(Eng Sub) [IDOLHOUSE] EP.13 TOMORROW X TOGETHER Full Ver I 아이돌집 I 투모로우바이투게더

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[IDOL HOUSE] [As shining as the sunshine] [Who would be the one to brighten up the Idol House?] I'll come back after you guys are done having fun. [Listening attentively] Ok. [Change suddenly] -No. -Don't lock us in here. [The one who represents baby 'beauty' is...] Come back as fast as you can. [Alright, time to go to school] Alright, let's get out. [Exploding baby 'beauty'] [All misbehaving] No, daddy. I don't want to! [I don't want to go, daddy] [Dad, about to explode] [Whining] No, we need to go. [No worries from the boys] [We guarantee the entertainment] I don't want to. [It's a wonderful place] -Doremi-Pasolashido. -Have a good day. -Have fun at Dol-bom -It's not opening. [Strength over observation] [Baby Hue, opening with force] Aren't you supposed to push? [Strength over observation] [Baby Hue, opening with force] [Awkward] [WELCOME] [Tomorrow x together] Wow, it's amazing. [Have fun guys] What is it? [Screaming out for dad(?)] -No! Don't leave! -He really left... [Reliable leader] [Don't worry about us] Should we put on these slippers? [We have recorded the video in compliance with the quarantine regulation of COVID-19] [Babies picking out their own slippers] -I want the fuzzy warm one. - 260 cm. [Pick what you'd like] Hey, I want this one. It looks cozy. [Fell in love with the cute one] Oh my goodness, it's so cute. [Time to look around] - Will it fit? - Wow it looks fun! [Heuning Kai, picking up a ball] [Heuning Kai, picking up a ball] Hey Soobin! [Prankster] I think Heuning wants to be beaten by me. [Everybody gathering around the play zone] -Woah, what is it? -Oh, let's shoot some arrows! [It looks fun] [top-spinning group, archery group, and gun group] -Who wants to play top-spinning game with me? -Try this one. [Changing out the team member] [Being firm and serious with a sausage in his mouth] [Mesmerized] [Amazed at the Hall of Fame of Idols] Many of other senior idols had been here. [Heuning Kai coming over after hearing about senior idols] -A lot of senior idols had been here. -You're right. [Faces of honorable idol members who have brightened up the Idol House] [Faces of honorable idol members who have brightened up the Idol House] Our faces will be hanging up here, too! [Yes. here is a blank space for you guys] - I think our photo will be displayed here! - Right. We should take a good photo. [You should take a good photo] -Sure. -We should take a good photo shoot. [By the way, who's there?] Nobody is here. [Suddenly looking for producing staff members] Nobody is here. No, somebody is here. [I will definitely spot somebody] Look closely over here. [I want to see too 1] No! [I don't think that's a camera] -See? -I don't think it's a camera. [Surprised] -There's someone standing over there. -I told you so. [Surprised] [I want to see too 2] [I want to see too 2] -Hello. -Something's moving in there. [Giving up quickly] -I can see someone holding the camera. -Hello, producer. [Ding-dong, attention!] Huh? [Looking around] [What are we supposed to do?] Is this a school? [Found it] -Is that it? -I think we need to go to the performance. [Today's schedule] 1st session, today's team motto. Choose TOMORROW X TOGETHER's team motto for the day and write it down. [Today's team motto] [By using brushes, write down the team's motto and hang it on the wall to put it in action] [Team motto] Team motto! [Heuning Kai's idea] I think the team motto should be something we can cheer up with. -Something that we can cheer up with, hmm. -let's go Soobin, how about that? [Cheery is fading away] -I don't think it's a good idea. -'let's go' seems to be okay though. [Heuning Kai, 19, TOMORROW X TOGETHER] [The youngest member being so direct to the leader] But when I heard 'Soobin'...it's discouraging me. [Hehe] [Silence] How about, "Go get a head start?" That's better. Go get a head start! [Honoring their CEO] -Go get a head start! -I think it's good. [Save it as Option 1] -That could be one of our option. -Option 1. [Time for other options] Go get a head start! [Staring] [Suddenly making a confession] You are handsome. [Being chic] I know. [Then] Thanks. How about, "I look great today?" [Being narcissistic] I look great today! It certainly would encourage my self-confidence. [But Yeonjun's preference is towards, 'Go get a head start'] I think 'Get a head start' seems to be better. [Agree] -I like it. -Go get a head start! [Team motto: Go get a head start! a.k.a. group's producer CEO] -Let's go with that one! -Go get a head start! Who's good at calligraphy? -Beomgyu. -Ah! [Hello, Beomgyu] Beomgyu is good at calligraphy. [Time for Beomgyu to contribute] -Okay. -He's good at writing. [Prepared for Beomgyu] [Is Beomgyu an angel or a fairy?] [The intro fairy is getting to work to nail the first class session.] [Working hard with handsome face features] [Shall we start with the calligraphy?] Beomgyu has the oversleeves on. Then he shouldn't make any mistakes! (joking with rhyme) [Taehyun, don't get too close with Yeonjun] Stop. [Accomodating the customer's preference] How should I write it down? [Please start from the right side.] -You should start from the right. -Like this? Let's do it! Go get a head start! [Please pay attention to the details.] We should put an emphasis over here! [Okie-dokie] You should write it bigger. We have plenty of space. [Starting to write] Just think it's a practice. You did pretty well! [Overexaggerating] -It's good! -He's such an artist. [TOMORROW X TOGETHER's main artist] Our Beomgyu is soo good at calligraphy! [Compliments helping him to nail it down] That's it! [Beomgyu's fan, Yeonjun] It's great! [Adding ideas] And can we add our producer CEO's face over here? [Oh, that's a great idea] Hey, you guys know this, right? Sure! You have such a great sense! [Great idea] [As assurance] It's really cute though. [I didn't hear it.] I don't have ears. [Who said he was a good artist?] I really didn't say anything. [Artist Beomgyu is continuing with his