teacher what about yours my mom is an engineer wow that's cool what kind of engineer she's a mechanical engineer and how old was she when she had you 35 and what about your dad how old is he he's 65. what about your dad he's 70. he's retired is your dad retired not yet i think he will retire next year what did your dad do he was a truck driver oh cool he must have seen the whole country yeah he loved being on the road what does your dad do he's a university professor what does he teach he teaches american history he must be really smart he is my parents actually got divorced when i was young oh really how young were you i was 10 years old and did they get remarried my dad did but my mom didn't my parents are still together that must be nice it is but i bet you got to have two christmases when you were growing up you're right i did i always got double the presents that's awesome do they get along okay now yeah they do that's lucky my dad's new wife had kids oh so you had a step brother yes and a step sister what was that like it was great more kids to play with were they older or younger than you the girl was exactly my age oh how fun yeah and the boy was just one year younger that must have been fun yeah we all have a good relationship now that's great do you have any sisters yeah i have one sister what about you i have two sisters did you get along when you were growing up we did fight a lot but we had a lot of fun my sister and i have always gotten along really well that's great what does she do for a living oh she's still in college what is she studying sociology oh one of my sisters is studying sociology too maybe they know each other do you have any brothers yeah i do he's two years older than me i don't have a brother i always wanted one though my brother and i used to fight a lot when we were growing up really and do you get along now yeah we do we have a barbecue every weekend that sounds fun what does he do for a living he's a car mechanic i always have problems with my car i could use a good mechanic i'll pass you his contact that would be great thanks no problem are you married yeah i am how long have you been married about five years that's great i'm engaged to be married to my boyfriend congratulations how long have you been together about three years and when are you planning on getting married we don't know yet sometime next year and do you want a big or small wedding i think it'll be pretty small was yours big or small it was huge there were 500 people there do you have kids yeah i have three boys wow that must be a crazy house it is do you have any kids i don't have any yet so you're planning to yeah but there are still things i want to do before i have a baby like what well i really like to travel that could be hard to do with children yeah i know do it while you can are your grandmothers still alive one is my father's mother is 95. oh wow that's great both of my grandmothers passed away yeah i really love my grandmother she's really funny i really miss my grandmothers one of them really liked to bake and what was the other one like oh she was an adventurer she spent her whole retirement traveling on cruise ships that's amazing my grandmother who passed away liked to go on cruises too haha maybe they ran into each other on one maybe mine really liked a good party so did mine maybe they're in heaven partying now do you know your grandfathers yes i was lucky enough to know both of them well what were they like one was a retired car salesman and the other had been a journalist for the new york times wow that's so interesting what about your grandfathers i only got to meet one of them what was he like he was so nice he always used to take me hiking and fishing one of my grandfathers loved to fish too i miss those days both of my grandfathers are dead now so are mine it's so sad hello lawyer's office hi this is scott i'm not feeling well today i'm sorry to hear that yeah i don't think i'm going to make it in today all right i can let the boss know thanks sure will you be going to the doctor today i'm not sure yet well you'll need a note from the doctor to justify the sick day okay i'll make sure to go today all right i hope you get better soon thanks hi scott what's up could i talk to you for a minute sure i'm free now great so what do you want to talk about well i've been working here for five years now that's true we're very happy with your work that's great and that's why i'm thinking i should get a raise oh well let me think about it i'm sure we can work something out thanks but do let me know because i've had job offers oh well we really want to keep you here so i'll do what i can thanks how's that spreadsheet coming scott a bit slow michael still hasn't gotten all the data to me yet all right well we need to present it to the client next monday okay i'll talk to him good because we can't let this client down i know once i get the data i'll finish the spreadsheet excellent and how is the presentation itself coming i think it's good i'll have it done by the end of the day great okay i'll let you get back to work thanks hey and don't forget we're all going out for drinks after work today i'll be there hey scott are you going to have lunch soon yeah in about a half hour did you bring your lunch today no i was thinking about going out you same all right do you want to go together yeah what kind of food do you feel like they just opened a new sandwich place around the corner i want to try sounds good i'll just finish one thing and i'll be ready okay same here hey what do you think about anne the new boss yeah hmm i'm not sure yet i have a friend at her old company and she said she's really tough wow i thought she seemed pretty nice yeah she said she was nice but tough well as long as she's nice yeah i was really tired of our old boss he could be so mean i know i heard him yelling at bob once i did too i'm so glad he's gone hey scott let's see what supplies we need to buy all right let's see do we need photocopy paper hmm i think we have plenty there are ten boxes okay what about staples we could use about 30 boxes we only have five all right and do we have pens we should get extra red and blue pens we have plenty of black ones great and one last thing sticky notes oh we have so many of those enough for years haha okay good and what about glue i think we could use some more did you hear the news no what's going on they're going to be holding special elections oh really why because the mayor quit i hadn't heard that why did she quit because she might run for president that's cool do you think she could win i don't know i hope so me too do you think she's got a chance i really do hi i'm new here welcome i'm scott what's your name i'm alice it's nice to meet you what job are you going to be doing i'm the new accountant that's great i hope you'll like it here i hope so too i just moved to town how long have you worked here wow i guess it's been about five years now and do you like it here yeah i do the people who work here are really nice i'm so glad to hear that we're all going out for drinks tonight you should come i'm totally freaking out what's wrong i can't find my favorite coffee mug oh well can't you use another one no i really like that one what's it look like it's got a funny cat on it oh i think i might have used that earlier ah well that explains it yeah i'm sorry i didn't realize it was yours don't worry about it okay thanks i'm going to have to leave early today really why i have to pick my daughter up from school oh all right could you finish a quick thing for me sure no problem what do you need i have to write an email to the new client okay and what should it say that the proposal will be ready by friday that's it yeah thanks so much i owe you one all right bye what's your favorite season i think it'd be summer really why well i love going to the beach and surfing i would love to learn how to surf it's really fun what's your favorite season i really like spring why i have a flower garden and i love seeing them bloom fall is so pretty too with all the leaves changing colors yeah and what about winter i really don't like being cold at all what do you think the weather will be like this weekend i heard it's going to be very windy oh that's great really why well i have a sailboat and i was hoping to use it on saturday where do you go sailing on the lake up north how did you learn how to sail my grandfather taught me and does it have to be really windy to sail it helps if there is no wind it's impossible if it's too windy it's too dangerous though i would love to come with you sometime do you think it'll be sunny tomorrow we'll see why do you have plans yeah i'm planning a picnic at the park let me look at the weather app on my phone alright what does it say it says it will be mostly cloudy with a chance of rain oh that's too bad well maybe i should reschedule the picnic yeah but it says that the day after tomorrow will be sunny all day all right i will do it the day after tomorrow i would if i were you would you like to come yes i'll bring some sodas boy i sure hope it rains soon really why well the plants in my garden could really use it it has been a while since it rained last it's been almost a month and a half that's a long time what have you been doing with your plants i've been watering them with the hose but it's time consuming what do you have planted i have lots of flowers and vegetables what kinds of vegetables i have lettuce tomatoes peas and onions how wonderful i think it's supposed to snow this weekend really oh my kids will love that what do they like to do in the snow they love sledding in the park with their friends does your family like skiing yes we went for the first time last year we love skiing we go every year where did you go we go to aspen is it nice there oh it's so nice we should all go together this year let's do it it is so hot i can't believe it i know and my air conditioner is broken oh that's terrible it's supposed to be the hottest year ever this year i know luckily there's a pool in my neighborhood that's great we have a pool at our apartment going swimming makes it easier to deal with the heat definitely and my kids have so much fun so do mine but they are asking to go to the beach and do you think you'll go i'm not sure i don't have much vacation time saved up we're going to the beach at the end of the month i'm sure you'll have a great time can you believe how cold it is no it's so cold today my lawn was all icy this morning so was mine what have you been doing to keep warm i have a fireplace at my house so do i i love drinking hot cocoa in front of the fire me too i bought a new coat this year i really need a new coat mine is really old i got mine online and did it fit well no i had to send it back but they sent me another one that fit perfectly i feel like it's been raining for weeks i know i think it's been raining for at least three days now i guess it's good after the drought yeah but i'm so tired of it me too i miss the sun same here i really want to go for a run without getting wet i know i really like riding my bike but it's too wet out yeah i usually walk to work but not in this rain the forecast says it will rain for another three days oh wow we'll just have to get used to it yeah i think i'm going to buy a new pair of rain boots i'm going to get a new rain jacket i just love fall really why i love watching the leaves change the best holidays are in the fall too yeah i just love halloween what are you going to be for halloween this year i think i'll be a witch you i'm going to be a ghost scary and thanksgiving is in fall too that's right i love seeing my family for thanksgiving me too i always go to my parents house and spend it with my brothers and sisters i love thanksgiving pumpkin pie is my favorite food did you see the storm last night yes there was so much lightning i know it lit up the night sky and the lightning got so close that the thunder was so loud it woke me up it was so loud my power went out shortly after the storm started so did mine it was back on when i left for work though i don't think mine has come back on yet what do you do when you don't have electricity i just light lots of candles me too i kind of like it yeah but it gets annoying if it's out for too long hey what are you doing after work nothing what about you i need to go shopping for a present for my husband do you know what you were going to get him no and i was actually going to ask if you would come with me sure i'd be glad to where do you want to go i was thinking about going to target great i love going there there are lots of things there yeah i wanted to look at the sports equipment that's a good idea you could also think about a video game console nice idea this will be fun yeah i'm happy to help will you help me make a shopping list sure okay can you check and see if we need rice yeah we could use some brown rice all right and what about pasta yeah we need spaghetti what else we could use more salt pepper and oregano okay and what about oil we need both olive oil and sunflower oil great and do we need cheese yes get lots of cheese hey are you ready to go yeah should we take my car sure thanks alright should we go to the sports section first yeah i was thinking about a tennis racket does your husband play tennis no but he says he wants to i think you have to know what size he would need yeah you're right let's look at those video games does he like video games yeah he does he said he wanted the new playstation let's take a look hi i'm having some trouble finding a few things what are you looking for well i can't seem to find the pasta aisle that would be aisle five thanks and do you know where the honey is yeah that's on aisle two great i also can't find frozen strawberries those are in the frozen food section aisle eight okay and do you know if you sell books here we do have some they're at the front of the store thanks and one more thing where's the cheese at the very back under the sign that says cheese hi welcome thanks are you looking for something in particular yes i need a new shirt all right what kind of shirt a white dress shirt okay and do you know your size no i don't that's alright why don't i get a few for you to try on thanks did any of them fit yes i found the perfect one hi i'm looking for a new lipstick sure what did you have in mind i'd like something that's light red we have these three shades oh i really like the first one can i try it sure here's the sample lipstick i love it i'll get it great and would you like some eyeshadow to go with it hmm yeah what color do you think would go well we have this nice blue color oh i love that you know i need some mascara too here you are hi i was wondering if you could help me sure what can i do for you i'm looking for a watch great who is it for myself okay and did you want an analog or digital one i think i want an analog one we have these ones these are nice are any of them waterproof yes this one is i love it is it very expensive it's one hundred dollars hi welcome to the jewelry store hi thanks what are you looking for well i want to ask my girlfriend to marry me that's wonderful so i guess you're looking for a ring yes i'm looking for something unique we have some lovely antique rings i'd like to see them here they are they are beautiful but i think i'd like something more modern we have these beautiful rose gold rings oh that one is perfect hi welcome to the outdoor store thanks i'm looking for a tent great we have a good selection i want one to use in the summer and how many people will be using it just two all right and will you be backpacking or traveling in a car a bit of both so i don't want it to be too heavy okay i think we have the perfect one it's yellow is that okay perfect i love that color great here it is you can go pay for it at checkout thanks hey where did you get that backpack i actually bought it online really where on amazon did you get a good deal yeah i had seen the same one in the store and it was cheaper online did