(Eng Sub) [IDOLHOUSE] EP.05 THE BOYZ Full Ver I 아이돌집 I 더보이즈

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[Idol House] [On a bright sunny day] [Who are the idols that will be featured on this day?] Let's go! Idol House! [THE BOYZ] Idol House~ [THE B, hello~] There's a camera here too. [A misfortune to the caretaker] We almost left our manager behind.. Has everyone seen Idol House? -Yes~ -Of course~ It's our home! [Bingo! Today's idol in Idol House is THE BOYZ!] [THE BOYZ are here in Idol House!] I'll open it! [We will be staying here, manager~] We will be back! [They are mentally preparing themselves before entering the Idol House LOL] Are you ready? No... [Will they be the first idol group to refuse entering???] Yeah? Then let's not go in. [The leader is very humorous LOL] [THE BOYZ are entering now~] 3, 2, 1, Let's go! WOW~~~ [They fell in love with the stage!] [Idol House is just what THE BOYZ wanted] Hey! Basketball! Basketball! Wait! [JACOB noticed the indoor shoes] Let's wear the indoor shoes. [Gentleman JACOB] We have to change our shoes. HAKNYEON! Change your shoes. HAKNYEON is looking for food right off the bat. LOL [JU HAKNYEON really loves food / I am hungry ToT] First dunk~ [Congrats on JACOBS' first dunk shot] [The following episode was filmed with caution in regards with temperature checks, sanitizing, and hygiene regulation] It's so spacious. This is really nice. (Fell in love with the set) [We want to live in the Idol House~] I wish this was our dorms. [He meant it] I think I would love to live here. [JUYEON the cat was just passing by] Now, strike on this wooden plank. [Could he break through it?] [Success] Nice [ERIC joins them / ERIC is feeling confident] I want to break through three at once. -Holding it sounds more terrifying. -You have to hold it firmly in your hands. [Easy mode. 2 planks~!] 2 planks! [Will ERIC who was confident succeed?] HA! [Successfully broke the planks] [It's not a secret that he was in pain / OW] Do you want to try breaking 4? [Suddenly a display of power] -4 is too much... -No! It will work! [You are really going to try 4 at once?] 4 may be too much... [ERIC is boldly challenging 4 wooden planks~!] Really? [He broke through 4 at once!] [As expected from the energizer] [His finishing pose resembles Bruce Lee LOL] [End of free time] Now, shall we all gather up? [It's time for the Idol House schedule!] -Ah, there are so many things to do here~ -Shall we sit here? I think we have to sit here. [The leader found the class schedule] Ah, here it is. Here is the class schedule Gather up! THE BOYZ assemble! [1st period, Today's team principle] If we take a look at this here... Today's team principle? A period where THE BOYZ will spend time thinking about a team principle for today's activities. [They have to write down the principle which they will all follow with a brush and ink] [It will be hung like a scroll and all members will follow the principle. Let's decide on today's team principle everyone. Speaking in honorifics... Or something like that.. Oh, I really like that. Or we could do the other way around. Speaking casually. [Everyone's gaze headed towards a single person..] [The leader just laughs. LOL] SANGYEON, is that cool with you? [The youngest is taunting the eldest] We didn't start yet. [Lead + Youngest Forever LOL / Apologetic] [The eldest has his hands full] We should skip first period. But I think this is okay. [Figured out his true intentions] Do you want to act sassy? [Shocked] So, no I'm not trying to act sassy. [Rationalizing / The youngest doesn't want to miss this opportunity LOL] In a way, since this is an Idol House, I want everyone to feel comfortable. Then this will be no different from a day care. So I want all of us to act friendly. -We are all friends? -We are all equal! [I like that] We are all equal friends. [Nods] Thus, we can speak casually to each other~ [The youngest agrees with this decision] Yeah! I think this is a good one too. How is it? We are all friends~ [The leader is good at deciding things right away] Okay, then our principle for today will be 'We are all friends.' [Today, THE BOYZ are all friends] I like it. [Now, they will write down the team principle!] The ink is right over there. Has anyone else learned how to write with a brush? -We all did it. -At school! [Confident in his brush writing skills] I have a lot of experience with this So I will.. [What is the leader trying to say?] Actually, I took extra classes for brush calligraphy. [Sudden statement] Oh really? -Hahahaha -When I was in elementary school... Why are you laughing? [The sudden information was too random LOL] -It's my first time hearing about this. -That was too much information. [He used to stick to the latest trends] It was popular during that time. [Flipped the ON switch as friends] So will SANGYEON write using the brush? [Suddenly regretting / He quickly agreed] [Hurry and show us] -Oh, he began already. -Oh~ Let's start. SANGYEON, hurry up! [Will the leader be okay?] [ERIC and HYUNJAE are on a roll] [The leader's voice got shaky] No, no, no. This is fun~ It's just a TV show. [Driving a nail on him] I wish you didn't think that. [He couldn't miss his chance] SANGYEON, mind your clothes. You might get in trouble with the stylist again. Okay~ [Okay?] We are friends, right SANGYEON? [He feels like he is the only one doing all the work] -You can speak casually without honorifics~ -Sure sure. [He is still cautious of his words] I think I should avoid talking to SANGYEON for the moment. You are quite wise. [Unlike ERIC, SUNWOO is wise LOL] What a wise fellow.. [He set up the writing surface] [And prepares his heart for art] [With the stylists' emotions in mind,] [he is returning back to his old young self when he held the brush] [His writings are very gentle] Oh~ [He did take extra class on calligraphy] It looks good~ [Huh?] Isn't this too big? [Is he about to fail writing all the letters on the paper?] He can only write up to 'We are' [He might just write three characters..] SANGYEON, try to write small. Bro! Hey! Dude! [He has no regards for honorifics] [Fair enough] Instead of three letters, [I will solve your problems] We are friends. [Instead of writing 'We are all friends,' they quickly changed to writing 'We are friends'!] 