Business English Conversation Learn while you Sleep

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in this sleep learning video we use advanced binaural beats to help you identify and remember business english conversation the video features intermediate and advanced dialogues of business english conversation these are conversation topics and examples that you may hear in all aspects of business ranging from important business meetings to business related telephone calls listen to this as you go to sleep and leave on whilst you sleep for best results we use three different binaural beats in this video the first one enhances your learning ability the second initiates sleep learning and the third improves memory if you enjoyed the video remember to leave a comment and hit the subscribe button do we have an idea of the company's net worth the company's net worth will change once the accruals have been accounted for and do you know when this will take place the accounting department will add the accruals to the balance sheet next week great this will give us a much better idea about how the company is doing you're right do you know what's next for us yes once we know our net worth the idea is to get a business loan and what will we be doing with the money hopefully opening a new store wonderful will it be here in town or in another city we are looking at opening one in new york city how exciting henry you showed incredible acumen during the meeting with the investors thank you so much yes you really were able to demonstrate the success we've had this year i hope they will continue to invest in our company i'm sure they will in fact i'm going to promote you really that's amazing thank you so much i think you'll be a great addition to our team upstairs i'm truly so grateful and you will be getting a sizable raise that's nice to hear well you deserve it i won't let you down do you mind asking the administration head if we have any future projects lined up absolutely i'll do that right after i've finished what i'm doing what are you working on at the moment i've got a sales presentation at the end of the week what's your angle going to be i'm going to tell the client they should do a primarily social media campaign that's a great idea i'm sure they'll go for it yeah i think it's a great plan for their product so please don't forget to speak to the head of administration later absolutely i'll let you know what they say thanks so much have a great afternoon you too what do you think of this ad design i like it the colors are so vivid thanks i still have to get it authorized by upper management i'm sure they will approve it i'm not so sure my last design was rejected really did they say why yeah they didn't like my use of color were the colors very similar to these no not at all i had used more muted tones well i think this looks great i'm sure you'll get authorization great i hope so otherwise it's back to the drawing board i've got to get back to work good luck i have the meeting at the bank today oh is that the one for the business loan yes we really need it for opening up the new store can we afford the collateral of the loan i think we can business has been great this year do you know what the interest is on the loan they told me over the phone that it's around 13 that seems rather high i researched it and that appears to be about average and what are they asking for for collateral they said that either inventory or accounts receivable are acceptable well we have quite a large stock at the moment so we should be fine i am so close to closing the house i'm selling that's amazing did the buyers get approved for their loan yes and i'm hoping to close the sale this afternoon is the commission very large the commission on the sale will be so big i'll be able to take a cruise with my family that's wonderful where will you be going i'm hoping to take them on a cruise to the bahamas oh we did that with my family a few years ago it was incredible well wish me luck closing the deal good luck you deserve that commission thanks if the deal goes through drinks are on me at happy hour sounds good to me we have to get ahead of our competitors this season you're right last year they beat us in sales do you have any ideas for getting ahead in the market we could do a focus group with consumers that's a great idea yes we could present three different looks for our fall line that's a great idea we should think about targeting younger consumers yes they are the ones setting style trends all right let's organize the focus group for next month that's fine i'll speak to the head of the outreach department this afternoon and i'll speak to the design department to see if they can get the looks ready in time great i'm sure we'll beat out the competition this year we will have to coordinate closely with the advertising department on this new project you're right because if we develop software that can't sell then it's pointless yeah that happened with our last project i know we put so much work into that app for identifying plants yes and they didn't market it to the right audience so no one downloaded it so let's talk to them first and make sure we are on the same page yes i think this new app for choosing shoes to go with outfits should be advertised to the gen z market right and we should tell them to focus on ads on tick tock absolutely and they should think about using instagram influencers that's a great idea thanks i think we'll finish the app by the end of the week yeah i think so too did you hear the rumors no what are you talking about i heard a conglomerate will buy our company really what do you think that will mean for our jobs well downsizing often happens when two companies merge that is so true i should really work on my resume just in case yeah i'm doing the same thing i heard the job market is tough right now i think it is it is very valuable to have more than one skill these days i only have experience doing accounting and i only have experience doing sales maybe we should go to business school to add to our skill set have you ever thought about being an entrepreneur yes but i don't have the capital to start a business my father was an entrepreneur in the video game industry that is so interesting i'm thinking about quitting my job and becoming an entrepreneur in cosmetics i admire entrepreneurs who break into new industries yeah me too do you have the money to do something like that no but i have a meeting with potential investors next week do you have products to show them already yes i had some prototypes made that's amazing good luck did you hear about the sales incentives this year no did they already announce them yes one is a trip to mexico wow are there other incentives yes the trip is for the first place sales person but there is a prize for second place too what is it a gift certificate for a meal at a fancy restaurant that's not as good as a trip but i wouldn't mind winning that there are incentives for other things as well like what being on time every day and not missing any days oh i'm late all the time that one's not for me did you already send out the invoice for the latest work no which project are you talking about the corporate event that we produced on friday no i haven't sent it out yet well we really need to go ahead and do that these clients take forever to pay all right what is the total amount i should put on the invoice we agreed on thirty thousand dollars but there are incurred costs what were they we needed to hire extra security because they increased the number of attendees at the last minute and what was the cost of that two thousand dollars okay i'll send the invoice for thirty two thousand dollars do you know when our building lease runs out i'll have to check but i'm pretty sure it runs out in july this year that's soon have you thought about renewing it i've done some thinking about it i was thinking we should maybe move the store really why i know we do pretty good business here but i saw a shop up for lease in a very trendy part of town do you think we could afford it i do let's go check it out sure when do you have time this afternoon great we'll go this afternoon then do you think the new project will be a lucrative endeavor i really do i think the market is ready for a new sports drink have we decided on how many flavors we will be offering yes just three for the moment and which ones did you choose mango goji berry and green green yeah we haven't decided what the flavor for the green drink will be but the color is green all right have you done any market testing yes everyone loves the goji berry and mango flavors maybe we should just stick to those two flavors then yeah that's a good idea do you think our furniture selection is out of style yes i think the furniture we have for sale looks dated we should think about renewing all the merchandise in the stores yeah that's a large investment though you're right but we have to be competitive do you think we should hire new designers to get an edge in the market yes we should hire some young people who have a fresh outlook yeah we could do a recruitment drive at the local art school i think that's a great idea we may have to let some people go that will be quite difficult but we need to modernize i'll organize the recruitment drive this week can you plan a negotiation with our client sure what needs to be sorted out they are very close to hiring us to produce their entire fall line great so we need to negotiate pricing exactly i think we can get them to pay us more than last year i'm sure i can make that happen i think you'll do a great job with the contract thanks besides pricing is there anything else that needs to be negotiated yes the timeline of production we'll need three months all right i'll make sure they understand okay can you set it up for this week yes no problem do you think we should consider outsourcing our it support well i'm pretty sure our competitor has done exactly that i think outsourcing will lower costs i think you're right will you look into a good it support company yes i can do that right after i make a sales call all right let me know how the call goes i will i'm hoping to land this new client would the sale be very big oh yeah and the commission is sizable well good luck with that and let me know what you find out about the outsourcing thanks will do if the cost of electricity goes up that will definitely affect our overhead we will need to get our overhead costs down somehow i think installing led lights could lower it yes but the cost of installation could be high you're right replacing every single light bulb could take some work we should do a cost analysis to study if it's worth it i'll talk to the engineering department that's a good idea we should come up with some other ways to lower overhead yes i've been thinking maybe we could install solar panels that's another great thing to look into yeah i think it could save money in the long run this is going to be a very busy week you're right we need to choose which clients we will prioritize yeah i promised my client that the work would be done on thursday and i told mine i would have everything ready today we'll need to work together to get all the paperwork in order yeah i'll be happy to help you tomorrow if you give me a hand today no problem do you think we should stay late today that probably won't be necessary great because i actually have an investors meeting early tomorrow morning i need to prepare for ah do you have the stock portfolio up to date to show them yes i've got that already perfect where should we hold the stockholders meeting today i was thinking the conference room that's a good idea but i think the sales team was going to do a presentation in there maybe the ceo would let us use her office that's a good idea i'll ask her yeah since the meeting will only have about 15 people i think we can make it work in there that office has such a nice view too that should help distract the stockholders why what do you mean well our numbers are a bit down this quarter i'm sure we'll be able to explain the reasons and reassure them yeah i'm sure it will go fine do you know how long i've worked here no how long has it been i've been working here for 15 years wow that's incredible i'm surprised you're not the boss by now well that's just the problem i feel like i should have been promoted last year and i wasn't well that's a shame what do you plan on doing honestly i'm thinking about quitting that's a big decision to make yeah i would have to look for a new job and update my resume do you know where you'd like to work well over the years some headhunters have gotten in touch with me to work at a big tech firm i think you should go for it what do you think our ad strategy should be this upcoming year i think we should email blast all of our old clients that's a good idea but we have to get new clients as well how about a social media campaign that's a great idea we should come up with some great hashtags to promote our brand yeah but we also have to think about older generations that's true we could also do a good old-fashioned tv ad absolutely but we need to keep it within our ad budget you're very right a couple of years ago we went way over and the sales generated didn't really justify the expenditure we could do a minimalist ad with very low production great idea so will email do a social media campaign and a low budget tv ad exactly i'll get the creative department right on it can you supervise the graphic designers sure what are they working on a new logo for the company great and when do they need to submit a first draft i told them we were expecting to see something by the first of the month alright and what else should i know well i told them the new logo should look similar to the old one but more modern okay anything else yes that the color palette should include mostly pastels sounds good i'll make sure all of those requirements are met thanks so much no problem let me know anything else you need an ex-employee of ours is threatening to sue the company really why they say they were unfairly terminated and is it true i would say not they were fired because they leaked company data to a competitor wow yeah but we don't have proof so the case will probably go into arbitration and do you think the company will pay them any settlement money we're hoping to avoid that but we'll see what happens well i think it's worth paying to keep the whole matter out of court you're definitely right i just wish we could prove they leaked the data maybe some evidence will come up before the arbitration we will need to collaborate closely with the creative department on our new project what's the new project we're developing new soaps for our bath and beauty line and what will the fragrance be we're thinking about an autumn themed apple scented soap great i'll get the creative department to come up with some clever packaging maybe we could get the soap package to look like a leaf that's a great idea thanks can you think of any other fall themed fragrances for soaps how about pumpkin spice scent i love that amazing let's get started on developing the soaps do you think this new product will be a commercial success i'm not sure we did some focus groups and the results were mixed we have gotten a lot of good press that's true the experts think our new smart fridge works really well so that's a positive sign absolutely we just don't know if people really feel they need a smart fridge we'll just have to do a huge marketing campaign what do you have in mind i was thinking about setting up displays in central shopping areas and people could interact with the fridge and learn more about it exactly that's a great idea we need to streamline the distribution of our products you're right a lot of time is wasted in our warehouse yeah we need to revamp the entire system we use in the warehouse in fact one of our clients called and said they didn't get their delivery this week you see this is a huge problem yeah i think the problem is also with the shipping company we use yes we need to look into a better company who can get the goods out quicker okay i'll get on it great so we need to hire someone who can look into our warehouse organization and all research shipping companies all right get back to me if you find a good one will do we need to have a meeting about diversifying our company what markets do you think we should diversify into i'm thinking into the health and beauty sector do you think people would be interested in buying health and beauty products from us i don't see why not well we're most well known for selling clothing that's true but we're already a recognizable brand that's a good point could you set up a meeting with the ceo and shareholders yeah when would you like to have the meeting i'm thinking the middle of next week all right i'll set it up i need to work on my spanish proficiency really why well i may be landing a big client in latin america wow that's amazing yeah and i'd like to be able to communicate with the client without the need of an interpreter that would be great so much gets lost in translation absolutely i think the company is offering language classes after work really i'd like to take advantage of that what language would you like to study i'm thinking about chinese there are loads of business opportunities in china that's a great idea yeah good luck with your spanish we need to order a large amount of leather what for we are going to be making handbags this season do you know where to get the leather no i was hoping you could help me find a wholesale store yeah i can look into that when do you need the materials well the production of the bags should take about two weeks and when are the bags going to be sent to the stores in about a month okay i'll try to get the leather next week thank you so much no problem i'll get right on it we're almost done with production on our new watches that's great do you have the buyers all lined up yes we do and have you thought about what kind of warranty the watches will come with we haven't decided yet what do you think i think one year warranty is standard yes and we could offer an extended warranty for a cost yeah what do you think would be the price we'd have to talk to the stores to see what they think all right i'll have my team do that great let me know what they find out will do i've been seeing a lot of new faces in the office lately yes we've had a high turnover this year why do you think that is well the economy is a bit unsteady so people switch jobs a lot yeah and how does the company deal with training new staff so often it's been a real challenge but we've come up with some innovations really like what we have a great interactive training program online so people can train themselves yeah mostly it's been very effective people have been catching on quickly that's great hopefully turnover will slow in the near future i'm sure it will after the economy stabilizes what do you think about our company's trademark it looks a bit dated when was it created i think it's from the 80s maybe it's time for a new one yeah do you know if the graphic design department is very busy right now well i know they're working hard on the new website design oh that's right well after they're done with that maybe we could have a meeting with them about changing the trademark yeah and we'll have to talk to the ceo and stockholders as well that's true we can meet with them once we have a few ideas for the new trademark do you have any opinions about the new trademark well i definitely like it to look more modern same here let's see what we can come up with you know i'm getting really sick of our boss same here she can be so mean yeah yesterday i told her it was my daughter's birthday and asked if i could go home early i bet she said no that's exactly what she said i wonder if we could petition the board of directors to get her fired i wish but she has tenure so she's here to stay i guess so i'm thinking about looking for a new job wow it would be a shame if you left yeah but i feel like my talents aren't being fully appreciated here well then good