it take a long time to get to you no it arrived four days after i bought it i think i'll check it out i need a new backpack yeah it's a good idea did they have the bag in other colors yeah they sold it in red blue and black hey so what's your mom like she's really nice she was born in france oh that's interesting how old was she when she moved here she was 15 so pretty young what about your mom she was born in texas and grew up in ohio what does she do for a living she's an elementary school teacher what about yours my mom is an engineer wow that's cool what kind of engineer she's a mechanical engineer and how old was she when she had you 35. and what about your dad how old is he he's 65 what about your dad he's 70 he's retired is your dad retired not yet i think he will retire next year what did your dad do he was a truck driver oh cool he must have seen the whole country yeah he loved being on the road what does your dad do he's a university professor what does he teach he teaches american history he must be really smart he is my parents actually got divorced when i was young oh really how young were you i was 10 years old and did they get remarried my dad did but my mom didn't my parents are still together that must be nice it is but i bet you got to have two christmases when you were growing up you're right i did i always got double the presents that's awesome do they get along okay now yeah they do that's lucky my dad's new wife had kids oh so you had a stepbrother yes and a step sister what was that like it was great more kids to play with were they older or younger than you the girl was exactly my age oh how fun yeah and the boy was just one year younger that must have been fun yeah we all have a good relationship now that's great do you have any sisters yeah i have one sister what about you i have two sisters did you get along when you were growing up we did fight a lot but we had a lot of fun my sister and i have always gotten along really well that's great what does she do for a living oh she's still in college what is she studying sociology oh one of my sisters is studying sociology too maybe they know each other do you have any brothers yeah i do he's two years older than me i don't have a brother i always wanted one though my brother and i used to fight a lot when we were growing up really and do you get along now yeah we do we have a barbecue every weekend that sounds fun what does he do for a living he's a car mechanic i always have problems with my car i could use a good mechanic i'll pass you his contact that would be great thanks no problem are you married yeah i am how long have you been married about five years that's great i'm engaged to be married to my boyfriend congratulations how long have you been together about three years and when are you planning on getting married we don't know yet sometime next year and do you want a big or small wedding i think it'll be pretty small was yours big or small it was huge there were 500 people there do you have kids yeah i have three boys wow that must be a crazy house it is do you have any kids i don't have any yet so you're planning to yeah but there are still things i want to do before i have a baby like what well i really like to travel that could be hard to do with children yeah i know do it while you can are your grandmothers still alive one is my father's mother is 95. oh wow that's great both of my grandmothers passed away yeah i really love my grandmother she's really funny i really miss my grandmothers one of them really liked to bake and what was the other one like oh she was an adventurer she spent her whole retirement traveling on cruise ships that's amazing my grandmother who passed away liked to go on cruises too maybe they ran into each other on one maybe mine really liked a good party so did mine maybe they're in heaven partying now do you know your grandfathers yes i was lucky enough to know both of them well what were they like one was a retired car salesman and the other had been a journalist for the new york times wow that's so interesting what about your grandfathers i only got to meet one of them what was he like he was so nice he always used to take me hiking and fishing one of my grandfathers loved to fish too i miss those days both of my grandfathers are dead now so are mine it's so sad hello lawyer's office hi this is scott i'm not feeling well today i'm sorry to hear that yeah i don't think i'm going to make it in today all right i can let the boss know thanks sure will you be going to the doctor today i'm not sure yet well you'll need a note from the doctor to justify the sick day okay i'll make sure to go today all right i hope you get better soon thanks hi scott what's up could i talk to you for a minute sure i'm free now great so what do you want to talk about well i've been working here for five years now that's true we're very happy with your work that's great and that's why i'm thinking i should get a raise oh well let me think about it i'm sure we can work something out thanks but do let me know because i've had job offers oh well we really want to keep you here so i'll do what i can thanks how's that spreadsheet coming scott a bit slow michael still hasn't gotten all the data to me yet all right well we need to present it to the client next monday okay i'll talk to him good because we can't let this client down i know once i get the data i'll finish the spreadsheet excellent and how is the presentation itself coming i think it's good i'll have it done by the end of the day great okay i'll let you get back to work thanks hey and don't forget we're all going out for drinks after work today i'll be there hey scott are you going to have lunch soon yeah in about a half hour did you bring your lunch today no i was thinking about going out you same all right do you want to go together yeah what kind of food do you feel like they just opened a new sandwich place around the corner i want to try sounds good i'll just finish one thing and i'll be ready okay same here hey what do you think about ann the new boss yeah hmm i'm not sure yet i have a friend at her old company and she said she's really tough wow i thought she seemed pretty nice yeah she said she was nice but tough well as long as she's nice yeah i was really tired of our old boss he could be so mean i know i heard him yelling at bob once i did too i'm so glad he's gone hey scott let's see what supplies we need to buy all right let's see do we need photocopy paper hmm i think we have plenty there are ten boxes okay what about staples we could use about 30 boxes we only have five all right and do we have pens we should get extra red and blue pens we have plenty of black ones great and one last thing sticky notes oh we have so many of those enough for years okay good and what about glue i think we could use some more did you hear the news no what's going on they're going to be holding special elections oh really why because the mayor quit i hadn't heard that why did she quit because she might run for president that's cool do you think she could win i don't know i hope so me too do you think she's got a chance i really do hi i'm new here welcome i'm scott what's your name i'm alice it's nice to meet you what job are you going to be doing i'm the new accountant oh that's great i hope you like it here i hope so too i just moved to town how long have you worked here wow i guess it's been about five years now and do you like it here yeah i do the people who work here are really nice i'm so glad to hear that we're all going out for drinks tonight you should come i'm totally freaking out what's wrong i can't find my favorite coffee mug oh well can't you use another one no i really like that one what's it look like it's got a funny cat on it oh i think i might have used that earlier ah well that explains it yeah i'm sorry i didn't realize it was yours don't worry about it okay thanks i'm going to have to leave early today really why i have to pick my daughter up from school oh all right could you finish a quick thing for me sure no problem what do you need i have to write an email to the new client okay and what should it say that the proposal will be ready by friday that's it yeah thanks so much i owe you one all right bye what's your favorite season i think it'd be summer really why well i love going to the beach and surfing i would love to learn how to surf it's really fun what's your favorite season i really like spring why i have a flower garden and i love seeing them bloom fall is so pretty too with all the leaves changing colors yeah and what about winter i really don't like being cold at all what do you think the weather will be like this weekend i heard it's going to be very windy oh that's great really why well i have a sailboat and i was hoping to use it on saturday where do you go sailing on the lake up north how did you learn how to sail my grandfather taught me and does it have to be really windy to sail it helps if there is no wind it's impossible if it's too windy it's too dangerous though i would love to come with you sometime do you think it'll be sunny tomorrow we'll see why do you have plans yeah i'm planning a picnic at the park let me look at the weather app on my phone alright what does it say it says it will be mostly cloudy with a chance of rain oh that's too bad well maybe i should reschedule the picnic yeah but it says that the day after tomorrow will be sunny all day all right i will do it the day after tomorrow i would if i were you would you like to come yes i'll bring some sodas boy i sure hope it rains soon really why well the plants in my garden could really use it it has been a while since it rained last it's been almost a month and a half that's a long time what have you been doing with your plants i've been watering them with the hose but it's time consuming what do you have planted i have lots of flowers and vegetables what kinds of vegetables i have lettuce tomatoes peas and onions how wonderful i think it's supposed to snow this weekend really oh my kids will love that what do they like to do in the snow they love sledding in the park with their friends does your family like skiing yes we went for the first time last year we love skiing we go every year where did you go we go to aspen is it nice there oh it's so nice we should all go together this year let's do it it is so hot i can't believe it i know and my air conditioner is broken oh that's terrible it's supposed to be the hottest year ever this year i know luckily there's a pool in my neighborhood that's great we have a pool at our apartment going swimming makes it easier to deal with the heat definitely and my kids have so much fun so do mine but they are asking to go to the beach and do you think you'll go i'm not sure i don't have much vacation time saved up we're going to the beach at the end of the month i'm sure you'll have a great time can you believe how cold it is no it's so cold today my lawn was all icy this morning so was mine what have you been doing to keep warm i have a fireplace at my house so do i i love drinking hot cocoa in front of the fire me too i bought a new coat this year i really need a new coat mine is really old i got mine online and did it fit well no i had to send it back but they sent me another one that fit perfectly i feel like it's been raining for weeks i know i think it's been raining for at least three days now i guess it's good after the drought yeah but i'm so tired of it me too i miss the sun same here i really want to go for a run without getting wet i know i really like riding my bike but it's too wet out yeah i usually walk to work but not in this rain the forecast says it will rain for another three days oh wow we'll just have to get used to it yeah i think i'm going to buy a new pair of rain boots i'm going to get a new rain jacket i just love fall really why i love watching the leaves change the best holidays are in the fall too yeah i just love halloween what are you going to be for halloween this year i think i'll be a witch you i'm going to be a ghost scary and thanksgiving is in fall too that's right i love seeing my family for thanksgiving me too i always go to my parents house and spend it with my brothers and sisters i love thanksgiving pumpkin pie is my favorite food did you see the storm last night yes there was so much lightning i know it lit up the night sky and the lightning got so close that the thunder was so loud it woke me up it was so loud my power went out shortly after the storm started so did mine it was back on when i left for work though i don't think mine has come back on yet what do you do when you don't have electricity i just light lots of candles me too i kind of like it yeah but it gets annoying if it's out for too long hey what are you doing after work nothing what about you i need to go shopping for a present for my husband do you know what you were going to get him no and i was actually going to ask if you would come with me sure i'd be glad to where do you want to go i was thinking about going to target great i love going there there are lots of things there yeah i wanted to look at the sports equipment that's a good idea you could also think about a video game console nice idea this will be fun yeah i'm happy to help will you help me make a shopping list sure okay can you check and see if we need rice yeah we could use some brown rice all right and what about pasta yeah we need spaghetti what else we could use more salt pepper and oregano okay and what about oil we need both olive oil and sunflower oil great and do we need cheese yes get lots of cheese hey are you ready to go yeah should we take my car sure thanks alright should we go to the sports section first yeah i was thinking about a tennis racket does your husband play tennis no but he says he wants to i think you have to know what size he would need yeah you're right let's look at those video games does he like video games yeah he does he said he wanted the new playstation let's take a look hi i'm having some trouble finding a few things what are you looking for well i can't seem to find the pasta aisle that would be aisle five thanks and do you know where the honey is yeah that's on aisle two great i also can't find frozen strawberries those are in the frozen food section aisle eight okay and do you know if you sell books here we do have some they're at the front of the store thanks and one more thing where's the cheese at the very back under the sign that says cheese hi welcome thanks are you looking for something in particular yes i need a new shirt all right what kind of shirt a white dress shirt okay and do you know your size no i don't that's all right why don't i get a few for you to try on thanks did any of them fit yes i found the perfect one hi i'm looking for a new lipstick sure what did you have in mind i'd like something that's light red we have these three shades oh i really like the first one can i try it sure here's the sample lipstick i love it i'll get it great and would you like some eyeshadow to go with it hmm yeah what color do you think would go well we have this nice blue color oh i love that you know i need some mascara too here you are hi i was wondering if you could help me sure what can i do for you i'm looking for a watch great who is it for myself okay and did you want an analog or digital one i think i want an analog one we have these ones these are nice are any of them waterproof yes this one is i love it is it very expensive it's one hundred dollars hi welcome to the jewelry store hi thanks what are you looking for well i want to ask my girlfriend to marry me that's wonderful so i guess you're looking for a ring yes i'm looking for something unique we have some lovely antique rings i'd like to see them here they are they are beautiful but i think i'd like something more modern we have these beautiful rose gold rings oh that one is perfect hi welcome to the outdoor store thanks i'm looking for a tent great we have a good selection i want one to use in the summer