'We are friends' It's going to fit right in.. Write 'We are friends.' [The kind older member listens to the younger members well] He's writing it good. It looks good. [What's with the sudden compliments?] But I think I can only fit 'We are fri-'. [NEW doesn't let anything go LOL] But SANGYEON, I think you are expressing too much of your personal preference on the 'are.' Some has to be big and some has to be small. You need to balance. Ah, okay okay. Could you zip your mouth for a second? I have to focus. [Droops his ears] -I need a calm mind when I write things like this. -Sorry sorry. -SANGYEON, I knew you always had a plan. -Of course~ I will be quiet and cultured. [The crown of focusing / Carefully] [Delicate] He's good at this. [Friends = BFF] [The leader is smart]~ Well done~ [KEVIN is in charge of decorating] How should we do it? [It's a breeze for him] KEVIN, don't make it worse than it is. [He isn't afraid because he doesn't know what he's doing LOL] But still, he is making it look stand out. [Do whatever you want] BAAM [What are we?] It's not bad. Friends~ [Luckily, SUNWOO seems to like it] I think that was good. Shall we hang it? Let's hang it up! We are going to hang it up! Now we have to follow these words. [Carefully] We are~ [THE BOYZ principle scroll complete!] Friends! [Applause] [THE BOYZ We are friends] I really like the 'are' shape. [Ding dong] What do we have for the next period? Next period is, 'Take care of our idols!' Take care of our idols? [From the manager] [Ding dong, THE BOYZ's manager has sent a message] Hello, I am THE BOYZ's manager. Wow [Very surprised] Our idol group, THE BOYZ has a lot of diverse charm. I think it would be a good idea for them to play a relay game so their charm [Feeling embarrassed from the manager's action] -could be shown during this episode. -I like it! [They had fun listening to the manager's voice LOL] -Relay game? -Our manager's voice is really good. [Thank you for your comment] Thank you. Now, time for 'Take care of our idols!' A 50 second relay game! The mission is a success if the members complete 10 missions through a relay within 50 seconds. If anyone fails to complete a mission, they all have to start over again. They have three tries, and if they complete all the missions in 50 seconds, a normal photo of them will be hung in the hall of fame and if they fail, a photo of them looking elsewhere will be hung. That's a side picture of ONF members! [Will THE BOYZ be able to leave a normal photo of them..? / Winners / Those who failed] -It is~ -Yeah, I see it. [Those who succeeded / Those who failed] We have to do our best. [Their confidence is at max] We are quite good at games like these. [That's right!] Now, the list of missions. Taking off knee socks without using your hands. Kick a Jegi 5 times in a row Spin around 5 times, toss your shoe, and catch it. Flip a ttakji. Blow a balloon and pop it with your hip. Shake off a post it note on your stomach with a wave dance move. Cosplay as a 4 year old and jump rope three times. Smash a pine board with a finger flick. Toss a water bottle and make it land upright. Lift a ball and catch it with your head! [You have to complete all of this in 50 seconds!] [Picking the missions that will best suit them] I want to take off the socks! I want to kick the Jegi! I want to flip the ttakji I want to catch a ball with my head! I want to flip the water bottle. HYUNJAE, aren't you good at this? His finger flicking is pretty good. [The ace of games, HYUNJAE] [Toss a water bottle and make it land upright - KEVIN / Lift a ball and catch it with your head - JACOB / Cosplay as a 4 year old and jump rope three times - JU HAKNYEON / Spin around 5 times, toss your shoe, and catch it - ERIC / Flip a ttakji - Q / Shake off a post it note on your stomach with a wave dance move - JUYEON / Taking off knee socks without using your hands - NEW / Blow a balloon and pop it with your hip - SANGYEON / Kick a Jegi 5 times in a row - SUNWOO / Smash a pine board with a finger flick - HYUNJAE] [Tada] [JU HAKNYEON is now a 4 year old!] Ah~ You're so cute! JU HAKNYEON! [The center of the member's affection] -You're so cute JU HAKNYEON. -Give it a try. [Warm up!] [Trying to jump rope while squatting down isn't easy] It's not working.. [Stare] [The ace has seen enough] Now, that's enough. But can we all do this in 50 seconds? [Doubting] Can we really do this in 50 seconds? How many attempts do we have? Three! [It is not an easy challenge / They are all nervous] [But who are we?] [THE BOYZ] We can do this! Let's go! We are friends~ Begin! [KEVIN goes first!] [He has to flip a water bottle and make it stand upright!] Stay calm. [Ah, the start isn't going too well. Oh no. [The water bottle seems to prefer lying down] [Can't you lie down once we are done here?] Please! It's frustrating. [I might not have to participate / the member playing the 8th game] [Everyone is watching as they root for him] [Oh my gosh] [If he could just...] [Finally succeeded in 30 seconds!] Whoa! I did it! [Next is JACOB~!] [Working hard] [They have front row tickets for this show] What is he doing? [His passion is certainly beautiful] [Eventually succeeded] [He doesn't need any warm up anymore] [Succeeded on his first try] Three! All done. [ERIC is up next.] [Spinning quite well] 2, 3, 4, 5! [Toss] [Nice catch] Catch it! Yes! [But the time is over] [Flipping a ttakji LOL] [You're not the one who spun around right?] But we got halfway. [The 1st attempt failed, the culprit is KEVIN LOL / scratch] -But really, if it weren't for KEVIN... We were so quick. -KEVIN just has to do better. Since HYUNJAE is good at flipping the water bottle, [Thus, the ace HYUNJAE went to the forefront] [Could they successfully break the pine wood?] [Could they successfully break the pine wood?] Just push through. [After changing roles, they are going to attempt the mission one more time] 2nd attempt! Is everyone ready? We are friends! [2nd attempt, START] Start! [Will HYUNJAE show everyone that he is the ace?] [Succeeded on his first try!] [Catching the ball with your head succeeded right away too!] [What is with this speed?] [Three tasks are completed in 5 seconds! How could this be?] [Spin spin] One, two -Spin faster! -Three, Four -Five -Slowly [Will ERIC catch his shoe?] Stay calm. [Fourth task complete] Great! [Ah, it's nice] [Will Q be able to redeem himself from the first attempt?] [He did it in one try!] [(Oh! Well done!!)] [JUYEON is about to wave like a storm] [It's important to do the wave] Hold on to your shirt! [But