멤버잘알 TXT의 304호 가족회의 (feat.물총싸움)🤣💦 | TOMORROW X TOGETHER Comeback Show (ENG SUB)

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(A mansion on a green field) (and young gentlemen TOMORROW X TOGETHER!) Hello~ Family of Unit 304 (debuted on 3/4) I'm the MC of today's Unit 304's family meeting Kang Taehyun (Taehyun~~ Whoohoo~) Before starting, thank you for wearing appropriate attire :) Thanks for doing so (Claps anyway) (Let's say they are wearing appropriate attire) (The visuals of Unit 304's family...are just PERFECT) <TXT #304 Family Meeting> *Rule* Each member dances while listening to a song! Meanwhile, the rest chooses a banned word and action! Shoots the water gun whenever he speaks/acts the banned words/actions! ★Take the discussion seriously even if you get shot with water★ (Start choosing Beomgyu's banned word&action!) *Beomgyu can't hear anything Firstly..how about blinking for the banned action! (No time to put down the water gun) (Leader Soobin has conscience) Winking! (Revealing Beomgyu's habits) He always sticks his tongue out :-p Beomgyu claps a lot too Clapping sounds good (OK Clapping!) It'll be easy to catch (Beomgyu's banned action: Clapping) What about the banned word? "No" Sounds good (Happy Beomgyu..unaware) Go put in on for him (Let's put on a hairband) (Calm down...★) Go put on the hairband~ It's written over there! I'll put it on for you~ (Can't hide: Beomgyu's PRO idol moment) Beomgyu: Word: No Action: Clapping (Huening Kai's turn) I've decided Huening Kai's banned action! (Shares ideas as soon as it starts) Hand gesture! Isn't that too broad? (Conscious leader) Gestures using two hands? (Fast decision!: Gestures with both hands) I recommend "Really" for the banned word Doesn't it sound good? (Everyone seems to agree) (A-ha! He says "really" is good) Huening Kai: Word: Really Action: Gestures with both hands (Taehyun's turn!) Taehyun says 'No' A LOT!! (Beomgyu's Banned word: "No") He'll have to dry clean his clothes today if we choose "No" (That's Beomgyu's future..(^^)) Banned action..scratching his neck? That sounds good! Let's just shoot the water if he brings his hand close to his neck :) (Got it!) (Right now..only Kang Taehyun and music exist..) <Can't We Just Leave the Monster Alive?> Sailor clothes ver. Taehyun~ You need to try harder! (Taehyun feels great~~) Taehyun: Word: No (same as Beomgyu) Action: Touching his neck (Soobin's turn!) Soobin is stupid~ hehe Ok he can't hear us! I've chosen Soobin's banned action! Shaking his legs! (Great!) (Writes without hesitation) He kept shaking his legs when we were choosing yours! (Soobin's banned action: Shaking his legs) Let's choose one of our names! Huening (Kai)! Oh!!! (loves it) (No one has conscience for the conscious leader) Huening sounds good! (Conscious leader's fate..?) Soobin: Word: Huening Action: Shaking his legs (Lastly, Yeonjun's turn) (Dancing) What about one of our song title? (Loves it♥) Can we do that? (Yeonjun..if you say the title of this song today.. You'll have a water gun shower) (Contemplating the banned action) Nodding? (Members share their endless ideas) Yeonjun: Word: TXT's song Title Action: Nodding We've decided all 5 of our banned words and actions! I'm confident not to get shot at all! Let me see everyone's banned words and actions~ #Pay_attention_Today's_last_fresh_faces We'll start our <#304 Family Meeting>! The first topic TOMORROW X TOGETHER is well known for our performances! <New Rules> requires high level skill <Drama> has restless jumps and large actions (TOMORROW X TOGETHER's most difficult choreography?) <New Rules> vs. <Drama> Of course it's <Drama> <New Rules> of course! Show of hands for <New Rules> as being more difficult! (Yeonjun said the <Song Title>, his banned word) (You said it..!) (Hm???) (funny) trying to keep a poker face~ Show of hands for <Drama> as