Enderal - Skyrim's Total Conversion Mod!

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so how's it going basement legends and welcome to ender all forgotten stories so this is a total conversion mod for skyrim and has like its own original story it looks really impressive i've heard good things about this mod i've had people ask me to check it out this fella is just eyeing me what are you looking at look i know i'm handsome but you don't have to give me the dodgy age you know that we have the city here in the background it reminds me of like the layout of solitude like the big city over the cliff very gimme true and style height all right we're gonna jump in i've been talking too much we're just gonna jump right in it doesn't take place in the elder scrolls universe i believe it's like its own original fantasy story world and immediately we're jumped right in okay well the first thing the game wants me to do is talk with daddy but i'm right here but this is stunning look at this we've got the sun it's a sunny summer's day it's seven days in sunny june it's great song this looks proper job it's well done look at the buildings and everything oh we've got horses how are you liz doing you busy recently he up too much did i see you at shuttle now i'll talk to you soon just they're all gonna talk to you that's don't go too mad on the old grass okay we're just gonna follow the path that's set out towards us oh that that is that a chicken whatever that is that scared the life out of me this is absolutely stunning i'm walking off the beaten path i don't know if this is something i should be doing but look all right i better get back onto the path all the wildlife is scaring me it's like a normal day oh would you look at that it's the moon it's like the moon from uh bearing the big blue house all right let's go in so we're just walking up to this old house here this is nice hi there's the fella are you the daddy i've been hearing so much about you're kind of taking my territory do you mind oh hey there i didn't see you coming so how did it go did you find it purpose in life nah i'm gonna go along with him and say no i didn't no hmm pity i know maybe you're simply looking in the wrong places did you ever think of that did i ask for your [ __ ] advice oh well who knows say why don't you go inside and see if you can help mommy with the cooking the creator was kind to us today the creator will write do you want to talk does that okay there's blood on the tree stump here your boat is bleeding do you think they checked for that i prefer my one non-blooded you mind all right let me go inside i like the music in the background i love inspiring like you know you have butterflies and chairs and things like that when i first played skyrim i was like that's so cool it's like an object search tomatoes okay i can only take one this container is lying to me it said i can only take one that's a lie i'm just gonna close the door be nice i'm gonna lock him outside because he's creepy okay that scared me i didn't know this was a horror game but all right is this a horror two pounds of minced meat one jar of flour a handful of bruised garlic sounds like the ingredients for my birthday cake all right this is a nice house i'm kind of scared this is eerie is this like a flashback or something because like i'm a child because i'm assuming i'm a child oh there's a dead elk elk moose deer okay daddy's whistling can you stop is he behind me oh jesus okay okay i'm not scared my my i totally forgot what a mess i left here i know bambi's dead well then let's waste no more time and get to it shall we what about mommy and sister yeah where's the old lady oh no does something happen to them what now when you look at that i totally forgot about them they're dead don't you remember but hey no use crying over spilled milk right at least this means there's more meat for the two of us he's comparing his dead family to spilt milk i'll look for a nice sharp knife in the meantime to cut off the head i don't think either of us wants to eat that do we this animation too is creeping me out he compared the death of his wife and daughter to a spilt milk listen father you just walk down to the shop and get more you can you can't get another wife well you can but like you shouldn't get him there i didn't kill him it was the mastermind oh look it's all three dialogue options i didn't kill them it was the masked men i'm afraid to talk to him anymore can i just exit out oh silly what's this again we both know that's a lie it's either blood red first you set this horrible fire to your sister's crib she screamed and screamed okay this is stack when she finally got there nothing was left of her but burnt flesh and this is a nice wholesome story you killed them period no matter how often you tell me you didn't oh change is nothing the music stopped now please let's start cooking i'm so bloody damn hungry these were bloody in my house all the dialogue options are the same i'm just afraid to click forward i don't think this is something i want to do oh by the creator's name don't you dare use will wright's name in vain do you really have to bother me over and over with your stupid pathetic and pointless whining you