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[32-second preview] But after we got married... I'd tell him to stop. I'd tell him to stop talking. "Enough!" "You talk too much!" I actually heard her sleep talk. "Hang Jun, stop it..." - A golden pear? - Pear? - They could say that... - Why...? Stop reacting like that. This is why people think we don't get along. Of course, HE would like them. "HE"? So you should have been more considerate. But she's not some kind of a queen. That's not what I'm saying! That's not what I mean! [Warning] [Please take caution] [as they will talk non-stop.] [Just joking. We wanted to create a scary mood.] [Pinggyego(Just an excuse)] [This video contains paid advertisements from Naver Pay X Samsung Pay.] [It's been a while since we started outside.] Hello, ma'am. Hello to all of our subscribers. To be honest with you, we have indirect advertisements from Naver Pay and Samsung Pay today. So before we meet our guests, we stopped by a bakery for some dessert and coffee... Yes, you're right! We contacted this place for the advertisement! Why are you shaking? Our subscribers might also be startled. Thanks to our subscribers, we're getting these indirect advertisements. I thank you once again. So let's start shopping for some baked goods. I'm a big baked goods-lover. The guests are about the same age as me so... Scone! A scone sounds good. I'll take a salted bun. Yogurt rice bread? How does it sound to you guys? For our staff. Sounds good? Have a piece while working. I'll grab an egg salad sandwich. And for a bite-sized snack... This is perfect. I bet this will be popular. - This is perfect. - That one's tasty. It's popular among the elders. I'd like to have a light Americano. - Light? - Yes. [Time to advertise] Thank you. I have a line and I'll try to say it as naturally as possible. Naver Pay and Samsung Pagh... Hold on... I apologize... I need to do a line for our advertisement. Sorry for that. Naver Pay and Samsung Pabh... I apologize again. I mean... I'm grateful for this but at the same time... I think I feel a little embarrassed? So yeah, that's how it feels like. They need a big impact so I'll do it loud and clear. Collaboration of Naver Pay and Samsung Pay! Use Samsung Pay anywhere with Naver Pay! [Goes on Naver Pay app] Let me demonstrate. [Selects Samsung Pay tab] Go to the Samsung Pay tab. And just place the phone on the card terminal [It can be used anywhere.] See? It's easy. And If you pay with Samsung Pay using the Naver Pay app, you can randomly get Naver Pay points again. [He drew 164 KRW as a bonus] You can receive Samsung Pay card benefits and Naver Pay points, so it's a complete benefit than regular payment! As you can see, you can draw the random points once more. One more time! Wow! Sorry... I got too excited. That's okay. It's for the ad... It's twice! [Point draw can be done 50 times a month!] It's a great deal! Collaboration of Naver Pay and Samsung Pay! I appreciate your love and support. Thank you very much! Thank you! So anyway... You clapped...HAHA This is on the house. On the house? Thank you. Anyway... I'll get going now. - This is Pinggyego! - I know! I'm a subscriber! Did you subscribe? You're a subscriber? Thank you. Thank you once again for being part of the advertisement. Thank you, ma'am! Bye bye! [Back to the office] What is that? Why did you hang that up? Is this a horror special? She's staring at you. I can't tell if it's her face or her back. [Confusing decorations] What is this? For today's "light" chit-chat, we have two guests who are around the same age as me. Thanks to our subscribers, Pinggyego is growing faster and more smoothly. Please take us in. Take us in like your own children. [However!] Actually, I want you to raise us but not in a strict way. Let us have some freedom for me as well as our staff. My goodness! The talk show broker of our generation. It's been long. Good to see you. He's the movie director I'm most close with. I don't know any other director besides Hang Jun. The only director I know from the movie industry. We're close enough to chat comfortably. Before I pick up a call from Jae Seok, the first thing I do is show whoever is around me. [Call from Jae Seok] I like to show it off. "What's up, Jae Seok" Like I talk to him every day. Where is Eun Hee? [She left early but there was a traffic jam.] Eun Hee is going to be a little late. Really? She's coming from Bucheon, and I came from home. How come you live separately? - Our kid goes to school in Bucheon. - Oh, I see. It's too far to get there in the morning and... You should put on the mic first. The audio wasn't recording? [It did, only the volume was low.] No, it did... Really? [Continues with the phone call episodes] Anyway, when we talk on the phone, he'd say, "Hey, Jae Seok." "I'm filming a new movie." And I'd say, "Okay." Then he'd be like, "Send me a coffee truck." That's Hang Jun. That's how Hang Jun is. Well because... the economy needs to work. It's called the redistribution of wealth. Our staff will have coffee, and the coffee truck owner will make money. You're right! He pointed out something very important. What I like about Hang Jun, is that he's very straightforward with me. [Straightforward Hang Jun] I really like that about him. I like to be direct with the purpose of my call or text. Yes. - Then there's no misunderstanding! - Not at all! It's simple and clear. He'll know that I'm trying to show off. I'm sorry but can I get some water? Water is here. You don't really check your surroundings. [LOL] Because normally... You drink coffee lightly too? Of course. You too? [Light Americano is the best] I can't believe it. Eun Hee and I visited Italy recently. You know how Italians drink espressos. Yeah, they drink dark coffee. They don't have Americanos there. If you go to a cafe in Italy, there is espresso with ice and ice water. - Is that so? - Yeah! Then they'd put a small ice cube in the espresso shot. Isn't that so bitter? And the ice melts immediately. So I'd say, "Full, full full!" I'd ask for ice in a full cup. But their shot glass is small. It is small. So I ask for a full cup of iced water. So think about it. I ask for that and pour the coffee in the ice. And pour water on it. And drink it in bulk. Do you like nutty flavor? Yes! I like nutty flavor. I hate things that taste sour. [They found similarity in "light Americano."] You have a similar taste as me. If I get a cup of ice Americano, I can drink 3 cups from it. [Goosebumps] Exactly! Because I can pour more water into the same coffee. Exactly, I can drink 3 cups by pouring water repeatedly. People would tell me that I don't know how to enjoy coffee. - But we enjoy it. - It tastes good! It does! It's darker than barley tea, and it has its own unique taste. That's coffee to us. Wait a minute, the top layer is almost water. This layer is the part that I drink. I drink this, pour more water and repeat. And it actually makes me full. Did you have breakfast today? I always wake up early and have my breakfast. [Another similarity] I do, too. My mother-in-law always cooks breakfast for me. I always insist but it's hard to say no after she's prepared it for me. So I feel bad for eating it but it's become a habit. Then