Ender 5 Plus 3D Printer Live Build (2020/08/09)

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hey there we go so you should be uh seeing this and hopefully you're hearing the sound of my voice and everything is going well so let me know as soon as you start getting this stream it let me know that you can hear me that the picture's good i've been working a lot on getting these streams better getting the quality better and hey there we go thanks guys for letting me know um let's see who else here we got stefan with the early the first super chat i really appreciate that and followed up by kd with his super chat thanks guys i appreciate that and uh thanks for joining me here today this was kind of impromptu i needed to do this build and i would rather hang out with you guys and do it with you than to sit here and do it by myself because i mean this is all about community and that's why i do these videos to begin with so sound video is great awesome again i've been working a lot on getting these right hopefully the stream goes well but i'm working with a whole new setup here and i can't promise that there won't be any hiccups so let's hope uh that it goes well sounds a bit slow a bit low okay let me turn up sound a bit i was wondering about that but i should be able to turn it up let's see can i turn up no i can do the balance looks like i'm all the way up let me see do i have my boost turned on yes i do all right so you can't hear you anyone else having is it's just too low okay so again let's get this out of the way first again this is all new setup for me different configuration hopefully that's why the video is a lot better than i usually have let's see master volume speakers master volume microphone device properties ah here we go let's see if this helps let me look at my levels i'm about to turn it up is this working how about that there we go now i'm peeking into the yellows a little bit let's see how about that is that better audio and video is okay let's see great what else we got i'm going to get this out of the way first because i don't want to have to deal with it later so hopefully you guys understand spot on excellent so again the whole point of this was impromptu you know i usually plan these ahead of time but this was i've got to build it so let's build it with everybody um what's going on on the channel well i'm working on a lot of resin printing at the moment and that is not as fun to watch as building these physical moving printers so i thought this would be fun to get back to if you're wondering i'm working on the crowley ld002 which i'm having some problems with i'll be honest and i will cover all the problems i'm having with it in the video i can't tell if it's with my resin printer or with the crowley printer in general so i still have some things to figure out there now the sound doesn't work at all anyone else or is it just john let me get a consensus you didn't miss anything yet wallaby if you're hearing me anyone else problems you're still hearing me i can hear you there is sound okay so if you're not if you if you're not getting sound i apologize i'll need more than one or two people to tell me the sound is out in order for me to to jump off the sound there so all right so we got 40 people in the chat thanks for joining me 43. apparently a lot of people are sitting around on this sunday a lot of people still quarantined with nothing to do if you've got your ender 5 plus and it's still in a box please grab it we're going to be building it together let's see i would love to pronounce your name but let's go m m poffenburger let's hope i got that right thank you for the super chat thanks for the five bucks there i really appreciate it um let's see what do i got uh hopefully you are sitting you have your favorite beverage available i know i'll need mine because i talk a lot when i do a live stream um so let's get this out of the way so this ender 5 plus this was not provided by creality this was bought from directly from crowlty 3d was it reality 3d official i think is their official website it's in the description if you want to order directly from them the link is greatly appreciated uh but this was bought by me this was not bought by corality they did not send this i went to their website when they finally had some in stock and i bought one myself so this is not a sponsored video in any way let's see yeah i mean pink mouse if you want to join in absolutely this is going to take me a minute i'm about to cut the box open as you see the the tape is still on here i haven't even opened it so you've got a minute to get going as we're going i'm going to do my best to keep up with the chat i want to talk to you as much as possible but i also want to get through this build as quickly as possible if i can get this built including all the chatting we're doing uh within an hour and a half i'll be really happy so i would like this to go no later than was at four o'clock eastern standard time eastern daylight time here in the us so i'm gonna go i'm i'm going to move at a decent pace i've built one before obviously uh if you've seen any of my under five plus videos but i'm also going to be following the instructions so that you can follow along with me this uh video will be available later if you want to re-watch if you miss anything so i'm just going to start cutting this open so if you've picked up an ender 5 recently i guess we're both going to find out do we get new power supplies everything i'm hearing from the community from people that have been contacting me have said that they have been getting the uh meanwhile power supplies in there the meanwhile 500s so i hope i do too because my other one's got the 600 as you all know um so this will be new for me let me see i'm i'm still working on this new setup like i said i'm improving the quality of the stream but that means that a lot of stuff is is new and under test here so if if i'm fiddling with the computer more than usual that's why because i'm trying to watch what's going on make sure i stay in frame everything uh let's see oh john appreciate that let's see i'm going to read your comment here as a teacher the 3d printer that makes parts not as a hobby or experiment modify is there a best choice to working on 3d printer to a working 3d printer without the needs for modifications um john you want to tell me what size you're looking for are you looking for something the size of an ender five plus are you looking for the size of of like a standard printer that's like 220 by 220 millimeters let me know that will help me a little bit answer your question um wallaby i i hear yours isn't being delivered until wednesday this like i said the stream will be available you can jump around or you just follow my original preview video uh if you've been following me on social media you'll see that i just passed a hundred thousand on that video hundred thousand views which is a big milestone for me it's my first hundred thousand view video so um i'm really proud of that i'm i'm glad people have gotten so much use out of that video see five plus would be great but smaller will also work so as i said in my full review of this printer i don't recommend it necessarily for first time printers um it's a little bit more to get tuned the interface while it's touch screen isn't the most intuitive thing to get set up for new first-time printers that being said i know a lot of people have used it as their first printer because they wanted something big and they've had various levels of success if i was recommending a great printer that i think works well out of the box and and of course this is one that does this that if you don't need an enclosure on it i like the ender 5 pro the ender 5 pro comes pre-upgraded with all of the first upgrades that i put in my videos for the under five so the interface pro is a great printer it doesn't need a lot of hand holding a lot of upgrading so that's my recommendation and it won't break the bank if you want something bigger that's going to have an enclosure and stuff i might wait on the ender 6. i obviously haven't used the under 6 myself so it's difficult for me to recommend it directly but the under 6 is looking very promising for an enclosed printer uh see peter had his with a mean