at that moment!] [The post it note is off] [Lucky boys] [NEW successfully took off the socks!] [His cheeks are full / The leader is blowing up the balloon] [Now, all he has to do is pop it with his hips] Hurry! [Did he do it?] [The Jegi and plank breaking are the only tasks left!] [Will they be able to complete this in 9 seconds?] One, two, three, four, five? [They only have a second left when he struck the wooden planks. [Focus here] [This is fun] [THE BOYZ are friends to each other] [Did THE BOYZ successfully complete the mission relay?] But the delay can't be helped. [They are all so happy that they might faint LOL] The faster we do it, the more delay there are. [Intrigued] But SANGYEON was really interesting to see. How did you pop the balloon without even sitting on it? [But the reason why they are all laughing is] [When SANGYEON was about to pop the balloon) [The balloon popped even without touching the ground] He only juggled the Jegi twice] [The wooden planks broke after 1 second of the operation] He touched the wooden blocks with one finger. [The wooden planks broke(?) on its own. [Another talented member] [A slowpoke hunter tried to] Is it a success? [Dizzy] Is something wrong? [What is the limit to HYUNJAE's mischief?!] If you don't point out what's wrong, we won't know. [The four year old JU HAKNYEON doesn't know anything] I am only four. [Full of cuteness] [4 years old JU HAKNYEON's moment.avi] Guys, we... [Let's show THE BOYZ's true strength!] -Let's do it again.. -Let's do it fair and square. I think the Jegi should go first. [SUNWOO is up first!] -Yeah, it should go first. -I know right? It's a real problem. [The Ttakji should go to the front too] Let's let Q go early. I think he has to do it first. [Wait] [Towards SUNWOO] Wait, we have a problem. [The bell got kicked over there!] -This part fell off. -This won't do. [(Did he kick it a wrong way?)] This part fell off! It's a bad product! [Basically, they can't play the game with this] If this part is off, then the Jegi will fly all over the place. [Do you see?] -See, it goes this way. -It does~ It does fly all over the place. [Kick the ball 5 times / 5 consecutive jump ropes] [The youngest is encouraging everyone] Everyone! Let's do our best! [Let's do this] Let's go! We are all friends [Whoo] [Last attempt START] Begin! [As expected of the ace] [Q has found his hidden talent LOL] [Advancing rapidly] [What is the result of the change of tasks?] One, two, three, four, five. [Success] [Time for the four year old to jump rope] [Can the four year old jump rope well?] Two, three, four, five! [Spinning like a storm] [No amount of dizziness can stop him] Calm down! [Success as expected] Good! [Huh?] [JUYEON is the king of wave dancing from today onward LOL] [It's my turn] [Squirming] [No, that's not how you do it...] [He took off the socks with effort!] [Remaining time] [All that's left is popping the balloon and breaking the planks!] [The moment the socks came off] [The leader blows in an amazing speed] Sit down! Slam with your hips! [If he fails here, they have to start all over again! / Nervous] Sit! Sit sit! [With a lot of effort and passion] [Sit down] [The balloon popped with his hips] One, two, three [Breaking the planks] [Is it a success or a fail] [What is the result of the 50 second relay mission?] [They easily completed the mission with 17 seconds remaining!] [However, KEVIN is sad about his finger...] [They completed the final attempt / Well done] [Now it's photo time] Let's take a picture! [THE BOYZ look way better when they are facing a camera] I'm taking the photo. [We are registered in the hall of fame] [Everyone is feeling confident with this achievement] First attempt of taking the photo! [THE BOYZ have entered the hall of fame among the 5 idol groups] [The 2nd period is successfully completed!] We did it! [Self congratulating] We are all friends. [And now everyone to become a 4-year-old] Now, it's the third period [The third period is Choosing the most hated 4 year old] It says 'Choosing the most hated four year old.' [Moving to the 4 year old classroom] [THE BOYZ are feeling awkward at the 4 year old classroom] I want to sit here. [A new rule in the 4 year old classroom!] Shall we read this? Pick a keyword for the 4 year old classroom. [1. The four year old who persists stubbornly 2. The four year old who lies 3. The four year old who denies] The one who persists stubbornly! [We are the king of persisting stubbornly in this classroom] Me! I am great at persisting stubbornly! [The Boyz decide on insistent 4 year old!] Let's do insistent! Ultimate terrible fours, insistent fours! [Picking the ultimate terrible four years old - divide into three teams, and each person from a team comes to the middle and selects a box on the shelf] [Check the object inside the box and say "This is mine" and talk about the reason that object is yours] [The rest of the members who listen to your argument decide the winner of that group] [The three winners will go to the finals, and the final winner gets to have a photo put up on the stone plaque of fame] [Rock scissors paper to split teams] [Ju Haknyeon VS Jacob VS Eric] [Q VS Kevin VS Sangyeon VS Juyeon] [Sunwoo VS Hyunjae VS New] [New-ging, the champion of fussiness] - Who wants to go first and pick the box? - I'm going to do it, me! [Planned out / Q-ging looks like the most innocent person in the world LOL] Okay, your team can go first. [I like the biggest one, whatever it is] - Shall we go first? - We'll choose the biggest one because we're the best. [What's in the biggest box?!] [Insisting even before opening the box] - It's mine! - No! [(Geez I'm a fire bear!)] Wanna fight? You can do it. [Runs away quickly LOL] Let's open it. [(Victory)] [Time to look inside the box] One two [What could be inside the box...?!] [Eyes fixed] [(Urgent hands)] This is not mine. [Denies reality] It's not mine! [But why?] [Gives up ownership / This can't be real] [Your wild thoughts... and anxious eyes...] It's yours! [They're all saying it's not theirs LOL] No! - We picked the wrong one. - Did you guys see it? Wanna see? [We'll leave it up to you guys] We'll show you guys, and tell us which one of us owns this. [Interesting] [Glance / New-ging sends a signal] One two three [Everyone, ta-da] [Ta-da~ It's a magic wand] [(Anyone can see it's New's~) / Fluctuating public sentiment] [(Geez whatever) (Let's win the game