work] I didn't say anything. I just said it's cute. [The team motto: Get a head start] [a.k.a CEO] [Beomgyu is satisfied] [Members are satisfied] [Members are satisfied] It's perfect. [Shall we hang it on the wall?] -Do we just stick it on the wall? -We need to hang it on the wall. [Moving] It was fun. [Moving] [Being careful] -Is that okay? -Yup, that's good. Pull towards this side, [Very satisfied] [Very satisfied] [Applauding] Great. [very satisfied] [.clap clap clap] [They are going to be with the boss all day today.] - Go get a head start! - The boss is watching us now. [shouting team motto] Go get a head start! [We will beat them all] Go get a head start! [tomorrow X together] wow, it's perfect. [This is the end for the first class.] - We wrote our team motto. - Team motto! [This is the end for the first class.] Uh, the first class is over now! 2nd class, take care of my idol! [Wow, 2nd class!] [What's that?] [ding-dong] The notice from tomorrow X together's manager has arrived. Wow, it's been a long time. [You threw us away here, remember?] You left us behind! Hello, I am the manager of tomorrow X together. Our members have good teamwork and get along well, you know. I hope our members show good teamwork and have great times at Idol House. Ah, manager! [Teasing him because there's no dad now] You have a bad pronunciation. [Teasing him because there's no dad now] - Jeez! - I don't know what he is talking about. [Anyways, It's time that members need to show great teamwork] I was so embarrassed that he actually recorded it. Group relay game, 99 Seconds of Unity! [Group relay game, 99 Seconds of Unity] Within a limited time of 99 seconds, the members must complete 4 missions in a row! [Group relay game, 99 Seconds of Unity] The 1st mission! Jump ropes in a group for more than 10 times. [Group relay game, 99 Seconds of Unity] Mission No. 2! Throw a hula hoop and everyone jumps over it. [Group relay game, 99 Seconds of Unity] Mission No. 3! Use a plastic cylinder to move a ping-pong ball. [Group relay game, 99 Seconds of Unity] Mission No. 4! Roll a dice and step on as many feet as the number and hold on for 5 seconds. [Group relay game, 99 Seconds of Unity] You have 3 chances in total! When you try, shout out "challenge" then start! [Group relay game, 99 Seconds of Unity] If you succeed in time, you will be hanging group pictures on the plate of honor, or you will have to hang just the profile photos! [Mission accepted] - Okay. - All right! [Shall we start this game right away?] Shall we? No, let's practice first. Let's give it a go. [Group relay game, 99 Seconds of Unity] [1. Jump ropes in a group for more than 10 times.] One, two. [It's practice, but still so fun] Three, four. [Jumping] Seven, eight [There, there.] Nine! - You guys are doing great! - Yeah, it's awesome! [Group relay game, 99 Seconds of Unity] [2. Throw a hula hoop and everyone jumps over it.] Hula hoop! [ho-it-ho-it] -Okay. -This one is over! [Group relay game, 99 Seconds of Unity] [3. Use a plastic cylinder to move a ping-pong ball.] Let's begin! [Group relay game, 99 Seconds of Unity] [3. Use a plastic cylinder to move a ping-pong ball.] [Tomorrow X together assemble] Hey, it's easy! [Success] Okay, this is how we should do it. [Easier than I thought!] -I think I can do it. -Shall we challenge right away? [Gained confidence to challenge, let's go] - I'm done practicing. - Let's do it right away. [Group relay game, 99 Seconds of Unity] [1.Group jump ropes 2.Jumping over hula hoops 3.Using a plastic cylinder to move aping-pong ball. 4.Roll a dice and step on as many feet as the number and hold on for 5 seconds. [Careful about the challenge] I didn't say 'challenge' yet. [ NO. 2,3,4,5 who is careful about challenge] [Not ready yet] Not yet! [Choi, you can do it] When I go in, follow me right after. I am going in. Follow me! [The limited time is 99 seconds] I'll challenge. One, two, three! Challenge! [Checking timing] [Going in] [Succeeding to come in] [Is it just me that think it looks unstable?] [Luckily, stabilized quick] [Last member] When Soobin goes in, the counting starts. [Soobin starts!] [Go for it, Soobin!] [The boss is watching us.] [!] [I thought Soobin's foot got caught] [But it's too early to give up!] Come back in, quick! [The youngest member goes in!] Yeonjun successfully joined!] [I am Choi the rabbit!] [I am Choi the rabbit!] [Oh, Choi the rabbit got in] [4 already] [Go for it!] Five, six, seven, [Please succeed] eight, nine! [Mission 1 clear] - Ten! Yeah! - We cleared jumping ropes! [66 seconds left.] Let's go on! [Please stand in line.] [No.1 Taehyun] Throw the hula hoop. [Come here] [Yup] [Jumping] [Jumping] [Yay!] [Success, in first try!] - All right! - Next one now! [In perfect order] I'll go first on this one! [Ping-pong ball starts moving.] You shouldn't tilt it too much, make it go slowly. [Breezing through] [Hasty] You shouldn't do it n a hurry. [Come here, we are waiting] [Almost about to succeed!] [But suddenly, the ball is speeding up] Hey! Watch out! [It could've been a disaster.] You shouldn't tilt it that much. [Phew, it was close.] [!] [!] Ugh, for heaven's sake! [Less than 30 seconds left] No. [Redoing the ping-pong ball mission from the start!] Jung was wrong with direction. [Redoing the ping-pong ball mission from the start!] [We should do it slowly.] [Ping-pong ball doesn't like it that way though.] Oh, watch it! [Nervous, worried] [Barely holding back speed] We don't have enough time! [Not sure if they can make it.] We can't lose! [We are almost there!] [1 completed] Ah, it is over. [Time is up] [Frustrated] The first challenge out of three ended in vain. [Jjuni is sad.] It can't be. [The practice was perfect.] I think it's because of the mistake we made in jumping ropes. [What was the problem?] [Should we start the jump rope while everyone's inside?] [A person who doesn't want to be lame suddenly.] That is too lame. [Sudden change of mood. Growth through failure] - No, let's be lame - Yeah, just be lame. [We should hang our great group photos on the wall!] This is impossible. [Rational