Apostle Arome Osayi (Things Pertaining to The Kingdom of God)

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nice tell your neighbor get ready tell your neighbor get ready all right before God's apostle comes up how many of you again we are receiving him in the name of the oil upon his life as an apostle you know I told him last night I said I was telling about him I've told him that before we've done lots of programs together I heard him teach I've seen him nearly fulfill one of his dreams of the day that didn't happen I wasn't there and he picked me I've seen him fulfill one of his dreams of teaching for ten hours non-stop stretch I've never been there but can you miss a lot maybe here are possibly 1/2 hours stitches and you think you're better you make a mistake except the Holy Ghost amplifiers interpreter another for you you do get it even our father Angela when you when our Father and a lot introducing it tells you to hold your two ears because they are going to hear deep things listen to me I want for tonight inasmuch as you're right I expect you to write I want just I want your spirit the pen of the Holy Ghost I like to write upon the scale this night after the Sabbath of God is done our joy is that we're gonna see the fruit of these words the fruit the impact of his common is that all right how many of you are ready for that okay I said to him I said I've heard him preach hours blessing me to teach you know for four hours five hours non-stop and all of that but is is teaching that godly blessed the most as though the Holy Ghost moved into my I was instantly did under 10 minutes or so under 10 minutes I think Austin is such a yonder how God anointed Jesus Christ and I said this time I got so deeply blessed by him it was yesterday because for me I don't know about you many things we are laboring for in the place of prayers was what he killed became as else at nominal fee sense done you know there are some men we talked about but I was telling someone this morning we talked about Buddha's to graphically and all of that and time you need to know that some men up our mobile protons some men a moba if they enter your territory even without the reward your heavens we open do you understand what I'm saying and we have sought so I like your spirit to be open God's gonna be doing strange things tonight so before he comes somebody who he calls a Mahdi and I call her a process emoji we don't know the me no formal gate don't call her like that if not if somebody knows the meaning is valium again Islam ladies and gentlemen Kaduna Bible join me let's welcome the second half of course apostle Reverend tween al-assad is this how we're doing listen to me he's don't welcome had they were welcomed apostle you know our happen will delay the possibly delay us after all the man of God is tired I begged them yesterday she conquered sleep even meet all the verticals I help me wake up after desire Bishop and then I was in preaching he was the one doing all the stuff after all the troubles please with Jesus children Kosovars and the grace is what we said we should receive revenue now son the allah prepare you for war for the king is coming with fire in his eyes sound feelin prepare for war for the king is coming [Music] [Applause] [Music] the king it's coming [Music] [Applause] the king is coming [Music] coming through let the King becoming she yesterday you may have mercy as we came in here and as her father was worshiping and leading in intercession my eyes open and I saw a few vision I would like to share with you the word for the city of Kaduna I saw the Lord walking through the length and breadth of Kaduna what was he doing he was Radhika the wealth all through Kaduna not south west east the wells of salvation I saw that suddenly he there was there's gonna be a great number of conversions of non-christians it will be so evident expect people to begin to call you because you are Christian they begin to call you say I want to know your God that will has been read dog right now and this is the time the church must be so equipped to accommodate and teach and absorb these people a lot love must be revived in the church this is not the time for one leg in one leg out kind of Christianity because the nations are looking up to you you must take responsibility for your salvation I saw him reading the wells of prosperity over Kaduna prosperity is coming back to the church in Kaduna a lot of resources are going to be made available for those who do real Kingdom business for the advancement of his kingdom I saw him also radhika in the wells of fate the old rugged fate is coming back the faith of Christians have been eroded because of constant attacks of Satan upon God's people but not for too long the wealth of faith is being read dog I see people picking up their shoes of faith I saw him also reading in the wealth of love talked about that I see oneness will begin to see unity among the body of Christ in Kaduna unity amongst the body of Christ and oneness with God I saw him reading in the wealth of intercession with humidity pray eyes meant to Humble you people begin to intercede and see results not just praying for hours and hours with you no pride in which is I pray 10 hours I prayed no this time is long hours years but with humility I will begin to see a shift over the land of cattle and this will happen I saw old bottles that were shot they will be reopened again through this kind of intercessions and I see overturning of trolls who begin to take place other visions I saw the three major ones I saw this vision the clouds parted while the man of God was ministering was worshipping especially the clouds they parted and the Potter was open and I saw it true and around in front of the troll where some angels some cherub angel underwear holding vessels through that part of the way pouring out oil they were pouring out or hell on the people after this meeting people are going to experience a higher level of anointing to do to do Kingdom business in Kaduna and beyond the third vision was that I saw a huge cage no other people I saw in this locked huge cages by so pastors they were past us with so many then suddenly I saw an angel cherub come with a huge ax and hit on the padlock of that cage and suddenly the padlock broke the cage was flung open and pastures ran out with speed in different directions this pastors they know their call they know what they're called to do but there was no mobility they were restricted and some by witchcraft and some by wrong decisions that was what made them caged but I saw there is a release in the spirit over the youth pastors in Kaduna from now we'll begin to hear of real kingdom exploits in the Kaduna the fourth one was I saw demonic wells all over the land of cotton I was wondering what this is no all kinds of smoke was coming out of those whales all over the land I saw this and so suddenly III began to I began to want I said what what's all this Val then I saw that there were the way incue bation of demons taking place in the land in this demonic wealth that were spread all over the place and they were hidden so that the people would not know what is going on in those wells they were supposed to be unleashed at the setting season but I saw the lot taking me to the land and because those those wells were closed with leaves so I began to open the leads and I know that was the Lord I was going through the land he began to open the leads of all the demonic wails and I saw myself pouring salt into those wells all across Kaduna not west east sound and I received that the Lord was cleansing and purifying and bringing healing upon the night when I saw can we just rejoin chapter 2 verse 25 he said I will restore to you the years that the locusts and after the no cost finish eating the canker one came to eat what the locals remained and the caterpillar came to eat what the cankerworm remained and the Palma one came to eat what the caterpillar remained I saw a restoration of years that have been lost in the church Iike tuna I saw a restoration and the Lord said he is also restoring his people his restoring his people his restoring this restoration coming over the land of Kaduna this restoration coming upon the church in Kaduna and i speak to the church in Kaduna arise and take your place arise and take your place arise and take your place [Music] it is you go weary I don't know that people here like that you go weary no said I should speak to you this is the season this is the season go back to what he has told you go back because it won't walk it will be night head with a fire of the Holy Ghost nah nah see nuttin cyah I see the light of God I'll see the light light light light [Music] as granite in Jesus is there a movement the turbines the heat is rising this should work scary said to freak news now see that we already lost spirits keep it real and keep it hot because soon they shall need the sound [Music] for the next five or seven minutes just be calm reduce ourselves to you [Music] cause for trunk kidneys but don't worry [Music] wants to get to know whooping aah what we did mr. Victor [Music] praise the Lord hallelujah I welcome every one of you to remnant in standard fortitude in remnant Christian network we strive for the repairs of apostolic Christianity we are talking about apostolic Christianity we are talking about the Christianity that there are posters model for us that was elaborately written for us in the book of Acts and in this place in Katonah we have ad - you need to tilt also in that agenda and in our own case we repealed lost we also raised them and where it is time will release them into the fields that they also may become ministers to begin other people raise them and to release them we don't want people here we don't make a cage for them because God is breaking down pages so we don't make kiddies for people once you are right we release you amen and in this place also we have a weekly meetings we have it every Thursday and Friday's by 5 p.m. so if you are available in this town you can make our time and welcome you to come here by 5 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays every week and also we