ENDLESS Caviar, Lobster & King Crab at LEGENDARY Miami Seafood BRUNCH BUFFET

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foreign [Music] a very snowy super cold day here in Toronto let's get some hot breakfast foreign this place is open and they serve some really unique items on their menu but before the food gets here before this video which I filmed that I think the most iconic seafood brunch buffet in Miami and this place caviar king crab Lobster they got it all just want to give a big thank you and shout out to the sponsor of this video surfsharkvpn I've been talking about recommending Surf Shop RPM for a number of years now it's a tool that I highly highly recommend especially if you're not using any VPN right now nowadays of course a lot of our personal information is online and there's a lot of people out there trying to get access to it you got people from data aggregators trying to get it to sell to marketing companies or people trying to get it for more malicious intent for example I personally know someone who had their IP address revealed and people were able to track this person in real time 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tongue super super thick tender pieces sitting on top of an English muffin just just cover all that in that deliciously runny yolk this might be one of the best treatment that has ever had in my life um salad they definitely added some spice to the ox tongue eggs benedict there's foreign sweetness I highly recommend 10 out of 10 there's cold actually I got two dishes only meals of the day.com eat waffles egg salad crispy layer of skin on the tuck look at this beautiful toasty skin on top hmm the skin tastes like a peeking duct skip the latest tender is juicy grab some pieces fill with duck fat and have this chili sauce and dip it into kind of tastes like a variation of a peking duck sauce waffles waffles are beautifully toasted syrup is really good to dump the waffles and some of that egg yolk this restaurant what an amazing find all right finish my brunch catch my flight and enjoy the video [Music] thank you I'm at the Biltmore Hotel so this is one of the most if not the most well-known brunch in all of Miami beautiful place let's go check out the food [Music] I feel like every time I go to a brunch buffet in Miami it just keeps getting better and better this place it's a lobster paella just as big as the last brunch I went to show lobster tails there's king crab and look at the size of this king crab there's also steak lamb lechon caviar and you're sitting outside right by a beautiful Fountain the atmosphere is fantastic the weather is great the food so far so delicious Ceviche flavors delicious very citrusy little Spice from the jalapenos I wish Dave we'll use real crab instead of the imitation crab which soaked in the citrusy juice kind of tastes more like a potato than a crab otherwise the squid is good the muscle is good Lobster time first round first few pieces would like to eat it no dipping sauce no butter just to enjoy that sweet delicate flavor king crab time like I said ginormous pieces of king crab king crab in my opinion better than a lobster definitely sweeter got a trio of caviar one is trout one is both them the last one is sturgeon [Music] sure I've done these little pancakes trout roll popping and sweet the bullpen way more Briny way more with Mommy flavor and the sturgeon that's the best one I sold velvety and Rich small camp that's an amazing round one [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Lobster paella another plate of king crab I feel like since I last was on the buffet these legs grew look at this uh-huh that's about the size of the one I got last time but I got an ass as giant claw this is the only one I've been to that serves a sturgeon caviar which is one of the most expensive ones the sirloin that's a little crack I think they definitely overcooked that a little bit but I did get a piece that's really fatty though much much better there's also a cut of lamb and this is covered in peppercorn sauce wow sauce might be lacking a little salt but that is a tender cut of lamb amount of silver is excellent I really didn't think it was gonna be this tender I'm glad it proved me wrong finally the lechant I've been sawing at this piece of skin on my little charm for about a minute it's not cutting through the outside is definitely it's definitely not the crispiest yeah the outside skin is not chewable it's like pure leather with that said the meat inside is so soft and juicy and delightful whoa I was like night to death I mean I do wish the outside skin was crispy but the meat inside is just pure succulents look at how easy the meat comes off made in a fat in this part some of the tenderest pork you'll ever have next to paella mussels clams shrimp sausage really buttery Smoky rice is a perfect texture Seafood is delicious it's a good paella just comparing it to the other buffets is not as good as the one at Edge at the Four Seasons that one is mind-blowing if the whole buffet was a giant paella that they serve over there you'd be okay with it that's how good it is I mean this is good don't get me wrong that one's just the best foreign [Music] chicken meatball seafood boil base squid shrimp Lobster they just put Lobster into everything in this Buffet I