know sometimes i wish the creator would have made me just a little less merciful he made the sins too do you mind who you're talking about and instead of raising you feeding you and loving you like a father does i would have put you in the horse trough right after you were born yes i should have killed you i should have just killed you this is nice it's like you killed us it's like visiting home in real life well listen up my child you are wrong and do you know why because the dead don't forget okay hear me freaky now enough of this useless chatter i'm bloody starving bring me the means i'm not scared bring me a nice crisp piece of meat bring me a nice crisp piece of meat bring me a nice crisp piece of meat i've only black pudding will that do i'm like joking around but the voice acting and presentation of this is really well done let's begin with a question am i on a horse carrot what distinguishes a free man from a slave are you andrew royens with the death of the lightborne lightborne is there a darkborn seven arcanists seven deadly dragon balls they gave mankind what they thought it needed most communism they became gods or light born as they let themselves be worshipped as i like the illustrations i am excited for this this is the story of someone who wanted to be free i killed my family do i deserve to be free i don't know was that actually me in the intro or listen there's something going on and i want to find out what it is quiet damn it you want to wake up the entire ship or what after sending us tomorrow and great well sorry that was a bit harsh ah serious shouldn't you be an azkaban fella seriously if we had a penny i get it seriously that will you woke up screaming we'd probably be traveling to ander allen our own starship and starship something's never changed is this like final fantasy do you ever ask yourself if maybe you blame yourself for all of this for what happened to your family army i really did kill my family maybe something happened that i'm blaming myself for but i didn't kill him maybe my actions just inadvertently caused their death and that's what's going on yes no maybe i don't know can you repeat the question serious nonsense those bastards from the temple killed them not me okay so yeah play myself what makes you think that i don't know maybe even if i do what difference does it make i guess i'm gonna play the middle field none you're right i like you here who knows maybe everything is gonna be different now i'm screaming in my sleep i'm not over it but if the stories are true there's no better place for a fresh start can you believe it apparently there aren't even any slaves on indorel it's amazing only this whole blind passenger thing is making my headache you should probably take some panadol or something it's not our fault that the ship is so poorly guarded you see we're going to pay our debt as soon as we earn some money over there okay we're in debt like instantly but let's be optimistic because that's all you have we're talking about 500 pennies here pennies that's like over there we will still need the money for ourselves don't fool yourself what we're doing here is theft unfortunately at least you're being positive what's done is done i just hope the under aliens are easier on outlanders and the never miser voice acting is top quality mother was a fugitive as well wasn't she where exactly my dead mother that i killed i think so at times but i just keep on forgetting it okay he just looks really young this is kind of like imperial i guess now it's saying half so we're half whatever the race is and then other half to let us know in the story look at this fella's jaw you could grind stone on it all right i'll be you heavy armor two-handed held yep they sound boring just for me sex uh oh look um he's built i like all the hairstyles and everything this is tough quality i look like a final fantasy character who like gets forgotten about after like the first hour do i want him skinny or built you know with that kind of face i wouldn't expect him to have like this kind of body i know it's a fantasy game less but we have to have our expectations complexion give me pale as okay huh we can roleplay as the chosen one then if we want give me my clay face with a bit of dirt on it i guess we can roleplay as aragon we can just have dirt on our face 24 7. uh just to kind of skim through this i'm not going to spend too much time making a character let's just see what the hairstyles are like how do you have hair gel in like medieval times to make your hair just do that all right just give me back my own hairstyle there we go oh look i'm just alistair from dragon age give me back my map thank you can i have like a proper beard what's up everybody it's critical that's a that's a grand old beard all right fine give me back my chin strap i just want like just a proper kind of beardy beard kinda okay that i look like pewdiepie i guess that's kind of my hair color all right let's just go in let's just let's just go name me yeah me okay finish your name your character yep you know i'm just gonna name it me who are you i'm just me i like their suggestion arazio right how could i have forgotten she was one of the few free people who ever set foot on