and how many people will be using it just two alright and will you be backpacking or traveling in a car a bit of both so i don't want it to be too heavy okay i think we have the perfect one it's yellow is that okay perfect i love that color great here it is you can go pay for it at checkout thanks hey where did you get that backpack i actually bought it online really where on amazon did you get a good deal yeah i had seen the same one in the store and it was cheaper online did it take a long time to get to you no it arrived four days after i bought it i think i'll check it out i need a new backpack yeah it's a good idea did they have the bag in other colors yeah they sold it in red blue and black hey so what's your mom like she's really nice she was born in france oh that's interesting how old was she when she moved here she was 15 so pretty young what about your mom oh she was born in texas and grew up in ohio what does she do for a living she's an elementary school teacher what about yours my mom is an engineer wow that's cool what kind of engineer she's a mechanical engineer and how old was she when she had you 35. and what about your dad how old is he he's 65. what about your dad he's 70. he's retired is your dad retired not yet i think he will retire next year what did your dad do he was a truck driver oh cool he must have seen the whole country yeah he loved being on the road what does your dad do he's a university professor what does he teach he teaches american history he must be really smart he is my parents actually got divorced when i was young oh really how young were you i was 10 years old and did they get remarried my dad did but my mom didn't my parents are still together that must be nice it is but i bet you got to have two christmases when you were growing up you're right i did i always got double the presents that's awesome do they get along okay now yeah they do that's lucky my dad's new wife had kids oh so you had a stepbrother yes and a step sister what was that like it was great more kids to play with were they older or younger than you the girl was exactly my age oh how fun yeah and the boy was just one year younger that must have been fun yeah we all have a good relationship now that's great do you have any sisters yeah i have one sister what about you i have two sisters did you get along when you were growing up we did fight a lot but we had a lot of fun my sister and i have always gotten along really well that's great what does she do for a living oh she's still in college what is she studying sociology oh one of my sisters is studying sociology too maybe they know each other do you have any brothers yeah i do he's two years older than me i don't have a brother i always wanted one though my brother and i used to fight a lot when we were growing up really and do you get along now yeah we do we have a barbecue every weekend that sounds fun what does he do for a living he's a car mechanic i always have problems with my car i could use a good mechanic i'll pass you his contact that would be great thanks no problem are you married yeah i am how long have you been married about five years that's great i'm engaged to be married to my boyfriend congratulations how long have you been together about three years and when are you planning on getting married we don't know yet sometime next year and do you want a big or small wedding i think it'll be pretty small was yours big or small it was huge there were 500 people there do you have kids yeah i have three boys wow that must be a crazy house it is do you have any kids i don't have any yet so you're planning to yeah but there are still things i want to do before i have a baby like what well i really like to travel that could be hard to do with children yeah i know do it while you can are your grandmothers still alive one is my father's mother is 95. oh wow that's great both of my grandmothers passed away yeah i really love my grandmother she's really funny i really miss my grandmothers one of them really liked to bake and what was the other one like oh she was an adventurer she spent her whole retirement traveling on cruise ships that's amazing my grandmother who passed away liked to go on cruises too maybe they ran into each other on one maybe mine really liked a good party so did mine maybe they're in heaven partying now do you know your grandfathers yes i was lucky enough to know both of them well what were they like one was a retired car salesman and the other had been a journalist for the new york times wow that's so interesting what about your grandfathers i only got to meet one of them what was he like he was so nice he always used to take me hiking and fishing one of my grandfathers loved to fish too i miss those days both of my grandfathers are dead now so are mine it's so sad hello lawyer's office hi this is scott i'm not feeling well today i'm sorry to hear that yeah i don't think i'm going to make it in today all right i can let the boss know thanks sure will you be going to the doctor today i'm not sure yet well you'll need a note from the doctor to justify the sick day okay i'll make sure to go today all right i hope you get better soon thanks hi scott what's up could i talk to you for a minute sure i'm free now great so what do you want to talk about well i've been working here for five years now that's true we're very happy with your work that's great and that's why i'm thinking i should get a raise oh well let me think about it i'm sure we can work something out thanks but do let me know because i've had job offers oh well we really want to keep you here so i'll do what i can thanks how's that spreadsheet coming scott a bit slow michael still hasn't gotten all the data to me yet all right well we need to present it to the client next monday okay i'll talk to him good because we can't let this client down i know once i get the data i'll finish the spreadsheet excellent and how is the presentation itself coming i think it's good i'll have it done by the end of the day great okay i'll let you get back to work thanks hey and don't forget we're all going out for drinks after work today i'll be there hey scott are you going to have lunch soon yeah in about a half hour did you bring your lunch today no i was thinking about going out you same all right do you want to go together yeah what kind of food do you feel like they just opened a new sandwich place around the corner i want to try sounds good i'll just finish one thing and i'll be ready okay same here hey what do you think about anne the new boss yeah hmm i'm not sure yet i have a friend at her old company and she said she's really tough wow i thought she seemed pretty nice yeah she said she was nice but tough well as long as she's nice yeah i was really tired of our old boss he could be so mean i know i heard him yelling at bob once i did too i'm so glad he's gone hey scott let's see what supplies we need to buy all right let's see do we need photocopy paper hmm i think we have plenty there are ten boxes okay what about staples we could use about 30 boxes we only have five all right and do we have pens we should get extra red and blue pens we have plenty of black ones great and one last thing sticky notes oh we have so many of those enough for years ha ha okay good and what about glue i think we could use some more did you hear the news no what's going on they're going to be holding special elections oh really why because the mayor quit i hadn't heard that why did she quit because she might run for president that's cool do you think she could win i don't know i hope so me too do you think she's got a chance i really do hi i'm new here welcome i'm scott what's your name i'm alice it's nice to meet you what job are you going to be doing i'm the new accountant oh that's great i hope you like it here i hope so too i just moved to town how long have you worked here wow i guess it's been about five years now and do you like it here yeah i do the people who work here are really nice i'm so glad to hear that we're all going out for drinks tonight you should come i'm totally freaking out what's wrong i can't find my favorite coffee mug oh well can't you use another one no i really like that one what's it look like it's got a funny cat on it oh i think i might have used that earlier ah well that explains it yeah i'm sorry i didn't realize it was yours don't worry about it okay thanks i'm going to have to leave early today really why i have to pick my daughter up from school oh all right could you finish a quick thing for me sure no problem what do you need i have to write an email to the new client okay and what should it say that the proposal will be ready by friday that's it yeah thanks so much i owe you one all right bye what's your favorite season i think it'd be summer really why well i love going to the beach and surfing i would love to learn how to surf it's really fun what's your favorite season i really like spring why i have a flower garden and i love seeing them bloom fall is so pretty too with all the leaves changing colors yeah and what about winter i really don't like being cold at all what do you think the weather will be like this weekend i heard it's going to be very windy oh that's great really why well i have a sailboat and i was hoping to use it on saturday where do you go sailing on the lake up north how did you learn how to sail my grandfather taught me and does it have to be really windy to sail it helps if there is no wind it's impossible if it's too windy it's too dangerous though i would love to come with you sometime do you think it'll be sunny tomorrow we'll see why do you have plans yeah i'm planning a picnic at the park let me look at the weather app on my phone all right what does it say it says it will be mostly cloudy with a chance of rain oh that's too bad well maybe i should reschedule the picnic yeah but it says that the day after tomorrow will be sunny all day all right i will do it the day after tomorrow i would if i were you would you like to come yes i'll bring some sodas boy i sure hope it rains soon really why well the plants in my garden could really use it it has been a while since it rained last it's been almost a month and a half that's a long time what have you been doing with your plants i've been watering them with the hose but it's time consuming what do you have planted i have lots of flowers and vegetables what kinds of vegetables i have lettuce tomatoes peas and onions how wonderful i think it's supposed to snow this weekend really oh my kids will love that what do they like to do in the snow they love sledding in the park with their friends does your family like skiing yes we went for the first time last year we love skiing we go every year where did you go we go to aspen is it nice there oh it's so nice we should all go together this year let's do it it is so hot i can't believe it i know and my air conditioner is broken oh that's terrible it's supposed to be the hottest year ever this year i know luckily there's a pool in my neighborhood that's great we have a pool at our apartment going swimming makes it easier to deal with the heat definitely and my kids have so much fun so do mine but they are asking to go to the beach and do you think you'll go i'm not sure i don't have much vacation time saved up we're going to the beach at the end of the month i'm sure you'll have a great time can you believe how cold it is no it's so cold today my lawn was all icy this morning so was mine what have you been doing to keep warm i have a fireplace at my house so do i i love drinking hot cocoa in front of the fire me too i bought a new coat this year i really need a new coat mine is really old i got mine online and did it fit well no i had to send it back but they sent me another one that fit perfectly i feel like it's been raining for weeks i know i think it's been raining for at least three days now i guess it's good after the drought yeah but i'm so tired of it me too i miss the sun same here i really want to go for a run without getting wet i know i really like riding my bike but it's too wet out yeah i usually walk to work but not in this rain the forecast says it will rain for another three days oh wow we'll just have to get used to it yeah i think i'm going to buy a new pair of rain boots i'm going to get a new rain jacket i just love fall really why i love watching the leaves change the best holidays are in the fall too yeah i just love halloween what are you going to be for halloween this year i think i'll be a witch you i'm going to be a ghost scary and thanksgiving is in fall too that's right i love seeing my family for thanksgiving me too i always go to my parents house and spend it with my brothers and sisters i love thanksgiving pumpkin pie is my favorite food did you see the storm last night yes there was so much lightning i know it lit up the night sky and the lightning got so close that the thunder was so loud it woke me up it was so loud my power went out shortly after the storm started so did mine it was back on when i left for work though i don't think mine has come back on yet what do you do when you don't have electricity i just light lots of candles me too i kind of like it yeah but it gets annoying if it's out for too long hey what are you doing after work nothing what about you i need to go shopping for a present for my husband do you know what you were going to get him no and i was actually going to ask if you would come with me sure i'd be glad to where do you want to go i was thinking about going to target great i love going there there are lots of things there yeah i wanted to look at the sports equipment that's a good idea you could also think about a video game console nice idea this will be fun yeah i'm happy to help will you help me make a shopping list sure okay can you check and see if we need rice yeah we could use some brown rice all right and what about pasta yeah we need spaghetti what else we could use more salt pepper and oregano okay and what about oil we need both olive oil and sunflower oil great and do we need cheese yes get lots of cheese hey are you ready to go yeah should we take my car sure thanks alright should we go to the sports section first yeah i was thinking about a tennis racket does your husband play tennis no but he says he wants to i think you have to know what size he would need yeah you're right let's look at those video games does he like video games yeah he does he said he wanted the new playstation let's take a look hi i'm having some trouble finding a few things what are you looking for well i can't seem to find the pasta aisle that would be aisle five thanks and do you know where the honey is yeah that's on aisle two great i also can't find frozen strawberries those are in the frozen food section aisle eight okay and do you know if you sell books here we do have some they're at the front of the store thanks and one more thing where's the cheese at the very back under the sign that says cheese hi welcome thanks are you looking for something in particular yes i need a new shirt all right what kind of shirt a white dress shirt okay and do you know your size no i don't that's alright why don't i get a few for you to try on thanks did any of them fit yes i found the perfect one hi i'm looking for a new lipstick sure what did you have in mind i'd like something that's light red we have these three shades oh i really like the first one can i try it sure here's the sample lipstick i love it i'll get it great and would you like some eyeshadow to go with it hmm yeah what color do you think would go well we have this nice blue color oh i love that you know i need some mascara too here you are hi i was wondering if you could help me sure what can i do for you i'm looking for a watch great who is it for myself okay and did you want an analog or digital one i think i want an analog one we have these ones these are nice are any of them waterproof yes this one is i love it is it very expensive it's 100 hi welcome to the jewelry store hi thanks