you can't stop anymore. My mother-in-law really adores me. Right. We have so many things in common. My mother-in-law also adores me a lot. [Lovable sons-in-law] How can she not? My mother-in-law treats me so well. But there's this thing. You're high maintenance. I am. [Needy sons-in-law] [A relatable episode] About 5 years ago, I was so ill and I was at home aching. I'd be like, "Oh my... Oh my..." Eun Hee's sisters came by and they were like, "Are you okay, Hang Jun?" "He's burning up!" That was on a Sunday. And when they were taking care of me, [Reminiscing....] it felt so nice. I think you should stop now. [That memory was implanted in his mind.] I feel secure when I'm taken care of by others. Your nickname is, "Destined to be worry-free". Yeah. [Yum] But you must also feel distress. Not really. You are really living worry-free. I don't think seriously of anything. I was born like that. You know, that's actually a great trait to have. People who are at peace when everyone else is in chaos. You view everything in a positive way. Yeah, I do. When we got disciplined in elementary school, the teachers always warned us. "Everyone needs to do their homework." "For those who don't will be punished." Yeah. I went home and took a nap. - Why did I do that? - Why did you do that? I guess I was a bit tired? [What kind of excuse is that?] And... the punishment takes about 10 seconds. And that's way economical for me. [LOL...] You're such a troublemaker. Everything that you do is what people these days call a troll. [I'm a troll?] Ah, really? You're a troll. For our troll-special episode, we have Hang Jun on the show. However he's got the traits that make people love him. Although that was the kind of kid I was, I was liked by all of my classmates by the smartest kids to the not-so-smart kids. For sure. Even the kids who were troublemakers as well as the nerds. I wonder why they liked you so much. I've been looking for the answer for a long time as well. [LOL] [Why am I so popular?] - I can't stand him! - I'm still looking for the answer. - But... - I'm still looking! You can't stand him, but you keep thinking of him. He's the guy we keep on asking to hang out with. Yup, yup yup. So about Eun Hee... What should we... Should we go for a smoke? No, I don't smoke. Yeah? [New info to each other] Do you smoke? I do. Really? So when Eun Hee shows up and says hello, I'll go out for a smoke. And I'll come back when she's ready to start. How does that sound? Feel free to do what you want. Okay, I'll do that then. You haven't quit yet. Well I did quit smoking. But there was a time when they raised the cigarette price by almost double. Yeah, I remember. [Since 12 o'clock sharp on Jan. 1st, 2015] They raised it exactly at 12 o'clock on Jan. 1st. [Raised by 2,000 KRW] So then I thought it was not worth my money. I promised myself that I'll quit. And so I went around all the convenience stores. Why? Because it felt like I was saving 2,000 KRW [LOL] So I searched everywhere. I was even on the MBC news. "The smokers are on a spree for cigarettes." "On a cigarette-spree." All of your episodes are making me laugh but I'm not sure if I like the endings. - Ah, really? - Yeah. - Fine. - I'm not sure... He's like, "Ah, really? Fine" [Refill for his barley tea.] [LOL] I heard that your videos get a lot of views. Why do you ask? We're here today to promote Eun Hee's new series, 'Revenant.' But I also need to gain something from this. On YouTube, search 'You Were a Director'. [Promoting his own.] It's a show where we drink. - It is? - Yeah, we bring our friends as guests. Hang Jun. - You're messing up your hair even more. - Really? [So high maintenance] What are you trying to do? - You want to make it look neat, right? - Yeah. - Here you go. - Okay. Look at me. - There isn't a huge difference. - Yeah? [Talk on their children] I think I saw Yoon Seo once a long time ago. You did. When she was in elementary school. Wow, she's in high school now. How is she doing these days? She went to an art school. I heard that she's an excellent writer. Yeah, she's a good writer. We never taught her this but ever since she was in elementary school, she would try to write novels after reading books. That's interesting. She never even saw us write our scripts. Instead, we often took her to watch movies and plays. Even before she could talk. We took her to watch a children's theater once a week. Those things have big impacts. - Children's theater is actually really fun! - It is! - It's really fun. - I enjoy them as well. There's always a villain in the plot. And that villain steals something. Then the protagonist comes out. "Everyone! My something is gone!" "Have you seen it?" And the children would scream. "IT'S HIM! IT'S THAT GUY!" Then the protagonist will say, "Who? Where?" Then the children would be like, "HIM! THAT GUY!" "HIM OVER THERE!" The villain would try to stop the children. The children really love this kind of interaction with the characters. Children are affected by those things and want to grow up to be part of them. Yes, for sure. I think my daughter listens to pop music from her friends so she's been singing a lot lately. But she gets all of the lyrics wrong except for the chorus, and sings however she likes. That is creativity. There are times when children make their own ridiculous lyrics. "We were in something." Yeah. - "We washed our faces" Like that. - Exactly. I think that itself motivates K-pop. As a big talker myself, I have an interest in many things. But Hang Jun also an interest in many things as well. What's your biggest interest lately? On my next film! The film after "Rebound". My colleagues and I decided to do a long omniverse feature film. So it'll be in many chapters. I have a plan to do my own film next year. - Next year? - In September next year. [Movie genre] It'll be about exorcism. with a bit of black comedy. So it has different genres. Yes, black comedy. As I always mention, I'm here if you ever need me. But you weren't. When? You didn't come to my movie premier. That's because I had to work. I'm saying that you should cast me in your movie, not invite me to your premier. Like an extra in the background. - Hang Jun. - Really? Actually, that's the meaning - Exactly! - of a cameo. - You're right. - It's a passerby, not a special appearance. You don't have to give me any lines. - The audience wouldn't know when watching the movie, - Yup. - and then it'll become viral later. - Exactly. "The guy getting off the bus in the back in Jae Seok!" Then people would realize afterward. I would be perfect as your cameo. You won't be working that day again, right? No. - I'd schedule with you first. - Okay, fine. I'll make time for you. [2016 Muhan Company] You filmed your first drama series with me. [Jae Seok's drama debut was with Hang Jun] Yes, I did. I remember running a lot during that hot summer. And at the time, you guys filmed Infinite Challenge without taking any breaks. I thought it was an exploitation. [Laughs anyway] Hey. Didn't you film us all night without breaks? [He filmed the Infinite Challenge drama series] I did. I can't believe you! You're the one who exploited us! Yeah, I got the point. You should eat to clear your head. [The troll of