at least)] Ok right, it's mine. [It's mine / Sunwoo steals the magic wand] No~ It's mine. Yeah! It's yours! [(Huh? This isn't what I wanted)] It's yours. [Enough fooling around / Insisting game START] But what is this? [Sunwoo starts insisting first] It's mine. Can I tell you why it's mine? [Ok, we'll listen] [I have a cute younger sister] I have a younger sister. [World's kindest brother] I bought it to give it to my sister. Look. [You know magic can make sounds, right] I can make this make noise too. [Power focusing] If you shake it, it makes sounds. [Shake shake / But why is your face like that..?] [About to fail insisting] No, this.. You have to write it correctly You said it makes noise when you shake it! [Terrible four-year-old] You're four years old but you're yelling at adults? [My friend is so funny LOL] That wasn't suitable for a four-year old. [Intercepting with the fire bear's power] - This is mine. - Why? I'm actually a wizard. [Has the best looks among all wizards] [I acknowledge] What magic can you do? [Starting today, the gag character of The Boyz is me] I can make you guys laugh. [Then try making us laugh] - Try it. - Show us! [Transforming into Cinderella~] Look look~ [Acting silly] - You're Cinderella! - Transformation~ [Greed for being a gag character / I'll make you laugh] Transform~ [Oh... it's a bit weak...] [Succeeded in making New-ging laugh] Did you see that? [Anyways, I'm a wizard] I'm a wizard. [Prim and Haughty] [Finally New's turn!] Hey look at this! There's proof(?) it's mine. [Teasing New] - It suits you so well - It's written on your face. Look look, see this yellow and blue? [His body is connected(?) to the magic wand] - This shows it's mine - Ok, you have it. [Now it's time for friends to decide!] It's yours, it's yours. [Saying final words before deciding] We'll say our last words and you guys can vote. [New's final words / Magic wand is necessary for sleep] I can't sleep without this. [Apathetic] Okay. [Anyways] It's mine! [Hyunjae's final words / Necessary for the descent of a cool magician] I came down from the sky using magic. I... I have a brother that's bigger than me. [Sunwoo's final words / Necessary for the scary(?) brother] I was threatened, everyone. [(Shaking)] S.. save me. [Raise your hand if you think it's a New's magic wand!] [Only Eric raises his hand] [Then is it Hyunjae's wand??] Raise your hand if you think Hyunjae should have it. [(Q) (Sangyeon)] [(Sunwoo's decided)] Raise your hand if you think I should have it. [(Sibling, please take care of Sunwoo)] Thanks~ [The winner turns into princess Cinderella] [Congratulations Sunwoo for winning] Thanks guys~ [Hyunjae VS New VS Sunwoo Winner] [Group 2 Juyeon VS Sangyeon VS Q VS Kevin / Crowded] Don't you think the smaller one will be better? [Careful in order to prevent the unfortunate incident(?) of Group 1] I think this one will be better. [Done choosing] Should we open it? [Sneakily handing it to Q] [Looking] [(Is this something to be this nervous about?)] [What's the object Group 2 should insist about?!] [Shout first] It's mine! [It's Kevin's] [About to cry] [What's the object that causes this chaos...?] [Height insoles] [(Wait a minute)] Wait. It's a double. [This is what a real insole is] This is one! Is it a slide? [Silent laughter] [Kevin who shouted first starts insisting] It's mine but.. [The reason Nyeongseo bought insoles?] there's a reason I got them. [Summoning lots of family members today] My sister wants to wear high heels... [High heels?] How much older is your sister? [My 6-year old sister wanted to become an adult quickly] - 2 years - Then she's 6 years old? [Kevin(4)'s 6-year old sister is a high heel maniac] I'll tell you the reason the insoles are mine. [(Hmph!!! Geez!!!)] He's tall. I'm tall too. [The link between you and me] That's why it's mine. Then those little kids [Little kids 1,2,3 / Little kids can't even have the insoles] - can't even have that? - They can't. [(You wait and see, taller ones)] [There is no insole that we can't have!] [Like Cinderella's glass shoes] - Sangyeon puts it in well. - It's mine! [Perfect fit] It's mine! Look. It fits me perfectly. [No matter what anyone says, it's mine!] I was like this, but it's like this now! [Insoles changed his life LOL] [Feels like you can't deny it for some reason] I think Sangyeon might need it though [No!] What Sangyeon did just now wasn't a great method. [(Was my method wrong?)] Then how should I do it? [It's the end when people find out about your insoles] You can get caught if you put it in like that. You have to put in inside your socks. [The best has arrived!] [Forcing it in] [Acknowledged X913] That's for real. [Time for judgment] [Raise your hand if you think it's our Nyeongseo's!] Kevin, hand! [Not you] [Then is it Sangyeon's???] If it's Sangyeon's, raise your hand! [Almost unanimous] [(Got double insoles +1) This is the world's happiest face] So happy~ It's mine~ [Juyeon VS Kevin VS Q VS Sangyeon Winner] [Group 3 Ju Haknyeon VS Jacob VS Eric] [Husky] There's something I must say before we begin. [(What what, Hak-ging)] [Ju Haknyeon (4) / On the Guinness World Records for his voice break] My voice broke when I was 4 years old. [(Too 4-years old)] Really? [Why envious...?] I'm so envious~ Enough! Let's open it! [Fling] [Stops breathing] [(Huh??)] [Hak-nyeon] This is yours! [What is a perfect object for Hak-nyeon with a mature, early voice break?] It's yours~ You need it~ [Bald wig] [Jacob prepares to insist first] [Bursts into laughter] [Sorry we can't protect you, vice president...] [But he himself likes it so much LOL] It's mine~ [Blinded for victory] This is mine! [Amazing] Because! [(What's wrong with our vice president)] A lot of people say I'm an angel [This] These are my wings. [Wings of an angel that don't exist anywhere else in this world] [(Show us your angel's wings_] How do you fly? [Like this] [(What's wrong with him) (I'm super serious)] [Hak-ging's turn, #1 in the world for his voice break] He's scary~ I had black hair until I was 2-years old. I got this made when I was 2-years old. [(Does that even make sense?)] How can you make that when you're two? [It's mine, that's strange...] This is mine but it doesn't fit right now! [Just insisting] But it's mine! It's mine. [(Weak weak)] [Remarkable backside] [So funny already LOL] One two three! My dad makes wigs~ [Strangely absorbing...] [Lucky one who gets to watch