a ship i'm gonna hit the hay for an hour or so it's your turn to stand wait you hear that what is it dragons someone's coming i tell you sometimes i long for the good old days back when i could lift a skirt nobody would bat an eye i want to kill them right now they don't sound like thanks for this jesus what do they want down here the lamp quickly put out the lamp oh god now wouldn't they just notice light going out i don't know my smells like fought here's balls down here i'll see if i can find it down here okay okay we need to do some voice lines in our game okay you're hired you take on the old guy i'll take the young one go leave me with the old fella i like who is sneaking but now he just wants to beat him up can i just gang up on him you can do it [ __ ] you screw you serious he's just dead i didn't even knock him out he's just dead all right close i'll take clothes oh man oh man oh man oh man my fists are silent part of the plan not at all oh what embraces are we going to do now i don't know what i wanted to jump on let's kill him tie him up and get him because that sounds like a fun night yes of course that that makes sense oh he likes that idea one of them said it's not much longer until we arrive with a little luck no one will notice they're gone until then come on help me search there must be a rope or something okay so they're not dead the ropes in my bed why do i have no clothes on myself listen if i'm wearing your clothes it's probably not a good look because hello i've just taken his clothing all right i think he told me exactly where to find one and of course i was listening can i turn the lantern back on i know flower that was excuse me that's flower what kind of flower are you using in your cakes all right looks like cornflakes okay surely it's around here right is that it that that that's rope right maybe oh here it is okay okay i i didn't even know where it was the probabilities have turned against you who are you what the who are you you are confused by my sudden appearance but my identity is irrelevant as are you dear serious unfortunately what oh [ __ ] please don't tell anyone we're down here please we didn't mean any harm these guys were just you ask that i not reveal you for your intentions were not evil is it water supposed to be rising upward okay we're going to drown i've died already oh look we're going to the fade from dragon age the two of you hid in the cargo and lived on our stocks then when rick and sibald found you you gave them a beating and all of a sudden a veiled woman appeared and knocked you out with wild magic today is just not going well for us is that about it yes i i know it sounds crazy but it's the truth please my dame we we didn't have a choice you've got to believe us the war we we just wanted a second chance that's all a second chance yes i think i understand she looks like an assassin's creed character you wanted to start you're gonna kill him get it over with and as my ship is one of the only ships still sailing the route since the wars you were simply forced to board without pain yes we could work for you you know we could scrub the deck build potatoes anything to pay off our debt and as soon as we've arrived heartbreaking how truly truly heart yeah just kill him i know he's dead i know he's gonna die he did have a choice you could have signed on like all the others did but you didn't instead you've nested on my ship like flesh maggots enjoying the good life while my crew actually had to earn their key and now you're feeding me this [ __ ] about veiled women and wild magic how stupid do you think i am you have to be stupid what i kind of have to be fair you are cutthroats filters at least have the guts to admit it what no no no no you you're wrong please just let me explain i i don't give a [ __ ] for your explanations it's weird hearing him say the word [ __ ] and like this fantasy setting you two are scum one kind of punishment for scum on my ship pull him up ruger but captain they do it of course captain i'm sorry lad you should have stayed in their room but oh you just kind of floated up you can't do this oh believe me i can i dude yeah i'm not surprised oh well look at that someone's woken up rise and shine yeah you're killing woke me up your mind i'm trying to get a nap him and his friend together and feed them to the fish good luck in your new life friend it's been a tough one morning oh i'm dead oh yeah i've got to kill me too all right so i burnt up in a house fire our ship filled up with water and i drowned i think and now i've just been stabbed tell me what is time to death so many people just talk talk talk to be powerless this is about your what is reality it's all just eerie it just wants to creep me out is this a horror game or why i still can't tell oh i've learned a talent meditation are you just trying to get me to download audible with the guided meditation look i don't want to your ads are annoying magic meditate to unlock new memories okay memories are they my own memories or when you're slowly wearing heavy armor the chance that your enemies make you stagger okay it's like an upgrade tree okay i see how it is leave the world by meditating why okay i want out of here need food put your