Ending Explained & Character Analysis - Triangle of Sadness

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this is one of the best and one of the funniest films I saw last year and I wanted to make a video with some of my thoughts on the themes in this film and on its characters it's been widely described as a film which makes fun of the wealthy Elites however in my opinion it is not just the upper echelons of society who come off bad in this film I think society as a whole and it's materialistic and narcissistic ways are made fun of the cruise ship staff seem to be just as moronic and hungry for a higher status in society as the rich guests they are welcoming and serving on board this environment where everyone is just trying to step over everyone else for their own benefit mirrors the current point we are at in society very well in this story there seems to be only one person looking for true love the main character Carl however Carl is naive insecure and the only thing he seems to be good at is having his picture taken and in a world ruled by powerful Elites where money is everything he is most definitely an underdog and struggles to find what he is looking for his girlfriend Yaya has a an idea as to what a healthy relationship should look like and we quickly see that they may not be well suited for each other Carl struggles to pay for the sort of lifestyle that Yaya wants to live and this makes him feel insecure he tries to argue that they should split the bill at the restaurant as this would make them equals and men and women should be equal he tries to take the moral High ground but deep down he wishes he could provide for her during that argument Yaya says she's only with Carl out of convenience until she finds a wealthy man who can provide for her she also adds that this is for the sake of her future children taking back the moral High Ground what Yaya says and the way she says it is very interesting and it can be interpreted in a number of different ways I do believe that women naturally and subconsciously feel an attraction to men with power due to the way we've evolved however it would be hard to argue that a conscious attraction to wealthy men isn't to some extent accompanied by a conscious attraction to materialistic wealth and a higher status in society this would however mean Yaya would no longer have the moral High Ground especially given that she has a boyfriend who's willing to do a lot to try and keep her happy Yaya expresses this to Carl casually enough for it to not scare Carl away which if what she is saying is true is part of her plan but she says it's seriously enough so that when she does end up leaving for a richer man Carl can't say she never warned him because of this and the way Yaya behaves in the first half of the film we may at first think that she is being 100 honest when she said she is only with Carl until she finds a richer man however personally I think that although a big part of Yaya does want a rich lifestyle I think a part of her likes Carl and she is angry that she can't have both Carl doesn't even question yayo's motives and his determination to win her over is so strong that we begin to question if he is doing it because he really loves her or whether he is just trying to prove to himself that he can take care of her in other words we don't know if he is being more naive or more insecure on the cruise ship Colin yay I'll slowly get to know the other guests and we realize that you'll have a few things in common they have all reached such a high and respectable position in society seemingly by chance and without providing much of a benefit to society it also seemed to lack any desirable characteristics in general and are oblivious to the world around them the Russian oligarch Dimitri has made his wealth by in his own words selling elderly couple Clementine and Winston have made their Fortune from the arms industry something they obviously feel guilty about as they give a very abstract answer as to what it is they do Karen Yaya are on the cruise because Yaya is a social influencer something that is regarded as so useless it is commonly joked at as not being a proper job finally there is Yama who works in the tech industry and although he has made his wealth and possibly the least questionable way out of the guests we see that his social skills are so bad that he as a millionaire can't even find a partner to join them on a luxury Cruise although they are not necessarily bad people they are not the type of individuals who should be at the Pinnacle of society and be looked up to by everyone else the cruise ship staff however do exactly this and during their team talk led by the head of Staff Paula we find out that they have no values of way of doing things they are just there to do whatever the cruise ship guests tell them to do the staff do whatever they are told simply because the guests have a higher level of wealth and power which they also dream of obtaining one day we see that the situation on the cruise ship mirrors ours decides to stay in the sense that everyone is motivated by power and money and idolizes those at the top who have it meanwhile the rich and Powerful Elites are incompetent and they have done little for the good of society whilst abstaining their wealth and with it there are two people on this ship however who seem to understand this situation and be conscious of it the first being the captain the captain sees the narcissistic and materialistic mind state of both his crew members as well as the guests he also sees the guests for who they are and the fake nature of the whole situation in which they pretend to be better than everyone else who in turn treat them as God sent simply because they are wealthy the captain can see that the proverbial ship is going to sink and this has made him depressed and lose belief in the purpose of the cruise ship and this is why he largely remains in his cabin drinking alcohol Dimitri durash and oligarch is