engine replacment on the 5020 John Deere

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okay I'm going to start my new project that's not really a new project it's a project I've been waiting to do for a rainy day so here it is oh boy it's the John Deere 50 20 herd sets my new engine is over there which I posted in a previous video that's it I drug it in there with the 4960 and it took the side panels off here ready and the intake air cleaner as you can see the manifolds on this one a little different than the ones that are on the other engine so I'll be transferring those over along that starter and stuff but if I'm going to do is I'm going to split it right here right there bolts goes that way to take the bolts out the front end actually stays here the rear end goes backwards I'll have a four-ton floor jack there it's a beast of a thing but it will do just about anything I needed to do so I want to do is just do a quick walk around here once I tear this apart I don't need to take any of these cowlings or these uh yeah the steps or anything else any of the other ten to the part to do this just start taking stuff apart should pop right off Oh anyway it's just been raining now for two days they said it was only supposed to be showers but it's two days of rain so I figure it's time to go ahead bite the bullet I ordered the gaskets from John Deere this morning I expect that they'll be here by tomorrow which is valve cover gasket head gasket to heck elso the oil pan gasket is brand new on this one I just put it on never ran it an hour with that on so when I pull this oil pan off and put this oil pan on the other block it'll be ready to go now there's no gaskets to go with the injector pump or anything or even with the well the pencil injectors is just a little o-ring that's in there but that should be you know they should be good I'm not I'm going to take the injectors out I'm just going to swap heads so I'll get started here turn it apart and we'll make well I got this tractor split apart kind of took a little more than I previously expected I thought I would just be pulling the motor out and putting a new motor in well turns out right in here I couldn't get this thing apart it just wouldn't come apart if you can see this spline shaft here that's worn out that is the input shaft for the power take-off shaft on this tractor now the input shaft for the transmission that's fine there's nothing wrong with it there and here on the clutch side of this thing let me get some light over here you can see there's a lot of a lot of rust in there you know scrape some of that you can see my fingers kind of red just loaded with rust that it's a dry clutch and obviously I ran this tractor on the big square baler kind of like that one but it was an older model for many years yeah it was an open tractor but and it sucked to do it but it's what I did so what I got to do is I have to get I can get my light back out of there I have to do is get this get these chefs out of here it's to them an inner and the outer one obviously and in order to do that I have to take this carrot this carriage out of here that's for the throw out bearing for the clutch when you put foot on the clutch here I can probably demonstrate that pretty easy here you can see it this would be me pushing on the clutch like a cell and it moves it and what it does is it forces the clutch plates apart so you can put the tractor in gear like that all has to come out I am not sure how hard it's going to be just because I've never messed with this part of this tracker before but there's four bolts in the back if you can see here sim here there's one here and on the other side and two on the top well when they come out I should be able to pull this whole assembly straight back and out and then I can just replace those the input shafts you know pretty easily at least that's what I'm hoping if I can't well and I'm just gonna put this thing back together and run it until it doesn't run anymore which will probably not be very much fun because I like this tractor it's a good tracker what anyways I'll take a couple shots here to ripped apart there's clutch and there's the engine that's what I'm taking out and here's the s end of it there's like five feet in between there now so this tractor isn't going anywhere for a while until I get the parts I believe that I can get them from a place in Pennsylvania called Wangers or Wenders and I think it's Wangers is how it's pronounced it shouldn't be too god-awful expensive unless there's getting to be a run on these parts if there's a big demand that's going to cost a good bit more money so I'm just hoping they're not that expensive they made a lot of these tractors in three different configurations at 50 10 50 20 and 60 30 all had the same input shafts so I don't think it should be that uncommon of a part for me to find oh wow I'm going to start to take that character part there that that housing and I'll take a couple of still shots there maybe me getting it out if it comes out and post that also all right today's look it up was out to Myers town Pennsylvania today and got some parts voila this is the input shaft to the power take-off you can see this spline here is still just as good this one's good now the one that I have on here as you could see is bad so I had to go out and get both the input shaft and this clutch disc because the splines on the clutch disc that I had were junk so it really wasn't that big a deal it was two-hour drive each direction so you know it's well it was took me about five hours to do it I just couldn't put it back together the way it was it if I was going to sell the tractor I wouldn't even feel good about that because you know the next guy to buy it he's going to pay a good bit of money for this thing and it just wouldn't just wouldn't be right so if I do go to sell this tractor and you know they ask any questions I can be honest to say that I have rebuilt this when I changed the motor out this kind of not much of a liar but anyhow we're just going to tear this clutch apart get that off the engine block so that I can put that new clutch plate on here here's where it goes I think it's held on by six bolts and six bolts there and I'll get that off of there and there's a new mean main seal that I'm going to put on that engine over there because it's kind of stupid to put it all back together without changing that out I got my son here Timothy John who is going to be helping me everything me yes no gayness so I want me to get that on over here yeah sure he's got a project of his own he wants to keep that 1755 Oliver out there which yes sir is Tim it's not a bad tracker it's just not the right color green as far as I'm concerned I only bought it because it was the right price what I was going to do is just fix it up a little bit and then resell it but he seems to taking a liking to it so as long as he wants to run it there he goes how I'm gonna get started on you
Channel: onelonelyfarmer
Views: 42,204
Rating: 4.9438596 out of 5
Keywords: john, deere, 5020, engine, tractor, parts
Id: dzqL3rv59U0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2009
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