penny pouches empty onto deer and cook it oh that sounds cool i want to hunt it here but if i hunt the deer my father will just burn my house again i feel dizzy oh no am i a vampire okay well here we are on shore it's reminding me of like assassin's creed black flag a little bit okay let's do an adventure all my clothes are gone again his hair is still as kent as ever though so that's something the running animation is different than everything that's well detailed would you look at this this is stunning this mod is giving a great first impression gotta say sirius is dead and i am alive that's all i should have said i should have just cut off there my friends did i write these words but i'm not sure if i'm understanding them at least one bit i am on my own it's had to be ender all enter all and roll i'm feeling strange feverish and weak as well as strong and clear as if veil has been put in front of my eyes for my entire life which was lifted now i'm also remembering a weird dream which i had before i woke up especially the words of the veiled woman who subdued sirius and me in the ship's bow it all begins with the dreams remember i need answers and i can find those most likely unsure if we just follow the guided path i'm sure we will alright let's get started can i hunt for food it's raining it's raining blood no it's not it's not a slayer song this tomb is just reminding me of uncharted or something to ruin just like in division oh it is the same one of a rat a pit breath great these rats are gonna kill me oh this game has like an experience system okay for this overhaul mod there's one for oblivion and there's one for morrowind i believe nerim is the one for oblivion and air twenty things like air to end or something like that is the morrowind one my plan is to eventually check out the other ones at some stage and see what they're like can i go inside your tent there's like no items to take can i get some armor or something i get some heavy armor abandoned temple great we're gonna find everything we want here all right i like the colors and everything it's contrasting really well well there's dead man great okay i have to equip skill books hey my one handed skill increased by 1 to 16. okay hello bud you're doing well good talk i was waiting for his eyes to open his eyes are going to open i know what here's the stepping stones is there like an item here i need or the rune key is that what i put in here just wake up okay something's going on i don't know what changed can you give me back my key maybe i want to oh all right that's cool there's platforming it's very inspired by the crash bandicoot all right bats okay my health's not restoring on its own so um i don't know how we're gonna how we're gonna heal ourselves do i have any healing increases weapon damage unlock new memories so i'm guessing meditation is how we like level up okay well since there's no health regen i think i'm just dead crystals of course it's like in knights of the old republic when you find this cave full of crystals and you can just get like a bunch of lightsaber upgrades i like that cave it's good for the old serotonin okay i'm being killed my arcane fever sounds like a great name for an album stop making my fever worse do you mind i thought crystals were supposed to be good or something spelled home for grounding old rope okay i'm just getting more sick by being here i don't think i want to be here too long to beat a rope give me oh he spells now i like spells skyrim is like the only elder scrolls game where i actually like the magic system picking mushrooms off the wall as you do scrap metal lock picks okay i don't know if i should be taking it but i'm just to leave it here for now i duck under here oh it's just going to stop me alright can i rest can i rest in the bed okay i can is it going to heal me please heal me i did trust an end roll needed a sleeping place hence you need to search for beds and visit taverns so i'm guessing i can't just rest yeah you can't rest or wait there's no weight mechanic so i'm guessing since there's no weight mechanic the time of day doesn't matter for quests even though i don't think time of day mattered in many quests in skyrim anyway the corpses and the lights they are gone that's a very astute observation where would you get that from i want this in my bedroom as you're bringing girls back to your bedroom and they just see that they'll be enamored that's a great tool tip right there remember that now that i like that noise that's cool i like that the machine why does it seem so familiar everything is familiar to you there's a lot of exploring software ice cloth you found a nice cloth ice claws listen in your inventory permanently raise your carry weight okay that's dope i like that there we go i love those little kind of passive upgrades the systems in this mod software seem to be really well implemented uh let's see let's look around all right let's go into the deep derrick damp musty cave tomb thing because of course what is boon we got a new spell what is boon oh it's healing wait where since your arcane fever great okay so with this fever it's like it's like an over arching thing like we're always going to have some fever so there's like