luck on the job hunt i'm thinking about applying for a job at your company that's great it'd be so nice to work with you yeah do you know if there are any job benefits yes if you are in a high level position you get a company car and what about vacation days everyone typically gets two weeks do they give out christmas bonuses usually depending on how well the company did that year that all sounds great do you like working there i do but i do end up working on weekends sometimes i wouldn't mind if the salary is high enough the salaries are typically very generous are you interested in the sales position i am actually what does it involve you have to do a lot of cold calling but the commissions are big and are there sales quotas i would have to meet yes but they are quite reasonable and is there a basic salary along with the commissions yes but it's rather low most of your income would come from commissions it sounds great i have lots of experience in sales from my last job perfect when do you think you could start i could start next week next week works for us great see you then do you know when the shipment is arriving what shipment are we expecting we should be getting a shipment from overseas of fine fabrics oh yes i spoke with the fabric dealer yesterday and what did they say that there was a delay at the port because of bad weather and did they say when we should be expecting the shipment they said hopefully within seven days that's later than we expected yeah do you think this will delay production too much we should be all right we'll focus on other facets of the production in the meanwhile great i'm sure the final product will be wonderful do you know when the gross income report is due i think it's due on friday there is so much bookkeeping to go over are you feeling burnt out yeah i can't look at any more excel sheets i know what you mean i've been filling out sales reports all day staring at the computer all day is exhausting yeah do you want to take a coffee break with me absolutely but let's go somewhere out of the office all right a little coffee shop just opened up on the corner let's go okay let me get my things i just came from a meeting with the ceo and what did they say that the company's profits were down this year what else did they say that they were considering declaring bankruptcy that's terrible what about our jobs they will probably lay off most of the lower level workers how awful did they give any hope for the future of the company sort of they said if the economy improves in the next six months we might stay afloat well let's hope for that my livelihood depends on this job mine too i'll be working really hard to save the company same here do we have an idea of the company's net worth the company's net worth will change once the accruals have been accounted for and do you know when this will take place the accounting department will add the accruals to the balance sheet next week great this will give us a much better idea about how the company is doing you're right do you know what's next for us yes once we know our net worth the idea is to get a business loan and what will we be doing with the money hopefully opening a new store wonderful will it be here in town or in another city we are looking at opening one in new york city how exciting henry you showed incredible acumen during the meeting with the investors thank you so much yes you really were able to demonstrate the success we've had this year i hope they will continue to invest in our company i'm sure they will in fact i'm going to promote you really that's amazing thank you so much i think you'll be a great addition to our team upstairs i'm truly so grateful and you will be getting a sizeable raise that's nice to hear well you deserve it i won't let you down do you mind asking the administration head if we have any future projects lined up absolutely i'll do that right after i've finished what i'm doing what are you working on at the moment i've got a sales presentation at the end of the week what's your angle going to be i'm going to tell the client they should do a primarily social media campaign that's a great idea i'm sure they'll go for it yeah i think it's a great plan for their product so please don't forget to speak to the head of administration leader absolutely i'll let you know what they say thanks so much have a great afternoon you too what do you think of this ad design i like it the colors are so vivid thanks i still have to get it authorized by upper management i'm sure they will approve it i'm not so sure my last design was rejected really did they say why yeah they didn't like my use of color were the colors very similar to these no not at all i had used more muted tones well i think this looks great i'm sure you'll get authorization great i hope so otherwise it's back to the drawing board i've got to get back to work good luck i have the meeting at the bank today oh is that the one for the business loan yes we really need it for opening up the new store can we afford the collateral of the loan i think we can business has been great this year do you know what the interest is on the loan they told me over the phone that it's around 13 that seems rather high i researched it and that appears to be about average and what are they asking for for collateral they said that either inventory or accounts receivable are acceptable well we have quite a large stock at the moment so we should be fine i am so close to closing the house i'm selling that's amazing did the buyers get approved for their loan yes and i'm hoping to close the sale this afternoon is the commission very large the commission on the sale will be so big i'll be able to take a cruise with my family that's wonderful where will you be going i'm hoping to take them on a cruise to the bahamas oh we did that with my family a few years ago it was incredible well wish me luck closing the deal good luck you deserve that commission thanks if the deal goes through drinks are on me at happy hour sounds good to me we have to get ahead of our competitors this season you're right last year they beat us in sales do you have any ideas for getting ahead in the market we could do a focus group with consumers that's a great idea yes we could present three different looks for our fall line that's a great idea we should think about targeting younger consumers yes they are the ones setting style trends all right let's organize the focus group for next month that's fine i'll speak to the head of the outreach department this afternoon and i'll speak to the design department to see if they can get the looks ready in time great i'm sure we'll beat out the competition this year we will have to coordinate closely with the advertising department on this new project you're right because if we develop software that can't sell then it's pointless yeah that happened with our last project i know we put so much work into that app for identifying plants yes and they didn't market it to the right audience so no one downloaded it so let's talk to them first and make sure we are on the same page yes i think this new app for choosing shoes to go with outfits should be advertised to the gen z market right and we should tell them to focus on ads on tick tock absolutely and they should think about using instagram influencers that's a great idea thanks i think we'll finish the app by the end of the week yeah i think so too did you hear the rumors no what are you talking about i heard a conglomerate will buy our company really what do you think that will mean for our jobs well downsizing often happens when two companies merge that is so true i should really work on my resume just in case yeah i'm doing the same thing i heard the job market is tough right now i think it is it is very valuable to have more than one skill these days i only have experience doing accounting and i only have experience doing sales maybe we should go to business school to add to our skill set have you ever thought about being an entrepreneur yes but i don't have the capital to start a business my father was an entrepreneur in the video game industry that is so interesting i'm thinking about quitting my job and becoming an entrepreneur in cosmetics i admire entrepreneurs who break into new industries yeah me too do you have the money to do something like that no but i have a meeting with potential investors next week do you have products to show them already yes i had some prototypes made that's amazing good luck did you hear about the sales incentives this year no did they already announce them yes one is a trip to mexico wow are there other incentives yes the trip is for the first place sales person but there is a prize for second place too what is it a gift certificate for a meal at a fancy restaurant that's not as good as a trip but i wouldn't mind winning that there are incentives for other things as well like what being on time every day and not missing any days oh i'm late all the time that one's not for me did you already send out the invoice for the latest work no which project are you talking about the corporate event that we produced on friday no i haven't sent it out yet well we really need to go ahead and do that these clients take forever to pay all right what is the total amount i should put on the invoice we agreed on thirty thousand dollars but there are incurred costs what were they we needed to hire extra security because they increased the number of attendees at the last minute and what was the cost of that two thousand dollars okay i'll send the invoice for thirty two thousand dollars do you know when our building lease runs out i'll have to check but i'm pretty sure it runs out in july this year that's soon have you thought about renewing it i've done some thinking about it i was thinking we should maybe move the store really why i know we do pretty good business here but i saw a shop up for lease in a very trendy part of town do you think we could afford it i do let's go check it out sure when do you have time this afternoon great we'll go this afternoon then do you think the new project will be a lucrative endeavor i really do i think the market is ready for a new sports drink have we decided on how many flavors we will be offering yes just three for the moment and which ones did you choose mango goji berry and green green yeah we haven't decided what the flavor for the green drink will be but the color is green alright have you done any market testing yes everyone loves the goji berry and mango flavors maybe we should just stick to those two flavors then yeah that's a good idea do you think our furniture selection is out of style yes i think the furniture we have for sale looks dated we should think about renewing all the merchandise in the stores yeah that's a large investment though you're right but we have to be competitive do you think we should hire new designers to get an edge in the market yes we should hire some young people who have a fresh outlook yeah we could do a recruitment drive at the local art school i think that's a great idea we may have to let some people go that will be quite difficult but we need to modernize i'll organize the recruitment drive this week can you plan a negotiation with our client sure what needs to be sorted out they're very close to hiring us to produce their entire fall line great so we need to negotiate pricing exactly i think we can get them to pay us more than last year i'm sure i can make that happen i think you'll do a great job with the contract thanks besides pricing is there anything else that needs to be negotiated yes the timeline of production will need three months all right i'll make sure they understand okay can you set it up for this week yes no problem do you think we should consider outsourcing our it support well i'm pretty sure our competitor has done exactly that i think outsourcing will lower costs i think you're right will you look into a good it support company yes i can do that right after i make a sales call all right let me know how the call goes oh well i'm hoping to land this new client would the sale be very big oh yeah and the commission is sizable well good luck with that and let me know what you find out about the outsourcing thanks will do if the cost of electricity goes up that will definitely affect our overhead we will need to get our overhead costs down somehow i think installing led lights could lower it yes but the cost of installation could be high you're right replacing every single light bulb could take some work we should do a cost analysis to study if it's worth it i'll talk to the engineering department that's a good idea we should come up with some other ways to lower overhead yes i've been thinking maybe we could install solar panels that's another great thing to look into yeah i think it could save money in the long run this is going to be a very busy week you're right we need to choose which clients we will prioritize yeah i promise my client that the work would be done on thursday and i told mine i would have everything ready today we'll need to work together to get all the paperwork in order yeah i'll be happy to help you tomorrow if you give me a hand today no problem do you think we should stay late today that probably won't be necessary great because i actually have an investors meeting early tomorrow morning i need to prepare for ah do you have the stock portfolio up to date to show them yes i've got that already perfect where should we hold the stockholders meeting today i was thinking the conference room that's a good idea but i think the sales team was going to do a presentation in there maybe the ceo would let us use her office that's a good idea i'll ask her yeah since the meeting will only have about 15 people i think we can make it work in there that office has such a nice view too that should help distract the stockholders why what do you mean well our numbers are a bit down this quarter i'm sure we'll be able to explain the reasons and reassure them yeah i'm sure it will go fine do you know how long i've worked here no how long has it been i've been working here for 15 years wow that's incredible i'm surprised you're not the boss by now well that's just the problem i feel like i should have been promoted last year and i wasn't well that's a shame what do you plan on doing honestly i'm thinking about quitting that's a big decision to make yeah i would have to look for a new job and update my resume do you know where you'd like to work well over the years some headhunters have gotten in touch with me to work at a big tech firm i think you should go for it what do you think our ad strategy should be this upcoming year i think we should email blast all of our old clients that's a good idea but we have to get new clients as well how about a social media campaign that's a great idea we should come up with some great hashtags to promote our brand yeah but we also have to think about older generations that's true we could also do a good old-fashioned tv ad absolutely but we need to keep it within our ad budget you're very right a couple of years ago we went way over and the sales generated didn't really justify the expenditure we could do a minimalist ad with very low production great idea so will email do a social media campaign and a low budget tv ad exactly i'll get the creative department right on it can you supervise the graphic designers sure what are they working on a new logo for the company great and when do they need to submit a first draft i told them we were expecting to see something by the first of the month all right and what else should i know well i told them the new logo should look similar to the old one but more modern okay anything else yes that the color palette should include mostly pastels sounds good i'll make sure all of those requirements are met thanks so much no problem let me know anything else you need an ex-employee of ours is threatening to sue the company really why they say they were unfairly terminated and is it true i would say not they were fired because they leaked company data to a competitor wow yeah but we don't have proof so the case will probably go into arbitration and do you think the company will pay them any settlement money we're hoping to avoid that but we'll see what happens well i think it's worth paying to keep the whole matter out of court you're definitely right i just wish we could prove they leaked the data maybe some evidence will come up before the arbitration we will need to collaborate closely with the creative department on our new project what's the new project we're developing new soaps for our bath and beauty line and what will the fragrance be we're thinking about an autumn themed apple scented soap great i'll get the creative department to come up with some clever packaging maybe we could get the soap package to look like a leaf that's a great idea thanks can you think of any other fall themed fragrances for soaps how about pumpkin spice scent i love that amazing let's get started on developing the soaps do you think this new product will be a commercial success i'm not sure we did some focus groups and the results were mixed we have gotten a lot of good press that's true the experts think our new smart fridge works really well so that's a positive sign absolutely we just don't know if people really feel they need a smart fridge we'll just have to do a huge marketing campaign what do you have in mind i was thinking about setting up displays in central shopping areas and people could interact with the fridge and learn more about it exactly that's a great idea we need to streamline the distribution of our products you're right a lot of time is wasted in our warehouse yeah we need to revamp the entire system we use in the warehouse in fact one of our clients called and said they didn't get their delivery this week you see this is a huge problem yeah i think the problem is also with the shipping company we use yes we need to look into a better company who can get the goods out quicker okay i'll get on it great so we need to hire someone who can look into our warehouse organization and all research shipping companies all right get back to me if you find a good one will do we need to have a meeting about diversifying our company what markets do you think we should diversify into i'm thinking into the health and beauty sector do you think people would be interested in buying health and beauty products from us i don't see why not well we're most well known for selling clothing that's true but we're already a recognizable brand that's a good point could you set up a meeting with the ceo and shareholders yeah when would you like to have the meeting i'm thinking the middle of next week all right i'll set it up i need to work on my spanish proficiency really why well i may be landing a big client in latin america wow that's amazing yeah and i'd like to be able to communicate with the client without the need of an interpreter that would be great so much gets lost in translation absolutely i think the company is offering language classes after work really i'd like to take advantage of that what language would you like to study i'm thinking about chinese there are loads of business opportunities in china that's a great idea yeah good luck with your spanish we need to order a large amount of leather what for we are going to be making handbags this season do you know where to get the leather no i was hoping you could help me find a wholesale store yeah i can look into that when do you need the materials well the production of the bags should take about two weeks and when are the bags going to be sent to the stores in about a month okay i'll try to get the leather next week thank you so much no problem i'll get right on it we're almost done with production on our new watches that's great do you have the buyers all lined up yes we do and have you thought about what kind of warranty the watches will come with we haven't decided yet what do you think i think one year warranty is standard yes and we could offer an extended warranty for a cost yeah what do you think would be the price we have to talk