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[Music] [Music] good morning kids welcome to another day of our class it is another day of fun and learning i am teacher frel your teacher in english three quarter four week one milk base our lesson for today is about degrees of adjective so kids are you ready to listen let's get started at the end of this lesson you are expected to use the degrees of adjectives in making comparisons hello kids today we are going to talk about the degrees of adjective what is adjective adjectives are words that describes persons places things animals and events they tell something about a noun adjectives have three degrees of comparisons these degrees are positive degree comparative degree and superlative degree the positive degree signifies quality it talks about only one thing and it is not being compared with another [Music] the comparative degree signifies quality in greater or less degree two things are being compared while the superlative degree signifies quality in the greatest or least degree three or more items are being compared now let us read and study the conversation of billy and jenny then answer the following questions here are their conversation jenny look at this plant it is big yes billy it is big now look at this plant it is bigger than your plant agree with you take a look at the plant in the rectangular pot pointing to the plant in the corner that plant is the biggest among the three now here are the questions first question who are talking in the conversation correct they are billy and jenny second question what are being compared in the conversation correct they are compared about the plans third question which plant is big you're right the plant of billy is big fourth question what did jenny say about her plant correct jenny says it is bigger than your plant fifth question how did jenny describe the plan in the rectangular pot you're right jenny says that plant is the biggest among the three so billy's plant is big jenny's plant is bigger than billy's plant the plant in the rectangular pot is the biggest among the three as you can see there are degrees of adjectives in each sentences in positive degree the adjective is big in comparative degree big becomes bigger and in superlative degree big becomes biggest so this word shows degrees of adjectives now let's do task one [Music] write the comparative and superlative degree of each adjective below number one there are three kinds of ball in here the first ball which is the tennis ball is big how do we write big in comparative and in superlative degree correct so the tennis ball is big the soccer ball is bigger than the tennis ball and the basketball is biggest among the three number two so the positive degree is sweet which is the apple what is the comparative and superlative degree of sweet correct the apple is sweet the pie is sweeter than the apple this strawberry jam is the sweetest among the three number three there are three kinds of tyre the purse tire is thick which is the positive degree so what is the comparative and superlative degree of thick very good the first tire which is the bicycle tire is thick the car tire is thicker than the bicycle tire the truck tire is the thickest among the three did you get it kids there are rules in forming the comparison of adjectives so let's learn about the rules of comparative degree and the superlative degree in one syllable adjective in comparative degree add er to the positive degree for example weak then in comparative degree we will add er so weaker weak becomes weaker then another example near becomes nearer we add er what about in superlative degree in superlative degree add est to the positive degree for examples weak is the positive degree in superlative degree it becomes weakest so we add est near becomes nearest we add est another rules to follow is adjectives ending in y so in comparative degree change y to i and add er to the positive degree for example 30 which is the positive degree becomes dirtier so dirtier is the comparative degree so we change the y which is the last letter of dirty then we change it to i then we add er so it becomes dirtier another example pretty change the last letter of pretty which is y change it to i then add er so it becomes prettier so in superlative degree change y to i and add est to the positive degree for examples the positive degree is dirty change y to i then add est so it becomes dirty yes then pretty change y to i then add est so it becomes prettiest another rule is adjectives ending in e in comparative degree drop e and add er to the positive degree for example save as you can see the last letter of safe is letter e so drop the e then add er so save becomes safer another example large so the last letter of large is e drop the e then add er so large becomes larger in superlative degree drop e and add est to the positive degree for examples save drop the e then add est so save becomes safe s large drop the e of the last letter oblarge then add esd so large becomes largest another rule to follow is multi-syllable adjectives or more adjectives ending in full or less in comparative degree add more or less to the positive degree for examples afraid then add more or less so it becomes more afraid or less afraid another example is silent we add more or less so it becomes more silent or less silent next talented add more or less so it becomes more talented less talented in superlative degree add most or list to the positive degree for examples afraid at most or less so most afraid or less afraid silent most silent least silent in talented most talented least talented did you get it kids [Music] there are also some adjectives that are irregularly compared in positive degree the example adjective is good in comparative degree it becomes better and in superlative degree it becomes best good better best another example is bad in comparative degree it becomes worse in superlative degree it becomes worst bad words worst another example ill in comparative degree ill becomes worse and in superlative degree ill becomes worst as you can see bad and ill have the same comparative degree wars and they have also the same superlative degree worst next example many in comparative degree many becomes more and in superlative degree many becomes most another example much in comparative degree much becomes more and in superlative degree much becomes most as you can see many and much have the same comparative degree and they have also the same superlative degree next example little in comparative degree it becomes less and in superlative degree it becomes list little less list and for the last example less in comparative degree becomes lesser and in superlative degree it becomes least so as you