have our special meetings even our weekly meetings are very special if you have been here with us you understand what I'm talking about so what talking about these special meetings we are talking about best ones that we have omit maybe particular what one want to organize it for a special effect there is a very special effect we want to have and so we have some special meetings in this place and the first among them is our 10 hours prayers and the Apostolic model prayers cannot be put down and made little we don't elevate other things beyond prayers Peter said if other things wants to crowd it we do not accept it so we're going to allow ourselves to be giving to prayers and to the Word of God we have ten hours of prayers non-stop prayers becoming to God's presence and drink ourselves to degrees of God so that we go back and become beta being Kingdom representatives of God in our various intervals and this time around by those briefs were going to be having another 10 hours before the end of this year so that should be 38 of November but you keep checking us out and Wendy but when the advert is out when the Peapod is out of whatever thing is out we are going to see it without missing and then the second one is strict oh praise the Lord straight talk is about relationships the kingdom walls would not try very well at set relationships I'm prophet place amen and this time we are going to be focusing on the man and the woman relationship so much talk about it everywhere secular music singing about it everywhere people are talking about man and woman so one who seed in God's own perspective and also we have our pigeon service they're not broken with the top for that one with the top broken English nope no be that Tata owned out that policeman Louie talk that common for that one we talk pigeon pigeon pigeon English amen and we had one about two months ago we were speaking pidgin life and you would think that because it's pigeon is not anointed he's not about in language we're here positron yesterday pastor you are talking about one man of God I was he came out and it was coming up and was known as non plastics he doesn't understand any of those things and it will surprise you to know that someone had bitten see there is anointing on this teaching in PG and they put it on their website people listen to it in hotels and the web list so we are going to be having our pigeon service and lastly among our our special meetings for now we're apocalypse apocalypse is a yearly conference we had it just about three weeks and if you were here I've also give you another map blessed us tremendously from the throne of God so want to welcome every one of you to be part of us for those of you that sense that you have to be part of this house you don't need to believe we are not remember we are not going to teach you we are going to free you to express the things that God has put on your inside so you meet all zeros this on Fridays by 5 p.m. and also we have our online presence why not just physical on the ground we are taking charge of the airwaves were not allowing Satan to anything you leave vacant seat and we'll quickly want to take charge and so we are there also online and we are taking over the social media so we are also there on Facebook and on Facebook we have our Facebook page is Elsie and Katrina I'll see and Katrina you see our CN catenary teaming raising releasing that is on the screen as you can see our CN catenary teaming regime releasing who also don't telegram on telegram can channels they at T naught M is large Taniya Himba you see that there on the screen also so that I can take note of it and just a click yoga dose we also have our whatsapp group on our whatsapp group and positive messages across to us we have our info desk where we pass information which are friendly chat and share all manner of godly videos and other things that we do there and then we have on our whatsapp gulabi spaceship realign that one you don't use boost you don't forward messages there you risk coach and pre appoints the crea points that probably you don't have the chance to get up brethren and CEO let's pray and it is urgent so we have our prayer group there and if you want to be part of our whatsapp group you just okay you see me after in service or any of the pastors and then give us your phone number so we added the unpleased as discipline on our subgroup you don't just come and anyhow they because we have a not mean that understands our wheeze he has a way of putting balance to things amen amen and sometimes you might be I've been a living to support what God is doing to put some money into our hands and somehow we are not available so what happens is that we'll give you our account number so that when you have that kind of leading that kind of prompting you just make it transparent no noise just transfer one seat received immense oh it's remnant Christian network ministry does an account name and it is first bank so to zero you can see it on the screen so just write it down for yourself and it will help and finally we have a remnant Christian network as a whole remnant Christie network global we have several several meetings there we have several programs also I've just about six or seven of them the major ones cause we have a monthly contact they're happening live at Makati every end of the Monday with the last weekend of the month so monthly contacts there we have our international it was conference which is the yearly conference in Makati happening in May and then we also have our fountain I mean festival of glory taking place in November a few weeks from now that will be happening also IPP square in Makati we also have a young ministers conference taking place in August young ministers conferences for ministers that are no expired ministers that are not tired ministers that they might be old in their face body are still young at heart when all looking for ministers that may be young at heart and I mean young in the face and old at heart so this conference is very specific he's for ministers that are still young and at hottest it believe that the purposes of God can stick on to politics please in August every and when the time comes you also be notified and we also have a straight talk the strict optics please it be after every monthly contact that should be on nonlinear about still talking about relationships and they will have a apply on prophetic service on Wednesdays and then we also be online in I'm talking about are CNBLUE / now online and our Facebook named is remnant pristine Network this one is Fuu remnant Krista network adenosine is RC in this one is remnant crystal network and then we also have okay you also have another Facebook page that is the official Facebook page of Fatah and the load apostle Aaron si so the name is Apple su aroma or psy and when God is beginning to give me a name pirates will be everywhere there is no fake without original so make sure that before you click a Facebook page nobody's asking you for money the day you see a pastrami asking you for money each phone and call and sisa we have you anon looking for money on facebook i you de Bruckner so if he answers you then give him money boy freaking neurons I the you notice the fake one on follow it on friend it on anything you want to just do it and report it he meant even then were also about telegram pitch he taught em in / opposed to army all this one's for the RC and global and also we have we are on mix allow where we protest so that in the privacy of your rooms you can just partake of any of these programs yesterday will mix 11 I believe that today also prepare so today a mix LR is sorry okay I thought someone was seen something mix lr / remnant - Kristin - network - so that mean / so that is either only when I peed on the screen you need it on the screen so that people can write it you go to mix LR you download it or you follow through your praise the Lord my relations are just everywhere so I've been corrected about something so when they will tell me the real one or my past or common key was the real one so PI region I mistakenly got the pirated one as announcement it meant now so mix allow is is also there I'm sure this one is not a pirated one this one is happening live amen so you join us in the room whether you cannot go to a butch I cannot go to cross river you can follow us on our ministry page and be part of it so lastly I would say that our point man is reverent Ania Himba in Katrina we have point men in different places where there's been an Christian network and Reverend teeny ahem by our point man demand I just came to whisper about my recent to me and then our Father in the Lord which the father of this walk he's opposed to our Emmaus I want us to put our hands together bless the name of God for these people that God is using so I welcome my partner little bit past the victor [Applause] the young man that has an ancient tone anytime there's trouble and we need to win some fire is he my suzanne full of wisdom celebrate him again please so i was stowed reliably by apostles PA that that telegram creaks actually accurate so no point to be afraid amen and for updates on abortion he's at his trips where he be ministering to know if he's gonna be in your city or not he's a opposed to our e-mail or sigh he's on facebook as on facebook so if those check that out you see all the updates low with city his ministry it is coming to your city you get to know that by following him on a facebook page called a portion her email or side hallelujah last night we since my heart was gonna be honorable not because anybody compelled us not because anybody asks us to say what what to say now we thought it was gonna honorable having worked at us by the world from his spirit it will be wrong to also water him our carnal resources so if you were here last night just after his message before he leaves will be covering for to sue me sit into his life and to say lord we believe in what you have put in this man and we are saying thank you hallelujah now the seat is not to tap the anointing or be honest ah yes that's been a madness and a craze that happened over the years you don't tap with