to the stores to see what they think all right i'll have my team do that great let me know what they find out will do i've been seeing a lot of new faces in the office lately yes we've had a high turnover this year why do you think that is well the economy is a bit unsteady so people switch jobs a lot yeah and how does the company deal with training new staff so often it's been a real challenge but we've come up with some innovations really like what we have a great interactive training program online so people can train themselves yeah mostly it's been very effective people have been catching on quickly that's great hopefully turnover will slow in the near future i'm sure it will after the economy stabilizes what do you think about our company's trademark it looks a bit dated when was it created i think it's from the 80s maybe it's time for a new one yeah do you know if the graphic design department is very busy right now well i know they're working hard on the new website design oh that's right well after they're done with that maybe we could have a meeting with them about changing the trademark yeah and we'll have to talk to the ceo and stockholders as well that's true we can meet with them once we have a few ideas for the new trademark do you have any opinions about the new trademark well i definitely like it to look more modern same here let's see what we can come up with you know i'm getting really sick of our boss same here she can be so mean yeah yesterday i told her it was my daughter's birthday and asked if i could go home early i bet she said no that's exactly what she said i wonder if we could petition the board of directors to get her fired i wish but she has tenure so she's here to stay i guess so i'm thinking about looking for a new job wow it would be a shame if you left yeah but i feel like my talents aren't being fully appreciated here well then good luck on the job hunt i'm thinking about applying for a job at your company that's great it'd be so nice to work with you yeah do you know if there are any job benefits yes if you are in a high level position you get a company car and what about vacation days everyone typically gets two weeks do they give out christmas bonuses usually depending on how well the company did that year that all sounds great do you like working there i do but i do end up working on weekends sometimes i wouldn't mind if the salary is high enough the salaries are typically very generous are you interested in the sales position i am actually what does it involve you have to do a lot of cold calling but the commissions are big and are there sales quotas i would have to meet yes but they are quite reasonable and is there a basic salary along with the commissions yes but it's rather low most of your income would come from commissions it sounds great i have lots of experience in sales from my last job perfect when do you think you could start i could start next week next week works for us great see you then do you know when the shipment is arriving what shipment are we expecting we should be getting a shipment from overseas of fine fabrics oh yes i spoke with the fabric dealer yesterday and what did they say that there was a delay at the port because of bad weather and did they say when we should be expecting the shipment they said hopefully within seven days that's later than we expected yeah do you think this will delay production too much we should be all right we'll focus on other facets of the production in the meanwhile great i'm sure the final product will be wonderful do you know when the gross income report is due i think it's due on friday there is so much bookkeeping to go over are you feeling burnt out yeah i can't look at any more excel sheets i know what you mean i've been filling out sales reports all day staring at the computer all day is exhausting yeah do you want to take a coffee break with me absolutely but let's go somewhere out of the office all right a little coffee shop just opened up on the corner let's go okay let me get my things i just came from a meeting with the ceo and what did they say that the company's profits were down this year what else did they say that they were considering declaring bankruptcy that's terrible what about our jobs they will probably lay off most of the lower level workers how awful did they give any hope for the future of the company sort of they said if the economy improves in the next six months we might stay afloat well let's hope for that my livelihood depends on this job mine too i'll be working really hard to save the company same here do we have an idea of the company's net worth the company's net worth will change once the accruals have been accounted for and do you know when this will take place the accounting department will add the accruals to the balance sheet next week great this will give us a much better idea about how the company is doing you're right do you know what's next for us yes once we know our net worth the idea is to get a business loan and what will we be doing with the money hopefully opening a new store wonderful will it be here in town or in another city we are looking at opening one in new york city how exciting henry you showed incredible acumen during the meeting with the investors thank you so much yes you really were able to demonstrate the success we've had this year i hope they will continue to invest in our company i'm sure they will in fact i'm going to promote you really that's amazing thank you so much i think you'll be a great addition to our team upstairs i'm truly so grateful andy will be getting a sizable raise that's nice to hear well you deserve it i won't let you down do you mind asking the administration head if we have any future projects lined up absolutely i'll do that right after i've finished what i'm doing what are you working on at the moment i've got a sales presentation at the end of the week what's your angle going to be i'm going to tell the client they should do a primarily social media campaign that's a great idea i'm sure they'll go for it yeah i think it's a great plan for their product so please don't forget to speak to the head of administration later absolutely i'll let you know what they say thanks so much have a great afternoon you too what do you think of this ad design i like it the colors are so vivid thanks i still have to get it authorized by upper management i'm sure they will approve it i'm not so sure my last design was rejected really did they say why yeah they didn't like my use of color were the colors very similar to these no not at all i had used more muted tones well i think this looks great i'm sure you'll get authorization great i hope so otherwise it's back to the drawing board i've got to get back to work good luck i have the meeting at the bank today oh is that the one for the business loan yes we really need it for opening up the new store can we afford the collateral of the loan i think we can business has been great this year do you know what the interest is on the loan they told me over the phone that it's around 13 that seems rather high i researched it and that appears to be about average and what are they asking for for collateral they said that either inventory or accounts receivable are acceptable well we have quite a large stock at the moment so we should be fine i am so close to closing the house i'm selling that's amazing did the buyers get approved for their loan yes and i'm hoping to close the sale this afternoon is the commission very large the commission on the sale will be so big i'll be able to take a cruise with my family that's wonderful where will you be going i'm hoping to take them on a cruise to the bahamas oh we did that with my family a few years ago it was incredible well wish me luck closing the deal good luck you deserve that commission thanks if the deal goes through drinks are on me at happy hour sounds good to me we have to get ahead of our competitors this season you're right last year they beat us in sales do you have any ideas for getting ahead in the market we could do a focus group with consumers that's a great idea yes we could present three different looks for our fall line that's a great idea we should think about targeting younger consumers yes they are the ones setting style trends all right let's organize the focus group for next month that's fine i'll speak to the head of the outreach department this afternoon and i'll speak to the design department to see if they can get the looks ready in time great i'm sure we'll beat out the competition this year we will have to coordinate closely with the advertising department on this new project you're right because if we develop software that can't sell then it's pointless yeah that happened with our last project i know we put so much work into that app for identifying plants yes and they didn't market it to the right audience so no one downloaded it so let's talk to them first and make sure we are on the same page yes i think this new app for choosing shoes to go with outfits should be advertised to the gen z market right and we should tell them to focus on ads on tick tock absolutely and they should think about using instagram influencers that's a great idea thanks i think we'll finish the app by the end of the week yeah i think so too did you hear the rumors no what are you talking about i heard a conglomerate will buy our company really what do you think that will mean for our jobs well downsizing often happens when two companies merge that is so true i should really work on my resume just in case yeah i'm doing the same thing i heard the job market is tough right now i think it is it is very valuable to have more than one skill these days i only have experience doing accounting and i only have experience doing sales maybe we should go to business school to add to our skill set have you ever thought about being an entrepreneur yes but i don't have the capital to start a business my father was an entrepreneur in the video game industry that is so interesting i'm thinking about quitting my job and becoming an entrepreneur in cosmetics i admire entrepreneurs who break into new industries yeah me too do you have the money to do something like that no but i have a meeting with potential investors next week do you have products to show them already yes i had some prototypes made that's amazing good luck did you hear about the sales incentives this year no did they already announce them yes one is a trip to mexico wow are there other incentives yes the trip is for the first place salesperson but there is a prize for second place too what is it a gift certificate for a meal at a fancy restaurant that's not as good as a trip but i wouldn't mind winning that there are incentives for other things as well like what being on time every day and not missing any days oh i'm late all the time that one's not for me did you already send out the invoice for the latest work no which project are you talking about the corporate event that we produced on friday no i haven't sent it out yet well we really need to go ahead and do that these clients take forever to pay all right what is the total amount i should put on the invoice we agreed on thirty thousand dollars but there are incurred costs what were they we needed to hire extra security because they increased the number of attendees at the last minute and what was the cost of that two thousand dollars okay i'll send the invoice for thirty two thousand dollars do you know when our building lease runs out i'll have to check but i'm pretty sure it runs out in july this year that's soon have you thought about renewing it i've done some thinking about it i was thinking we should maybe move the store really why i know we do pretty good business here but i saw a shop up for lease in a very trendy part of town do you think we could afford it i do let's go check it out sure when do you have time this afternoon great we'll go this afternoon then do you think the new project will be a lucrative endeavor i really do i think the market is ready for a new sports drink have we decided on how many flavors we will be offering yes just three for the moment and which ones did you choose mango goji berry and green green yeah we haven't decided what the flavor for the green drink will be but the color is green alright have you done any market testing yes everyone loves the goji berry and mango flavors maybe we should just stick to those two flavors then yeah that's a good idea do you think our furniture selection is out of style yes i think the furniture we have for sale looks dated we should think about renewing all the merchandise in the stores yeah that's a large investment though you're right but we have to be competitive do you think we should hire new designers to get an edge in the market yes we should hire some young people who have a fresh outlook yeah we could do a recruitment drive at the local art school i think that's a great idea we may have to let some people go that will be quite difficult but we need to modernize i'll organize the recruitment drive this week can you plan a negotiation with our client sure what needs to be sorted out they are very close to hiring us to produce their entire fall line great so we need to negotiate pricing exactly i think we can get them to pay us more than last year i'm sure i can make that happen i think you'll do a great job with the contract thanks besides pricing is there anything else that needs to be negotiated yes the timeline of production we'll need three months all right i'll make sure they understand okay can you set it up for this week yes no problem do you think we should consider outsourcing our it support well i'm pretty sure our competitor has done exactly that i think outsourcing will lower costs i think you're right will you look into a good it support company yes i can do that right after i make a sales call all right let me know how the call goes oh well i'm hoping to land this new client would the sale be very big oh yeah and the commission is sizable well good luck with that and let me know what you find out about the outsourcing thanks will do if the cost of electricity goes up that will definitely affect our overhead we will need to get our overhead costs down somehow i think installing led lights could lower it yes but the cost of installation could be high you're right replacing every single light bulb could take some work we should do a cost analysis to study if it's worth it i'll talk to the engineering department that's a good idea we should come up with some other ways to lower overhead yes i've been thinking maybe we could install solar panels that's another great thing to look into yeah i think it could save money in the long run this is going to be a very busy week you're right we need to choose which clients we will prioritize yeah i promised my client that the work would be done on thursday and i told mine i would have everything ready today we'll need to work together to get all the paperwork in order yeah i'll be happy to help you tomorrow if you give me a hand today no problem do you think we should stay late today that probably won't be necessary great because i actually have an investors meeting early tomorrow morning i need to prepare for do you have the stock portfolio up to date to show them yes i've got that already perfect where should we hold the stockholders meeting today i was thinking the conference room that's a good idea but i think the sales team was going to do a presentation in there maybe the ceo would let us use her office that's a good idea i'll ask her yeah since the meeting will only have about 15 people i think we can make it work in there that office has such a nice view too that should help distract the stockholders why what do you mean well our numbers are a bit down this quarter i'm sure we'll be able to explain the reasons and reassure them yeah i'm sure it will go fine do you know how long i've worked here no how long has it been i've been working here for 15 years wow that's incredible i'm surprised you're not the boss by now well that's just the problem i feel like i should have been promoted last year and i wasn't well that's a shame what do you plan on doing honestly i'm thinking about quitting that's a big decision to make yeah i would have to look for a new job and update my resume do you know where you'd like to work well over the years some headhunters have gotten in touch with me to work at a big tech firm i think you should go for it what do you think our ad strategy should be this upcoming year i think we should email blast all of our old clients that's a good idea but we have to get new clients as well how about a social media campaign that's a great idea we should come up with some great hashtags to promote our brand yeah but we also have to think about older generations that's true we could also do a good old-fashioned tv ad absolutely but we need to keep it within our ad budget you're very right a couple of years ago we went way over and the sales generated didn't really justify the expenditure we could do a minimalist ad with very low production great idea so will email do a social media campaign and a low budget tv ad exactly i'll get the creative department right on it can you supervise the graphic designers sure what are they working on a new logo for the company great and when do they need to submit a first draft i told them we were expecting to see something by the first of the month all right and what else should i know well i told them the new logo should look similar to the old one but more modern okay anything else yes that the color palette should include mostly pastels sounds good i'll make sure all of those requirements are met thanks so much no problem let me know anything else you need an ex-employee of ours is threatening to sue the company really why they say they were unfairly terminated and is it true i would say not they were fired because they leaked company data to a competitor wow yeah but we don't have proof so the case will probably go into arbitration and do you think the company will pay them any settlement money we're hoping to avoid that but we'll see what happens well i think it's worth paying to keep the whole matter out of court you're definitely right i just wish we could prove they leaked the data maybe some evidence will come up before the arbitration we will need to collaborate closely with the creative department on our new project what's the new project we're developing new soaps for our bath and beauty line and what will the fragrance be we're thinking about an autumn themed apple scented soap great i'll get the creative department to come up with some clever packaging maybe we could get the soap package to look like a leaf that's a great idea thanks can you think of any other fall themed fragrances for soaps how about pumpkin spice scent i love that amazing let's get started on developing the soaps do you think this new product will be a commercial success i'm not sure we did some focus groups and the results were mixed we have gotten a lot of good press that's true the experts think our new smart fridge works really well so that's a positive sign absolutely we just don't know if people really feel they need a smart fridge we'll just have to do a huge marketing campaign what do you have in mind i was thinking about setting up displays in central shopping areas and people could interact with the fridge and learn more about it exactly that's a great idea we need to streamline the distribution of our products you're right a lot of time is wasted in our warehouse yeah we need to revamp the entire system we use in the warehouse in fact one of our clients called and said they didn't get their delivery this week you see this is a huge problem yeah i think the problem is also with the shipping company we use yes we need to look into a better company who can get the goods out quicker okay i'll get on it great so we need to hire someone who can look into our warehouse organization and all research shipping companies all right get back to me if you find a good one will do we need to have a meeting about diversifying our company