the one-man show in the first row] He makes a wide variety [Quite high self-esteem for his family business] and makes people happy~ [(Did I do well?)] [Our Eric is doing so well! So well!] Let's vote, vote! Raise your hand if you think it's Haknyeon's! [There's no one~] [Then the bald wig is Ric-ging's?] Raise your hand if you think it's Eric's! [(Q) (Juyeon) (New) (Hyunjae)] [4 hands out of 7] [Son of the wig factory owner WINS] Wow~ It's mine! Daddy, aren't you proud of me? [Unexpected filial duties, success LOL] Thank you Eric's dad~ [Finals Sunwoo VS Sangyeon VS Eric] [(Placed it preciously)] [The object for the grand finale is?] One two three! Toe socks! [Eric starts insisting right away] It's mine! It's mine because my dad... What does your dad do...? [Ric-ging's father said] My father took me to a sauna and gave it to me as a present. Why do you need it at a sauna? When daddy's back is here like this [Unconventional transformation of toe socks.mov] I did this for him when I was four~ [Acknowledges that it does feel nice LOL] I massaged my dad like this! Oh... you did~ [I should start now] It's mine because [Staring] I matched the gradient today. [They're not toe socks, they're gloves...] [Another perfect fit after the insoles] Doesn't it look great? There's a reason why I'm the owner. [One by one] [Ta-da] It's mine~ [No limits, unlimited transformation of toe socks] This one is mine. I'm going to surprise my sister. [Wrapper] Take it off [Sister, here's your wand~] [(Accept my gift)] [The final decision will be?] Then can you guys vote? [Choosing the Ultimate Terrible Four] [Candidate 1 Eric, Dad-Lover, Filial Son] [Candidate 2 Sangyeon, magical magnetic man] [Candidate 3 Sunwoo, sibling-lover] [Which one of The Boyz is the Ultimate Terrible Four?!] Raise your hand if you think it's Eric's! [Nervous Trembling] Raise your hand! [My friend's misfortune is my happiness] Raise your hand if you think it's Sangyeon's! [Everyone raises their hands] [The president is the winner] It's mine! Congratulations Sangyeon~ [One by one] When I get the chance I'll be on stage like this. [Dancing King] [Coolness(?) Explosion even until the end LOL] Isn't it cool? [(Should we take the picture for the stone plaque of fame?)] [Confusion] The touch doesn't work on this. Can someone do it for me? [Can't hide the DNA of the toe socks] Sadly, I can't touch the screen with these on. [But still, the honor of victory is with me~] [The Boyz KING of insisting] [#Sangyeon #The Boyz president #Ultimate Terrible Four] [Bells ringing] Wow it's time to eat~ - Should we head to the party room quickly? - Yeah~ [Time Table] [4th class Strange Party] [Yay it's a party] [Let's go to the party room] [So excited] [Running quickly, The Boyz entering the party room~!] [Q-ging steals the spotlight with his move] [The most curious thing when you enter a party room!] [What's the food for the strange party for The Boyz?] [Celebrating the upcoming Korean Thanksgiving Day! Holiday food] [Braised short ribs] [Assorted savory pancakes] [And honey rice cakes!] [A table full of holiday food for The Boyz] The honey rice cakes look yummy~ But why is it a strange party? [An unexpected party that celebrates a special day for my idols] [Party celebrating the 154th day since ONF's E-tion made dalgona coffee] [Party celebrating the 765th day since the group name was decided as ATEEZ instead of New World] [Party celebrating the 1236th day since Lovelyz's Yein saved Su-jeong] [Party celebrating the 109th day since Cravity's Hyungjun put on the beret] [This is why this is a strange party] [What strange party awaits The Boyz?] The Boyz's Strange Party Time! There are 3 hints in total, and 1 hint box can be opened per round. You must guess the theme of the party from the given hints. For each try you get wrong, you have to give up one party platter. [Shall we open the hint box?] If we get it right, then we get to eat everything. [Declaration of war] We're not here to make good tv, we're just going to get it right. [Let's quickly guess] Show us the first hint. One, two, three! [(Surprised)] [What is it?] I opened it and you guys took it all... [I wanted to show it :(] [The first date clue for The Boyz is] Party celebrating 750 days since xx became xx. [Strange Party] [Party celebrating 750 days since ? became ?] [And the additional clue, a clock] It's today's time right now. [Stares at the clock...] Clock, a digital clock! [Turns it around this way and that way] [(What does it mean?)] [Trying to decipher the meaning of the clock] Maybe it's 750 days since Walkin' In Time came out? [750 days since the follow-up track Walkin' In Time came out?!] Has the clock stopped? No way~ - Yeah, it's going. - It's ticking very well. [Embarrassed] [(Maybe that wasn't it)] [Eric thinks] It might have been 750 days since our first winning. When did we get first place? Bloom Bloom, it was May. May No, we debuted in December 2017. And we only need to add 20 days to December 6, 2019. December 26, 2019. [....huh?] [What type of calculation is that?] [No, it's 750 days from today] It's today minus 750 days [Deep realization] [You can go be embarrassed now...] Oh, today's date minus 750 days... right~ [Let's calculate when 750 days ago was] So subtract 750 from today. [Tosses the problem] Subtract 750 from September 11. [Suddenly Mission Impossible Q!] [Q is confused now...] [(How can I do this?)] [Shaking eyes] I think it's August 24, 2018. [Wow, elite~] Hey, you've done some calculations in your past. [(Chiming in 11)] I thought so too. [(Chiming in 22)] [(It is August 24, right?)] Hold on. August 2018 is before Right Here came out. [Thinking hard] It's soon after KeePer came out. [Let's see] So soon after KeePer came out, we... Was there some sort of an event? Is it the Rookie award? When was Heart to Heart? [Dec 2017] That was too long ago. [a.k.a. False alarm New] [The Boyz are so lost] [(What could it be?)] Should we try the Rookie Award? [Rookie Award...] [Not so sure] [I'll organize it] Okay, let's do this. The day that The Boyz got their first award. [Everyone pretty much agrees on the Rookie Award] The first Rookie Award. Let's go for the Rookie Award, the Rookie Award. [Opposite opinion appears!] It might not be the Rookie Award. Let's just go for an award. The day The Boyz got the first award. [The B, try to guess too] [(I hope it's correct)] One, two, three! Party celebrating 