relocation for success] - You stand in the middle, because you are the tallest. -Okay. [The tallest stand in the middle] [Are you ready?] [gyu-ki-do-ki] [Shout out challenge] challenge! [It saves time if we start standing.] One, two, [Stable jumping rope vibe] three, four, five, six, seven, [Focus Focus] eight, nine, -ten! -Why is the hula hoop over there! [Wow, success already] Behind! [Hurry] Roll it down there, Roll it. [ Roll the hula hoop] [Jumping] [Failed because of him] [Failed because of him] No! [What on earth just happened?] Hurry, hurry! [Challenging again fast!] [Jumping] [Jump] [Yup] [Jump] [Jump2] [This time, thankfully, success!] [Hurry Hurry] [The ping-pong ball that was put in the first trial doesn't count] Shall we start? [Using red ball, transferring now] It's too fast. [Slow speed is the most important part] Don't speed up on this one. [Ball doesn't know their mind.] This speed is just perfect. [It's almost like a roller coaster] [Fail] I told you, it's too fast. [Starting again] We should control the speed. [Starting again] [Starting again] Make it straight, straight. [I wonder if they can control the speed this time.] [Walking on thin ice] [Walking on thin ice] [Traffic jam] [What just happened?] Hey! [The baby tiger is angry] Hey, hey! [What is wrong with you, ping-pong ball?] - What are you doing? - Why can't you get it? [The third attempt of moving the ping-pong ball] [Time doesn't wait for you] [You are almost there!] [Come down quick] Nice. [What..?] It went in, nice~ [I think something just passed by] [Right before the success] [The ball pops out of the basket] [Empty hands] [A bad hand trying to put it in!] [It's Beomgyu!] [Playing innocent] That's one in, nice~ [The accomplice is a little bit wary (We need to go now)] [Calmly continues the game] [Stop] [Upset (even used hand..)] It's not going in! [Second attempt failed again!] [No way] No~ [You must not cheat] It's too hard~ [Beomgyu not knowing again] But what's good about completing this? [You can hang a frontal photo on the plate of honor] [Shameless + Pride] I look better with my side profile. - It's too hard. - Let's just take side profiles. [One more guy confident with his side profile] I am confident in my side, too. [(You guys..) The youngest try to stay calm] Let's think this is our last chance. [Wary] [Another cheating, this time, leg] - The hula hoop is too far behind. - That's right. Let's practice with the ball once more. [Trying hard] It's too tilted, we can't back up. [Operation meeting] It needs to be at your eye level. No, I think we [Yeonjun's idea / not fast enough ] - We should be here right after moving, but we are too slow. - That's right. [Return quietly after completing the mission] [Unsettled] [Let's just take a side profile if we fail] We can just take from the side. Was this over here before? [Soobin's panic moment] Yes. [We only saw his cute face anyway] You are cute. [Final, last attempt. TXT] [We can do it!] [Go get a head start] Challenge! [Jumping like one body] 2, 3, 4 [Doing great] 5, 6 7, 8, 9 [Completed 10 jumps] 10 [Still have enough time!] [While Taehyun is getting the hula hoop] [Others arrange] - Make some space x3 - Slowly x2 [Focus (let's make it at once)] [Rabbits] Okay, great job. [It's too easy] Let's go. Okay! [Passing the ball] Distribute x6 [70 seconds left] It's enough. [Calm down TXT] - I will start. - Calm down. [We have enough time] No need to hurry, we have a minute left. We have enough time X2 [We don't have any chance after this] [Faster than the ball] [Need to be careful with the inclination] [But the speed of the ball also goes up] [Nice blocking Taehyun] Lower it! x2 [Changing direction orderly] That's right. But I think it's going to fall. [Yeonjun going to finish it] [One is clear!] Nice! x2 Good~ [The second ball goes~] [Confident with the second one] This is good. [40 seconds left] [Beomgyu don't relax!] Stop talking and just do it. [Strong confidence in victory] No need to hurry, we have 40 seconds left. [They are really close] [Will they succeed?] [Goes in smoothly] [satisfied] - Easy~ - We are not done! [They have one more left] [Roll a dice and stand with the feet by the number that came out.] [Can they finish it within 30 seconds?] One two three! [They rolled the dice!] [Please] [2 legs] [They have 10 legs..] Hey! [The only way is to do hand-stands all next to Huening, or is it?] Stand with your hand and give me your legs. [Is it possible?] Do a hand-stand. Okay, okay. [Taehyun tries to seat on Huening's feet] Yeah, do this or I will go up. On my legs, here. [They are trying to make a human tower!] [Yeonjun climbs up] You go up here. [Time left] - Come up. - Step on my back and come up. [Soobin left] - Step on my shoulders. - Sorry, Taehyun! I am up! x3 [Made a human tower] One Two [Need to stay for 5 seconds] [At the critical moment] [6 seconds left] One two three! [We can do it] - Four, how many seconds do we need to stay? - Five we are done. [Success] [Completed the group relay game!] [Got to take a picture] - Let's take a picture. - Everyone needs to come out well. I will take it~ [Cuteness exploding] [#Side profiles are cool but #front faces are perfect for TXT] - Oh, that's good. - Great! [13th honor Tomorrow X Together] [Huening did the hard thing] We succeeded. [Succeeded in second class!] Yes, the second class is over. [The third class bell rings] Is there a lunch time? There is no lunch time. Third class: Choose the strongest 4 year-old. - Strongest 4 year-old? - 4 year old class? We need to move to the 4 year-old class. It's here. [What would happen there?] [Looking at the photos] Hey, there are pictures here, too. [Idols completed mission here] They took individually. [Who is the strongest out of TXT?!] We arrived~ Please pick a keyword for the class. - Number 1, a smart 4 year-old. - That's me. Number 2, a 4 year-old who argues fiercely. That's Huening Kai. Number 3, a 4 year-old lying. [It's..] That's Beomgyu. [That's what the leader says] Shall we pick number one, since we all are smart? [He's lying from the start] - You