A Portrait of Donald J. Trump, by Vic Berger & VICE News

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Trump supporters are cultists. Dont try to argue. Dont try to convince.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Good catch! And a very good question!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ProfNonCompliance 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] donald trump has been saying that he will run for president as a republican which is surprising since i just assumed he was running as a joke trump often appears on fox which is ironic because a fox often appears on donald trump's head if you're at the washington post table with trump and you can't finish your entree don't worry the fox will eat it busey said recently that donald trump would make a great president i'm commanding for him now t-r-u-m-p-e [Music] of course he said the same thing about an old rusty bird cage he found donald trump obviously we all know about your credentials and breadth of experience no seriously just recently in an episode of celebrity apprentice at the steakhouse the men's cooking team did not impress the judges from omaha steaks and there was a lot of blame to go around but you mr trump recognized that the real problem was a lack of leadership and so ultimately you didn't blame little john or meat loaf you fired gary business these are the kind of decisions that would keep me up at night well handled sir well-handled i continue to believe mr trump will not be president continue to believe mr trump will not be president i continue to believe mr and president hey i'm president can you believe it donald trump is president of the united states i'm president i'm sorry when you become president it's very special sorry folks can you believe it's me do you believe it i'm the president of the united states i'm your president america this is your president do you hear me the president of the united states standing before you again i was in washington i think 17 times all of a sudden i'm president of the united states it was a little surreal to say i'm the president of the united states and i realized i'm in the oval office where are we oh we're in the white house i see now i very much feel like potus we're here this is the white house i'm the president i'm here i'm the president to the best of my knowledge i'm the president of the united states i mean i am the president by the way you ready for this and i'm president and they're not i'm president and they're not i'm president and they're not i'm president and they're not i'm president and they're not i'm president and you're not [Music] hello ladies and gentlemen it is my pleasure to introduce to you today my father donald j trump [Applause] [Applause] sadly the american dream is dead we're dying this country is dying we're not a brilliant country anymore we're a foolish country we're a dumb country how stupid are the people of iowa how stupid are the people of the country mexico laughs at us they can't believe how stupid we are we're left at all over the world we don't win our country doesn't work we're not a respected country anymore we have a country that's going to hell our country is going to hell our military's going to hell our infrastructure's going to hell our country's going to hell our country's going to hell and frank doesn't like the word hell but we're going to hell nothing works our country doesn't work our infrastructure is terrible our roads our bridges our tunnels our schools our hospitals they're we're like a third we're becoming like a third world country our country is becoming a third world country this is like a third world country folks honestly it's like we're a third world country i mean our country's like a third world country it's like we're in a third world country it's third world we're like in a third world country right now we are literally like a third world country we have become a third world country we're now a third world country okay our airports are worse than third world get in the plane [Applause] thank you chris and when i heard that she was going to endorse me i was so honored you betcha he command fire and yes as a multi-billionaire we still root him on because he roots us on america is getting taken apart off auctioned off and just rapidly better hope i'm president come on up come here come on so cute and i do carry on occasion uh but i like to be unpredictable thank you very much for being here we're going to begin with a question from one of the members in our town paul i'm a very honest person i'm honest i'm trustworthy i tell it like it is i i'm here he's telling the truth and nobody can do it like me nobody nobody can do it like honestly nobody's stronger than me nobody has better toys than i do there's nobody bigger or better at the military than i am nobody loves the bible more than i do nobody builds walls better than me nobody's better to people with disabilities than me nobody's fighting for the veterans like i'm fighting for the veterans there's nobody that's done so much for equality as i have there's nobody more pro-israel than i am there's nobody more conservative than me there is nobody that respects women more than i do nobody would be tougher on isis than donald trump nobody's in the history of this country has ever known so much about infrastructure as donald trump nobody's ever had crowds like trump has had there's nobody that understands the horror of nuclear better than me the sale of the uranium that nobody knows what it means i know what it means i know the h-1b i know the h-2b nobody knows it better than me nobody knows the game better than i do nobody knows more about trade than me nobody knows more about taxes than i do nobody knows more about debt than i do nobody knows politicians better than i do nobody knows the system better than me which is why i alone can fix it [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so