Engineering bombs to EXTREME levels!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to Goma Noma Goma you're a gnome but you're also a bomber why so basically you play as this little garden gnome and your Garden's under attack by various bugs now we have bombs which we can drop like that they then take a little while to charge until Boos the ants get destroyed and as we destroy more ants we can go and pick up their little blue gems and that gives us some XP and if you look in the top left we have a little blue bar that shows us how close we are to leveling up now once we' destroyed enough ants we can level up we get to pick between various upgrades so we can take a quick Wick decrease bomb charging time by 0.4 seconds oh that sounds good more bombs we can add an attractive beard to make me look more like I do in real life or we can add a sledgehammer each explosion throws a sledgehammer I think I'm going to go with the the charging bomb Time by 0.4 seconds um ah there's also a load of frogs s of reminds me of that Simpsons episode where they went to Australia oh oh that's it I'm going to report this to me Member of Parliament hey G nice we've leveled up again ooh there's criticals in this the lepre Horn's luck increase critical chance by 15% and then increase critical damage by 25% uh let's go with critical charts crit builds in any of these games are usually pretty good anyway we got to drop these bombs I should probably try and get back to the XP as well oh there's a giant ant there now if you destroy a giant ant it will drop a treasure chest which you then have to explode with a bomb to open it um but that allows you to change your bomb type now at the moment our bomb is just like a standard bomb we just drop it it explodes but there's various different types you can use anyway we've leveled up so friendly fire you deal double damage but your explosions affect you o I don't know about that one yeah we can increase our Max Health by 26% that's pretty good or bomb explosion radius by 17% I'm going to go I think let's go on the offensive we'll go with the Nery explosion silent G so now when we drop our bombs they have a slightly larger radius uh which hopefully means more kills more XP so let's get in there oh that's a good that's a good drop boo oh they went flying but nice leveled up again we've got oh attractive beard maybe or bomb Force by 10% I don't know if I care about moving all the creatures that much I'm going to go with a pickup radius that will probably help me anyway right let's try and take down this big out finally there you go we got a hit on it drop a bomb there keep it walking this way that's another hit on it oh taking some damage got another one there frogs are getting closer now frogs are slightly annoying oh top left there's loads of ANS oh there's the treasure chest by the way ah there's also spiders there's spiders right take him down boost go go go yes okay we took oh we didn't take down spiders they take more than one hit oh we may need to try and work on our damage if we can anyway annoyingly the chest is in the middle middle of that ant pile I don't know how I'm going to get in there if I'm honest there's so many ants on screen right now I feel like we're we really need some damage or something ah ants everywhere run right we've loved up oh thankfully increased damage by 10% okay that could help us so we'll do that oh look there's a building beneath us drop another bomb I've really got to try and get to that chest yeah there we go look the chest is now exploded so now we get to pick different types of bombs so we can keep the current one at the B or we can go between a wave bomb creates a wave explosion which knocks back in One Direction interesting or a land mine explodes when something triggers its Center yeah let's go with that cuz that means we should we should always get like a kill when we drop a bomb uh should probably always try and drop like land mines as well but yeah we're in the building is anything good down here oh yeah over to the left there like a little mushroom surrounded by some gems so let's just drop all the bombs up that way we get that oh that gave us health oh thank you um o and actually look if I took that one healing explosion standing your explosions heals You by a health so yeah as I do that and then stand on this yes that's giving me Health I've got to this mushroom which was another level up nice so now a full gnome increase all damage by 10% again I am tempted we could add add a sledgehammer or we can increase our movement speed when not charging a bomb now I'm pretty much dropping bombs constantly so I don't think that's worth doing so either Sledgehammer or damage I'm thinking damage to be be honest if I can stay ahead and damage then we should always be good by the way look at the number of ouns down the bottom that's quite terrifying I'm going to keep dropping these these mines yeah there we go and then drop one in the doorway and then oh that's good that's good let's drop another one