are already No. 3. - Yeah, you are. - Are you confident with number one? - Yes. Are you really? [No hesitation] Yes. Ok. Okay, let's go with No. 1, the smart 4-year-old. The members should come out one by one and give a quiz about their childhood. The members who have to answer the questions shout out their names and then answer them. The one giving the quiz will say "Wow, you're so smart" to the member who gets the correct answer. The member who gets the most answers can take a solo picture and hang it on the stone plate of honor. Who wants to go first? - I'll go first. - Good. Because you are the one who is closest to a 4-year-old. [Show us the cuteness of a 4-year-old] - Act like a four-year-old. - There's a toy hammer. [There's a toy hammer] -Why did you bring the gun? - The gun? [To use it, of course] I'm going to shoot if you get it wrong. [Shudder (The youngest is the scariest)] [Acting like a 4-year-old as soon as he sits down] Here's the question! [What's wrong with him] Here's the question! [4-year-old HUKA who needs interpretation] I'm sorry, but please speak in Korean. [The one who has to do that later] Wow. Here's the question. [Perfectly adapted to a four-year-old] My mom said that when I was a kid, [Cute] I liked to wear socks in a weird way How did I wear them? [What is young Heuning's weird way of wearing socks?] Yeonjun, If the printing of the socks are connected like this, then you wore it with left and right changed. Wrong! [Doesn't know how to shoot] [Huening Kai (4) / Very excited] Take a guess! - Guess! - Taehyun! [You put the socks] on your hands. [Ready to shoot] [Huening's good friend] Wrong x2 [Take my bullents] Ah, I got it! [I'll show you] You wore them like this. [Wore only the half] [A fool knows a fool's mind] You only wore half of the socks. [Is it correct?] [Quickly tell us] Correct~! Wow, Beomgyu, you are so smart! I am smarter than you~! [One who can't laugh / Worried] Wow~ Good job! [Cute Huening finished] Very good! [Smartest 4-year-old Beomgyu : 1] [Beomgyu next] What did you say? [Smart Taehyun (4) translates] He said question x2 Right! [I'm so smart] Wow you are so smart! [Anticipating a hard trip from the start] [No tongue] Here's the first thing I did when I was born. [Translating Beomgyu] There's a lie I told for the first time in my life. What is it? [Beomgyu's first ever lie is?] Taehyun! I love you, mom. [Gyu surprised] [But] You were almost smart (?). [Beomgyu loves his mom!] Oh, maybe it was close. Soobin! I hate you, mom. [Moves before sitting down] [No grace for the leader] [Smash!] [Buffering] I got this. I'm so good looking. [Saying this to this handsome guy?] [Hits with all his power] That's too much of a lie. [It hurts] It hurts more than I thought. [Baby tiger exploding with charisma while holding a toy hammer] Is there a hint? [Ok] I'll give you a hint. [Clench the teeth] Because we went around once. [Doesn't care / Very firm] My mom said thank you. - Your mom said thank you? - Wow you lied though. You lied and your mom said thank you. - Taehyun! - Yeonjun! [Taehyun was faster!] Taehyun first. This tastes good, mom. I was going to say that. My mom is not good at cooking. [Thinks] [It's a lie to say it's delicious] So you lied. [Beomgyu didn't know] Ah, right. [Beomgyu's mother's loss / Sorry, mom] - Hey it's so hard. - It's too broad. Then I'll give you a real big hint. [Lying moment] Mom lost something. [Yeonjun all the sudden] Yeonjun! I found your wallet. [Yeonjun is finding all the belongings of Beomgyu's mother] Yeonjun! Mom, I found your car key! I found your phone charger. What did he find? [Beomgyu's lost mental??] I'm mentally fine now! [OMG..] I'm mentally fine now! It's a lie if he says that now. [Taehyun, you've never done enough with my toy hammer, right?] I don't know. Last hint. You guys have this, too. [I think I got this] Taehyun! Mom, I found your phone. More in detail. [Finally!] Ah, Yeonjun! You said you found it even though it was found by your dad. [Please] You are so smart! [Finally 4-year-old Beomgyu's done] Ah, finally! [So nice] When I was young My mom left her phone in my dad's car and so she lost her phone. But my dad found it and left it at home, and I wanted to get compliments by my mom, so I lied and said I found it. And my dad knew it later and he was really mad. [You must not lie~] - Ah, really? - Yes, he hates lying. [Yeonjun : 1, Beomgyu : 1] [Yeonjun's turn] [Expect an easy question / There's nothing I don't know about Yeonjun] - Yeonjun's should be easy. - Of course, it's Yeonjun. [What are you talking about? It's the first time telling this story at Idol House] I've never said this before so it could be hard. Here's the question. [4-year-old way of speaking, please] The tone, tone. [Shy, shy] [I'm cute right now] When I was in kindergarten, [Wow / Shocked] I played with my friends on the roof in a very weird way on a rainy day. How did we play? [Naughty Yeonjun's way of playing?] [Me, me] Huening Kai! You guys played with fire. Fire. [Quietly takes out the toy hammer] Fire on a rainy day? [Hey..] - Ah, rainy.. - On a rainy day, right? Are you ready? [Smash in the back] [Dummies know what dummies think] Ah, Beomgyu x2 [What he did when he was in kindergarten] I used to do this when I was in kindergarten Just playing while wearing just your underwear. I was thinking about that, too. [Oh] Very close. [Jokes around] Oh, it's really something what Yeonjun might have done. [Yeonjun gets up] [Oh wait] [Gets angry] [I got this] [Dumb and the youngest] I think I got it. [Nude Yeonjun] You ran around even without your underwear. [Nope] [So funny] [I'm not that kind of (?) kid] I'm sorry, wait. I'm not that.. [I don't seem to be that reckless, do I?] I was young but I was not that bad. [Everyone's like that when they are young~] But it's possible. Soobin, you got anything? [Burning fists] My fists.. Is there a hint? Ah, hint? [Here] I said I played with my friends on the roof on a rainy day. It felt like I was getting clean while playing. Why was that? [Doesn't know for sure] What is it? [Another