negatives to healing okay so we have a healing spell but there's a there's a negative to it i'll take a pickaxe in case i need it now is there some direction i go here because i'm a little lost now and it's a bit dark can i go here click can i jump through nah don't think so do i have to stop these windmills somehow or do i go back the way i came okay about the temple i think i need to go back let's try and find our way out here i don't think i go back this way all right so if that's the way i came is there like another exit out this way or i'm a bit lost all right this is where i came in right yep maybe there's another few entrances down here i guess i just go back here right so what do you do let me in let me in all right i was a chester i didn't see their currency is actually called pennies all right that's cool maybe true i know you can get through this way oh there's a there's a big valve right here i feel dumb now that's going to stop this right oh that's nice don't fall on me final destination style you can sneak to stay undetected i only have a spell i'm not going to have much luck with a sneak attack unless i punch him i just used all my magic trying to activate those windmills are okay well i have no means of defending myself at home i think it said this restores magicka it said something restores magic and i'm after forgetting your body cannot tolerate wolf blood and okay i just want to eat some ingredients i know it's killing me oh look at all those effects am i just gonna have to punch this fella he's running away i mean i'd run away too okay can i just one can i just jump over and jump over jump over yeah we did we died big surprise i just lured him back i don't think we're gonna kill this fella come on back here buddy while you're running away and why you're running away guess i could just loot this place while he's waiting there yeah there's nothing here okay come back here pal over here i'm right here i'm not exactly hidden okay just run past him i can't run past him come back here bud come back here come back here did you jump over him okay he's just stuck i need to i need to load autosave because i can't get around them we're gonna try and sneak around them this time i'm hoping that's the actual exit out of this place hopefully maybe please just sneak up this way he's after seeing me straight away just try and sneak around i'm just trying to sneak around him he's blatantly looking right at me i'm detected right now he's not going to do anything he'll do no harm to you he'll do no harm to you iron claymore all right a drill okay is that for opening wine i don't think so silver balls spare parts okay i'll take them all jump up over this way he's gonna he's detected so strong just run for it just run for it just run for just run out suncoast all right is this it is this the open world i can't wait to see this i love the art illustrations for the loading screens this is really well done it starts with oh look at this hey and i've leveled up it's like leaving the vault or leaving the sewers in oblivion ah look at this this is stunning this is absolutely stunning i just look like a monk can i get some armor maybe i should come back to this i say that a lot of mods but i do want to do one or two more episodes of this because i think this is like a really quality mod this looks fun and i can't wait to dive into more of this a great fireflies whenever i play games there's always like fireflies in it somehow do i have to put the song in i'll put the song in that's the fun guy he was telling me about the mana fungi that's the one i thought it was the other pod things okay let's get some experience on this let's just find something oh look at that that's like a stat menu i like this name me i just kept it the way it was experience arcane fever arcane fever determines your mental health as magic user casting healing spells using help potions or being at specific locations raise the fever when your fever increases you get mallee once it hits 100 you die that sounds like a fun mechanic great we have disco fever apparently abandoned tower that's not the way it came right we need to go down the abandoned tower to get to the floor guess we do let's go through the terror all right let's make our way down spelt home okay a fire spell give me i keep going into the magic menu first when i need to read it here we go give me fire are we a fire now you trapped your advantage by defeating enemies with them okay so here's the troll okay trolls are hard this drugger is just contemplating his life choices i don't want to take human flesh if you don't mind come here pal your mom's a slay come over here go over to trap hey that was intuitive and we're getting experience all right i like the experience system i don't know exactly how to level up but look i like it old iron arrows great hell potion rancid okay it has like spoiled effects it's like morrowind with some of it's like spoiled potions old vagrant dress all right sounds like my kind of dress okay that looks dope there's a chest up here can i jump up together give me that open that up there you go boom rank one i already have boom we have staff great i have some defensive weapons seems to be all magic based well they do