what are you looking for well i want to ask my girlfriend to marry me that's wonderful so i guess you're looking for a ring yes i'm looking for something unique we have some lovely antique rings i'd like to see them here they are they are beautiful but i think i'd like something more modern we have these beautiful rose gold rings oh that one is perfect hi welcome to the outdoor store thanks i'm looking for a tent great we have a good selection i want one to use in the summer and how many people will be using it just two all right and will you be backpacking or traveling in a car a bit of both so i don't want it to be too heavy okay i think we have the perfect one it's yellow is that okay perfect i love that color great here it is you can go pay for it at checkout thanks hey where did you get that backpack i actually bought it online really where on amazon did you get a good deal yeah i had seen the same one in the store and it was cheaper online did it take a long time to get to you no it arrived four days after i bought it i think i'll check it out i need a new backpack yeah it's a good idea did they have the bag in other colors yeah they sold it in red blue and black hey so what's your mom like she's really nice she was born in france oh that's interesting how old was she when she moved here she was 15 so pretty young what about your mom oh she was born in texas and grew up in ohio what does she do for a living she's an elementary school teacher what about yours my mom is an engineer wow that's cool what kind of engineer she's a mechanical engineer and how old was she when she had you 35 and what about your dad how old is he he's 65 what about your dad he's 70 he's retired is your dad retired not yet i think he will retire next year what did your dad do he was a truck driver oh cool he must have seen the whole country yeah he loved being on the road what does your dad do he's a university professor what does he teach he teaches american history he must be really smart he is my parents actually got divorced when i was young oh really how young were you i was 10 years old and did they get remarried my dad did but my mom didn't my parents are still together that must be nice it is but i bet you got to have two christmases when you were growing up you're right i did i always got double the presents that's awesome do they get along okay now yeah they do that's lucky my dad's new wife had kids oh so you had a step-brother yes and a step-sister what was that like it was great more kids to play with were they older or younger than you the girl was exactly my age oh how fun yeah and the boy was just one year younger that must have been fun yeah we all have a good relationship now that's great do you have any sisters yeah i have one sister what about you i have two sisters did you get along when you were growing up we did fight a lot but we had a lot of fun my sister and i have always gotten along really well that's great what does she do for a living oh she's still in college what is she studying sociology oh one of my sisters is studying sociology too maybe they know each other do you have any brothers yeah i do he's two years older than me i don't have a brother i always wanted one though my brother and i used to fight a lot when we were growing up really and do you get along now yeah we do we have a barbecue every weekend that sounds fun what does he do for a living he's a car mechanic i always have problems with my car i could use a good mechanic i'll pass you his contact that would be great thanks no problem are you married yeah i am how long have you been married about five years that's great i'm engaged to be married to my boyfriend congratulations how long have you been together about three years and when are you planning on getting married we don't know yet sometime next year and do you want a big or small wedding i think it'll be pretty small was yours big or small it was huge there were 500 people there do you have kids yeah i have three boys wow that must be a crazy house it is do you have any kids i don't have any yet so you're planning to yeah but there are still things i want to do before i have a baby like what well i really like to travel that could be hard to do with children yeah i know do it while you can are your grandmothers still alive one is my father's mother is 95. oh wow that's great both of my grandmothers passed away yeah i really love my grandmother she's really funny i really miss my grandmothers one of them really liked to bake and what was the other one like oh she was an adventurer she spent her whole retirement traveling on cruise ships that's amazing my grandmother who passed away liked to go on cruises too haha maybe they ran into each other on one maybe mine really liked a good party so did mine maybe they're in heaven partying now do you know your grandfathers yes i was lucky enough to know both of them well what were they like one was a retired car salesman and the other had been a journalist for the new york times wow that's so interesting what about your grandfathers i only got to meet one of them what was he like he was so nice he always used to take me hiking and fishing one of my grandfathers loved to fish too i miss those days both of my grandfathers are dead now so are mine it's so sad hello lawyer's office hi this is scott i'm not feeling well today i'm sorry to hear that yeah i don't think i'm going to make it in today all right i can let the boss know thanks sure will you be going to the doctor today i'm not sure yet well you'll need a note from the doctor to justify the sick day okay i'll make sure to go today all right i hope you get better soon thanks hi scott what's up could i talk to you for a minute sure i'm free now great so what do you want to talk about well i've been working here for five years now that's true we're very happy with your work that's great and that's why i'm thinking i should get a raise oh well let me think about it i'm sure we can work something out thanks but do let me know because i've had job offers oh well we really want to keep you here so i'll do what i can thanks how's that spreadsheet coming scott a bit slow michael still hasn't gotten all the data to me yet all right well we need to present it to the client next monday okay i'll talk to him good because we can't let this client down i know once i get the data i'll finish the spreadsheet excellent and how is the presentation itself coming i think it's good i'll have it done by the end of the day great okay i'll let you get back to work thanks hey and don't forget we're all going out for drinks after work today i'll be there hey scott are you going to have lunch soon yeah in about a half hour did you bring your lunch today no i was thinking about going out you same all right do you want to go together yeah what kind of food do you feel like they just opened a new sandwich place around the corner i want to try sounds good i'll just finish one thing and i'll be ready okay same here hey what do you think about ann the new boss yeah hmm i'm not sure yet i have a friend at her old company and she said she's really tough wow i thought she seemed pretty nice yeah she said she was nice but tough well as long as she's nice yeah i was really tired of our old boss he could be so mean i know i heard him yelling at bob once i did too i'm so glad he's gone hey scott let's see what supplies we need to buy all right let's see do we need photocopy paper hmm i think we have plenty there are 10 boxes okay what about staples we could use about 30 boxes we only have five all right and do we have pens we should get extra red and blue pens we have plenty of black ones great and one last thing sticky notes oh we have so many of those enough for years okay good and what about glue i think we could use some more did you hear the news no what's going on they're going to be holding special elections oh really why because the mayor quit i hadn't heard that why did she quit because she might run for president that's cool do you think she could win i don't know i hope so me too do you think she's got a chance i really do hi i'm new here welcome i'm scott what's your name i'm alice it's nice to meet you what job are you going to be doing i'm the new accountant that's great i hope you'll like it here i hope so too i just moved to town how long have you worked here wow i guess it's been about five years now and do you like it here yeah i do the people who work here are really nice i'm so glad to hear that we're all going out for drinks tonight you should come i'm totally freaking out what's wrong i can't find my favorite coffee mug oh well can't you use another one no i really like that one what's it look like it's got a funny cat on it oh i think i might have used that earlier ah well that explains it yeah i'm sorry i didn't realize it was yours don't worry about it okay thanks i'm going to have to leave early today really why i have to pick my daughter up from school oh all right could you finish a quick thing for me sure no problem what do you need i have to write an email to the new client okay and what should it say that the proposal will be ready by friday that's it yeah thanks so much i owe you one all right bye what's your favorite season i think it'd be summer really why well i love going to the beach and surfing i would love to learn how to surf it's really fun what's your favorite season i really like spring why i have a flower garden and i love seeing them bloom fall is so pretty too with all the leaves changing colors yeah and what about winter i really don't like being cold at all what do you think the weather will be like this weekend i heard it's going to be very windy oh that's great really why well i have a sailboat and i was hoping to use it on saturday where do you go sailing on the lake up north how did you learn how to sail my grandfather taught me and does it have to be really windy to sail it helps if there is no wind it's impossible if it's too windy it's too dangerous though i would love to come with you sometime do you think it'll be sunny tomorrow we'll see why do you have plans yeah i'm planning a picnic at the park let me look at the weather app on my phone alright what does it say it says it will be mostly cloudy with a chance of rain oh that's too bad well maybe i should reschedule the picnic yeah but it says that the day after tomorrow will be sunny all day all right i will do it the day after tomorrow i would if i were you would you like to come yes i'll bring some sodas boy i sure hope it rains soon really why well the plants in my garden could really use it it has been a while since it rained last it's been almost a month and a half that's a long time what have you been doing with your plants i've been watering them with the hose but it's time consuming what do you have planted i have lots of flowers and vegetables what kinds of vegetables i have lettuce tomatoes peas and onions how wonderful i think it's supposed to snow this weekend really oh my kids will love that what do they like to do in the snow they love sledding in the park with their friends does your family like skiing yes we went for the first time last year we love skiing we go every year where did you go we go to aspen is it nice there oh it's so nice we should all go together this year let's do it it is so hot i can't believe it i know and my air conditioner is broken oh that's terrible it's supposed to be the hottest year ever this year i know luckily there's a pool in my neighborhood that's great we have a pool at our apartment going swimming makes it easier to deal with the heat definitely and my kids have so much fun so do mine but they are asking to go to the beach and do you think you'll go i'm not sure i don't have much vacation time saved up we're going to the beach at the end of the month i'm sure you'll have a great time can you believe how cold it is no it's so cold today my lawn was all icy this morning so was mine what have you been doing to keep warm i have a fireplace at my house so do i i love drinking hot cocoa in front of the fire me too i bought a new coat this year i really need a new coat mine is really old i got mine online and did it fit well no i had to send it back but they sent me another one that fit perfectly i feel like it's been raining for weeks i know i think it's been raining for at least three days now i guess it's good after the drought yeah but i'm so tired of it me too i miss the sun same here i really want to go for a run without getting wet i know i really like riding my bike but it's too wet out yeah i usually walk to work but not in this rain the forecast says it will rain for another three days oh wow we'll just have to get used to it yeah i think i'm going to buy a new pair of rain boots i'm going to get a new rain jacket i just love fall really why i love watching the leaves change the best holidays are in the fall too yeah i just love halloween what are you going to be for halloween this year i think i'll be a witch you i'm going to be a ghost scary and thanksgiving is in fall too that's right i love seeing my family for thanksgiving me too i always go to my parents house and spend it with my brothers and sisters i love thanksgiving pumpkin pie is my favorite food did you see the storm last night yes there was so much lightning i know it lit up the night sky and the lightning got so close that the thunder was so loud it woke me up it was so loud my power went out shortly after the storm started so did mine it was back on when i left for work though i don't think mine has come back on yet what do you do when you don't have electricity i just light lots of candles me too i kind of like it yeah but it gets annoying if it's out for too long hey what are you doing after work nothing what about you i need to go shopping for a present for my husband do you know what you were going to get him no and i was actually going to ask if you would come with me sure i'd be glad to where do you want to go i was thinking about going to target great i love going there there are lots of things there yeah i wanted to look at the sports equipment that's a good idea you could also think about a video game console nice idea this will be fun yeah i'm happy to help will you help me make a shopping list sure okay can you check and see if we need rice yeah we could use some brown rice all right and what about pasta yeah we need spaghetti what else we could use more salt pepper and oregano okay and what about oil we need both olive oil and sunflower oil great and do we need cheese yes get lots of cheese hey are you ready to go yeah should we take my car sure thanks all right should we go to the sports section first yeah i was thinking about a tennis racket does your husband play tennis no but he says he wants to i think you have to know what size he would need yeah you're right let's look at those video games does he like video games yeah he does he said he wanted the new playstation let's take a look hi i'm having some trouble finding a few things what are you looking for well i can't seem to find the pasta aisle that would be aisle five thanks and do you know where the honey is yeah that's on aisle two great i also can't find frozen strawberries those are in the frozen food section aisle eight okay and do you know if you sell books here we do have some they're at the front of the store thanks and one more thing where's the cheese at the very back under the sign that says cheese hi welcome thanks are you looking for something in particular yes i need a new shirt all right what kind of shirt a white dress shirt okay and do you know your size no i don't that's all right why don't i get a few for you to try on thanks did any of them fit yes i found the perfect one hi i'm looking for a new lipstick sure what did you have in mind i'd like something that's light red we have these three shades oh i really like the first one can i try it sure here's the sample lipstick i love it i'll get it great and would you like some eye shadow to go with it hmm yeah what