750 days since The Boyz got their first award! [I am going to eat all the party food!] [Will The Boyz get the answer with the first try?] [Tell us quickly] Correct? [(Clearly) Wrong!] [No way we'd make our Strange Party so obvious] [Positive Idol] [We'll get it right with the second hint!] Wangsora [Backs away] Wangsora? [Second hint Wangsora snack and colored paper] [And a map of Suji District in Yongin] Suji District? [What could these clues mean...?] Hey! [What?] [What is it?] [Snack packet] If we open this, will there be another hint? [Just wanted to eat the snack] [Yum yum] The taste could be a clue. [Doesn't take the hint as it is haha] I think I remember! [Need more taste of Wangsora] I must eat some more. [You funny kids...] [Anyways, feeling the clues with their mouths] [Snack shaped like sea shells] [You are so tasty...] [Double sided colored paper in black and pink] [Single sided colored paper in purple] [Wangsora snack] [Map of Suji District] [Can they get the answer from these four hints?] Sora... Suji? Sora? [And...] Black pink? [If you add black, purple and pink?] Bogum? Park Bogum? It's all related to celebrities. Bogum, Black Pink, Suji, Sora... [Strongly assured that it's all about celebrities!] It's all celebrities! [(It seems to make sense)] [But what common elements do they share with us?] [Feeling more lost with the second clue...] [Suddenly] Hyunjae? [First clue] The time now! [The first clue suddenly makes sense] [Wow] [Is it really referring to Hyunjae?] Right, the current time. [Is it really referring to Hyunjae through the current time?] [Strange Party/ Party celebrating 750 days since ? became ?/ Hyunjae = correct!] Did you do something that is memorable? [What happened between you and Suzy, Black Pink, Park Bogum and Lee Sora?] [...] [Frustrated too] What would I have done. [The mystery of the second hint unresolved...] [The Boyz frustrated] [Let's just let it go and see the third clue] I'm so frustrated. Let's pass it and look at the third. [Sora snack flex] I think we [We need to get rid of the mystery before food] I think we're more bothered about the mystery than food, so let's give it up all and guess it. [Just have this lol] I think they gave us this snack to just be satisfied with this. [Lol] That's why they gave it to us. [How can we be so clueless?] [We don't know the answer anyway so let's just see the next hint] Let's not take a guess because we don't know anyway. Let's just see the next one. [Gave up another plate and got the third clue] Let's open the third clue. [What is this?] What? [Disposable eyedrop?!!] Eye drops? [Strange Party/ Party celebrating 750 days since Hyunjae became ?/ First clue] [Black/ Pink/ Double sided colored paper/ Wangsora snack/ Purple/ Single sided colored paper/ Map of Suji District/ Second hint] [Third clue eye drops] [The B, do you know the answer?] Crying acting. [Eye drop = clue about crying???] Someone cri, cried. [Then Hyunjae cried???] Hyunjae did. [Guys, you are almost here... go on...] Did you cry when you met a celebrity? I [Hyunjae's also attracted to crying] crying, cried. - Maybe you put eyedrops in when wearing lens? - Eyedrops Ah, [Hyunjae finally remembers something?!] [Janggu hyung, please/ desperate] We did do a live stream on the first day I put lens on. [It's the answer] Oh yes. [They clapped(?)] They clapped, they clapped. [Lucky guy, Sangyeon heard the production team clapping from afar] [So the answer is] [Strange Party/ Party celebrating 750 days since Hyunjae first wore contact lens] [I put contact lens for the first time today~] [Piecing together that day's memories] Oh yeah, the first day Hyunjae wore contact lens [Q even remembers the color] Wasn't it slightly brown? Or light yellow. [What does the colored paper mean?] I don't know about the colored paper. What colors are they? [The meaning of the second clue] [Black/ Pink/ Double sided colored paper/ Wangsora snack/ Purple/ Single sided colored paper/ Map of Suji District] [Black Pink/ Im Bora / Kang Sora / Bae Suzy] [They are all models of contact lens] [The conclusion of The Boyz... - I don't know about the colored paper. - Yeah [The colored paper are colored contacts] - What's the color of the paper? - Oh, colored lens, colored contacts. [Wangsora snack is the big colored contacts] - What's the wangsora snack? - It means the pupils get bigger. The eyes are getting bigger. [Sangyeon's eyes are bigger lol] [Okay... as long as you get to the conclusion...] [Done organizing/ let's go!] Let's go. Party celebrating the 750 days since Hyunjae first wore the colored contacts. [Worried] [If they fail, all the food is out] [Will they get to taste the food?] [Correct] [The Boyz, well done] [Wow...] [Darn] - OMG - Yeah [The quiz was so hard] [Time to let two plates go] [Opinions saying to vote on it] - Let's vote on it. - Let's vote. [Voting on food they want to eat] We'll vote on the ones to keep. [Who wants honey rice cakes?] - Who want to keep this? - Honey rice cakes. [Sunwoo] - Keep it? - Here [The Boyz raise your hand if you want the pancake platter] Who wants to keep the one up here? [Majority voted] - Let's keep it. - Keep the pancakes. Okay, okay. [Braised short ribs and honey rice cake out/ They'll only have the pancake platter!] [Rather simple but] Bon appetite Congratulations. [Confused/ Congratulations Hyunjae lol] Hyunjae, congratulations. [Grudge] Thanks to you we can only eat one. [Mouthful] [Silently consuming] [The Boyz were really hungry] This is so good. We're rather quiet when we eat. [This is an entertainment show] Sorry. [Hahahaha] [What is he] [Enjoy it in silence] [Getting festive with pancake platter] [The pancake platter is delicious] [Idol House's unique BGM to make the meal more enjoyable] - Wow, that scared me. [Playlist 1/ Spring Snow/ The Boyz] [This will get you talking] They suddenly started playing Spring Snow Eat it like you're sad. [Eating sadly(?)] Yes. Live now. [Time for The Boyz] [Singing live] Like the world had stopped [Beautiful voice] I had no courage [Hyunjae is immersed] [This is a fan song for The B] This is our fan song. This is a fan song for The B. I miss The B. [Missing The B desperately] [Hoping the day to see them again soon comes...] [Playlist 2/ The Stealer/ The Boyz] [Pretending to not know] Huh? What song is this? [Is this the hot new track by The Boyz?] - Is this the new The Boyz track? - The new track? The