have a pickaxe i forgot to use that as a weapon okay staff of flames i guess in my right hand okay now we're magen i didn't go into this expecting to be a mage but look we'll just go with it i'll take a magic symbol oh there's a hundred of them there's collectibles and everything i don't want the human flesh i'll leave it off i don't like taking human flesh and games i don't know why i just i just don't i guess because carrying around human flesh kind of implicates your character as being a bit of a psychopath oh there's a shore i like this valley are you going to attack me dog yeah i'm just going to burn you if you don't mind bye dude oh it's a deer stalker i'll take the wolf meat though uh all right let's do a bit of exploring is there like a day and night cycle in this because i can't wait i'm guessing there is because i think the sun went down the sun goes down it's a great tin lizzy song smack two while blocking to execute a bashing attack i know it's bash okay i know the bash like crash bash i know how to bash there's more walls here can it look like the door map oh would you look at this get away local map no one likes local map unless we're inside would you look at this this is expensive i don't need the custom map marker get that away oj look at this this is really quality there it is enter all sorts of mountains okay we're we're in the sin coast is that what is it or the sun caused tough set to sin goes okay let's just keep going stop avoiding me okay i'm kind of getting overwhelmed here crap something else is attacking me just run over here just run over here okay now i'm kind of backed into a corner oh hey okay now we've leveled up okay so now i can use this memory point when i transfer to the other place okay hey and our health's gonna you open the hero menu the hero menu is just for me there's like so much quality got into this i i can't wait to check out like nerum and eric twent i think that's the name of the marlin one that could be wrong but look i can't wait to check those out uh yeah that's dope okay uh what do i want to do what i want to do so if i go back to the memory place we should be able to put points in now right you know i've been doing a lot of magic so i guess focus is that magic all right i'll take that i guess i'm just going to stick with the mage kind of teachings for now because why not all right let's keep going let's try and find the town if we can if you're attacking anyone's thinking and being concealed or attacked deals more damage that's good that's brighten up my dead ear it's definitely getting darker seems like there is a house or some kind of place of interest ah bed i'm gonna take the firefly i love old city this is like really serene the original music and everything in the background that accompanies it is really well done search chest all the potions are rancid how do i get proper ones that aren't rancid hello you've green hood now would you look at that i knew i'd seen someone scrambling in the mountains what brings you here my sir uh to party i'm here to parody uh not your business long story short who am i fin delires apothecarious delirious pleased to meet you and you are at sun coast in the south of enderel where are you from but wait don't tell me i know that accent near him isn't it i thought he was going to tell me canada like some people tell me wait a second who's that i'm here to party just an adventurer on his way no reason to worry no reason to worry for heck's sake finn how do you know that this guy isn't with the bandits you said you'd call me if anyone showed up and now you're you're standing here having a chat with him as if this were the bathing house of ark lo and behold we are still alive now is there anything else car boss i've got my eye on you touch any of our stuff i can't even see it but it won't let me move there is may i present nice backpack nerd what is that transport in any case if you don't need any more help i'd suggest you move on follow the way east behind the damn house it'll lead you to a village called river all right let's try and get to the village if we can take this truth be told you don't look so healthy your eyes ah well look at your eyes you're telling me i'm not healthy look at your eyes what about my eyes do you mind hmm there's something peculiar about you i don't know how else to say it i would examine you myself but we don't have the right equipment with us so if i were you i'd ask a priest in riverville to have a look at you riverville riverwood it's all connected that's it for now thanks for helping don't mention it i'll wish you a quick recovery and safe roads walk bless i'll talk to you soon but can i use your alchemy stuff lazy spin i'm playing oh don't bother me playing it sounds shapes my fever's worse than for some reason okay my eyesight's gone all wobbly fever well um there could be many causes i've just gotten this worst fever all of a sudden wait a moment i think i still have some grunt roofs crunch root that should be enough to ease your pain at least i can't see straight take a seat at the fire the warmth might help you at least you're helping me out grunt scrum troops ah here we go i've been touching the swine flu take your time it's not like i'm dying i mean they don't know me so it's not like they owe me anything but still it's nice not to let your guests die in your company some water done i can't make any promises still explode all over again i can see other people's memories oh she saw it do i really have to watch every step you take that was a [ __ ] close call i still can't see straight i don't like looking around this deer isn't getting any better yeah drink this it'll help you all right see you already better now i can actually see you should let a priest take a look at that favor as soon as possible the grunt route portion will wane in a few days all right thanks for helping me uh explosion i'm not sure oh the explosion didn't really happen oh that'd be great wouldn't it finn galleries died in 82 34. 