Enemies of the People: Trump and the Political Press

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we live in an attention economy and attention equals power pardon me ma'am we have mainstream media is now in a free fall what we have just heard from the president if we were to air just the truthful parts we probably could only air a sentence and we still as a country have not fully been able to reckon with what that means [Applause] [Music] george orwell said it best to see what is in front of your nose demands a constant struggle [Music] [Applause] what's journalism all about it's not just sticking a camera and saying oh my god everybody's interested because he's funny or because he's bizarre because you can't take your eyes off it i watched it too les moonves said it may not be good for america but it's good for cbs we are in a world of entertainment it is political entertainment [Applause] the media during the campaign everything they believed was wrong the 2016 election revealed so many flaws in how journalists had long been covering politics the ground was shifting under their feet and they just didn't know what to do we have to think really hard about how everybody behaved and it needs to be a ruthless telling of the history if we're going to learn anything from [Music] so [Music] i remember it was the day after jeb bush's announcement and it just didn't feel serious because who in their right mind in order to win over middle america would announce a presidential campaign in a gold-plated building on fifth avenue in manhattan it was may of 2015 and i got a call from sam nunberg who had worked for trump and he said trump is going to announce on june 16th and we want you to break it i said no [Applause] [Music] i did this in 2011 and i'm not falling for this again i'm not writing a word until he actually runs sam said will you please just have lunch with him and so i did and trump he loves to show things off the white house is very special so is trump tower that's the view of new york city that's the chair for the apprentice here's shaquille o'neal signed shoe this is some serious foot here's a plaque from governor scott walker that's tom brady's super bowl helmet this is mike tyson's belt vince mcmahon from the world wrestling federation there was some like rap videos that he asked his assistants to call up on the computers and show me [Music] it was part of why he believed that he would do well with black voters [Music] trump was trying to sell me i mean because that's what he's always doing is he's trying to sell you and so he was trying to sell me on that he was serious and he was getting frustrated that i wasn't taking it seriously nothing incensed him more than proving people wrong and what they think about him wow whoa that is some group of people thousands this is beyond anybody's expectation so ladies and gentlemen [Music] i am officially running for president of the united states and we are going to make our country great again many people didn't take him seriously i still remember some newspapers cover stories saying that that he was a clown the huffington post saying that they were going to cover us entertainment [Music] there is no question that there was a certain amount of smugness among the national media throughout the campaign but especially at the beginning i remember there was a clip that was played over and over and over again in which keith ellison is talking to george stephanopoulos and maggie haberman and keith ellison who comes from minnesota clearly he was picking up something where he felt oh donald trump is really connecting with people you see these big crowds he is gathering how do you explain his appeal what is he tapping into congressman keith ellison over here just smiling silently all i want to say is that this man has got some momentum and we better be ready for the fact that he might be leading the republican ticket i know you don't believe that but i want to go on sorry the laughter from both george stephanopoulos and maggie haberman that this was just a ludicrous idea that sense of disconnect and the fact that the national media's response to that was to laugh in this person's face was i think a really telling moment for me it was a spontaneous reaction and i was not laughing at the idea that trump could be the nominee i was laughing at keith ellison and that's not a great look either it's really the moment that i will regret more than any during the campaign at the beginning i was very frustrated with the with many journalists because they were not challenging donald trump enough donald trump gave permission to people to say whatever was in their minds our country is in serious trouble the u.s has become a dumping ground for everybody else's problems when mexico sends its people they're not sending their best they're not sending you they're not sending you they're bringing drugs they're bringing crime they're rapists and it's got to stop and it's got to stop [Music] fast [Laughter] mexican immigrants are criminals drug traffickers and rapists i am a mexican immigrant he was talking about me the vast majority of immigrants in this country are not criminals and donald trump was giving a completely different idea simply because he knew that was the way to the white house i will build a great great wall on our southern border and i will have mexico pay for that wall mark my words we challenge him immediately trump donald trump is but many other news organizations decided not to do that because this guy's got absolutely no policy credentials whatsoever donald trump's a clown come on that was fantastic and as reporters i think we we didn't report correctly we didn't see reality as as it was but as we wanted it to be we will make america great again thank you thank you very much i had no idea that donald trump announced he was running for president at the time i was not a political reporter nbc's katie torres in paris the larsavechette marshavik i can't say the name take this down as well i'm terrible at french guys politics was not something that i had a deep