help me god so help me god we stand at the birth of a blue millennium blue millennium ready to unlock the mysteries of space and unite the civilized world from this day forward it's going to be only america first america first america first america first america first the world is an angry place the world is a total mess the world is a mess the world is as angry as it gets the world is a mess [Applause] [Applause] uh that is what i call great talent thank you very much great talent thank you and i respect that i respect that the world is an angry place lots of bad things are happening the world is [Music] let me ask you should i keep the twitter going or not keep it going i think so tonight confusion after the president tweeted just after midnight quote despite the constant negative press followed by the series of letters kofi kofi go fast none of us really know [Music] it's not a word either way that went viral today press secretary sean spicer saying the president and a small group of people knew exactly what he meant you know people don't understand i went to an ivy league college uh i was a nice student i did very well i'm a very intelligent person i love the old days you know [Music] remember the old days when the doctors used to come to your house you know in the old days we used to build bridges remember in the old days cars also made in the usa right families in the old days they saved money you know the old days we used to win in the old days when we were smart and strong but the old days you put the hairspray on it was good air conditioning is not the same as the good old days i think it would be nice if somebody put merry christmas on something you know like the old days what happened to the old days when people came into this country they worked and they worked and they worked and they had families and they paid taxes and they did all sorts of things you know in the old days a politician would lower taxes right you know in the old days no president gave tax returns you know in the old days my father taught me if you can spend less that's a good thing not a bad thing in the old days when i was young i'd say we're not paying you back the 150 billion you're not getting it in the good old days law enforcement acted a lot quicker in the old days meaning a while ago we had great surveillance going on in and around mosques you know in the old days we had mental institutions get a lot of and you could nab somebody you can't put him in jail i guess because he hasn't done anything but in the old days you'd put him into a mental institution get out get out get out in the good old days this doesn't happen because they used to treat them very very rough and when they protested once you know they would not do it again so easily in the old days when you have a war and you win that nation's yours you know spies in the old days used to be executed he left he deserted you know in the old days when we were a strong country it would be [Music] in the old days when we were strong and respected they had a problem with israel i mean they had a problem with terrorism they shot 49 of the terrorists with the bullets loaded up with pig fat and big blood you know the old days boom firing squad no it's true and we're going to go back to the old days we're going back to the old days [Music] john voight i want to just congratulate you i know him so well and he's a special special man with a very very very very special family so congratulations on receiving the national humanitarian medal john voight you are an amazing artist and a beloved icon of the american film [Music] so [Music] [Applause] john [Applause] you would slap some tariffs on our allies well i mean what's in your life you know you listen to some of the generals sir they are an ally we must protect them and they're a long way away sir they are an ally of the united states of america and i say general i like them too but they got to pay sir we are paying for it why sir we're paying because they are our allies i said yeah but why else sir they're a great ally they're not a great ally they need us we don't need them it's an important ally the united states um it's one of our most important trading well it's one of our most important trading partners they're fine even if they're allies you never know about an ally an ally can turn you understand you've got to find that out i have such a problem everyone said such nice things i saw santorum said something nice newt gingrich didn't feel like i wish i didn't like him does that make sense to you well you're gonna have the babies nice things i know they're all saying these nice things about me i have a heart attack you like me and i like you that's the way it works kanye west you know what i'll never say bad about him you know why because he loves trump i've seen bill clinton talking to you and others where he said donald trump is a great guy i mean we he we do have a very very good relationship and he's a great guy ted's a nice guy and i like him and he likes me a lot of other people don't like him by the way i must tell you that but i like him why do i like him because he's been very nice to me all right i like him he likes me he actually put out a tweet tonight he said donald trump is i think he used the word terrific that's a nice word when people say nice about me i think i generally reciprocate by the way steve thank you for saying such nice things about me oh chris right from the beginning he said trump is going to win trump is going to win that's why i like him senator orrin hatch a friend of mine great friend of mine he liked me right from the beginning and therefore i like him that helps it's the way it is i guess i'm not supposed to say it but that's the way life works right say hello to your wife he said his wife likes trump i said and i like her too right i have a great relationship with president xi he's a friend of mine he likes me i like