the day] He's still not fully awake from his sleep. He made us film all night and he thinks others were exploiting us. I can't believe this guy. [Pinggyego(Just an excuse)] [Next conversation is on VIVO] You went to VIVO that time... Yeah, I did. Wait a minute, isn't VIVO your agency? It is! Same with Eun Hee. Really? I'm surprised. Song Eun Yi is expanding her agency more and more. She's quite a leader. I met her when she was a freshman. - Yeah? - In college. We were friends since then. I was so curious about her. Some days, she'd be dancing in the schoolyard. And another day, she'd be doing a performance. [She actively participated in many things.] I'd see her everywhere I went. So I would wonder about her. A rumor had it that she wasn't even a student there. She looks younger than her age so... - I remember that rumor. - They said she was the school president's son. And that she would show up when the president came to work. That was the rumor. We thought she was in elementary school. And that she's a boy. That was the rumor going around in college. I remember. So anyway, your wife is Eun Hee, and your boss is Eun Yi! You're surrounded by so many Euns! I am. You are bound to the Euns. I personally really like the works written by Eun Hee. - You already know. - Of course, I know. Eun Hee even gave me the DVD set. You can get the full price if you post it on the secondhand market. Hey... If I post this gift from Eun Hee, I'd be despised. Who watches... Who watches Blu-rays and DVDs these days? No one. - They are for keeping rather than watching. - Yeah. I even had this thought. For my next movie, we can only sell the Blu-ray case. [Speechless] And people wouldn't know! I'd wrap the case with plastic. That's what's called a fraud. Oh yeah? Okay fine. Everything that comes out of your mouth isn't suitable for the modern society. As I mentioned earlier, today... For Eun Hee's next series... Yes, yes. [SBS Drama Series] We should be promoting 'Revenant' with writer Eun Hee, but she hasn't arrived yet. Things like this happen all the time. It doesn't matter for Pinggyego. because it's about chit-chatting within the time given. [She got out of the traffic jam] [but she went to the wrong address by mistake.] [The clumsy writer will be here soon...] She doesn't know how things work. That's true. Anyway, the important thing is that today's special guest isn't here yet. Yup. This is actually very funny if you think about it. Hang Jun and I, who have no direct connection to 'Revenant' are here today... To tell you about 'Revenant' while Eun Hee isn't here yet. Can you talk after you burp? - It's nasty. - It's because... LOL You're constantly burping, Sorry to those who are watching! I could've burped big at once but I divided it up 4 times for you. So I did that - and Jae Soek had to point it out. - Well we're all humans, aren't we? Of course. It's natural for humans to burp. Yeah, of course. We aren't robots. No, we aren't. We aren't perfect. We can't control everything ourselves. So this series called, 'Revenant'... Enough already, Eun Hee will explain everything when she comes. Coming to Nonhyeon-dong all the way from Bucheon is like walking for the civil exam in the Joseon Dynasty. I think you're going too far - with Joseon Dynasty. - People used to leave a month early to take their civil exams. - We aren't writing exams... - On their way, they'd run into different obstacles. Anyway, talkers like me and Hang Jun constantly talk about anything. I hope you'll understand. - A talk show is usually chaotic. - Yeah. Anyway to continue... So I left for my civil exam but the exam which is in Hanyang has already started. But this scholar still hasn't arrived yet. She must be in a real rush right now. It's fine. For TV shows, we have to wait until the guest arrives. But not for us. Yes. So when big pop stars and celebrities are late by 2 hours... They're causing trouble. Of course it is. LOL - I wanted to tell you the difference. - You're right. This is different. This is a pure mistake. And it's a different case. So many people are affected by the other cases. But this is just a casual meet-up between us. It's a common mistake. This term was used a long time ago. Before, there was a term called, "Korean Time." You remember, right? Back then, they'd say that Korean people are usually late by 30 minutes. So they'd call it the Korean Time. It was the time when the term, Ugly Korean, was publicized as a whole in society. Why do you forget your past? [The relaxed lifestyle of our ancestors in the past.] That was our past. [He's got a point.] It's where we came from. [Maybe we live like we're being chased.] Back then, people didn't show up on time. This was a common thing back then. For people who are late, the staff would tell them that the show starts 2 hours earlier than the actual time. I worked as a floor director and a comedy show writer when I was in my 20s. And there were lots of celebrities who were always late. You're right. And we had a prior meeting for certain things, but they'd come and change their word as if they are upset. So I'd just think to myself, 'What a piece of s**t.' [The anger he felt as a rookie] Because I'm a human too. That piece of s**t gets my monthly salary in 1 hour and doesn't even keep their word and is late on schedule! That's what I used to think. So we won't edit this part out. You won't? [Confused] Because this is just YouTube. - No! - We'll think about it. Or we can just beep it out. Anyway so what happened? So that's what I thought... So for me, work schedule with other staff like the filming time... There is a possibility that I could be late. So to be prepared, if work is really far from home, I'd sleep at a motel near by. So that I can run out if I get a call or something. What does that make your wife then? This is like walking across the country in Joseon Dynasty. I mentioned Korean Time already. We're joking around because this situation is funny. But it's understandable. [Starts the next topic already] I don't... Eun Hee usually isn't late. I hated being late as well. I lived really far from my middle school. And my bus wouldn't come. Back then, 3 of the same buses would come all at once. Yes, it used to be like that. Then another bus wouldn't come for 30 to 40 minutes. The bus schedule back then... It was all over the place. It was when there wasn't even a bus lane. If people are lined up at the stop, and you are waiting here. The bus would stop past the bus stop. Then a line would form when people are running to get on. So people would run and get on the crammed bus. So sometimes you couldn't even get on the bus. Yeah. I got tired of wasting my time at the bus stop and being late for school, so I decided to walk instead. I timed myself walking to school and it took me about 40 minutes. When i walked! So I went to a used bookstore and found a book on magic art of shortening distances. The magic art of shortening distances. In an old used bookstore... Many people may already know this, but what is shortening distances? - It's bending the ground to walk faster. - Yes. It's basically Taoist magic. - It's Taoist magic. - Yes, it is. Next to that book would be another one on Jeet Kune Do. Next to that