well um let's see hey you doing drone pilot drone pilot shows up in a lot of my streams i appreciate you showing up today um ender 3 or cr-10 um i have my first ender 3 sitting over here in a box creality just sent me one for fun because they know the ender 3's you know i don't know what the shelf life's going to be on an inner three at this point obviously if you've got one it's going to work forever probably um let's see if i was going to buy one myself i would buy a cr-10 probably the cr-10 what is it s4 pro or something like that i like those over justin ender 3 if you've got the budget for it let's see hopefully that answers your question and again thanks uh everyone for contributing to the super chats so quickly in this stream that's that's really nice of you not expected but appreciated we've got about 56 people in the chat right now watching live i appreciate it so let me go ahead and do something real quick because i know other people are grabbing their printers to get ready to go here so let me go ahead and do this i want to share this stream on the socials real fast because again i did this very last minute so i don't know who knows about it who doesn't right now only people following probably know about it so if you're on social media and you want to help this chat and this community grow please share this stream let people know that it's going on right now that would be a big help for me save me a little bit of leg work on the tweets again if any of you guys notice anything going haywire with the stream if video cuts out or anything please let me know i will get this set up working or even i'm happy with the quality and everything if you could go back i would say if i could go back i would have gone with an ender five plus over an ender five okay well again i think that's with your experience levels um so everyone please chime in let them know what your opinions are on on your your favorite printers here please do let's see what do i got i'll try to keep talking through this so you know i'm not dead and i am back to it all right we got 59 people in the chat and i'm going to start moving forward here um we got the wide shot i can obviously i've got a close-up camera ready here um uh prusa i i re i have a lot of respect for prusa i think what they've done uh in the community their customer service from what i hear a second uh second to none uh you're paying for a lot of that support um so it depends on what your needs are but i don't know too many people with prusas that are unhappy with them so let's get this off so foam i'm going to be just throwing this to the wind and seeing what we've got again as you saw i just cut this box open what do i have i get to figure out how this thing's packaged if you recall it's been a long time since i've built one of these that last one i built i don't know must have been like eight months ago it feels like so here is the print bed now one thing that's going to be interesting to me is some of the stuff will be different from mine mine was a beta unit when i received it it was pretty much final beta but some of this stuff is going to be new to me let's see uh like the build plate i notice i have a nice ender logo down here now which i didn't have before let's go ahead and unwrap this at some point i'm going to have to put the box on the floor because i'm going to run out of room all right so that comes off i have my book which i am going to use like i said i'm uh i'm pretty strict in following directions when i build these things i'm weird compared to a lot of other guys i like following the directions because then it's built right i do that way i do that when i build ikea furniture too i actually follow the book and every time i end up with a shelf if i was planning on building a shelf which is what i usually buy from ikea i'm just moving this around a little bit again this is looks good the thermal barrier on the bottom is in place like i said i've got a nice ender logo here on the front my wiring looks good um they have they do have the yellow orange springs on this printer which most people prefer over the cheaper ones let's see let's see apparently drone pilot's been using 5160s uh i have a of some 5160s that i use on a printer i've been working on that's going to make it back onto the channel again i haven't played with them a lot though um uh sub intro wants to know is it common for the middle of the bed to seem like it dips in the middle well i can say a lot of people have them that dip a lot of them have seem to have them that come up a little bit in the middle it seems to be common it shouldn't be very common on glass but that's why you have the bl touch the bl touch should be compensating for a little bit of rise or a little bit of dip hopefully not much though again it's glass it shouldn't have the ability to warp too much um dude they add strain relief i did not see any no well let me see let me switch over um there is not proper strain relief in terms of like a piece of plastic or anything they have put silicone over it that will help with the strain relief if that silicone holds and and time will tell for me but if that silicone holds that actually will help a lot with the strain relief i do believe in printing a strain relief on this printer [Music] i'll have to show you later or post in the the comments later which one i use but i do like strain relief on this one but i do like the silicone added to this one let's see what's the difference between the plus and the pro the plus is this one it's the large bed the pro is like a regular ender5 with a few upgrades including the silent board a different extruder the metal extruder that i recommend and it comes with uh the upgraded bowden tube so bowden tube um okay manuel i'll do my best to give you instruction it just depends on how fast i move here so i need to get moving so that we get to the printing and leveling part i have decided i am going to put out a leveling video for this printer um with probably the both the default firmware that it comes with meaning the the one that works with the touchscreen as well as the upgraded firmware if you upgrade the main board to marlin and a proper marlin screen because i know a lot of people have trouble leveling this printer and i'd like to walk you through how to do that so if i don't cover it thoroughly here or if you would just like more instruction i'm going to try to put out a video just on bed leveling of this printer let's see okay let's see i've got a wonderful uh cheap white filament that this printer usually comes with i've got my spool holder now i can't promise you exactly when that bed leveling video come out i'm going to try to actually have it out really soon now that i've got this new one that has all default all standard parts on it so but but keep a look out for it i'm going to have it as probably a bonus video on the channel just depending on how everything goes oops all right we have our four extrusions again at some point i'm gonna have to move things around here let's see we got how we doing on numbers have you liked the video yet while i'm unloading this box it's perfect time for you to like this video that lets other people know that you're watching it and it lets youtube know that they should share it more so if you uh if you haven't liked the video yet just take a minute and do that for me it would it would be it would be very helpful so lucas is liking the skr mini better i'm not surprised i'm going to grab the box of parts out of here what i got in a minute i'm going to have to move things around because i'm going to be out of room so here is the gantry make sure i'm looking at the right thing so this is the entire upper gantry everything looks good they're still shipping with this poor plastic extruder that's really unfortunate i wish they'd stopped doing that but it's what it ships with but everything else looks good wiring harness looks good i'm going to set this on the floor because it's not needed yet if i don't take other things with me no matter how much space i try to make myself i always seem to run out i also got i got one of my z's man did they gunk on that uh grease holy crap i guess they're trying to get rid of the squeak on these printers and their solution is grease hopefully