him we have i mean that was two of the great days of my life being in china it was i don't think anybody's ever been treated better in china ever in their history and we have a very good relationship with chairman kim which is very important i like him he likes me he likes me i like him and then we fell in love okay no really he wrote me beautiful letters and they're great letters we fell in love and putin likes me putin says trump is brilliant i love that when he says i'm brilliant so now i like putin now putin called me a genius by the way he said donald trump is a genius and he's the absolute leader over there and he's the smartest person i'm not reputing it when somebody calls me a genius why would i repeat it why the hell would i repeat that it's great to be with you we get questions on the witch hunt i thought that president putin was very very strong president putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today my people came to me said they think it's russia i have president putin he just said it's not russia i will say this i don't see any reason why it would be i don't see any reason why it would i have great confidence in my intelligence people but uh uh uh i have to say i came back and i said what is going on what's the big deal what's the big deal so i got a transcript i reviewed it i actually went out and reviewed a clip of an answer that i gave and i realized that there is a need for some clarification it should have been obvious i thought it would be obvious but i would like to clarify just in case it wasn't in a key sentence in my remarks i said the word would instead of wouldn't the sentence should have been i don't see any reason why i wouldn't or why it wouldn't be russian so just to repeat it i said the word would instead of wouldn't and the sentence should have been and i thought it would be maybe a little bit unclear on the transcript or unclear on the actual video the sentence should have been i don't see any reason why it wouldn't be russia sort of a double negative sort of a double negative melania here you go i have a full faith in our intelligence agencies whoops they just turned off the lights [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] thank you very much i can secretary mattis is extremely upset one hell of a good marriage going um [Music] [Applause] okay look at the size of that guy man [Applause] he is a massive guy this big powerful guy this guy is he is a monster a giant of a man one really large person you know i have a friend big guy one of the biggest in the world this big strong friend of mine weighed like 250 then which 250 then is big that's like 310 now right this was a long time ago a lot of big people i'm standing next to that's some big people behind me well they're big big guy big guy big guy he's your big guy in town folks big guy strong tough strong man big tough guy a big strong guy he's this big strong guy he's a big strong powerful champion he's a big strong coal miner massive wonderful fireman a customs officer he's a monster i saw somebody backstage big strong powerful big guy backstage i just walked in and a big strong guy grabbed me these guys are massive guys like crappy massive guys and they grabbed me a couple of big strong guys nice guys and they were very large these are big strong guys they were big strong guys big strong guys big strong guys these big strong guys these big guys these three big guys look at the size of these guys look at the size of this look at the size of that guy look at the size of that guy look at the size of these guys look at the size of these guys they're monsters look at the size how big and strong that's what we like they're the size of that guy come on over here john big guy hey bob come here bob come here he's a big guy he's a big guy where are you derek eric oh he's a big guy come here derek big sam big john big luther where's big jimmy's around here someplace where's my big guy where the hell is he where is eric you can't miss eric he's so big where's james james look at james whoa look at the size of james i want you protecting me james he's a big man isn't he he's a big man he's a big man he is a big man that's a big fan he is a big man he's not only one of the best governors in the united states he's definitely the largest that is the tallest human being i've ever seen he is the biggest human being i think i've ever seen he is the largest most beautiful man he's a big man he's all men look at that man he's all man look at him man that guy's all he's all mad wow i want to feel this guy's muscles it's real [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] is tough i always said winning is somewhat maybe innate maybe it's just something you have you know you have the winning gene my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer dr john trump at mit good good genes very good genes okay one of the smartest people in the history of mit in my blood if you believe in genes some do some don't but i had an uncle who's a professor at mit good genes we believe in genes right we're allowed to say do we believe in the gene thing i mean i do right you know i do a lot of it's about the genes isn't it don't you believe the resource theory you think we're so different your brother is in the nhl right tell me about jeans is he a good player when you have 111 wins that's in your blood right it's got to be in the blood you said you're 90 years old that's great because you have good genes good genes you have good genes good genes you believe in genes it's got good genes you have very good genes just remember the president you have great genes these are great women great men and frankly great genes they have great genes the best genes i've ever seen those two young men have the greatest genes anyone's ever had sarah is really a good person and a nice person very capable she's got a lot of the father's genes because her father is great mike