what markets do you think we should diversify into i'm thinking into the health and beauty sector do you think people would be interested in buying health and beauty products from us i don't see why not well we're most well known for selling clothing that's true but we're already a recognizable brand that's a good point could you set up a meeting with the ceo and shareholders yeah when would you like to have the meeting i'm thinking the middle of next week all right i'll set it up i need to work on my spanish proficiency really why well i may be landing a big client in latin america wow that's amazing yeah and i'd like to be able to communicate with the client without the need of an interpreter that would be great so much gets lost in translation absolutely i think the company is offering language classes after work really i'd like to take advantage of that what language would you like to study i'm thinking about chinese there are loads of business opportunities in china that's a great idea yeah good luck with your spanish we need to order a large amount of leather what for we are going to be making handbags this season do you know where to get the leather no i was hoping you could help me find a wholesale store yeah i can look into that when do you need the materials well the production of the bags should take about two weeks and when are the bags going to be sent to the stores in about a month okay i'll try to get the leather next week thank you so much no problem i'll get right on it we're almost done with production on our new watches that's great do you have the buyers all lined up yes we do and have you thought about what kind of warranty the watches will come with we haven't decided yet what do you think i think one year warranty is standard yes and we could offer an extended warranty for a cost yeah what do you think would be the price we'd have to talk to the stores to see what they think all right i'll have my team do that great let me know what they find out will do i've been seeing a lot of new faces in the office lately yes we've had a high turnover this year why do you think that is well the economy is a bit unsteady so people switch jobs a lot yeah and how does the company deal with training new staff so often it's been a real challenge but we've come up with some innovations really like what we have a great interactive training program online so people can train themselves yeah mostly it's been very effective people have been catching on quickly that's great hopefully turnover will slow in the near future i'm sure it will after the economy stabilizes what do you think about our company's trademark it looks a bit dated when was it created i think it's from the 80s maybe it's time for a new one yeah do you know if the graphic design department is very busy right now well i know they're working hard on the new website design oh that's right well after they're done with that maybe we could have a meeting with them about changing the trademark yeah and we'll have to talk to the ceo and stockholders as well that's true we can meet with them once we have a few ideas for the new trademark do you have any opinions about the new trademark well i definitely like it to look more modern same here let's see what we can come up with you know i'm getting really sick of our boss same here she can be so mean yeah yesterday i told her it was my daughter's birthday and asked if i could go home early i bet she said no that's exactly what she said i wonder if we could petition the board of directors to get her fired i wish but she has tenure so she's here to stay i guess so i'm thinking about looking for a new job wow it would be a shame if you left yeah but i feel like my talents aren't being fully appreciated here well then good luck on the job hunt i'm thinking about applying for a job at your company that's great it'd be so nice to work with you yeah do you know if there are any job benefits yes if you are in a high level position you get a company car and what about vacation days everyone typically gets two weeks do they give out christmas bonuses usually depending on how well the company did that year that all sounds great do you like working there i do but i do end up working on weekends sometimes i wouldn't mind if the salary is high enough the salaries are typically very generous are you interested in the sales position i am actually what does it involve you have to do a lot of cold calling but the commissions are big and are there sales quotas i would have to meet yes but they are quite reasonable and is there a basic salary along with the commissions yes but it's rather low most of your income would come from commissions it sounds great i have lots of experience in sales from my last job perfect when do you think you could start i could start next week next week works for us great see you then do you know when the shipment is arriving what shipment are we expecting we should be getting a shipment from overseas of fine fabrics oh yes i spoke with the fabric dealer yesterday and what did they say that there was a delay at the port because of bad weather and did they say when we should be expecting the shipment they said hopefully within seven days that's later than we expected yeah do you think this will delay production too much we should be all right we'll focus on other facets of the production in the meanwhile great i'm sure the final product will be wonderful do you know when the gross income report is due i think it's due on friday there is so much bookkeeping to go over are you feeling burnt out yeah i can't look at any more excel sheets i know what you mean i've been filling out sales reports all day staring at the computer all day is exhausting yeah do you want to take a coffee break with me absolutely but let's go somewhere out of the office all right a little coffee shop just opened up on the corner let's go okay let me get my things i just came from a meeting with the ceo and what did they say that the company's profits were down this year what else did they say that they were considering declaring bankruptcy that's terrible what about our jobs they will probably lay off most of the lower level workers how awful did they give any hope for the future of the company sort of they said if the economy improves in the next six months we might stay afloat well let's hope for that my livelihood depends on this job mine too i'll be working really hard to save the company same here do we have an idea of the company's net worth the company's net worth will change once the accruals have been accounted for and do you know when this will take place the accounting department will add the accruals to the balance sheet next week great this will give us a much better idea about how the company is doing you're right do you know what's next for us yes once we know our net worth the idea is to get a business loan and what will we be doing with the money hopefully opening a new store wonderful will it be here in town or in another city we are looking at opening one in new york city how exciting henry you showed incredible acumen during the meeting with the investors thank you so much yes you really were able to demonstrate the success we've had this year i hope they will continue to invest in our company i'm sure they will in fact i'm going to promote you really that's amazing thank you so much i think you'll be a great addition to our team upstairs i'm truly so grateful and you will be getting a sizable raise that's nice to hear well you deserve it i won't let you down do you mind asking the administration head if we have any future projects lined up absolutely i'll do that right after i've finished what i'm doing what are you working on at the moment i've got a sales presentation at the end of the week what's your angle going to be i'm going to tell the client they should do a primarily social media campaign that's a great idea i'm sure they'll go for it yeah i think it's a great plan for their product so please don't forget to speak to the head of administration later absolutely i'll let you know what they say thanks so much have a great afternoon you too what do you think of this ad design i like it the colors are so vivid thanks i still have to get it authorized by upper management i'm sure they will approve it i'm not so sure my last design was rejected really did they say why yeah they didn't like my use of color were the colors very similar to these no not at all i had used more muted tones well i think this looks great i'm sure you'll get authorization great i hope so otherwise it's back to the drawing board i've got to get back to work good luck i have the meeting at the bank today oh is that the one for the business loan yes we really need it for opening up the new store can we afford the collateral of the loan i think we can business has been great this year do you know what the interest is on the loan they told me over the phone that it's around 13 that seems rather high i researched it and that appears to be about average and what are they asking for for collateral they said that either inventory or accounts receivable are acceptable well we have quite a large stock at the moment so we should be fine i am so close to closing the house i'm selling that's amazing did the buyers get approved for their loan yes and i'm hoping to close the sale this afternoon is the commission very large the commission on the sale will be so big i'll be able to take a cruise with my family that's wonderful where will you be going i'm hoping to take them on a cruise to the bahamas oh we did that with my family a few years ago it was incredible well wish me luck closing the deal good luck you deserve that commission thanks if the deal goes through drinks are on me at happy hour sounds good to me we have to get ahead of our competitors this season you're right last year they beat us in sales do you have any ideas for getting ahead in the market we could do a focus group with consumers that's a great idea yes we could present three different looks for our fall line that's a great idea we should think about targeting younger consumers yes they are the ones setting style trends alright let's organize the focus group for next month that's fine i'll speak to the head of the outreach department this afternoon and i'll speak to the design department to see if they can get the looks ready in time great i'm sure we'll beat out the competition this year we will have to coordinate closely with the advertising department on this new project you're right because if we develop software that can't sell then it's pointless yeah that happened with our last project i know we put so much work into that app for identifying plants yes and they didn't market it to the right audience so no one downloaded it so let's talk to them first and make sure we are on the same page yes i think this new app for choosing shoes to go with outfits should be advertised to the gen z market right and we should tell them to focus on ads on tick tock absolutely and they should think about using instagram influencers that's a great idea thanks i think we'll finish the app by the end of the week yeah i think so too did you hear the rumors no what are you talking about i heard a conglomerate will buy our company really what do you think that will mean for our jobs well downsizing often happens when two companies merge that is so true i should really work on my resume just in case yeah i'm doing the same thing i heard the job market is tough right now i think it is it is very valuable to have more than one skill these days i only have experience doing accounting and i only have experience doing sales maybe we should go to business school to add to our skill set have you ever thought about being an entrepreneur yes but i don't have the capital to start a business my father was an entrepreneur in the video game industry that is so interesting i'm thinking about quitting my job and becoming an entrepreneur in cosmetics i admire entrepreneurs who break into new industries yeah me too do you have the money to do something like that no but i have a meeting with potential investors next week do you have products to show them already yes i had some prototypes made that's amazing good luck did you hear about the sales incentives this year no did they already announce them yes one is a trip to mexico wow are there other incentives yes the trip is for the first place salesperson but there is a prize for second place too what is it a gift certificate for a meal at a fancy restaurant that's not as good as a trip but i wouldn't mind winning that there are incentives for other things as well like what being on time every day and not missing any days oh i'm late all the time that one's not for me did you already send out the invoice for the latest work no which project are you talking about the corporate event that we produced on friday no i haven't sent it out yet well we really need to go ahead and do that these clients take forever to pay all right what is the total amount i should put on the invoice we agreed on 30 000 but there are incurred costs what were they we needed to hire extra security because they increased the number of attendees at the last minute and what was the cost of that two thousand dollars okay i'll send the invoice for thirty two thousand dollars do you know when our building lease runs out i'll have to check but i'm pretty sure it runs out in july this year that's soon have you thought about renewing it i've done some thinking about it i was thinking we should maybe move the store really why i know we do pretty good business here but i saw a shop up for lease in a very trendy part of town do you think we could afford it i do let's go check it out sure when do you have time this afternoon great we'll go this afternoon then do you think the new project will be a lucrative endeavor i really do i think the market is ready for a new sports drink have we decided on how many flavors we will be offering yes just three for the moment and which ones did you choose mango goji berry and green green yeah we haven't decided what the flavor for the green drink will be but the color is green all right have you done any market testing yes everyone loves the goji berry and mango flavors maybe we should just stick to those two flavors then yeah that's a good idea do you think our furniture selection is out of style yes i think the furniture we have for sale looks dated we should think about renewing all the merchandise in the stores yeah that's a large investment though you're right but we have to be competitive do you think we should hire new designers to get an edge in the market yes we should hire some young people who have a fresh outlook yeah we could do a recruitment drive at the local art school i think that's a great idea we may have to let some people go that will be quite difficult but we need to modernize i'll organize the recruitment drive this week can you plan a negotiation with our client sure what needs to be sorted out they are very close to hiring us to produce their entire fall line great so we need to negotiate pricing exactly i think we can get them to pay us more than last year i'm sure i can make that happen i think you'll do a great job with the contract thanks besides pricing is there anything else that needs to be negotiated yes the timeline of production will need three months all right i'll make sure they understand okay can you set it up for this week yes no problem do you think we should consider outsourcing our it support well i'm pretty sure our competitor has done exactly that i think outsourcing will lower costs i think you're right will you look into a good it support company yes i can do that right after i make a sales call all right let me know how the call goes oh well i'm hoping to land this new client would the sale be very big oh yeah and the commission is sizable well good luck with that and let me know what you find out about the outsourcing thanks will do if the cost of electricity goes up that will definitely affect our overhead we will need to get our overhead costs down somehow i think installing led lights could lower it yes but the cost of installation could be high you're right replacing every single light bulb could take some work we should do a cost analysis to study if it's worth it i'll talk to the engineering department that's a good idea we should come up with some other ways to lower overhead yes i've been thinking maybe we could install solar panels that's another great thing to look into yeah i think it could save money in the long run this is going to be a very busy week you're right we need to choose which clients we will prioritize yeah i promised my client that the work would be done on thursday and i told mine i would have everything ready today we'll need to work together to get all the paperwork in order yeah i'll be happy to help you tomorrow if you give me a hand today no problem do you think we should stay late today that probably won't be necessary great because i actually have an investors meeting early tomorrow morning i need to prepare for ah do you have the stock portfolio up to date to show them yes i've got that already perfect where should we hold the stockholders meeting today i was thinking the conference room that's a good idea but i think the sales team was going to do a presentation in there maybe the ceo would let us use her office that's a good idea i'll ask her yeah since the meeting will only have about 15 people i think we can make it work in there that office has such a nice view too that should help distract the stockholders why what do you mean well our numbers are a bit down this quarter i'm sure we'll be able to explain the reasons and reassure them yeah i'm sure it will go fine do you know how long i've worked here no how long has it been i've been working here for 15 years wow that's incredible i'm surprised you're not the boss by now well that's just the problem i feel like i should have been promoted last year and i wasn't well that's a shame what do you plan on doing honestly i'm thinking about quitting that's a big decision to make yeah i would have to look for a new job and update my resume do you know where you'd like to work well over the years some headhunters have gotten in touch with me to work at a big tech firm i think you should go for it what do you think our ad strategy should be this upcoming year i think we should email blast all of our old clients that's a good idea but we have to get new clients as well how about a social media campaign that's a great idea we should come up with some great hashtags to promote our brand yeah but we also have to think about older generations that's true we could also do a good old-fashioned tv ad absolutely but we need to keep it within our ad budget you're very right a couple of years ago we went way over and the sales generated didn't really justify the expenditure we could do a minimalist ad with very low production great idea so will email do a social media campaign and a low budget tv ad exactly i'll get the creative department right on it can you supervise the graphic designers sure what are they working on a new logo for the company great and when do they need to submit a first draft i told them we were expecting to see something by the first of the month all right and what else should i know well i told them the new logo should look similar to the old one but more modern okay anything else yes that the color palette should include mostly pastels sounds good i'll make sure all of those requirements are met thanks so much no problem let me know anything else you need an ex-employee of ours is threatening to sue the company really why they say they were unfairly terminated and is it true i would say not they were fired because they leaked company data to a competitor wow yeah but we don't have proof so the case will probably go into arbitration and do you think the company will pay them any settlement money we're hoping to avoid that but we'll see what happens well i think it's worth paying to keep the whole matter out of court you're definitely right i just wish we could