interest in it was not something that i had covered very much in the past all i knew was that on june 23rd i was coming back to new york and i was in the newsroom standing around and that's how i got put on my very first donald trump story [Music] nbc and news revision both say they will not broadcast the miss usa pageant donald trump is hot on the campaign trail amid swirling controversy over his derogatory remarks about mexican immigrants donald trump was getting dropped by macy's and univision somebody said we should do this story and my name came up katie this sounds like a real problem yeah it's definitely not a good one and then i got a phone call from the president of nbc news saying hey we're going to put you on the donald trump campaign full time i was covering scott walker and as he was flaming out our editors realized that we really needed someone on donald trump full-time he's getting thousands and thousands of people at his events [Applause] apprentice when i started to realize that there was more to the trump campaign early on i remember being at the oklahoma state fair maybe a month the few into the campaign and the place was packed unbelievable there was a live bald eagle on stage a guy from duck dynasty was there here's the deal we're both successful businessmen we both had pretty big shows on television we both have wives that are a thousand times better looking than us i mean it was this really entertaining fun atmosphere people came they wanted to see the spectacle they wanted to see what this was all about because he was and is a celebrity he's being greeted as if he's like a beatle in the 1960s [Music] there's a certain level of passion there that was not existent in any other candidate and if you weren't there in the rallies you missed that take the cameras off me and pan the crowd okay go ahead pan the crowd and be honest he's exceptionally good at marketing himself as full blown news story i grew up on donald trump he's just been in our consciousness for 35 years trump found his way into the gossip pages he found that he could peak interest from other publications that way the press never took him seriously then he was able to take advantage of that trump then and now has a belief that he can control the media depending on how forcefully he behaves or how badly he behaves miss america made the bathing suits one piece very large and you weren't allowed to wear shoes what i did is i made the heels higher and the bathing suit smaller and it was amazing what do you think of lindsay lohan i think she's hot probably deeply troubled and therefore great in bed rosie is a loser she's a slob she's disgusting i'd like to take some money out of her fat ass pockets and trump thrived on this how many times was trump under investigation for his businesses how many times did he escape accusations of housing discrimination abuse of casino laws how many bankruptcies how many sleazy business partners did he have at home and abroad and he thrived things are working out very well for me the press doesn't want to write that but that's okay because if you really read between the lines you'll see that things are working out very well for donald trump his followers don't get how much of this is a game for him and that's where what i think the danger is got my first sit down with donald trump on july 8th and for me it was a chance to ask what i just felt like i wanted to know the answer to where do you get your money from you're for the second amendment do you have a gun how high would the wall be how can anybody expect that you're going to be able to get into the white house and watch your mouth hold your tongue and not piss off other countries and he tried to steamroll me you're not bringing up anything new you know you're acting like you're the great reporter blah blah blah let's talk immigration the murder rate in in el paso texas big cities in the country don't try and convince me that there's no crime that it's wonderful why should people believe your numbers when you come out here and say that they're committing crimes the pew research which is independent says don't be naive you're a very naive person the pew research says that there are for immigrants on the whole create come on try getting it out try getting it out i'll get it out i mean i don't know if you're going to put this on television but you don't even know what you're talking about try getting it out go ahead and it got very contentious [Music] he was furious he was furious and that began a rollercoaster of a relationship trump going after the press has always been a dynamic and early on it was almost kind of a playful thing a lot of people hate the media it's an easy way to get people all riled up but as time went on the tone of it got darker and darker part of what he does is he wants to make it personal because everything for him is personal he doesn't want to allow the substance to be debated trump and i had always gotten along prior to that august debate the very first presidential debate of the 2016 election season you know he certainly had a relationship with fox news and with my then boss roger ailes that made him feel some sort of kinship i gather with my then place of employment breaking tonight new fallout from a controversial article about gop front-runner donald trump prior to the debate trump became very focused on me very focused on me as a result of a segment we had done on the kelly file involving his divorce from ivana trump in which she accused donald trump of raping her the story broke at the daily beast website a little before 9 p.m last night needless to say trump did not appreciate the revival of that that divorce allegation which ivana had since rejected as not the truth tim thank you for being here why did you think this was relevant well i think it's relevant because donald trump introduced his presidential campaign by making these accusations against mexican immigrants saying that many of the people who crossed the border were rapists it is a statement of fact that some of the people across the southern border are