her father is franklin graham and if you believe in genes you got to go with those genes you can't get any better good genes in the pence family don't they gene this is a man of great genes his name is gene he has good genes though you know he's got good genes right the scalia genes you don't get better than that do you that scalia has very good genes where's scalia he has very good genes that guy i'll tell you scalia he's got the scalia genes right we all know what that means gene scalia good good bloodline a man named henry ford good bloodlines good bloodlines you believe in that stuff you got good blood he is a very intense individual like that's the bloodlines you know from this family and boy that father was good he was tough i knew her father and i tell you she's got good genes that i can tell you good genes for everything a young man who is born with a great gene because i know his father a man with really fantastic genes gotta have like the best genes in the world although you had an ex-governor here that had very good genes too we have his son in the audience too we have good stuff we have great genes in this room we have smart people good genes you have good genes you have good genes you know that bro [Music] you have good genes it's in the genes it's in the blood right it's in the blood would you like to to have a 3 000 year bloodline i think it would be great i think it would be great you know i'm proud to have that german blood there's no question about it great stuff i am today starting the process of terminating the diversity lottery program diversary and diversity lottery diversity lottery sounds nice it's not nice it's not good the president is teaching little kids a new word blank hole hole bleep any sort of hole begins with a word a bad word and then ends up with whole let's just use the word the president is using this is donald trump has turned the oval office into a the word in and of itself a no fifi [Music] on television which nobody wants to hear that expletive ever said you probably come from a it's a shitty place considered a your ancestry is a immigrant your mouth is the foulest in the world is people living in shitholes my dad came from what i guess trump would call a my people came from what donald trump would call a i'm the descendant of people from a shitholers built this country i'm proud to be a shitholer and i want a t-shirt you look at the equipment today and just go back 10 years ago and 20 years ago it's from a different world from a different planet incredible machines and some of these machines are so intricate so powerful and really the word is they are incredible being i love it i love it i'm sitting there tweeting bing bing bing you press a button bing bing they all hand you checks bing bing bing bing it's like puppets bing bing little mouth on him bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing you know with the map being we've just created another website i got them all over the place i got the websites they're pouring out of my ears you support somebody you get a black okay i get a lot of black bing bing playing cards bing bing bing look at what happened in syria [Music] those tunnels bing boom right under the toilet being bombed right on i'm like a ship just keep going being like a rocket ship except in the wrong direction they don't want me to use hairspray they want me to use the pump because the other one which i really like better than going we had our beautiful marine standing there bing bing bing bing bing bing bing start shooting everybody he was a traitor so why wouldn't we make a deal let him keep them i would have said keep them you can have them i'd give them back i'd actually give them back i'd fly over drop them right on top you know just being everyone's attacked me has gone bing you're fired being get out by being bing that's the end of that you know it's the only thing you can say ladies and gentlemen the president of the united states and mrs trump thank you all for being here and welcome today in the spirit of thanksgiving i will grant a presidential pardon to a turkey [Music] i'm especially pleased that we're joined for this great occasion by drumstick drumstick and wishbone now i think drumstick hi drumstick and wishful would be very thankful if we would just get around to the part they say enough talk please pardon us many of you are always and you know your loved ones and you're far away and you spend so much time away today i'm going to be a much nicer president before we get to the party i would like to take a moment to extend our very heartfelt special message thanks thanks folks [Music] i've always supported the death penalty i've always supported the death penalty i don't even understand people that don't we have to bring back the death penalty they have to pay the ultimate price very much very much in favor of the death penalty death penalty bring it forth the death penalty the death penalty it's called the death penalty okay they don't have a big drug problem in china but they have a thing called the death penalty in china if you're selling drugs is death it's the death penalty death penalty we give death penalty to people that sell drugs unless you have really really powerful penalties led by the death penalty for the really bad pushers and abusers uh we are going to get nowhere and i'm telling you we are going to get somewhere death penalty quick trial immediately with trial get the death penalty but quickly the trial should go fast rapidly as possible not 15 years later 20 years later get the death penalty they ought to give them a quick trial and they ought to absolutely execute this maniac and it goes quickly right it's called it's called you're dead treason it's treason you don't even hear that word it's treason it's treason you shoot him you get shot and by the way that's spider that's obama they spied on my campaign it's never happened before it's treason