hint] Do you want another one? I did something on a watery slide. [Soobin] Ah! [Second attack] - You peed? - What! [It kind of makes sense] It makes sense, kind of! You peed? [Yeonjun is hurt] What's wrong with these guys? [Are you ok, Taehyun?] Oh, you were young, you could be doing that. Soobin! x3 [You showered on the slide??] You put soap and body wash foams on the slides and made it more slippery. [Correct] You are so smart! [Claps] [Yeonjun :1, Soobin : 1, Beomgyu : 1] Then is it just [New fools HueKang (Kang Taehyun + Huening Kai)] me and Huening that are stupid? [I'll give you a chance to become smart] Try to become smart. [Embarrassed one] Here's the question. [Soobin is so cute] Cute! When I was a kid, I was scared of many things, so I had to do 3 things before I went to bed, what was that? [What did Soobin do before bedtime?] [Raises his hand] Yeonjun! Close the door. [Nope] Ah, is it Huening Kai, turn on the light. I can only sleep when the light is off. Yeonjun. [Very serious] Wear diapers? [Too much] This was when I was in elementary school. I used to sleep with my parents, but when I was in elementary school, we moved so [A hint] I got my own room for the first time. [He's scared but have to sleep alone so what could he have done..?] It was scary when I had to sleep by myself for the first time. [Fool 1] - Taehyun! - What is it? Bought a doll. That's cute, but no. [There are 3 things to guess?] - 3 things? - Yep Why that many! [Soobin makes this noise when he's upset / Stares] Ah-chu.. [Cute] Well, you can. [Cute] [Another hint is needed] It felt like my room was getting cleaned up when I did this before I sleep. Ah, close the closets. Yep, that's one! [Second answer] Put the chair in the desk. That's correct. That's two. [The last answer is???] Yeonjun! Close the closet, put the chair in, and close the window. Nope. [Cheer up guys!] That's two, that was really fast. Close the bathroom door in your room? - Ah, Beomgyu! - There was no bathroom in my room. Beomgyu! [Last one / Yeonjun & Beomgyu in a fierce competition] Close the closets, put the chair in, and check under the bed. [NEW fools confused] Close the closets, put the chair in.. [Again] Beomgyu! Close the closets, put the chair in, and slightly open the door. [Needs a little more detail] Little more detail! Just a little more! [Speaking so fast] Yeonjun~x5 [Embarrassed] Close the closets, put the chair in, and - Open the door completely. - Ah, correct! [Yeonjun's getting smarter] You are so smart! [Angry] [Excited] (Dancing) [My little brother] You didn't notice that? I always put my chair in before I lie down. [Best friend approved] - Ah right! - You saw me, right? - Yeah, yeah! - I'm still doing it. [Why do you close the closets?] I close them because if I leave them open, [Imitating ghosts] I felt like someone's going come out of the closet with a knife. [Agree] I was like that too when I was young. [Agree] I was scared of under the bed. [Explaining] If you sleep beside the bed, the ghost will come out and rip your face off. [Beomgyu scared] [A four-year-old who is scared of ghosts] He's scared! x2 [Yeonjun : 2, Soobin : 1, Beomgyu : 1] [I will escape from the NEW fools this time!] I'll get it this time! I can't be a fool! [While Ningning is burning his passion] Hey don't do that~! What's wrong with you? [Lovely cute train departs] [Refuses to get on] I couldn't speak anyways. [Even his soul mate refuses] Hey you come here x2 [Cute action that increases combat power] We're screwed. Let's just guess. I've been athletic since I was young You are not that cute [Then tension UP] I was confident in P.E. [Kang Taehyun (4) Athletic idol] I wasn't good at this one thing. What is this? [What is the only sports activity that Taehyun was not good at?] [Note] FYI, I'll go crazy when I grab this toy hammer. [On the verge of going nuts] [Just try] [The one who controls the toy hammer] [Shudder (Do I have to get it right?)] [Dizzy dizzy] [Eager to win] Basketball..? [Nope] Basketball? [Flies like a butterfly] [And stings like a bee] [Scary youngest one] [Almost like a crazy horse] Long running? [Nope] Soobin x2 Flexibility test. [Wrong answers continued] I'll give you a hint. A hint. [Hint OK] Strength is important but the skill is also important. [Let's escape from the fool] Huening Kai! Grip strength test. [Another fool is carrying a toy hammer] [All the exercises are coming out] Huening Kai, three-legged race. [So confident] Huening Kai! Mixed martial arts, Huening Kai, boxing! [A toy hammer for Huening Kai only] [practically dedicated to Heuning Kai] Huening Kai, Jiujitsu! - Yeonjun! - Wait! [I don't want this anymore :(] [The rubber hammer worked hard] The rubber hammer is is crooked. [Yeah? I'll turn it around then] I'll hit you with this part then. What a scary guy. [The ultimate clue] I'll give you the clue again. Animals are better at this than people. Uh? Yeonjun? Pig fight? [Wrong] Huening Kai. Walking on high places. [Yeonjun really wants to win] Yeonjun jungle gyms. [nope] Beomgyu! Climbing trees? [Eyes getting bigger] [Yeonjun is 2 points ahead] [It'll be a tie if Beomgyu wins] Correct~ wow, you're really smart! [Oh yeah] Wait, it's a tie. [Choosing the smartest 4 year old Yeonjun, Beomgyu win] Let's do something unique since we're smart. [You know what I mean. Something smart~] [The smart moment of the two] Wow you look smart. [#The brains of TOMORROW X TOGETHER #smartest 4 year olds] [The 4th class, the mysterious party] [Yes, a party!] It's food~! [Dashing] Give us food! [The most energetic moment of today] Give us food! [there's something special inside the idol house! / tip over] Oh, wait, oh.... [it's a party for TOMORROW X TOGETHER] [Have a nice warm winter] [Spicy] Wow the food looks great. [Already eating it in his head] [So excited] [You can't leave chicken behind to cheer you up!] This looks so good. [There's also mugwort rice cake] They're all health foods. [To eat, you must guess the theme correctly!] - we have to get it right in 2 tries. - Let's hurry. [all seated] TOMORROW X TOGETHER's mysterious party starts. Guess the theme of the party by the clues. [you must guess the theme with each clue box given in each round] You must give up a dish every time you're wrong. [let's get them all right!] I want to hurry and eat all of this. [we're hungry...] Me too... let's start. [what's the first clue?] Do we look at the clue first? - The first clue. - It's supposed to be really weird. [mysterious, not weird...] - What does this mean? - I'll read it, The mysterious party. [1st clue: date] A party celebrating ** for doing ** for 368 days. 368 days? It's last year. [already calculatined?] Oct. 25th last year? Wasn't that our first awards? There was our come back around that time. - It was when we came back with 943. - Right. But this can't be that easy, there's something more. Wasn't 'MOA' chosen as the name? 