really like the soup has so much Seafood flavor steeped in every single spoonful wow it was like the entire essence of the sea the good parts all swimming around in here it's Crystal tender it's ridiculous Lobster nice and sweet but really it's about the soup itself it's just such a concentrating head of that nice Seafood flavor ah the soup is too good they have a large assortment of different breads thank you jerk chicken honestly needs to be more of a jerk just tastes like a regular chicken brush miso salmon with Sesame on top my salmon tastes like it's been living on land for the last few years this is a really really dry piece of salmon [Music] I'm happy to share that is a delicious meatball for everything in this round definitely the seafood soup and the bread it was amazing next round she has king crab Lobster and caviar I did this little trick last time I was at the breakers Buffet about half year back brought the lobster last time I did it with lobster add the caviar on the crab that's so rich I'm gonna call that the Zuckerberg bite I thought it was delicious when you dip the lobster into it try eating caviar with king crabs sure ocean sweetness that's great too good dessert time strawberry croissant wow tastes good really buttery strawberry flavor is nice no crunch though okay I'm not really flaky this place looks like it has a great assortment of dessert so creamy and delicate it's one of the best pina Cola I've ever had [Music] this is an opera cake it's a sponge cake that's soaked in coffee it's very nutty too I think the reason why they call it opera cake put this in your mouth your taste Bud's gonna sing oh wow one of the best Riders I've ever had at a buffet [Music] a little chocolate mousse definitely tastes a citrus peel there infused with orange zest chocolate tarp is magical chocolate covered strawberries foreign so far I tried four excellent crunch buffets here in Miami well one of them's in West Palm Beach I tried to brunch at The Breakers Hotel the Japanese inspired seafood brunch Zuma Edge had the four seasons and the Belmont they're priced pretty similarly this was 120 includes champagne juices and the last time I was here at the edge Buffet I stated that that was my favorite Buffet of all time mainly because everything under I feel like I didn't have a single bad bite of a dish and it's all you can eat cowboy steak Echo doesn't love that this Buffet I feel like if all you care about is seafood this is the best breakfast buffet for you better than Breakers and better than etch this place all you can eat King Crab Lobster sturgeon cavity if you're a big caviar lover this is the only brunch buffet offering sturgeon caviar this Buffet also has the best dessert selection and taste of all the brush buffets so I guess if seafood and dessert is your thing this is the buffet for you the cook dishes and the meats I think it's pretty average and I said this before but I'll say it again Miami I think it's the new Buffet capital of the US it may not be every single day but when they have a brunch buffet way better than Vegas and that is my review of the buffet here at the Belmont hopefully it's been helpful for you guys I had to rush a little bit because leaving town today got a flight to catch all right so I should be on a flight to Atlanta right now but the flight was overbooked so I got a free hotel for tonight and leaving tomorrow morning at 6 00 a.m so I figured let's try again for the slice of pizza and just got to the entrance it is already mine down the block so this is pretty much where I was last time I lined up hopefully the line was a little faster this time I've been alive for Balance power more than an hour almost in and this place only opens four hours a day four days a week [Music] so there's pepperoni with hot honey there's truffle with mushroom Margarita and finally leek with bacon it is all covered with a shower of Parmesan cheese gotta start with the hot honey this is my most anticipated slice of pizza it has the look and feel of New York slices which is pretty thin very big the crust is nice and toasty time it's a magical slice of pizza oh the pepperoni is delicious it curves up forming a little pool of spicy oil in the center the crust is thin and melting your mouth it's super Airy you taste that toasty spicy pepperoni the sweet honey brings the sweetness and the Heat this tastes like Sam Arizona tomatoes on the pizza a very reminiscent of a New York slice it's delicious this one is the Truffle and mushroom slice come on extremely truffly slice of pizza this flavor is more cheesy very much more earthy than the pepperoni slice the cheese is good the mushroom is good all the ingredients are great all sitting on that nice Airy crust margarita I love how generous they are with the parmesan cheese on top of the pizza fresh parmesan shaped on top this is a really simple slice it's really about the nice sweet Tangy tomatoes on top finally this is the leek and bacon this is a very interesting slice of pizza hmm don't forget the toastiest of the bunch this might be my favorite one I never had leek on pizza before but when that leek is all nice and toasty that fragrant is just explosive the Smoky flavor on the bacon is more pronounced because of the Char which is my favorite and then the pepperoni oh they give you fresh basil