comey and all the sleaze bags they spied on my campaign and we caught them let's now see what [Applause] [Music] happened i am the chosen one mr president i know there are people that say you know you said you were the chosen one and and i said you were i think god calls all of us to fill different roles at different times and i think that he wanted donald trump to become president and that's why he's there what is your views kind of spiritually on the sovereignty of god and and what he's doing exactly by putting donald trump as president of the united states well you know i think it goes to show that things everything happens for a reason could it be that that president trump right now has been sort of raised for such a time as this just like queen esther to help save the jewish people from an iranian menace as a christian i certainly believe that's possible i think that god sometimes places people for lessons and sometimes places people for change i am confident that the lord is at work here if you're a believing christian you understand god's plan uh for the people who rule and and and judge over us on on this planet in our in our government so do you know that not everything that you hear is what really is [Music] some of you need your eyes open concerning what god's doing with this administration trump's the best president for israel in the history of the world and the jewish people love him like he is the king of israel they love him like his second coming of god the second coming of god the second coming of god and you say why did you pick donald trump to say in charge of this country well look at the men that god picked in the bible throughout the ages it was always men that had this ball on that fall and yet god entered them and god spoke to them and god saved his people saved his planet saved his countries somebody said sir does the president of a country calling me sir that shows respect mr president sir are you mr president how are you sir mr president sir how are you sir you're on the cover of time magazine again congratulations sir mr president sir i think you're doing very well yes sir no sir yes sir oh sir sir i don't know what would you like to know sir sir uh what's happened with the african american community sir you can't ask that question sir that was so controversial sir sir it doesn't matter nobody cares i don't even know what i'm doing sir sir thank you sir you made me look so smart sir it's really terrible what's happening with healthcare sir you will stand here you will then hear the drums you will then hear the horns you will this you will have how was your breakfast sir did you enjoy it sir we landed on the moon to go to mars and that's what we're doing with the moon are you awake sir sir please wake up my wife thinks i'm a total loser sir sir they can't do it sir we'll be there tomorrow sure one month one week sir two weeks sir sir two years i'm captain of my wrestling team sir i admire you greatly sir thank you so we wanna do we have a fun to save the shark it's called save the shark sir could you come to michigan tonight sir do you mind canceling kansas sir you're speaking in iowa but we'll have some people from nebraska i love the state of iowa sir sir it's idaho great to be in the state of ohio no sir you're in you're in florida sir do you know anything about russia sir [Music] we are an ally of south korea sir we want free trade sir that's not free trade sir it's a beautiful beach sure we'd like to buy a nuclear submarine we would love to have our gang members back soon sure we could do it much faster the thing goes back and forth sir we'd like to hire about five or six thousand more judges oh sir don't mention the light bulb sir should i just turn the sucker off sir this is my son i'm so proud of him sir he disappeared i don't know what happened sir we've decided not to move the united states okay sir i believe we're entitled to a 10 million fee for that 1 billion sir 1.1 billion dollars 12 billion sir sir we will immediately drop the price sir we don't want money sir we want to dig call seriously great instead if it breaks down i can fix it with a blowtorch or this hammer i can fix it you don't do that you don't buy dresses dave sir steam is better sure we can't do that it has to float naturally sir honestly the dogs are better sir the ram is ready to go grab me sir sir we're looking for land sir we're gonna purchase land sir your helicopter cannot land sir your wife is up in the air there's a fire on the plane sir you go through the front door you got a lot of bullets coming at you sir we have to send for albert einstein sir he did the grand canyon and a few other things sir he's very busy sir i have the man sir he's better than i am sir could you give us a name sir my name is razon sir i'm the greatest salesman sir he has a call don't shake his head sir it's totally unsubstantiated sir sir i have an order sir would you please sign this order sir we have to take orders sir whatever your order i will do yes sir mr president sir yes sir what would you like what would you like me to say here sir call me donald yes yes mr president i can't do it sir that's respect for the office right maybe it's respect for me what are you doing okay so uh that's the story would anybody like a pen would anybody like a pack why don't we hand these we'll hand these out to you in the back okay [Music] backstage incredible people the spirit the love people are crying i mean they're all crying big strong guy with tears coming down on his face said thank you mr president for saving our country this happens all the time this happens thank you tears tears he was pouring down tears as i'm getting up ready to speak and he said mr president thank you for saving america you have saved america this is a guy we he's almost got most of them do have but this one's too proud to cry but he had tears tears coming down his eyes and he said i want to thank