rapists and murderers so why does that suddenly be relevant any allegation that's been made against a presidential candidate that story was everywhere we were the only ones doing the story with some fair imbalance coverage where the guy got challenged as to whether this was really appropriate or not now not taking a position on whether the report was fair or not tim you spoke with a representative for the trump organization a guy named michael cohen an attorney uh for mr trump and he directly threatened you he said quote i will make sure that you and i meet one day and i will come after your daily beast and everyone else that you possibly know so i'm warning you tread very effing lightly because what i'm going to do to you is going to be effing disgusting you understand me i'm going to mess your life up for as long as you're on this effin planet your reaction to that kind of language and threat from a man directly representing a presidential contender donald trump was not happy with this segment and then demanded that i call him prior to that presidential debate and he lost it i mean he told me i was a disgrace that i ought to be ashamed of myself he was screaming at me and then he hung up on me the next four days he spent calling my bosses trying to figure out what i was going to do with the debate his behavior escalated so much in those four days that i started to get slightly alarmed presidential debates are always the hardest things that we do there's nothing like the preparation that goes into a presidential debate there was so much anticipation behind that first debate i mean it was trump's first debate he was already the republican front-runner the other republicans wanted him gone so i went to cleveland excited in the center of the stage tonight businessman donald trump this is it it's game day we welcome you to the republican primary debate night on fox trust me when i tell you neither bret baer nor chris wallace wanted to read my debate question to trump our first round of questions is on the subject of electability mr trump one of the things people love about you is you speak your mind and you don't use a politician's filter however that is not without its downsides in particular when it comes to women you've called women you don't like fat pigs dogs slobs and disgusting animals your twitter account only rosie o'donnell no it wasn't think the big problem this country has is being politically correct i've been what i say is what i say and honestly megan if you don't like it i'm sorry well my first hint that something was wrong i mean that something really unusual was happening was when i anchored my show right after the debate live from the stadium this is the kelly fowl everyone live from cleveland on what has been truly an electric and historic night during the middle of the broadcast trump walked by with a huge entourage and he pointed at me and said megan kelly is not nice she's no good and everybody and then all the cameras turned to me and it was click click click click and i went home and then you know all hell broke loose hello don mr trump how do you think it went so i actually saw don lemon live well i think it went very well from my standpoint trump had offered to give a phoner to cnn a half an hour phoner commercial free they gave it to him by the way we killed them in the ratings that night and i couldn't believe it he was very angry certainly i don't have a lot of respect for megyn kelly she's a lightweight and you know she came out there reading her little script when you meet her you realize she's not very tough and she's not very sharp she's zippo there was blood coming out of her eyes blood coming out of her wherever in my opinion she was off base i mean i will never forget seeing my phone just light up with the reaction to that comment and honestly realizing that things had changed that truly my own life would never be the same again trump was always the programmer and the producer of his own show trump wanted to turn the reporters into participants as characters in a story he was telling when he announced his candidacy he said that mexican immigrants were criminals and rapists i knew that he was wrong so i decided to write him a a letter a handwritten letter nobody does that anymore and i i told him uh mr trump i want to have an interview with with you i have many questions here's my cell phone number and then instead of responding to me he published my cell phone number online and then i started getting hundreds at the end thousands of texts and phone calls so we we checked his schedule and he was going to give a press conference in dubuque iowa hello everybody how are you so we brought two or three cameras a microphone and we had a plan okay who's next yak please i raised my hand and said i have a question on immigration excuse me sit down you weren't called sit down sit down sit down go ahead no you don't you haven't been called i have the right to ask the question go back to univision go back to univision what he really was saying is go back to mexico go back to your country of origin because we don't want you here when he realized that i was challenging him he tried to stop me yes go ahead hi chip yes roger ale says you need to apologize to megan kelly will you do that no i wouldn't do that she actually should be apologizing to me but i would not do that no you're very rude it's not about you get out of my country get out this is not about i'm a us citizen too well whatever no univision no it's not about you it's not about you it's about it's about the united states [Music] i've been living in this country for 34 years and i have never experienced anything like that two reporters protested and made sure that i was able to go back but the offensive remarks that i received me and my family are something that i really never expected i i thought that i was part of this country i thought that this country had embraced me i thought this country was going to protect me some of the things that i that i've heard and things that i still get on social media are are incredible