suing the see you tap by catching the spirit from your spirit you so easy to appreciate God for whom for what he is doing in his life hallelujah let's do a song as we bring God's servant of the rain is already for a sense something called a year 50,000 a possible is called Nagar feel awesome so you are in the log so what does it mean now drizzling a showers mama came and she was about to take us to the heavy rain until we moved out now the rain is coming rather your feet together beat up your hands and that's one thing of the in the next three minutes just three minutes the atmosphere [Applause] the atmosphere you have three minutes to us you have three minutes to get your heart ready you have three minutes they love your life this is that bring the sick around the screen bring the sick to listen Jesus promise not to bite you believe him [Applause] somebody prayed the Holy Ghost bringing the spirit [Music] make demands in the spirit make demands of us two more meetings kilometres make demands in the spirit let your spirit buy ours for I give this so great send water one more minute don't stop brain and the neutral body the lordship see la Isla Bonita Milosh haha I sorry I the same and we give you praise we thank your Majesty for the privilege that we have to come into your presence to draw from your bounty we ask that you stretch out your hand over every life and do us good and let your name be glorified in Jesus name you may be seated god bless you and those of you outside if you can hear my voice say hallelujah those of you online you are part of what is happening here heaven is excited at this night and the hand of God will be stretched in such a way that he would do away with joy from at ease turn your Bible to the book of Acts chapter 1 the book of Acts chapter 1 who do Bible study for a few minutes then we'll spend some time to pray the format three times have I made the old Theophilus of all that Jesus began but to do and to teach until the day in which he was taken up after that true the Holy Ghost he had given Commandments on to his apostles whom he had chosen to whom also he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs been seen of them forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God and being assembled together with them commanded them that they should not depart out of Jerusalem but wait for the promise of the Father which said he ye are the head of me for John truly baptized with water but he shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence and when they were deaf will come together they asked him saying well now at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel and they said unto them it is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father has put in his own power but he received power that that the Holy Ghost is come upon you and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth and when he had spoken these things while they beheld he was taken up and a cloud received him out of their science it was like a lift you know the Bible Jesus was speaking to Nicodemus and he said no man has ever ascended into heaven at any time no man and when you hear that statement you will be quick to challenge it by saying what Elijah was taken into heaven by Chariots of Fire Alleluia you know that in the case of Elijah he did not go to heaven at will there was a machinery a transport system that came to pick him but Jesus when he finished his presentation he decided to by himself no man ever did that only the son of man even Jesus Christ now the reason for which Jesus came in the book of Acts chapter 1 where we read was that after that he had suffered and satisfied the claims of divine justice but a kind of death that he died into he paid the price for the penalty that was be putted on humankind on the basis of the first rebellion which was found in Edom and when he did that he had reconciled God to man the quarrel between God and man was satisfied in his bed because the provision for provision of the justice system of heaven concerning humankind in the rebellion of Adam was that the day that you eat of this foot you shall surely die so dead was the sentence that was the consequence that was supposed to follow that rebellion and Jesus in his all-inclusive death had satisfied the claims of divine justice making it possible for God to walk with man again now when he finished his assignment he ascended into heaven but he could not remain in heaven because there was a challenge upon the face of the earth and because of that he had to return back to 8 and the space in which he returned was 40 days his forty day mission was to provide capacity building for the functionaries of the kingdom that will be holding the fort here on earth because when he was ascending into heaven he noticed that there was an insufficiency in terms of capacity to prosecute the kingdom enterprise and to extend the frontiers of the kingdom and so when he went to heaven he had to take permission to be away from heaven for 40 days so that in the which period it could provide capacity building the subject of this seminar that Jesus did for 40 days what not on the subject of prosperity the subject of the seminar that Jesus did for 40 days was not on break true the subject of the seminar that Jesus did on for 40 days was not Jehovah Shasha the subject was about things pertaining to the kingdom of God Alleluia that you don't know god if you don't know that he's a king he happens not to be a prime minister he is not a president he is a king a monarch and from the book of Genesis to the book of Revelation what God is doing is ruling he is operating a kingdom salvation was the entry point that God afforded us to become functionaries in the kingdom the goal of salvation is not salvation the goal of salvation is a remedial initiative to bring us into kingdom participation now it is needful for us to expect which what the goal of the gospel is why did Jesus say us because if the goal of the initiative of Jesus is salvation then the day we give our lives to Christ if you be raptured into heaven because God's purposes have climaxed in our lives in the book of Genesis you will notice that God was offering man a kingdom he was not offering man's salvation and salvation is a entry point into the kingdom hallelujah and he happens to be that the disc kingdom is in the spirit so it is the personality of the Spirit of God that comes to table an Akula hat on the basis of our regeneration that becomes a access point in participating in this kingdom if God wants to conquer inland what he does is that he conquers the hats of the men in that land and when they begin to operate as kingdom agents he uses them through his spirit on Vail in his policies for that land and then they become his foot soldiers by which the intentions of God are achieved upon the face of the earth hallelujah he conquers Kings he conquers Thrones conquers territories by conquering the hearts of men and that's God's and what is that walk in your heart in the presence of the Holy Ghost that copernicus your heart is the kingdom of God that is at work in your heart it is from that platform of the Holy Spirit actively functioning upon your heart that you can receive understanding of the policy direction of heaven as touching your life as an individual as touching your territory in which you dwell and the livers of heaven that should be brought into your territory in order to establish the name of God in that landscape the reason for which we live is to become Kingdom functionaries within our territories and it happens to be that God does not rule by brute strength he rules by decrees it was Jesus that said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that what precedes out of what that's high rules it means that if God's to speak to you he has an animated you has engaged you it has activated you for an activity if we go back into all of your Diaries and check the thing God told you in the last 13 years last 24 years last 15 years and if those things are not have not generated an activity in your life it means that you are a false participant in the kingdom it means your life is not responsive to the king it means you have rejected the rule of the king in your life it is such a man that is pouring taxes or impairments or in Napa bills pouring water rates one of the things that happened to him is that never comes and disconnects me it means even though even though he's entitled to electricity because it's not a responsible citizen it is an interest of the country for him to be in blackout oh you know how many of you have a problem hearing god he's difficult you don't know the voice of God yet you're trying to you lying cutter okay let's move the last time you had God clearly was the last time you obeyed him he's not you have a hearing problem from that point and so man this creature called man this place are called humankind by design was not ordained to live by bread alone - Jesus by design that's your design man Jesus used that temptation as an opportunity to address humankind and what he said about humankind was that you were not designed to live by bread alone but you were designed to be active and limited activated by what the author insists that proceed out of the mouth of God you think that the climax of your life is so what is any bank that's your job there's a rich difference between your job and your walk I went to preaching Legos because in Legos everybody believes that God is down that job wake up by 5:00 a.m. in the morning they don't even see their children they hop into the vehicle and drag down in the hole dog I said oh what a bad day then six o'clock everybody's driving down again if you go to a relay by seven oh really you will see people you know what I said in Legos long enough to know to know they were not going anywhere Kurama SIA Danielle was one of the functionaries that was employed in the ministry of wisdom in Babylon because the way Babylon advanced was consistent to the wisdom department and in that department that had all forms all layers all access points into the supernatural realm the Chaldeans were there with their magic the astrologers were there