color do you think would go well we have this nice blue color oh i love that you know i need some mascara too here you are hi i was wondering if you could help me sure what can i do for you i'm looking for a watch great who is it for myself okay and did you want an analog or digital one i think i want an analog one we have these ones these are nice are any of them waterproof yes this one is i love it is it very expensive it's one hundred dollars hi welcome to the jewelry store hi thanks what are you looking for well i want to ask my girlfriend to marry me that's wonderful so i guess you're looking for a ring yes i'm looking for something unique we have some lovely antique rings i'd like to see them here they are they are beautiful but i think i'd like something more modern we have these beautiful rose gold rings oh that one is perfect hi welcome to the outdoor store thanks i'm looking for a tent great we have a good selection i want one to use in the summer and how many people will be using it just two all right and will you be backpacking or traveling in a car a bit of both so i don't want it to be too heavy okay i think we have the perfect one it's yellow is that okay perfect i love that color great here it is you can go pay for it at checkout thanks hey where did you get that backpack i actually bought it online really where on amazon did you get a good deal yeah i had seen the same one in the store and it was cheaper online did it take a long time to get to you no it arrived four days after i bought it i think i'll check it out i need a new backpack yeah it's a good idea did they have the bag in other colors yeah they sold it in red blue and black hey so what's your mom like she's really nice she was born in france oh that's interesting how old was she when she moved here she was 15 so pretty young what about your mom oh she was born in texas and grew up in ohio what does she do for a living she's an elementary school teacher what about yours my mom is an engineer wow that's cool what kind of engineer she's a mechanical engineer and how old was she when she had you 35 and what about your dad how old is he he's 65. what about your dad he's 70 he's retired is your dad retired not yet i think he will retire next year what did your dad do he was a truck driver oh cool he must have seen the whole country yeah he loved being on the road what does your dad do he's a university professor what does he teach he teaches american history he must be really smart he is my parents actually got divorced when i was young oh really how young were you i was 10 years old and did they get remarried my dad did but my mom didn't my parents are still together that must be nice it is but i bet you got to have two christmases when you were growing up you're right i did i always got double the presents that's awesome do they get along okay now yeah they do that's lucky my dad's new wife had kids oh so you had a step-brother yes and a step-sister what was that like it was great more kids to play with were they older or younger than you the girl was exactly my age oh how fun yeah and the boy was just one year younger that must have been fun yeah we all have a good relationship now that's great do you have any sisters yeah i have one sister what about you i have two sisters did you get along when you were growing up we did fight a lot but we had a lot of fun my sister and i have always gotten along really well that's great what does she do for a living oh she's still in college what is she studying sociology oh one of my sisters is studying sociology too maybe they know each other do you have any brothers yeah i do he's two years older than me i don't have a brother i always wanted one though my brother and i used to fight a lot when we were growing up really and do you get along now yeah we do we have a barbecue every weekend that sounds fun what does he do for a living he's a car mechanic i always have problems with my car i could use a good mechanic i'll pass you his contact that would be great thanks no problem are you married yeah i am how long have you been married about five years that's great i'm engaged to be married to my boyfriend congratulations how long have you been together about three years and when are you planning on getting married we don't know yet sometime next year and do you want a big or small wedding i think it'll be pretty small was yours big or small it was huge there were 500 people there do you have kids yeah i have three boys wow that must be a crazy house it is do you have any kids i don't have any yet so you're planning to yeah but there are still things i want to do before i have a baby like what well i really like to travel that could be hard to do with children yeah i know do it while you can are your grandmothers still alive one is my father's mother is 95. oh wow that's great both of my grandmothers passed away yeah i really love my grandmother she's really funny i really miss my grandmothers one of them really liked to bake and what was the other one like oh she was an adventurer she spent her whole retirement traveling on cruise ships that's amazing my grandmother who passed away liked to go on cruises too haha maybe they ran into each other on one maybe mine really liked a good party so did mine maybe they're in heaven partying now do you know your grandfathers yes i was lucky enough to know both of them well what were they like one was a retired car salesman and the other had been a journalist for the new york times wow that's so interesting what about your grandfather's i only got to meet one of them what was he like he was so nice he always used to take me hiking and fishing one of my grandfathers loved to fish too i miss those days both of my grandfathers are dead now so are mine it's so sad hello lawyer's office hi this is scott i'm not feeling well today i'm sorry to hear that yeah i don't think i'm going to make it in today all right i can let the boss know thanks sure will you be going to the doctor today i'm not sure yet well you'll need a note from the doctor to justify the sick day okay i'll make sure to go today all right i hope you get better soon thanks hi scott what's up could i talk to you for a minute sure i'm free now great so what do you want to talk about well i've been working here for five years now that's true we're very happy with your work that's great and that's why i'm thinking i should get a raise oh well let me think about it i'm sure we can work something out thanks but do let me know because i've had job offers oh well we really want to keep you here so i'll do what i can thanks how's that spreadsheet coming scott a bit slow michael still hasn't gotten all the data to me yet all right well we need to present it to the client next monday okay i'll talk to him good because we can't let this client down i know once i get the data i'll finish the spreadsheet excellent and how is the presentation itself coming i think it's good i'll have it done by the end of the day great okay i'll let you get back to work thanks hey and don't forget we're all going out for drinks after work today i'll be there hey scott are you going to have lunch soon yeah in about a half hour did you bring your lunch today no i was thinking about going out you same all right do you want to go together yeah what kind of food do you feel like they just opened a new sandwich place around the corner i want to try sounds good i'll just finish one thing and i'll be ready okay same here hey what do you think about anne the new boss yeah hmm i'm not sure yet i have a friend at her old company and she said she's really tough wow i thought she seemed pretty nice yeah she said she was nice but tough well as long as she's nice yeah i was really tired of our old boss he could be so mean i know i heard him yelling at bob once i did too i'm so glad he's gone hey scott let's see what supplies we need to buy all right let's see do we need photocopy paper hmm i think we have plenty there are ten boxes okay what about staples we could use about 30 boxes we only have five all right and do we have pens we should get extra red and blue pens we have plenty of black ones great and one last thing sticky notes oh we have so many of those enough for years hahaha okay good and what about glue i think we could use some more did you hear the news no what's going on they're going to be holding special elections oh really why because the mayor quit i hadn't heard that why did she quit because she might run for president that's cool do you think she could win i don't know i hope so me too do you think she's got a chance i really do hi i'm new here welcome i'm scott what's your name i'm alice it's nice to meet you what job are you going to be doing i'm the new accountant that's great i hope you like it here i hope so too i just moved to town how long have you worked here wow i guess it's been about five years now and do you like it here yeah i do the people who work here are really nice i'm so glad to hear that we're all going out for drinks tonight you should come i'm totally freaking out what's wrong i can't find my favorite coffee mug oh well can't you use another one no i really like that one what's it look like it's got a funny cat on it oh i think i might have used that earlier ah well that explains it yeah i'm sorry i didn't realize it was yours don't worry about it okay thanks i'm going to have to leave early today really why i have to pick my daughter up from school oh all right could you finish a quick thing for me sure no problem what do you need i have to write an email to the new client okay and what should it say that the proposal will be ready by friday that's it yeah thanks so much i owe you one all right bye what's your favorite season i think it'd be summer really why well i love going to the beach and surfing i would love to learn how to surf it's really fun what's your favorite season i really like spring why i have a flower garden and i love seeing them bloom fall is so pretty too with all the leaves changing colors yeah and what about winter i really don't like being cold at all what do you think the weather will be like this weekend i heard it's going to be very windy oh that's great really why well i have a sailboat and i was hoping to use it on saturday where do you go sailing on the lake up north how did you learn how to sail my grandfather taught me and does it have to be really windy to sail it helps if there is no wind it's impossible if it's too windy it's too dangerous though i would love to come with you sometime do you think it'll be sunny tomorrow we'll see why do you have plans yeah i'm planning a picnic at the park let me look at the weather app on my phone all right what does it say it says it will be mostly cloudy with a chance of rain oh that's too bad well maybe i should reschedule the picnic yeah but it says that the day after tomorrow will be sunny all day all right i will do it the day after tomorrow i would if i were you would you like to come yes i'll bring some sodas boy i sure hope it rains soon really why well the plants in my garden could really use it it has been a while since it rained last it's been almost a month and a half that's a long time what have you been doing with your plants i've been watering them with the hose but it's time consuming what do you have planted i have lots of flowers and vegetables what kinds of vegetables i have lettuce tomatoes peas and onions how wonderful i think it's supposed to snow this weekend really oh my kids will love that what do they like to do in the snow they love sledding in the park with their friends does your family like skiing yes we went for the first time last year we love skiing we go every year where did you go we go to aspen is it nice there oh it's so nice we should all go together this year let's do it it is so hot i can't believe it i know and my air conditioner is broken oh that's terrible it's supposed to be the hottest year ever this year i know luckily there's a pool in my neighborhood that's great we have a pool at our apartment going swimming makes it easier to deal with the heat definitely and my kids have so much fun so do mine but they are asking to go to the beach and do you think you'll go i'm not sure i don't have much vacation time saved up we're going to the beach at the end of the month i'm sure you'll have a great time can you believe how cold it is no it's so cold today my lawn was all icy this morning so was mine what have you been doing to keep warm i have a fireplace at my house so do i i love drinking hot cocoa in front of the fire me too i bought a new coat this year i really need a new coat mine is really old i got mine online and did it fit well no i had to send it back but they sent me another one that fit perfectly i feel like it's been raining for weeks i know i think it's been raining for at least three days now i guess it's good after the drought yeah but i'm so tired of it me too i miss the sun same here i really want to go for a run without getting wet i know i really like riding my bike but it's too wet out yeah i usually walk to work but not in this rain the forecast says it will rain for another three days oh wow we'll just have to get used to it yeah i think i'm going to buy a new pair of rain boots i'm going to get a new rain jacket i just love fall really why i love watching the leaves change the best holidays are in the fall too yeah i just love halloween what are you going to be for halloween this year i think i'll be a witch you i'm going to be a ghost scary and thanksgiving is in fall too that's right i love seeing my family for thanksgiving me too i always go to my parents house and spend it with my brothers and sisters i love thanksgiving pumpkin pie is my favorite food did you see the storm last night yes there was so much lightning i know it lit up the night sky and the lightning got so close that the thunder was so loud it woke me up it was so loud my power went out shortly after the storm started so did mine it was back on when i left for work though i don't think mine has come back on yet what do you do when you don't have electricity i just light lots of candles me too i kind of like it yeah but it gets annoying if it's out for too long hey what are you doing after work nothing what about you i need to go shopping for a present for my husband do you know what you were going to get him no and i was actually going to ask if you would come with me sure i'd be glad to where do you want to go i was thinking about going to target great i love going there there are lots of things there yeah i wanted to look at the sports equipment that's a good idea you could also think about a video game console nice idea this will be fun yeah i'm happy to help will you help me make a shopping list sure okay can you check and see if we need rice yeah we could use some brown rice all right and what about pasta yeah we need spaghetti what else we could use more salt pepper and oregano okay and what about oil we need both olive oil and sunflower oil great and do we need cheese yes get lots of cheese hey are you ready to go yeah should we take my car sure thanks all right should we go to the sports section first yeah i was thinking about a tennis racket does your husband play tennis no but he says he wants to i think you have to know what size he would need yeah you're right let's look at those video games does he like video games yeah he does he said he wanted the new playstation let's take a look hi i'm having some trouble finding a few things what are you looking for well i can't seem to find the pasta aisle that would be aisle five thanks and do you know where the honey is yeah that's on aisle two great i also can't find frozen strawberries those are in the frozen food section aisle eight okay and do you know if you sell books here we do have some they're at the front of the store thanks and one more thing where's the cheese at the very back under the sign that says cheese hi welcome thanks are you looking for something in particular yes i need a new