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[GAME START] [TO DO TOMORROW X TOGETHER] [TO DO TOMORROW X TOGETHER] Shall we get started then? [TO DO TOMORROW X TOGEHTER] TO DO! We have so many cameras today. That's right. [Full harvest of cameras today?] - That's right. Especially many of them. - Yes. Especially so. We can vaguely guess but what are we doing today? Today's TO DO is... Hey. Hey! You can also play tycoon. [Laughs] So shocking. [Unexpected title] So shocking. [Today, they'll open TO DO restaurant] Today, you'll open TO DO Kitchen yourselves and run everything about it for the day [and play TO DO Restaurant Tycoon] from taking orders, cooking, serving, and closing! - Really? - So good. [TO DO FOOD Temporary OPEN Hey! You can play tycoon as well] [Members get to operate everything about the restaurant from taking orders to cooking!] [Hearing this news, special patrons come running?] [Patrons will rate TO DO restaurant on their taste, cleanliness, service and so on] [If they get more than 50 out of 100 on average, they'll play real tycoon with MOA in the future] [Will the members be able to get the chance to play the real tycoon?] [TO DO Kitchen's menu - Tteokbokki, Ramyeon, stir-fried sundae, oil pasta, Gimbap, toast, pancake] [Operating hours - Prepping for open: 30 min. Kitchen run: 2 hours, Closing: 30 min.] [Before getting to prep ingredients & practice cooking, members wash their hands] - But these guys... - Excited, right? [TAEHYUN's hands] [YEONJUN's hands] [Stealing the bubbles] - But these guys... - Excited, right? No, KANG TAEHYUN [World, listen up. KANG TAEHYUN's washing with my hands!] is using my hands to wash! [With the hands washed and sanitary masks put on...] [Nose-NINGKAI] [Found HUENING with the mask on upside down] [World, listen up 2] HUENINGKAI put this on his nose [HUENINGKAI put this on his nose just now!] just now. [Pretending he didn't] Hey, who puts this on their nose? HUENINGKAI put this on his nose just now. Hey, who puts this on their nose? [This guy] [Put it on properly and start to prep the ingredients!] - Is this it? - With that on the chin. Right. Okay. [TO DO Kitchen's menu - Tteokbokki, Gimbap, Ramyeon, toast] Hey, what should we make? [stir-fried sundae, pancakes, Aglio e olio (oil pasta)] For starters, I think the most important thing is the stuff that go in the Gimbap. - Shall we chop them all up in advance then? - Chop them all up... [For a smooth operation] - We can put the spring onions in ramyeon as well. - Right. [prepping ingredients for Gimbap first] Okay. [These 2 joint at the hips are preparing ingredients together] [Love carrots] - Shall I cut up the carrots then? - Okay. [TAEHYUN doesn't like carrots in Gimbaps] Do we need carrots in Gimbaps? The ones without carrots taste better. [Bunny Choi / Eats carrots as staples] No, we need carrots. Carrots are tasty. [Humming] [Takes a look] [Is baby HUENING having fun?] Having fun? So epic. - I see through you. - So epic. [On the other hand, TAEHYUN is as serious as can be] Okay! [I'll take over the pancakes!] I'll try this. [HUEINGKAI volunteered to assist TAEHYUN's cooking] Please break these and put them in. I'm not so good at breaking eggs. [Cracking] [+shell] Mm. So incredible. - Sorry... - It's alright! [Working hard at making the batter] [Shake it, shake it] [Another human shaker here] [A kid named BEOMGYU who dreamed of becoming a barista] I wanted to become a barista. But you became just a star, right? [Feeling good] Well, that's not bad either. [At 9 on Mondays...] [I brew coffee...] Okay. [With the classy scent of the coffee bean] [and the tender sweetness] [A small café inside TO DO...] [Americanu...] [Shall we check out the coffee by BEOM-star?] [Let's stop checking it out] [YEONJUN's working on