stargazers they were present there the diviners that could divine with abu divine with water spirits the elementals that could read the weather and understand what the spirits that is pretty angry and when they conquered is read the saw that it was another type of priesthood there and they brought Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and they represented a priesthood in the ministry of wisdom that was how King Nebuchadnezzar was able to pioneer the concept of globalization Alleluia Danny are you stood me Daniel when he was assigned his duty he decided not to take off his furniture and he decided to preach his office by the gate of the land now that man was given a job but he ended up doing work now there's a difference between your job and your work don't think there's at analyzing zenit one you might spend all your life there and forget about what proceedeth out of the mouth of God concerning you you elected personality in the kingdom and when ranking is distributed you will find out that you will be an usher when they'll not give you understanding many people wish that their lives in the corridor of secular jobs and I'm telling you as a man that is in secular job but the secular platforms provided us an opportunity to give us a mission field to do the work of God yes we we got the job and we give to Caesar what is Caesar's Moton Caesars platform will have the Liberty to do other things because man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God if all you do is balance checks and raised letters and payments and all of that for all 35 years of your service among men you are most miserable we have denied the origin you existed as a seat of eternity in the aquarium of God before you have found your mother's womb man jesus said shall not live by bread alone so when Jesus came to conduct a seminar to empower the first set of apostles to do Kingdom business the title of this capacity building program was what things pertaining to the kingdom of God the no subject captures the spirit and the body of the Bible as much as that capture somebody the congregation is talking to me they were my past was the prosperity preacher but spirit it does not exist in nimbu prosperity does not exist as an isolated reality it is a part of the kingdom are you here and so jesus said seek ye first the kingdom of God that's the only time in the entire Bible that Jesus decided to introduce the word fast for the purpose of prioritizing sycophants the kingdom of God and also to be right with the laws of that Kingdom and if you are such a personality then the things that the Gentiles seek namely money a material that will navigate in your direction and I'm a physical proof that that Scripture is true before this study says now this one if I switch on my phone people would have so seed into my account I'm so sure it is it has been constant for five years so if I say it I'm sure that that pattern has come to stay I got busy with the kingdom I got busy with aligning myself with the laws of that of that condemnation and I do that as my preoccupation I can do that in Senate bank I can do when I come to Senate bank that's okay your assignment is to balance the ledger hallelujah I will do that and in addition to that they say I should not do kingdom matter there and that's sick people in the bank and that people that need service on the bank and they oppressed people demonize people in the bank it's a platform zenit Bank is a platform access Bank is a platform you will find out that they are not demons in the corporate world than in the river your village I have seen demonic miracles before you come for Crusades you think miracles only divine I've seen a an able-bodied man that came to work sat on his season he became crippled that's a miracle that is a miracle so we have the sons of Darkness doing demonic miracles in the corridors of secular occupation but the kingdom men curved I believe that their Christianity is confined to a structure an auditorium where they sing hymn therefore their twitters and that's why Jesus when he had forty days to deliver the subject was what I know the reason why you can say it freely because there's a challenge your life is not it's not best described by that caption things pertaining to what I remember when I was still in Legos I was bringing tongues and I got to the office and the cleaner came to clean and I was training thongs and she was cleaning training tone she was clean when she passed my face I saw that they were two drums and blood was being had blood was being drained into drugs and I said you are losing blood but he said yes your blood is being drained into it draw it's not about shout we cannot that deliverers in the office no but no the office knows that such a thing happened we conduct a today and I'm not being paid to conduct deliverance but that's the job for my god and it's fun to do that kind of business hallelujah you came too insular I came to also cast up damage when you become a kingdom man space you find your service a platform the platform and so Jesus had to straighten all the great areas about the engagements and the enterprise of God's kingdom and what it was all about and that was what the seminar was all about but the point is this for you to be admitted like if you are going to be admitted into the university you must have Oh level your all level requirements you must have if it's a science course you need to have chemistry as a credit you need to have mathematics as a credit you need to have physics as a credit here and there and at the end of the day you also need English as a credit then you'll be admitted there are some forms of requirements that necessary for you to be admitted into an academic environment and ivory tower and in the case of Jesus also this seminar he came to do is you need to qualify in order for you to be admitted now those guys that Jesus wanted to educate in the seminar there was something he had to do to them are you here can you give me verse 2 of Acts chapter 1 verse 2 you are slow they say until the day the format retires ot of a loss of all that Jesus began what to do what to teach until the day in which he was taken off after that through the Holy Ghost he had given Commandments unto his apostles whom he had chosen is it these apostles who chose them not so these guys where people that Jesus had chosen the next verse which is verse 3 now shows us what you need to have the credential that you need to have in order for him to admit you into the course the Bible said to whom also to why also the ones he did not only choose them but after choosing them because of this seminar he also showed himself and life to them I know you are chosen I know you have a colleague I know you have something moving on your life and you have always believed that the hand of God is strong upon you that's not sufficient if you are going to do Kingdom business if the subject matter is about the kingdom then Jesus must of necessity show himself alive to you and this is not sure logically not by doctrine not by going to Bible School not by attending Bible study the way he showed himself alive to dis people was by in fact by a tote the challenge with our generation is that so many people are preaching the gospel that have not yet contacted the reality of Christ those kind of people with daqing concern then little light you have inside if you submit it on that such a ministry to 20 I said in Legos for six years and I saw the kind of Christianity that was being conducted in Legos because for many years I was looking for a local assembly to be but most of the times our duty for the government was offshore right and you can be doing that in for three weeks one month without attending job so when you come back and you want to attend church he's not as a religious function but you want life then I realized that Lego Scott was about ties and and bowties and and slick suits and blending of colors under and it was clear that the people that we represent the name of God had not done no dead living Jesus because the only merchandise that we have as the Apostolic Church is called life the life of God Jesus died and all of his virtue was squeezed out as the content of the church the life of Jesus is what we live on in the body of Christ and he by any means a generation comes that cannot deliver that life then among all men we are most miserable and I saw people blending colors I saw all kinds of gadgets and all kinds of things but life wasn't lucky and that was a great soul and he I call his show business and we moved to let it they said had raised a prime worship center in a place and that's all right let's go check it out and when we got there oh my god the place was fully air-conditioned and I was looking for the event where the air conditioning was coming from it took me a long time Jesus the place was like a sanctuary and there was a big cross on the pulpit it looked like you know this a Cathedral but Jesus was not inside it was a waste of resources and a waste of life all those people sitting there there were about 10,000 and a the Elijah will step that morning because the only merchandise where the church is supposed to carry which is the life of Jesus was not present the man that was speaking was an orator bought in his words there was a vital fatal luck and that luck was the proof that he had seen the risen Christ that you saw Jesus on the cross doesn't make the New Testament restate there is one Jesus that rose from the day if you even encounter that one you'll be saved if you believe in your heart the Lord Jesus and confess with your mouth that God has raised him from the dead ask if you if you see ever see that Jesus that raised was raised from the dead you will not remember your something we crash in your life permanently so what we do is religion we know how to say the right words because we attended Bible School and theological colleges but there is something missing it is not about the words there is a life that to accompany those words are supposed to be a container that conveys a certain kind of life that you cannot find in the world of man for two hours when that beautiful place it was