you can see that all right yes lots of grease on that one that will have to come off if you haven't seen my video where i replace with the palm bearings i will probably are the palm um nut i will probably replace these with the palm nut as well let's see i got and same amount of grease on that one ton of grease like i said i think they're doing that to get rid of the squeak that is very well known on these tons of squeak so hopefully that gets rid of that all right okay so i'm down to the base here i don't think there's anything else in this box if i remember correctly so we have the base all right let me close this up if i miss something i will have to find it on the floor is this a new version of the five plus um maybe kind of so as i said at the beginning if you're if you just joined us this is a ender five plus perfect all right um so if you missed the beginning of the stream this is an ender five plus i purchased myself directly off of the creality website because i do like purchasing direct because keep in mind i've heard horror stories where they will buy it someone will buy a new crowley printer they will buy it from a third party then crowley expects the third party to be the first line of support on the printer which means that reality will not typically get involved until you've already exhausted that first line of support so if you want direct support from creality day one you need to buy directly from their website so that's my recommendation right here i buy directly from their website as i said this was not provided by creality this was me buying this myself because i wanted another one so keep that in mind let's see what we got um trying to keep up so peter's was dry with no grease which means it probably squeaks like crazy um when in doubt more lube yeah i'm apparently that's it sound is very faint i'm not seeing faint sound on mine so if anyone else is having a hard time hearing please let me know if not tony turn it up check the little bar on the bottom of the youtube video crank it up a little bit um yeah as luke's saying uh you might save a little bit of money by not buying direct from creality but you don't know exactly what you're getting so keep that in mind um so this is my second ender five plus the first one was provided by creality i contacted them early as a youtuber and said hey i did a lot of work on your under five for people will you hook me up with an ender five plus and they did and that first ender five plus was a beta unit so if you're asking is this one newer yes because this one is a production one i've had it for probably sitting in the garage for about a month month and a half or so maybe two months sitting in the garage waiting for for me to do this so this is straight as just anyone else would buy an ender five plus uh what filament types can then their five plus support uh generally pla and petg will work as long as it's not like high temp petg um do i see any differences in this one um as i was saying the only differences i've seen so far uh mine did not originally have this nice ender dragon on the bottom here there seems to be silicone now uh as possibly strain relief possibly just not get electrocuted relief on the bed i'm hoping it'll provide some strain relief i'll find out i'll maybe wait a little bit to actually [Music] attach any extra strain relief and see this enough see the silicone is great because silicone is number one heat resistant silicone is also great because it moves without tearing or ripping or anything is the cp psu covered by warranty yes the the the power supply should be covered under warranty whether it's the chiang laing or the meanwhile i've heard of plenty of people getting replacements uh what i have not heard is that if you try to get your chain ling replaced with the meanwhile that typically doesn't work i think that's because they probably just take those chiang langs go back to chiang laing and goes hey give us a new one so it probably has to do with how they're swapping them out so i don't think you're getting a replacement meanwhile for your chiang laing unless you are doing that yourself okay now one thing i still didn't get set up before the stream was how i'm going to lay everything out here because this board's not big enough uh for this and my laptop so i wish i could have gotten that done so you may see me rearranging stuff here real quick so interestingly enough all signs are pointing to i still may have gotten a chiang lang power supply and i don't know how that works out but let's find out let's see here i'm going to figure this out because i need the working space okay if you see my laptop fall well that was a great stream wasn't it um let's see okay ruined meanwhile power supply that one's a new one okay i've given myself just enough room here to work so first thing i want to do is find out what i do with my tool kit which i've got here so this is my cobalt tool kit i showed this off on a couple of other videos because i really do like it let's see here i'm going to take the bottom off here i do think i ended up with the changlang and i'll tell you how i know the difference is most of the mean wells do not have the voltage selector here for your region most of those are auto selects so let's find out oh i'm going to switch over here so you see what i'm doing you don't need to watch me there we go let me move this over a little bit there you go i'm hoping i'm not showing too much there that looks good let's see what i have here that's too big i'm still getting audio is a little low i'm afraid if i turn it up anymore some people are going to be blasted out because i'm actually seeing yellows here on my mixer how about give me a um i don't know i don't know how many people can do thumbs up and thumbs down here sound is okay well turn it up i guess a little bit i really don't want to blast people out sounds perfect for luke oh well i will listen to this back and see if i can adjust it most of the time when i do like pre-canned videos those are going through an editor where i can set the volume but this is difficult for me to tell so what did i get this is going to be glued in so that is hey changling so there we go uh this is not what i was hoping unfortunately but i didn't select again i just ordered from the factory so i got what i got so some people are getting meanwhile some people are getting changling still uh unfortunately i'm not going to be able to say hey everyone go get your meanwhile power supplies so um the other one you know my i'm pointing at my other ender five plus which is sitting nicely here on the floor um my other ender five plus has that 600 that i recommended i think what i'll do in this one because i'm not looking forward to i don't know in my garage here it's hot still i'm running an ac when i'm in here but i'm still not running in ac for my printers because that seems like a waste of power so i will probably replace this with a 500. since i've got the 600 in there i'll have the 500 in here see if there's any problems um let me see can i get this out or did they hot glue it is it worth it i don't want to waste your time oh well this is glued in here very well so i'm leaving it where it is i think you can see um the board is the regular creality board nothing different there creality display nothing different there uh super nice heat sink on that mosfet i still have to say i haven't heard anyone of having problems with those default mosfet so that's good we'll see i will run this power supply for a little bit for sure because i don't have a 500 watt meanwhile just sitting around i use a 350 meanwhile on my bench for testing which bl touch wires do i have oh all right let's find actually can i tell here well i guess it tells on the board let's look good question i have been showing people a um a hand-drawn picture i have that shows different color pow um bl touch wires so that people know where they go i have so this one's good so this is the newer bl touch because i have the brown orange and red so which is different than my original one brown orange and red so this is a newer bl touch any other questions before i close it up good i'm going to give you a minute any other questions before i seal this back up no okay closing it back up i don't think there's