prepping garlics for the oil pasta] Foam. Before putting in the milk, to make the foam, how long do I have to do it? [Duckling Choi, intensely focused] [Practice is the only way to survive. YEONJUN tries cooking the oil pasta right away] Oh, it smells nice. [Feeling good] Right? It gives off a lot of garlic aroma. [The oil pasta is almost done] Okay. [Feeling proud] Yes. YEONJUN's looks the most like a proper cuisine. [Looks tasty] [Will it taste good?] Are we supposed to have the water poured in? [Yum yum] - Not bad? - I don't know what it tastes of. [Worried] Why? Does it not have much flavor? Though I made it myself, I don't know what it tastes like. [YEONJUN can't believe the outcome] I'm not usually this bad. This is serious today. [However,] [He comes alive on stage! Strong at the real deal!] It feels better than earlier. Right. It looks better cooked, with yellowish color. [Yellowish] [Became an oil pasta master after 2 tries] [TAEHYUN practiced making batter all throughout the practice time] [Leveling up his skills rapidly in everyone's awe] - Pancakes came out great. - Is it alright? Good job. [The duo joint at the hips become the dishwashing fairy and the hall master] Are you perhaps ready to order? [TO DO FOOD OPEN] We'll open the TO DO RESTAURANT. [Filled with high hopes] - Many will come, right? - Many will come, right? [At that time, the first patron comes in] We have a very cute patron here. [The special patrons of the day unveiled!] Who is it? What is that? [BEOM-star doesn't mind and goes to take orders] Welcome. [Surprisingly, it's the production crew] I guess you work at the theme park, huh? [Anyways, they've become like meerkats with the 1st patron in the restaurant] Which one would you like to order? [1st patron orders ramyeon] [Order ticket: Patron 1 - Ramyeon] [Ramyeon? Easy, isn't it?] [Please put extra dumplings in the ramyeon, but no rice cakes] [Make the egg yolk undercooked and the noodles firm] [Moving this way and that] - Firm noodles? - Does he have lots of demands? Where are the dumplings? Alright, we have an order! [Order ticket: Patron 1 - 1. Ramyeon (+ dumplings - rice cake - undercooked egg yolk + firm noodles] [2. Grape slushies] Ramyeon with dumplings, no rice cakes, with egg yolk that bursts at a tap. [Everyone's befuddled at the unexpectedly complicated order] Ramyeon with dumplings, no rice cake, and an egg yolk that burst... I'll try making this one! Yes, alright. - It's done in a flash. [TAEHYUN! Make it a firm noodle!] - The noodles need to be firm! [Don't you worry] That can be done in a flash. [HUENING is looking for dumplings to put in the ramyeon] Huh? We don't have any dumplings. [SOOBIN to the rescue] I think I saw it earlier. [The phenomenon in which things I couldn't find alone appear at times like this] Right. Found it. [Anyways, obtained the dumplings with the help from SOOBIN] - We need to boil the dumplings. - Good. Would you light this burner up? I'll do it! [The patron 1 is rushing them] [First, put on a smile] Well, it hasn't even been 5 minutes since you ordered! [On top of everything, patron 2 walks in] - Hello. - What do we do? Hurry and take the order. [Oh, right. The order] - Hurry and take the order. - Hello. [Patron 2: What's the recommended menu of the day?] Today, with all things considered... HUENING, the oil pasta! Personally, I would recommend the oil pasta. It would be up to you, the patron. [Patron 2: Then, I'll take 1 tuna Gimbap] Gimbap that you'd like is with tuna. [Please give me a Jjajang ramyeon*] (*Instant noodles with black bean sauce) Jjajang flavored ramyeon. [YEONJUN gets started on the Jjajang ramyeon] Jjajang ramyeon? [Please put in 5 dumplings in the Jjajang ramyeon] You'd like the dumplings in there? - 5 dumplings. - 5 of them. [What? 5 dumplings?] Everyone. - Yes. - Yes. [Order ticket: Patron 2 - 1. Tuna Gimbap] First of all, the Gimbap he ordered is tuna Gimbap. [2. Jjajang ramyeon (+ overcooked noodles + dumplings)] and Jjajang ramyeon totally overcooked. And, 5 dumplings fried to crisp! 