with the pizza too I'm gonna just lay one on the margarita hmm I should have added that from the beginning that really makes a difference this is a really good pizza place like I said very reminiscent of New York Pizza some people say it's much better than New York Pizza I think it's good I wish it was cheesier I wish I would get more of the mozzarella the crust I love I think is delicious toppings are good but I would like more cheese so for too hard away it's one of those things where I'm glad I did it wouldn't do it again questions [Music] welcome to Atlanta I've been working with and supporting this non-profit charity called culture City I talked about this many times in my past videos in this organization they work with people with sensory needs and one thing they do is they go into organizations or stadiums concert Halls Arenas and they work with these menus to make them more accessible for people with sensory needs and for the month of April simputan is also partnering with culture City foreign Au here with the owner of this establishment hand dress so talk to me about this crop version you guys are doing this partnership you guys are in culture City it's really an honor to to partner with culture city is to give back to the community how can you drink Boba and make a difference as well yeah they have a couple options so one of them will be running up the change second if they buy our signature gold foil drink a dollar of it will go proceed to culture cities charity and another one is who doesn't love basketball yeah so if they donate anything from 5 10 15 or 20 dollars they will get a raffle ticket to win a corset seat with in any any of the Atlanta Hawks game that's amazing I'm so happy to hear what you guys are doing for the organization and I gotta try all these tricks let's do it [Music] I was a joke [Music] cause now you are [Music] Adore Me [Music] got my golden bubble tea drink Andrew thank you so much for this happy New Year to you happy New Year never had a gold Boba drink before I've been to cheap hotel many times freshly made Boba I just tastes different so if you are ever having a craving for Boba go to sleep without get a delicious freshly made Boba drink and support a great cause last meal in Atlanta before heading out this is one of the most highly rated Brazilian steakhouse places I've ever seen let's go try it out [Music] this place of course like most Brazilian barbecue buffets there's a salad bar some lobster bisque soup and of course this thing green beans gold let's go foreign [Music] Lobster flavor is so intense cheese biscuit always trouble when this tastes so good then you want some more dip it into the lobster bisque I was just too good the salad bar this place is really good ducky mushrooms delicious the Brussels sprouts delicious [Music] beads has started to arrive house sirloin look at that nice crust there's some crazy tender beef and they bring you all sorts of sauces there's chimichurri I got the horseradish foreign spicy salsa [Music] rabbi oh that Rabbi is one of the best customers I've had at any Brazilian barbecue place fantastic what I like to do sometimes add some blue cheese to that nice sear steak trust me try it changes the entire Dynamic of the steak adds so much good amount of funk to the already delicious meal [Music] a blue cheese and some house chimichurri thank you awesome perfectly cooked skirt steak and cheese up with some brussels sprouts look at how well they're cooked each piece of steak it's absolutely perfect cascading juice that I'm telling you guys add some blue cheese funk onto that steak melted on there [Music] that garlic sirloin it's pretty magical Michael Lamb that's so juicy I love the fatty parts of this with a little bit of char out here you Brazilian barbecue buffets are like the Fast and Furious of the buffet world coming at you hard to come at you faster you better be ready to take it on I think my favorite definitely the rib eye the garlic steak oh actually the filet mignon or skirt steaks taking a little break right now so what I'm gonna eat some shrimp that's a plump juicy sweet perfectly seasoned accidentally piece of shrimp what could be better than that I just had so let me um wrap the bacon [Music] foreign cheesecake I'll show up creamy cheesecake the outside is caramelized nice little sugary crust if you ever come here gotta get that that's great meal people there were extremely friendly the meat was amazing salad bar delicious again blue cheese on the steak trust me on that there's always a place I went to list down below for you guys information for culture City also list it down below for you guys thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 573,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all you can eat lobster, caviar buffet, all you can eat, best miami all you can eat, miami all you can eat buffet, miami buffet, best sunday brunch, best brunch buffet, miami brunch buffet, miami brunch, brunch, lobster brunch buffet, lobster brunch, brazilian bbq, all you can eat brazilian bbq, all you can eat buffet, best miami restaurant, miami, miami eats, miami food, seafood, king crab buffet, all you can eat king crab, best restaurant
Id: hOKW9I5WtzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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