much else to see tell you from a streaming perspective i spent a lot of time trying to get this close-up stream not so white like there's no color to it hardly at all it's very washed out but i gave up on it have you compiled the new marlin yet for this of course i have so if pink mouse if you have missed my epic saga i've actually compiled it only i i actually get what you may be asking have i compiled the new marlin for this main board no in fact if you'll go watch on this channel if you check out my playlist or just the individual videos that i've done on marlin 2.0 i do not recommend putting marlin 2.0 on this printer if you put it on the default one you're probably going to slow it down marlin 2.0 has more in it it has more going on and you're not going to really be adding any features you need to this printer so leave i recommend putting my modif my modified firmware on here that fixes the bl touch offset but i do not recommend upgrading tomorrowland 2.0 on this printer it is a 8-bit board i think you're going to end up slowing it down if you want 32-bit boards i have released multiple versions of marlin 2-0 for the big tree tech boards so if you've got the big tree tech boards you can check those out because those are ready to go people have expressed that they are working great for them that's working yeah that's what i'm working on on my other printer yeah i still can't believe after all this time after me basically telling them about it and doing the work for them that they're still not an upgrade but you can get it for me it's exactly the same as theirs i use their firmware to make my firmware so if you need that bl touch offset just go grab mine okay so what do we have here next like i said i'm going to follow the instructions because that's the kind of guy i am let's see so this is going to be adding the uprights which is what i figured let's see chris on the other e5p as you already have meanwhile sitting on the back of the printer have you thought about making a smaller enclosure for the controller and getting rid of the big one i've thought about it um and my friend from the youtubes david wilson has done that he's actually he actually i think just stuck a big piece of wood on the back of his printer and went with that um but have i thought about doing it i've thought about it but one of the reasons i haven't just moved it to a bigger enclosure or a separate enclosure or a customized enclosure is because this one adds some rigidity to the whole chassis and i like where the screen is on it so while i could move it i like that this is kind of structural so i haven't done it yet don't know if i will thanks pierre i appreciate that glad to hear it's working for you tom yes i know uh thanks in singularity i'm happy that they use my videos on their site i'm i'm glad that it's getting more use than just on my channel i've had a lot of traffic because they've used it so if they're happy with my work and want to share it i'm more than happy to let them uh luke you're asking about the z access sink i've heard from others it works well i am going to do a video on it devoted just to trying out that feature and so if it works well if it doesn't work well i'll let you know um if people don't know what luke's talking about so with the latest marlin firmwares you can do a z-axis alignment which is where your bl touch probe will basically go to the left move just one stepper motor move to the right just move the other stepper motor and align your z-axis z-rods for you now you have to have separate z-motors for your left and your right but it supposedly works really well so i would like to try it using two steppers on this one uh yeah and obviously luke if you want to wait on my video then you'll get my firmware again because i will release it like i always do okay i got those unpackaged there goes the screwdriver you need to have a five drivers board i have a five drivers board that's coming too so i've got the uh pro board which has five stepper drivers which will allow me dual extruders and dual z access that i can't wait to test out and i have to admit i'm pretty excited about that board that's that's like a really geeky board because it has a lot of features some of them you'll use some of them you won't use but a lot of excellent features so i got here hey it did come with an american power cable i never know sometimes it doesn't i got it came with some uh injection molded clips for cable management which my original did not come with and it came with the uh usb drive i got going on so if you are looking for that pro board i am going to be reviewing it so um i got i've got a wonderful clog removal tool just a needle i have cable ties and i've got snips which i promise you i've got all over my house and i don't have enough up still so there we go never have enough for too many snips okay what else hey if i'm going too slow let me know i can speed this up but i'm doing a lot of talking because it's a live stream and that seems more interesting than not talking but if you're on a time crunch and you want me to hurry this up just let me know screw screw screws m25 30s all right so let's see it says these are going to be the 25s hey tom good to see you man it's been a little while i guess it's been a little while since i've done a live stream so it's been a while since i've seen you thanks for dropping by always happy to hear from sweden thinking about moving to the netherlands somewhere sweden in that european area uh not going to get political here but you know what the uh that area of the world's looking awfully good let's see skr mini you're right yeah i can't do that with the skr mini i'm gonna need eight of these northern europe seems nice [Laughter] my wife's been watching all these travel shows like she always does and i have to admit i've been i've been paying attention to them too because it's very nice in northern europe good people good people in northern europe right um heat wave i'm guessing a heat wave in the netherlands is like our normal summer weather i mean right now it's well into the 90s in georgia and that's typical year over year thanks tom yeah guys if you haven't liked it yet go find the like button shouldn't be that hard no pressure no pressure okay so when you're doing these the screw where's the screw oh there okay so the screw goes in the top i've made that mistake before let's go ahead and we're going to first attach them here i'm just going to finger tighten them yep i have not set my voltage switch yet i will just to make sure i don't forget give me a minute when i'm on that side of the printer thank you ben i appreciate that am i doing anything with this five plus yes i am so what am i doing with this five plus i am going to do a few videos of its stock again because i haven't had a stock 5 plus in a while um but this one's going to be different than my other one i'm not doing the exact same mods to it at least not initially at least not until i've got like super configuration i don't like how i'm holding this so if you'll excuse me let me move my wiring here again if you guys have a nice table to work on to do this please use better protocols than i am to align everything so i am using my fingers at this point to align the top you can't see i don't know if i can adjust this or if i just need to go white again let me go white again okay so what i'm doing here i'm using my finger on the top and my finger on the back my thumb on the back to actually align this as i'm tightening it and again i it's not going to get perfect but i want to feel that it's flat that it's flush on both sides um yes uh i do have a core xy mod coming for it uh forgotten the name of that company you guys will have to refresh me in the chat i do have a core xy comp uh coming from a company that is making them for the under five plus uh they've already told me that when they're shipping that i will get one uh i don't believe that they're shipping yet so as soon as they start shipping i should have one uh what pro board am i what pro board excuse me what pro board am i referring to uh skr victory tech victory tech also has a pro board similar to their 1.4 turbo or their mini e3 they also have a pro board that is um really nice if you are wanting additional steppers