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oh, cool to see female guests, and another "ad" lmao

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AngelChu 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2022 🗫︎ replies

Oh how I wish they could travel again. Im seriously getting tired of these "X tries Korean food for the first time" type of videos.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/throwawayx0987x 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] I've actually been sitting in the spot the whole time actually I want to say a big thank you my favorite restaurant in London is now karimbo really big kimchi garlic clove trust me in the lettuce like um yeah first time we were around we had Soju for some cream barbecue second time we bought Korean chicken and beer today we've got John and Macquarie Michael what is it in Chelsea did you bring one cloud so the first thing we're going to be trying today is kimchi John it's like a pancake Pizza have you tried Korean food before I have yeah okay I know you have energy no I don't think I have I'm quite a fussy eater so okay I don't know how I'm feeling about this today let's give it a taste dip it in this yeah cheers [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] a nice crunch to it yeah yeah I like it because I'm eating it that's really good that's unreal exactly yeah help yourself what does it taste like just tastes good I don't know yeah I think the crispiness helped it a lot I like when it's like a little bit the crispy as well it's really nice bit Crispy Crunchy on the outside soft in the middle I'm about that that's nice very good that is good yeah yeah liking that I'm liking that a lot keep going guys my tongue's getting a fire in a minute the tongue's on fire kimchi kimchi John's not that spicy though that's amazing I think this is better than chicken already I'll be honest really you like the job I love this fantastic it's a nice side as you said nice fussy eater approval yeah I just might need some of that should we try it with the macro preparing come on rice wine yeah white wine that looks like every vanilla milkshake do we drink out of the bowl yeah I think that feels like a dip you know what I mean like I don't know I know I know I've never really talked for a boat this is like a traditional Macaulay cup or Bowl oh you drink galleries do you say cheers tastes a bit like wine [Music] well straight down well that that's that's well nice I mean do you want to try it with some kimchi Johnny as well because this is the pairing oh that is good man slips down it just slips down your throat it's easy to drink yeah that's it usually if I go about and you have alcohol with dinner sometimes it's heavy you can't really swallow it yeah exactly that's easy this is just like it's enough just slips but you could probably still get drunk from it this is dangerous this is this is dangerous oh six percent by the way I don't think I didn't see it it tastes like it should be an alcohol yeah it is six percent it's Majestic it works properly I'm not training tonight I'm sorry I feel like my life has been rough for me 29 years I've been on this Earth yeah 29 years I've been on planet Earth this settles my spiciness in the mouth I was a little bit on fire yeah and now it's gone I'm a bit worried that that's the first thing it's a good extinguisher you're good at this yeah all right you're up for the next type of John probably my personal favorite John Hammer Paddon and Hammer is seafood oh I reckon I like this one then again these are all side dishes I mean these are common like Andrews like a pairing that you'd have with alcohol in Korea because whenever you go drinking in Korea you're never just drinking you always have food to pair it with how do I say that in England everyone looks at me as I'm strange yeah crisps that would be the English get stuck in give it a go it looks very vibrant don't you [Music] round two is even better than round one it is very nice to be fair this is ridiculous oh that is just beautiful quite impressive here oh my God this one's um yeah [Music] it's upon there right no no no no no no no no no no I'm sorry yeah and I'm not a massive seafood fan okay but you like this yeah I rate this better than the first one because the seafood just makes it slap yeah differently yeah yeah it's good right to pair with this John we actually have another muffler for you oh my favorite part another very popular flavor Chestnut Chestnut it's like like almond milk you know did you say it's rice based yeah oh fine that makes more sense or even say like when you wash your rice that's the that's the stuff I do you know that color done okay so am I technically drinking Chestnut flavored alcohol or not yeah mental more than joking yeah yeah that is banging mate you can have that that's yours oh my God amazing thank you very much [Music] that is surprisingly really nice yeah yeah I really like that it's refreshing it is yeah you're right that bit is sweet though he's sweet yeah sweet of course adds a bit of warmth through it wintery yeah yeah yeah chestnuts that's a little yeah okay it really does taste like nights after really there's a lot of lights in oh that's cool isn't it that's really nice yeah that's a different one there you go yeah you can actually take that if you want it it's almost that's yours I didn't feel like my head would be turned like this but whoa and your last John we're gonna have John John's back he's uh John and John outside um that looks like black pudding okay you're not in a kind of way you know I mean that one that's an aggressive omelette okay and that one looks like it just looks scary as you say this is scary it's like beef with like egg on it that's exactly what that is oh that is a beef Johnson beef with egg yeah and this is actually potato John that's potatoes [Music] in Korea this would actually be a bit more like of a lighter potato color but funnily enough English potatoes kind of brings out a purpley a bit different oh okay different texture okay you feel that texture yeah foreign [Music] [Music] Koreans are all about the flavor pairings let's go [Music] yeah do it oh now you're making me hungry that's just eating that well solid facial expressions are not body language it's good it's good this one that's the one I'm doing it I knew it yeah that's a game changer that was a game changer and that on top of it yeah that won't be as good if that wasn't it that's it it actually wouldn't yeah Koreans know what they're doing the combinations so [Music] oh this is a big flat mate you're going all in look at that kanja John and you John together [Music] boom boom go for it [Music] yes yeah yeah yeah that smug look yeah Game Changer bit Immokalee that's the winner we need that in England yeah we'll take that yeah yeah but I'm surprised honestly I wasn't sure you were gonna like any of this because when you said you're a picky eater I love that but you're you're a fan a lot I like that as well I'm actually proud of myself happily to wash it down next one's almost like a bit more of a dessert this is banana I'm just thinking banana milkshake in my head this could seriously slap that really good it's good that smells oh yeah [Music] banana hey this is the one all right here all I'm saying is everybody out there banana microwave get that hashtag United are now promoting every game you'll see us pregame post game we'll have a banana muffin okay okay I wouldn't recommend it pre-game probably don't worry about that it will work this is amazing that that is yeah yeah that's the best one I like that really yeah I could drink this because it tastes like banana milkshake okay but I know it would get me messed up alcoholic all right guys welcome to the world of Macaulay and John John very very good combo first one's the easiest to drink I'd say that's the one that feels like it really cleanses your palette the first one pairs the best with the Johns again yeah nice and your favorite John the second one yeah that's my personal favorite as well hey John what's good and when you get it nice and like thick and chunky kind of crispy on the outside soft in the middle fine if you want to say this tastes good you like lashes soil mashy soil massive soil yeah okay that's really good nicely done and we end our videos we say that's all for today that was good come on so I heard on the Grapevine that you guys like a bit of spicy food you may have heard correct the next thing we have is a little challenge it's called Pokemon [Music] I'm Hiccup and that's not a good sign is it it's not a good sign s on fire I feel like I've had like Pixies my eyes might be watering it's getting worse does this help or hinder luckily helps yeah you lose a challenge but you know it helps I'm trying to walk out there alive [Music]
Channel: 영국남자 Korean Englishman
Views: 5,957,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Korean, 영국남자, 영국, 조쉬, 올리, Josh, Ollie, KoreanEnglish, English, Man, englishman, food, 음식, 외국인, 반응, 영상, 웃긴, 남자, 외국, 도전, 매운, 조니, 조엘, 신부님, 크리스, 올리아빠, 해물, 치킨, 삼겹살, korean, BBQ, fried, chicken, 라면, 불닭볶음면, 미친남자
Id: DVxbaXKgUDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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