English 9 Quarter 3 Module 3: Judging the Validity of the Evidence Listened To

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learn and love english with teacher [Music] joanna [Music] good day great night learners it's another lovely day to learn and to love the english subject i am teacher joanna and join me once again as we discover new knowledge and exciting experiences prepare your pen and your paper together with your english module 3 and be ready to learn at a comfort of your home let's start our day with a prayer dear heavenly father we thank you for giving us another wonderful and exciting day to learn new things and skills we thank you for the gift of life knowledge and wisdom father god we pray for your guidance and blessing as we unfold what you have prepared for us today grant us a sound mind and a sound body all throughout the day keep everyone safe in your loving arms amidst the pandemic that we are facing once again we thank you and praise you in the name of our lord and savior jesus christ amen in your previous lesson you have learned to determine key ideas in a material view judge the relevance and worth of ideas presented in the material viewed and evaluate the truthfulness of assertions in a text these skills will surely help you understand more what we are going to discuss today before that let's set your mood with an activity so you get your pen and paper are you ready let's start preliminary activity [Music] we're listening activity the word cloud form a word cloud or graphic organizer of the sena names of the word validity [Music] my [Music] times up here are the possible answers the word validity is synonymous to the words reliability rationality logic sustainability believability and effectiveness did you get all the given words we often hear the word validity or valid just like when we get our valid ids and in this lesson we will learn the implication of the word validity next hunt for word synonymous to the word evidence your timer starts now [Music] here are the correct answers let's read them one by one proof indication confirmation revelation attestation affirmation corroboration verification and documentation did you get all the correct answers good job you have fun making your own word cloud for the word validity did you enjoy searching for words from the cinema pantry for the word evidence well i hope that you are now ready to give me the specific meaning of these two words would you like to try it oxford language dictionary defines validity as the quality or being actually sound the state of being legally or officially binding or acceptable based from the cambridge dictionary evidence is one or more reasons for believing that something is or is not true i know that you are now curious of what you are about to learn today do you have any idea of what we are going to discuss that's awesome our topic for today is about judge the validity of the evidence listened to here are the lesson objectives would you like to read it for me number one one define argumentative content number two two identify types of evidences number three three judge the validity of the evidence listened to expressing our opinion about an issue is very difficult for us to do as there are times that our ideas are against a trans or culture however due to its necessity we are forced to push through with it because we believe that our position has to do with the welfare of the majority we have to take a stand no matter how unpopular it is because doing so brings an incomparable change whether you are now in the process of making an important decision or taking a stand about an issue or just want to hone your skills to improve your future performance you will find something valuable in this lesson to judge the validity of the evidence listen to you need to employ various skills and understanding of the text the values that are instilled in you would be helpful in enhancing your thinking ability and emotional stability you can also use your prior knowledge or schema or significant human experience in order to arrive with the correct judgment when do we actually use our skill in judging the validity of the evidence listened to we can actually apply this in making an argumentative content what is an argumentative content can you please read this one for me an argumentative content tries to change the reader's mind by convincing him or her to agree with the writer's points of view it is a piece of writing that takes a stance on an issue the writer attempts to persuade readers to understand and support their point of view about a topic by stating their reasoning and providing evidence to back it up it should have a straightforward structure so they are easy for readers to follow the goal of an argumentative content is to clearly outline a point of view reasoning and evidence what are these evidences here are the four types of evidences the four types are as follows you have statistical evidence which is your data's your raw numbers your percentages your facts your surveys you have testimonial evidence which is an eyewitness account a quote from someone who could verify a fact this is information that comes directly from authorities you have anecdotal evidence which is personal observations or a personal story someone who would uh explain something that happened to them and then finally you have analogical evidence which compares relationships it says this situation is just like that situation [Music] [Applause] examples [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] how can you apply this in your life as a student as a 21st century learners the changing world and the global trends may influence you or affect you as a person and as a citizen every day of your lives you hear information from different sources this information help you to become perceptive and widen your perspective on something and anything under the sun all those things have an implication in your daily life it will either make you or break you as a person in making judgment you can also apply your core values in life don't forget that we have four core values these are pages this would be very helpful in making your own judgment of whatever you are about to listen to while listening activity