if you are needing uh additional inputs outputs expandability if you want a faster processor their pro board has everything of course it's a lot bigger again aligning on the side and the back here with my fingers to make sure that they're flush yes k3d thank you very much k3d is the company that has said they will hook me up with that core xy mod to let you guys know if it's worth doing because it's not a cheap mod i think it's over 200 for that mod and that's a lot of money on top of a you know already more expensive printer let's see um yeah the gtr is even more expansion i'm not touching the gtr right now at least until i um decide to do a you know some sort of tool changer then i won't touch the gtr so now i am setting my voltage it did come at 230 i am setting it to 115 the voltage is ready to go now that i have two of these uprights on here it will stand up by itself so you're not going to get to see me drop my printer today sorry about that let's see just put that one on right yes that was luck by the way i had a 50 50 chance on that one because i forgot to check that the screw hole is in the top screw hole right there in the top let's see from senegal hey i think that you're probably the first person that has ever told me they're from senegal during the live stream so welcome thanks for joining me i'm going to try to pronounce your name and i'm going to butcher it and i apologize i always do my best mama do mama do b.a so thanks for joining me um ben's designing an enclosure uh this one did not have the meanwhile which i was surprised i had so many people tell me that hey i just got one and it's got a meanwhile i've just got what it's got to mean well as someone suggested i think that maybe coming from one of the third party vendors on amazon might be providing those mean wells because this did not come with one i was a little disappointed to be honest i was hoping not to have to upgrade that but i am [Music] so paul is still saying my volume's too low wow okay any problems with the exo slide zero zero problems with the access line i love the excess life i'm cleaning my printer less i'm just not worried about the xy motion at all on that printer so i've been extremely happy with it hey freddy from south africa thanks for joining me let's see i've got here a banggood came with the meanwhile i don't know maybe there are just different warehouses and different warehouses have upgraded ones or not upgraded ones and we're just getting whatever supply we get i mean if mine for example i bought mine from the u.s warehouse it's very possible the u.s warehouse just got a slow boat of of ender five pluses in and these had not been upgraded yet so it's it's what i got um can't at this point i can't tell you what you're going to get unfortunately i wish i could i wish i could just get with um creality there and find out what they're doing but i don't have any inside information when i ask those kinds of questions from creality uh sometimes he'll go off and try to find the answers but often i don't hear back let's see what's the print size of the printer 350 by 350 by 400. okay i'm going to turn up the volume i've still got people complaining about the volume if you have your volume turned up now is the time to turn it down right before i turn up my volume a little bit so i'm going to turn it up here let's try this how's that maybe a little bit more all right so now that's peaking i refuse to do that how's that let's see let's do that okay i've turned it up some more i'm still peaking a little bit so i'm not happy about that so let me know let me know if i've screwed up sound for anyone um so luke is deaf hey luke if you're actually deaf i don't think not being able to hear me is my problem uh oh good good it's fine okay um john says everything's great it's perfect now much better wonderful thank you all for helping make the stream better that's terrific that's what i'm going for here like i said new setup i've got i'm doing my best to tweak everything thank you very much i'm learning asl that would be terrific i would love to learn asl but it would be on a big list of other things um no i i don't hit the clips do you hit the clips maybe it matters where you put the clips i usually have to put my clips on the front and the back instead of the sides if that matters oh yeah get tripod in here um i wonder what brian's doing today brian's usually here as my moderator so [Music] tom you're a moderator now not that i've needed one today thank you all for being here and for being so nice and polite and and excellent to each other i appreciate that anytime i do a live stream not to have to need to moderate but now tom's a moderator if we need one hope tom doesn't mind but tom's been around a long time so he gets he gets the honor okay so that's all four of those they're all tightened in again make sure align everything take your time to align there we go be excellent to each other um make sure you take the time to align these things don't just slap it together so like i said i have finger aligned each of these to where everything fits well okay at this point it's not too heavy i'll tell you what this printer is not heavy at all without my 600 watt power supply on it that thing is a beast you're going to see me fiddle around here because i have not given myself enough room to work that's my fault all right there we go i'm going to eventually buy me a bigger table but when i started off this is what i could afford using the funds from the channel oh you don't react to tom i apologize thomas everyone calls me chris even though my proper name is christopher so sometimes i forget so let's go with thomas or maybe i'll just call you viking but then other people won't know who i'm talking about where's your engineering square you know what i just bought a new one it's in the other room i didn't bring it in here with me so uh i didn't bring my engineering square but if this isn't square then i have a manufacturing problem what i got here i'm going to check on let's see oh 93 viewers hello everybody 93 viewers 91 viewer i just lost two people because i mentioned how many viewers i had gotten 46 likes on this one so if you haven't hit the like button what you doing hit the like button all right okay cultural difference i like to know these things thank you thomas yes we short everything in the u.s my daughter's name is sydney and i call her sid when i'm in a hurry she doesn't mind me doing it at this point but she doesn't like other people doing it um so i guess i i get to be dad um thanks john appreciate that like and subscribe hit the bell icon thank you dot judds judds how do you say no it's jud sandage there we go hello new zealand new zealand the people that really understand how to handle a pandemic way to go guys i'm super jealous of new zealand you guys did a good job [Music] new zealand you guys can leave the house without a mask on okay i'm need to hurry up how much time have i killed oh my god it's already 3 30. let's do this okay so next step i'm going to pop the lid on this thing and it's going to be the m525s same thing that i was using before and let's see eight pieces total one in each top one in each side and i need to make sure i put this on in the right orientation they tell me in the instructions that i want to tighten the screws on the top and then the ones on the sides and then possibly do my belt as well let's see new zealand's cool and quite beautiful yeah i know let's see hi from england hello luke from england uh england where most of my genetic heritage comes from so let's see all right so uh which way would you prefer me do this i think maybe you would prefer to see it from the standpoint that i would normally build this from so i'm going to turn the whole thing around and make you guys the audience so that's the front of the printer i'm going to do this this way for now okay so i've got the lid the top gantry system here and so the back is going to be the side with the stepper motors and the front again remember when you're watching a person on a stream do this that this is not how they would do this if they were by themselves doing it that we are working in a very different situation from building this normally so there we go so notice the stepper motor is on the