would be a book on levitation. But I didn't believe in levitation back then. I bought the book on shortening distances and studied it. My parents were glad to see me study though. They didn't even know what kind of book it was. Anyway, I learned that shortening distances use the principle of bending the ground. So does it really help with walking faster? - It does. - Really? I walked a 40-minute distance in 20 minutes. How? I did it without losing my breath. How? Let me show you. Let's say this is the sole. Are you listening to me? Yeah, I'm the one who asked you. Hmm... Really? So this is the sole of your foot. Stomp it on the ground. - ...Okay. - And then with this force, you step forward. - Oh... - Yeah. [Now the next step] And then with your other foot... Are you listening to me? With your other foot... - So this is the principle. - Demonstrate it for us. [What a passionate shortening distance teacher] I can do better on this. Here we go. [1. Stomp the heel on the ground.] Stomp your heel hard. [2. Step forward with the rebound.] And step forward fast with the rebound. [3. Repeat with the other foot.] With the other foot, stomp again. Then move forward fast. [Let's see in practice since we learned the theory.] Try walking on the floor. But right now Jae Seok is also... What the? My heart dropped. [While trying to show how to walk fast...] [He finally discovered the other guest.] We prepared this for Eun Hee's new show, 'Revenant.' I just saw that. She looks so scary from the front. [Shortening distance demonstration will start.] Should I start? Yeah. I think it's too short. This is how you walk fast. You don't look fast at all. [Pinggyego(Just an excuse)] Eun Hee is finally here. I'm sorry... It's okay. - My goodness... - Eun Hee! We sorted out everything. [Commuted for 3 hours] Don't worry. It'd be better if she sits in the middle, right? [Traffic jam... Went to the wrong place... Got in a cab...] [Got off at the wrong place and walked up here...] I'm sorry. It's fine. [All over the place] Have a seat. You must've had a hard time getting here. I haven't been to Seoul in a long time. [Deja vu] It's not easy. Just like you mentioned earlier. - Like a civil... - As if you're coming to Hanyang... I feel like I'm here for a civil exam. [Proud Moment] You mentioned the exact same thing. Really? It's like you came for a civil exam. Yes, she came to Hanyang from Bucheon. How does this scenario look? She got off the cab but she's out of breath. What a series of nice setting for a movie. There was an uphill. That's okay. I'm truly sorry... Can you put on the mic? [Having difficulties] It feels so good to see you after a while. [Aww] - Can I...? - No, no, no. - You can drink it. - Is this someone else's drink? No. It's for you. She needs more water just like me. [Refills the ice.] My gosh, he's so needy. Every time he needs to do something, he needs other people to help him. Look here, at least 2 people are trying to help you. - Hmm really? - Yeah. - Drink only the top layer. - Okay. Drink here and add more water. Okay. [Coffee is still very dark.] Anyway... It's so good to see you! Hang Jun and I have been talking non-stop for about 40 minutes, from Ugly Koreans and... [They made the best of their time.] Did you guys call me Ugly Korean? Wait, no... That wasn't it! I'm really timid right now. No need to worry. [Cheers with ice Americano] Good to finally see you. [Explaining the concept of the room] We decorated it like your new series, 'Revenant.' Ahh! My gosh... [The 2 people who were also scared.] Why are you so scared? - That's not a real person, right? - Didn't you write 'Revenant'? Well, I wrote that because I get scared easily. You also get easily scared, right? [Of course] Yeah, I'm scared of ghosts and heights. Are you not going to watch 'Revenant'? Why would I not? You already know, I watch all of your series. Can you tell us a little bit about it? Wouldn't it be better if you sat here? [He has no connection to 'Revenant.'] I feel so left out right in the middle. You're the talk show broker today. Okay, fine. That's your role for today. In 'Revenant', after a poor girl's father suddenly dies, he leaves a keepsake. But after receiving the keepsake, she is possessed by a demon. And there is a folklore professor who was looking for that demon. And because he can recognize the demon, they together try to defeat the demon. I'm really scared of ghosts but I love this kind of talk. The demon doesn't appear often. There's no demon? Only a little! So you could close your eyes for that moment. - Really? - The rest of it is mostly about people. ['Revenant' airs on June 23rd at 10 o'clock.] As we all know, you are the queen of genres. [Humble] Yes. She is Agatha Christie [Known for 'Sign', 'Phantom', 'Signal', and 'Kingdom'] of Korea. But you know, my favorite mystery novel author is Agatha Christie. When we were younger, we used to love mystery novels. We all had those small books at home. The reason I fell in love with mystery novels in the first place was... Agatha Christie's 'And Then There Were None'. They used to have books in the back of the classroom I remember those. Like a classroom library. I randomly picked it out, and got obsessed with mystery crime novels. That memory is hard to forget. I remember Agatha Christi and Conan Doyle. Detective Holmes! We used to call them 'Holmes'. But all of the sudden, he was called, Sherlock. I feel betrayed. Why do you feel betrayed? His name is Sherlock Holmes, but why did everyone start to call him just 'Sherlock'? It's not a big deal. You think so? So Eun Hee normally... Wow... She likes her coffee light. I'm not doing this only to be a sweet husband. If she gets sick, it's my problem. [Supports her for his survival.] Yes, very much! I'm high maintenance, but so is she. - Is that so? - Yes. I have a very sensitive bowel and stomach. She has a very weak stamina. Because I'm sitting down all day. To write this kind of series, you have to do a lot of things. So do you research a lot of horror stories? I didn't really look for horror stories, but I mainly researched folklore. I'm curious to hear it. Because although this is a talk show for entertainment, many of our viewers want to know. Me? Me? - What is it? - They need me over there. You want to go for a smoke, don't you? [Caught in act] I can't believe you! There was no one calling for you. [A monologue that confused everyone] I thought he was talking to a ghost. My goodness... Maybe only you can see the ghost. Hey, we agreed on this earlier. [Jae Seok is baffled] Didn't we agree that I'll go for a smoke? [Agreement made] Go ahead. This show is really chill. Yeah, of course. [Go to '31:34' to skip the horror story] Anyway as we were talking about... We call it the town ancestral rite, right? An ancestral rite for the spirits [To ward off bad luck and pray for a good harvest] of a town. We visited one near the ocean. It was done at night and we couldn't see anything. We could only see a few lights and hear people talking. After the ceremony was over, the head of the village said, "You can't look back from this point." - Oh... - He said that if we look back, the demons will follow us. Oh my... We couldn't even see anything. And because we