5 of them. [Their mental state is getting fried with the intricate order] 5 dumplings fried to crisp. [In the meanwhile, patron 1's ramyeon is done] Done. The ramyeon is done. [Patron 1: An extra order of a toast] Please give me a toast here. Toast... [A miraculous cooking] I boil (?) toast really well. I want to take that out by the time I'm done eating the ramyeon. [A take out?] Please get it to go. [NO TAKE-OUT ZONE] So sorry, but we don't provide take-outs. [BEOM-star, doing well!] You need to eat it here. Alright. Then, just get it ready, please. Alright. [Ramyeon is cleared!] I think we can get the toast to go. - Is that right? - Yes. Sir, thank you for waiting. [Kitchen staff is nervous at their 1st food out] Hey, hey, hey. (?) What are you doing? You need to give this to him. [The pot's lid] We should give him a separate plate. [Ramyeon's to be eaten off of the lid!] Eating it from the lid tastes better. [The 1st ramyeon with complicated order is done] Do we have any back orders? [Order ticket: Patron 2 - 1. Tuna Gimbap, 2. Jjajang ramyeon] We need the tuna... We need to make the tuna Gimbap. I'll make the tuna Gimbap! - Is one rice enough? Let's do 2. - 2 of them. 2 of them. [Knows all the recipes by heart. He's the master chef of this neighborhood] Take 2 of them and put in sesame oil and sesame seeds. - First of all... - Do we have any dumplings? - And add salt. Add salt. [Jjajang ramyeon is done] HUENING, is the fried dumpling ready? [Fried dumplings are not ready yet] They're being cooked now. [Hurrying with the Jjajang ramyeon first] The 2nd. The 2nd. - The 2nd? - Yes. [Sir, the Jjajang ramyeon you ordered is out] [Patron 2: What about my dumplings?] The dumplings are on their way now. [Patron demands the dumplings be decorated on the dish] - Please decorate it. - Decorations? - How would you like the decorations to be? - To be pretty. Would you like it in the shape of Mickey Mouse? Alright. Hey! He wants it in the shape of Mickey Mouse. [Shocked] - What? - What did you say? [Seriously, there's a patron who demands] He wants a Mickey Mouse made from dumplings. [Mickey Mouse made from dumplings?] Mickey Mouse with the dumplings? Okay. [Is that possible?] How do you make a Mickey Mouse with dumplings? [Well, HUENING will take care of it] The rest of it will be done by our HUENING. Until then, I'll focus on the cleanliness. But, these dumplings are made for boiling, so... That's the right way to do it. [What's the issue?] - If you fry the dumplings for boiling, they're also fried dumplings. - That's right. [Is the decoration made to his order?] Here you go. [Wow, it's Mickey... At a loss for words...] Please enjoy the food. [A new patron has come in] Welcome. Hurry and take the order! Hurry and take the order! [Order ticket: Patron 3 - 1. Ramyeon, 2. Tteokbokki] - Tteokbokki. - Ramyeon and Tteokbokki? - Ramyeon and Tteokbokki. - Yes. I'll boil the ramyeon! I'm good at cooking ramyeon. [He's about to show the very precise ramyeon recipe] Let me get him in exact measurements. 