back i got this stepper motor on this side here one thing i'm noticing that they did different on this one which i don't really care for um the the bowdoin tube they actually ran through this um which means that all of this has to get tied together i don't really like that maybe this is what confuses people because i'm always like why is this such a hard wiring but i prefer this bowden tube to be out of here then you can run the bowden tube directly from your extruder to the back excuse me from the hot end to the extruder here there's no reason that this should be coming around back i like to run my wiring over here with the gantry because this is relatively fixed and then this can move right and then i run that bowden directly to the extruder it's a shorter run and there's no reason that it should be it just makes things confusing so i'll i'll try to do that in a minute if i if i get a chance i don't know if i'll do it in this stream yes it's a big printer um what'd i miss okay yep tom does it the way i excuse me thomas does it the way i do it um yeah all right so let's go ahead and finish screwing all this together where did i put there it is okay so what i say what did they do it said do the ones on the top first so we're going to start with the ones on the top i'm going to finger tighten those in a little bit that will begin the squaring process one two three four okay now i'm going to go ahead and put these in from just um getting everything squared up perspective okay came with just enough screws which is fine these aren't like little tiny screws that you're going to lose easily i know you can't see my face not that i don't think anyone's really worried about it now pierre i think that's how you pronounce it pierre i don't like chains on most 3d printers unless you're also going to put some sort of sheathing on your wires because i've had my first printer i ever built or modified or whatever you want to call it i actually put a chain on it and it ended up wearing those wires with that chain so if you're going to put a chain on it please wrap your wires in some sort of nylon covering to keep the wires from wearing away and shorting something out thanks ben um let's see all right so i've got all four finger tightened in a little bit now i'm going to do what they suggest and we're going to tighten the top ones first again i'm going to once you get these in there's not a lot of play here like i can't use my fingers as guides quite as much but you can try but these since they since the screws are coming in from two sides don't give you a lot of a lot of flexibility which is good i'd much rather have less options in terms of how much flexibility it has hello per good to see you from dk you're gonna have to help me with dk i feel like i should know that one but i don't off the top of my head who wants to help me with dk planning on quiet fan upgrades on this one um you know i i should do more of more stuff like that on this channel because i know a lot of people do keep these in their living spaces still i made the uh the mistake from a channel perspective but not from a personal perspective of moving this into my uh garage so i don't care as much about the noise but silent fan sure i'll be happy to to check on some silent fans denmark okay i didn't want to guess that's what i would have guessed but there we go denmark thank you purr for joining us all right luke go and share with the group have you how much how much silencing have you done how much silencing have you done to your printer so uh next thing i'm going to do i'm going to tighten the the all the top ones are tightened now i'm going to tighten the ones on the side first i'm going to start with the back ones because the back ones don't have any adjustment to them so we can safely just tighten these down again please don't over tighten when you're tightening these because you do not want to strip these out uh noctua fans um i've used noctua fans they just don't push a whole lot of air at least that's my experience so next up i'm going to actually see do i need to do any tightening of my belts or are they good this one's really good i'm very impressed with them this is a nice tight belt this one also a nice tight belt i'm really impressed they got that really where it should be and this one um is good enough i'm not going to mess with it actually it's really good i'm happy with how they tighten these on my first printer that i got from them my inner five plus i got from them they were kind of loose they're really good i'm happy all right so now i'm just going to tighten the front ones the back ones are already tightened there we go i don't like the feel of that i'm going to if you ever start putting on a screw and you don't like how it's going in don't force it so i don't really like it we'll see if it feels okay once i get it tightening there we go that's fine so i have to admit i have stayed away from the duet and it's only due to cost um i like the duet i like the company i like what they're doing i like that it's made in the uk but they're expensive and you have to buy their display from what i understand and it's just a really expensive purchase for a printer that's you know you're going to upgrade it yeah so i like these cheap boards in here love duet though if you if you want to spend the money on it i fully support you all right liquid refreshment had so this is one of the reasons i love this printer the design is great the way that they've put the screws in it is such a solid frame um no i agree luke i've got i've got a 20 millimeter thick on an original a net a8 that i've rebuilt a couple of times and it does push enough air for that particular one but um all right so this is again as i was saying i love it it is super super solid this one has been is really built well so these wheels are good they could be tightened up a touch using the eccentric nuts but overall i'm actually really happy with how this one's assembled the belts are really tight i'm actually going to tighten up this eccentric nut just a little bit yeah i mean that was just a hair is all that one needed now i'll tell you how i i test my eccentric nuts how tight do you want them so what i like to do is turn the wheel with my finger if i'm turning the wheel with my finger and it's moving then it's tight enough but you only want it just tight enough it doesn't need to be super tight if you get it super tight you're going to have rubbing it's going to have some binding so you loosen it up until it doesn't move when you turn the wheel and you keep tightening it just a little bit until the rail will move when you turn the wheel so like these all four work now notice i'm turning this wheel i know you can't see this i apologize i can't get every camera angle unfortunately so i'm turning the wheel here and notice it's not moving which means it's just a little too loose now if i just tighten it a little bit it's getting tighter now when i turn it it moves that's how tight i like it and all four of them are doing that now so again straight out of the box really happy with this one it it's just working like it's supposed to this one also these all three of these wheels are turning like they're supposed to so we're good there all right so next up that is all for those now we just need to put together the um rails excuse me the z-axis and these are going to use the fives i've got my uh mic hanging down here just in case i had to run off and grab something i didn't want it inside my shirt i don't have a wireless one yet all right so i've got my 30s here these are the m530s let's see can i poke the belts to see slash here how tight the tension is let's see i don't know if you can hear it but yes they they they give a nice pop when you pull on them so i'm happy with that um i don't use a square um sometimes uh i don't know if people want me to actually run off and get my square now because i don't have it right here next to me so i'm not using a square today but everything seems to be moving well i can re-square it up later if i feel like something's off um but i hope you don't think less of me for not having my square here today let's see will the direct drive from micro swiss fit with the um the exo slide i don't know yet i haven't tried it probably