remember if I stand in the explosion I I just get healed ah ah flies Flies why are the Flies hurting me bling flies I thought they were harmless oh I don't say they fly over my they fly over my landmines okay so I'm going to have to set the landmines off as the Flies get close to get rid of the Flies there's like big old Bunches of flies coming as well oh this isn't good this isn't good um oh we can get health regen 0.5 a second that's probably the best thing to go for here so we'll do that and then we'll keep dropping mines but I think I need to run away from the Flies honestly they are not very friendly I can see the downside to landmines now um anyway what have we got here magic star each explosion spawns a magic star that goes through obstacles or bull magic each explosion spawns spinning orbs for a short time yeah let's try that so when they explode now oh yeah can you see the orb spinning around ow flies blooming flies man I'm going to have to try and get rid of some of these flies if I can lure them to here boo there we go we got rid of them and remember we gain we gain Health when we set off a bomb so oh so many flies so many flies oh I'm not sure about this I should probably try and get a different bomb um I might increase my Max Health to be fair I think that might be sensible as oh actually have the Flies gone I think flies might have gone now cuz I do like the landmines I just don't like the Flies right there's a load of flies I'm hoping some of the other creatures will like set off my mind and destroy the Flies by the way there's the spider webs if we go into them that will slow us down so that definitely wants to be avoided but yeah if I can get rid of this snail I can get a different bomb and then we shouldn't have to worry about the bluming Flies um ooh increase movement speed when charging a bomb could be useful short fuse detonate bombs 0.3 seconds quick or keep going with a quick Wick I think quick Wick so I can just lay more mines so we'll just drop these everywhere let's get it in front of the snail and actually let's get some health back all right leveled up again oh do I get more bulls or do I get more bombs or quicker bombs at least I might do I think quicker bombs cuz then actually I could get to a point where like I don't have to move yeah we just keep dropping bombs cuz we're like charging our health all the time we might be Invincible we might be oh we just destroyed we just destroyed the chest which means we get to pick a new bomb so that's a land mine we can keep we can go back to a normal bomb there's also a grenade can be thrown and knocked around does not slow you down when charging but it charges 50% faster but as a smaller radius I wonder yeah look I can I can throw these real quick the trouble is that yeah they're a directional one so whatever way I'm running is what way they go so it's not very good for when I'm like getting chased right anyway we've leveled up so maybe slowing explosion your explosion slow enemies down or I could increase my critical chance again now let's go critical chance cuz I feel like explosions with all the damage I've got should like one hit most of these enemies anyway oh look at all those gems look at all those gems yeah nice we've leveled up again I might go with the magic ball again so as these grenades drop look at the giant grasshopper there's a blooming ah there's a load of gems underneath it but yeah we got to like keep turning around to get the grenades in there grenades seem to be going well I can throw them real real quick I wouldn't mind trying to get rid of the big grasshopper and maybe swap the grenades L cuz as fast as they are it's a bit annoying having to like throw them backwards um I might do the healing explosion I feel like I might be able to exploit that like later on so yeah we'll take that let's grab all of this XP level up again perhaps decrease bomb detonation time this time yeah let's do that so as we throw a grenade it shouldn't last as long before it explodes could be useful um The Grasshoppers by the way are really annoying they keep like jumping at me I mean I know that's sort of like their intended purpose but it is just annoying we've leveled up again let's let's grow some thick skin I feel like a YouTuber you got to have thick skin some horrible comment sometimes um we've got a new bomb I'm going to get rid of the grenade as fun as it was perhaps go back to just the blast bomb so just standard bomb now uh We've leveled up again I'm going to decrease again the wick time so we should charge these almost instantly yeah this is good this is real good the chest there I don't think I want the chest cuz the chest is just like a different bomb isn't it yeah I'm going to keep my blast bomb then um we've sort of destroyed everything everything on screen uh let's decrease bomb detonation time as well oh look at these butterflies oh do they give us Health if I stand in there I think they give us Health yeah they do anyway Attack Of The Beatles now um quite a lot of beetles