[ENG] 커피 한잔은 핑계고

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[A 33-second preview of our chat] My eldest son will be a high school student soon. So, that's great. Since he'll be a high school student, he'll like it if you give him some pocket money. Okay, I see. - Have some and... - That's great, you know, My son, Ji Ho, will be a middle school student, too. What are you talking about! You and I have the same family name. My family name is Ahn, actually. I'm from the Sunheung Ahn clan. It's my stage name. You're a celebrity, you didn't know that? [Do you like... coffee?] [I'm going to chat with my friends at a local cafe today] [Pinggyego!] [The neighbors coming side by side] I usually go to the swimming pool here. I come here twice a week. Here? [It's his 1st time to visit a cafe after swimming] Since your house is in front of here... It's my first time here, too. Anyway, sit down. Wait, what? So we're just doing this. [The filming starts as soon as they say something] We'll just do it. So we're just doing it even though the guest isn't here yet, right? If we come early, we can do it early and leave, right? [Lying] Yeah! You can do it early and leave. What is this? Shall we share? It's a microphone, don't share. So there's a microphone here, right? Yes, there is! When I went to Jong Kook's YouTube, he didn't give me a microphone. [Already been there] [Keeps talking about his YouTuber friend] When I went to his YouTube, he didn't give it to me. So I asked him, "Why don't you give me a microphone?" And he said, "Because you don't need one!" "It'll be fine if you speak louder." [Based on the filming date] The video was uploaded yesterday. I couldn't hear what Hyuk was saying at all! [Talking about their friend, the power talker] It's not that hard to wear a microphone. I think he can spend some money on it. Hello! [He came in through the back door] What... - Yeon Seok is here, Yeon Seok! - Hey, Yeon Seok! When did you get here? [Question-bombing] Where did you come in? Is there a door there, too? [Answering] Weren't you all coming in from there? [Asking a question again] When did you get here, Yeon Seok? [Answering] Right now! Sit down first! I'm not even wearing a microphone. [Yeon Seok's microphone] Here it is. [Pinggyego's MC and audio director] Put a microphone on him. For Yeon Seok, here... [Today's coffee meeting was scheduled at 2pm] So we're all here, right? You guys came early. - We're all here at 1:57pm. - We, you know, Typically, actors are always on time. Since Yeon Seok is here today, don't pretend you're an actor, too! I think you are a comedian now! [(Jae Suk thinks) he's a comedian] [(Jae Suk thinks) he's an actor] I think Yeon Seok is an actor. - (Half an actor, half a comedian) I want to be like him. - Right! Wait, let's order something. Coffee... Shall we order coffee? Shall we? Right, you go, Yeon Seok. Do I have to pay for it, too? I don't have my credit card now. - Let me borrow your card. - You don't have one now? - I see... - I have one! It's okay, I have one, just sit down. - I only have Samsung Pay, too. - I'll buy it! Okay! [Thanks to Samsung Pay, he doesn't need a wallet] I have Samsung Pay. So you call it SamPe, right? I have Samsung Pay, too. - A light Americano, please. - Okay. [He can choose the coffee beans] There's a savory one, and... [He loves savory taste] The savory one, please. I want a bit acidic one. You like the acidic one? [(Next choice) ICE or HOT] Iced coffee, or Hot coffee? - Please give me the iced one. - Okay. - You don't have one? - You can give me anything. You drink water, then. - For you, the savory one! - I can drink water. [Ordering one more savory coffee] One more savory coffee, please. [(Mandatory one) ICE or HOT] Do you want an iced coffee or hot one? Iced... What did you order? I ordered an iced one. Then, I'll have a hot one. - Ah, You! - (Laughs) Geez, I'll talk about that later! I think you're in comedian mode today. [Rented this whole place so that we can talk loud] We rented this place today. Then it's free? I just... [Starts talking again, about weather this time] It snowed a lot until yesterday. It was snowing yesterday, but we filmed the show. [Professional Comedian] It's fun to film on a snowy day, isn't? It's fun! When you were on Infinite Challenge, [Talking about old memories] we did it at a ski resort, right? Yes, we went up the slope. By the way, why are you guys on Pinggyego? [Right to the point] - It's Pinggyego, right? - This is... Yes, it's Pinggyego! There's no opening, no introduction, nothing at all! [Pinggyego is Nothing, you only need the energy to talk] You don't need to be introduced, right? "Yeon Seok, you're here today" and that's all? All you have to do is talk, that't all. There's nothing else. Today, at home, Kyung Eun said to me, "Where are you going?" So I said, "Well, you know, Pinggyego." and she said, "So you're going to have a chinwag." But, you know... It's work! "Kyung Eun, it's work!" I said. [No clear line between work and rest] "That can't be a work," she said. "It's just for you, right?" But I think we're chatting so close to our house. Yeah. [They live in the same apartment complex] He lives here. [So they meet nearby] He lives across the street. Hey, but it's good! [According to New Year's Holiday episode] It's been 10 years since I told Dong Wook that I'll buy meal. [And since Tae Hyun moved to our town] How long have you been moving in? About 6 years? 6 years? It's already been 6 years? And I asked him to have a cup of coffee with me in our town, too. So that day is today. It's good, right? [Unintentionally fulfilling his old promises] I'm fulfilling them one by one. I cooked rice cake ramen for Dong Wook after 10 years, right? On Pinggyego? - With Tae Hyun... After 6 years! - That's nice! I'm having a cup of coffee with him in my town. Then, is this a work or a chinwag? Yeah! - What? - Is this a work or a chinwag? What is this then? [Exactly] It's in the middle, right? She kept asking me about that. [Popular QnA topic on YouTube (of people around the world)] If I make money or not. - It depends on you. - It got a lot of views. - Yeah? - If you told them to give you this, you can get it. Where should I go to get it? [Talking about the cost of promoting the movie] I didn't know I was paid when promoting the movie on YouTube. [That's news to him] You were paid? You're being paid. [There are various cases, but not today's filming] So... It's not today. This isn't. - This isn't it? - They said this isn't. They said this isn't. [We're just going to talk today, too] Can we make a living by doing this? [But with a bit talking about the movie] I came because this isn't. Yeah, we are... If we get paid by the PR team for his appearance on this, he'll say every time he's on a show, "Jae Suk gets paid to promote on YouTube!" [Coffee is being prepared] You can't get it. Actually, it's my first time talking at a cafe. - Is it noisy? - The sound of grinding coffee... We need to beat the machine noise. But it's nice, isn't? In the previous episode, in the room... - The one with Dong Wook. - In the room... - It was an office! - At an office, - We did it at the office. Yeah! - and a restaurant, you guys are doing it, right? There aren't many uploaded videos, right? Not many! It hasn't been long since we started. [They keep talking about Pinggyego] So you guys film it once a week? - No, we're doing it irregularly. - When you want to do it? [(It's irregular) So we film it when person, time, and concept fit] Like you, if there's someone who'll be on our show, we gather. But you guys said you only had time on Fridays, right? So we arranged our schedule around yours. - Actually, I... - Is it your day off today? [It was his day off] Today is my day off, but I'm here now. I'm here because of you and Yeon Seok. Really? You guys called us to promote your movie, but we had to arrange our schedule around yours. You gotta be kidding me, right? But I think I arranged my schedule around yours. [Finding who made them have an appointment on Friday] Around his, right? Well... We