you mr president for saving our country and i want to thank you for all of the horrible things that you have to go through because it's so unfair to you tough guy but he was crying and he said president obama took our life away he was crying and he said sir you gave our life back to us sir you've given us back our life and he was crying men that were tough and strong women that were tough and strong they'd see me their tears coming down their eyes because i gave them back their property i gave them back their farms some of the roughest toughest people you've ever seen and half of them had tears coming down their face they've worked all their lives hard and that be half of them would be crying almost all of them were crying they were tough they never cried before in their life maybe when they were babies but i doubt it they were all crying grown men that had never cried even when they were a baby they were standing behind me when i signed that bill at the white house and they were crying homebuilders and farmers mostly in ranchers and many of them never cried in their life including when they were born and they were crying yeah it's true though tough people start crying can you believe it i've seen them where they cried and it's pretty amazing they were crying actually and they were crying with happiness everybody was so happy and many people i noticed from korea were literally in tears crying crying upstairs i have received phone calls with people crying some people are crying in the streets they're so happy i gave them their purple hearts and their parents were there crying his father who was crying came up to me and said you're not going to believe this but my son didn't have a great looking nose and now his nose is better steel workers came up to me and they were crying i mean there were like eight or nine of them and only one wasn't and i said what's your problem i looked at the ninth guy said what's wrong with you why aren't you crying [Applause] don't say that i'll start to cry and that wouldn't be good for my image i have people come up to me sir we want to follow you they don't let us on and it was so different than it was even six seven months ago i was picking up unbelievable amounts of people and i'm hotter now than i was then okay because you know you also cool off right it used to take me a short number of days to pick up a hundred thousand people i'm not complaining we're like at 60 some odd million but then we have five different sites we have another site with 25 million we have another site with 10 or 12 then we have facebook instagram it would say 7 000 7 000 8 7 0017 7 00 24 7 000 000 7 000 7 00 44. billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and millions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and trillions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and millions and millions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and millions and billions and billions and millions and billions and billions and millions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions billions and billions and millions of billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and millions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions billions billions the wheels may be coming off the wheels may be coming off the wheels may be coming off this administration the wheels are coming off the wagon the wheels are coming off the trump bus the wheels may be coming off the wheels may be coming off the wheels may be coming off talk about the wheels coming off the wheels are coming off it feels like the wheels are coming off a little bit here and i know we've said that before we talk about how the wheels are coming off and people say the wheels are coming off the wheels are coming off the wheels coming off has been repeated it feels like the wheels are coming up the wheels are coming off the wheels are coming off it looks like the wheels are completely coming off so the uh wheels are coming off a little bit the wheels are coming off a little bit if the wheels themselves are not yet off you are starting to hear the sound of lug nuts stripping their threads and then pinging across lanes of traffic while the wheels start to wobble i do feel like the wheels are coming off not to be hyperbolic but truly the wheels coming off the wheels are coming off this really insane not so stable genius bus the wheel is a pretty important piece of technology so if you're losing your wheels apparently you're losing a lot of your stability the wheels have been off for some time there were wheels we left the wheels several miles back on the side of the road the wheels have been off for a long time we've been seeing sparks fly off the axle there's no spare either and we are heading toward the cliff i don't know if there were wheels i think i think they're on blocks and they've just fallen [Laughter] person woman man camera tv person man camera tv person woman man camera tv i mean my boys always had guns in their hands so we didn't that's not something hashtag me too that's not something you teach them that's something they're born with but as far as those cows you mentioned i've got 100 cows you just let alexandria cortez show up at my house and try to take my cows away yes i love cows jerry they're delicious my father has been working tirelessly to bring back the american dream my father has the voice of this country the people of this country love him why wouldn't they get in line my father's record is impeccable my father's a great man my father signs the front of paychecks my father sees one color and it's green people love my father because he's just deadly real my father was totally cool my father's about hearing the american worker my father's a great patriot my father said drain the swamp the country hasn't dealt with strength in a very long time until my father came along my father then comes out and comes out aggressively