also conscious of the state of things we first see this when he describes his own job without any pride and with a great deal of humility he also shows that he is aware that his wife is with him mainly due to his wealth Dimitri and the captain bond with each other through their consciousness of what is wrong with Society the scene during which they lock themselves in the main room and use a microphone to recite their most thoughtful quotes to the rest of the ship was one of my favorite scenes the guests seemed to be frightened in part by what they were hearing and I thought this scene showed excellently their ignorant nature as their reaction to her giving real and meaningful truths was horror and shock I felt that Dimitris and the captain's Bond was also really heartwarming as although they had completely opposite political beliefs they came together to find a common ground and to search for the truth it was also interesting to see that Dimitri who came from a socialist country was a capitalist and the captain who came from a capitalist country was a communist I think this is something that we often see when people blame the problems and injustices of their lives and of society on the system they live under personally I think human nature is too complicated to expect a monetary system to solve all or even most of our problems eventually the ship which may be seen as a metaphor for society ends up sinking after its attacked by Third World Pirates a threat which given how much wealth was on the cruise ship could have been easily prepared for and as far as we know the captain went down with a ship in the second half of the film we follow a bunch of the survivors you end up on a seemingly uninhabited Island the tables have now turned as we see change in the power dynamics Abigail who was a cleaner on the ship and one of the lowest ranking members of staff is now head of the tribe as she is the only one who is able to effectively hunt and provide food Abigail takes a like into Carl who spends the nights with her in exchange for food now that Carl is receiving attention from other women Yaya begins to suddenly notice him again and she feels jealous this may not necessarily mean she likes Carl but she at least likes the attention he was giving her although it may seem as though Carl is getting his revenge on Yaya for her behavior on the cruise ship I think Carl's decision to sleep with Abigail had different motives I think that ironically Carl was so desperate to be that man who provides for Yaya that even if it meant sleeping in the same bed as another woman every night he would do it and in this way he was finally able to provide for her I think Abigail is a great character whose Story shows how power can corrupt an individual given her position on the cruise ship and her quiet nature we could easily assume she is humble and harmless however with time she realizes her power as the leader of the tribe and this corruptor there is one scene on the island which I felt was a bit out of place and it didn't fit in with the rest of the story this was the scene in which a donkey was killed I thought it was strange that a new source of food didn't at least temporarily change the power dynamics of the tribe however I then realized that this scene was part of the foreshadowing of the final scene of the film during the course of the film we see flies hovering over Yaya many times we also see flies hovering over the donkey and I believe in the final scene Abigail's desire to hold on to her power was so strong that it compelled her to kill Yaya in a similar way that the donkey was killed Abigail didn't want Yaya to tell everyone else that they had a way of escaping because she wanted to continue being the tribe leader and this is why she killed her we could even speculate that Abigail knew that the island had other inhabitants and that this is why she offered to go on a walk with Yaya to make sure that if she does stumble upon the resort she doesn't make it back I don't think this is far-fetched as we later see a beach vendor casually walking nearby their campsite and we realized that the island May in fact be a tourist hot spot with lots of people on it something that Abigail may have known Carl sensed something was wrong as soon as Abigail offered to go with Yaya but he wasn't quite sure what it was he eventually realized that Abigail could only have bad intentions and he races dramatically through the bushes with an urgent look on his face not slowing down even though the bushes are cutting his face he is running to save his Lover's life however by this point it is too late this ending really got to me because throughout the whole film we see tragedies and bad things happening constantly but from a humorous perspective which left me feeling that although things are bad everything will be okay however in the end everything is not okay and the tragedy of the film catches up to you Yaya doesn't give much away and it is not clear if she ever liked Carl but we do see that she she is not completely heartless when she offers Abigail a job and I did also notice that her demeanor towards the end of the film seemed to have changed a bit she seemed to have embraced Abigail and the whole situation I think we could even speculate that her overall perspective on life may have changed as she seemed more at peace and just before her death she goes on a walk which is a reflective thing to do the triangle of sadness is made of people's frown lines which shows their sadness and in this film everyone was searching for happiness in the wrong places when instead they should have looked at their own triangle of sadness and simply got rid of it by changing what's behind it which was their mindset that they will find happiness in wealth and power
Channel: Film for Thought
Views: 71,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 92n8Okjbu8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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