arranged our schedule around yours! [It's not me] I think we arranged all our schedule around his. Nooo... [Finishing him off] Yeon Seok is busy these days, right? - No, I finished the TV drama, so... - You're not busy? - So we had no schedule. - You didn't have one? I went on a trip. Then it was you who only had time on Friday! [So it's boomeranged on me, right?] [Making excuses (3/3) Listening (0/3)] I'm... Yeon Seok. So whenever we talk with him, we have nothing to do! It's fun to talk with him, but this is what makes me angry when I go home. [This] Why did you do what would be found to be a lie? [It's his first time getting grabbed by the collar so much in a short time] Hey! [Pointing at each other] Then you are the one who had time today. That's why his nickname on variety shows is Cha Huibin. [A nickname with a long history] I just remembered Cha Huibin. Cha Huibin! That's what he called me. You keep scheming in my back. [Lol] Geez... [Back to what we're talking] Yeon Seok, how have you been? I just finished filming the TV drama called Understanding of Love at the end of the year. And I went on a trip in the new year. Where have you been? I've been to the US. Oh? How long? About 2 weeks? You've been there for a long time. [What he was most curious about] Did you go alone? In the US, do you have a girlfriend? [Laughs] No, not a girlfriend... My friend has lived there since we were young. - In Las Vegas... Yeah... - Your girlfriend? It's a man! - He's married, too! - You said "Yes", right? [Lol] Didn't you? If you watch my YouTube, you can see it! [Very disappointed] I went there and filmed YouTube videos. So Yeon Seok, you have a YouTube channel, too? It's called Yeon Seok's Weekend Drama. [It's an easy name to remember] That's a nice name! - That's fresh. - That's a good name! This is exclusive on DdeunDdeun! It's been a while. It's been a year since I did it. Really? - We don't have a lot of views yet, but... - So you started before us. What are you doing there? [Naturally introducing Yeon Seok's Weekend Drama] What are you doing there? I went camping and introduced my car... I sometimes communicate with my fans. So it's for communication, right? I don't have to know, but you should have known it. - I've never watched it. - Yeon Seok has been doing his Weekend Drama. I don't watch many videos on YouTube... - I didn't know... - Then what do you watch? [Just following the algorithm] I only watch what's on YouTube's home screen. - I've subscribed to only few channels. - Really? My kids usually subscribed to them. [Dad's common subscriptions] There are only videos for kids. Hold on a sec, I'm searching for Yeon Seok's Weekend Drama. [Speaking of which, let's visit his channel] It's not just a weekend drama, it's Yeon Seok's. Okay. [The daddies' phone decorations are so cute] I'll type Yeon Seok's Weekend Drama. I'll do it, too. Here are your orders. - I'll bring it - Yeon Seok, could you... I subscribed. Oh, his channel has 180,000 subscribers. He has a lot, It's a lot, right? Yeah, he has so many subscribers! But he's doing this with a professional. What professional? I mean, a YouTube professional. - I can't edit it myself, so... - Yeah! [Yoo Yeon Seok's Weekend Drama] So you're doing it with a professional, right? [Official channel of actor Yoo Yeon Seok run by KINGKONG by Starship] It's Starship, right? Yeah, Yeon Seok is at Kwang Soo's company. That's right. It's not Kwang Soo's company! It's Yeon Seok's company! Why do you call it Kwang Soo's company? He's not that great person. - Hey, you! - There... At KINGKONG... - He's making me angry again. - At KINGKONG, there are so many... [He's been a people-person for 29 years] There are so many famous people. Wait, he's making me angry again. - Let's look at KINGKONG's page. - See? I told you. [While watching YouTube, the talk got divided into two] He always makes me angry. [Talking about Starship] I'm a founding member of the company, actually. [Talking about Cha Huibin] Jong Kook, too! This guy's making him angry, too! [Keeps talking about Starship] It's Seung Heon's company! - Whose? - Song Seung Heon's company! [Debating whose company Starship is] It's not. And Dong Wook, too! - I've been in this company the longest. - Oh, Lee Dong Wook! - It's Dong Wook's company. - Have you, Yeon Seok? I've been there the longest. [The founding member looks confident] It's because I'm the founding member. - Then it's Yeon Seok's. Let's put it that way. - I think it's MONSTA X's. MONSTA X, right! Oh, there's MONSTA X, too? Then it's MONSTA X's! [Sorry, we can't stand on your side anymore] It's MONSTA X's. Yeon Seok, I'm sorry. - Starship is kinda big fence. - There's IVE, too. There's WJSN, too! This company is... Why are you keep talking about KINGKONG, digressing from my Weekend Drama? [Talking about Weekend Drama / KINGKONG / NEW Everyone talking to himself] I mean, a chinwag, A true chinwag shouldn't be logical. [Pinggyego!] - Hey, Yeon Seok... - Yes. I saw it, your... Your recent video has only 30,000 views, right? [Back to talking about his Weekend Drama] Yeah. - The video with the most views... - Right! I stopped watching that. It has 1.88 million views. The one I introduced the car that I rode when I was camping. [Revisiting his YouTube channel] Let me see... Oh, it's the one with your car! It's the car I rode when I was camping. Oh, it's a nice car! - Yes, this car isn't that popular in Korea. - Oh... Are you still riding it, Yeon Seok? Yes, When I'm camping. It's called Land Rover Defender. - It looks like an old car. - Oh, I know! Yeon Seok, do you like cars? I was a driver in the army. I've been interested in cars since I was a kid. Yeon Seok and I have something in common! I like cars, too! - You like cars? - Yeah. Oh, really? [He didn't say much, but I got angry again] Yeon Seok, come here! Right next to me! [I mean...] You know, in our apartment complex, [Since they're residents of the same place] there's no point in liking cars. [They know the parking difficulties (No basement garage)] We can't pull our car out of the apartment. We can't pull our car out if it gets worse after 4pm. - Right? - We can't. But you like cars? Where can you put your car? Do you have another house? Hey, I got you again! [The schemer going his way] It's finally revealed! Jae Suk has another house where he only put his car. - I know that! - Another...! - (Excited) I mean! - I have another house? [They're talking about different things] Another house? [Power LV-100 / MOSA LV-999] I mean, only for parking! - There's another house for a parking lot. - Yeon Seok, come here. You come here! For parking! [Succeeded in manipulating public opinion] You... No, I don't have one! [Fake news is being spread next to him] It's weird Yoo Jae Suk has only one house, right? - Geez... - First of all, he likes cars. [Gives up] Then where does he put the car! He can't put his car in this house. So he needs a parking lot for the car! [Trying to explain again] Even now... [Agrees with him] It may not be his own house! [The fake news that drives only one person crazy] He could rent a house. Hey! It's done. [For the first time, he gave up talking] Hey, it's already been 11 mins. Let's finish. [You can't go away] It's supposed to be revealed one by one like this. I'm so angry. Like this, Jong Kook also became the father of a kid being in US. [Grabbed him by the collar on behalf of the victim of fake news] That's how they all fall into place. Yeon Seok, it's not time for you to laugh! [2nd attempt to go back to Weekend Drama] Yeon Seok's Weekend Drama [The owner of Weekend Drama channel] Need to save it! [A happy schemer] I really... Anyway, I parked my car in my apartment. [Betrayed him] I don't know about Jong Kook. [Laughs] [Drawing the line] I don't know about it. Jong Kook should go to L.A. and check it. - So I went to Jong Kook's channel. - Did you say it? He kept telling me to go on a trip together, so "Okay!" "Let's go see your wife." [That became a real article] Then there were a few articles today. [And there are always people