'MOA' was in august. [I know that for sure] I remember, today [fan lover] it's been 435 days since the name 'MOA' was chosen. [MOA, you can all guess too] I think it's 943, the come back date. I think so too. [it isn't that easy] But would it be really that easy? When was our first rookie prize? [oldest knows] - I think it was August. - Right. [Congrats you won in 2019] [Yeonjun is 943% sure it's the come back date] I think it's 943? [nothing else comes to mind!] - The come back date, when we released 943. - I can't think of anything else. [Does the theme have to be] super specific? [Could it be...] If it is.. then... [one more detail] 943, when we were 1st on ranking? And this is SBS MTV. [Here's where 'The Show' takes place, where they became No.1 one week after the release / I think you're right?] - Maybe? - You're right x2 - when we were no. 1 with 943. - Yes! And earlier I saw we filmed 'The Show' yesterday. [What about it?] That same camera director was here. Then that must be the answer! [so sure] - 943 is when we got 1st place. - Is that so? - Okay, I think we're right. - Wanna try? [No thoughts] Answer! The party for TOMORROW X TOGETHER that has been 368 days since they won 1st place with 'Waiting for you at platform 9 3/4'. [I can do it] [plz let us eat] [Could they get it right?] [Waiting for the answer] [Wrong] Let's get the 2nd clue. [Which dish do we give up...] [Sorry rice cakes :(] - The rice cakes. - Oh, they looked good. [Let's meet some other time rice cakes] We'll give up the rice cakes. [Rice cakes OUT] [Brings the clue] [What's the 2nd clue?] The clue is garlic? [2nd clue: peeled garlic] Is it about Halloween then? I guess so. Wait! [Other thought] Maybe it's related to crying? Garlic makes you cry. - I can only think of the Dangun myth. - I only love you. Me too. It's about a bear turning into a human, so maybe it's him? [resonable thought / is it about Beomgyu?] Is it about me? [I'm a baby bear] Days since Beomgyu did something? Since Beomgyu became human? [Applause] [Pure] Really? - What can it be? - I don't think he's not done transforming though. You think so? [Being silly] [Best chemistry, best friends] - You're good with him. - I really don't know the answer. [We really don't know] [It's like my brain is blank] [What did we do] Garlic? Halloween? Vampires hate garlic. [+1 on Halloween] I think it's related to Halloween too. Maybe about a vampire? I don't think we... Wait?! Could it be? [Taehyun thought of something?!] Could it be? [What what] When we threw a party for our win? [you know] When we wore red contacts [Huening Kai shocked] You were dressed as a vampire. [Yeonjun gets it too!] [What do you think about this?] The fan meeting. I was actually thinking about that too, you know. I think it's vampire, right? [Yeah yeah] [Completely sure] Oh yeah! A party to celebrate the 368th day since TXT members became vampires. [Let's go] Yeah let's try it. -I think it's right. -Oh let's say vampire and about the boat party too. We need to get the details. That's right! It's 368 days from when Tomorrow x Together became vampires at the boat party (as fan sign event). [So nervous] [Will it be the answer?] [Stir-fried octopus & roast chicken will be given if correct] [Please let us eat both] [Correct!] [It's an actual party!] [Smart Taehyun did it!] What? You are becoming a human now? When I saw the garlic. I instantly thought of a vampire. [Soobin did well too] See it's right I told you~ It's a vampire. Hey what's the hint in the third box? [Let's find out!] Yeah let's see! It won't be something like vampire teeth right? [Correct lol] It is vampire teeth~ [368 days ago on October 27th, 2019] [The video of the answer] [Won TWO food] Since we got this right shall we shout our team motto? Okay, let's do it while looking in the camera. -We were doing great. -Our producer is watching. [We did good jobs, right?] You're watching, right? One, two, three Go get a head start! [Thank you for the food] [Already ate a bite] Thank you~ [It tastes better with good music] [Taehyun with a picky taste also takes a big bite] [Huening takes a baby bite] [Yeonjun eats and eats again] [Dance dance] [Our Beomgyu also eats well] But the vampire thing was really awesome though, right? It's already been over a year since we've done that Yeah.. What was it like? I was really excited to be honest Me too. It was the first time I was on such a big cruise boat. -Wasn't it the biggest fansign event we ever held? -Yeah It was really awesome. [An unforgettable memory for both TXT and MOAs] MOAs really loved it -Then shall we open the talk box now? -Shall we? TXT had many titles such as "the idol to trust and fangirl/fanboy over", "4th generation idol", "the clearest and coolest idol", but what title do you want to gain in the future? [Full of determination] For me... BigHit's ultra youngest. I want us to be the leading icon of 4th generation idols [Very serious] For me as well, I want us to be the best performers and be perfect. I'm having a deja vu. It's the same as what you said in the showcase. Since we're back with our clear and cool image, I wish for us to be recognized as the best of it, and be called one-fits-all groups for whatever we do. [How are they like this] Wow everyone is saying it exactly