can see little and less have the same superlative degree did you get it kids remember someone syllable adjectives with a single vowel before the consonant form their comparative and superlative degree by doubling the last letter before adding er for the comparative and est for the superlative degree for examples mad madder maddest these are degrees of adjectives mad is the positive mother is the comparative and madis is the superlative degree as you can see in positive degree the last letter of mad is d so we are going to doubling the letter in the comparative degree and superlative degree so in comparative degree the last letter is doubling and we add er in superlative degree the last letter is doubling then we add est mad mother maddest same with this example big bigger biggest the last letter g is doubling in comparative and superlative degree big bigger biggest same with this example sad sadder saddes so the last letter is doubling then we add er for the comparative and esc for the superlative degree and then the last example fat fatter fattes we doubling the last letter for the comparative and superlative degree the word then is often used with comparative adjectives for example my jacket is thicker than your jacket as you can see we use them to compare the two jackets we use this for comparative degree next the warthog before an adjective signifies superlative degree for example she is the cutest among the three as you can see we use da so this is used for superlative degree now let's go to the task tool choose the correct form of adjective for each sentence then write your answer in your notebook number one this milkshake is sweet sweeter sweetness what is the correct adjective very good the correct adjective is sweet the milkshake is sweet number two tarshier remains the small smaller smallest primate in the philippines what is the correct adjective you're right the correct adjective is smallest thirstier remains smallest primate in the philippines number three my uncle is the rich richer riches man in our town what is the correct adjective very good the answer is riches my uncle's the richest man in our town number four today's weather is cloudy cloudier cloudy yes than yesterday what is the correct adjective [Music] you're right the correct adjective is cloudier today's weather is cloudier than yesterday and number five the sound of the chirping bird is pleasant more pleasant most pleasant than the sound of crickets what is the correct adjective correct the answer is more pleasant the sound of the chirping bird is more pleasant than the sound of crickets for the task 3 complete the story by supplying each blank with the correct form of the given adjectives [Music] one sunny day galvez family went on a picnic near the river samida inside the parenthesis is the adjective young let's change it to comparative or superlative degree what should be the correct degree very good youngest sami the youngest among the three children of mr and mrs galvez saw a flock of dogs along the river at elisa look at the yellow duck it is fat sami said yes sammy take a look at the black dog it is blank the adjective in the parenthesis is fat what should be the correct degrees for fat [Music] very good fatter so fatter is comparative degree it is fatter than the yellow duck lisa said with excitement as soon as the table is ready they began eating their lunch that mrs galvez prepared mother this is the blank so inside the parenthesis is the word delicious what should be the correct degree for the word delicious correct most delicious so it is superlative degree mother this is the most delicious adobo i have ever tasted harold exclaimed the children swam in the river the water from this river is blank inside the parenthesis is the word cold what should be the correct degrees of cold correct colder so it is comparative degree the water from the river is colder than the water from our faucet lisa said to her brothers they enjoyed swimming and playing the whole day for the children it was the blank so inside the parenthesis is the word good what should be the correct degree of the word good very good best for the children it was the best day ever for the task 4 write sentences in the comparative and superlative degrees of the underlying adjectives number one the lollipop that i bought is sweet now you're going to write your own sentence for the comparative degree and superlative degree based on the sentence [Music] number two the pillow is light now you're going to write your own sentence for the comparative degree and superlative degree based on the given sentence number three my cousin is friendly now you're going to write your own sentence for the comparative degree and superlative degree based on the given sentence number four the car is expensive now you're going to write your own sentence for the comparative degree and superlative degree based on the given sentence and number five our house is simple now you're going to write your own sentence for the comparative degree and superlative degree based on the given sentence and for the last task task 5 complete the paragraph by selecting the appropriate answers from the choices below write your answer in your notebook the choices sentences are degrees comparative describe superlative positive let's start adjectives are word that describe persons places things animals and events in comparing adjectives there are three degrees of comparison the positive degree states quality of a noun and pertains only to one thing comparative degree compares two nouns it often uses the word than to compare two things the superlative degree compares three or more objects it states the greatest or the least quality of a noun so kids are you all answers correct wow very good kids remember adjectives are words that describes persons places things animals and events they tell something about a noun adjectives have three degrees of comparisons these are positive degree comparative degree and superlative degree the positive degree signifies quality it talks about only one thing and it is not being compared with another the comparative degree signifies quality in the greater or less degree two things are being compared while the superlative degree signifies quality in the greatest or least degree three or more items are being compared kids have you learned a lot from our lesson very good so again the topic that we have learned today is about degrees of adjective kids i hope you enjoy our lessons today until our next topic bye bye kids [Music]
Channel: Teacher Frell
Views: 299,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Teacher Frell
Id: QJLm8MtoyYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2022
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