who believe that] Are there really? I felt so sorry for him. There's no article about anything else, but only articles about this! [So angry] "Yoo Jae Suk owns another house" There will be such an article because of him! See? "Kim Jong Kook is already married... Kim Jong Kook's wife is in the US." [Today's conclusion is also...?] "He has another house only for parking" Our viewers would laugh at this now, right? - But, a few years later... - Some people will believe it. A few years later, there will be people who believe it... [Prophecy] It'll be uploaded on online communities. [Yoo Jae Suk's house only for parking] I think the house Cha Tae Hyun said is my house. I saw him get in and out of here. If someone says this... Hey, it's enough! [For the first time, talking is banned] Stop talking now. Shouldn't we talk about the movie? [Since they're talking too much, they haven't mentioned the title of the movie yet] It's Tae Hyun and Yeon Seok, so if this can help, do as you guys want. But, here, I... [Talking about the promotion fee again] I didn't know there was such a financial deal until today. Think carefully. Oh man... If we say that we'll come here next year to promote our work, - we might not be able to be here for free. - I heard that rumor. We, you know, [He got the right to speak, so he's officially announcing his word] We're in the same industry, so you know we don't do that. Yeah, You guys have been helping me a lot when I'm on a show. So I can't do that. I'll pretend I don't know about it, so... My nose is running. [He suddenly blew his nose This is why we can't get paid for PR] - Just don't do anything. - My nose is running. I think your eyes changed. I'm sorry. Even though I'm a celebrity, my nose is running like this... I'm so sorry. No, since you guys are here! Tell me about the movie you two starred in. The title is My Heart Puppy. There's a retriever called Rooney I've been raising for 11 years. Oh, in real life? [Talking about Min Su, the main character of My Heart Puppy] I didn't raise him in real life, but a movie character did. Just watch this. [A new way to promote the movie, playing the teaser video suddenly] [Min Su (Yeon Seok) who's in crisis of quitting a dog owner soon and Jin Kook (Tae Hyun) whose life itself is in crisis] [The two brothers starts the interview to find the perfect owner for their beloved dog, Rooney] [And the dog leads them to the fateful meetings with others] So you guys are... We're brothers in the movie. You guys are brothers. [The two troublemaking brothers try to find the perfect owner!] This is Rooney. Our senior, Kang Shin Il is in the movie, too. The movie is kinda warm. A warm comedy, right? The number of dogs keeps increasing. It keeps increasing. Oh, one by one? Here are four. They tried to put one dog up for adoption, but... But it keeps increasing? Ji Young is in the movie, too. So cute! It keeps increasing. [Makes them smile] The dogs are so cute. They are so cute. Puppies, this movie is all about puppies.... Just looking at the dogs' acting makes me so happy. [The episode about baby dogs in the teaser] And you know the little dogs we saw earlier, Because of the rainy season, the weather wasn't good. Yeah, right. [Took a break before the last filming] There were a month or two before the last filming. They must have grown up. They've grown up too much! They've grown up! [They've grown up as time goes by] Yeah! - They became so big! - A small dog gets big. They were as big as my palms! [But they've grown as big as my arms] They became this big. So we filmed them in the distance. [Not changing the actors, he filmed them in perspective] In a full shot. He's such a great director! He respected the dogs' personalities. He respected the actors, the dogs. Of course! They'll feel bad if they're replaced! - They were big, but... - Acted hard in the front... Let's give director Kim Ju Hwan a round of applause. They acted very hard. When we were on Hospital Playlist (TV drama), there was a boy who appeared as Jung Seok's son. - In season 2, he also... - He must have grown up. - He must have grown up fast! - Very fast! [The scene was connected to the very next day] The drama started the day after he woke up. [A child actor who grew up as time goes by] He became this big. So Jung Seok improvised this line, "Oh, I think my child grew up a lot last night." It's like Jung Seok. [5 secs to relax your ears and eyes] I think Yeon Seok is good at talking, too. [A funny talker acknowledged his talent for talking] I heard from Yeon Seok's managers. [Yeon Seok is...] He talks a lot. And he's kinda delicate guy. Really? And he's really good at taking care of others. He always brings a lot of things. Wow... You go camping, so I knew it. He's that kind of guy. - Camping is, you know... - Actually, I'm such a maximalist. You can't go camping unless you're a detail-oriented and meticulous person. You know, I'm not good at camping. [Agreed] Me, neither. If we go camping together, I'd do everything. - Yeah. - You need to do everything. All you guys have to do is react well. "Wow, this is great!" - And also... - We need to do that, too. He doesn't do that often. - I don't... - He's grumbling. [Agreed again] It's kinda disease. - Why can't I? - He's like... "(Grumbling) Why are you doing that?" But after he came, he works very hard. "(When he goes, he sounds blunt) Then, bye." But he's really sweet. [Tae Hyun looks cold, but he's a warm-hearted guy] So that's the problem. After filming My Heart Puppy with me, [Tae Hyun monitored his work] He called me after watching all my works. He called me and said he watched them. I only call you when I enjoyed your work. - I can't call you unless it's fun. - But I'm so thankful that you take care of me! - This guy, this guy... - Sometimes, Jae Suk's... - I call him after I enjoyed watching his shows. - He's a bit crazy. [Isn't it time for compliments?] This guy, suddenly... - (Joking) I didn't send you these days, right? - By message... He sent a recorded file by message. [Remembered] I thought, "What's this?" and listened to it. "Make it all" [Redevelopment of Love - YOOSANSEUL] He sang and recorded it. "Make it all yours" What's wrong with you? I mean, you should sing that part like this. - So you wanted to tell me that? - Yes. [Speechless] I wanted you to do it like this. [No damage] I really don't want to see you. What I was so happy to while filming the movie was... I was in my first drama with him. It's called "General Hospital 2." [(About 15 years ago) On the set of his first drama] It was my first time appearing in TV drama. Before that, I only appeared in the movie called Old Boy. I was confused, but he took good care of me. Yeon Seok, how old are you now? Now I'm... I'm 38 years old. So you're 40 now. [He got caught while counting his age in full] Are you 40? Now it'll change... It changes in June. - No, it's...! - Hey, it's June! - We should count our age globally. - Oh, it's June! Did he tell his age 2 years less? [Unified age-counting system: Effective in June, 2023] It changes in June. You can do that from this year. We don't have to get a year older and subtract a year later. The birthday... Are you 40? Hey! Why do you keep telling your age 2 years less? The law takes effect in June. My birthday is in March. What will happen to me? - If your birthday is in March, you can subtract 1 year. - I'm 48 years old. [The mood suddenly became like Quora] You can subtract 1 year. Then, I'm going to be 47? You're going to be 47. Yeon Seok, what month is your birthday? [Born in April] It's April. April 11th. Then you can subtract 1 year. So in June, you're 39 years old. After 6 months, you'll be 40. You're 40, anyway! [Laughs] [Staff] 40, anyway... You subtracted two! He's 40, anyway! [Repeated and emphasized 40 years old makes him nervous] No matter how many Yeon Seok subtracts it, it's no use. He's 40! Those born in 1984 and 1974 are very sensitive about it right now. [Representative of those born in 1984 and 1974] You can't do that. Those born in 1984 are sensitive now since a 