can't see a thing, I was eager to look back and call someone. But no one turned around. If I call for the director, he'll answer by looking straight ahead. [It was so frightening that no one looked back.] I'd be scared too because of the demons. I think that was the scariest part for me. And I incorporated that part into 'Revenant.' Oh, I have another horrifying story to tell. But you said you don't really have any... I heard this from a close staff of mine. Many staff members stay at motels for long-distance work trips. So two staff from the makeup team shared a room. One of them is not a clingy type but she kept on laying her back to the other staff. So the other staff thought, 'What's wrong with her?' She wasn't even sure if she was dreaming or not. But she saw a blanket hanging in front of her. A blanket? Yeah, and she noticed two hands holding the blanket like this. [Goosebumps] So someone was holding the blanket. She was so frightened that she woke up. Then she realized the other staff also saw the exact same thing. It turned out that there was an affair and a man killed a women by suffocation with a blanket. AHHHHHHHH! That's what happened there. Hey you guys! If you've skipped to this part, the scary part is over. I actually have one more. I think we heard enough. Tell us later. Okay, sure. How long did you write 'Revenant'? I think... This is the year 2023, right? Yeah. [This is June 2023] Did you forget? What year did you think it was? I'm getting goosebumps right now. Which year of Eun Hee are you? Which year are you? I've been signing off 2012 lately. I started to write the script since August 2021. [Almost 2 years ago] August 2021? Yeah. Because there may be viewers who want to start writing or become someone like you. Can you tell us what it takes to become a scriptwriter? You know how you tell your colleagues to read a lot of news articles? Yes, yes. - And to read books. - To read books. I think it's the same. Comedians have a lot of interest in the society and in people to come up with their lines, right? It's the same for writers. You need your own perspective on this society, and you have to like people first before you can write about people. So it's important to be interested in people. [He's back] So... You came back more relaxed after a cigarette break. I feel more relaxed now. I feel at more ease. You were anxious before. But now you look... I'm more relaxed. It's best to quit smoking for your health. But stress can be relieved through smoking. Where is the resale business done? It's done in the country. Our country made me this way. That's it. Hey, Eun Hee... What kind of character is Hang Jun? At first, I really liked him because he's a smooth talker. But after we got married... I'd tell him to stop. I'd tell him to stop talking. "Enough!" "You talk too much!" That's what I've been saying to him the most recently. I actually heard her sleep talk. Oh, right! "Hang Jun, stop it... Stop talking..." [Eun Hee wanted to dream in peace.] "Stop it!" [A shocking true event] And she'd wake up from it. This is another topic but... How does the husband go if this was a drama? - You mean die..? - Yeah. I mean... I didn't mean... Did I commit such a horrible act? I meant if Eun Hee was to write about this in her drama script... I didn't mean you, but for someone in a similar situation. A husband who is so persistent in annoying someone. If it was my drama script, I'd make the car brake malfunction. [The beginning of the incident with an accidental death] How about for writer, Kim Eun Sook? The female protagonist would probably meet a younger handsome guy. [Not happy about this plot] Love will heal her trauma. But in my drama, insurance will. LOL What if it was your movie? If the wife is scolding the husband and he's hurt by it. He'd go to the neighbourhood basketball court and start playing basketball. [The story of being selected as the new high school coach that is on the brink of breaking up...?] Regardless, the protagonists will get a happy ending. Yeah, because it's a TV drama. In my opinion... What's this show called? - Pinggyego, Pinggyego. - Pinggyego! Right, Pinggyego. [He talked for an hour..] You startled me. [Laughing because he's so absurd] For Pinggyego... For Pinggyego to trend worldwide, [Nothing stops him.] Jae Seok should reveal his annual income. [He changes his topic like a basketball bouncing.] [He's got a call.] That is... - You got a call? - This show is so casual. Our daughter is calling. Because my staff is working in my office today. Feel free to pick up the call. Speaker won't work. Hello? Hello? The door lock battery is low? You should step aside for the passcode. [Passcode to his office was almost revealed.] Okay. Everyone would hear the passcode. [Talking loud out of the camera.] I think we can still hear him. Go to a convenience store and get new batteries. And replace them. [His kindness makes the situation even funnier.] Okay? What a guy. He's such an entertainer. Hang Jun! Everything you do is entertaining! [He's back the second time.] Actually... Leaving in the middle of a recording is a very bad manner. However, this was an urgent matter, so please understand. LOL The viewers may think that you are so casual and that you are always comfortable, but he's actually very considerate of others. Rather than considerate, I like to take care of others. Right? - Huh? - I could say that... [LOL] Stop reacting like that. This is why people think we don't get along. There is a rumor that we are a fake couple that puts on a show. A fake couple? - I heard it a couple of times. - What did they say? That we actually hate each other. But maybe we do? People around know that's not true though. - Of course. - And you'd know the best. But the thing is, a positive word doesn't spread as much. Exactly! While a scandal spreads very quickly whether it's true or not. Yeah, bad words spread faster than good words. Tell us something good that happened between you two. - Something good? - Yeah, anything recent! I really like my in-laws, as I mentioned earlier. My father would ask me, "How are the in-laws treating you?" I'd tell him, "Very well." "They treat me like a hero." So my father is really happy. You're a hero? The one person from my in-laws who treats me negligently is this lady. [Just creating more fake couple rumors.] The rest of the family is so loving. Your manager is laughing the hardest. Huh? He's laughing so loud I can see his back teeth. He's not my manager. He's the CP of 'Revenant.' He's the CP. Oh, hey Mr. CP! He's the youngest CP I've met. Oh! Mr. CP! How did you manage to come on a weekend? He wanted to see you. Really? Although we both work in broadcast, I don't get to see many people from the film industry. I didn't realize he was the CP. He seems down to earth. Yes, he is. Does he have a nick name like, revenant? Well, he is the CP of revenant. Normally, it's common for the drama CP to start as a director or PD. So they have a lot of experience in drama, but he didn't start like that. He had connections. Wait! My goodness... [Creates another rumor.] You're all over the place today. How can you say that he didn't work for his job? You put him in a difficult place now. People often think