Ender 5 S1 - The Best 3D Printer Creality Has Ever Made

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all right everyone I've got some great news creality just came out with a new printer so we can throw this old one away because we've got the new Ender 5s1 so let's get this thing out of the box and see what it's all about all right we've got our instructions and quick start guide our z-axis here all of our tools our real spool of filament here so gone are the days of giving you the filament in a plastic baggie like it's some kind of illicit material the top frame the heated bed one more layer of foam reveals the bottom of the 3D printer looks like some assembly is required so let's get started I've been doing these 3D printer reviews for a little over a year now and now that I'm older and wiser I actually take a look at the instruction manual to see how to put these things together ah yes and here's some critical information each column is color coded and you need to install them in the right spot I doubt I would have figured that out myself so you're definitely going to want to page through these instructions before you get started while I'm working on this part of the printer I can see it's set to 230 volts I'm going to switch that to 115 because I'm in the US so now that I've got these four pillars installed I'm going to install the top of the machine then we're going to put together this z-axis so I just attach the bed using four screws here then you need to flip the thing upside down and put these supports on so apparently we can just shimmy this in here then we put four screws in through the back next up we're going to install some little plastic supports here then the spool holder goes in right back here the last thing I'm going to do here is run these wires so I'll just grab them from back here run it up through this wiring harness then a few of the wires go here this main 24 pin connector goes up here the last couple of wires get plugged in somewhere else looks like one goes to this filament run out detector one goes to the y-axis stepper motor and then the last one goes to this y-axis limit switch and then down here we can plug in our z-axis stepper motor and our z-axis limit switch then finally we can plug in the heated bed with this threaded connector now I'm just putting the final touches on we've got our spool holder and we've got a bunch of these Cable Management Clips which I'm going to use to tidy up all of these cables running up the back side I was kind of iffy about this z-axis when I saw the initial pictures of this machine but it seems to be very sturdy so I don't really mind it at all I think it's probably going to be fine it's got an anti-backlash nut here so as it's moving up and down it should be able to do this very precisely and these linear rods are very thick and strong I've just got a little bit of noise a little bit of crunchy noise I think the crunching noise is coming from this linear bearing over here I might have tightened it up a little bit too much I'm gonna see what happens if I loosen these screws I'm going to detach this Z lead screw coupler yeah it's kind of making a grinding noise and it's catching a little bit I'm going to attach this right next to where the noise is coming from so you can hear it better [Music] it sounds a little bit like crunching or rustling paper so I don't think that's normal but I also don't expect it to affect print quality I'm going to reach out to creality and see if they can send me a replacement bearing or maybe just replace both of the bearings on this machine well on with the review I'm going to fasten down these wires here the nice thing about reality is they always seem to provide you a pair of wire clippers so these are always useful for all sorts of stuff when you're dealing with 3D printers these wheels are kind of loose so you're going to want to tighten these up a little bit these rails seem pretty well thought out it's nice and easy to reach in here and adjust the tension on these Vigor Wheels the last v-groove Wheels to adjust are on the X carriage looks like you kind of have to reach up through this duct if we take a close look here you can see this fan duct has about three to four inches of ducting to flow through before the air exits and is cooling down the part it's kind of a waste of material first off and second off you're wasting a lot of the potential of this air to flow you're having a lot of back pressure from these long channels and these bends so it's not a hugely efficient design and it's one that I'll probably improve on in my next video I'm not a big fan of this fan duct design however I do like that they're using a 50-15 fan that's a big upgrade from what you get on the Ender 3 S1 the under 3s1 just has this dinky little 4010 fan that makes a lot of noise but doesn't move a whole lot of air let's go ahead and tension these wheels these are quite loose so get in here and tighten those up you just want to be careful not to damage the fan duct which is kind of in the way here you have pretty limited access in here so this step is kind of annoying but I was able to get it to work just take your time and be careful not to break anything one thing to note about all of these Delrin wheel axes is they're using four wheels per rail so that should give you a slightly better grip I think using three wheels is the minimum and having four wheels is better because then at least the wheels on the top and the bottom are under the same amount of