10-digit number of their age can be changed. I think the comments are getting angry now! [I said you're 40 because you're actually 40] They don't have to be angry because it's true. It's true. I was so relieved when this year came. That's why you think you're 38, right? - I live just like that. - (Keeps saying) But it's from June. It starts in June, and as I said before, since your birthday is in April, You can subtract 1 year, so you can be 39 years old. Why do you keep looking at your watch when you say it's June? It's not the time. Why do you keep looking at your watch saying the month? [Still frustrated] Then, what should I do? [Trying to tease him again] When I got a question, [Annoyed] I tell I'm 40 now and... Yeon Seok, come here. [Asking to change seats] I can't talk anymore because he's so annoying. - He really makes me angry... - I didn't say anything wrong. Why do you keep looking at your watch when you say June? Because it's a smart watch! If I keep sitting down, it says, "Please move a bit!" Then I have to click OK, you fool! I'm sorry, sir. [Suddenly got gentle] We rented here today, so please understand that. [Apologizing to Yeon Seok, too] Yeon Seok, I'm sorry. We were talking about the age. - 39 years old. - What do you want to say about it? [Yes] You're 39 years old. [In short, Yeon Seok is 39] Let's put it 39, okay? Yeon Seok, you're 39. [Not giving up] Those born in 1984 will get angry like me. [Right now] Those born in 1994 turned 30 and those born in 1984 turned 40, right? [Starting again] It was almost like that. But? [He's obsessed with "global" like the other guy we've seen before] We should count our age globally now. [A gesture looking global] What is global? Everyone says that when asked about their age abroad, right? [His voice cracked] When I went on a trip to the US, I was asked about my age, so I said, "I'm 38!" [Jae Suk loves the global talk] Yeon Seok, you're fun. (Upset) Why did you make him only act a coffee barista? He's such a good talker. So I can't stand it. [So, Yeon Seok's Weekend Drama is OPEN] That's why I opened it. [Reminding themselves of the good talkers of Starship] Yeon Seok is good at talking. - Dong Wook likes talking, too. - I know. But surprisingly, Kwang Soo's talk is... - Kwang Soo's talk is weak. - It's weak. [Kwang Soo = slapstick comedy] He's good at slapstick comedy. Really? [Do we have to hear this now?] Kwang Soo should do slapstick comedy. [Recently, he went to Starship's autumn picnic] On Channel 15ya, I went on a picnic together with my Starship family. Was Kwang Soo fun? I think Kwangsoo was like that. He teased me. [He's good at teasing others] He's good at it. He's good at teasing others' ages. IVE was there, too. But he told me that he had thought I looked young, but I looked old there. [Got hurt] He said these things to me. But Yeon Seok! Yeon Seok, you're sensitive about your age. Did you enter school earlier than others or what? [Calm down and listen carefully] Those born in 1984 and 1974 are very sensitive now Yeon Seok looks a bit young. [Looking young] I think he looks young. When I say I'm 38 in the US, everyone gets surprised. They say "WoW!" Then how old do they think you are? They think I'm in my 20s. [In his 20s...] [Shameless] Really, If I wear a hoodie and a hat... And a mask, too? Koreans have really good skin, right? [Glancing at him] Why did you...? He was shaking his legs too much! Give me your hat. Recently, like this, I went to a convenience store and bought some drinks. And I was asked for an ID. Don’t lie to us! It was real. - I cut my hair recently, so it was real. - Hey! That's all for today's talk... [Everyone talking to himself again] If you go to the US... In front here! I mean it. [Suddenly organizing his hair] So it was funny. And I said, "I'm very old." Really, at night... Don't say that at the convenience store. Why am I lying about something that's not funny? Speaking of age, I suddenly remembered that. [Intercept] They checked my ID, too. This time! [40-year-old people saying their IDs got checked] Where did you get your ID checked? In the US, at a convenience store. [What's wrong with you guys] Don't do this to me with your age. I mean it! Anyway, in the meantime, we filmed My Heart Puppy. That's nice! Like this... How can you go back to My Heart Puppy like that? [Such a quick and strong punch] After collecting a lot of things, and you go straight to My Heart Puppy? That was 2 years ago! When I was younger! [Wrap-up] Let me get this straight. It's true that Yeon Seok looks younger than his age. But he doesn't look like he's in his 20s...! Let's say he looks like he's in my early 30s. Even in his early 30s, he seems to be about 33 or 34 rather than 31 or 32. Right. How old do you think you look? Me? You are 51? I'm 52 years old now. I'm 52 years old now, right? [Teasing him] You look like you're 51, or 50. [Feeling dizzy] Yeon Seok, wait... You lost weight... [Sit down] You lost too much weight. You looked like you were in your 40s, but now you have a lot of wrinkles. You're not wearing makeup, are you? I'm not. You guys are wearing makeup, right? [He's here with makeup] That's basic. [You'd get in trouble if you got makeup on Pinggyego] Why did you wear makeup? Since I'm here as a guest... I got my hair done, too. I also went to the salon. - Did you get your hair done? - Of course. I thought you just washed your hair and got here. What? - Did you get your hair done? - The hair designer did my hair. What a surprise. I can see Yeon Seok's hair got done. I told you that we'd just drink coffee at a local cafe. Why did you wear makeup? I watched the episode with Dong Wook. So I thought... [Picking up the microphone] That was a pajama concept, right? Yeah. [Why do you keep bothering me?] So today, comfortably... It's okay. - (Grumbles) They put the microphone weirdly. - He's stubborn, right? - Anyway, he's like Jong Kook... - What? [Give me that] See? I told you. - Put it on here... - You need to put it on here, Yeon Seok. [Keeps talking about looking young] He's such an icon of looking young. Tae Hyun? Tae Hyun, how old are you? Then I'm 47 now? I'm supposed to 48. It's not June, so you're 48 now. Why are you emphasizing June so much? It's because the law will take effect in June. [Both look frustrated] Anyway, the law will take effect this year, right? It's June! There's a set date. So you can't subtract 2 years from now as you want. It's the new year! We can do it as we please! [Why not?] I want to live younger. [Participating in the debate] We can start in January. Why do we have to start in June? Don't you think so? You can talk about that, right? Since you're Yoo Jae Suk, you can talk about that. It wouldn't work even if I talk about that. [Lee Juck "Regretting after giving 50,000 won to his my nephew"] But after Lee Juck mentioned it, [Rep. Ha Tae Kyung "Pushing for making 30,000 won bill"] I heard that 30,000 won bill could be made. That's what Juck... - Yeah! - It was! They would do it? You should try it, too! Ask them why it starts in June! Tell them to do it now! You're better than Lee Juck! [Talking hard] As soon as Lee Juck said it, [Quietly agreeing with him] A 30,000 won bill was about to be made. You, now... That's right! [He saw Yeon Seok agreed] That's right? People born in 1984, 1994 and 1974! Those born in 1984, 1994 and 1974 are having a hard time. [He's having the hardest time now] If you'll do this, let's hurry up. But, you know... (Sounds logical) Since it'll take effect in June, there might be various procedures like passing the law. But now, I'm not handing in any documents to the administrations. I'm just saying my age. DdeunDdeun isn't a portal website, right? This is the problem. [Taking his side] I think Yeon Seok has a point. I mean that I got older in January, and I get younger again... It's confusing. It means that everything will be sorted out in June. People can watch this video after June. And they can watch this before that, so it could be confusing. [Scratching] Yeah, so... If they watch this on June 2nd, Your birthday hasn't passed yet, right? - It hasn't. - Since we're filming this in February. So if my birthday hasn't passed, You're 40 now. [Dormammu, it's back to 40 again] So it's back to that you're 40 again. [Dormammu, I've come to subtract 1 year] You have, right? I'm 48 then. And you're going to be 51 from June. No! I'm going to be 50 because I was born in August. I'll be 2 years younger. Don't be ridiculous. [I'll be 2 years younger] - Were you born in August? - I was born in August. In June, I can subtract 2 years. They can subtract only 1 year! [It's unfair] That's why we feel unfair. Even if you subtract 1 year, you're still 39 years old, right? 