coming in actually thankfully the the nice butterfly are quite nice um I could just do this thing and probably like never never die um something I want to do though while we're here let's head down can you see in there it's sort of behind a dead plant but there's a mushroom there that will give me all the gems on screen so what I'm thinking if I just get like a load of kills by the way look at all the balls flying around these bugs are not going to be able to get close and oh we've unlocked a new bomb as well the gravity bomb draws enemies into the center instead of knocking them back o interesting I feel like doing this technique with that bomb though will probably kill me if it sucks all the enemies in then they'll just hurt me right but yeah if you notice there's like gems all surrounding me so what I might do if I go over and get this oh I'm trying to get the the mushroom can you see my explosions are actually pushing it back there you go I've got it I've got it so all the gems on screen are coming into me um let's increase my critical hit chance you just leveled up uh critical hit again nice by the way we can go have a a look at Stats what is our critical chance oh nice you can see detonation and charge time are like half a second pretty much uh so it' be nice to get those down a little bit uh which I can do right now decrease bomb charging time by 0.4 seconds so hang on what are the stats now charge time .07 seconds so oh my good oh my goodness oh wow oh this is amazing okay so I can literally go anywhere I want with like unlimited pumps yes I'm so pleased look at all the balls behind me as well remember each one of these explosions is healing me as well oh this is amazing this is absolutely broken I can increase all damage by 10% again yep may as well oh this is so broken I love I love these sorts of games where you can break them like this all right anyway let's increase bomb explosion radius as well more girth is never a bad thing or Nerf as they call it in this game there's then grasshoppers which I I'm usually quite worried about but now I can literally just do this beautiful do I increase my critical chance by 15% again I probably should I feel like I probably don't need more healing I doubt any enemies will be able to get close to me so yeah let's go with the increased critical chance so now it's 80% it's not nice but it is nice still if you know what I mean um oh there you go we can increase the the critical damage bonus by 25% yeah so rather than 10% increase we're getting a 25% increase he 80% of the time which is pretty much 100% of the time once you do a bit of rounding anyway let's take out all of these we are leveling up so fast uh Magic star each explosion spawns magic star that goes through obstacles yeah let's give that a go so now oh yeah can you see stars flying everywhere so they're doing damage this is incredible I'm like obliterating trees and stuff and grass and I guess those mushrooms yeah everything I go into getting ruined oh man imagine if I took friendly fire it would just be over um I'm gonna reduce incoming damage I think just in case oh we've just picked up a magnet shroom so if I stand still yeah loads of stuff coming in I'm going to get the Morning Star so there should be spiked balls that start flying around we're just leveling up so fast let's add another Sledgehammer look at right so this is me stood here like as enemies come close I can then just look how fast I can lay bombs and then once I've laid a few let's just stop a second once I've leveled up we'll take another morning start look at all the stuff on screen like look at all the balls um yeah let's increase my explosion rages look at all the XP everywhere yeah my radius is bigger which is really going to come in handy should any enemies spawn it's a little bit empty right now yeah we'll head down there's finally some enemies so we we can get rid of all of those I'm so overpowered now this I wasn't expecting it to like I wasn't expecting me to like break the game this this quickly like yes that is usually my aim in these games games but it usually takes a little bit longer let's keep the radius going right more sledgehammers thankfully there are more enemies coming in look how many explosions oh this is this is perfect this is brilliant oh is the ground I didn't realize the ground actually took like explosive damage so if I like do an explosion there yeah the grass goes the grass goes dark yeah so that's why it looks like the apocalypse has struck here oh my Bombs all right we've just unlocked another new bomb the balloon bomb deals minus 50% damage but has 300% knock back okay we can I guess we can go try that out so in here yeah balloon bomb deals 50% damage 300% knock back so let's just drop one of them for now oh man The Beatles are actually quite scary boot yeah so you can see they get like really knocked back like literally to the edge of the screen so I am even without my even without doing that we are even more Invincible look at all the Hammers