being more difficult! <New Ruels> - Soobin, Huening Kai <Drama> - Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun It's <Drama>~ (Water gun faster than light) (What is it???) (Everyone seems happy except for Yeonjun~) (Why did I get shot..?) Let's listen to Soobin's opinion first! (Witnessed Yeonjun getting shot 1st hand) (Unable to speak easily..!) Isn't <Drama> more difficult honestly? (He had to say it again) (Perfect banned word for Yeonjun) (Laughs out of confusion) (Laughs out of happiness) Why me!!! (Yeonjun doesn't know..) (Just enjoying it♥) (Let's be careful Soobin..) <New Rules> has me and Huening Kai.. (Did you call me?) (Time lapse attack) (Holding it in) What is it? (Shoots late on time) (Shrieks of joy) Is it saying the members' names? I don't know~~ (cautious) <New Rules> choreo has me and..maknae born in August lifting our maknae born in February It's very.. difficult Our top and bottom separate No~! That's a different one (No~~??) (Lv. 814 Secret Assassin) (Surprised) What??? x2 (Beomgyu..this is just the beginning hehe) It takes a while to learn... <New Rules> side's opinion finished Yeonjun, what do you think about it? (Smart Taehyun throws the bait to Yeonjun) (Everyone looks about to shoot as soon as he opens his mouth) (Catches the bait..) Why am I being shot!! (Hehee) Finish your sentence! But honestly..is <New Rules> more difficult? (Water gun instead of an answer) (Looks like he doesn't know why he got shot at all) What about Beomgyu's opinion? Isn't <Drama> more difficult? What makes you say that? (Excited maknae) No.. I mean.. (Shoots as if they've been waiting) (Choi Beomgyu (20) / "No"-bot, TOMORROW X TOGETHER's 3rd oldest) (Got very small) What gesture did I make? (it's not a gesture..) (Confused Beomgyu) ("No" fairy Choi Bamgyu) (Sniper fairy Choi Soobin) What is it..?? Does he have no learning ability? (~Everyone's happy except for Beomgyu~) Let's be quick! We can't move forward What's your basis for saying that the choreo is difficult? Is it hard strength wise or just endurance wise? (Serious) My leg hurts for <New Rules> (Lv.814 Silent Assassin2) (Gets shot) He must not have learning abilities~! (Saying what he heard himself) It must be scary to speak! New Rules! (Everyone works together to trick Yeonjun) (So funny) (Isn't this it??) (Laughter) (Naive little lamb..) (Late shooting time) No~! ("No"-bot reappears) (You too ^^) What is it?? (Each having a mental breakdown) We'll have the last vote for this topic Show of hands for <New Rules> being more difficult choreo! (Unchanged Soobin & Huening Kai, changed Taehyun!) You switched over~ I just thought of another reason, <New Rules> is harder to sing live It's all high notes! Summary: TOMORROW X TOGETHER's hardest choreo is <New Rules>! (Next topic: Soobin & Huening Kai - who's the real "follower"?0 Soobin is Huening Kai's follower! -Beomgyu & Taehyun & Huening Kai Huening Kai is Soobin's follower! -Soobin & Yeonjun Let's listen to their opinions first (Soobin & Huening Kai are usually together so they call each other "gumddakji") Whatever I do, Soobin follows me.. (noisy) (Testing his banned action) (Members are waiting for the right timing to shoot..) Why is he doing that? (Do I shoot him..or no..) (Can't hold it in anymore) (Members shoot after Soobin starts) (Is this right?) (Bunny's rage) (Looks around) (Bunny's rage2) (No more going easy Choi Bamgyu!) (Clapping) (Hehehe) (I'm not gonna clap..) (Gumddakji #2 continues on) Soobin left a signature and even left gum! (Nonsense) (Gumddakji has been a hot issue since their debut) He even left a letter! Don't make things up! I'm not making this up! (Saying his opinion in the sweetest face) (water gun) (Finally! Gestures with both hands!) (Merciless friend and hyung) (Laughing hard) He even left a letter (Finishes his statement) What do you think? (Gumddakji #1 rebuts) Our nickname is 'Gumddakjis' (Practices aim) That...haha.. Don't glare at me like that..;;; (Everyone shoots together~) (Glared for the moment he shook his legs) (Acting fine) (Hehehe ♥) When we were shooting our intro film Huening Kai was right next to me at school (The banned word starts now!) Mmm~~ (mad) (2 Happy people) It all began with me saying in the making film, "Whew~ This gumddakji~~he's tiring!" (No mercy) (Washing his face unexpectedly) I feel bad for him (an angel) Why?? I didn't make any gestures! (Soobin thinks it's a banned action) We chose a great banned word~! *^^* It's so funny! (Cute boys happy at the perfect word choice) The past is the past I'm curious how it is now? Then Yeonjun.. Soobin hyung (?) Shuening..Huening hyung..no..Suing! (error) (Whatever Taehyun says is right!) Do you think Huening Kai is Soobin hyung's gumddakji? Uh..right (Habitual nod) (You nodded???) Is it "right"? (Nods) (Hehe) (Serious) Let's continue our discussion A couple months ago, Huening Kai was Soobin's gumddakji (Everyone knows Soobin's attached member = Huening Kai) but Soobin looks for Huening Kai frequently! (Amusing) Beomgyu's POV of Soobin: Soobin wants Huening to be his gumddakji (Gumddakji #1 taken back) (Beomgyu shows off method acting) (Clap!) Soobin is Huening's gumddakji! Soobin what are you gonna do? There's a witness (He speaks and shoots) (The clap 5 seconds ago) (Ingratitude) But I think everyone who knows will know That Huening Kai really likes me..! (#$%@) (Kind members wash Soobin) "Huening Kai" (Tests his word) (Instant reaction) (Gave up) (Answers with water gun) A-ha it must be "Huening Kai" (Soobin realizes his banned word) The fact that he likes me a lot (Hehehe) Everyone can tell that Huening likes me Huening is..! (Hasn't been a minute since he got showered..) (Soobin are you sure you know it?) (Soobin sings..<To Fool from Fool>..) I like him because I can see that he likes me and follows me! (He's only thinking of shooting the water) I can see / not see him liking you (Disconcerted cheeks) Let's have our final vote! (Soobin is the gumddakji! (follower)) -Beomgyu & Taehyun & Huening Kai (Huening Kai is the gumddakji!) -Still Soobin & Yeonjun The official gumddakji is finally determined! (Excited x2) Summary: Soobin is Huening Kai's gumddakji! Wait!! Let's add a banned word for more difficulty~★ *It was the members' proposal.. Beomgyu's additional word: "What is it?" Huening Kai's word: "Please" Taehyun's word: "No" Soobin's word: "Him" (=can't call Huening Kai) Yeonjun's word: Anything that refers to himself! (Onto the next topic with added banned words~) (Scanning the banned words) Next topic is about Yeonjun! Cute "oldest but youngest" vs. Reliable "oldest hyung" (Yeonjun's real personality?) Let's listen to Yeonjun's opinion first! (Let's see..) I!!! (I = Yeonjun = referring to himself) (moves..) (Senses danger) (3 Assassins get ready as soon as he finishes speaking) Please let me speak..I'm so scared I'll put it down! (gestures with both hands) (Shoots after seeing Huening) (Hue...^^) I..! am the sexy oldest hyung! (Oh★the great oldest hyung★oh) Why are you guys shooting.. (What do you mean why hehe) Sexy?? (Is it this???) (Hehehe) Great?? (getting the wrong clues) That's what you believe right? I'm the "oldest hyung"! (Haha) (What is it???) (His hand doesn't block any) Please raise your hand if you think Yeonjun acts like the oldest! (Everyone stays still) (Sad) We need to discuss! I'll join the "oldest hyung" side Hey...