500. [Using the measuring cup even] [Putting pre-cooked Tteokbokki on the plate] [SOOB got shy all of a sudden] What do I do? Would you like to serve it to him? I don't think I can. [SOOBIN's avatar] Sir, here's the delicious Tteokbokki. [Feeling nervous] [Tteokbokki is cleared!] [TO DO Restaurant is running hectic with all the orders pouring in] [I can't be like this] [Kindly taking care of patrons] Was the egg cooked to your liking? [Satisfied] Gimbap. [BEOMGYU was making tuna Gimbap] Isn't this it? This is how we make Gimbap in my family. [Found the Gimbap!!] [Trying not to laugh] [Finally, "This is how we make Gimbap in my family" Gimbap is done] Where does the tuna Gimbap go? There... There... [Laughing for real] Here's your tuna Gimbap. [Runs away because he's embarrassed] [Laughing] [Tuna(check), seaweed (check), rice (check)] [TAEHYUN checks to see the reaction of the customer] [Excuses] We're having a rice ball special edition(?) event. [Customer 2] Who is the heart for? Of course, for you. Who ordered the thick noodle ramen? [Checks the customer's preferences] Do you want the noodles undercooked or overcooked? - Overcooked please. - All right. [YEONJUN is so considerate to check the customer's preferences for noodles] Here is the ramen you ordered. [The lid show~!] Ta-da! [They're done making the ramen too! CLEAR!] [Customer 1] When is my toast coming out? Posthaemen? We'll prepare it so that you can take it out on your way out. [Customer 1] I have to go now. [In charge of the toast] The toast is almost done now. It's on the way. [All he has to do is add the syrup] [A big gush] [What happened?] [Nervous] I didn't think it would do that. [Tries fixing it with the banana] - Here's the banana. - OK. Should we try decorating it with bananas? Does it look like a heart? [Showing off his heart decoration] Ta-da. [Will he be able to fix things with the banana?] [Toast with love CLEAR!] Ta-da. Here are some heart shaped bananas. Thank you. Enjoy. - Hello. - Hello. [A cute (?) customer] The customer is so cute I'll... [TAEHYUN will get the order this time] Are you going to get his order? - I'll go. - OK, got it. [So gentle~] - Hello there. - Hello. [What will the customer order?] [Customer 5] One spicy black bean noodles, pickled radish, and a fried egg please. I'd like bananas and whipped cream on my pancakes. [Order list: Customer 5 - 1. Spicy black bean noodles (+radish + egg)] - Black bean noodles with eggs. - Jjapaguri? [2. Pancakes (+bananas + whipped cream)] - Black bean noodles and eggs? - Yes. [YEONJUN/ Cook] I'll make the Jjapaguri. Someone do the eggs. [Fried egg/ Master of the pan] I'll make the fried eggs. [One sudden iced Americano too] Iced Americano. All right. [The kitchen is getting in order now] [While he's trying to appeal to the customers] - Excuse me. - Yes. [Customer 5] - Excuse me! - Yes. What is the time? - It's... - Early in the morning. 6:55 sir. [Customer 5] I can't read the time please tell me what time it is. [It was 5:53 at the time] It's 6:56. [They're making sure to do PR for themselves] Oh~ It's 5:53~ [Customer 5] - I'm bored. Please sing for me. - Sing? [The best song to sing at 5:53!] [Ta-dan-dan-dan ta-dan-dan-dan] "Blue hour"! [They can only sing the intro] Do you by any chance... The customer who ordered the spicy black noodles. [TO DO restaurant is so considerate] Would you like 2 servings of your ramen? - Or just one? - Just one please. All right. [Flipping the pancakes] It's the best pancake I've ever made. [Is the other side cooked?] [After decorating...] It could be cold, so I'll put it on this. [Serves right away] - Hello. - Hello. Here are your pancakes. - With bananas and whipped cream, right? - Yes. [While TAEHYUN cleans up] - Order please. - I'll clean this up. [YEONJUN takes someone's order] Thank you. Let me take your order. What would you like? [Customer 6] Kimbap. But what goes in it? - In the kimbap? - Yes. [Not sure] Um... Seaweed and rice. [Beware of the weird settings] I'm Korean [Customer 6 can only eat domestically grown ingredients] - so I can only eat Korean ingredients. - Really? [Wait] - Then one pancake. - Pancake. Our chef is from Hawaii, is that OK? Are you sure? - Are you OK with that? - Yes I'm OK with that. [Are they talking about me? - All right. - Aloha! Aloha! [So cute] [Orders the slushie] - Can I order the slushie? - Yes of course. [Half and half?] Half and half. [The slushie cook is bewildered] Half and half? All right. [Order: Customer 6 - 1. kimbap] And just plain pancakes? [2. Pancakes. 