prove they leaked the data maybe some evidence will come up before the arbitration we will need to collaborate closely with the creative department on our new project what's the new project we're developing new soaps for our bath and beauty line and what will the fragrance be we're thinking about an autumn themed apple scented soap great i'll get the creative department to come up with some clever packaging maybe we could get the soap package to look like a leaf that's a great idea thanks can you think of any other fall themed fragrances for soaps how about pumpkin spice scent i love that amazing let's get started on developing the soaps do you think this new product will be a commercial success i'm not sure we did some focus groups and the results were mixed we have gotten a lot of good press that's true the experts think our new smart fridge works really well so that's a positive sign absolutely we just don't know if people really feel they need a smart fridge we'll just have to do a huge marketing campaign what do you have in mind i was thinking about setting up displays in central shopping areas and people could interact with the fridge and learn more about it exactly that's a great idea we need to streamline the distribution of our products you're right a lot of time is wasted in our warehouse yeah we need to revamp the entire system we use in the warehouse in fact one of our clients called and said they didn't get their delivery this week you see this is a huge problem yeah i think the problem is also with the shipping company we use yes we need to look into a better company who can get the goods out quicker okay i'll get on it great so we need to hire someone who can look into our warehouse organization and all research shipping companies all right get back to me if you find a good one will do we need to have a meeting about diversifying our company what markets do you think we should diversify into i'm thinking into the health and beauty sector do you think people would be interested in buying health and beauty products from us i don't see why not well we're most well known for selling clothing that's true but we're already a recognizable brand that's a good point could you set up a meeting with the ceo and shareholders yeah when would you like to have the meeting i'm thinking the middle of next week all right i'll set it up i need to work on my spanish proficiency really why well i may be landing a big client in latin america wow that's amazing yeah and i'd like to be able to communicate with the client without the need of an interpreter that would be great so much gets lost in translation absolutely i think the company is offering language classes after work really i'd like to take advantage of that what language would you like to study i'm thinking about chinese there are loads of business opportunities in china that's a great idea yeah good luck with your spanish we need to order a large amount of leather what for we are going to be making handbags this season do you know where to get the leather no i was hoping you could help me find a wholesale store yeah i can look into that when do you need the materials well the production of the bags should take about two weeks and when are the bags going to be sent to the stores in about a month okay i'll try to get the leather next week thank you so much no problem i'll get right on it we're almost done with production on our new watches that's great do you have the buyers all lined up yes we do and have you thought about what kind of warranty the watches will come with we haven't decided yet what do you think i think one year warranty is standard yes and we could offer an extended warranty for a cost yeah what do you think would be the price we'd have to talk to the stores to see what they think all right i'll have my team do that great let me know what they find out will do i've been seeing a lot of new faces in the office lately yes we've had a high turnover this year why do you think that is well the economy is a bit unsteady so people switch jobs a lot yeah and how does the company deal with training new staff so often it's been a real challenge but we've come up with some innovations really like what we have a great interactive training program online so people can train themselves yeah mostly it's been very effective people have been catching on quickly that's great hopefully turnover will slow in the near future i'm sure it will after the economy stabilizes what do you think about our company's trademark it looks a bit dated when was it created i think it's from the 80s maybe it's time for a new one yeah do you know if the graphic design department is very busy right now well i know they're working hard on the new website design oh that's right well after they're done with that maybe we could have a meeting with them about changing the trademark yeah and we'll have to talk to the ceo and stockholders as well that's true we can meet with them once we have a few ideas for the new trademark do you have any opinions about the new trademark well i definitely like it to look more modern same here let's see what we can come up with you know i'm getting really sick of our boss same here she can be so mean yeah yesterday i told her it was my daughter's birthday and asked if i could go home early i bet she said no that's exactly what she said i wonder if we could petition the board of directors to get her fired i wish but she has tenure so she's here to stay i guess so i'm thinking about looking for a new job wow it would be a shame if you left yeah but i feel like my talents aren't being fully appreciated here well then good luck on the job hunt i'm thinking about applying for a job at your company that's great it'd be so nice to work with you yeah do you know if there are any job benefits yes if you are in a high level position you get a company car and what about vacation days everyone typically gets two weeks do they give out christmas bonuses usually depending on how well the company did that year that all sounds great do you like working there i do but i do end up working on weekends sometimes i wouldn't mind if the salary is high enough the salaries are typically very generous are you interested in the sales position i am actually what does it involve you have to do a lot of cold calling but the commissions are big and are there sales quotas i would have to meet yes but they are quite reasonable and is there a basic salary along with the commissions yes but it's rather low most of your income would come from commissions it sounds great i have lots of experience in sales from my last job perfect when do you think you could start i could start next week next week works for us great see you then do you know when the shipment is arriving what shipment are we expecting we should be getting a shipment from overseas of fine fabrics oh yes i spoke with the fabric dealer yesterday and what did they say that there was a delay at the port because of bad weather and did they say when we should be expecting the shipment they said hopefully within seven days that's later than we expected yeah do you think this will delay production too much we should be all right we'll focus on other facets of the production in the meanwhile great i'm sure the final product will be wonderful do you know when the gross income report is due i think it's due on friday there is so much bookkeeping to go over are you feeling burnt out yeah i can't look at any more excel sheets i know what you mean i've been filling out sales reports all day staring at the computer all day is exhausting yeah do you want to take a coffee break with me absolutely but let's go somewhere out of the office all right a little coffee shop just opened up on the corner let's go okay let me get my things i just came from a meeting with the ceo and what did they say that the company's profits were down this year what else did they say that they were considering declaring bankruptcy that's terrible what about our jobs they will probably lay off most of the lower level workers how awful did they give any hope for the future of the company sort of they said if the economy improves in the next six months we might stay afloat well let's hope for that my livelihood depends on this job mine too i'll be working really hard to save the company same here do we have an idea of the company's net worth the company's net worth will change once the accruals have been accounted for and do you know when this will take place the accounting department will add the accruals to the balance sheet next week great this will give us a much better idea about how the company is doing you're right do you know what's next for us yes once we know our net worth the idea is to get a business loan and what will we be doing with the money hopefully opening a new store wonderful will it be here in town or in another city we are looking at opening one in new york city how exciting henry you showed incredible acumen during the meeting with the investors thank you so much yes you really were able to demonstrate the success we've had this year i hope they will continue to invest in our company i'm sure they will in fact i'm going to promote you really that's amazing thank you so much i think you'll be a great addition to our team upstairs i'm truly so grateful and you will be getting a sizable raise that's nice to hear well you deserve it i won't let you down do you mind asking the administration head if we have any future projects lined up absolutely i'll do that right after i've finished what i'm doing what are you working on at the moment i've got a sales presentation at the end of the week what's your angle going to be i'm going to tell the client they should do a primarily social media campaign that's a great idea i'm sure they'll go for it yeah i think it's a great plan for their product so please don't forget to speak to the head of administration later absolutely i'll let you know what they say thanks so much have a great afternoon you too what do you think of this ad design i like it the colors are so vivid thanks i still have to get it authorized by upper management i'm sure they will approve it i'm not so sure my last design was rejected really did they say why yeah they didn't like my use of color were the colors very similar to these no not at all i had used more muted tones well i think this looks great i'm sure you'll get authorization great i hope so otherwise it's back to the drawing board i've got to get back to work good luck i have the meeting at the bank today oh is that the one for the business loan yes we really need it for opening up the new store can we afford the collateral of the loan i think we can business has been great this year do you know what the interest is on the loan they told me over the phone that it's around 13 that seems rather high i researched it and that appears to be about average and what are they asking for for collateral they said that either inventory or accounts receivable are acceptable well we have quite a large stock at the moment so we should be fine i am so close to closing the house i'm selling that's amazing did the buyers get approved for their loan yes and i'm hoping to close the sale this afternoon is the commission very large the commission on the sale will be so big i'll be able to take a cruise with my family that's wonderful where will you be going i'm hoping to take them on a cruise to the bahamas oh we did that with my family a few years ago it was incredible well wish me luck closing the deal good luck you deserve that commission thanks if the deal goes through drinks are on me at happy hour sounds good to me we have to get ahead of our competitors this season you're right last year they beat us in sales do you have any ideas for getting ahead in the market we could do a focus group with consumers that's a great idea yes we could present three different looks for our fall line that's a great idea we should think about targeting younger consumers yes they are the ones setting style trends all right let's organize the focus group for next month that's fine i'll speak to the head of the outreach department this afternoon and i'll speak to the design department to see if they can get the looks ready in time great i'm sure we'll beat out the competition this year we will have to coordinate closely with the advertising department on this new project you're right because if we develop software that can't sell then it's pointless yeah that happened with our last project i know we put so much work into that app for identifying plants yes and they didn't market it to the right audience so no one downloaded it so let's talk to them first and make sure we are on the same page yes i think this new app for choosing shoes to go with outfits should be advertised to the gen z market right and we should tell them to focus on ads on tick tock absolutely and they should think about using instagram influencers that's a great idea thanks i think we'll finish the app by the end of the week yeah i think so too did you hear the rumors no what are you talking about i heard a conglomerate will buy our company really what do you think that will mean for our jobs well downsizing often happens when two companies merge that is so true i should really work on my resume just in case yeah i'm doing the same thing i heard the job market is tough right now i think it is it is very valuable to have more than one skill these days i only have experience doing accounting and i only have experience doing sales maybe we should go to business school to add to our skill set have you ever thought about being an entrepreneur yes but i don't have the capital to start a business my father was an entrepreneur in the video game industry that is so interesting i'm thinking about quitting my job and becoming an entrepreneur in cosmetics i admire entrepreneurs who break into new industries yeah me too do you have the money to do something like that no but i have a meeting with potential investors next week do you have products to show them already yes i had some prototypes made that's amazing good luck did you hear about the sales incentives this year no did they already announce them yes one is a trip to mexico wow are there other incentives yes the trip is for the first place salesperson but there is a prize for second place too what is it a gift certificate for a meal at a fancy restaurant that's not as good as a trip but i wouldn't mind winning that there are incentives for other things as well like what being on time every day and not missing any days oh i'm late all the time that one's not for me did you already send out the invoice for the latest work no which project are you talking about the corporate event that we produced on friday no i haven't sent it out yet well we really need to go ahead and do that these clients take forever to pay all right what is the total amount i should put on the invoice we agreed on thirty thousand dollars but there are incurred costs what were they we needed to hire extra security because they increased the number of attendees at the last minute and what was the cost of that two thousand dollars okay i'll send the invoice for 32 000 do you know when our building lease runs out i'll have to check but i'm pretty sure it runs out in july this year that's soon have you thought about renewing it i've done some thinking about it i was thinking we should maybe move the store really why i know we do pretty good business here but i saw a shop up for lease in a very trendy part of town do you think we could afford it i do let's go check it out sure when do you have time this afternoon great we'll go this afternoon then do you think the new project will be a lucrative endeavor i really do i think the market is ready for a new sports drink have we decided on how many flavors we will be offering yes just three for the moment and which ones did you choose mango goji berry and green green yeah we haven't decided what the flavor for the green drink will be but the color is green all right have you done any market testing yes everyone loves the goji berry and mango flavors maybe we should just stick to those two flavors then yeah that's a good idea do you think our furniture selection is out of style yes i think the furniture we have for sale looks dated we should think about renewing all the merchandise in the stores yeah that's a large investment though you're right but we have to be competitive do you think we should hire new designers to get an edge in the market yes we should hire some young people who have a fresh outlook yeah we could do a recruitment drive at the local art school i think that's a great idea we may have to let some people go that will be quite difficult but we need to modernize i'll organize the recruitment drive this week can you plan a negotiation with our client sure what needs to be sorted out they are very close to hiring us to produce their entire fall line great so we need to negotiate pricing exactly i think we can get them to pay us more than last year i'm sure i can make that happen i think you'll do a great job with the contract thanks besides pricing is there anything else that needs to be negotiated yes the timeline of production we'll need three months all right i'll make sure they understand okay can you set it up for this week yes no problem do you think we should consider outsourcing our it support well i'm pretty sure our competitor has done exactly that i think outsourcing will lower costs i think you're right will you look into a good it support company yes i can do that right after i make a sales call all right let me know how the call goes oh well i'm hoping to land this new client would the sale be very big oh yeah and the commission is sizable well good luck with that and let me know what you find out about the outsourcing thanks will do if the cost of electricity goes up that will definitely affect our overhead we will need to get our overhead costs down somehow i think installing led lights could lower it yes but the cost of installation could be high you're right replacing every single light bulb could take some work we should do a cost analysis to study if it's worth it i'll talk to the engineering department that's a good idea we should come up with some other ways to lower overhead yes i've been thinking maybe we could install solar panels that's another great thing to look into yeah i think it could save money in the long run this is going to be a very busy week you're right we need to choose which clients we will prioritize yeah i promised my client that the work would be done on thursday and i told mine i would have everything ready today we'll need to work together to get all the paperwork in order yeah i'll be happy to help you tomorrow if you give me a hand today no problem do you think we should stay late today that probably won't be necessary great because i actually have an investors meeting early tomorrow morning i need to prepare for ah do you have the stock portfolio up to date to show them yes i've got that already perfect where should we hold the stockholders meeting today i was thinking the conference room that's a good idea but i think the sales team was going to do a presentation in there maybe the ceo would let us use her office that's a good idea i'll ask her yeah since the meeting will only have about 15 people i think we can make it work in there that office has such a nice view too that should help distract the stockholders why what do you mean well our numbers are a bit down this quarter i'm sure we'll be able to explain the reasons and reassure them yeah i'm sure it will go fine do you know how long i've worked here no how long has it been i've been working here for 15 years wow that's incredible i'm surprised you're not the boss by now well that's just the problem i feel like i should have been promoted last year and i wasn't well that's a shame what do you plan on doing honestly i'm thinking about quitting that's a big decision to make yeah i would have to look for a new job and update my resume do you know where you'd like to work well over the years some headhunters have gotten