just like a beautiful gate that was an accommodation for crippled people because all I could see were men with crutches they didn't know God and everybody came and they were excited by the blending of colors I was coming from Warsaw I need that life because I don't know when next I want em touch someone I'm looking because yes there's something happening I was looking for life and in all the things that happen life did not find as much it will be difficult for somebody to be born again in that service for the spirit that come this heart was nowhere to be found so in this attempt of Jesus it was an opportunity to rescue the faith and to put it in perspective he had to do a seminar and in order for you to be admitted into the seminar you must have seen him alive do you know him that lives do you if you have see if you note this one this reason Christ if you know him you will have power to change your world so there was no need for you to be part of the seminar to go out with head knowledge if you don't know that the one that is teaching is living and they do it okay my body in for the night is to stop us what Jesus taught them in the seminar for forty days and mean why these are the grand works of true apostolic ministry you must have heard me say that the body we have is for the rebirth of apostolic Christian that's our call as a ministry all right and our test book in this call is the book of Acts of the Apostles we must be masters of that book because in our day God will replay this book in a higher measure of excellence as he responds the revival which is the emblem of our identity in the spirit as a corporate persona and she responds that revival into the land things similar to what you have seen in the book of Acts of the Apostles will begin to happen again faceless nameless people than a carriers of the spirit of life will begin to do supernatural things and the attention of a godless generation will be taught by men that the Christ that is alive my question is does is he living here assembling or you hear a history about Jesus the history of Jesus has no saving power who come from offshore neighbors with our jungle boots with our sorry safety boot looking for life and I transverse Legos and I discovered that if something doesn't happen put Legos Christianity would die in natural death I knew that in that thing that we were doing in the name of charge in Legos who have become we used to going through the motion and we are becoming used to operating in lifeless arenas because we have departed from the core values that diesel stopped when he organized his kingdom seminar and that's why we want to go back in our Bible study to find out what were the things that Jesus emphasized to the first set of apostles that led to the great revival that began an avalanche broke out and they were able to take Jerusalem he said you don't make combats from Jews Jews are the people that have the most accomplished religion he's so old and if you wanna preach to a Jew and you tell that you have a revelation he will not accept it because they do will tell you that when God spoke to them he spoke to them in a group and what he told them in a group is superior to what you had in your closet and you make a convert out of a Jew meanwhile Jesus said the glory of the kingdom has been designed in a certain progression that the gospel must be preached fast in Jerusalem Jerusalem is a bad place to start this business would have suggested to dear Judea dear editors inclination of Judea was weak they can colonize the place but Jesus didn't just work glory but he wanted glory to manifest in a second way was why he gave them the progression of how this civilization should move and migrate in the air until econ caste and tableau is a you start from Jerusalem Jerusalem is there proof that there is a Christian in Jerusalem and Jerusalem are talking about is your family is there proof that you are Christian if there's no proof that I you i christen it miss you have not made a living Jesus religion is cheap what Jesus in order for you to be a part of apostolic labels we must take you to it the subject room and show himself what - you don't claim that you want to take nations one preach around - my father-in-law I said God told me that I'm going to the United States of America I'm Papa say in this up in Nigeria will not become an alligator in the United States of America you have done and you believe that when you arrive in Gambia they'll be fine you are UI in a comic book you start from Jerusalem if it is true that you have contacted what I give you and you are using the tools of apostolic governance then the most unlikely places can be colonized hallelujah what is the most difficult part place in Nigeria or the multi-view please help me what's the most rich Apple are you from where in fact I was trying to exceed up where you from in in this country obviously Omaha now see it doesn't matter the location if you know what Jesus taught if you know what you taught in that seminar and we follow what you taught in the seminar we should be able to take on any locality that we find nothing so in the eyes of Jesus no locality is too strong that will not respond to the Apostolic to Alleluia when Jesus began to teach them the electro became so hot that they requested for brick to burn think on it how do I know this in the six do you have a six is that the fastest you can be I'm not sure I'm not sure you have you know him alive because if you know him a life that would now this guy's went on break because the Bible says in verse 6 when they were therefore come together they asked for before bring us it which let's let's spend some time so you give them time when they now spend the time they came back and all of them came with one question the whole class they are discussed during break and they came back with that with one question let's okay the subject of the seminar is the kingdom of God and guess the kind of thick question that they had a question that was not related to the subject of the teaching it's a long way down at this time restore the kingdom on to Israel that means they did not want us Jesus is lecture because Jesus was talking about the kingdom of heaven how it's gonna manifest and dominate the end and they were asking Kingdom of Israel a political question he was teaching them about a spiritual thing their question was about what who will rule Nigeria in the next election I was expecting Jesus to rebuke them sharply for that level of laxity that made them not to catch the spirit of what was emphasizing what Jesus did not rebuke Jack his response and he said unto them it is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father has put in his own power there are two words they I need to draw your attention to because in Greek language therefore was for time in Greek language they are two words for another in Greek language they are yes to two words for another four words for power towards for time today the two words for time were use here and according to this they say it's not for you to know the Kairos or the Chronos which God has put is in all ISM authority that what the authority it means that there is hope you know what Kairos means it means opportune time Chronos means chronological time okay that scripture you remember it Genesis chapter 8 verse 22 as long as the earth remains seedtime and harvest shall not see that seed time I with me seat time planted corn before me what it means how long does it take to become mature for moans okay somebody suggesting four months let's adopt for most if you cultivate on the ground now you take corn and you plant even if you are hungry after two weeks on you go to the place with longer it will not deliver harvest no because that is the chronological time the harvest time which is the opportune time is when you can get from your investment so the Greeks decided to separate chronological time from understand harvest time is the opportune time everything that you are doing in the chronological time is to was a season called heavens time meanwhile according to the scriptures demons were not would not be attracted to you during the chronological time demons will only show up during the harvest time usually remember the scripture is they see that he walks circumspectly not as fool's but as wise redeeming the time that word time there's Kairos redeeming the Kairos why because the days did days around the Kairos evil Jesus said no don't be moving around just stay where I want you to stay Jesus a it is not for you to know the opportune times and the chronological times which are set in God's power this scripture means God has his own calendar that is held under his own authority which is different from your human Garland that was what Jesus was saying in the Book of Luke when he says say it not for months and then the heavens that is proneness and Kairos you know but Jesus doesn't look lift up your eyes that means for sit your calendar lift up your eyes to the divine calendar and if you see in you discover that the fields are already white according to God's calendar it is Kairos time and we are about to lose the harvest meanwhile your calendar is remaining what oh you know with you okay because you are not following will it that point there is something about timing in Kingdom labels timing 2009 was the first time I went abroad and in my hotel room when I was praying that was the first time I saw Jesus lying and jesus said their youth their you there you said it four times that you is a use of power of sight to deliver them from destruction and I will open the gates of Nations to you Jesus I'm not talking about a vision I am saying I saw they live in Jesus in my hotel room I was in the restaurant in the hotel and asked them to bring me food and all they did with the food that they brought was written in Indian language so I not chose one and when they brought the menu it was rised what her eyes was green green color and I thought that it will be a sweetest it looked when I took because I was hungry like a sauce when I took one go it was bitter so I I put it on that's it hey what's this thing meanwhile the guy doesn't understand English