3. Half and half slushie] Yes. Why did you say yes to half and half? [Is this when it started...?] [When BEOMGYU's audio started to be filled with ice sounds...] [He finished it earlier than anyone else by thinking fast] - Can we serve the slushie first? - Yes. [His half and half slushie is all done!] [The name of this slushie] A accidental encounter. [TAEHYUN who has gotten the hang of things] [is getting better] What are you doing? Wow, the pancake is great. - Is it OK? Then... - Great job. Clean up over there. Here are your pancakes~ [Looks good] Thank you. [Customers keep on coming in] Clean up, clean up. I'll clean this up for you~ [The new customer is looking for the menu] [Menu! Hold on! Where is it!] - They want a menu. - I'll do it. [Huh?] You can pick from here. - They want a menu. - I got it. [New way of serving] [Here you go, a big one] You can pick off of this. [Customer 7] - I heard you have great oil pasta. - Yes, our Aglio e olio is great. Please make it salty. Aglio e olio with lots of salt. And a lot of garlic too. Lots of garlic. [A strong one] [Customer] Black bean sauce tteokbokki. [We don't have that...] - Black bean sauce tteokbokki? - Yes. - With a side order of ramen. - Ramen. [How will they get past this?] One grape slushie. - And one orange juice. - Great. [Order: Customer 7 -1. Aglio e Olio (lots of garlic)] One Aglio e Olio. [2. Black bean sauce tteokbokki (+ramen)] And one black bean sauce tteokbokki. [3. Grape slushie 4. orange juice] They want black bean sauce tteokbokki? - Why did they order something that's not on the menu. - I know. BEOMGYU! Can you make grape slushies? - Huh? - Can you make grape slushies? I'll make it. [Slushie work starts again, ASMR] [After he's done with the pancakes] He's done with the pancakes. [Sees another customer waiting] He's done with the pancakes and he's waiting for his ramen. [The egg is all messed up despite YEONJUN's anxious situation] What's up with the egg? I have to do this over again. [Nice one~!] There! [So proud] I'm the best. [Shows off before serving~] Doesn't it look good? You waited for so long. [Considerate] I made it a little bit salty since you seem to enjoy it that way. - Looks good. - Enjoy. [Spicy black bean noodles just the way he likes it, CLEAR!] [New customer asks for water] Excuse me, water please. Water? [Of course] Coming right up. [So kind] What would you like to order? [Customer 9] - A toast. - Yes, toast. Please make a cute decoration with the ketchup. Cute ketchup. Can he make it? The man with the blue hair. - The blue hair? - Him. [In charge of dishes/ customer pick] He's good at decorating. [Decorating master] [He's a power blogger] It's going on my blog. [Got it] - Yes. - So you have to do a good job. Of course. What toast? [Order: Customer 10 - toast (+cheese)] A cheese toast. [+ketchup decoration] - With some ketchup... - In a cute way? OK. [When TAEHYUN is done with the toast] [SOOBIN decorates] You have to decorate. [True to their roles] What animal do you like? [A rabbit please] Bunny. [A bunny is drawing a bunny] [Whispering] [So cute] - A lot of garlic in your Aglio e Olio? - Yes a lot of garlic. A lot of garlic? All right. [Just when we thought it was all going well] [Customer 1: Hello] [The same customer came again] Hello, you came back. [Customer 1] I heard your restaurant is getting great reviews. [No way~] We're not that great. I'll get his order. Nude kimbap. Nude kimbap? Good. [Order: Customer -1. Aglio e Olio] Aglio e Olio and [2. Nude