take down as much information from the video that you will watch or listen to [Music] and as we celebrate earth month this april we talk to organizations that are leading the fight to protect our environment greenpeace philippines is one of them the group aims to pave the way for a greener and more peaceful world by addressing the factors that threaten the environment paolo alberta recently spoke to its country director lea guerrero and she told him about practices that adversely impact climate change what is accelerating climate change is our rampant use of fossil fuels so that is the problem that we have right now and unless we shift to a massive uptick of renewable energy um and ensure that we decarbonize in the next nine years uh before the window of 2030 is closed then we could uh by then avert the worst impacts of climate change and keep global temperatures below 1.5 degrees so in the philippines um the biggest contributor to carbon emissions are the transport and energy sector because these are the sectors that use the most uh fossil fuels and emit the most greenhouse gas emissions right something to be a little more concerned about obviously now during this time of the pandemic people are definitely more careful and mindful when it comes to our health we're we're trying to eat better we're trying to get our exercise we're trying to make sure that we get our son um but really we should be also looking at uh minding the health of the planet and the environment how important is it that we pay closer attention to the environment which actually protects us from you know health harms if we can call it that yeah um i think what uh the covet crisis uh the covet pandemic showed us is how people people survival people's well-being is very much linked to the planet i mean it's something that we've forgotten um in the past decades we've always thought that the planet was there for us to exploit and just to use the resources without thinking about the limits um that it has but because of kovid um people uh have been more aware i think about the relationship between uh people's health and well-being and the well-being of the planet um so we've seen a lot of efforts for example um especially during the um beginning of the pandemic when people saw that uh you know the the lockdowns uh throughout globally the lockdowns have uh have made air cleaner uh because of the lack of because um transportation uh was not uh as widely used as before people weren't using fossil fuels diesel to drive their cars etc um and when people saw that um it was possible uh to create that uh kind of better scenario for all of us they came together and thought of how else can we move this forward for example with bike lanes with greener spaces etc and they're re-imagining a better world where we could live alongside nature taking care of nature and still uh and still have uh economic benefits uh for people it really does make sense now along those lines uh leah greenpeace believes that each and every one of us can help build not just a new normal as you know that's a term that we bandy about uh quite regularly now but i think you you'd prefer to call it a better normal as we move forward you already mentioned that you know active transport is one of the easiest ways that we can reduce our reliance on fossil fuels what are some of the other tips or ways i mean we're really as an organization i think you're talking about big making big moves and and broad strokes but each and every one of us has a role to play here um what what are some of the other things that we can look at as individuals apart from you know looking at maybe active transport and that sort of thing a few other tips maybe before we go in terms of what we can be doing as individuals at the individual level um then maybe it's reducing plastic use plastic also comes from fossil fuels and so on and reducing consumption in general but what greenpeace would like to emphasize is that as individuals we could also go get together in collective action to get the government and corporations to change to to create an energy transition because the solutions individual action is good but the solutions need to be systemic and these need to be solutions that are driven by government regulations government policies and changes in corporate practices so we really also encourage people to get together and join the calls join the the actions um that are uh demanding governments um and corporations to change and decarbonize right well definitely if we all speak loud enough um definitely i think people will be forced to listen thank you for being the voice for so many and thank you so much for your time this morning that was greenpeace philippines director leia guerrero thank you for joining us right here on new day [Applause] before doing the post listening activity take note of the following to judge the validity of the evidence listened to you need to be familiar with essential concepts in evaluating an argument you have to bear in mind the following steps number one identify the point the speaker is trying to prove which is the claim number two identify the specific facts the speaker give to support the claim and the last step explain how the evidence supposed to relate to the claim before we proceed to the final activity today let us summarize what you have learned by answering the following questions based on what we have discussed what is an argumentative content what are the four types of evidences how can we use correct judgment of what we have listened to in our daily lives post listening activity you are given 15 minutes to do this task you can post the video while answering good luck [Music] did you have fun have you answered all the questions that's great here are the expected [Music] answers [Music] [Music] thank you for watching and learning with me i hope that you will apply whatever you have learned today in your daily lives stay safe and be healthy god bless you all you
Channel: Oh,Jho! Channel
Views: 10,960
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Id: tJwG7_qowYw
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Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 08 2022
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