we had on the sunny salami I said so he got my hair language and he said that that team is drunk that if I eat it contains all the minerals it contains I said no I'm not sick I'm not looking for drugs what I asked for is food so Mia him were there like the Tower of Babel and when the communication was not producing any result I went to my room I didn't know that Jesus was the one that frustrated a food he was in the room watching and the moment I entered I saw him so I never he said the huge four times he say use your power sight to deliver them from destruction and I will open the gates of Nations to you do you realize that Jesus did not say how long it will take the first thing you need to know about kingdom things is that they're wrong on the scale of the calendar that is held under God's Authority I know you don't asunder okay I stop because you're already understand what I'm trying to say over there is a calendar so Jesus said I should focus on you it is after that time I started hopping from campus to campus because Jesus had given me an instruction many senior ministers called me and said this kind of ministry are doing it's not lucrative if you do it into old age you will know you failed because it is not very wise in terms of the financials that was what the ancients do but you know Jesus spoke to me so when that's common comes at me except I can sense it Oh welcome I've heard you say okay yes what I continue doing what Jesus - after that encounter lost appetite and the only thing that my tongue could taste and it was good was on living bread you'll not believe on living bread that was what if I eat it it will be tasty because that ship was not about my food and I learned a lesson from the first day so only on living bread became my menu I came back from that trip started hopping from campus to campus are you here do you realize that the train limit between the obedience and the opening of a second door was 10 years for Jesus the interval and you know what if that calendar opens the next phase and you are not sensitive to know it it is not Jesus's for that you did not enter this grants were asking Jesus a political question Jesus didn't answer me a question as Canales it was Jesus brought and a perspective that in the kingdom you need to know God's and Linda I did not know are you here I started working for the government in 2004 first of June why with me I went on this trip 2009 and here the period for the law to open those gates it spoke about the nation's was 10 years meanwhile in 2012 I was on cable I had invitations to preach in 17 countries so I thought those invitations was what Jesus were telling me about or you know me follow me follow me I taught the invitations that came through cable was that with Jesus book about that when you focus on the youth and we will put gates of Nations to you then I went back to Jesus to us in Europe on 17 doors for me and the great one after 13 former seven days at the open any door you okay what about the 17 he says not aware of it the next year truck doors were open I would be anti one of them now that Jesus did not sanction you have the the scale of your life you will not be able to find your life again because you went there because of your personal ambition every time in Kingdom service you ambition is going to be preached against the will of God and if by any means you feel your ambition is something to run with Jesus will give you the opportunity meanwhile you were created by God to be a kingdom agent not an ambition agent it is only a man that has an ambition that will not check the doors are open if you enter a door without checking with God it means it was already lined up in your soul to preach like this and you were willing to take action even though I did not proceed from the mouth of God secondly to have no scope I went back to Jesus again seven days of prayer and fasting Jesus said I do not open doors for you that a 9.0 I went back to Jesus again Jesus said I opened one door for you and the door was to Malawi that was the worst of all the doors the one that I didn't want to go for that was the first time I knew what it was it meant to be an apostle a saint one from God the kind of power that I had in Malawi I don't have it even now yes in Malawi I could no your tops in the prophetic I could know what you are thinking in Malawi I challenged the witchcraft of the territory where I went to preach and thirteen of the agents came to kill me on the puppet in Malawi it's not this kind of same antibody my cousine minute rapport agents of darkness that told you close the window come in talking people are not was the same tequila if you see a case of opposition he has a mild case what I saw in Malawi is possession and touching women were coming to keep me from the pocket my interpreter got lost what the oil year was strong I jumped from the poopy I'm talking about a crowd this is not a crowd ten of this is not a crime those guys don't have any health care so if a man of God comes that's when all of them come for healing the effect is as potent as soda so does hope he can bleach the fit complete Jesus I ran from the puppets and I was running to meet them as they were running to come and kill the preacher me too I was running to meet we not met at the middle I was mad that night I was that you could say you want to challenge me of all things Jesus allowed we say but if a human being say wants to challenge I'll fight that person so I have that work from Jesus so when they said I want to challenge me I see he don't have me go home yes the power of God was so strong that those ladies began to vomit living creatures living things in one service you see how many death people began to hear it was so intense that the crowd lost back room and they began to run to hold my damage it was security agents that took me away from the stage when I left a stage the seat is at home they will not join line no sit on it one by one now if that's it we're not hearing them they will not be sitting down that they seat what's healing them oh we went for water baptism and when we got there the only speech miss part 2 missing cider so I entered what I said Lord that is what I hear they see healed from 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m. water who able to the airport the driver said my in-laws house is here so we visited when we visited him I'd returned amid no answer so he'll and told me that his death he's been dead since in most 90s okay can you speak to him say they tell him that his ears we hear so when I touch his ears like this is es poopoo I didn't pray for him before it's at the here I just touched the ear ladies tell him that his TS Lee his tu es Pope he stood up and began to dance he was 69 years old when he sat a hearing he became deaf at nine he was 16 years dead began to dance I saw that while he was dancing his wife was not dancing I went to check to ask why she was crippled I said Jesus will make you wash I touch the legs and iris of how it was so much so I keep the chair so that you know that if she doesn't trust herself to stand up there's no chair for comfort the woman started walking the guy that brought me such a crime then their son came from a door like this and they also say oh this false prophets again I had it like a human being talking to me and I went to mother you call me false prophet it denied I touched him he was laying so I left him there [Applause] we were only visiting for 2.5 minutes one was walking a deaf man could hear and in line young man was slain said I can take on his sins you know why it was like that Jesus is sent me meanwhile when Jesus said he will open the gates of Nations that one was not hope it gets that one was get the one he said was what gates it took 10 years for that season to come the fact that God is healing people through your hand he didn't tell you to start healing service because your ambition will always be preached against the will of God meanwhile there is a calendar that's a crudo season where you will continue doing what you are doing faithfully and there'll be no result if you become a worship off results you are going to mister in this day well you see captions resort glory that word is not necessarily a good one just o or broad is not necessarily good war because concise a good fibroid mean why Satan can give results to but the thing about a kingdom agent is that he follows instructions that emanate from the mouth of Jesus his master I with me he took changes from 2009 - what - 1990 to 2019 so he now opened for his promise that means after 2019 it's time for me to resign from office I didn't know that that was the calendar for my winning secular job that Jesus taught me that time is now I realized it took 10 years 2009 to 2019 so that era begins next that's what I'm going to live there is a very meticulous kurios calendar matter in kingdom service most of you you have fire your life and because you have fire you want to do something if it's not Jesus that sent to you will die doing it many young people will not live long and the reason is because ambition we push them to one the fact I can speak in tongues you don't understand the mystery parrot elegies you will need to mature it takes time for God to raise a genuine man you have not yet know not to conquer loss the same because he can speak in tongues for four hours do not lost is the ladies in support that you saw that your entire leg is real I added by the time you go to Brazil nobody is ugly I equals I come I come on nay or Iman she supports up against delighted realizes [Music] the reason why I don't wear wedding ring is because they say it is the miracle one that I use to do miracles that I got it from an ism oh so I I begged my wife and told her that my comment is in my heart I stopped wearing ring when I went to preach in Brazil ladies solder had no ring the Avedon ladies love if Jesus has not helped you stain suppose days about a move America magazine I kasama life okay the reason why Jesus fragments our function under the kingdom which respects to calendar seasons he saw that we come mature adequately before we are released into teens the average believer today doesn't