in touch with me to work at a big tech firm i think you should go for it what do you think our ad strategy should be this upcoming year i think we should email blast all of our old clients that's a good idea but we have to get new clients as well how about a social media campaign that's a great idea we should come up with some great hashtags to promote our brand yeah but we also have to think about older generations that's true we could also do a good old-fashioned tv ad absolutely but we need to keep it within our ad budget you're very right a couple of years ago we went way over and the sales generated didn't really justify the expenditure we could do a minimalist ad with very low production great idea so will email do a social media campaign and a low budget tv ad exactly i'll get the creative department right on it can you supervise the graphic designers sure what are they working on a new logo for the company great and when do they need to submit a first draft i told them we were expecting to see something by the first of the month all right and what else should i know well i told them the new logo should look similar to the old one but more modern okay anything else yes that the color palette should include mostly pastels sounds good i'll make sure all of those requirements are met thanks so much no problem let me know anything else you need an ex-employee of ours is threatening to sue the company really why they say they were unfairly terminated and is it true i would say not they were fired because they leaked company data to a competitor wow yeah but we don't have proof so the case will probably go into arbitration and do you think the company will pay them any settlement money we're hoping to avoid that but we'll see what happens well i think it's worth paying to keep the whole matter out of court you're definitely right i just wish we could prove they leaked the data maybe some evidence will come up before the arbitration we will need to collaborate closely with the creative department on our new project what's the new project we're developing new soaps for our bath and beauty line and what will the fragrance be we're thinking about an autumn themed apple scented soap great i'll get the creative department to come up with some clever packaging maybe we could get the soap package to look like a leaf that's a great idea thanks can you think of any other fall themed fragrances for soaps how about pumpkin spice scent i love that amazing let's get started on developing the soaps do you think this new product will be a commercial success i'm not sure we did some focus groups and the results were mixed we have gotten a lot of good press that's true the experts think our new smart fridge works really well so that's a positive sign absolutely we just don't know if people really feel they need a smart fridge we'll just have to do a huge marketing campaign what do you have in mind i was thinking about setting up displays in central shopping areas and people could interact with the fridge and learn more about it exactly that's a great idea we need to streamline the distribution of our products you're right a lot of time is wasted in our warehouse yeah we need to revamp the entire system we use in the warehouse in fact one of our clients called and said they didn't get their delivery this week you see this is a huge problem yeah i think the problem is also with the shipping company we use yes we need to look into a better company who can get the goods out quicker okay i'll get on it great so we need to hire someone who can look into our warehouse organization and all research shipping companies all right get back to me if you find a good one will do we need to have a meeting about diversifying our company what markets do you think we should diversify into i'm thinking into the health and beauty sector do you think people would be interested in buying health and beauty products from us i don't see why not well we're most well known for selling clothing that's true but we're already a recognizable brand that's a good point could you set up a meeting with the ceo and shareholders yeah when would you like to have the meeting i'm thinking the middle of next week all right i'll set it up i need to work on my spanish proficiency really why well i may be landing a big client in latin america wow that's amazing yeah and i'd like to be able to communicate with the client without the need of an interpreter that would be great so much gets lost in translation absolutely i think the company is offering language classes after work really i'd like to take advantage of that what language would you like to study i'm thinking about chinese there are loads of business opportunities in china that's a great idea yeah good luck with your spanish we need to order a large amount of leather what for we are going to be making handbags this season do you know where to get the leather no i was hoping you could help me find a wholesale store yeah i can look into that when do you need the materials well the production of the bags should take about two weeks and when are the bags going to be sent to the stores in about a month okay i'll try to get the leather next week thank you so much no problem i'll get right on it we're almost done with production on our new watches that's great do you have the buyers all lined up yes we do and have you thought about what kind of warranty the watches will come with we haven't decided yet what do you think i think one year warranty is standard yes and we could offer an extended warranty for a cost yeah what do you think would be the price we'd have to talk to the stores to see what they think all right i'll have my team do that great let me know what they find out will do i've been seeing a lot of new faces in the office lately yes we've had a high turnover this year why do you think that is well the economy is a bit unsteady so people switch jobs a lot yeah and how does the company deal with training new staff so often it's been a real challenge but we've come up with some innovations really like what we have a great interactive training program online so people can train themselves yeah mostly it's been very effective people have been catching on quickly that's great hopefully turnover will slow in the near future i'm sure it will after the economy stabilizes what do you think about our company's trademark it looks a bit dated when was it created i think it's from the 80s maybe it's time for a new one yeah do you know if the graphic design department is very busy right now well i know they're working hard on the new website design oh that's right well after they're done with that maybe we could have a meeting with them about changing the trademark yeah and we'll have to talk to the ceo and stockholders as well that's true we can meet with them once we have a few ideas for the new trademark do you have any opinions about the new trademark well i definitely like it to look more modern same here let's see what we can come up with you know i'm getting really sick of our boss same here she can be so mean yeah yesterday i told her it was my daughter's birthday and asked if i could go home early i bet she said no that's exactly what she said i wonder if we could petition the board of directors to get her fired i wish but she has tenure so she's here to stay i guess so i'm thinking about looking for a new job wow it would be a shame if you left yeah but i feel like my talents aren't being fully appreciated here well then good luck on the job hunt i'm thinking about applying for a job at your company that's great it'd be so nice to work with you yeah do you know if there are any job benefits yes if you are in a high level position you get a company car and what about vacation days everyone typically gets two weeks do they give out christmas bonuses usually depending on how well the company did that year that all sounds great do you like working there i do but i do end up working on weekends sometimes i wouldn't mind if the salary is high enough the salaries are typically very generous are you interested in the sales position i am actually what does it involve you have to do a lot of cold calling but the commissions are big and are there sales quotas i would have to meet yes but they are quite reasonable and is there a basic salary along with the commissions yes but it's rather low most of your income would come from commissions it sounds great i have lots of experience in sales from my last job perfect when do you think you could start i could start next week next week works for us great see you then do you know when the shipment is arriving what shipment are we expecting we should be getting a shipment from overseas of fine fabrics oh yes i spoke with the fabric dealer yesterday and what did they say that there was a delay at the port because of bad weather and did they say when we should be expecting the shipment they said hopefully within seven days that's later than we expected yeah do you think this will delay production too much we should be all right we'll focus on other facets of the production in the meanwhile great i'm sure the final product will be wonderful do you know when the gross income report is due i think it's due on friday there is so much bookkeeping to go over are you feeling burnt out yeah i can't look at any more excel sheets i know what you mean i've been filling out sales reports all day staring at the computer all day is exhausting yeah do you want to take a coffee break with me absolutely but let's go somewhere out of the office all right a little coffee shop just opened up on the corner let's go okay let me get my things i just came from a meeting with the ceo and what did they say that the company's profits were down this year what else did they say that they were considering declaring bankruptcy that's terrible what about our jobs they will probably lay off most of the lower level workers how awful did they give any hope for the future of the company sort of they said if the economy improves in the next six months we might stay afloat well let's hope for that my livelihood depends on this job mine too i'll be working really hard to save the company same here do we have an idea of the company's net worth the company's net worth will change once the accruals have been accounted for and do you know when this will take place the accounting department will add the accruals to the balance sheet next week great this will give us a much better idea about how the company is doing you're right do you know what's next for us yes once we know our net worth the idea is to get a business loan and what will we be doing with the money hopefully opening a new store wonderful will it be here in town or in another city we are looking at opening one in new york city how exciting henry you showed incredible acumen during the meeting with the investors thank you so much yes you really were able to demonstrate the success we've had this year i hope they will continue to invest in our company i'm sure they will in fact i'm going to promote you really that's amazing thank you so much i think you'll be a great addition to our team upstairs i'm truly so grateful and you will be getting a sizeable raise that's nice to hear well you deserve it i won't let you down do you mind asking the administration head if we have any future projects lined up absolutely i'll do that right after i've finished what i'm doing what are you working on at the moment i've got a sales presentation at the end of the week what's your angle going to be i'm going to tell the client they should do a primarily social media campaign that's a great idea i'm sure they'll go for it yeah i think it's a great plan for their product so please don't forget to speak to the head of administration later absolutely i'll let you know what they say thanks so much have a great afternoon you too what do you think of this ad design i like it the colors are so vivid thanks i still have to get it authorized by upper management i'm sure they will approve it i'm not so sure my last design was rejected really did they say why yeah they didn't like my use of color were the colors very similar to these no not at all i had used more muted tones well i think this looks great i'm sure you'll get authorization great i hope so otherwise it's back to the drawing board i've got to get back to work good luck i have the meeting at the bank today oh is that the one for the business loan yes we really need it for opening up the new store can we afford the collateral of the loan i think we can business has been great this year do you know what the interest is on the loan they told me over the phone that it's around 13 that seems rather high i researched it and that appears to be about average and what are they asking for for collateral they said that either inventory or accounts receivable are acceptable well we have quite a large stock at the moment so we should be fine i am so close to closing the house i'm selling that's amazing did the buyers get approved for their loan yes and i'm hoping to close the sale this afternoon is the commission very large the commission on the sale will be so big i'll be able to take a cruise with my family that's wonderful where will you be going i'm hoping to take them on a cruise to the bahamas oh we did that with my family a few years ago it was incredible well wish me luck closing the deal good luck you deserve that commission thanks if the deal goes through drinks are on me at happy hour sounds good to me we have to get ahead of our competitors this season you're right last year they beat us in sales do you have any ideas for getting ahead in the market we could do a focus group with consumers that's a great idea yes we could present three different looks for our fall line that's a great idea we should think about targeting younger consumers yes they are the ones setting style trends alright let's organize the focus group for next month that's fine i'll speak to the head of the outreach department this afternoon and i'll speak to the design department to see if they can get the looks ready in time great i'm sure we'll beat out the competition this year we will have to coordinate closely with the advertising department on this new project you're right because if we develop software that can't sell then it's pointless yeah that happened with our last project i know we put so much work into that app for identifying plants yes and they didn't market it to the right audience so no one downloaded it so let's talk to them first and make sure we are on the same page yes i think this new app for choosing shoes to go with outfits should be advertised to the gen z market right and we should tell them to focus on ads on tick tock absolutely and they should think about using instagram influencers that's a great idea thanks i think we'll finish the app by the end of the week yeah i think so too did you hear the rumors no what are you talking about i heard a conglomerate will buy our company really what do you think that will mean for our jobs well downsizing often happens when two companies merge that is so true i should really work on my resume just in case yeah i'm doing the same thing i heard the job market is tough right now i think it is it is very valuable to have more than one skill these days i only have experience doing accounting and i only have experience doing sales maybe we should go to business school to add to our skill set have you ever thought about being an entrepreneur yes but i don't have the capital to start a business my father was an entrepreneur in the video game industry that is so interesting i'm thinking about quitting my job and becoming an entrepreneur in cosmetics i admire entrepreneurs who break into new industries yeah me too do you have the money to do something like that no but i have a meeting with potential investors next week do you have products to show them already yes i had some prototypes made that's amazing good luck did you hear about the sales incentives this year no did they already announce them yes one is a trip to mexico wow are there other incentives yes the trip is for the first place sales person but there is a prize for second place too what is it a gift certificate for a meal at a fancy restaurant that's not as good as a trip but i wouldn't mind winning that there are incentives for other things as well like what being on time every day and not missing any days oh i'm late all the time that one's not for me did you already send out the invoice for the latest work no which project are you talking about the corporate event that we produced on friday no i haven't sent it out yet well we really need to go ahead and do that these clients take forever to pay all right what is the total amount i should put on the invoice we agreed on thirty thousand dollars but there are incurred costs what were they we needed to hire extra security because they increased the number of attendees at the last minute and what was the cost of that two thousand dollars okay i'll send the invoice for thirty two thousand dollars do you know when our building lease runs out i'll have to check but i'm pretty sure it runs out in july this year that's soon have you thought about renewing it i've done some thinking about it i was thinking we should maybe move the store really why i know we do pretty good business here but i saw a shop up for lease in a very trendy part of town do you think we could afford it i do let's go check it out sure when do you have time this afternoon great we'll go this afternoon then do you think the new project will be a lucrative endeavor i really do i think the market is ready for a new sports drink have we decided on how many flavors we will be offering yes just three for the moment and which ones did you choose mango goji berry and green green yeah we haven't decided what the flavor for the green drink will be but the color is green all right have you done any market testing yes everyone loves the goji berry and mango flavors maybe we should just stick to those two flavors then yeah that's a good idea do you think our furniture selection is out of style yes i think the furniture we have for sale looks dated we should think about renewing all the merchandise in the stores yeah that's a large investment though you're right but we have to be competitive do you think we should hire new designers to get an edge in the market yes we should hire some young people who have a fresh outlook yeah we could do a recruitment drive at the local art school i think that's a great idea we may have to let some people go that will be quite difficult but we need to modernize i'll organize the recruitment drive this week can you plan a negotiation with our client sure what needs to be sorted out they are very close to hiring us to produce their entire fall line great so we need to negotiate pricing exactly i think we can get them to pay us more than last year i'm sure i can make that happen i think you'll do a great job with the contract thanks besides pricing is there anything else that needs to be negotiated yes the timeline of production will need three months all right i'll make sure they understand okay can you set it up for this week yes no problem do you think we should consider outsourcing our it support well i'm pretty sure our competitor has done exactly that i think outsourcing will lower costs i think you're right will you look into a good it support company yes i can do that right after i make a sales call all right let me know how the call goes i will i'm hoping to land this new client would the sale be very big oh yeah and the commission is sizable well good luck with that and let me know what you find out about the outsourcing thanks will do if the cost of electricity goes up that will definitely affect our overhead we will need to get our overhead costs down somehow i think installing led lights could lower it yes but the cost of installation could be high you're right replacing every single light bulb could take some work we should do a cost analysis to study if it's worth it i'll talk to the engineering department that's a good idea we should