10-digit number of his age doesn't change even if he subtract 2 years. You... [Lol] [As he hit the nail on the head, it became a mess] Yeon Seok... Hey, you! Don't care about the people who've already gone! [Feeling sorry] They've already gone! I've never gone! What are you talking about! You and I have the same family name. My family name is Ahn, actually. [Yoo Yeon Seok Ahn Yeon Seok, Yeon Seok Yoo] I'm from the Sunheung Ahn clan. It's my stage name. You're a celebrity, you didn't know that? [A celebrity who got shocked by his fellow's stage name] I'm getting angry. I've been invited to Yoo clan gathering. I'm getting so angry. [Feeling betrayed] Yeon Seok, you... My family name is Ahn. I'm from the Sunheung Ahn clan. [If I get one step closer to you, you get two steps away...] I didn't know that. I kinda expected what Tae Hyun would do today. But because of Yeon Seok! [Unexpected future] I didn't know I'd get angry because of Yeon Seok. [Eardrums can take a break for a while] That's nice. So funny. Do DdeunDdeun add CG, too? - They only add captions, right? - We don't add CG. If it was a public TV show, when we had said "They've already gone," they'd add an angel CG. [We added it] Right? We don't do that much. They don't only do "Pinggyego," right? Yes! There's "BbamBbam," too. [Pinggyego and BbamBbam have the same staff] They're working on something else. Yes. Yeon Seok has seen them, right? The people you've worked with are here... [Staff] We did Wise Mountain Village Life with him. [His voice cracked for he was so glad to see her] Wise Mountain Village Life! My voice... Today, you! You have various charms! [Amazed] He has a talent for variety shows. - I went to the dentist today. - He said he went to the dentist. Why? He must have gone to the dentist because he had a toothache! - My tooth was broken in the Lunar New Year. - It's the only reason to go to the dentist! (Speaking fast) I know that basically a hospital is a place to go if we get sick. He must have had a toothache because he went to a dentist. I mean, which tooth hurt, was it a cavity or wisdom tooth? The tooth filling got broken. So I got anesthetized here. And the anesthesia didn't go away yet. When the anesthesia doesn't go away, you might spill the water when you drink it. I did it when I was eating lunch today. When I was eating lunch... Since it feels weird... What's wrong with your pronunciation? He can't help it because the anesthesia didn't go away. [The anesthetic isn't worn off yet] This, still... It might not even feel like his. [Getting angry because he moves it too much] Don't do that. - (You know what I mean) So you keep touching it. - Next to me... - But the professor said, in the afternoon... - He's making me so angry. He said the anesthesic would wear off in the afternoon. [Dental talk continues regardless of his anger] I'm so angry right now. It's a back tooth, so... I ate dumpling soup, and I spilled it a bit. Yeah. - I couldn't feel it at all. - Be careful when you eat. Hold your lip like this and eat. Like this. - I mean it! - Stop that. [He doesn't believe me again] Just stop! Did you have lunch or not? Today's lunch? I think I had. Maybe, at home? [He's not sure, so it's time to eat] Didn't know Yeon Seok was sensitive about his age. You brought a lot. Did you even bring the price tag? [Taking off the price tag in a hurry] What's this? This looks delicious! It looks kinda rough. [Laughs] It has such a good color. [Seok Jin is being overlapped a lot today] He usually says "It has such a good color." [While Jae Suk is fixing his mic] You don't have a dog at home now, right? [Starts talking about dogs again] The kids always want to raise a dog. But you know, we need to take him for a walk. That's right. It's like having another child. When filming the movie, I was like... I mean, adopting a dog... After filming the movie, - But you guys, hey... - I want to adopt... I'm sorry, but... Why did you interrupt him when he was finally talking about a dog? [Tae Hyun never holds back] Why did you interrupt him! Why are you two talking? Finally, puppies, we can promote our movie... [Changing the target] Hey, why are you two talking? What's wrong with you? [Speechless] What a nonsense... Here, on Pinggyego! You guys are on my show, then why are you two talking alone? You were wearing a microphone. You stop the flow. The puppy! - We naturally moved on to talking about dogs. - It doesn't make sense! It was so natural! He doesn't deserve to be an MC. I'm not an MC here. We talked about age for 20 mins, and now we can talk about puppy. [What a ridiculous situation it is] Why were you two keep talking? At least I'm... Come on in! Then! You don't have a dog! I don't! Where were we? [The channel owner approves the puppy talk] I heard you had a dog. We were talking about puppies... So... While filming My Heart Puppy, I decided to adopt a dog. [Rita / Adopted an abandoned dog a year later] And about a year later, And a year later, I adopted a dog. [Pinggyego!] Su Jin, what happened? What are you doing? Hello! School is over? [They have manners, so they stay quiet for now] Yeah, I'm on my way... - (Quietly) Tae Hyun's daughter! The youngest! - Your sister comes with you? Yeah, but where are you? I'm working now. - Your daddy is now... - I'm working, I'm working. He's just chatting. Su Jin! He's not working! [On a speaker phone] Su Jin, your daddy is not working. He's just chatting. Can I speak to my dad? I'm here, sweetheart. [Those whom he can't get along with: Tae Hyun, Yeon Seok and Su Jin] I can't get along with them today. Overall, today... - I can't get along with them. - I'll see you at home. See you at home. [Now I have a meeting because of you] Because of you, she wants to see me at home. Hey, Su Jin! Yes? It's me, Jae Suk. I'm Yoo Jae Suk. Yeah. Okay, I see... - See you soon. - Bye. Hey! When you were a baby, I... [What the uncle appearing after a few years says] You used to welcome me so much. [Getting disappointed thinking about the past] You, really... So that's what a real family is like. That's so cool. Bye. Anyway, overall... - (Gives) You can't get along with her? - (Takes) I can't! [Another unexpected future added] Si I can't get along with Su Jin now. [Speaking of which, let's talk about children] How old is Su Jin? She's going up to 4th grade now. Oh, she's in 4th grade now. My eldest son will be a high school student soon. - So, that's great. - What? Since he'll be a high school student, he'll like it if you give him some pocket money. Yeah, he'll like it! Okay, got it. And that's great, you know, Ji Ho will be a middle school student, too Let's call it even. - So we've given them to each other, right? - Yeah, let's think that way. - Giving our own money to them. - Oh, yeah. Let's tell them this money is his! [Interesting] How much are you going to give him? Let's talk about the amount later. Tell me the amount. How much are you going to give him? - I think middle and high school students need to be different. - So we need to know the amount of each other. We need to know the amount of each other. I think we should give more than 100,000 won to a high school student. [The negotiation broke down] You shouldn't say it like that. He's a high school student, man. Hey, you shouldn't say it like that. If, to a high school student, Yoo Jae Suk... gave only 100,000 won, it's embarrassing to say, right? Even if he goes to school, it's