completely on american i think [Music] i have never heard or seen such outrageous vicious distorted reporting in 27 years of public life the animosity between white houses and political reporters is nothing new mr president nixon hated the press it was maintained what was called an enemy's list i was on nixon's enemies list he broke into my office he went through my income tax every year he did all kinds of outrageous things the 1970s up until now there's been a concerted effort to delegitimize to attack to tear down and to replace what we would call the mainstream media we've now reached this moment when we can firmly announce the starting of a fox news channel most of the press i call willing accomplices to the liberal power base in washington but political journalism took a wrong turn a long time ago [Music] the most sophisticated political journalists began to look at the political world through the eyes of professionals and politics and identify with the political class they began to look at the voters out there as objects to be manipulated like the pollster looks at them like the handlers look at them like the campaign manager looks at them a quarter million journalism jobs have been lost since 1990 the vast majority of those jobs were in local journalism as journalism has become more and more disconnected from the local experience and seen as an elite and distant profession i think people have lost trust and confidence please welcome rachel maddow [Music] [Applause] [Music] but the number two reason for distrust of the media is self-inflicted wounds good evening there are new questions tonight about president bush's service cbs news has exclusive documents several experts saying they're fake was scandal dubbed rather gate rocked cbs news our own mistakes missteps shortcomings outright errors and falsehoods just sloppiness the new republic fired stephen glass after learning he had made up facts patricia smith making up quotes and characters the cincinnati inquirer after a series of articles the paper says were untrue i tell you feet down in my gut i think you're on a slide now the incentives are ratings the incentives are money the incentives of fame and if people don't trust the press we are all in bad trouble i can't hear you anymore [Applause] there's just mass confusion there's paranoia who's actually trying to inform me about what's going on the decline of trust in the press isn't the product of the last four years it's the product for the last 40. when people are pounded night after night with that kind of frantic hysterical reporting it naturally shakes their confidence but the difference between nixon and trump is that trump is so against the essential value of a free press that he feels he doesn't have to pay it any respect at all the stakes of this the enormity of this [Music] we're not just covering a campaign we're not discovering an election and we're not just covering the aftermath of an election we are covering a huge identity crisis america trying to figure out what the heck it is donald trump was tapping into something and that phenomenon was something to behold [Music] he was mesmerizing and the trump ratings bump was real and it was a big deal reporters and anchors found him very entertaining and entertaining also meant higher ratings and entertaining also meant more money he got the car crash coverage you're like where do you see what he's going to say next mr trump welcome back to meet the press sir john mccain he's not a war hero he's a warrior five and a half years he's a war hero because he was captured i like people that weren't captured okay i hate to tell you first of all rand paul shouldn't even be on this stage i never attacked him on his look and believe me there's plenty of subject matter right there that i can tell you they asked ted cruz serious question well what do you think of waterboarding is it okay and honestly i thought he'd say absolutely and he did she just said a terrible thing you know what she said shout it out because i don't want us okay you're not allowed to say and i never expect to hear that from you again she said i never expect to hear that from you again she said he's a that's terrible [Applause] he was on television all the time and the other candidates were miseries just one other thing i got to get this off my chest donald trump is a jerk well this is escalated between you and mr bush jeb is a weak and ineffective person this is a tough business i know you're a tough guy and it's and we need to have a leader that is you're never going to be president by insulting your wages let's see i'm at 42 and you're at three so far i'm doing better donald trump today attempted to settle one of the more controversial issues of his campaign his hair i don't wear a toupee it's my hair i swear i think that history will not look kindly at the way particularly television news covered the trump candidacy breaking news donald trump's grand entrance trump arriving for a rally in alabama and what can only be called true trump fashion in just a few minutes donald trump will be speaking here the just completely unmediated access to the homes of millions and millions and millions of americans uh really was a huge mistake we are standing by for donald trump he'll be appearing at that rally in mobile just moments away donald trump was the leading republican almost from the start so the leading contender is always going to get a disproportionate amount of attention breaking news donald trump about to address his largest crowd to date i do want you to stay with us breaking news we are live any minute now while we wait for trump here is genie most on how to put on a good trump face everybody's doing donald ah not that donald the donald trump that was fantastic the ratings were huge you know pointing a camera at something and keeping it there is technology it's you know making sure the the light is on a lot happening tonight right now though there is this that is just the start of things you then have to report and dig and and think and analyze and i think that jeff zucker among