shirt all right what kind of shirt a white dress shirt okay and do you know your size no i don't that's alright why don't i get a few for you to try on thanks did any of them fit yes i found the perfect one hi i'm looking for a new lipstick sure what did you have in mind i'd like something that's light red we have these three shades oh i really like the first one can i try it sure here's the sample lipstick i love it i'll get it great and would you like some eyeshadow to go with it hmm yeah what color do you think would go well we have this nice blue color oh i love that you know i need some mascara too here you are hi i was wondering if you could help me sure what can i do for you i'm looking for a watch great who is it for myself okay and did you want an analog or digital one i think i want an analog one we have these ones these are nice are any of them waterproof yes this one is i love it is it very expensive it's 100 hi welcome to the jewelry store hi thanks what are you looking for well i want to ask my girlfriend to marry me that's wonderful so i guess you're looking for a ring yes i'm looking for something unique we have some lovely antique rings i'd like to see them here they are they are beautiful but i think i'd like something more modern we have these beautiful rose gold rings oh that one is perfect hi welcome to the outdoor store thanks i'm looking for a tent great we have a good selection i want one to use in the summer and how many people will be using it just two all right and will you be backpacking or traveling in a car a bit of both so i don't want it to be too heavy okay i think we have the perfect one it's yellow is that okay perfect i love that color great here it is you can go pay for it at checkout thanks hey where did you get that backpack i actually bought it online really where on amazon did you get a good deal yeah i had seen the same one in the store and it was cheaper online did it take a long time to get to you no it arrived four days after i bought it i think i'll check it out i need a new backpack yeah it's a good idea did they have the bag in other colors yeah they sold it in red blue and black hey so what's your mom like she's really nice she was born in france oh that's interesting how old was she when she moved here she was 15 so pretty young what about your mom oh she was born in texas and grew up in ohio what does she do for a living she's an elementary school teacher what about yours my mom is an engineer wow that's cool what kind of engineer she's a mechanical engineer and how old was she when she had you 35 and what about your dad how old is he he's 65. what about your dad he's 70 he's retired is your dad retired not yet i think he will retire next year what did your dad do he was a truck driver oh cool he must have seen the whole country yeah he loved being on the road what does your dad do he's a university professor what does he teach he teaches american history he must be really smart he is my parents actually got divorced when i was young oh really how young were you i was 10 years old and did they get remarried my dad did but my mom didn't my parents are still together that must be nice it is but i bet you got to have two christmases when you were growing up you're right i did i always got double the presents that's awesome do they get along okay now yeah they do that's lucky my dad's new wife had kids oh so you had a step-brother yes and a step-sister what was that like it was great more kids to play with were they older or younger than you the girl was exactly my age oh how fun yeah and the boy was just one year younger that must have been fun yeah we all have a good relationship now that's great do you have any sisters yeah i have one sister what about you i have two sisters did you get along when you were growing up we did fight a lot but we had a lot of fun my sister and i have always gotten along really well that's great what does she do for a living oh she's still in college what is she studying sociology oh one of my sisters is studying sociology too maybe they know each other do you have any brothers yeah i do he's two years older than me i don't have a brother i always wanted one though my brother and i used to fight a lot when we were growing up really and do you get along now yeah we do we have a barbecue every weekend that sounds fun what does he do for a living he's a car mechanic i always have problems with my car i could use a good mechanic i'll pass you his contact that would be great thanks no problem are you married yeah i am how long have you been married about five years that's great i'm engaged to be married to my boyfriend congratulations how long have you been together about three years and when are you planning on getting married we don't know yet sometime next year and do you want a big or small wedding i think it'll be pretty small was yours big or small it was huge there were 500 people there do you have kids yeah i have three boys wow that must be a crazy house it is do you have any kids i don't have any yet so you're planning to yeah but there are still things i want to do before i have a baby like what well i really like to travel that could be hard to do with children yeah i know do it while you can are your grandmothers still alive one is my father's mother is 95. oh wow that's great both of my grandmothers passed away yeah i really love my grandmother she's really funny i really miss my grandmothers one of them really liked to bake and what was the other one like oh she was an adventurer she spent her whole retirement traveling on cruise ships that's amazing my grandmother who passed away liked to go on cruises too haha maybe they ran into each other on one maybe mine really liked a good party so did mine maybe they're in heaven partying now do you know your grandfathers yes i was lucky enough to know both of them well what were they like one was a retired car salesman and the other had been a journalist for the new york times wow that's so interesting what about your grandfathers i only got to meet one of them what was he like he was so nice he always used to take me hiking and fishing one of my grandfathers loved to fish too i miss those days both of my grandfathers are dead now so are mine it's so sad hello lawyer's office hi this is scott i'm not feeling well today i'm sorry to hear that yeah i don't think i'm going to make it in today all right i can let the boss know thanks sure will you be going to the doctor today i'm not sure yet well you'll need a note from the doctor to justify the sick day okay i'll make sure to go today all right i hope you get better soon thanks hi scott what's up could i talk to you for a minute sure i'm free now great so what do you want to talk about well i've been working here for five years now that's true we're very happy with your work that's great and that's why i'm thinking i should get a raise oh well let me think about it i'm sure we can work something out thanks but do let me know because i've had job offers oh well we really want to keep you here so i'll do what i can thanks how's that spreadsheet coming scott a bit slow michael still hasn't gotten all the data to me yet all right well we need to present it to the client next monday okay i'll talk to him good because we can't let this client down i know once i get the data i'll finish the spreadsheet excellent and how is the presentation itself coming i think it's good i'll have it done by the end of the day great okay i'll let you get back to work thanks hey and don't forget we're all going out for drinks after work today i'll be there hey scott are you going to have lunch soon yeah in about a half hour did you bring your lunch today no i was thinking about going out you same all right do you want to go together yeah what kind of food do you feel like they just opened a new sandwich place around the corner i want to try sounds good i'll just finish one thing and i'll be ready okay same here hey what do you think about ann the new boss yeah hmm i'm not sure yet i have a friend at her old company and she said she's really tough wow i thought she seemed pretty nice yeah she said she was nice but tough well as long as she's nice yeah i was really tired of our old boss he could be so mean i know i heard him yelling at bob once i did too i'm so glad he's gone hey scott let's see what supplies we need to buy all right let's see do we need photocopy paper hmm i think we have plenty there are ten boxes okay what about staples we could use about 30 boxes we only have five alright and do we have pens we should get extra red and blue pens we have plenty of black ones great and one last thing sticky notes oh we have so many of those enough for years hahaha okay good and what about glue i think we could use some more did you hear the news no what's going on they're going to be holding special elections oh really why because the mayor quit i hadn't heard that why did she quit because she might run for president that's cool do you think she could win i don't know i hope so me too do you think she's got a chance i really do hi i'm new here welcome i'm scott what's your name i'm alice it's nice to meet you what job are you going to be doing i'm the new accountant that's great i hope you like it here i hope so too i just moved to town how long have you worked here wow i guess it's been about five years now and do you like it here yeah i do the people who work here are really nice i'm so glad to hear that we're all going out for drinks tonight you should come i'm totally freaking out what's wrong i can't find my favorite coffee mug oh well can't you use another one no i really like that one what's it look like it's got a funny cat on it oh i think i might have used that earlier ah well that explains it yeah i'm sorry i didn't realize it was yours don't worry about it okay thanks i'm going to have to leave early today really why i have to pick my daughter up from school oh all right could you finish a quick thing for me sure no problem what do you need i have to write an email to the new client okay and what should it say that the proposal will be ready by friday that's it yeah thanks so much i owe you one all right bye what's your favorite season i think it'd be summer really why well i love going to the beach and surfing i would love to learn how to surf it's really fun what's your favorite season i really like spring why i have a flower garden and i love seeing them bloom fall is so pretty too with all the leaves changing colors yeah and what about winter i really don't like being cold at all what do you think the weather will be like this weekend i heard it's going to be very windy oh that's great really why well i have a sailboat and i was hoping to use it on saturday where do you go sailing on the lake up north how did you learn how to sail my grandfather taught me and does it have to be really windy to sail it helps if there is no wind it's impossible if it's too windy it's too dangerous though i would love to come with you sometime do you think it'll be sunny tomorrow we'll see why do you have plans yeah i'm planning a picnic at the park let me look at the weather app on my phone alright what does it say it says it will be mostly cloudy with a chance of rain oh that's too bad well maybe i should reschedule the picnic yeah but it says that the day after tomorrow will be sunny all day all right i will do it the day after tomorrow i would if i were you would you like to come yes i'll bring some sodas boy i sure hope it rains soon really why well the plants in my garden could really use it it has been a while since it rained last it's been almost a month and a half that's a long time what have you been doing with your plants i've been watering them with the hose but it's time consuming what do you have planted i have lots of flowers and vegetables what kinds of vegetables i have lettuce tomatoes peas and onions how wonderful i think it's supposed to snow this weekend really oh my kids will love that what do they like to do in the snow they love sledding in the park with their friends does your family like skiing yes we went for the first time last year we love skiing we go every year where did you go we go to aspen is it nice there oh it's so nice we should all go together this year let's do it it is so hot i can't believe it i know and my air conditioner is broken oh that's terrible it's supposed to be the hottest year ever this year i know luckily there's a pool in my neighborhood that's great we have a pool at our apartment going swimming makes it easier to deal with the heat definitely and my kids have so much fun so do mine but they are asking to go to the beach and do you think you'll go i'm not sure i don't have much vacation time saved up we're going to the beach at the end of the month i'm sure you'll have a great time can you believe how cold it is no it's so cold today my lawn was all icy this morning so was mine what have you been doing to keep warm i have a fireplace at my house so do i i love drinking hot cocoa in front of the fire me too i bought a new coat this year i really need a new coat mine is really old i got mine online and did it fit well no i had to send it back but they sent me another one that fit perfectly i feel like it's been raining for weeks i know i think it's been raining for at least three days now i guess it's good after the drought yeah but i'm so tired of it me too i miss the sun same here i really want to go for a run without getting wet i know i really like riding my bike but it's too wet out yeah i usually walk to work but not in this rain the forecast says it will rain for another three days oh wow we'll just have to get used to it yeah i think i'm going to buy a new pair of rain boots i'm going to get a new rain jacket i just love fall really why i love watching the leaves change the best holidays are in the fall too yeah i just love halloween what are you going to be for halloween this year i think i'll be a witch you i'm going to be a ghost scary and thanksgiving is in fall too that's right i love seeing my family for thanksgiving me too i always go to my parents house and spend it with my brothers and sisters i love thanksgiving pumpkin pie is my favorite food did you see the storm last night yes there was so much lightning i know it lit up the night sky and the lightning got so close that the thunder was so loud it woke me up it was so loud my power went out shortly after the storm started so did mine it was back on when i left for work though i don't think mine has come back on yet what do you do when you don't have electricity i just light lots of candles me too i kind of like it yeah but it gets annoying if it's out for too long hey what are you doing after work nothing what about you i need to go shopping for a present for my husband do you know what you were going to get him no and i was actually going to ask if you would come with me sure i'd be glad to where do you want to go i was thinking about going to target great i love going there there are lots of things there yeah i wanted to look at the sports equipment that's a good idea you could also think about a video game console nice idea this will be fun yeah i'm happy to help will you help me make a shopping list sure okay can you check and see if we need rice yeah we could use some brown rice all right and what about pasta yeah we need spaghetti what else we could use more salt pepper and oregano okay and what about oil we need both olive oil and sunflower oil great and do we need cheese yes get lots of cheese hey are you ready to go yeah should we take my car sure thanks all right should we go to the sports section first yeah i was thinking about a tennis racket does your husband play tennis no but he says he wants to i think you have to know what size he would need yeah you're right let's look at those video games does he like video games yeah he does he said he wanted the new playstation let's take a look hi i'm having some trouble finding a few things what are you looking for well i can't