the same thing, word by word. [These words are in their hearts] Because it's something we actually said with all our hearts. [Kang Taehyun(19) / Today's interviewer] You're well known by doing in-sync performances with our clear expressions, you know. so what is the secret behind being able to do those performances while maintaining the face? I think it's asking how we can still hold nice expressions with such hardcore performances. [Serious] If you practice while smiling it comes out like that. [Nodding] He's right. [Giggle] So if you're tired, smile. Someone that smiles when he or she is tired, that one's the best. Also when we're tired while dancing, we sometimes end up letting everything go. -So it's good to do that too, once in a while. -That's right. Also, when we do our double dance we can bring up some more energy so when we dance while facing our members we feel more hyped, and then we can recharge for a bit. I see.. It's me who cheered you up. [Haha] [Suddenly becomes a confession time] Yeah~ [Lots of compliment after his confession] Soobin is the best with the clear and cool image [Cute and cool] Now it's your part. Just show how you do your part. [Soobin gets ready for his cute and cool charm] [I am the human sprite] [Popping with charm] -Yeah~ -Cute and cool. [Wow, It's certainly Soobin] [The cute and cool idol TXT] I like it though? -What? You like it? -Do that on stage too. Oh really? [Me too] [MOAs chu] When do you think the members look the coolest? On stage. Same, on stage. Definitely when they're on stage performing. Yeah that's our members. [Then what does serious Taehyun think?] When the members look the coolest..? When they stay late to practice. Mmm~ It's me! X2 [I am the hard working member of TXT] -Then it's me if you're saying it's cool. -Okay yeah Yeonjun is kind of cool. I'm so cool.. Huening is cool as well! [Small Yeonjun] Yeonjun was really cool when he did the puma. When you stroked your head. [It's best to watch these in real life] [Full of charisma] [Hehe shy] For Taehyun too! Puma! [Detailed] Especially in the part going over to verse 2 his face.. -Acting like a puma? -Yeah it was beautiful. [Best performers TXT] [I am the puma that escaped the zoo] -About Beomgyu, during the "Can't You See Me" opening... -I know dude. I can't think of anything about Beomgyu actually. [Joking] I thought about it.. Now let's hear what we all have to say What do you want to accomplish during this album promotion? [Robot Huening] Presenting an awesome performance on a greater stage. [The correct answer No. 1] To enjoy during the promotion. [You can say that again] I also think this is the priority. Enjoying our work. Enjoying our work. [Standard one] Staying fit. [TXT, don't get hurt] Right, no one getting hurt. [Never forget the two most important things] Just these two. Don't you want to show your different sides in bigger stages after this album? Such as holding a concert. [Whining Soobin] I really want to hold a concert! [Hoping to hold a concert sincerely] I want to sing Sweat as an encore so badly. [That day will come one day right?] I will actually cry. I might cry from the first song. [Expectation reaching its tipping point only by thinking about it] It will be so fun, seriously. It will really be very touching. I feel like we all will cry when that time comes. For real, I might cry on that day. Huening has never cried officially yet, have you? Right, I have never. [Acting frivolous] Try to make me cry lol! Oh... I don't want to make him cry. I can make him cry if I decide to do so though. [Creepy] [Ouch] Yeah... you can make my tears drop. [In dribs and drabs] Huening cried a lot when he was a trainee for real. He was such a crybaby. [The memories of the time when we were trainees keep popping up in my head] - When he was a trainee? - Yeah, Huening cried a lot. Huening cried the most. Seriously, he did. Huening cried in the toilet that day. [What happened that day?] It was that day at that time. [Maybe it was too much to handle at a young age] - Did you cry that day? - Yes, I did. It was too much, so when I was saying "I'm using the bathroom,' [Bursting into tears in the toilet] I cried. When the members said, "Hey, are you crying?" I said "No I'm not," and cried again in the practice room. [I can talk about this with a smile on my face now] Right, you cried one more time in the practice room. [Because of those moments] [TXT's time will be brighter and brighter in the future] Those were good questions. [Thank you] Good job, our talking box. [Ding Dong] It seems like Yeonjun should go like this. [Finally it's the last session!] What?! I'll read it. [Going home mission] You must make a wake up call before you go home. The members should make one line in front of the exit. They should choose one type between being rascal, angry or sweet birds. Based on the concept, make the one and only wake up call in the world for the fans. Depending on the staff's decision, the members can go home if the door opens. If the door stays closed, they will need to go back to the back of the row and try again. I'm doing first! [Who's the first one?] - Where should we go? - It's here. I heard that this is such a hard mission. [Is this how I am supposed to do?] Wake up. You gotta wake up. [No] Come out. - Do you want to go first? - Yeah, I'm doing the angry one! [Taehyun picks angry bird] - I'll make the exact same sound. - Line up. We gotta line up. [Angry bird Taehyun] Wow, that's really similar. [The bird that's only angry] [Don't forget, it's a wake up call] [Self Retreat] - It's hard. - It didn't open. - I'll think about it a bit more. - Are you going to open the door when I do it right? [TXT's favorite - angry bird/ Yes, the door will open] I'll be the angry bird. [Standing straight] [Crow's leaving] [Finally, it's my turn] It was quite similar. [First to pick the sweet wake up call] I'll go for sweetness. [We'll see] Hey darling. [Somewhere between being sweet and cheesy] Wake up baby... Wake up for me. [Fellow Hunters] Hey, go away. [Everyone left lol] Hey, everyone left for