hard to say, right? This... Then! [Let Ahn Yeon Seok settle it] I'll settle it. Go ahead, Yeon Seok, you decide it. Give him two! [Such a powerful punch] Give one to Rita, too. You stay out of it! Rita has nothing to do with this. My dog goes to dog school, too! - She leveled up recently. - Okay, then! [Including Rita, let's settle it] Including Rita I'll say, "Uncle Tae Hyun gave it to you!" I'll also say, "Uncle Jae Suk gave it to you!" And I'll give Rita a snack and say, "Uncle Jae Suk..." [So it's a happy ending everyone got pocket money] It's nice, so heart-warming. Ji Ho would really like it if I said Tae Hyun gave it to him. Rita will wag her tail, too. She'll do it a lot. Like a propeller. Maybe she could fly away. Her hind legs might be in the air! She'd shake her waist like this. You... You can shake, right? [Encore] Yeon Seok, you can shake! I think Yeon Seok is the best talker in KINGKONG by Starship. [Shy] Yeon Seok is the best. You can do the basic talk. Yeon Seok, do you talk a lot when you're at home? I don't. You don't have anyone to talk to. I don't talk with Rita... I have a family, too! I have parents. I have an older brother. - I have my family. - Their family name is Yoo, right? No, it's Ahn. My father's name is Ahn Ki Won. Really? But my father also introduces me as Yoo Yeon Seok. You... You have a lot of episodes, don't you? Because people don't know who Ahn Yeon Seok is. What about you? Didn't you change your family name? It's my real name. What an indifferent talk... It's good. [He finished his coffee] Would you like another one? [Ordered a latte] I'll have a latte this time. And you? I'm okay. [Let's talk more! 2nd coffee order] Then I'll have a iced one, too. Yeah, let's drink one more. Now, Ji Ho got some money. - You must give it to him. - Okay, I'll. - Give it to Su Chan. - It'll be aired, so I'll. How can I not give it to him? If you don't give it to him, you'll pay for it. Su Chan! If your dad doesn't give you money, leave a comment on Pinggyego! [Su Chan, if you're in trouble, ask for help] Leave a comment, okay? [Machine noise] But Pinggyego is... Speak after the machine is finished running. Why do you decide that on YouTube? [He's been angry all day today] We can do it naturally. To do that, we need to raise our tone. Our tone need to beat this machine! You can raise it a bit. Then we'll lose our voice! [Shhhhh] - You can do it now. - It's okay now! [As soon as he got the sign, the talk played] On Pinggyego, Is there any other topic to talk about? We don't have one! [Pinggyego is only about talking] We're just talking. We can talk whatever we want. That's the concept of it? [Not a concept, just a talk] We don't have a concept, it's just a talk. So your wife doesn't accept this as work either. Then, another article will be uploaded, too! "Jae Suk doesn't think Pinggyego as work... The staff's stirred up" [Lie] That's not true! When will this be uploaded? On 25th? Should we arrange the uploading time around the movie release? Can you arrange it? Really? Then you should film one more video before that. Before that, [The next video is "YouTube is Hyangyak and Dure"] Next week... Jong Kook? Next week, we'll upload the episode with Jong Kook. - Jong Kook is here, too? - Yes, he is. We filmed it, and they both do YouTube, So both of them brought the camera! It was such a mess! That's amazing, I think. We should've brought a camera, too. I should've filmed it with the camera on my phone! [Better late than never] Put it here... Turn it on! [Yeon Seok's Weekend Drama is ON] You can film your YouTube here! Please do the opening. [Again, "YouTube is Hyangyak and Dure"] I can do that for you. Please say "Like and Subscribe!" [They can't stand his business] I'll film it, I have to do it like this. Yeon Seok's Weekend Drama! [Finishing them off] Please call our subscribers Yeon Deok. [Out of the frame] Hi, Yeon Deok! Hello, Yeon Deok! [His face turns red] Yeon Deok! Our... Hello, Yeon Deok! Recently, the view counts of this channel [Calling the subscribers on the carpet] is not that high, I think. It's still low. You have to work harder. [This video will be uploaded on Weekend Drama] Like and Subscribe, you should say hello, too. Hello, Yeon Deok! [Pinggyego!] Now I got one. [He got an unexpected benefit from Pinggyego] He can find satisfaction in small things. - So, after that! - He can be satisfacted with small things. You should make something and put it in the video? I'll keep using it from now! [The plan isn't small at all] Like and Subscribe... If you allow me to do it! [Jae Suk's face will appear like mid-roll ads] Like the mid-roll ads in videos... I'm going to put "Subscribe and Like" with Jae Suk's face. Yeon Seok! Feel free to do it if it helps you! [Yoo Jae Suk himself approved it] Thank you. - I might really do it. - You can do it, sure. - Thank you. - Feel free to do it. It was worth buying coffee today! [It was worth going to the hair salon] Should I do YouTube, too? What are you going to do? I don't have one. Here are your orders. [End of conversation] - We're in perfect harmony today! - That's great. We're in perfect harmony harmony with the cafe owner, too. - What should I do with you? - What? I'm doing it right now. But I think YouTube is really hard. It's not easy. Like DdonDdon? Let's put DdonDdon on every title! [A channel name that benchmarked DdeunDdeun] We can put DdonDdon to every single video! Here, I'm doing DdeunDdeun right now. So let's name our channel DdonDdon! [Never gives up] So that we keep putting DdonDdon on it. [I want to go home] - That's a nice name! - Yeah? - I'm tired! - Anyway, if this... - This guy is really fun. - I told you already! - You make me so tired! - So don't use DdonDdon! [Worried about somebody will take it] I'm always worried about it. Open up the channel first! He's telling us not to use it because he wants to do it. I don't know what's going to happen, so... Even when I was on Jong Kook's channel, I said something. And said "Please don't use it!" So, next to me, Jong Kook said "Hey! No one will use such a stupid idea!" But, you know! It's not because I'm your friend, but I hope this kind of movie to be a hit. It's because [Not interested] it's our 1st promotion since we started Pinggyego. - Oh! - So since it's our 1st movie that we promoted, Of course, the story must also be good for a movie to be a hit. If it becomes a hit, we'll be happy, too! So you can get some money, right? Yes! What do I get? [He answered naturally as if he was possessed by something] I answered "yes" without realizing it. [He answered "yes" unconsciously] Did you say "yes," right? I said "yes" without realizing it! Oh, from the next promotion? No, it's not that! Nooooo! Since we're in the same industry, I can't do that! I can't do that, but anyway... Say something! [Anyway, we can say anything, right...?] You should earn the labor cost at least. That's funny. But that's true. It all costs money! Today, we rented a place in a while. This also has a rental fee! Yeah, I know that, as I've done YouTube, it costs a lot of money. - Yeah. - it costs a lot! But the view count needs to be that high, right? Yes! Then you should say that you'd take money! But I, you know.... Since you guys are here today... Then, you can get money from someone you've never seen before. [What a clear solution] If you don't know them, when they ask for the promotion, you can get the fee. Don't do this! If 2 people are on this show to promote their work, One of them is his friend and the other is someone he doesn't know. - Then, half the price! - Half the price... [Depending on the intimacy level, you can get a 50% discount] You heard that, right? [How to get "small affection" set by them] So they need one friend at least. Set by Yeon Seok and Tae Hyun... We'll think about it. But I think they all know you already! There's no one who hasn't met you. - I know all of them. - Yes, you do. Actually, I'm going to see you again next month! [They'll meet again on Running Man] Will you be on Running Man? I'll run again there. Only