kimbap] one nude kimbap please. One Aglio e Olio... [Speechless] [Order: Customer 1 - 1. Aglio e Olio 2. Nude kimbap] One nude kimbap and 1 Aglio e Olio. We don't have that on the menu... I'll make it. [TAEHYUN is making the black bean tteokbokki without telling anyone] [SOOBIN is quietly doing the dishes] [He can't let it just sit] [SOOBIN is doing the dishes without anyone telling him to] [He's done about 80% of the work here] [But... The dirty dishes must be magical... The pile isn't getting any smaller] [He did the dishes for a very long time...] [Customer 6] Is my kimbap on the way? - Yes it's... - It's being made. [First time making kimbap] Oh. I have something in mind. - I'll make mini kimbap. - Huh? I'll make mini kimbap. [TAEHYUN made the black bean sauce tteokbokki from nothing?] - This is black bean sauce tteokbokki, right? - Yeah. [How did he make the black bean sauce tteokbokki that wasn't on the menu?] Here is your black bean sauce tteokbokki. Enjoy. [Black bean sauce and rice cakes] [HUENINGKAI starts the mini kimbap] [Here is the 3 rolls of mini kimbap~!] 3 rolls of mini kimbap. - Kimbap. - Kimbap. [Bewildered] 3 rows of mini kimbap. [Best teamwork] It looks so good. Our chef's recommendation. 3 rows of mini kimbap. ["Is this kimbap? "Ham and carrots"] [Chopping up the garlic] [Adds the garlic in the oil] [Cautious] [Customer1] When is my pasta going to be ready? That? Please wait for 30 minutes. I'm the only pasta chef here so it's taking some time. I'm so sorry. [What's BEOMGYU making?] [Kimbap master is making the nude kimbap] Nude kimbap. Kimbap that has the seaweed inside the roll. [Can't wait to see it done] [Here is your nude kimbap] Here is your nude kimbap. The seaweed is inside (?) [Bap with seaweed inside] [Once the last order is done, they're done for the day!] I think I'm getting better at making Aglio e Olio. [He's doing a lot better now] [Once he's done with the plating, the last order is done!] Here is our main menu. Aglio e Olio. [Last dish CLEAR!] [Weird request] [Customer 7] Please give me 7 raw garlic pieces. Raw ramen - Raw garlic. - Garlic. - Garlic? [Garlic lover] 7? Yes. I knew this would happen. We have it all prepared for you. [Weird answer to a weird request] Would you like me to add it to your pasta? - On top please. - Yes. [Half pasta, half garlic] There you go. Can we wait and watch to see if you enjoy it? We'll wait and see. [We're watching to see if he really eats it] It's raw garlic. Do you like uncooked garlic? [Wow... He really was a garlic lover] [Goes back in] - Do you like it? Well... - Really? [Chef] You should start from the middle. [TO DO restaurant opened it with confidence] TO DO restaurant is open. [They were bewildered with crazy orders] - Undercooked noodles? - Not overcooked. Where are the dumplings? [They were very kind to the customers no matter how weird their requests were] - Clean it. - Hold on. I'll clean it right up. [They got together to discuss the perfect taste] - One serving of rice? Let's do 2. - 2, 2. 2 servings of rice and sesame oil and sesame seeds. [They had the perfect teamwork] I didn't think it would turn out to be so much. - Here are the bananas. - OK. Should I decorate with the bananas? [They checked each other's conditions] Is your back OK? - Are you doing OK? - Yes. [Even though it was for one day, they were 1000% sincere...] Thank you. Enjoy. Ta-da! [Full of good taste] Here is your nude kimbap. [And love] And your black bean sauce tteokbokki. [TO DO restaurant is closed!!] Here is your delicious tteokbokki. [TO DO "TOMORROW Restaurant" is closed] The restaurant is closed. [by. TAEHYUN] That's a pretty name. You had a lot of customers. [Which customer was the most memorable?] - Yes. - Do you have any memorable customers? Customer with