come up with some other ways to lower overhead yes i've been thinking maybe we could install solar panels that's another great thing to look into yeah i think it could save money in the long run this is going to be a very busy week you're right we need to choose which clients we will prioritize yeah i promised my client that the work would be done on thursday and i told mine i would have everything ready today we'll need to work together to get all the paperwork in order yeah i'll be happy to help you tomorrow if you give me a hand today no problem do you think we should stay late today that probably won't be necessary great because i actually have an investors meeting early tomorrow morning i need to prepare for ah do you have the stock portfolio up to date to show them yes i've got that already perfect where should we hold the stockholders meeting today i was thinking the conference room that's a good idea but i think the sales team was going to do a presentation in there maybe the ceo would let us use her office that's a good idea i'll ask her yeah since the meeting will only have about 15 people i think we can make it work in there that office has such a nice view too that should help distract the stockholders why what do you mean well our numbers are a bit down this quarter i'm sure we'll be able to explain the reasons and reassure them yeah i'm sure it will go fine do you know how long i've worked here no how long has it been i've been working here for 15 years wow that's incredible i'm surprised you're not the boss by now well that's just the problem i feel like i should have been promoted last year and i wasn't well that's a shame what do you plan on doing honestly i'm thinking about quitting that's a big decision to make yeah i would have to look for a new job and update my resume do you know where you'd like to work well over the years some headhunters have gotten in touch with me to work at a big tech firm i think you should go for it what do you think our ad strategy should be this upcoming year i think we should email blast all of our old clients that's a good idea but we have to get new clients as well how about a social media campaign that's a great idea we should come up with some great hashtags to promote our brand yeah but we also have to think about older generations that's true we could also do a good old-fashioned tv ad absolutely but we need to keep it within our ad budget you're very right a couple of years ago we went way over and the sales generated didn't really justify the expenditure we could do a minimalist ad with very low production great idea so will email do a social media campaign and a low budget tv ad exactly i'll get the creative department right on it can you supervise the graphic designers sure what are they working on a new logo for the company great and when do they need to submit a first draft i told them we were expecting to see something by the first of the month alright and what else should i know well i told them the new logo should look similar to the old one but more modern okay anything else yes that the color palette should include mostly pastels sounds good i'll make sure all of those requirements are met thanks so much no problem let me know anything else you need an ex-employee of ours is threatening to sue the company really why they say they were unfairly terminated and is it true i would say not they were fired because they leaked company data to a competitor wow yeah but we don't have proof so the case will probably go into arbitration and do you think the company will pay them any settlement money we're hoping to avoid that but we'll see what happens well i think it's worth paying to keep the whole matter out of court you're definitely right i just wish we could prove they leaked the data maybe some evidence will come up before the arbitration we will need to collaborate closely with the creative department on our new project what's the new project we're developing new soaps for our bath and beauty line and what will the fragrance be we're thinking about an autumn themed apple scented soap great i'll get the creative department to come up with some clever packaging maybe we could get the soap package to look like a leaf that's a great idea thanks can you think of any other fall themed fragrances for soaps how about pumpkin spice scent i love that amazing let's get started on developing the soaps do you think this new product will be a commercial success i'm not sure we did some focus groups and the results were mixed we have gotten a lot of good press that's true the experts think our new smart fridge works really well so that's a positive sign absolutely we just don't know if people really feel they need a smart fridge we'll just have to do a huge marketing campaign what do you have in mind i was thinking about setting up displays in central shopping areas and people could interact with the fridge and learn more about it exactly that's a great idea we need to streamline the distribution of our products you're right a lot of time is wasted in our warehouse yeah we need to revamp the entire system we use in the warehouse in fact one of our clients called and said they didn't get their delivery this week you see this is a huge problem yeah i think the problem is also with the shipping company we use yes we need to look into a better company who can get the goods out quicker okay i'll get on it great so we need to hire someone who can look into our warehouse organization and all research shipping companies all right get back to me if you find a good one will do we need to have a meeting about diversifying our company what markets do you think we should diversify into i'm thinking into the health and beauty sector do you think people would be interested in buying health and beauty products from us i don't see why not well we're most well known for selling clothing that's true but we're already a recognizable brand that's a good point could you set up a meeting with the ceo and shareholders yeah when would you like to have the meeting i'm thinking the middle of next week all right i'll set it up i need to work on my spanish proficiency really why well i may be landing a big client in latin america wow that's amazing yeah and i'd like to be able to communicate with the client without the need of an interpreter that would be great so much gets lost in translation absolutely i think the company is offering language classes after work really i'd like to take advantage of that what language would you like to study i'm thinking about chinese there are loads of business opportunities in china that's a great idea yeah good luck with your spanish we need to order a large amount of leather what for we are going to be making handbags this season do you know where to get the leather no i was hoping you could help me find a wholesale store yeah i can look into that when do you need the materials well the production of the bags should take about two weeks and when are the bags going to be sent to the stores in about a month okay i'll try to get the leather next week thank you so much no problem i'll get right on it we're almost done with production on our new watches that's great do you have the buyers all lined up yes we do and have you thought about what kind of warranty the watches will come with we haven't decided yet what do you think i think one year warranty is standard yes and we could offer an extended warranty for a cost yeah what do you think would be the price we'd have to talk to the stores to see what they think all right i'll have my team do that great let me know what they find out will do i've been seeing a lot of new faces in the office lately yes we've had a high turnover this year why do you think that is well the economy is a bit unsteady so people switch jobs a lot yeah and how does the company deal with training new staff so often it's been a real challenge but we've come up with some innovations really like what we have a great interactive training program online so people can train themselves yeah mostly it's been very effective people have been catching on quickly that's great hopefully turnover will slow in the near future i'm sure it will after the economy stabilizes what do you think about our company's trademark it looks a bit dated when was it created i think it's from the 80s maybe it's time for a new one yeah do you know if the graphic design department is very busy right now well i know they're working hard on the new website design oh that's right well after they're done with that maybe we could have a meeting with them about changing the trademark yeah and we'll have to talk to the ceo and stockholders as well that's true we can meet with them once we have a few ideas for the new trademark do you have any opinions about the new trademark well i definitely like it to look more modern same here let's see what we can come up with you know i'm getting really sick of our boss same here she can be so mean yeah yesterday i told her it was my daughter's birthday and asked if i could go home early i bet she said no that's exactly what she said i wonder if we could petition the board of directors to get her fired i wish but she has tenure so she's here to stay i guess so i'm thinking about looking for a new job wow it would be a shame if you left yeah but i feel like my talents aren't being fully appreciated here well then good luck on the job hunt i'm thinking about applying for a job at your company that's great it'd be so nice to work with you yeah do you know if there are any job benefits yes if you are in a high level position you get a company car and what about vacation days everyone typically gets two weeks do they give out christmas bonuses usually depending on how well the company did that year that all sounds great do you like working there i do but i do end up working on weekends sometimes i wouldn't mind if the salary is high enough the salaries are typically very generous are you interested in the sales position i am actually what does it involve you have to do a lot of cold calling but the commissions are big and are there sales quotas i would have to meet yes but they are quite reasonable and is there a basic salary along with the commissions yes but it's rather low most of your income would come from commissions it sounds great i have lots of experience in sales from my last job perfect when do you think you could start i could start next week next week works for us great see you then do you know when the shipment is arriving what shipment are we expecting we should be getting a shipment from overseas of fine fabrics oh yes i spoke with the fabric dealer yesterday and what did they say that there was a delay at the port because of bad weather and did they say when we should be expecting the shipment they said hopefully within seven days that's later than we expected yeah do you think this will delay production too much we should be all right we'll focus on other facets of the production in the meanwhile great i'm sure the final product will be wonderful do you know when the gross income report is due i think it's due on friday there is so much bookkeeping to go over are you feeling burnt out yeah i can't look at any more excel sheets i know what you mean i've been filling out sales reports all day staring at the computer all day is exhausting yeah do you want to take a coffee break with me absolutely but let's go somewhere out of the office all right a little coffee shop just opened up on the corner let's go okay let me get my things i just came from a meeting with the ceo and what did they say that the company's profits were down this year what else did they say that they were considering declaring bankruptcy that's terrible what about our jobs they will probably lay off most of the lower level workers how awful did they give any hope for the future of the company sort of they said if the economy improves in the next six months we might stay afloat well let's hope for that my livelihood depends on this job mine too i'll be working really hard to save the company same here do we have an idea of the company's net worth the company's net worth will change once the accruals have been accounted for and do you know when this will take place the accounting department will add the accruals to the balance sheet next week great this will give us a much better idea about how the company is doing you're right do you know what's next for us yes once we know our net worth the idea is to get a business loan and what will we be doing with the money hopefully opening a new store wonderful will it be here in town or in another city we are looking at opening one in new york city how exciting henry you showed incredible acumen during the meeting with the investors thank you so much yes you really were able to demonstrate the success we've had this year i hope they will continue to invest in our company i'm sure they will in fact i'm going to promote you really that's amazing thank you so much i think you'll be a great addition to our team upstairs i'm truly so grateful and you will be getting a sizable raise that's nice to hear well you deserve it i won't let you down do you mind asking the administration head if we have any future projects lined up absolutely i'll do that right after i've finished what i'm doing what are you working on at the moment i've got a sales presentation at the end of the week what's your angle going to be i'm going to tell the client they should do a primarily social media campaign that's a great idea i'm sure they'll go for it yeah i think it's a great plan for their product so please don't forget to speak to the head of administration later absolutely i'll let you know what they say thanks so much have a great afternoon you too what do you think of this ad design i like it the colors are so vivid thanks i still have to get it authorized by upper management i'm sure they will approve it i'm not so sure my last design was rejected really did they say why yeah they didn't like my use of color were the colors very similar to these no not at all i had used more muted tones well i think this looks great i'm sure you'll get authorization great i hope so otherwise it's back to the drawing board i've got to get back to work good luck i have the meeting at the bank today oh is that the one for the business loan yes we really need it for opening up the new store can we afford the collateral of the loan i think we can business has been great this year do you know what the interest is on the loan they told me over the phone that it's around 13 that seems rather high i researched it and that appears to be about average and what are they asking for for collateral they said that either inventory or accounts receivable are acceptable well we have quite a large stock at the moment so we should be fine i am so close to closing the house i'm selling that's amazing did the buyers get approved for their loan yes and i'm hoping to close the sale this afternoon is the commission very large the commission on the sale will be so big i'll be able to take a cruise with my family that's wonderful where will you be going i'm hoping to take them on a cruise to the bahamas oh we did that with my family a few years ago it was incredible well wish me luck closing the deal good luck you deserve that commission thanks if the deal goes through drinks are on me at happy hour sounds good to me we have to get ahead of our competitors this season you're right last year they beat us in sales do you have any ideas for getting ahead in the market we could do a focus group with consumers that's a great idea yes we could present three different looks for our fall line that's a great idea we should think about targeting younger consumers yes they are the ones setting style trends all right let's organize the focus group for next month that's fine i'll speak to the head of the outreach department this afternoon and i'll speak to the design department to see if they can get the looks ready in time great i'm sure we'll beat out the competition this year we will have to coordinate closely with the advertising department on this new project you're right because if we develop software that can't sell then it's pointless yeah that happened with our last project i know we put so much work into that app for identifying plants yes and they didn't market it to the right audience so no one downloaded it so let's talk to them first and make sure we are on the same page yes i think this new app for choosing shoes to go with outfits should be advertised to the gen z market right and we should tell them to focus on ads on tick tock absolutely and they should think about using instagram influencers that's a great idea thanks i think we'll finish the app by the end of the week yeah i think so too did you hear the rumors no what are you talking about i heard a conglomerate will buy our company really what do you think that will mean for our jobs well downsizing often happens when two companies merge that is so true i should really work on my resume just in case yeah i'm doing the same thing i heard the job market is tough right now i think it is it is very valuable to have more than one skill these days i only have experience doing accounting and i only have experience doing sales maybe we should go to business school to add to our skill set have you ever thought about being an entrepreneur yes but i don't have the capital to start a business my father was an entrepreneur in the video game industry that is so interesting i'm thinking about quitting my job and becoming an entrepreneur in cosmetics i admire entrepreneurs who break into new industries yeah me too do you have the money to do something like that no but i have a meeting with potential investors next week do you have products to show them already yes i had some prototypes made that's amazing good luck did you hear about the sales incentives this year no did they already announce them yes one is a trip to mexico wow are there other incentives yes the trip is for the first place sales person but there is a prize for second place too what is it a gift certificate for a meal at a fancy restaurant that's not as good as a trip but i wouldn't mind winning that there are incentives for other things as well like what being on time every day and not missing any days oh i'm late all the time that one's not for me did you already send out the invoice for the latest work no which project are you talking about the corporate event that we produced on friday no i haven't sent it out yet well we really need to go ahead and do that these clients take forever to pay all right what is the total amount i should put on the invoice we agreed on thirty thousand dollars but there are incurred costs what were they we needed to hire extra security because they increased the number of attendees at the last minute and what was the cost of that two thousand dollars okay i'll send the invoice for thirty two thousand dollars do you know when our building lease runs out i'll have to check but i'm pretty sure it runs out in july this year that's soon have you thought about renewing it i've done some thinking about it i was thinking we should maybe move the store really why i know we do pretty good business here but i saw a shop up for lease in a very trendy part of town do you think we could afford it i do let's go check it out sure when do you have time this afternoon great we'll go this afternoon then do you think the new project will be a lucrative endeavor i really do i think the market is ready for a new sports drink have we decided on how many flavors we will be offering yes just three for the moment and which ones did you choose mango goji berry and green green yeah we haven't decided what the flavor for the green drink will be but the color is green all right have you done any market testing yes everyone loves the goji berry and mango flavors maybe we should just stick to those two flavors then yeah that's a good idea do you think our furniture selection is out of style yes i think the furniture we have for sale looks dated we should think about renewing all the merchandise in the stores yeah