82 34 exploding that's thousands of years after us is this the future 82 34. i've been to the year 3000. it was kind of [ __ ] so i went home i could have sworn i saw something moving over there oh [ __ ] he's dead yep oh no not caribous anyone but caribbels no those bastards have hit me in the knee the hitch and the knee oh he just did he just flip over do something damn it oh he's dead too great everyone around me is just dying is it my breath or something is this something i said the company of everyone i go in front they just dies start to devoid great i'm in the void i'm in the shadow realm why do i keep getting knocked unconscious and spawning in random places you look like serious a bit and you my friend are at my very own campsite before you ask yes the bandits killed both of the apothecary well you seem happy about it why are you smiling most of your injuries are only superficial but your fever well that's a difference keep barely escaping death you're suffering from arcanist's fever honestly i'm surprised the old apothecarius didn't see that let me guess you're suddenly capable of doing things you previously knew only from the bard songs right oh my lightborne you're unusually strong you have reflexes like a cat and drinking potions or any kind of magically infused substance leaves a bitter afterglow in your head it's like harrisburg uh yeah yes that sunday is fun with yes a bit late given your age but it happens put simply the fever is a result of your body not being able to cope with it that's not much of a problem for now but if you don't let anarchness treat you sometime soon things are going to get grim it's all good news recently from here on out you're always going to be a little more sensitive great it's like i've joined twitter you have visions i have one visions like the queen song for lack of a better word the only visions i've ever had are those that come along with a good pipe of peace weed sorry okay is that what the kids are calling it notice it looks like he's bringing like leather armor from the witcher 1. all right i'll help you out okay this is just exposition to man great first of all i want you to travel to riverville and talk to okay quest thank you here we go good friend of yarrows ask him what he makes of the incident and whether he has any explanation for it secondly a farm boy told me that he saw yarrow throw something into the sea during his last visit there the winds have been blowing inland the last couple of days so go search the shoreline and see if it watches all right i myself will take a look at the house yarrow grew up in ah and here this is the map thank you yaro's house is at the blue dot so unless there's anything else i'd say let's step to it step to it just meet me at the farm when you're done okay uh if the quest objective is marked by one or more stairs to indicate the difficulty of said quest okay so one two three four all right now we have some small bit of direction is this the city of the head let's get to our first town is this it are we here oh it's the old damn outlook but if i look on the map talk with yours childhood find strongbox okay so we're given some quests okay being here at this stronghold i think this is a good place to end off for now i think it's a good proper first look um what i want to do is eventually maybe next time get to the town do a few quests show off more of the game's mechanics more of its story uncover more of that and yeah i think that's a solid plan we've set up for ourselves so let's last is it if you've enjoyed this episode of ender all be sure to leave a like and subscribe and if you didn't enjoy you should have because this mod is great i'll talk to you next time lads cheers for watching
Channel: Micky D
Views: 170,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enderal forgotten stories, enderal skyrim, enderal mod, ender mod skyrim, skyrim enderal, skyrim mod, skyrim mods, micky d skyrim, micky d, skyrim modding, mods skyrim, modding skyrim, skyrim 2021, skyrim mods 2021, skyrim modding 2021, enderal forgotten stories skyrim, skyrim lets play, lets play skyrim, enderal lets play, lets play enderal, enderal playthrough, playthrough enderal, elder scrolls, elder scrolls mods, elder scrolls modding, elder scrolls V skyrim
Id: tX4WQwBu0-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 53sec (2153 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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