that he's... - He's crying now. - He can be misunderstood. So I'm trying to set things straight. He doesn't have a background in directing dramas. He was in another department. A finance department. - He's from the finance department. - Really? And became a drama CP. He's got a very unique case. He's probably the first one. I've never met anyone with that background. Yeah, so... There was a rumor that he's the boss's niece. Or that he's a major shareholder. [Pinggyego(Just an excuse)] Do you have any recent episodes between you two that is heart-warming? Heart-warming? Yeah, anytime you felt loved? How about when we went to Italy? - When we went to Italy. - I think it's a good story. [In hopes] When we went to Italy, it was just... This is why people keep making rumors about us! Well, do something nice for me once! I'm always good to her, always. "Well, do something nice...!" I treat her well all the time. When we went to Italy, I haven't walked that much in a long time because I sit all day for work. So it's reasonable that I have a hard time walking. And I showed how tired I felt. And he'd complain that he can't travel with me if I can't walk for that long. You know, in his usual whiny voice. Hold up. I didn't say that to her. It was Jang Won Seok who went with us. [Blames on the film production rep.] How can you bring a third person into this! He said that we should leave her out for our next trip. It was Jang Won Seok, not me. But why would you deliver what he said to me? She's right. When Eun Hee is walking during our trip and she suddenly stops to say that she feels a bit dizzy. And I think, 'The time has come.' This is how he looks at me. 'The time has come.' Wait, wait! I can't even change my expression? I don't even get that freedom? I don't whine. [Takes a deep breath.] - "Okay, Eun Hee." - "Sit, sit, sit." "Let's sit down on this bench." Your face wasn't like tht. And she'd say, "I need some shade..." I'm not God, I can't magically create a shade. - That's what happened. - So...HAHAHAHA You guys are a true couple. We are. What's hilarious is that everyone arrives at the destination. But we always stop by a bench for some time. And when we continue to walk, she'd be like "My stomach doesn't feel good." He's over-exaggerating. I didn't stop for a bathroom break. - Then what was it? - She is...! I took one break, that's all. One? If you ever meet Won Seok, ask him yourself. He's a witness. I don't know him personally though. - Really? - I know you personally but not him. I'll give you his number, please call and ask. What am I supposed to say to him? I mean... Should we call him now and ask? Ask what? What the truth is. I'm not saying that you're lying, but I didn't stop for a bathroom break. Yeah. But you know... She explained that she hasn't been on a trip in a while, and she sits down all day for work. Because she's busy and all. Exactly. So you should have been more considerate. But she's not some kind of a queen. That's not what I'm saying! But I'm your wife! That's not what I mean! [Can't look at either side] No... How can you say that? [Lonely battle] She's right about this! How did you bring up the Italy trip? You could at least be kind. Yeah, he could've given me a helping hand. The bathroom break wasn't from this trip, it's a common thing that happens to her. I was driving the car, and she was sitting next to me. Suddenly she said, "My stomach hurts." So I thought, 'Here we go again.' And then... We were in the middle of the highway! She asked me pull over because she needs to go. What am I supposed to do? Who would be in the worst situation, you or me? The 'Revenant' is about to air and you can't be seen pulling over on a highway. There's no way I could pull over. [Exhausted of laughing too much] So Eun Hee has a weak stamina and a sensitive gut. My gut is really sensitive. If you ever see me pulling over on a highway, please pretend that you didn't see me. "On a highway" HAHA - Just in case. - How far should I pretend? I can do it, but how far should I... I bet all Americans would be like, "Oh my God! Kingdom writer!" There are many times you appeared on TV together, but you two arguing like this is hilarious. It's all thanks to you. I'm honoured. You two are also my favorite people, so I feel comfortable around you. How many videos are uploaded? How many episodes? You didn't even know the title though. Why do you want to know how many episodes we have? Will you be watching this episode? Of course! He watches if he's part of it. Only if he's part of it. HAHA He doesn't watch others though. So I've met both of you on Yoo Quiz and such. But the things we can talk about here are different. It is different. I wanted to tell you this. For Yoo Quiz, there are too many cameras. And you often have regular people as guests who are not used to the cameras. Yes we do. They can easily get nervous. A veteran like me... [HA!] It even made a veteran like me feel nervous. You're a veteran? Of course, I am. I'm a veteran, and YOU made me this! That's true. I helped you become a veteran on TV shows. Since 'Happy Together.' I helped Jong Shin too but he doesn't admit it. [Quick change of the subject] We visited Jeonju together, and he was so talkative. Jong Shin? He talks almost as much as you. But you shouldn't be the one talking. Jong Shin talks over there and Hang Jun talks over here. - And so... - I thought my ears would burst. So I try really hard not to see him because there needs to a listener but neither of us are. We just talk to each other without listening. So I try not to see him. I had a sudden question in mind. How are you individually? When are you most happy, Eun Hee? I recently finished writing 'Revenant', so I feel lighthearted at the moment. I feel happy when I have a glass of beer. I heard that you really like beer. Yeah. I enjoy drink beer while watching baseball. - Are you a baseball fan? - I'm a huge fan. LG! [LG Twins fan] You like LG! No matter how busy she is, she watches it live if she can't go to the stadium. - I watch from the stadium sometimes. - Yeah. She received several offers from LG to throw the first pitch... - No, not several times. - No? - No. - So what happened? They lose every time I go to the stadium. So sometimes I don't go to the important games for them to win. You're a true fan. I was a fan since they used to be called Cheongryong. Cheongryong! Wow! MBC Cheongryong! MBC Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation used to run a baseball team called Cheongryong, which became LG Twins. Baek In Cheon was the number 4 batter while he was the coach! He's probably the only player in Korea to hit 0.400 AVG - Yeah, the last 0.400 AVG. - Right. A record that will not be broken even now, 0.400 AVG. You have to play 10 times and hit 4 times. It's an amazing record. It's a record that can't be beaten. So you really enjoy watching baseball while drinking beer? Yes. - How about you? - Well... I go to her office in Bucheon and hanging out with our daughter and Eun Hee. I feel so relaxed. At first, I didn't go because it was too far. But it feels nice to sleep over there. And when I'm all relaxed, Eun Hee would ask me if I'd like ice coffee. Then I'd think, 'What did she put in