♡ (Hi-five) 'Oldest but youngest' - Beomgyu & Taehyun & Huening Kai Ok got it (Nice) (We've waited a while!) (Bang) Isn't he the youngest if the maknaes think he's the youngest??? (Silence..stop..abracadabra...) Am I wrong..? No you're right x2 (A rare occasion of the audio being silent...) ....what is it??? (He said it!) (Did they do it on purpose? Intelligent Idol TOMORROW X TOGETHER) What did I do?? (Doesn't expect it to be 'What is it?') (What is it +1) (Beomgyu adds on his mileage as Taehyun speaks) (What is it +2) He has more time off the stage Right! So that's why I think you're an 'oldest but youngest'! He does a lot of aegyo (Huening Kai continues on) (Peek-a-boo) (Hehehe) Huening Kai can't do it even though he knows it~ ....hahahahaha!!! This is hard!!! (Explodes) (Full of laughter with Maknae's talent show♡) What am I supposed to do! ㅠㅠ (Cute♥) (Huening..losing his soul) #Cheerup #GestureNingNing Yeonjun is like the oldest usually, (Usually the oldest) but he seems like the youngest because of his infrequent cuteness This is a fact! (Soobin is doing great~) I think Yeonjun has the 'oldest hyung' as the base! More so than the real maknae Huening? More so that Huening in what??? Is he more like a maknae than real maknae Huening? (Says anything to make him say the word) (Hing) More like a maknae than him?? (Great catch~) Great choice! x2 "Him"? It must be "him" Then what do I call him? Oh "him"! (another version) Oh there was that~! (He will call Huening Kai no matter what) He's smart~! (impressed) Do you agree with Soobin's opinion? I agree with him 100% I can tell that he's satisfied I..really..! (Bamgyu and NingNing don't let him go) I! Me!!! Really?? For Real?? (Is it only raining for Yeonjun?) It was a great choice (Deep in thought) Me!!! (Soobin waters him) (Not tears) (So fun) I!!! (★Waterpark open~!★) Do I have 4 banned words?? (wet) Do you think you're the oldest hyung even off stage? I...! (He gets caught again) (Boys are watering a flower~) (Particularly enthusiastic) He shoots a lot! Let's hear what he has to say! Speak freely~ Sometimes, I'm charismatic Hey guys! We have to do it! (Laughs) (All seem to disagree) Sometimes~ huh? Guys! Gather around! Greatly..! ~TOMORROW X TOGETHER's silence~ Honestly, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say right now (Bang) Ok! Then before it gets more heated! We'll finish up! Oh it's "I"? Last vote for "Yeonjun is the oldest hyung"! "Oldest hyung" = Soobin & Yeonjun "Oldest but youngest" = Beomgyu & Taehyun & Huening Kai I think Soobin raised his hand because of affection.. (Yeonjun didn't have a lonely fight thanks to Soobin..★) Ok! then.. (Time to water Taehyun) (The symmetrical layout is comforting) (Bold touch over the frame..!) Ok!!! (That's right) (Kang Taehyun watering party..★) ....Yes? (sigh) (Taehyun's watering party ended quickly) (Please continue to give "youngest" Yeonjun lots of love♡) (Nearing the end of #304's Family meeting..?) With that last topoic I'll finish up the #304 Family meeting Did you guys have fun today? How was it.. Ok! We'll reveal the hidden last topic! There was a hidden Xman (Byeman) in today's meeting! Bye..man? (Find the Xman (Byeman)!) Who's the Xman who acted unusually during the meeting? Only one chance! Find the Xman in 10 minutes There was such thing? When did he start?? (Confused) What's a Byeman..? Who is he?? He acted strangely?? Throughout the meeting? There's no hint to what the strange action is? There's a member who witnessed the Byeman's strange actions Is it~~ Who received Yeonjun's wink? (Detective Soobin) Me! (Beomgyu got it) I saw it!!! (Yeonjun who winked is the Byeman???) Found it!! (You're caught!) (Byeman suspect: Yeonjun) I'm a suspect just because I winked? I think he winked to know his banned action But he does it to 3 people? I didn't get it! That's not it! I didn't do it first He suddenly did it at me so I did it back! (Suspicious wink starter) Yeonjun didn't do it to me I saw him doing it to Beomgyu! Huening Kai's opinion: It's too obvious! I think it'll be one of us four Why are you including yourself? You have conscience! (Hue) No no no A member picked up a clue that the