seem to find the pasta aisle that would be aisle five thanks and do you know where the honey is yeah that's on aisle two great i also can't find frozen strawberries those are in the frozen food section aisle eight okay and do you know if you sell books here we do have some they're at the front of the store thanks and one more thing where's the cheese at the very back under the sign that says cheese hi welcome thanks are you looking for something in particular yes i need a new shirt all right what kind of shirt a white dress shirt okay and do you know your size no i don't that's alright why don't i get a few for you to try on thanks did any of them fit yes i found the perfect one hi i'm looking for a new lipstick sure what did you have in mind i'd like something that's light red we have these three shades oh i really like the first one can i try it sure here's the sample lipstick i love it i'll get it great and would you like some eyeshadow to go with it hmm yeah what color do you think would go well we have this nice blue color oh i love that you know i need some mascara too here you are hi i was wondering if you could help me sure what can i do for you i'm looking for a watch great who is it for myself okay and did you want an analog or digital one i think i want an analog one we have these ones these are nice are any of them waterproof yes this one is i love it is it very expensive it's one hundred dollars hi welcome to the jewelry store hi thanks what are you looking for well i want to ask my girlfriend to marry me that's wonderful so i guess you're looking for a ring yes i'm looking for something unique we have some lovely antique rings i'd like to see them here they are they are beautiful but i think i'd like something more modern we have these beautiful rose gold rings oh that one is perfect hi welcome to the outdoor store thanks i'm looking for a tent great we have a good selection i want one to use in the summer and how many people will be using it just two all right and will you be backpacking or traveling in a car a bit of both so i don't want it to be too heavy okay i think we have the perfect one it's yellow is that okay perfect i love that color great here it is you can go pay for it at checkout thanks hey where did you get that backpack i actually bought it online really where on amazon did you get a good deal yeah i had seen the same one in the store and it was cheaper online did it take a long time to get to you no it arrived four days after i bought it i think i'll check it out i need a new backpack yeah it's a good idea did they have the bag in other colors yeah they sold it in red blue and black hey so what's your mom like she's really nice she was born in france oh that's interesting how old was she when she moved here she was 15 so pretty young what about your mom oh she was born in texas and grew up in ohio what does she do for a living she's an elementary school teacher what about yours my mom is an engineer wow that's cool what kind of engineer she's a mechanical engineer and how old was she when she had you 35 and what about your dad how old is he he's 65 what about your dad he's 70. he's retired is your dad retired not yet i think he will retire next year what did your dad do he was a truck driver oh cool he must have seen the whole country yeah he loved being on the road what does your dad do he's a university professor what does he teach he teaches american history he must be really smart he is my parents actually got divorced when i was young oh really how young were you i was 10 years old and did they get remarried my dad did but my mom didn't my parents are still together that must be nice it is but i bet you got to have two christmases when you were growing up you're right i did i always got double the presents that's awesome do they get along okay now yeah they do that's lucky my dad's new wife had kids oh so you had a step-brother yes and a step-sister what was that like it was great more kids to play with were they older or younger than you the girl was exactly my age oh how fun yeah and the boy was just one year younger that must have been fun yeah we all have a good relationship now that's great do you have any sisters yeah i have one sister what about you i have two sisters did you get along when you were growing up we did fight a lot but we had a lot of fun my sister and i have always gotten along really well that's great what does she do for a living oh she's still in college what is she studying sociology oh one of my sisters is studying sociology too maybe they know each other do you have any brothers yeah i do he's two years older than me i don't have a brother i always wanted one though my brother and i used to fight a lot when we were growing up really and do you get along now yeah we do we have a barbecue every weekend that sounds fun what does he do for a living he's a car mechanic i always have problems with my car i could use a good mechanic i'll pass you his contact that would be great thanks no problem are you married yeah i am how long have you been married about five years that's great i'm engaged to be married to my boyfriend congratulations how long have you been together about three years and when are you planning on getting married we don't know yet sometime next year and do you want a big or small wedding i think it'll be pretty small was yours big or small it was huge there were 500 people there do you have kids yeah i have three boys wow that must be a crazy house it is do you have any kids i don't have any yet so you're planning to yeah but there are still things i want to do before i have a baby like what well i really like to travel that could be hard to do with children yeah i know do it while you can are your grandmothers still alive one is my father's mother is 95. oh wow that's great both of my grandmothers passed away yeah i really love my grandmother she's really funny i really miss my grandmothers one of them really liked to bake and what was the other one like oh she was an adventurer she spent her whole retirement traveling on cruise ships that's amazing my grandmother who passed away liked to go on cruises too haha maybe they ran into each other on one maybe mine really liked a good party so did mine maybe they're in heaven partying now do you know your grandfathers yes i was lucky enough to know both of them well what were they like one was a retired car salesman and the other had been a journalist for the new york times wow that's so interesting what about your grandfather's i only got to meet one of them what was he like he was so nice he always used to take me hiking and fishing one of my grandfathers loved to fish too i miss those days both of my grandfathers are dead now so are mine it's so sad hello lawyer's office hi this is scott i'm not feeling well today oh i'm sorry to hear that yeah i don't think i'm going to make it in today all right i can let the boss know thanks sure will you be going to the doctor today i'm not sure yet well you'll need a note from the doctor to justify the sick day okay i'll make sure to go today all right i hope you get better soon thanks hi scott what's up could i talk to you for a minute sure i'm free now great so what do you want to talk about well i've been working here for five years now that's true we're very happy with your work that's great and that's why i'm thinking i should get a raise oh well let me think about it i'm sure we can work something out thanks but do let me know because i've had job offers oh well we really want to keep you here so i'll do what i can thanks how's that spreadsheet coming scott a bit slow michael still hasn't gotten all the data to me yet all right well we need to present it to the client next monday okay i'll talk to him good because we can't let this client down i know once i get the data i'll finish the spreadsheet excellent and how is the presentation itself coming i think it's good i'll have it done by the end of the day great okay i'll let you get back to work thanks hey and don't forget we're all going out for drinks after work today i'll be there hey scott are you going to have lunch soon yeah in about a half hour did you bring your lunch today no i was thinking about going out you same all right do you want to go together yeah what kind of food do you feel like they just opened a new sandwich place around the corner i want to try sounds good i'll just finish one thing and i'll be ready okay same here hey what do you think about anne the new boss yeah hmm i'm not sure yet i have a friend at her old company and she said she's really tough wow i thought she seemed pretty nice yeah she said she was nice but tough well as long as she's nice yeah i was really tired of our old boss he could be so mean i know i heard him yelling at bob once i did too i'm so glad he's gone hey scott let's see what supplies we need to buy all right let's see do we need photocopy paper hmm i think we have plenty there are ten boxes okay what about staples we could use about 30 boxes we only have five all right and do we have pens we should get extra red and blue pens we have plenty of black ones great and one last thing sticky notes oh we have so many of those enough for years hahaha okay good and what about glue i think we could use some more did you hear the news no what's going on they're going to be holding special elections oh really why because the mayor quit i hadn't heard that why did she quit because she might run for president that's cool do you think she could win i don't know i hope so me too do you think she's got a chance i really do hi i'm new here welcome i'm scott what's your name i'm alice it's nice to meet you what job are you going to be doing i'm the new accountant that's great i hope you'll like it here i hope so too i just moved to town how long have you worked here wow i guess it's been about five years now and do you like it here yeah i do the people who work here are really nice i'm so glad to hear that we're all going out for drinks tonight you should come i'm totally freaking out what's wrong i can't find my favorite coffee mug oh well can't you use another one no i really like that one what's it look like it's got a funny cat on it oh i think i might have used that earlier ah well that explains it yeah i'm sorry i didn't realize it was yours don't worry about it okay thanks i'm going to have to leave early today really why i have to pick my daughter up from school oh all right could you finish a quick thing for me sure no problem what do you need i have to write an email to the new client okay and what should it say that the proposal will be ready by friday that's it yeah thanks so much i owe you one all right bye what's your favorite season i think it'd be summer really why well i love going to the beach and surfing i would love to learn how to surf it's really fun what's your favorite season i really like spring why i have a flower garden and i love seeing them bloom fall is so pretty too with all the leaves changing colors yeah and what about winter i really don't like being cold at all what do you think the weather will be like this weekend i heard it's going to be very windy oh that's great really why well i have a sailboat and i was hoping to use it on saturday where do you go sailing on the lake up north how did you learn how to sail my grandfather taught me and does it have to be really windy to sail it helps if there is no wind it's impossible if it's too windy it's too dangerous though i would love to come with you sometime do you think it'll be sunny tomorrow we'll see why do you have plans yeah i'm planning a picnic at the park let me look at the weather app on my phone alright what does it say it says it will be mostly cloudy with a chance of rain oh that's too bad well maybe i should reschedule the picnic yeah but it says that the day after tomorrow will be sunny all day all right i will do it the day after tomorrow i would if i were you would you like to come yes i'll bring some sodas boy i sure hope it rains soon really why well the plants in my garden could really use it it has been a while since it rained last it's been almost a month and a half that's a long time what have you been doing with your plants i've been watering them with the hose but it's time consuming what do you have planted i have lots of flowers and vegetables what kinds of vegetables i have lettuce tomatoes peas and onions how wonderful i think it's supposed to snow this weekend really oh my kids will love that what do they like to do in the snow they love sledding in the park with their friends does your family like skiing yes we went for the first time last year we love skiing we go every year where did you go we go to aspen is it nice there oh it's so nice we should all go together this year let's do it it is so hot i can't believe it i know and my air conditioner is broken oh that's terrible it's supposed to be the hottest year ever this year i know luckily there's a pool in my neighborhood that's great we have a pool at our apartment going swimming makes it easier to deal with the heat definitely and my kids have so much fun so do mine but they are asking to go to the beach and do you think you'll go i'm not sure i don't have much vacation time saved up we're going to the beach at the end of the month i'm sure you'll have a great time can you believe how cold it is no it's so cold today my lawn was all icy this morning so was mine what have you been doing to keep warm i have a fireplace at my house so do i i love drinking hot cocoa in front of the fire me too i bought a new coat this year i really need a new coat mine is really old i got mine online and did it fit well no i had to send it back but they sent me another one that fit perfectly i feel like it's been raining for weeks i know i think it's been raining for at least three days now i guess it's good after the drought yeah but i'm so tired of it me too i miss the sun same here i really want to go for a run without getting wet i know i really like riding my bike but it's too wet out yeah i usually walk to work but not in this rain the forecast says it will rain for another three days oh wow we'll just have to get used to it yeah i think i'm going to buy a new pair of rain boots i'm going to get a new rain jacket i just love fall really why i love watching the leaves change the best holidays are in the fall too yeah i just love halloween what are you going to be for halloween this year i think i'll be a witch you i'm going to be a ghost scary and thanksgiving is in fall too that's right i love seeing my family for thanksgiving me too i always go to my parents house and spend it with my brothers and sisters i love thanksgiving pumpkin pie is my favorite food did you see the storm last night yes there was so much lightning i know it lit up the night sky and the lightning got so close that the thunder was so loud it woke me up it was so loud my power went out shortly after the storm started so did mine it was back on when i left for work though i don't think mine has come back on yet what do you do when you don't have electricity i just light lots of candles me too i kind of like it yeah but it gets annoying if it's out for too long hey what are you doing after work nothing what about you i need to go shopping for a present for my husband do you know what you were going to get him no and i was actually going to ask if you would come with me sure i'd be glad to where do you want to go i was thinking about going to target great i love going there there are lots of things there yeah i wanted to look at the sports equipment that's a good idea you could also think about a video game console nice idea this will be fun yeah i'm happy to help will you help me make a shopping list sure okay can you check and see if we need rice yeah we could use some brown rice all right and what about pasta yeah we need spaghetti what else we could use more salt pepper and oregano okay and what about oil we need both olive oil and sunflower oil great and do we need cheese yes get