others recognizes that there was way way too much unadulterated unmediated i wouldn't even call it coverage i was just sort of sticking a camera and pointing it for for the sake of ratings we asked all of the other candidates to come on and almost all of them declined donald trump said yes all the time they said no almost all of the time hillary clinton said it's not hard to imagine donald trump leading us into war because someone got under his very thin skinned bed well first of all i don't have thin skin i have very strong very thick skin we begged hillary clinton jeb bush marco rubio let us do an hour interview with you we'll talk about everything we'll tell your life story all three of them turned us down and yet they want to believe that we still shouldn't put donald trump on just because they were saying no that's not the way it works they had every opportunity to come on they had every opportunity to do interviews they had every opportunity to phone in and they declined that's not donald trump's fault that's not cnn's fault that's their fault there was an abdication of responsibility by the particularly the cable news operators to provide contacts donald trump is about to speak before a sold out crowd it's endlessly entertaining but as we wear on in this election cycle people are going to look for answers and i'm not sure he's got them in your experience josh up pause everyone take it in donald trump is taking the stage [Music] i love the people of mexico i love the hispanics kanye west i love him this notion that spectacle alone is acceptable political coverage is just bananas to me you can't be on 24 7 and you know have everything be perfect and have everybody like everything you do but if you take a step back and you look at our campaign coverage through the year i don't think anybody could hold a candle to our coverage uh including our good friends in the print media who like to throw darts because that's what they do we are still getting details about a mass shooting in san bernardino we are in pursuit of the suspects we've got shots fired out the back window who were they sayed rizwan farook he was born in the u.s and tashfeen malik there are 14 people that are confirmed dead the two suspects overseas a few days ago in california we didn't have guns the bad guys had the guns paris was like target practice come over here boom come over here boom and how about the woman she radicalized the guy probably a guy couldn't get women i don't know what the hell his problem was at the rallies there was always an undercurrent of being against the other but the muslim ban day it felt electric it felt like the room was you know just light a match and it was going to to catch on fire it felt to me like a good night to lay low [Music] [Applause] why don't you get her out see [Music] our country has this kind of security that's the problem here and then he goes on an attack against the media these people back here they're the worst so dishonest they don't want to show this crowd and yet i guarantee you that young woman that just got taken out after interrupting us three times i guarantee the cameras will be on her i guarantee it's disgusting and not just against the media but attack against me personally the media most of it is absolute scum remember that scum [Applause] reporter from nbc she's back there little katie she's back there little katie she's back there and the entire room turned at me and pointed and booed now what a lie katie turn it was extraordinarily unnerving third rate reporter remember the third and then donald trump announces that he is going to ban all muslims from coming into the country listen donald j trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on his supporters had been with him up until that point the question was would they remain with him you have no choice and they would we have no choice and then standing up a few minutes later to do a live shot with chris matthews and you know having my back to the crowd which is unnerving only thing between me and a few thousand people was a couple shoddy bicycle racks [Music] [Applause] is that a protester oh good turn the cameras i think the media is among the most dishonest groups of people i've ever met when donald trump turned on the press it started to change at the rallies security became a much bigger issue for our reporters than ever before in chicago the donald trump campaign called off a rally out of what they called safety concern a reporter says trump's campaign manager grabbed her nearly threw her to the ground i cannot even describe to you what it is like to be on the press riser when he says everybody turn around and look at those horrible people back there those dishonest people back there [Applause] and then to have all of these people turn around and start to jeer you by march or april we had security full-time everywhere we went even standing outside of trump tower in new york city by that point in the campaign trump been coming after me for nine months michael cohen trump's lawyer had tweeted out among other things we can gut her there'd be a crescendo in my life of threats and vitriol and difficulty every time trump sent out a tweet it had become very clear to me that he was not going to stop it just it was never going away [Applause] so i decided to try to make it stop myself and i went to trump tower you met with megyn kelly today how did that go for me it felt like like a hostage asking her captor to let her go but he and i got to a place where we could co-exist in a reasonable fashion and i asked him for an interview for this special i was doing we need the interviews so you do have conversations and sometimes you make deals i've railed against that for a very long time but you do need them to show up there is a value in being the person who's engaging with trump having people that you know email you and tweet at you that you're a is terrible but you know i think trump has made a lot of people's careers been a long nine months it has been a long time i agree i have great respect for you that you were able to