Byeman left accidentally (A critical hint) Yeonjun! Did Soobin wink back when you winked at him? Did I wink at Soobin? Yeah..but I didn't answer (Yeonjun has no memory of winking) Beomgyu did it before Yeonjun did, right? (Detective Taehyun) He did it first! You did it first Hey it's him! He left his charm♡ No...!!!! (Beomgyu~) (Hyung~~) He knows something! It's him..! I think it's me~! (Warming mood..) Let's kill him (Savage) Wait a minute - it's not me I think I know! It's Taehyun! Only Taehyun went to meet with the staff! (Everyone talks) That's reasonable (Taehyun who went to meet with the staff is the Byeman?) (Time's over! Time to pick the Byeman) How do we point at the Byeman? Shoot the water gun at the suspected Byeman! One! (Taehyun?) Two!! (Ok got it) Three!!! Who got the most votes? The Byeman members have in mind..!!! Taehyun 3 votes (Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Huening Kai) Beomgyu 1 vote (Taehyun) Huening Kai 1 vote (Soobin) Members picked Taehyun as the Byeman!!! (Is that correct?) Who is the Byeman? Ahhh!!! (Unbelievable!) Yeonjun tricked the members (Baffled) Hidden topic: Find the Byeman! It was Yeonjun! (Water of anger) What did he do??? Is it the bag..? (The bag..?) (Hands over the bag) While we were doing this! Did you eat gummies by yourself? I had this in here and kept eating (Ding dong dang~~) But no one caught it ~Yeonjun's Byeman story~ To eat a whole bag of gummies until the end of the meeting Was it tasty to eat during our shooting? (angry) (NingNing is just happy♡) (Sorry don't get mad..♥) Who was the witness? Ok so.. While I was eating, I knew I wouldn't be able to finish at this speed so I put the gummies in my sleeves and I put this here but it fell and Soobin picked it up for me I asked, "What is it?" and he said, "Garbage" (Laughter) (Yeonjun hid the gummies in his sleeves) (Even talked with the members freely) (The gummy bag fell in a moment) (Found it right away) (Soobin goes to grab it quickly) Who's is it..? What is it?? Garbage! (Yeonjun's heart fell) (Doesn't know where to look) I thought it fell! from one of the staffs They were fixing Yeonjun's makeup and it was under Yeonjun's seat! so a staff must've been eating gummies and dropped it in a rush..! (Feeling betrayed) With the hidden topic seeing the members' mystery solving skills How was it~? (#304 Family Meeting: The End~) (Just checked his banned word & action) You guys know me so well! It's great right? I was surprised! (Peace and rupture coexisted in today's meeting) It's a family meeting! and we're a family! (Nods) Soobin regularly calls us for a meeting So I thought it'd be nice to have more occasions like this! Although we're all wet! (Uses both of his hands) Our members! (Gumddakji's smile) Had a lot of fun because our members shot the water~ (Realized the importance of using both hands) He's unfrozen! Beomgyu claps all he wants We had a lot of fun! They do this a lot on variety shows and it's a lot of fun to try it ourselves! I feel like we got a bit more tighter and Byeman Yeonjun did a great job Yeonjun, great work for doing all three~! (Discussion, Byeman, Banned word/action) It was a meaningful time to hear our members' thoughts Until now, it was TOMORROW X TOGETHER's #304 Family Meeting! Thank you~! Bye~~~♥ (Wishing for ETERNAL Peace of TOMORROW X TOGETHER's family..★)
Channel: M2
Views: 1,411,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 엠넷, Mnet, 엠투, M2, MPD, 엠피디, Kpop, K-Pop, K팝, 아이돌, 한국, 라이브, Live, Dance, 댄스, 안무, 엠넷직캠, 직캠, MPD FANCAM, 팬캠, fancam, mnet, CROWN, TXT, 빅히트, 투모로우바이투게더, 연준, 수빈, 범규, 태현, 휴닝카이, YEONJUN, SOOBIN, TAEHYUN, HUENINGKAI, BEOMGYU, TXT 컴백쇼, TXT 비하인드, TXT 컴백쇼 비하인드, TXT BEHIND, TOMORROW X TOGETHER Comeback Show
Id: KpxQC2OMrAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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