when i speak to my father it's usually after midnight nights like tonight are actually when my father does best this country is doing great my father is doing great my father's always been a worker he doesn't sleep much my father's doing an unbelievable job for this country on every front infrastructure would be a great one for my father because he's actually a builder my father rebuilt the mighty american military and soon under my father's leadership it will send americans to mars my father shut down travel from the epicenter of a viral outbreak my father's polls are literally skyrocketing my father's entire worldview revolves around the idea that we can always do even better my father's taking on the entire world now they're targeting my father because he's doing a great job and they don't like him they attacked my father my father pays a fortune taxes so let's get that straight my father retweeting a meme you know that's enough to get us thrown off of these platforms my father's a very calculating person my father looked pretty good in the mask my father has done a greater job in the last three and a half years in any present history my father's practicing for the debate by living every day this guy is afraid of my father my only focus right now is making sure that my father when donald trump did the impossible donald trump accomplished the holy grail the one thing i'll say about my father is he's done everything he said he would do when he's achieved so much more my father is going to win i don't think anybody in in political history has ever accomplished more than my father has my father donald j trump president trump my father my father does not run away from challenges even in the face of outright hatred who is his favorite i'm going with ivanka sometimes they'll say you know he can't be that bad a guy look at ivanka now come on up honey she's so good she wanted to make the trip she said dad can i go and she actually said daddy can i go with you i like that right daddy can i go with you i said yes you can thanks baby come my beautiful ivanka she had such a great life she had a company that was selling shoes and everything you could sell she just put her name on it and she said daddy it doesn't matter i want to come to washington she said daddy want to help eddie i'd love to do it now ivanka went to wharton she was a phenomenal student you know she was a very successful model power named and she would call me and she would say daddy you don't understand daddy daddy we have to do this she kept saying daddy daddy she came in she said daddy that's true when she saw her she said daddy i want to help people get jobs she said dad i'm gonna come down to washington and help you and i love you daddy my daughter ivanka daddy please be more presidential my daughter said daddy just be low-key daddy daddy i want to talk to you what ivanka i remember her looking at me once i said daddy you're driving me crazy daddy you're driving me crazy with that statement daddy'd be nice just don't do it daddy don't say that anymore don't say that but i just felt it was important ivanka said to me the other day do you ever go away daddy if i have kids that like me that much how bad can i be right right and they love their daddy and they love their daddy i want to thank the white house historical association and all of the people that worked so hard with melania with everybody to keep this incredible house or building or whatever you want to call it because there really is no name for it it is special and we keep it in tip top shape we call it sometimes tippy top shape and it's a great great place we announced the creation of the joint united states canada council for advancement of women entrepreneurs and business leaders actually very exciting i would never take that i don't think she's not even attractive she's not a good looking girl she's not a good looking girl she's not a good looking girl she's not a good looking girl she's not a good looking girl when i became president i had a meeting at the pentagon with lots of generals they were like from a movie better looking than tom cruise and stronger a man got up great guy looked as good or better than tom cruise and you know what i'm talking about they were all like tom cruise you couldn't get better central casting these pilots that i meet they look better than tom cruise and they're definitely tougher they're better looking than tom cruise and we know they can fight better and we know they can fly better and i like dom goons by the way because i mean you can't get much better these guys so good looking i said you could be a movie star go to hollywood these guys were better than tom cruise at his best it was a beautiful sight i went up to the pilots and honestly they're better looking than tom cruise the guy looked like tom cruise but better tom cruise but stronger the face is equal maybe slightly better the body's bigger and stronger you'll be tom cruise but maybe better a little taller and a little stronger better looking than tom cruise [Music] they're tougher they're stronger they're bigger they're more powerful they're smarter a couple of them looked better than tom cruise they're just tougher and taller better than tom cruise donald trump yeah donald trump i love donald trump we just said another sock rocket you saw that right the stock market and the sock rocker doing a stock product heart lung and liver transplant transplants the kidney has a very special place in the heart we want every american child to have access to pristine outdoor spaces when they gaze upon the grandeur and the splendor of yosemites the seminites see semites you see a seminars wildlife refuges and this nation this nation is a special nation as scripture assures us the lord your god is not your midst a mighty one who will save and i think it's uh i think it's so true all things are possible our only limits are those we place on