not i'm guessing the holes are not going to be in the right place but i might make a template to screw those to drill those holes in the right places um i i might even try to work with micro swiss or get exo slide talking with micro swiss to get those holes drilled because i do think they would go very well together but it's not too hard to drill those holes yourself if you need to let's see what am i missing i feel like i'm missing something but anyway um all right you guys keep talking amongst yourself let me get this going okay so the side rails the only thing that really should be different is you're going to want the output of the motors here going towards the back because that's where you're going to want to wire it to so since the output of this motor is on this side i'm going to turn this around and it is going to be my on my right it's going to go right here and then the other one again the plug for the motor should be on the back of the printer as well um let's see yeah um teaching tech did do putting reprap firmware on the skrs [Music] i haven't watched it but i did see that popped up on my feed i follow teaching tech as well he does great videos all right so these are the 30s like i mentioned these are going to be on the inside don't want to touch my screw if i can help it because not necessarily that it's going to mess anything up but it will get all over my fingers so i'm going to do the tops of these first and why do i do the tops because it keeps them from falling off i really wish i had a better view for you but like i said it's hard to get every view of a printer this big see i did touch something like uh maybe the rails or something because now my hands are slippery and my paper towels are more difficult to get to there they are always good to keep those handy okay what else we got do the bottoms and again i'm not tightening up these screws until i get all four of them in do not pre maturely tighten your screws because things will be very much out of square what upgrade videos are you looking forward to just more on this printer or specific upgrade videos actually i'll tell you i just finished my latest list of videos and i'm not going to share that with you unfortunately because i don't want to get scooped on anything that's not fun but i just finished my latest upgrade or my latest to-do list and my i've got way more videos than i have time for i've got months worth of videos and i know there's there's probably someone that would everybody would organize my list differently for me because they want to see something more i wish i had more time for all these because i have way more video ideas than i do time as you may know most youtubers particularly those with sub 10 000 subscribers do not do this for a living in fact i make enough to support this channel i don't know if you know this i've mentioned it before at least to some people that every dime currently that i have made off of this channel via from affiliate links or the super chats or whatever have all gone back into the channel i have taken zero money out for my family or for myself it's all gone back into making this channel better it buys these cameras and these lights so if you like the content at least at this point every dime is going back into the content it buys the parts it buys the printers just so that i can do more i had to buy the second ender five plus because i had modified that first ender five plus so much i knew i needed to start over and i have projects that i want to do with these printers that i will show you guys that i couldn't do because i'm always modifying um because i'm always modifying this printer and so i can't do the big 3d printing projects i want to do if i'm always modifying the printer so that's why i'm building a second one here and if it gets to the point where i have more to do and more projects i want to do i guess i'll buy another one i'm about to upgrade the shop here to be able to increase capacity i'm about to add a shelf i'm about to add a third workbench um because these videos at least at the quality that i like to produce them take a lot of space and a lot of time and so i'm just continuing to try to build what i'm doing here so that we we can continue to grow and continue to put out good content and and it's driven primarily by what you guys tell me you want to see and what you guys ask for or just what i think that would make cool videos so hey tripod man good to see you i really appreciate you dropping in anytime it's terrific to see you if you guys are not checking out tripods garage please check him out he's doing awesome videos as well about the ender five plus uh so check out his channel um thank you luke for the super chat i appreciate it um it's a big deal when when you guys contribute it lets me know that that you're appreciating the content and that you want me to keep doing more because like i said the more time and money and stuff i've got to work on this channel the more i put into it so i appreciate it i do everything i can to get out a video a week but i do have a day job like everybody else and so this only happens when my day job and or family always comes first and then i have time for this so is that al i wanna call you al sorry about that al i know uh this can be an expensive hobby uh no doubt like i said that's why that's why i got to put the money into the the channels because these parts don't are not free um you guys i think a lot of people think that more of this stuff is given to us than actually is i end up buying i don't know 90 of what you see on this channel all the parts all the upgrade pieces all the skr stuff at this point i have purchased through channel funds i have just now started talking to big tree tech directly and they're going to start sending me some some boards to test and i appreciate them so big thanks to victory tech for for coming aboard and liking the content and wanting to contribute al thank you very much thank you i appreciate that now don't get your wife at me for mad at me for contributing so you're contributing to the contributing this is a big vicious circle al you know that right um let's see there's a thing of verse for wife um you probably can find some things for your wife on thingiverse but that takes us off topic okay so everything is squared here how do i know it's square because i run my finger along the bottom of this and i'm happy with how it lines up again this is not an engineering square i can come easily along after i'm done here take my my engineering square and and come and make sure everything is perfectly square so you're not going to see me do that here again this is just the build if you have a square please feel free square up all what do we got 3 12 of your corners here or whatever no way more than that 24 of your corners here make sure everything's perfectly square make sure that these rails are square please take the time do it however you like um so let me see i want to see how many people have joined us we've been averaging hovering right here at the 90 viewer mark hey guys i really appreciate you hanging out um i am already at the four o'clock mark and i know i haven't even begun printing yet but as you can see so far i like talking too much so what do i got uh next thing up we're gonna get the bed attached and then we just we're almost there i will not stick around for a full test print unfortunately because it is sunday and the family would like to see me a little bit more today so i'm gonna put the bed on here again if you're unfamiliar with this process uh it's pretty easy to tell okay so first things first it appears i'm going to need to drop these z screws a little bit because i'm running into my nozzle and my bl touch here so i'm going to very carefully drop these down so where i'm not running into that bl touch okay now i'm going to just eye it make sure it's relatively level hey dan 10 minutes ago congratulations um this video will be available later so if you want to follow back along hey tripod hey thank you very much sir i appreciate that i've got my beer here in the next one i will put your name on it okay marco thanks for the excellent question so marco asks would i recommend doing the upgrades right out of the box right when you get started and the