know that God will never use this tony has not tried you have not being tempted with money you don't know what I saw you okay if you see thirty thousand US dollars in give test back I show you you don't know what you will do even though he's beginning I have seen it for long in the place where I walk hallelujah before I started seen it I took a fast for seven days that God given the line of duty I see a bride help me now before you know pray before problem comes don't don't pray in problem that Bria becoming Christ I took seven days fasting should I got to punch me of greed on the fourth day he assured me that he would be with me since I asked him I am tied into the line of service I so money money not in matter yes I saw big money sister I saw you you don't know what you would do if you see the money in this day when our understanding of prosperities materialism and our fathers that were followed where the words that lead us astray if you don't have the personal encounter with Jesus you are not going to last if you are a disciple of most of the men in the forefront you will not go far it means you have not yet seen him that is reason because the certainties of pasta will tell you that Jesus will tell you something different when Jesus said to me that I should live on campus leper among the youth people elders told me you have no future I didn't disrespect them because they have work we go for long I can say no in the oppressive yes was why did the why Jesus II unless I got the God Fit Body for lotia wisdom after many years of Athena said since you are making progress there the Shepherd save reporter say please have Natalia neighbor follow Jesus you have not conquered greed I say want to take Sabah you know this potatoes we do it deceives many of us why you finish go and deal with lost the don't think of international ministry I know ministers that were not committing adultery it was gonna they didn't go foul oh yeah no Ghana is international if you cross Africa to South America - intercontinental the further you go the more confuse you will be if you are not grounded you are still thinking of yourself what we like game don't stop Jesus yet go and sit down when you finish dying to self then your I can see accurately that thing you want to one do Jesus is not in it because it is all about self everything that happens is for you do not level of sacrifice we have gone through if I tell you you won't like it I need work I assure you there's no glory in what we're doing if his glory are looking for go on walking zenit back hallelujah we are doing it because we love him we have been drugged by him work gravity and even though serving him may not make sense for that people we can't find ourself doing anything else that many people in the office I was tracking when I was having location to receive bribe in dollars that I rejected I was the tracker one old man they're coordinates see you as young and you are rejecting money what do you know about life so the system has a counselor such that where you are going astray though they'll they'll submit you to the ministry they did not give you understand it is when you have no agenda that God will begin to avail disc a lender to you and without this calendar you will work a miss because your life has been fragmented in two seasons he took 10 years for the fulfillment of what Jesus said to come to us and if you follow those seasons he will never be lost in our first prayer point when we begin to pray this night is that cold show me your calendar and showed me my seasons there in some of you just finished you subs and then you already have so many ideas let me advise you it takes time to hear the will of God we take spam in prayer it is not computer and escape escape button takes time you will have to carry and he is king you can decide not to assign you for two years now this Jehovah shop shop mentality that we have you will miss Gore that way he is only a man without an agenda that will survive it your calendar will lead you into a trap because I know you must have written down after two years I intend to a relationship and when I finish a relationship unlikely to get the kind in five years time and their principalities are wiser than your ancestors and anytime you yield to a desire of the flesh know that what you are folding already may the Lord show us the calendar [Music] second Tina Jesus aim is that we cannot accomplish kingdom business without power and ye shall receive what power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost parts without power you cannot do hallelujah when you begin to pray consistently I'm not about you are green like two hours a day and you first often you have regimented fasting that these days in the month I fast now you don't need an announcement from the altar to do that now you adopt it as a lifestyle and you start doing that one year two years streams then the next thing that will happen is that you experience baptism baptism series of Baptist series you'll be submerged into many graces but it will come like baptism you even have feelings on your body you will live in the realm of baptism for a long time then demonstrations will not come into your life as you are preaching people before the following those ones at demonstrations when you have mastered demonstrations because initially when demonstrations begin you will not know that he wants to have money to does happen if you are still on that level you are not a master yet it's not yours you like now I can generate demonstration I know we are to touch God that demonstration way come on the next level is that you become blind control of the demonstrations if the demonstration is the anointing to achieve demonstrations come you will know in your spirit and you will know what to do to engage the Angels that bring demonstrations then before you enter into power where people's physical bodies can be healed it is the lack of power that you need not demonstration power that you need to do Kingdom business meanwhile when you are you enter into the realm of power then you are going to enter into the next level of the anointing which is the environment our dimension now in the environmental dimension of the engine somebody carries it away as it is a big group and as his passing people around that place will not be able to stand people that catch him commentary that dimension environmental anywhere they enter it affects the environment that's a secondly with that environmental grace the people that operate in that grace the intercession is very very territorial it's an indication of a certain kind of rank that God has made available by which territories can be tranquilized and Jesus is saying without power we post on ik business Kingdom business and it will take time for your anointing to become power I didn't I say hallelujah if what you are doing cannot affect the environment cause an anointed man should be able to affect the environment he knows what to do that the environment attention we offer and then people begin and it's not by shelter I with me you can take coffee can be taking coffee here and activate that environmental damage and people would not be able to stand again there is a measure like that first of all the first deposit of the anointing empowers you to do studies you can it comes up one you can teach if it comes upon you you can pray the comes upon you you can win so the environment and there is a second if you wear that one the environment will know that somebody has come that has an identity before God and just in case you are in a service like this and they somebody that is an agent the supposed away will ask in Jaws that dispatch a few agents to come you know I have a history with setup yes he normally sends people to whom it sends messengers so in just two two messengers were dispatched and you can see the hatred in the state so we open the environmental dimension and those two agents were humilated because it's that environment it tranquilizes sterilizes the environment that's how we arrested those two ladies hallelujah I when they steal that we didn't do deliverance it this T don't that the presence for long I finished breakfast [Music] then I get my sock conductivity and heavier house and the divorce left not not alone because I have such a written a environment with my triggers that fragrance controls what happens in the place [Music] I've seen demons dispatched through ages to come cosmic injury in Nigeria and outside same ever mental grace you can talk it on with you calm down with with with with paralysis because you are going to collide with agents of darkness before it is too long there's a prayer regretted it you know what there are witches that live around here today we will design them those of you dying Kaduna you were here they stood there is something called territory administer [Music] and what I'm telling you is not boasting it is things that I have seen unhandy [Music] they got food that you carry in your mouth is not likely to circulate with [Music] a time came apostolic teacher became intellectual deliverance where people come and stop smart talk articulate was an attempt to read the church of his capacity we rejected that model because it didn't look like what watches are stopped in the seminar and he shall what we see there were times when they attempted to put Peter in prison and all of that but when they disciples gathered and prayed and say Lord the attendance grants that with boldness we might speak the world with signs and wonders in the name of the Holy Child Jesus the Bible says in confirmation to the prayer the place where they were staying worship us environment it was after that environmental baptism that the Bible recorded that Peter is his shadow cohesive at that time nobody attempted to arrest him again cause answer to political intimidation was was grease and anointing for Meredith the man that can give people back their legs you can take life so there are two there's a dimension of anointing that is security that's why of all the things in the holes are deep nobody dared put in before the SS there is a kind of anointing you can arrest there is a level Oh hey that's