call me and say let's get together and let's talk to me i would not have done that when you look back any regrets i could have done certain things differently and overall i think i have to be very happy with the outcome i have had conversations with the president privately to say stop singling out people because when you single out individuals they get threats [Music] [Applause] [Music] i started out on the campaign writing about big loser candidates so they sent me to iowa to write about trump it wasn't an incredible this guy who'd been married three times he'd been on the cover of playboy that he was seemed like he was about to win this famously conservative state trump had skipped a fox news debate held this fundraiser on television they said raised six million dollars for veterans and among that six million dollars one million dollars he said was coming out of his own pocket i've gotten so much good publicity for that so where's the money months later i still couldn't account for about half of the money and that included the one million dollars that trump said he was going to come out of his own pocket finally corey lewandowski was trump's campaign manager called me and he says okay i can tell you now that mr trump has given away his million dollars trust me donald trump gave this money away thank you so we said okay i'll try to find somebody out in the world who got even a dollar i decided i'd try to do that on twitter and so that a wider group of veterans would see that i was looking for this money and also because i wanted donald trump to see it and so i put at real donald trump in every one of those queries trump was watching and that night he actually gave the money away trump called me to tell me that and i said well did you just give this money away now because i was looking for it that's when he called me a nasty guy said i should be ashamed of myself but he didn't say no you yourself say you've pledged a million dollars your critics say you have a problem with the truth is this a prime example no i raised almost 6 million some of it didn't come through but it was very unfair that the press treated us so badly and then we have to read probably libelous stories the people know the stories are false you keep calling us the dishonest press the disgusting press it seems as though you're resistant to scrutiny the kind of scrutiny that comes with running for president of the united states trump had spent years living in the world where the media was publicity the entertainment media reported in ways that he found generally pleasing i mean even when they reported on his affairs it sort of made him seem like this real playboy entertainment tonight's like i come back six months later and figure out whether you actually gave the money to charity this is a new relationship trump is having with the media right then at this moment he's realizing that this is not just publicity and he felt like he was turned on even though it was just the same scrutiny that every other candidate gets when we're there on the precipice of being the republican nominee or any party's nominee is a question an attack is a question an attack i think the political press is among the most dishonest people that i've ever met i'm going to continue to attack the press thank you very much when the media started demanding answers and looking into his background and i think that that changed the tenor for him i believe actually they are more crooked than crooked hillary i really do she's been probably hacked russia if you're listening i hope you're able to find the 30 000 emails that are missing does that not give you pause no gives me no pause if they happen they have them we might as well fight hey here's what gives me what be quiet i know you want to you know save her all of the norms he violated all of the rules that he broke all of the ways in which he challenged the press the message from that was i am the disrupter that you've been waiting for the media is very very dishonest it did not cause people's disenchantment with how government works and the feeling of whether it's working for them or not he just activated those resentments and insecurities and i think if we don't look at what those underlying factors were and we just looked at the skill with which he he exploited them then we're missing the story i want the entire corrupt washington establishment to hear that we are going to drain [Applause] everybody was watching it but they were watching a professional television performer [Music] today television appears to be an instrument of entertainment but when a cbs reporter named edwina murrow hired me in 1957 it was also considered to be an instrument for education murrow was worried about a person who emerged in 1950 from the midwest who suddenly decided that he didn't have to worry about the constraints of democracy the only thing he had to do was to sell his point of view senator joseph mccarthy was the year's most controversial figure in american politics senator mccarthy spoke of one party's treason he has accused civilian and military leaders of the past administration of a great conspiracy to turn over the country to communism so moro did a broadcast about joe mccarthy and that had a powerful impact mccarthy was frightening people and creating a red scare [Music] and he had somebody with him a new york lawyer named roy cohen who was very smart and thoroughly unprincipled and what he said to mccarthy is pretty much the same thing that he said to another client a couple of decades later named donald trump and that was that if somebody attacks you never yield attack him right back double down never acknowledge that you made a mistake you attack you continue to attack it's a system that is completely absent of any moral parameter the only goal is win baby win one new poll out today shows donald trump leading the republican presidential field about 10 points we are led by very very stupid people very very stupid people right now donald trump is winning about a third of the self-identified evangelical vote the trump train is