the hair (?) The hair was so funny. [Hall of fame, "What is hair doing in here...?"] There's some hair in the food. [Hair?] There was hair in the food. [What are you saying~ That's nonsense] There was hair in the food? What color! - We all have dyed hair... - There aren't any. [A big bunch] The hair was in the food. [Taking a video for his blog] So... [No way!] Look at that. He's holding up a wig. [I'm sorry but all of our members dyed our hair] I'm so sorry but none of us have black hair. The party of two. - They stayed until the end. - I agree. [Cameraman: That's me...] For real... [As they were cleaning up] [Party of two still sitting] [They will leave once they get their iced Americanos] We'll go once we get our iced Americanos. You'll go after you get your coffee? We're not going to let you go. [They made them stay for a long time...] We've become attached. [How do you feel about your very first restaurant challenge?] What did you all think? We always go to restaurants to eat food. So we didn't know about all this. But I have a tremendous amount of respect for people who cook. To do and prepare all this every day. [Nods] We were able to find out how difficult running a restaurant was. After ruining the pancakes... When someone said they loved our pancakes, it thrilled me. And then... [When a customer thanked them for their food] When they left a thank you message. - It felt amazing. - That was really nice. [After the first customer finished] [They left a memo] [Didn't realize it at first] [Saw it after they closed] Someone left a memo. [What?] Thank you for your food. TXT fighting. [So moved] What? [They have to get over an average of 50] If you get 50 or higher, [They can open a real restaurant] you can open a real restaurant. - Yes. - But we didn't pass, did we? What do you think the score is? Since we did pretty well, over 50. [Not confident] 27. 15? [Final result] [Lowest 20,1, highest 91. Average of 54,7!] [Congrats! TO DO Restaurant will be back in business sometime!] We passed 50. [Goosebumps] - Oh no. - 54,7? [Half excited, half worried] - Oh no. - 54,7? It's OK but... Practice. I think we need some time to practice. [It was still fun] It was a lot of fun. It was fun. See you again next time. TO DO! [Next episode] If you're going to run around for over 1 hour at our concert later, [You must be fit to enjoy concerts] - you have to be in good shape. - Yes. [So we prepared this] For our MOA fans. [Home training special] [Martial arts expert~] Like a martial arts expert. [The ball disappeared in a flash] [Let's have fun with this suspicious(?) ball game!] Ball please! How do your legs... [Don't be bewildered by the speed] - How come it's so fast? - How are they so fast? How do they move their legs like that... [It's a lot of fun once you get used to it~] It's fun. [Be ware, you may get worked up as a side effect] [As long as you have TO DO Home training school, you'll get a good night's sleep] Wake him in SOOBIN's way of waking people. [Next week!] MOA fans, try it. [Look forward to TO DO Home Training School~] - This... - MOA, try it. Why is this so hard?
Channel: TXT LOVE
Views: 120,345
Rating: 4.974649 out of 5
Keywords: txt, tomorrowxtogether, tomorrowbytogether, tbyt, yeonjun, soobin, beomgyu, taehyun, hueningkai, bluehour, welostthesummer, puma, cantuseeme, cantyouseeme, crown, album, lyrics, english, live, vlive, angelordevil, catanddog, catndog, runaway, newrules, drama, to do, episode, 20210201, taehyunnie, v live, TH, online, on air, eng, eng sub, trans, translation, 20210102, 210102, 210201, happy, merry, party, dance, all members, holidays, to do x tomorrow x together, ep 36, watch
Id: fXESakJJg0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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