it?' [Family movie to horror movie] So I always carry a silver spoon with me. [Checks poison with it.] Stop it. You've had enough. [LOL] She's good with her horror scripts. You're enjoying this? I understand where he comes from. [She admits it herself.] I don't know how I should say this but she's very cute. And so are you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Although you don't realize it, you two get along really well. This year is our 25th wedding anniversary. Why are you so surprised? [Didn't realize that many years passed] It's not someone else's anniversary, it's yours! It's been 25 years? It's really hard to maintain 25 years of marriage. AHA! [Is he teasing us?] Time really flies. I know! Hang Jun mentioned that he feels comfortable when hanging out with Eun Hee and your daughter. And also going on evening walks. I really enjoy those times. Of course, HE would like them. "HE"? This is why people think we're a fake couple! Is that the thing to say in the 25th year of marriage? Last time, he kept asking me to go on walks. When I'm busy, I walk 170 steps a day. There was a time I walked 7 to 8,000 steps and I was exhausted. But he insisted. So he dragged me outside. From my point of view, I think he's trying to get you fit because you are always sitting down for work. - Yes! That's right! - It is! And for people like us, we need someone to talk to. He said that he finds comfort in my office but he makes so much trash out of the place. He doesn't make up his bed, - and he makes a mess in the kitchen. - That's not true. I keep my office super clean. He only keeps his office clean. I'm always cleaning and doing the dishes. He likes to cook. He likes to cook... But he make a big mess in the kitchen. But you should clean up after yourself. She needs to digest and move around. And he keeps on saying that he feels comfortable in my office. Of course, he is! Of course, you are! Isn't he so silly? But silliness is what makes life fun. That's true. And you get a lot of friends - when you are silly. - Right, right. Because silly people are harmless. [Zero harm] After this episode airs, 'Revenant' airs the next day, right? It's be the first day of release. - How do you feel? - I'm really nervous. I've been looking back on myself lately. I think about how I should've been more kind and I think about my regrets. I hope that all of my luck goes to 'Revenant'. The infamous directors with over 10 million viewers get nervous about their new movie - Of course. - and have trouble sleeping. A lot of people work hard together to make a good series, but in the end, our job is to get evaluated by the public. Can you tell us which channel and what time it'll be on? So... Did you forget already? It's your own series! Channel number 5. - It's airing on SBS - On June 23rd, at 10 o'clock. I hope you look forward to it. Do you get any lucky dreams before it airs? I have lots of dreams of being chased. And I'm frightened of bugs. I'm similar to you. You do! Afraid of bugs and heights. - Yeah, same with me! - And afraid of ghosts. I'm also scared of people. She's scared of people and crime. I'm also scared of parking lots. An empty parking lot in the middle of the night. That is scary. I feel like someone is hiding behind a car. But despite that, you write about crimes. Is there a reason why you are so good at it? I think it's because I know what I'm scared of. It may be the same for you. I have to cover my eyes but I still enjoy horror films. Because I'm curious about the plot. Then I'd turn my head away and watch it through a glass. We used to watch the Korean Ghost Stories as kids. Ah, of course. We used to cover ourselves with blankets. But it's hard not to watch it. So I had 2 conclusions. What are they? Number 1, we are sucked into the plot. And another one is, the nine-tailed fox is pretty. Is this a thumbnail for us to use? [The nine-tailed fox is pretty.] All the actresses in that role were very pretty. I remember that at the time. Lee Soon Jae once appeared as the main character in a short act. With Jang Mi Hee. 'A Faceless Beauty'! You remember, right? I just got goosebumps because recently, 2 days ago. I was browsing on YouTube and saw 'A Neckless Beauty' which is a really old Korean movie made in 1966. It has a similar plot to the movie you just mentioned with Jang Mi Hee. Yeah, it is. Lee Soon Jae falls in love with his friend's wife, so he hypnotizes her. "You will come to me every day at 12 o'clock." This hypnotized woman unknowingly goes to this man's house! And make love to this man. - Then this woman... - Car accident! - She dies in a car crash! - Yeah! But after she died, she came for him at 12 o'clock. And she kept coming to visit him. [Literally, a ghost story that a faceless beauty visits even after death.] This was very scary back then. It was so scary. And Kim Hye Soo was in another movie similar to that. - It's an interesting plot. - Yes, it is. Do you know any scary stories like that? Or something you've experienced? I actually... don't believe in ghosts. You could've just said no. Just say no. I remember the stories I heard as a kid. [Go to '53:27' to skip scary stories.] The stomping ghost? This story? That one's a famous one. This is the story of the stomping ghost. A kid falls and dies at school. And rumors of a ghost appearing at the school have been heard. And one night, a student studying by herself at school. After all the others left, she woke up alone. When she woke up, she heard something in a distance. Stomp...Stomp...Stomp... She kept hearing that sound. She ran away thinking it was a ghost. She ran to the last bathroom stall and held the door. The stomping sound got closer and closer. "She's not here." Stomp...Stomp...Stomp... "She's not here." Stomp! There is a space at the bottom of the door. The ghost was standing upside down. Stomp! "Here you are...!" [2nd scare] It was a popular story in middle school. Every school has their own urban myth. - The statute of Yi Sun Sin... - Moves! The next day, the hand he was holding the sword changed. The statute must've forgotten. He enjoyed his spicy noodles and walked around. And when the sun came up, he was in a hurry before the students arrived. And he held the sword with the wrong hand. So he was caught. Caught? You mean he made a mistake. I have a question for the both of you. What does each other mean to you? If you ask Eun Hee, she'll try to joke around. I won't joke around! Should I guess? A burden!? [Shouting the expected answer] - That's what she'll say! - But wait! I thought you were here today to help Eun Hee promote her new series. He only wants to hear people praise him. Let's hear what she has to say. So why don't you go first, Eun Hee? What does Hang Jun mean to you? A burden? [Expected answer was correct] [Doesn't feel good he got it correct.] A burden. HAHAHA What about you? What does Eun Hee mean to you? A person of gratitude that takes care of me. Hmm... I'm a really big family man, different for the rest of you. Excuse me? HAHAHA Everyone here thinks of their family too! Different for the rest of you? I hope there is no misunderstanding. Is your family a happy family? Everyone is saying that they're happy with their family. I had a thought one