almost impossible to stop at this point this is so astounding what's happened this is what we are going to see now on from this campaign going from somebody who has a very presidential tone to somebody who is unpredictable that pretty much encapsulates the argument to chuck todd in washington um chuck uh just start talking friends delegates and fellow americans we cannot afford to be so politically correct anymore there will be no lies we will honor the american people with the truth and nothing else trump created his own reality in this campaign and he bent other people's reality towards his that's his genius welcome to the kelly file everyone i'm megan kelly hard to believe but we are roughly 100 days now from election day start your engines the real race begins look at that look at that clinton and trump tied her policies have produced only death destruction donald trump would say outrageous things or say things that weren't true and it just became accepted that well that's what he does she could shoot somebody with twenty 000 people watching right smack in the middle of the heart and she wouldn't be prosecuted not calling that out more for what it was and then holding the other side more accountable that was probably a mistake it's like he's a human algorithm of being able to calculate exactly what people are going to not be able to resist watching and hearing and sharing the cable news networks today i've learned one lesson you have to entertain us it's very easy to gin up a conflict by having people over here on one side and the people over here on another side it creates great fodder for great drama which we would all call great tv people like great tv and if you're impacting ratings you're also impacting ad dollars and so it was a very worthwhile business proposition it really was a win-win-win for everybody i mean except for americans the fbi director has released a report that's shedding light on the hillary clinton email investigation hillary clinton's email was a story that was supported way out of context reporters and producers try so hard to seem balanced that they end up sometimes not being accurate oftentimes especially in broadcast media we see this false equivalence donald trump is making more misstatements coming up with more falsehoods more often her violation was incredible thousands and thousands and thousands 35 000 emails that she destroyed the hillary clinton email story was an important story there's no question do i think you got a disproportionate amount of attention i do false equivalency is just laziness you should just do good reporting because then you can say this is what's true if you add up the legitimately concerning aspects of hillary clinton and there are many and you put them next to donald trump's the the difference is just preposterously outsized every race is not a tie score there is some breaking news right now david fahrenholt of the washington post got his hands on a tape from 2005 of donald trump it arrived about 11 o'clock in the morning you know right away you knew it was something big i'll admit it i did try and her she was married huge nervous there moved in her like a we're just finding out about this what do you know katie nbc news has reached out to the campaign for comment but has not heard back you know i'm automatically attracted to beautiful i just start kissing them it's like a magnet you're a star you can do anything whatever you want grab them by the donna what are you learning i was talking to somebody who is a humongous fan of donald trump uh somebody who who is a big supporter uh and has been an advisor who said just can't imagine any woman in this country voting for donald trump she's your girl's hot as they're in the purple whoa whoa yes the donald has scored oh my man hello how are you hi terrific me too how about a little hug with donald he just got off the bus okay absolutely melania said this was okay here we go i got phone calls from three democratic strategists who were literally cackling two of them said the exact same thing aren't you just loving this and i was staked out in the lobby of trump tower at that point and i was like no i'm not loving this this is horrible like what is good about this this one does feel different there have been so many times we've said trump can't survive this or can't survive that but the 2005 hot mic recording may well prove to be the type of october surprise that even donald trump can't survive yeah you get in the middle there we go good that's much better that's better now if you had to choose honestly between one of us me or the donald trump no no that's tough complication a lot of us overreacted to the tape out of shock and out of an assumption that we knew what would happen next i've never said i'm a perfect person nor pretended to be someone that i'm not there were a lot of assumptions made right when that tape came out about how voters would react how trump would react how his family would react it's the only time that i know of that he actually experienced humiliation i said it i was wrong and i apologize and that humiliation was something that he propelled into a fist pounding of hillary clinton psychologically by bringing her husband's accusers to next debate mr trump may have said some bad words but bill clinton raped me and hillary clinton threatened me i don't think there's any comparison [Music] and in what he said to her on stage he just came right back at her we received a lot of questions online mr trump you brag that you have sexually assaulted women do you understand that no i didn't say that at all i don't think you understood what was said this was locker room talk i think the one that you should really be apologizing for are the 33 000 emails that you deleted and honestly you ought to be ashamed of secretary is absolutely false it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country because you'd be in jail [Applause] [Music] i think before the morning is out hubert humphrey will be the next president of the united states we need internal unity national unity change has come