that's a large investment though you're right but we have to be competitive do you think we should hire new designers to get an edge in the market yes we should hire some young people who have a fresh outlook yeah we could do a recruitment drive at the local art school i think that's a great idea we may have to let some people go that will be quite difficult but we need to modernize i'll organize the recruitment drive this week can you plan a negotiation with our client sure what needs to be sorted out they are very close to hiring us to produce their entire fall line great so we need to negotiate pricing exactly i think we can get them to pay us more than last year i'm sure i can make that happen i think you'll do a great job with the contract thanks besides pricing is there anything else that needs to be negotiated yes the timeline of production will need three months all right i'll make sure they understand okay can you set it up for this week yes no problem do you think we should consider outsourcing our it support well i'm pretty sure our competitor has done exactly that i think outsourcing will lower costs i think you're right will you look into a good it support company yes i can do that right after i make a sales call all right let me know how the call goes oh well i'm hoping to land this new client would the sale be very big oh yeah and the commission is sizable well good luck with that and let me know what you find out about the outsourcing thanks will do if the cost of electricity goes up that will definitely affect our overhead we will need to get our overhead costs down somehow i think installing led lights could lower it yes but the cost of installation could be high you're right replacing every single light bulb could take some work we should do a cost analysis to study if it's worth it i'll talk to the engineering department that's a good idea we should come up with some other ways to lower overhead yes i've been thinking maybe we could install solar panels that's another great thing to look into yeah i think it could save money in the long run this is going to be a very busy week you're right we need to choose which clients we will prioritize yeah i promised my client that the work would be done on thursday and i told mine i would have everything ready today we'll need to work together to get all the paperwork in order yeah i'll be happy to help you tomorrow if you give me a hand today no problem do you think we should stay late today that probably won't be necessary great because i actually have an investors meeting early tomorrow morning i need to prepare for ah do you have the stock portfolio up to date to show them yes i've got that already perfect where should we hold the stockholders meeting today i was thinking the conference room that's a good idea but i think the sales team was going to do a presentation in there maybe the ceo would let us use her office that's a good idea i'll ask her yeah since the meeting will only have about 15 people i think we can make it work in there that office has such a nice view too that should help distract the stockholders why what do you mean well our numbers are a bit down this quarter i'm sure we'll be able to explain the reasons and reassure them yeah i'm sure it will go fine do you know how long i've worked here no how long has it been i've been working here for 15 years wow that's incredible i'm surprised you're not the boss by now well that's just the problem i feel like i should have been promoted last year and i wasn't well that's a shame what do you plan on doing honestly i'm thinking about quitting that's a big decision to make yeah i would have to look for a new job and update my resume do you know where you'd like to work well over the years some headhunters have gotten in touch with me to work at a big tech firm i think you should go for it what do you think our ad strategy should be this upcoming year i think we should email blast all of our old clients that's a good idea but we have to get new clients as well how about a social media campaign that's a great idea we should come up with some great hashtags to promote our brand yeah but we also have to think about older generations that's true we could also do a good old-fashioned tv ad absolutely but we need to keep it within our ad budget you're very right a couple of years ago we went way over and the sales generated didn't really justify the expenditure we could do a minimalist ad with very low production great idea so will email do a social media campaign and a low budget tv ad exactly i'll get the creative department right on it can you supervise the graphic designers sure what are they working on a new logo for the company great and when do they need to submit a first draft i told them we were expecting to see something by the first of the month alright and what else should i know well i told them the new logo should look similar to the old one but more modern okay anything else yes that the color palette should include mostly pastels sounds good i'll make sure all of those requirements are met thanks so much no problem let me know anything else you need an ex-employee of ours is threatening to sue the company really why they say they were unfairly terminated and is it true i would say not they were fired because they leaked company data to a competitor wow yeah but we don't have proof so the case will probably go into arbitration and do you think the company will pay them any settlement money we're hoping to avoid that but we'll see what happens well i think it's worth paying to keep the whole matter out of court you're definitely right i just wish we could prove they leaked the data maybe some evidence will come up before the arbitration we will need to collaborate closely with the creative department on our new project what's the new project we're developing new soaps for our bath and beauty line and what will the fragrance be we're thinking about an autumn themed apple scented soap great i'll get the creative department to come up with some clever packaging maybe we could get the soap package to look like a leaf that's a great idea thanks can you think of any other fall themed fragrances for soaps how about pumpkin spice scent i love that amazing let's get started on developing the soaps do you think this new product will be a commercial success i'm not sure we did some focus groups and the results were mixed we have gotten a lot of good press that's true the experts think our new smart fridge works really well so that's a positive sign absolutely we just don't know if people really feel they need a smart fridge we'll just have to do a huge marketing campaign what do you have in mind i was thinking about setting up displays in central shopping areas and people could interact with the fridge and learn more about it exactly that's a great idea we need to streamline the distribution of our products you're right a lot of time is wasted in our warehouse yeah we need to revamp the entire system we use in the warehouse in fact one of our clients called and said they didn't get their delivery this week you see this is a huge problem yeah i think the problem is also with the shipping company we use yes we need to look into a better company who can get the goods out quicker okay i'll get on it great so we need to hire someone who can look into our warehouse organization and all research shipping companies all right get back to me if you find a good one will do we need to have a meeting about diversifying our company what markets do you think we should diversify into i'm thinking into the health and beauty sector do you think people would be interested in buying health and beauty products from us i don't see why not well we're most well known for selling clothing that's true but we're already a recognizable brand that's a good point could you set up a meeting with the ceo and shareholders yeah when would you like to have the meeting i'm thinking the middle of next week all right i'll set it up i need to work on my spanish proficiency really why well i may be landing a big client in latin america wow that's amazing yeah and i'd like to be able to communicate with the client without the need of an interpreter that would be great so much gets lost in translation absolutely i think the company is offering language classes after work really i'd like to take advantage of that what language would you like to study i'm thinking about chinese there are loads of business opportunities in china that's a great idea yeah good luck with your spanish we need to order a large amount of leather what for we are going to be making handbags this season do you know where to get the leather no i was hoping you could help me find a wholesale store yeah i can look into that when do you need the materials well the production of the bags should take about two weeks and when are the bags going to be sent to the stores in about a month okay i'll try to get the leather next week thank you so much no problem i'll get right on it we're almost done with production on our new watches that's great do you have the buyers all lined up yes we do and have you thought about what kind of warranty the watches will come with we haven't decided yet what do you think i think one year warranty is standard yes and we could offer an extended warranty for a cost yeah what do you think would be the price we'd have to talk to the stores to see what they think all right i'll have my team do that great let me know what they find out will do i've been seeing a lot of new faces in the office lately yes we've had a high turnover this year why do you think that is well the economy is a bit unsteady so people switch jobs a lot yeah and how does the company deal with training new staff so often it's been a real challenge but we've come up with some innovations really like what we have a great interactive training program online so people can train themselves yeah mostly it's been very effective people have been catching on quickly that's great hopefully turnover will slow in the near future i'm sure it will after the economy stabilizes what do you think about our company's trademark it looks a bit dated when was it created i think it's from the 80s maybe it's time for a new one yeah do you know if the graphic design department is very busy right now well i know they're working hard on the new website design oh that's right well after they're done with that maybe we could have a meeting with them about changing the trademark yeah and we'll have to talk to the ceo and stockholders as well that's true we can meet with them once we have a few ideas for the new trademark do you have any opinions about the new trademark well i definitely like it to look more modern same here let's see what we can come up with you know i'm getting really sick of our boss same here she can be so mean yeah yesterday i told her it was my daughter's birthday and asked if i could go home early i bet she said no that's exactly what she said i wonder if we could petition the board of directors to get her fired i wish but she has tenure so she's here to stay i guess so i'm thinking about looking for a new job wow it would be a shame if you left yeah but i feel like my talents aren't being fully appreciated here well then good luck on the job hunt i'm thinking about applying for a job at your company that's great it'd be so nice to work with you yeah do you know if there are any job benefits yes if you are in a high level position you get a company car and what about vacation days everyone typically gets two weeks do they give out christmas bonuses usually depending on how well the company did that year that all sounds great do you like working there i do but i do end up working on weekends sometimes i wouldn't mind if the salary is high enough the salaries are typically very generous are you interested in the sales position i am actually what does it involve you have to do a lot of cold calling but the commissions are big and are there sales quotas i would have to meet yes but they are quite reasonable and is there a basic salary along with the commissions yes but it's rather low most of your income would come from commissions it sounds great i have lots of experience in sales from my last job perfect when do you think you could start i could start next week next week works for us great see you then do you know when the shipment is arriving what shipment are we expecting we should be getting a shipment from overseas of fine fabrics oh yes i spoke with the fabric dealer yesterday and what did they say that there was a delay at the port because of bad weather and did they say when we should be expecting the shipment they said hopefully within seven days that's later than we expected yeah do you think this will delay production too much we should be all right we'll focus on other facets of the production in the meanwhile great i'm sure the final product will be wonderful do you know when the gross income report is due i think it's due on friday there is so much bookkeeping to go over are you feeling burnt out yeah i can't look at any more excel sheets i know what you mean i've been filling out sales reports all day staring at the computer all day is exhausting yeah do you want to take a coffee break with me absolutely but let's go somewhere out of the office all right a little coffee shop just opened up on the corner let's go okay let me get my things i just came from a meeting with the ceo and what did they say that the company's profits were down this year what else did they say that they were considering declaring bankruptcy that's terrible what about our jobs they will probably lay off most of the lower level workers how awful did they give any hope for the future of the company sort of they said if the economy improves in the next six months we might stay afloat well let's hope for that my livelihood depends on this job mine too i'll be working really hard to save the company same here do we have an idea of the company's net worth the company's net worth will change once the accruals have been accounted for and do you know when this will take place the accounting department will add the accruals to the balance sheet next week great this will give us a much better idea about how the company is doing you're right do you know what's next for us yes once we know our net worth the idea is to get a business loan and what will we be doing with the money hopefully opening a new store wonderful will it be here in town or in another city we are looking at opening one in new york city how exciting henry you showed incredible acumen during the meeting with the investors thank you so much yes you really were able to demonstrate the success we've had this year i hope they will continue to invest in our company i'm sure they will in fact i'm going to promote you really that's amazing thank you so much i think you'll be a great addition to our team upstairs i'm truly so grateful and you will be getting a sizable raise that's nice to hear well you deserve it i won't let you down do you mind asking the administration head if we have any future projects lined up absolutely i'll do that right after i've finished what i'm doing what are you working on at the moment i've got a sales presentation at the end of the week what's your angle going to be i'm going to tell the client they should do a primarily social media campaign that's a great idea i'm sure they'll go for it yeah i think it's a great plan for their product so please don't forget to speak to the head of administration leader absolutely i'll let you know what they say thanks so much have a great afternoon you too what do you think of this ad design i like it the colors are so vivid thanks i still have to get it authorized by upper management i'm sure they will approve it i'm not so sure my last design was rejected really did they say why yeah they didn't like my use of color were the colors very similar to these no not at all i had used more muted tones well i think this looks great i'm sure you'll get authorization great i hope so otherwise it's back to the drawing board i've got to get back to work good luck i have the meeting at the bank today oh is that the one for the business loan yes we really need it for opening up the new store can we afford the collateral of the loan i think we can business has been great this year do you know what the interest is on the loan they told me over the phone that it's around 13 that seems rather high i researched it and that appears to be about average and what are they asking for for collateral they said that either inventory or accounts receivable are acceptable well we have quite a large stock at the moment so we should be fine i am so close to closing the house i'm selling that's amazing did the buyers get approved for their loan yes and i'm hoping to close the sale this afternoon is the commission very large the commission on the sale will be so big i'll be able to take a cruise with my family that's wonderful where will you be going i'm hoping to take them on a cruise to the bahamas oh we did that with my family a few years ago it was incredible well wish me luck closing the deal good luck you deserve that commission thanks if the deal goes through drinks are on me at happy hour sounds good to me we have to get ahead of our competitors this season you're right last year they beat us in sales do you have any ideas for getting ahead in the market we could do a focus group with consumers that's a great idea yes we could present three different looks for our fall line that's a great idea we should think about targeting younger consumers yes they are the ones setting style trends all right let's organize the focus group for next month that's fine i'll speak to the head of the outreach department this afternoon and i'll speak to the design department to see if they can get the looks ready in time great i'm sure we'll beat out the competition this year we will have to coordinate closely with the advertising department on this new project you're right because if we develop software that can't sell then it's pointless yeah that happened with our last project i know we put so much work into that app for identifying plants yes and they didn't market it to the right audience so no one downloaded it so let's talk to them first and make sure we are on the same page yes i think this new app for choosing shoes to go with outfits should be advertised to the gen z market right and we should tell them to focus on ads on tick tock absolutely and they should think about using instagram influencers that's a great idea thanks i think we'll finish the app by the end of the week yeah i think so too did you hear the rumors no what are you talking about i heard a conglomerate will buy our company really what do you think that will mean for our jobs well downsizing often happens when two companies merge that is so true i should really work on my resume just in case yeah i'm doing the same thing i heard the job market is tough right now i think it is it is very valuable to have more than one skill these days i only have experience doing accounting and i only have experience doing sales maybe we should go to business school to add to our skill set have you ever thought about being an entrepreneur yes but i don't have the capital to start a business my father was an entrepreneur in the video game industry that is so interesting i'm thinking about quitting my job and becoming an entrepreneur in cosmetics i admire entrepreneurs who break into new industries yeah me too do you have the money to do something like that no but i have a meeting with potential investors next week do you have products to show them already yes i had some prototypes made that's amazing good luck
Channel: Sleep Learning
Views: 135,162
Rating: 4.8834357 out of 5
Keywords: Business Conversation, Learn Business English, Business English Conversation Learn While You Sleep, Learn English Conversation While Sleeping
Id: uzAjLCin2c8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 52sec (10852 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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