day. What would I do if Eun Hee is gone? She is someone who knows me the best even more than my own parents. She's someone who know all of my ups and downs. So if she was not around, I would feel lost and wouldn't know what to do. That's it. [Sudden ending] This feels like you're clarifying the rumors. This concludes the press conference! There's no issue between them. Do you have anything to add to this? I don't know if it was a dream or not. But if Hang Jun died, - I really wouldn't know what to do. - Of course. He's someone I trust the most. I'm really bad with numbers and with house chores. But he was the one who's been taking care of those. I always tell him that I wish I'd die earlier than him. If I die earlier, she will be surrounded by the fraud and they'll try to take her money away. That's how naive she is. [Sounds a bit like an insult.] She doesn't know how things work. I really like this side of you two. You get along well. Well, we lived together for 25 years. But this chemistry... I think it's great. You guys hit off really well. Of course, it's very important. It's probably impossible for the rest of you. [Proud chemistry of a couple of their 26th year.] It's hard to get to where we are. This chemistry between a married couple is hard to get. It may seem like you don't get much stress, - but I'm sure you do. - Yes, I do. What are you stressed about? My only concern is about my parents who are getting old. I occasionally have this thought. If I'm out hanging out or if I'm overseas, what if they suddenly become ill? Other than that, I don't have many concerns. His most recent movie, 'Rebound' came out. And he told me that he cried on the first day because it didn't get many views. I don't know why he didn't call me but he called everyone but me. The reason why I didn't call her is because I thought she'd feel the same as me. Among devastated people, [E of MBTI] Es always share their depression. "I'm screwed..." [Shares their devastation] This and that... They maintain the amount of their chatter. I remember the writer from 'Cine Mountain' the most. She texted me to ask how I'm doing. So I called her immediately. "The number of viewing is not increasing..." "No, it'll be better soon!" "It's because you don't know the film industry," "The viewing on the first day determines everything." [Sharing the sorrow] And then she said, "So does this mean..." "That you are now a Maltese with tear stains?" That's such a writer-like expression. I laughed out loud when I heard that. That power of humor... I think comedy is great. You also working in that industry. You make a fool of yourself to make others laugh. Are you listening? You didn't fall asleep, did you? Hey everyone! Hang Jun is a Maltese with tear stains! We have to embrace him. This is a trait I like about him the most. His honesty is such a great trait to have. - I don't contain my sorrow for long. - Exactly. So you shake it off quickly. Yes. If you are a person in this industry, even though our categories may be different, we're all the same. It's not just me who gets screwed. Exactly. We feel bad for all the staff and people who worked hard. - The actors and the staff... - Yeah. They chose to work with me when they could've chosen someone else and some other film. And all the investors who invested in me. So I hope the best for 'Revenant'. If all goes well, I'll make sure to call and congratulate you. There is also this thing. It's my wife's work but not my own so... Of course, if she gets sad or is devastated, I'd also feel really sad. - But not as your own movie, right? - Yeah. And same with Eun Hee, when I was devastated by 'Rebound', - she took it like her own. - I cried with you. Yeah, we cried together. Together? He came by my office and told me that he's been secretly crying. So our daughter and I cried all together. So they started to cry, and that made me cry. This kind of stories should go on the show. Suddenly? That's how the rumors would stop. Why are you so obsessed with them? There are many people who ignore that. Stop bringing it up. [Pinggyego(Just an excuse)] He's losing his concentration right now. - Time is up actually. - Really? We'll end after 5 minutes. 5 minutes? Okay. You two seem like a perfect couple. I looked at Eun Hee's face when Hang Jun was talking. And I looked at Hang Jun's face when Eun Hee was talking. From my place, I can see Eun Hee's face very well. She listens to you well and responds. She is someone of a great character. Yes. I think so too. She gets upset a few times a year. That's inevitable. But the one who gets upset most of the time is Hang Jun. But he still goes easy on you, right? Hmm... Well, I'm upset for something he did wrong. [He's the obvious cause.] I don't make any big mistakes. I stay patient that this moment will pass and it really does. It's the same for us. It's common for married couples. If I do something wrong, Kyung Eun will get mad at me. And I'd also point out her fault. When was the last time she was upset with you? The day before yesterday. [Quick response] [Embarrassed for his quick response] I'd also tell Kyung Eun if she does something wrong. It's not a one way relationship. It's a daily thing for married couples. It's inevitable. I also want to mention this... I think our 5-minute is up. [Never forgets what he means to say] And of course, we are right on time. Maybe you can come again next time. I'd be happy to come again. Sounds good. I hope we can chat again. If my new series go well, I'll come back happy. If not, I'll come here and cry. I would like to thank both of you to be here today. We prepared something for you. A cake! ['Revenant' limited edition cake] - Revenant! - Huh? [The writer of 'Revenant' is my friend] Jae Seok... [Speechless by the photo cards] Jae Seok... Look at the expression on his face! [They are actually hard-to-get limited edition photo cards] He's drinking from a straw. Here is a champagne for you to enjoy together. The cake will go to Eun Hee's office. I don't eat sweet stuff. He likes alcohol. But... You ate so much of this cream bun. So what is it? What are you? I can't believe you, Hang Jun. The conclusion today is that he is the revenant. [The troll of today's talk show] Hang Jun was the revenant. Thank you to both of you for coming today. I hope to come back with a new film. [Hopes to come back without the tear stains] Hang Jun will be back. Let's stay patient. Please look forward to the new series, 'Revenant'. We'll wrap up here today. Good bye! Thank you! Hang Jun) Great job today! Jae Seok) Oh my... Hang Jun) Oh my... Oh my... AH HAHAHAHA! Eun Hee) Oh my goodness... Jae Seok) Are you alright? Are you okay? Hang Jun) She can't get up. Jae Seok) Hang Jun, can you help her? Eun Hee) Can you help me? My legs are numb. Hang Jun) Who would think that your legs would go numb? Who would think such a thing? [This video contains paid advertisements from Naver Pay X Samsung Pay.]
Channel: 뜬뜬 DdeunDdeun
Views: 5,214,634
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Id: 94IpRJfCXyA
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Length: 63min 5sec (3785 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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