real. [Take all the sweetness!] [Not a surprise that going home is hard] [Second time of losing confidence already] - What is it! - I seriously have no clue... okay. [Spinning a yarn] Now that we've had a whole chicken, chicken is one of the bird species, right? [Okay okay] - Give it a shot. - I'll try to be an angry chicken. [Selection has been done] Cock-a-doodle-doo! He quite nailed it. [This is a wake up call] [Beomgyu gets mad] Open it, come on! [Taehyun is self-reflecting suddenly] I lacked some details. [Taehyun ver. angry bird with a spoon of detail added] Angry bird. [The detail is an angry bird background music] Hey, pull it. [Get in formation!] Hey, make a Y. Make a Y. [Done getting in formation in a second] I'll be a pig! [Angry bird on the scene] [Comedy instead of wake up call?!] - Wow. this one wins for real. - Three stars. [Please make a wake up call] [Not knowing the rules well until now] It's a wakeup call!! Oh, right! [Spinning a yarn vol.2] In my opinion, what I'm doing is not wrong but it just didn't work because it was not a wake up call until now. [Keep it up since you know now] Angry bird [Just adding 'wake up' on cock-a-doodle-doo!] Wake up! Cock-a-doodle-doo! [I'll go to the back. (shrug)] Uh... This was so embarrassing. [NEW Concept] I'll go for a rascal bird then. [Is this a rascal or just a crazy person?] Wake up! lol WAKE UPPP! HAHA [Then, byeeee] [Don't give up too early] Isn't this Welcome to Dongmakgol? [How would the sweetness of the charismatic leader be?] I'll go for being sweet. Wake up (softly) I'm giving you a kiss when you wake up! Hey, get him arrested. It's not chu but weeoo-weeoo? [MOA heartattack alert] [Failed morning calls continue after that] [Angry bird again] Wake up~ [The detail's are great now but] [We want a new wake up call] [Not a frog] Wake up, wake up. Rascal Beomgyu ver. Why don't you wake up now? Why don't you go back now? [A new record of failure for Returning Home missions] Will you too get up now? [What's going on?] [A sweet IDOL that cooks] Are you up? Breakfast is ready~ [cringey] Ah I just can't bear it. Okay, get back here. [I'm in charge of wake-up call today] Today is sunny Sunday. Okay, you get back here too. [Originality accepted/ What?] Bye~ [Finally, our first one to go back home] [Congrats on going home, Taehyun. Wait, I'm gonna try the sweet guy too. sweet guy [looks rather cheesy than sweet] Excuse me, you're out of angle. [Don't care] Honey, are you up? [Caution: too hot] We woke up together this morning. Someone just screamed. [I'm going my way] Honey let's go, wake up! [Getting dragged out] Get back here. [Beomgyu has his own way too] Angry bird. Sweet guy already passed through so... [Cutting in] Wait, I'll try now. [Really upset] It's my turn! Why yell! [Let's all keep it together] They're not letting me out! [Not giving up the crow] I'm still doing an angry crow, but I didn't say "wake up" before. [Okay, go on] Wake cawcaw cawcaw You're pretty good. Hey, you're good. [Don't look back when the door opens] What? I don't understand the rule. [Calm down, Beomgyu] [Soobin sticks to sweet guy] Sweet guy. [Not cheesy this time] Honey, it's raining. What should we do without an umbrella? [But it's not a wake-up call] I'll be the one who gets wet, I'll cover you. [covering the camera instead] You're covering the camera. [Fail] [Yeonjun picks] I'm a little rascal, you know. Wake up~ [peeks] [Yeon Jun not here] That's so lame. [peeks again] Come on~ [This time] [He's all in] I said wake up~ [Sorry you have to move around so much] [Let him go through!] If you don't, [Surprise] [Can't be true/ You guys stop kidding me] [In a hurry] Yes! I did it, I did it, I did it, I did it, man! [Seriously?] Did I make it? [Smile of relief] Get over here. [Yeon Jun goes back home!] I'm leaving! [So sorry] [Never give up!] I'll try the sweet guy version. [Sweet wake-up call of Taehyun] [Straight out of 'We got married'] Honey, are you up? [So sweet] Look what I just picked up from the garden. This flower that reminds me of you. [So cringey and cheesy] Look [Plop] So beautiful! [Sign of failure..?] Wow, honey! [I'll just try next time] I'm sorry. [Still gotta pick up the flower] It's because you're near it. [You were really sweet] [Not believing it] [Why don't you trust us...] -Who is it? -Success! For real? Ah... [I'm going, bye~] How'd you do it? Me? [Leader is left all by himself with Taehyun gone / video still rolling] Wow.. I mean... This is the hardest thing in my life... [Who knew wake-up calls could be the biggest struggle...] I'm just gonna give everything up and try a proper wake-up call. [Will it work?] MOA~ wake up! [struggles] [Wake-up call for MOA going to work] Let's go and earn that salary! Cheer up! [blink blink] [Members on it to get Soobin] [Crazy] [Rage] [Party on the other side] [Soobin in pain] Ah.. it's harder alone. [A first mix-up] I'll go angry and sweet. [Angry bird] Hey! Hey! You! [Sweet] Do you know how late it is~? Why are you up so late? [Angry bird] It's past noon! [Sweet] Come on~I'm here waiting~ [Two-faced Soobin] Let's go! [Members ready to tease him] [Soobin gets it all over again] [Can't bear it!] [I'm coming for you guys] [How dare you] Get back there. [You actually passed!] You did it! [TOMORROW X TOGETHER goes home~] -Well done -I wanna leave.. Bye~ Thanks, Idol House. See you next time, bye~ [Congrats everyone] [To be continued] [Weekly is on for next Monday!] [Yay!] [Everyone is having fun] [playing like a maestro] [playing from heart] [What's this?] [Throat-hurting reaction too!] [Idol House is taken over] [by these chicks] I once ran out in the middle of a movie [Every gesture is so cute] -The ad was scary. - Maybe it was the reflection of your face? [Laughing from heart] [Wanna start] [a fun week with Weekly?] [Don't miss out on Idol House on Monday, December 7th at 6pm!]
Channel: IDOLLIVE[아이돌라이브]
Views: 483,792
Rating: 4.9905205 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 53sec (2873 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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