compression if you have two wheels on the top and one wheel on the bottom then that bottom wheel is going to be pushing twice as hard to make up for the two wheels on the top and you'll end up with that bottom wheel failing or developing flat spots a lot sooner than the top Wheels by having two wheels on the top and two wheels on the bottom they're under equal tension so you can get a tighter fit with less downsides in terms of the wheels failing and finally I will put this Bowden tube in place this Bowden tube is really only there to help support this cable and guide the filament this is a direct drive machine which has Drive gears directly on the hot end there's a number of advantages to using a direct drive machine so I'm glad to see all of creality's latest offerings using a direct drive extruder alright and that should do it I think we're ready to print with this machine I'm just gonna plug it in here and turn it on so something that I immediately noticed is this spare nozzle that they're providing is a little bit longer than their typical nozzles so I think this is like a almost like a half volcano nozzle it's not going to be quite as long as a volcano but it's giving you a little bit extra melt Zone which should in theory offer you a little bit more volumetric flow rate so you can print faster if we look at the print area it looks like it's identical to the Ender three this is an Ender three bed this is a Pei upgraded one that I'm using but you can see it's the exact same size I always replace these polycarbonate print surfaces with a Pei based print surface that just gives gives me better print adhesion and I have an easier time removing my prints after I'm done so that's one of the first things I'll probably upgrade here but let's fire this thing up and get printing see what it can do all right so I've fed the filament all the way up through this machine let's plug in the provided SD card and print out some of the sample models let's see where does this go probably on the side here all right let's print oh you know what actually I'm going to have to do some setup first so first I'm going to do the manual leveling and then go through a mesh bed leveling oh my I just told it to go to point two and it's going way down okay so it's homing everything again now we gotta wait for it to come all the way up wow I guess creality really doesn't care about wasting your time with this procedure oh there we go this one's moving just straight over that's nice seems like there's a dip in this bed so the middle is a little bit lower than the sides but this will work well enough now let's do our Auto bed leveling okay I guess we're waiting for it to go down to the bottom again uh well I'm in no hurry creality sent me this they sent me two reams of paper I don't know what this is about I'm I'm actually really confused right now it's just printer paper this is a 3D printer it doesn't take printer paper this is uh genuinely confusing they also sent me this which makes a little more sense this is 3D printer filament here's some nice matte pla we'll give this a try a little bit later successfully went down to the bottom and now we're going back up to the top all right it looks like the automatic bed leveling is complete I guess I'm ready for a print let's go for the rabbit [Music] so now we gotta wait for it to home at the bottom any day now one thing that's a little Annoying is it's got a pretty loud fan in the base of the machine that turns on whenever you turn the machine on even when it's not printing it makes quite a bit of noise so that's something that I'd like to improve on here maybe swap out a silent fan just to get it to quiet down a little bit but we'll look into that in the next video all right I've done all I can do to get this machine up and running now we've just gotta leave it to its own devices and we'll see what kind of print quality it gets [Music] [Music] that was a pretty fast little print the accelerations were set pretty high the print quality is pretty good though that's with some pretty fast print speed settings I mean this is a pretty promising First Look reality always does this they ship with this really sticky polycarbonate all right next print we'll do the test boat and we gotta wait for it to go all the way down first before it picks itself all the way back up I'm just gonna do my first mod right now which will be to remove this thing if you've watched any of my other videos you'll know I like to Tinker with these things and improve them as I'm doing my reviews and one of the things I'm going to improve right now is visibility okay there we go and now I can see what's going on a little bit better this shroud is a little bit overbuilt it's sheet metal I think we will be better off without it also it adds a small amount of weight which if you know anything about hot end design you want to minimize the weight as much as possible now you can see this kind of odd design choice to go with the Sprite extruder without the normal Sprite hot end on here and instead they attach the little segment of Bowden tube and then they have a completely different heatsink design that heatsink is both heavier and larger than the old one so it's uh it's not my favorite Choice there okay the accelerations on this machine are significantly higher than on my Ender 3. this is definitely going a bit faster than anything I've done on my other Ender machines [Music] this is actually pretty impressive I think this machine could really benefit from some vibration