the two of you? - Or what? With our puppies? - Shall we go with the dogs?! You want it to be a real mess, or what? [He can't say nothing] As you wish! We can make a mess! We'd be thankful. Stop, just stop that... [Suddenly getting tired] But you said it first! Do you like dogs? I like them! But it's hard to raise children and dogs together. Sometimes I think, "Puppy is so cute." With that in mind, if I really adopt a dog, I should take responsibility for it. Yes, you need to be responsible! I'll think about it when my children grow up and only my wife and I are left at home. But Ji Ho wants to have a pet. - Yeah, the kids... - He really wants to have one. But I said to him, "No! Because you're not going to raise him yourself!" "You can raise him if you can take care of him like your real brother." I told him that he should take that kind of responsibility. But, since I was young, I've always had a pet at home, in my life. So when they were kids, when they were very young, They sometimes brought animals, pets like that. I mean, ants! Ants? Ants are pets? Pet insects? [The icon of pets: ants] Ants... Can you tell who's who by looking at the ants? They're all black. [He never misses the chance of teasing] After collecting three of them... Hold on a sec. "Ants, wait, sit down!" He asks them to do this. Wow...! - It's something like "Dig in the ground!" - You know, the kids... [Keeps explaining] For kids, [There's an ant home observation toy] Yes, it's flat. Yes, there is. There is. Ants gather in it and make a house! That's right! They dig a tunnel. So the kids brought those things, and for days, they bring food to the ants by themselves. But later, I have to do all that. [Dad agrees] Right. - Yeah! - I had to do it all, too... When the kids brought a few fish, Right, there were fish, too. - I had to clean all stones. - I cleaned all of them. I cleaned them all! I wiped off all the moss! Then I was wiping it because of him! "Dad, what are you doing?" he tells me. When I was young, I brought a chick and made him a real chicken! - Really?! - Until he became a chicken! I brought two. One was medium-sized. The other one was crowing so hard in the apartment! [The cock-a-doodle echoing in the whole apartment] He became a rooster. He has a lot of episodes! [He has a lot of hidden episodes] Why do you have so many episodes? But he wasn't socialized yet! The time he crowed wasn't socialized yet. [So funny] So he kept crowing! - If his mother was crowing next to him, - If she was... he could know when to crow. [He grew up in the apartment, so he didn't have one to mimic] When the sun rose, he just kept crowing! Even when he was hungry. If he was in a flock of chickens, grown chickens could say, "You shouldn't crow now, son." "Crow when the sun rises at dawn." Then, he could crow. [The grownchickens might have taught him] "You shouldn't keep crowing like this." If you turned on the lights in the apartment, he might have thought it was daytime. Yes, so! He kept crowing so much that there were so many complaints on him. So, what happened to those chickens that were raised like that? So! I said, "I'll never let him go anywhere!" Then, what should you do? So my mother said... "A security guard has a large yard in the countryside, so he can raise him there." That's a relief. But he gave me 5,000 won. [I lost my innocence of childhood] Why do you have so many episodes? Can you sell me some of them? [All the episodes are so funny] Why do you have so many episodes? Why did you... Why did you keep those to yourself for 40 years? I'm not 40 yet! [He's obsessed with 38 years old] I'm still 38. He has so many episodes! Why didn't you tell them these episodes on your channel? It's hard to talk alone, right? - Yes, since you guys here... - I see! When we're talking, sometimes these episodes come to our mind. It's touching, sad, and fun, right? The whole narrative was great, even the ending was amazing! But raising pets helped me a lot when I was young, I mean, emotionally! [Thanks to that, he learned a lot of emotions] Yeah. It helps us a lot emotionally. It tells us what the sadness is. It tells us what meeting is, what separation is, and what sadness is. Since then, I've been interested in raising animals. After that, raising dogs was also very natural to me. And then I read this script! It's perfect for you! I thought I should do it without considering other conditions. I saw the script and read it. Then it was over quickly. "What? It's already over?" I thought it was too simple. - So I liked it. - Me, too! [He unexpectedly liked the script] What's... There was nothing provocative, right? When I say, "It's over!" I mean, "Is it over already? It was so fun!" But you're different. For example! In the past, there could be a bad dog seller in this situation. But there was no enemy! There's no one at all! - It was very simple script. - Right now, there! The movie PR team was touched by your words. [The PR team was touched at first] "Right..." But, when you said, "The second half was too simple," [They looked like they had a headache] [He just looks happy] [My head hurts! Oh my!] Tae Hyun, you...! [He liked the script since it was a simple story] You can watch it comfortably. That's what I like. - Me, too. - I like it personally. I've been in a lot of movies like that. Scandal Makers, too. [8.22 million people watched Scandal Makers] It was a great hit, right? Highway Star was also simple, right? It was so simple. But Highway Star was fun! When I watch Pinggyego, there's nothing here. There's no topic, nothing at all! [Looks so happy] Everyone's just talking about anything, and I enjoyed it very much. [It has a simple, but addictive charm that makes you keep thinking of it like Pyeongyang Naengmyeon] - That's right. - Really... That's it. Our movie is similar to this! See? - Yeah! Just keep watching! - It's so simple! Their movie is similar to this? You can watch it comfortably. [You can watch this movie very comfortably] You don't have to come to see us. Please come to see the puppies! [Looking at the puppies will make you feel better] You can get refreshed by that! The PR team is spacing out. I said the right thing! - Earlier, they were... - We didn't do any special acting. They kept watching you promote it, but now... [Spacing out] You can go home now. [Lost their mind] It's already over here! You can't even edit it out! I've also introduced my channel earlier. [Already achieved everything] I'm done, too. But they'll be more curious about the movie if we're doing like this. [Pinggyego!] You two talked about the movie today because of the promotion. But, more than anything, it's been a while... I sometimes meet Pinggyego on my shows. It's time to end? [Surprised by the sudden closing] He's wrapping it up suddenly. It's been an hour and a half, so you're wrapping it up. It's not a wrap-up. I thought it was You Quiz. [Time to solve the quiz and finish the show] I thought you were asking me a question. I can't do it with those punks! [It's his 1st time giving up talking on Pinggyego] No more again! Don't ever leave me with Tae Hyun and Yeon Seok again. I can't do it with you two! Each one is okay, but I can't do it when these two are together! I thought it was that timing... Oh, you guys are so sharp! Then, the 1st attempt failed! [1st attempt to escape from the hell of talking failed] Talking without a topic sometimes makes you think, "Is it possible?" But as we talk, time just passes by! It's my 1st time feeling something like this! Yeon Seok! How many brothers do you have? I have an older brother! How's your relationship with your brother? It's great. If you're doing this, you should've ended at the 1st attempt. Because about Yeon Seok... I don't know much about Yeon Seok. You have an older brother? Yes, I have an older brother who is 2 years older than me! Ah... I'm curious about your relationship with your brother. You guys live separately, right? [Silly question and wise answer] That guy, I'll... - I told you earlier. - See? I was right when I looked at the time earlier. - He