to america there's no question that every single national political reporter thought on election night that hillary clinton was going to win i think the biggest mistake i personally made was relying too much on what experts said in terms of polling i mean all that was wrong all of it was wrong why is the press predicting outcomes in the first place that is the original sin of political reporting i am sick and tired of the negative dark divisive dangerous vision media didn't really have a sense of how big a deal trump was in places like ohio west virginia iowa i think that was a failure of political journalism in a really huge one it's insane that the person who's in the leadership position of the new york times admits they didn't get out of new york enough [Applause] and i think what's made this so hard for political reporters is that we can't see messages that are being very deliberately targeted to very specific demographics protect your right to security so it makes it really hard to know what is it that people are hearing and seeing today's election day big day today exercise you're right let's make america great again guys are you fired up ready to go god bless the united states of america hold on there's a big old call to make right now and that is fox news is projecting that donald trump has won the state of wisconsin he has officially pierced the blue wall here in the newsroom for months they were getting comments from latinos saying i'm going to vote for donald trump i was hearing what they were saying but i wasn't listening and then after the election we realized that he got almost 30 of the hispanic vote hillary clinton has called donald trump to concede the race 53 percent of white women voted for donald trump if you've always covered politics like a horse race it's very hard to stand outside and say wait a minute are we jumping to a conclusion here that really hasn't been proven out and truth are based material of journalism but they are not its entire content i worry about a world in which we dismiss people's perceptions and feelings about their own lives if you perceive yourself as having lost status or lost power or lost opportunity your perceptions and your feeling about that perception is a powerful fact and that fact was just absent in in our coverage we made a lot of mistakes we did in retrospect more rallies by other candidates should have been covered and there should have been more fact-checking in editorial context but that's not why trump is the president of the united states it is simplistic to say that decision by three cable networks is why president trump is president trump [Music] please raise your right hand and repeat after me thank you very much i'm making this presentation directly to the american people because many of our nation's reporters will not tell you the truth it's all fake news it's all fake news it is fake the news is fake fake news fake news fake news fake news media you know when trump began to use that expression i thought it was so childish it couldn't possibly work he now believes that the use of the term fake news was the smartest thing he did in a pr sense since he began to run for president in 2015. it is fake trump suggests with every word that the free press have their own agenda and that their agenda america is not yours enemy of the american people that was a bright flashing red light you can't say that and be president of the united states you could be president of russia of china of egypt you could be president of a lot of places but not of the united states i think part of the arrogance of reporters might have been that we just assumed people understood how we saw our jobs and that we went about our work to serve a greater good aren't you concerned sir that you are undermining the people's faith in the first amendment freedom of the press the press in this country when you call stories you don't like fake news to think that that was widely believed understood embraced it was naive as long as i have been in this business i try to explain i'm just a guy who's telling you what he thinks is a fair presentation of reality for many many years most people believe me then with the emergence of fox and msnbc and with the corporatization of the media people who are interested in making as much money as they possibly could not in public policy everything became politicized and people they didn't believe me anymore now maybe i had something to do with that i don't know but the public doesn't believe you people anymore i don't think our political press knows how to cope when mainstream journalists get to work in the morning one third of their potential public is gone before they log on what happens when that becomes 40 what happens when it becomes 50 that's a crisis and at a certain point what's going to happen is that you're going to do your job successfully by investigating and exposing and it won't matter what worries me is how distorted each side's view is of the other i'm intubating somebody 53. and how much that that distortion corresponds with how much media people consume do these masks really slow the spread of covet i know do you understand we can have a fight over what would constitute progress on education or on the environment or on health care [Music] but only if we have something like a shared foundation of facts and we don't even have that now this is damage that is going to have to be undone i mean it's story after story after story is bad i won i won [Music] you
Channel: VICE News
Views: 974,074
Rating: 4.3622341 out of 5
Keywords: VICE News, VICE News Tonight, VICE on HBO, news, vice video, VICE on SHOWTIME, vice news 2020, enemies of the people, enemy of the people, free press, jim acosta, CNN, megyn kelly, Maggie Haberman, Chuck Todd, Nancy Gibbs, Soledad O’Brien, media advertising, CNN Trump, Trump video game media, media politics, 2016 presidential race
Id: Wa85N6c28n8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 50sec (3890 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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