compensation that fancy stuff that you can do in Clipper that lets you turn your speeds up even higher but even just this base machine seems to be running extremely well at these higher speeds well let's just let it run see how this benchy turns out [Music] dispensary just finished up it took about an hour foreign this bed surface but you can see this benchy turned out really nice this is one of the nicest benches I've ever printed and it came out pretty fast too all right on to the next challenge so here goes one more print this is part of the gridfinity ecosystem basically trying to find a way to store all my tools and crap and this seems to be one of the good solutions for that all right first layer is finishing up let's see how layer number two goes foreign that's pretty Speedy nothing too crazy but definitely a lot faster than what I normally print at [Music] [Music] foreign as you can hear this machine is a little noisy it's not too bad compared to some of creality's other offerings other printers that turn off all the fans like the biku Huracan and the trunksy Crux and the artillery Sidewinder X2 that I recently reviewed they're much quieter at standby because it turns all of the fans off when it's not printing this one tends to keep a couple fans on in the base regardless of if it's printing or not so that's just a little bit of extra unwanted noise when creality offered to send this machine over to review my first thought was have these guys seen my videos I'm usually not too kind in my reviews after testing this machine I think it's a design that they can be proud of and I think it's the best 3D printer that creality has ever made it prints fast it's relatively quiet the build quality is above average and the design overall is quite good everything from the wiring to the spool holder placement seems well thought out and well designed there's a few improvements that I'd like to make to the hot end and I'd like to do something about these loud fans in the base of the machine so I'll be doing a follow-up video where I mod the heck out of this thing and just make it a lot nicer but overall this is a really good start for a printer and it seems relatively modable compared to some of the other entries on the market I really think that there's some upgrades that I can make to this machine to get it printing at kind of a really insanely high speed so if you're not subscribed make sure to subscribe to my channel so you can check out those mods later I think this has the potential to become one of their best sellers it's a little bit more expensive than the Ender 3s1 but it offers a lot more advanced stuff like this bigger hot end better part cooling an all-metal heat break and it retains a lot of this 40 20 Extrusion which can be used to bolt on other upgrades and I'm definitely going to be taking advantage of that in my future videos so I think realities really stepped up to the plate big time when it comes to the Ender 5s1 design I think they've done a great job with this printer I'm not sure if I'd recommend the Ender 3s1 compared to this on all my under threes when I wanted to upgrade them I upgraded to like a really big nozzle and just printed really slowly laying down a ton of plastic because those machines couldn't move very fast so the only ways that I could enhance my my print speed were to just extrude thicker lines of plastic but this thing is built really well and it seems like it can move really fast so I'm not going to have to resort to installing a larger nozzle on there I think when I upgrade this I'm going to keep the 0.4 millimeter nozzle size so that I can print all these standard kind of objects I mean most things are designed to be printed with a 0.4 millimeter nozzle so sticking with that standard nozzle size is really nice and if you have a motion system that can keep up and move really fast then you can still print at high speeds and you can print large objects using a smaller nozzle like this so I'm really excited to see what I can do with this printer and just a quick update on my motor boards I'll be featuring the next version of the modern board on the Ender 5s1 when I start doing my upgrades to this machine I should be getting in a shipment of those motor boards next week so I'll be able to start shipping out those pre-orders and I want to give a huge thanks to anyone who's bought one of these boards there's a lot of work developing it but now that we've got these great printers to work with from creality in the form of the Ender 3s1 and the Ender 5s1 we can just slap on one of these modern boards and plug in all sorts of upgrades on here I think it's going to be an exciting time for everyone I appreciate anyone who's made a pre-order here and all my patrons that really helps me keep going and making new content buying new equipment to test and experiment with I'll be releasing a lot of new videos over the next couple of months Happy Thanksgiving everyone make sure to say hi to all your friends and family and keep an eye out for those sweet Black Friday deals thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next episode [Music] oh no this looks like it's a different board entirely very similar layout but it's different so I'll have to do some compatibility testing with my Ender 3 breakout board
Channel: Nathan Builds Robots
Views: 42,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VqNpOWLurl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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