everywhere so yeah that's cool I don't know if I if I prefer that cuz it pushes all the XP to the edge of the screen which is a little bit annoying actually I might prefer to go destroy another boss somehow and get back to like my normal bomb I'm going to do the critical chance I think that should be on 95% now so oh no it's 129% okay so we're doing critical every single time for sure so critical damage upgrades would be nice to have oh all the enemies have like got bigger does that mean they're stronger probably anyway yeah main trouble I've gotten now is there's just I can't get to the XP without having to like run through it and if I run I'm more likely to get hurt I don't want to get H so I'm going to go destroy these bushes and that chest and then oh I've just launched the bomb I launched it miles let's do all damage increased by 10% yeah that's good and then grab this bomb here and go back to like a normal-ish one oh maybe the Mist actually the Mist could be quite good damage over time oh it fills up the whole area as well oh does the Mist heal me yeah look the Mist heals me as I walk through the Mist oh this is incredible it's like it's like a gas attack look at all the dead ants oh ah there's a pre mantis run away oh that actually took quite a lot of my health down like a quarter of it all right pick up all these gems more morning start right there's the magnet shroom there we go should level up uh decrease bomb detonation Time by 0.3 seconds yeah cuz then there are they pretty much instant now oh so yeah as soon as a right click we we drop a bomb Oh No actually too much Mist frame rate oh there we go attractive beard that's what I need that is what I need I mean I've just picked up another magnet shroom look at the frame rate frame rate is really struggling with the gas attack on these ants um I'm going to go attractive beard again I think hey and have I got so much attractive beard I've just got constant magnet shrooms like it keeps saying magnet shroom for some reason anyway we'll increase the radius again oh the frame rate is dead hang on I got to stop I got to stop dropping these bombs a second this is insane so when I drop one it's pretty much the entire screen lovely yeah we've gased like the entire the entire board now so gas those guys the gas as soon as it touches them they drop dead instantly hello I think I've killed everyone oh here we go look the Flies are back the pesky flies and the giant flies this time B bug spray all right damage by 10% again oh look at the bugs over here so as soon as they fly into my gas oh yeah they are like way down oh I'm liking the gas if it didn't hurt my frame rate so much I'd be happy did you see that giant one just die instantly this is incredible right another magnet sham as well right get pick up a new bomb I'm definitely just sticking with the Mist one for now it is overpowered I might go explore the map as well see if there's any any hidden secrets about look at all the explosions left around I have annihilated this place oh cuz we lasted 20 minutes we've just unlocked a new level that's cool oh look here we go we got some enemies finally all right so B of gas oh they're dropping red gems ooh so they're worth more XP presumably and prey mantis are fast fast to walk into my gas and die I wonder if at some point I will become like un overpowered again or whether that's just it now I'm I literally can't be defeated as long as I drop my gas occasionally hey let's get the bomb detonation time to a negative number as well yeah there we go they're both good now so we're definitely not waiting for our bombs to explode in the slightest uh lots of XP down here oh the boss didn't die straight away oh they're not boss ones they've just got stronger oh no oh they' ah no we're not overpowered anymore I mean we are cuz I can oh I can drop loads at once that was a mistake game is very close to crashing but look at all this XP we might actually level up again we're level 50 right more spinning balls I think so I don't want to get too cocky but at the same time instant gas death for most of these still oh look there a that's a hedgehog oh I killed the Hedgehog instantly chance to reduce damage yeah go on that have I just broken the there's no enemies now right there is a little bit of XP down here blue XP doesn't level me up at all though really so whilst I will pick it all up I don't think it will level us up where did they come from what game over well that wasn't really fair they just insta spawned and a they got if I had known they were going to spawn 8 seconds before the end of the game I would have completely spammed a miss and I would have been fine anyway that was Noma or Noma if you enjoyed boost a like button but for now I'll say peace love and gnomes bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 97,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rce, real civil engineer, gnoimber
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2024
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