Stealer? [Thriller] Let's steal the braised short ribs so it fits our concept. [Haknyeon the foodie gets up] Look here. [Not yet] Haknyeon, not yet. This song's concept is The Stealer. [And?] In line with that, we, The Boyz [We will now act in accordance with the concept] will now act on it. - Show us now. - Show us. [Haknyeon gets up] Look, you're gone again. [The best stealers to action!] [We're going to steal all] - What will disappear? - What will disappear? [The Boyz so open about it] [Food stealer never seen before] Okay. Fitting to our concept. [Soooo fun] [The Stealer comes back] [Yeah it was fun so we'll acknowledge it!] -So good as expected. -The Boyz are fully committed to the concept. [How can he express the heart stealing 'Stealer' like this] -Ah they turned on this kind of music so I couldn't help but to fit myself to the concept. -Yes. [We made a good choice on this song's concept] -We did good to pick this concept huh. -That's my line. [They are aiming to be the 'Concept Idol'] We can somewhat make it look natural. [Anyway, The Stealer made everyone happy] [We're fine if you're happy...] [Time to uncover the hidden feelings of The Boyz!] -But this. -There is a Talk Box. What is the best lyrics in this new song, The Stealer? Wouldn't that be 'I'm the Stealer'? For me it's 'You disappear again.' [Both of them] The both of them. -For me it's during the bridge part 'Right when I feel I caught you/ You slip between my fingers' -You slip between my fingers. I was sure I had it, but then the truth is that I got it stolen. [I like that contradicting mood] The mood from that is just yeah. [Picking the bridge22] I'm voting for the bridge too. (All the points) are included in that short lyrics [Proud / The full song is all about best parts~] Isn't the full song the best part? What are the 5 most important things to The Boyz these days? First of all, our comeback. -Concert. -The B. -Health. -A last one. [And the last one] -The Boyz. -The Boyz. Were there any particular episodes while preparing for this comeback? Rather than a particular episode, before this comeback we didn't have the opportunity to experiment tricks on stage with our own song. [Nod nod / Right] [Please look forward to The Boyz's song that they will deliver with some awesome tricks] I'm really looking forward to the fact that we'll be showing off those things within our comeback song. Already 4 years since the debut! When did you feel the happiest after your debut? Ah for me it was during that time. [Do you remember our concert?] During our concert, do you remember the extended stage? There was the extended stage and the main stage [The memory of the members communicating with The B while nailing the stage] and we could freely move around the whole stage and communicate with our fans, [I felt the happiest at that time] making eye contacts with them, those times I felt the happiest. I remember exactly. [The leader Sangyeon's most happiest moment is?/ Still such a fresh memory] During our FANCON. When we did 'Forever' [The B's event during the FANCON] our fans made a surprise event for us. [Yeah I remember] I realized how we were performing with all our might on stage with our fans' cheering. [The time that was proven by each other's harmony] When I felt the harmony. [To The B that we are always thankful to, we love you] It was really grateful and so nice. [Finally to the last question!] -Is it the last one? -It's the last one. Where do you want to go and what do you want to do if all the members went on a trip together? [To a vacation spot like Hawaii or Guam] To a resort like Hawaii of Guam, yeah. [NEW is determined to pick Europe] For me it's Europe, no matter what. [Another vote for the resort] I want Guam. [The Boyz have never experienced a trip with all the members yet] But if I recall we have never been to a trip all together. -It's hard. -It's hard, to meet all our schedules. [Where does Hyunjae want to go all together?] I wanna go there no matter what just the twelve of us. [A bucket list / To the houses of the members living abroad] To Eric's house and to the members' houses abroad. [One day, The Boyz would have their wish granted] [Bell rings / Time to go out of the house] Let's go. -The House Exit Mission -They're telling us to get out. [The House Exit Mission / Members are standing in a row in front of the door and choose a concept between little brother, dialect, and sexy] [The House Exit Mission / Make a one-and-only wake-up call for The B according to the concept] Noona(=elder sister), I want a cheese burger. [The House Exit Mission / If the door opens, they can get out / If not, they have to get to the back of the row to retake the challenge] [Sunwoo gets in first!] [Imposing, brave / I'll try the Little Brother] I'll try doing a wake-up call in Little Brother ver. [Koreans live on food / Luring with food] Noona, wake up. Mom's made us breakfast. [Food morning] We'll have meat for side dishes. Is it not working? [I don't have plans to eat meat today duh] Ding, do it tomorrow. [A room full of panic and chaos because it's surprisingly difficult] What? Why is this so hard? [Holding a grudge] -Wasn't that enough? -You don't eat meat? [Having tons of problems] -Ah what should I do? -How? [Losing all confidence / Retreating for now] [Where are you going?] Where are you going? Where you at? But this is too difficult. [Right away at the right place] Hey do the sexy stuff. [Kevin chose Sexy on Hyunjae's behalf] How can I do the sexy? Wa, wake up. [Shock and Terror] -What, wait a sec. -Wasn't that supposed to be sexy? Wake up and let's eat. [Door firmly closed / Are you a grandpa or something seriously..] Are you using dialect? [I'll show you what sexy is] Sexy transformation. [A fatal hair roll] -Wake up baby. [Wink] [Cringe cringe] Come out the way baby. [What's up with this one's confidence with his sexiness..?] Come out the way baby. [But can't wake her up with his expression] Get out. [Idol House's Exit Door is a strong steel door lol] It's saying, I'm the door of steel. [Can we go out before the day ends...?] I don't think we can go out today. [Haknyeon chose the Dialect / Boy from Jeju] What if I can't speak dialect properly? Whatcha doin' till this time? Wake da hell up. [Is that the Jeju dialect?] [It's so peculiar..] What will yer do if ya stay sleepin' till now huh. Wake da hell up. [LOL] No time left. Get da hell out. [Good???] -Huh? -You're