ourselves so true nascar is not only a thrilling display of skill and power but a celebration of the american spirit so true when anyone hurts we all hurt together and that's so true i've always wanted to see a sumo tournament so true every child is a precious gift from god so true turkish courage in war is legendary that is so true greece is a cradle of western civilization so true no evil can overcome the unbreakable spirit of the jewish people so true abraham lincoln was called upon to decide the fate of the republic so true to build a truly great ship we shouldn't begin by gathering wood cutting boards or distributing work but instead by awakening within the people a desire for the vast and endless sea so true a teacher affects eternity so true our continent was tamed by farmers so true my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country america's so true didn't expect that reaction but that's okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're gonna make a policy speech in two weeks and i think you're gonna like it i think you're gonna win the mines are starting to open up we're having a big opening in two weeks wait do you see what happens over the next couple of weeks you're going to see a very secure border i want to ask you about minimum wage i'll be statement over the next two weeks on minimum wage some of the big drug companies in in two weeks because of what we did they're going to announce voluntary massive drops in prices we're going to be announcing something i would say over the next two or three weeks that will be phenomenal in terms of tax we are coming up with great health care our secretary of labor is coming out with a plan in two weeks we are coming out with that plan in two weeks we are coming out with so many health care plans you don't have to oh we haven't had uh excuse me you heard me yesterday we're signing a health care plan within two weeks what about infrastructure when is that going to happen to do infrastructure very quickly we've got the plan largely completed and we'll be filing over the next two or three weeks the coronavirus is disproportionately affecting communities of color i wanted to know what your administration will do to address this we're coming out with a report in two weeks on it and i want to get to the bottom of it something really incredible that'll take place over the next two weeks that'll be a very big announcement nobody knows what it is it's going to be a big surprise but it's going to be a very pleasant one and we're doing one other thing that believe it or not is even bigger but you'll be seeing that over the next two weeks we will be doing another stimulus package it'll be very good when are you gonna do it when you go to announce it uh i think over the next uh i think it's gonna be bipartisan i think it's gonna be over the next couple of weeks probably the problem is folks they all have a memory including us two weeks and we forget we are praying for the people of puerto rico well i own the miss universe pageants and we had them in puerto rico a hundred percent of the island itself was watching they liked those pages i'm the best thing that ever happened to puerto rico two weeks if we ignore that science and sort of put our head in the sand we're not going to succeed together protecting californians two weeks it'll start getting cooler you just watch i wish science agreed with you hey well i don't think science knows actually donald j trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states two weeks we're gonna have a very very strict ban you see it at the airport you see it all over it's working out very nicely two weeks the united states will not be a migrant camp and it will not be a refugee holding facility won't be two weeks and we would forget it goes through arab that's always tougher than the touch you know the touch you don't have to touch things right but the air you just breathe the air and that's how it's uh passed uh it's also more deadly than your you know your even your strenuous flus i wanted to always play it down i still like playing it down because i don't want to create a panic i wanted to always play it down i wanted to always play it down don't let it dominate you don't be afraid of it you're gonna beat it don't let it take over your lives [Music] i went through it i'm immune and i got better fast i got better fast i can now jump into the audience and give you all a big kiss the women and the men octopus i'll even kiss the men i'll kiss those big powerful men down there i won't love it but i'll kiss and violence on many sides on many sides [Applause] i'm [Music] so two weeks two weeks and which again our country is going to hell and we don't win our country doesn't win horrible what's going on in this country is horrible nothing works our country doesn't work we're not a brilliant country anymore we're a foolish country we're a dumb country how stupid are the people of the country we're dying this country is dying our country's going to hell our infrastructure is terrible our roads our bridges our tunnels our schools our hospitals they're we're like a third we're becoming like a third world country our country is becoming a third world country this is like a third world country folk the american dream is dead god bless the united states thank you very much you
Channel: VICE News
Views: 2,920,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VICE News, VICE News Tonight, VICE on HBO, news, vice video, VICE on SHOWTIME, vice news 2020, Donald Trump, VIC BERGER, donald turmp presidency, trump mashup, trump supercut, video artist Vic Berger, vic berger vice news, vice trump mashup, election 2020, joe biden, donald trump, vic berger donald trump, vice news vic berger
Id: lZKkUyrklpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 15sec (4035 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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