was right! - I was right! I was right! My animal senses were right! Since my brother got married, so we should live separately. [It's not wrong...] That guy, too, today I will... - I can't live on him. - I can't get along with him, either. I need to live with Rita. Besides, he's Ahn Yeon Seok, not Yoo Yeon Seok! [Was that...?] I knew it for the first time today, [When we started to go wrong...] It got weird from there. [2nd attempt to wrap up] You've promoted enough, right? [My Heart Puppy starring Cha Tae Hyun and Yoo Yeon Seok will be released on March 1st! Please watch it a lot] But today's biggest discovery is! Not only Tae Hyun, Tae Hyun is... I don't know how it sounds like, He's very talented in variety shows, and acting, too! I know he's an actor! He's also showing some respect for variety shows. So we comedians acknowledge his talent. And Yeon Seok! [A talk genius discovered today] In variety shows and talk, I didn't know Yeon Seok was so talented like this. - That rumor was right! - What rumor? - Se Ho said it to me! - Really? [Did Se Ho tell you about me?] I told him Yeon Seok would be here. So he said, "Yeon Seok is really good at talking!" "Oh, really?" I said. Se Ho did? Is he from the same company as you? No! I haven't been on many shows with him. Tell him to mind his own business. [Advice] Tell him to take care of himself on Yoo Quiz. I told you! He really makes me angry. Jong Kook thinks Tae Hyun is the most difficult person to talk to. [Jong Kook also has a hard time when talking to him] So he's the toughest one to talk to. He's the only one. I saw you more than Se Ho! [I need to say what I want to say] We did Busted! and Running Man together. I saw you more. - You should stay still too. - I mean it. [If one stays still, the other goes crazy] Why, you... Why are you going so crazy? [He got scolded for going crazy] I need to do something. Why are you so talkative? - That's nice. - Why are you so talkative, Yeon Seok? I'm working hard today. So The anesthesia is gone now! [The anesthesia wore off at the end of the filming] Now I can pronounce properly! The professor was right! He said that it'd go away in the afternoon. He was right! Wow, he's a great doctor! You pronounced it weird earlier. [When his pronunciation was weird, his anesthesia wasn't gone yet] It was not until your pronunciation was weird. He's such a great doctor! [Pinggyego!] Anyway, let's stay a bit longer until we finish the latte! You can finish now! We can do it more! Why do you want to make up the time? Don't do that, I'm not making up the time. We can just talk. Since we're at a cafe, we have to finish what we order. Okay! Don't drink it bottoms up! [Keeps grabbing his collar] You, son of... - You will be... - I could drink it bottoms up! That was close! - I should have had one more sip. - Yeon Seok's drink is still left. Yes, my drink is still left. What do you do these days? I mean, what do you do? [Today's random segment] We're Curious about Yoo Jae Seok! [1st question] How was this week? It's not that I'm doing this show after retiring. [It's like an interview after retirement] - Your day-off is only on Fridays, right? - We're curious about Yoo Jae Suk. [Let's check his schedule] I'm off on Friday. - Running Man is Wednesday? - Running Man is Monday! Running Man is Monday! Hangout with Yoo is Wednesday! Hangout with Yoo is on Thursday or Friday. It's Thursday or Friday? I see. Then Yoo Quiz is Wednesday. Yoo Quiz is Wednesday! Why are you checking my schedule? [Jae Suk's fans are checking his schedule] Why are you checking my detailed schedule? So, what's your plan for this year? For this year? DdeunDdeun? Ah... [DdeunDdeun is up to the staff] DdeunDdeun is, here... Like I said, BbamBbam Social Club will be aired in early Feb! [BbamBbam Social Club has already been uploaded] It must have been aired when this was uploaded. BbamBbam means dance? Why did you name it BbamBbam? You can use DdonDdon, too! See? Don't use my DdonDdon! You must do DdonDdon with me, okay? DdeunDdeun, BbamBbam and DdonDdon! [Clenching his teeth] You should take DdonDdon with you. It's okay... I have to do it with you, so I'm not going to take it. Well, then I'll do JjonJjon. JjonJjon sounds nice! Yes, JjonJjon! It's done! I can't do this anymore! [Can't keep talking with them] I've talked enough with these punks. Okay! That's it for today! Subscribe, Like, and turn on the notification! [The closing comment was taken away] Turn on the notification! Why do you do this? [Turning on the notification is important] Turn on the notification... - Why do we have to turn on the notification? - The notification means... - Does it come up when the video is uploaded? - Yes! [YouTuber Yeon Seok is teaching them how to turn it on] Subscribe, Like, and turn on the notification! Even if we have a lot of subscribers, the view counts can't follow that number! You said the view counts should be good! There are so many subscribed channels. It's hard to watch everything I subscribed to! Right. It's already over, right? Ah... [I said that before, right?] Do you have your own closing comment? Like, "DdeunDdeun!" I can't get along with them! [Review on today's talk] I can't get along with them. I think the end of this episode will be "I can't get along with them!" I can't get along with them. - So... - I finished my coffee. [Showed him the empty cup] Let's go home. [The closing comment is] This one or "I can't get along with them!" I'll drink it bottoms up, too. [Latte goes into his throat] [He finished his latte] [Saying the closing comment again] Today, with Yeon Seok and Tae Hyun, I laughed so much today! I think I need to go to the dentist before going on a variety show. - So that I can be more brave! - He's so talkative. [We enjoyed talking today] I liked your weird pronunciation. So, we... They prepared them today, too! [There's some presents for them] What? - Our main writer. - Oh my! Oh my! [Cute puppy cakes] My Heart Puppy. It’s so cute. [The photo card is a bonus] That's amazing! Wow, this is Rooney! - It’s so cute. - He looks like Rooney so much! What's this? [Surprised by Jae Suk's photo card] Oh, it was your picture. Yeon Seok! That's me! [Kinda limited edition] It's a limited edition. I was so surprised. My Heart Puppy, the movie that Yeon Seok and Tae Hyun starred in! It will be released on March 1st! Anyway, promoting the movie is just an excuse. Literally, we've talked as much as we want today! I'm very satisfied with today's talk. - Do you like it? Okay, great! - I'm very satisfied with it. I might get angry when I go home... [Before sleeping, he's going to regret things saying, "I should've said this"] "Yoo Yeon Seok, no, Ahn Yeon Seok." "Cha Tae Hyun!" I might do it, but... I laughed so hard today! And Yeon Seok's Weekend Drama, too! Yes, Yeon Seok's Weekend Drama! [The hoodwinker promoted their move a lot today] Please support Yeon Seok's Weekend Drama, too! And I don't know when it'd be, what was that? Tae Hyun would do DdutDdut? DdonDdon, I'll do it with you. If you don't do it with me, I won't do it either! Why do you want to do it with me? Because it came out from here! Let's do DdonDdon! I'm not going to do it unless I'm doing it with you. I already have a lot of work. I have a lot of work to do at home. [Making him angry until the end] I have work to do, too! Anyway, Goodbye! - Goodbye! - Thank you! [So the filming is really over] Thank you! Yeon Seok) Thank you for your hard work. Jae Suk) You were so funny today! Yeon Seok) No, I'm not. Sorry for bothering you. Jae Suk) No, not at all! That's why you were so funny! Yeon Seok has a lot of episodes! It was so much fun! [Director Cho Eun Jin, Jo Su Bin, Lee Eun Sol] [Writer Kim Song Hwa, Kim Yi Jin, Jung ChaeHyu] [Intern Seong Min Ji, Jeon Sang Ha] [Pinggyego!]
Channel: 뜬뜬 DdeunDdeun
Views: 6,573,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SRyk6t77Er8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 30sec (3390 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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