satisfied? With this Jeju dialect? [OK Good] [I'm off first~ / Haknyeon is the first one among The Boyz to get out of the house] [A chaos] What are you doing? What exactly are you doing? [The Boyz are torn with envy] [Guys, let's exit the house in a fair way] [What about Jacob's wake-up call in Little Brother ver.?] [What's wrong with his expression?] Noona, I want a cheese burger, wake up. [Oh my] There is no cheese burger. [Nobody can sleep on this Cheese burger Aegyo] Noona, I want a cheese burger. [It's open] [Noona will buy you a cheese burger] [There he goes running for his cheese burger lol] [Sangyeon approaches / Chooses the Little Brother] [First he calls for his Noona] Noona. [No plans] Noona. [Just open the door...] Please open the door. [Changing his plans] [I'm The Boyz's main vocalist] The door opens.. [Idol House / Episode THE BOYZ House exit mission] [I am the main vocal of THE BOYZ] Please open the door~ [Will the door open?] Please open the door~ [Open] [Scurries inside] That worked? Ah, there they are. [If you want to enter] -So you have to appeal to that person. -That got him in? How in the world? [If you make an effort, the doors will always open] [The devil's whisper] Do both! [He's going to give it a try] A sexy dialect? [Can he pull it off?] [Sexy wave] Please open! [But there was no dialect] Good, keep going on. [He tries again after being encouraged!] Please open! - It's supposed to be a wake-up call. -Oh, that's right. [Eric does what he does best, sexy with dialect] Wake up. Ya better wake up! [Sorry] [But at that moment!] It opened! [The door opened] [Is this a dream?] Do I go? [Yes... I have to act like this is natural to me... LOL] Wake up [Q chose to act like a little brother] [Q actually does have an older sister] Since I have an older sister. Hurry and wake up! [We will protect our idols. Cut] [Smashing as an act of anger] [Can we exit the house?] [First time ever to pick all three] It's my second time. [Little brother + dialect + sexy] Big sis, common and wake up! [Somehow it sounds like a mess] Big sis, common and wake up! [Reduced to ashes] [Bold] Big sis, common and wake up! I made ya some breakfast~ [This little brother is too dangerous to any older sister] Sis, wake up [Looking at his silhouette is funny enough LOL] Look at his footwork. [A cute and precious pose as these two watch from the outside] [SUNWOO is determined to pull the sexy little brother speaking in a dialect off] Sis, ya gotta wake up~ I made ya breakfast. [That's enough] Common! I worked hard! [The judge was laughing too hard with tears and lost the timing to open the door..] Ya gotta wake up. [This time, HYUNJAE took the role of a little brother] I will take the role of a little brother. [Not a little brother but a grandma] -Wake up~ -Are you a granny? [This isn't a mission to make THE BOYZ laugh LOL] Are you a granny? [He is focused on playing the cute little brother role] Wake up, wake up [THE B big sis, wake up~] The sun has risen [HYUNJAE successfully got out of the house from his little brother performance!] What the heck! [The little brother role is picked continuously] [What will ERIC's little brother be like?] I will advertise coffee as a little brother. [Tenderly] Big sis~ I made you some coffee, wake up [Big sis is getting sleepy with your voice...] -Big sis is sleeping -I want to make his nose bleed. [The little brother failed to control is violent side] I made you some coffee! [Crying out as he turned] Oh, please. [He is crying out, how could we just close the door on him?] Oh, it opened! [A high-five welcoming ceremony!] [Aww, ERIC, you did well] [The return of multiple roles!] I will play a sexy little brother. [What will JUYEON's version of sexy little brother be like?] Big sis, for you, [Calm, sexy, and beautiful] -I made coffee -He's speaking in a dialect. [Coffee + breakfast. Everything is ready for you~] I made you breakfast too. [Waking up with a calm voice] Wake up so we can enjoy breakfast together and hang out. [He stole the big sister's heart / JUYEON succeeded with is sincere alarm!] Getting mad seems to work. [NEW's turn] [Suddenly revealing a name] Hey, Choi Chul Min! Wake up! I won't be responsible if you are late for school. -You said her true name -You said it. [Grilling his older sister to wake up] I told you to wake up. You're going to be late otherwise. [Yeah... This is the realistic version of a little brother...] Choi Chul Min! I told you to wake up. [Open] [Oh yeah! Mission complete!] [Q chose to be a sexy little brother!] I will try to be a sexy little brother. [The pose he chose is sexy already] [Hmm] When are you going to wake up? [Upgraded his pose] Aren't you going to wake up? Even when I am looking at you like this? If you don't, I will go to you. [Okay, come to me...] [Q got out of the house with his heart throbbing acting!] [All by himself] [Lonely SUNWOO approaches] [Step step] [Picked sexy / SUNWOO's final(?) attempt] I will go with sexy. [Warming up] [He announces his decision] Big sis! I will attempt a sexy little brother. [This time he seems to be stalling] I did my best to make food for you. Wake up. [The merciless house door isn't opening...] Wake up sis. [He may not make it, but he did his best...] Man! It's annoying!! [House exit mission / When will all the idols make it through] [Next week] [The dream fairies Dream Catchers arrived in Idol House!] [All aboard the Andromeda train with Dream Catchers] Let's be energetic as Andromeda! [Tickets are free] [Mandatory] [The things you will need is energy out of this world!] [The Dream Catchers will take care of the refreshing contents~] [*The freshness could be overwhelming] [Snacks are a must during traveling~] I don't want to live with LEE SIYEON. [Popcorn... How many types of popcorn have you tried?] [We guarantee you that you will never take your hands off of the popcorn during this spectacular time!] Hand over the popcorn please~ [You're going to regret not watching this!] You little brat, hurry and wake up! [If you want to ride the Dream Catcher's Andromeda train!] Mom needs to go to work. [Idol House / October 5th 6PM]
Channel: IDOLLIVE[아이돌라이브]
Views: 679,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 19fdsxFg7as
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 31sec (2851 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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