myself Supriya said there's something called the gift of walking of miracles that's a gift with which we can raise the dead oh we do something to you in the next 25 minutes [Applause] [Music] and when they're all of that kind of grace returns to the church you will hear a voice you must you are compelled to hear powerful you wake up and see if the governor of this state travels it will not return anyone close to him please advise it there is no road what I see before he means a bottomless pit and then the first Goblin and goes and he doesn't come back that says a meaningless thing and I thought to ease their mind constantly if the senator of this constituency goes ahead with our plan he will lose two of his children and then in the fulfillment of that one God as Jarrah the first I'd gone second one then the wife Ruth they will come to you in the night there's something called how we'd be naked of it for many years and that's why we are where we are creatures of manipulation but there is a crown a crown that happens King gives a medallion when you carry it even hidden Kings we see counsel at your lives Pharaoh hard day means a breeze but he went to consort with reducing he had astrologers he had people that were gifted in divination what it was to sing with the wisdom to raffle the omen that was captured in his dream something is about to happen because in the last days the Battle of the gospel before on the island of the supernatural the Bible says just like Chinese and Japanese with spoon noises that's how this the truth will be withstood in the last things the game of the supernatural will be reborn on the man with medallions and crowns will be able to speak Jesus with boldness prepare yourself this time to take your journey the kind of Christianity that were seen in the touch will not deliver Reviver and so God will have to raise a new set of priests means that paths for the beat of a different drummer made the pledged allegiance to a different flower down comes with parent fuel and incomes could devour his enemies and tonight because of commission off so that we can better battle but again because a pioneer are comes from heaven and God will give men's battle he will he will give men they right round required to speak for him at a time when the trucks faces severe crisis remember all of our heroes pass shall never be in vain in a moment of time a lack of the reservoir there is an anointing that if it comes up on your mind will dip down in give additional persecution would not bust around and here's a recent power the Holy Ghost when necessary and Prime Minister in your pain without greed and radical opposition against unrighteousness man that's I prefer sheikah peaceful and Allah Harvick Nicole Samba ha Oh busty lass ha ha ah yeah he's ever seen in Jesus name [Music] set on prey upon [Music] are you here Lord open my eyes to discern your palate so that I'll not take off like a tornado on my own plan my own agenda open my eyes to design your calendar can we pray now miss Salander mr. Linda justanna ah hi the saga is standard we are not saved Jacqueline God which Ausmus in Jesus name in the name of Jesus [Music] everybody in the whole annouce I bow your head down you may wish to stop brain so that we can wash it god with silence [Music] if you're in this field or in your duty of the night and you have not given your life to Jesus [Music] you are wasted and Jesus said if you are shipped of me in despair with you [Music] come out with you the Lord Jesus [Music] [Music] no Sofia started in front just begin to ask Jesus for messy-ass information [Music] acknowledged before him that you are a sinner and that you'd need his help [Music] you instruct compress for PR he came [Music] see you bye casaya dhokala papa [Music] Vaska sorted by I see Caprice Co bracket alley-oop melody choco biscuit and precocity live out west in the never tastes [Music] side thank you that evil crown is lifted from your head in the name of Jesus yummy Papa in Jesus name [Applause] when I see smaller is satanic sake somebody in the congregation there is a piercing pain you feel on one part of your body I don't know what part of the body it is what is a needle like yes pain that comes upon you again and again this is a demon of injury [Music] thus from hold would be destroyed tell me what's your case where do you feel the pain what are you here what are you waste what are you okay [Music] listen to me listen keV is it out of all of you standing here to people's case i animagus and those cases Jesus himself a new city and some law that acts that she touched us to people with the end my desk tortures to people trust us to be touched us to be touched us to be touched us to be touched us to be touched us to trust us to people taught us to be touched us to people touched us to people father in the name of Jesus I asked show me the other one show me the other one so many other so many other I remember see a light he's on an animal repellent in Salem occurred if I taught you you kambou my ego sod is Sunday my love Carla shayana mo [Music] so we get nautical thank you let that big clump out let it out let it cool them out keep him up shut up [Music] you come out [Music] in the name of Jesus Lord I rebuke every spirit of infirmity [Music] every spirit of pain I bind you [Applause] [Music] deafening spirits I bind you paralysis I bind you which club bondage are binding blinding spirits i bind you and in the name of jesus christ come out of their bodies asthma are binding every symptom of paralysis [Music] that US began to set him I bind that spirit and I command you to come out in the name of Jesus there's somebody in the congregation that the spirit of death has been following you the hand of God will descend upon you right now father for my left-hand side to my right hand side to the open field show me that one that the spirit of death has been hunting what [Music] also Stephanie a commander painted for a commanded deafness - could I speak to this ears a commander steer so began to hear I speak to this eyes a commander I shall begin to see I speak to those words listening through the phone I bring him into you in the name of Jesus those ones listed online I sent him a me over tonight in the name of Jesus but [Music] right now eyes begin to see yes begin to hear asthma cough Bango paralysis stop in the name of Jesus [Music] there's somebody that has been here that is you dis pain on your pant that you you've been battling with and a lot of sticking up in a way I see someone with a chest condition a chest condition a chest condition you felt something on your chest and the condition has lightened check your body now if you could not here ask your neighbor to run a test for the years if you cannot see see now you have five minutes to check and those of you that call someone on the phone you you may wish to confirm you may wish to confirm let life come upon you life life a command paralysis to go in the name of Jesus let life come aboard now those people with effort you can confirm Merrick and co-founder and I command the spirit of death and I've been offering over your soul let his mischief be broken from your life right now in the name of Jesus shake me okay lay hands on a headphone go leave leave leave leave leave and disappoint the appointment and a set of free yes check your body check your body quickly check your butt I would take five testimonies and I'm half done check your body no no no not CC no allow that woman to walk woman walk check your body woman walk walk woman check your body if you notice that there is a healing you can indicate by just a wave of hand inside and outside if there is a healing maybe to the core the walk woman walk don't worry just don't worry come on don't worry don't worry further in the name of Jesus we call for perfection we are thinking we are thinking that's why nothing man let's go yachting if you keep thinking they paid no don don t trust in Jesus look at this off of your heart look at it from your heart stopped it stopped it if you think you will lose the mirror oh my god I know for myself if you have a miracle doesn't want to don't it if you are people and we say what what don't think about nothing yes inside outside Moses have five testimonies Arabic on if you'll notice this it change just indicate maybe to the phone cord as they change maybe through the players were bred as a change check inside outside we take five leave ha Rastafarian even live yo come on tell me what's wrong with [Music] I think the prata [Music] okay [Music] I'll just check if you record the healing just wave your hand that's all then the horses will come to you if they're sick confirmed healing there are many dealings on the phone I'm more interested even in the photo tour is it fun alright find out from him what happen so we have this book to his sister from Salonika who had to her asthma annachi where and as we pray me immediately the asthma has disappeared from sam Binaca the end of this now wait wait [Applause] your sister that you prayed for okay when we were praying and the person was receiving the prayer what happened to the person I was really struggling with in a talk I call him I actually acted to confirm whether you really touched him to me yes okay it's all right yes another phone call situation all right my mom is still online now she still online what I said doing the prayer that she has short short sightedness yes uses glasses here my glasses yes he said while the prayer hi can be mean on the left i J
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Keywords: apostle arome osayi, apostle arome osayi messages, arome osayi, apostle, osayi, apostle arome osayi 2019, arome, apostle arome osayi sermon, apostle arome osayi sermons, apostle arome osayi deep podcast, apostle arome osayi 2018 messages, apostle arome osayi messages 2019, apostle arome osayi eagles conference, apostle arome osayi testimony of revival, apostle arome osayi 2018 eagles conference, apostle arome
Id: JCQpjAl6rmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 28sec (8968 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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