lots of cheese hey are you ready to go yeah should we take my car sure thanks all right should we go to the sports section first yeah i was thinking about a tennis racket does your husband play tennis no but he says he wants to i think you have to know what size he would need yeah you're right let's look at those video games does he like video games yeah he does he said he wanted the new playstation let's take a look hi i'm having some trouble finding a few things what are you looking for well i can't seem to find the pasta aisle that would be aisle five thanks and do you know where the honey is yeah that's on aisle two great i also can't find frozen strawberries those are in the frozen food section aisle eight okay and do you know if you sell books here we do have some they're at the front of the store thanks and one more thing where's the cheese at the very back under the sign that says cheese hi welcome thanks are you looking for something in particular yes i need a new shirt all right what kind of shirt a white dress shirt okay and do you know your size no i don't that's alright why don't i get a few for you to try on thanks did any of them fit yes i found the perfect one hi i'm looking for a new lipstick sure what did you have in mind i'd like something that's light red we have these three shades oh i really like the first one can i try it sure here's the sample lipstick i love it i'll get it great and would you like some eye shadow to go with it hmm yeah what color do you think would go well we have this nice blue color oh i love that you know i need some mascara too here you are hi i was wondering if you could help me sure what can i do for you i'm looking for a watch great who is it for myself okay and did you want an analog or digital one i think i want an analog one we have these ones these are nice are any of them waterproof yes this one is i love it is it very expensive it's 100 hi welcome to the jewelry store hi thanks what are you looking for well i want to ask my girlfriend to marry me that's wonderful so i guess you're looking for a ring yes i'm looking for something unique we have some lovely antique rings i'd like to see them here they are they are beautiful but i think i'd like something more modern we have these beautiful rose gold rings oh that one is perfect hi welcome to the outdoor store thanks i'm looking for a tent great we have a good selection i want one to use in the summer and how many people will be using it just two all right and will you be backpacking or traveling in a car a bit of both so i don't want it to be too heavy okay i think we have the perfect one it's yellow is that okay perfect i love that color great here it is you can go pay for it at checkout thanks hey where did you get that backpack i actually bought it online really where on amazon did you get a good deal yeah i had seen the same one in the store and it was cheaper online did it take a long time to get to you no it arrived four days after i bought it i think i'll check it out i need a new backpack yeah it's a good idea did they have the bag in other colors yeah they sold it in red blue and black hey so what's your mom like she's really nice she was born in france oh that's interesting how old was she when she moved here she was 15 so pretty young what about your mom oh she was born in texas and grew up in ohio what does she do for a living she's an elementary school teacher what about yours my mom is an engineer wow that's cool what kind of engineer she's a mechanical engineer and how old was she when she had you 35 and what about your dad how old is he he's 65. what about your dad he's 70. he's retired is your dad retired not yet i think he will retire next year what did your dad do he was a truck driver oh cool he must have seen the whole country yeah he loved being on the road what does your dad do he's a university professor what does he teach he teaches american history he must be really smart he is my parents actually got divorced when i was young oh really how young were you i was 10 years old and did they get remarried my dad did but my mom didn't my parents are still together that must be nice it is but i bet you got to have two christmases when you were growing up you're right i did i always got double the presents that's awesome do they get along okay now yeah they do that's lucky my dad's new wife had kids oh so you had a step brother yes and a step-sister what was that like it was great more kids to play with were they older or younger than you the girl was exactly my age oh how fun yeah and the boy was just one year younger that must have been fun yeah we all have a good relationship now that's great do you have any sisters yeah i have one sister what about you i have two sisters did you get along when you were growing up we did fight a lot but we had a lot of fun my sister and i have always gotten along really well that's great what does she do for a living oh she's still in college what is she studying sociology oh one of my sisters is studying sociology too maybe they know each other do you have any brothers yeah i do he's two years older than me i don't have a brother i always wanted one though my brother and i used to fight a lot when we were growing up really and do you get along now yeah we do we have a barbecue every weekend that sounds fun what does he do for a living he's a car mechanic i always have problems with my car i could use a good mechanic i'll pass you his contact that would be great thanks no problem are you married yeah i am how long have you been married about five years that's great i'm engaged to be married to my boyfriend congratulations how long have you been together about three years and when are you planning on getting married we don't know yet sometime next year and do you want a big or small wedding i think it'll be pretty small was yours big or small it was huge there were 500 people there do you have kids yeah i have three boys wow that must be a crazy house it is do you have any kids i don't have any yet so you're planning to yeah but there are still things i want to do before i have a baby like what well i really like to travel that could be hard to do with children yeah i know do it while you can are your grandmothers still alive one is my father's mother is 95. oh wow that's great both of my grandmothers passed away yeah i really love my grandmother she's really funny i really miss my grandmothers one of them really liked to bake and what was the other one like oh she was an adventurer she spent her whole retirement traveling on cruise ships that's amazing my grandmother who passed away liked to go on cruises too haha maybe they ran into each other on one maybe mine really liked a good party so did mine maybe they're in heaven partying now do you know your grandfathers yes i was lucky enough to know both of them well what were they like one was a retired car salesman and the other had been a journalist for the new york times wow that's so interesting what about your grandfather's i only got to meet one of them what was he like he was so nice he always used to take me hiking and fishing one of my grandfathers loved to fish too i miss those days both of my grandfathers are dead now so are mine it's so sad hello lawyer's office hi this is scott i'm not feeling well today i'm sorry to hear that yeah i don't think i'm going to make it in today all right i can let the boss know thanks sure will you be going to the doctor today i'm not sure yet well you'll need a note from the doctor to justify the sick day okay i'll make sure to go today all right i hope you get better soon thanks hi scott what's up could i talk to you for a minute sure i'm free now great so what do you want to talk about well i've been working here for five years now that's true we're very happy with your work that's great and that's why i'm thinking i should get a raise oh well let me think about it i'm sure we can work something out thanks but do let me know because i've had job offers oh well we really want to keep you here so i'll do what i can thanks how's that spreadsheet coming scott a bit slow michael still hasn't gotten all the data to me yet all right well we need to present it to the client next monday okay i'll talk to him good because we can't let this client down i know once i get the data i'll finish the spreadsheet excellent and how is the presentation itself coming i think it's good i'll have it done by the end of the day great okay i'll let you get back to work thanks hey and don't forget we're all going out for drinks after work today i'll be there hey scott are you going to have lunch soon yeah in about a half hour did you bring your lunch today no i was thinking about going out you same all right do you want to go together yeah what kind of food do you feel like they just opened a new sandwich place around the corner i want to try sounds good i'll just finish one thing and i'll be ready okay same here hey what do you think about anne the new boss yeah hmm i'm not sure yet i have a friend at her old company and she said she's really tough wow i thought she seemed pretty nice yeah she said she was nice but tough well as long as she's nice yeah i was really tired of our old boss he could be so mean i know i heard him yelling at bob once i did too i'm so glad he's gone hey scott let's see what supplies we need to buy all right let's see do we need photocopy paper hmm i think we have plenty there are ten boxes okay what about staples we could use about 30 boxes we only have five all right and do we have pens we should get extra red and blue pens we have plenty of black ones great and one last thing sticky notes oh we have so many of those enough for years haha okay good and what about glue i think we could use some more did you hear the news no what's going on they're going to be holding special elections oh really why because the mayor quit i hadn't heard that why did she quit because she might run for president that's cool do you think she could win i don't know i hope so me too do you think she's got a chance i really do hi i'm new here welcome i'm scott what's your name i'm alice it's nice to meet you what job are you going to be doing i'm the new accountant that's great i hope you'll like it here i hope so too i just moved to town how long have you worked here wow i guess it's been about five years now and do you like it here yeah i do the people who work here are really nice i'm so glad to hear that we're all going out for drinks tonight you should come i'm totally freaking out what's wrong i can't find my favorite coffee mug oh well can't you use another one no i really like that one what's it look like it's got a funny cat on it oh i think i might have used that earlier ah well that explains it yeah i'm sorry i didn't realize it was yours don't worry about it okay thanks i'm going to have to leave early today really why i have to pick my daughter up from school oh all right could you finish a quick thing for me sure no problem what do you need i have to write an email to the new client okay and what should it say that the proposal will be ready by friday that's it yeah thanks so much i owe you one all right bye what's your favorite season i think it'd be summer really why well i love going to the beach and surfing i would love to learn how to surf it's really fun what's your favorite season i really like spring why i have a flower garden and i love seeing them bloom fall is so pretty too with all the leaves changing colors yeah and what about winter i really don't like being cold at all what do you think the weather will be like this weekend i heard it's going to be very windy oh that's great really why well i have a sailboat and i was hoping to use it on saturday where do you go sailing on the lake up north how did you learn how to sail my grandfather taught me and does it have to be really windy to sail it helps if there is no wind it's impossible if it's too windy it's too dangerous though i would love to come with you sometime do you think it'll be sunny tomorrow we'll see why do you have plans yeah i'm planning a picnic at the park let me look at the weather app on my phone alright what does it say it says it will be mostly cloudy with a chance of rain oh that's too bad well maybe i should reschedule the picnic yeah but it says that the day after tomorrow will be sunny all day all right i will do it the day after tomorrow i would if i were you would you like to come yes i'll bring some sodas boy i sure hope it rains soon really why well the plants in my garden could really use it it has been a while since it rained last it's been almost a month and a half that's a long time what have you been doing with your plants i've been watering them with the hose but it's time consuming what do you have planted i have lots of flowers and vegetables what kinds of vegetables i have lettuce tomatoes peas and onions how wonderful i think it's supposed to snow this weekend really oh my kids will love that what do they like to do in the snow they love sledding in the park with their friends does your family like skiing yes we went for the first time last year we love skiing we go every year where did you go we go to aspen is it nice there oh it's so nice we should all go together this year let's do it it is so hot i can't believe it i know and my air conditioner is broken oh that's terrible it's supposed to be the hottest year ever this year i know luckily there's a pool in my neighborhood that's great we have a pool at our apartment going swimming makes it easier to deal with the heat definitely and my kids have so much fun so do mine but they are asking to go to the beach and do you think you'll go i'm not sure i don't have much vacation time saved up we're going to the beach at the end of the month i'm sure you'll have a great time can you believe how cold it is no it's so cold today my lawn was all icy this morning so was mine what have you been doing to keep warm i have a fireplace at my house so do i i love drinking hot cocoa in front of the fire me too i bought a new coat this year i really need a new coat mine is really old i got mine online and did it fit well no i had to send it back but they sent me another one that fit perfectly i feel like it's been raining for weeks i know i think it's been raining for at least three days now i guess it's good after the drought yeah but i'm so tired of it me too i miss the sun same here i really want to go for a run without getting wet i know i really like riding my bike but it's too wet out yeah i usually walk to work but not in this rain the forecast says it will rain for another three days oh wow we'll just have to get used to it yeah i think i'm going to buy a new pair of rain boots i'm going to get a new rain jacket i just love fall really why i love watching the leaves change the best holidays are in the fall too yeah i just love halloween what are you going to be for halloween this year i think i'll be a witch you i'm going to be a ghost scary and thanksgiving is in fall too that's right i love seeing my family for thanksgiving me too i always go to my parents house and spend it with my brothers and sisters i love thanksgiving pumpkin pie is my favorite food did you see the storm last night yes there was so much lightning i know it lit up the night sky and the lightning got so close that the thunder was so loud it woke me up it was so loud my power went out shortly after the storm started so did mine it was back on when i left for work though i don't think mine has come back on yet what do you do when you don't have electricity i just light lots of candles me too i kind of like it yeah but it gets annoying if it's out for too long you
Channel: Sleep Learning
Views: 2,009,471
Rating: 4.9022794 out of 5
Keywords: English Listening Practice, English Speaking Practice, Learn English While You Sleep
Id: 7UJd6Fn2YDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 19sec (10879 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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