answer is definitely not do not do the upgrades until you have run this printer stock out of the box and i'll tell you why if you before you do any of the if you before you've done any test prints start doing all your upgrades and then something doesn't work right you don't know was it my upgrade or was the printer broken out of the box so i would definitely recommend do one or two or five or ten prints just out of the box even if they're little you know doodad prints even if you're you know printing pokemon or whatever do your test prints first you're going to regret it if you don't because because you won't know if it was the printer or if it was your upgrade that broke something so definitely test out the box particularly if you plan on using any warranty support because if you've changed everything out and then calling them for warranty support they're going to be very confused [Music] so and then as i mentioned in my top five ender five plus mods video do them one at a time now again i don't care if you print just a calibration cube between each mod do them one at a time otherwise you're going to be chasing problems if if you've changed your extruder and you changed your hot end and you changed your cooling and you changed your main board or your display and then something doesn't print right how do you know which one of those upgrades broke it so one at a time test prints in between that's what i recommend hey oscar good to see you man um let's see all right where we going am i missing screws nope there they are i think how many screws do i need okay that's right so here are the screws it came with these are the uh m4 by tens and i believe there are going to be eight of them yep four in each corner let me see if i can get you guys a better view while i'm doing this i would prefer so let's go to the let's see if this works excuse me if this really messes you up you're going to get the whole garage it's going to be kersey's garage i'm going to be stealing from tripod there all right you still can't see exactly what i'm doing but maybe this is still a better view overall um second printer after having a five plus a second five plus i like what kd says if you need a smaller printer you can go with a regular ender five if you like this size get the just another five plus uh if you want to try something completely different get you a resin printer because that's very different and prints at a completely different standard than your filament printers there's not a new 32-bit board in this printer they're still shipping the stock one let me grab my right hex key here and so i've got uh these m4s i'm going to put a washer on each one of them it's an m4 with a washer and there's going to be two on each corner again you still can't see this great it's the difference between a live stream and a tutorial video but let me line up the first corner here there we go still trying to find there it is okay again i'm not tightening these down until i have all eight screws in place if i am going too quickly if i am not showing you something you feel like you need to see please ask and i will do what i can to give you a better shot but as i mentioned doing this live is different than doing it um in a tutorial video but since i already had tutorial videos that seemed redundant i have my screw stuck here so i need these needle nose pliers to get everything out it fell apart trying to remember here let me see did i remember to think ow yes i did think al thank you again al just want to make sure i don't forget anyone that's contributing thanks for hanging out with me on what is hopefully still sunday wherever you are um hopefully you're having a good weekend doing some 3d printing i have no printers running right now but that has more to do with the fact i don't have a terrific setup for it right now and that goes with the garage upgrade that i'm working on to add more shelves and more workbenches because i can only do so many things at once again hopefully this printer will help with my capacity to print more projects i want to do a lot more i know if you've been with me for a little bit on this channel you know i started printing a droid i printed the head and then you guys just want me to keep upgrading this printer so since i'm upgrading the printer all the time i'm not printing droid parts hopefully this will fix that i think i'm going to take the printer that i've been running forever as the channel printer the yellow ender 5 plus and i think i'm going to take it and make it the project printer that printer is going to be put to heavy use keep it printing so that i have some project videos not only tech and upgrade videos i want to expand the channel out a little bit more to sort of the stuff i bought the printer for and want to work on so that's the plan this will become the new channel printer that is spending its time being upgraded and modified and poked and prodded luke working on a drone i've always wanted to build a drone from scratch that is some content i would love to put on the channel because i know other people plenty of other people have done it there's some good content online for it i'm a noob to really hardcore rc stuff i've obviously played with plenty of rc toys in my time but not really any of the hardcore stuff where you gotta program the controllers and all so all right so i've got all eight of these in now i'm going to tighten them up because everything should square now that they're all in here yes i'm definitely doing the garage updates tripod i've got a brand new 70 inch 70 inch 76 inch shelf that i'm about to put all metal industrial grade stuff i'm about to put that in i've got a new hard heavy duty workbench that's going over on this side let me switch it up here so i can see what i'm doing all right so yeah i'm going to be putting um over on this side i'm going to be putting in the new workbench basically i want to be able to do two two or three projects at a time since some of these projects take up so much time to complete and then i can work on more and do more in a short period of time means more videos more projects it means that i won't be slowed down as much just by the process of youtubing um because you guys probably don't i don't know maybe some of you do the amount of time that a video takes as opposed to how long it would take to do if i was just sitting around my house doing it at the kitchen table it's quite a bit so yeah this printer when i'm done with it's going to look very different than the other one so marco asked a question yes i did change the power supply dan marco you wanted to know will i be will i be proactively changing out the power supply in this printer i don't know um i don't know what do you think let me know in the comments what do you think should i proactively change out the power supply or should i see how long it takes to die um the last one i did kind of on purpose i did not switch it out because so many people were having problems i wanted to know can i kill this power supply or is it going to last me and it lasted a good what i say six months something like that before it went out do i want to proactively change this so that it doesn't just die during a print at some point and produce a puff of smoke i was lucky on the last one it was at my kitchen table when it did it very strange or do i want to go and proactively do it let me know what do you think i should do next up is the spool holder i seem to be missing a screw but i swear i saw it earlier is it in the spool holder already maybe that's what it is okay they're already in the spool holder so next up i've got to put the spool holder on it has forget i'm on this one first so it already has the screws and the t-nuts already built into it so those aren't in a bag or anything they're ready to go they have so many screw sizes okay i'm going to put this in down here it goes in on the printer so yes this one did come with the cheap power supply if you didn't if you weren't around at the beginning of the video where i was unboxing and taking a look at what i got this did come with the chang lang power supply hopefully i'm not butching that butchering that too much okay so that one's in got to make sure that you feel that t-nut catching okay just finger align it it's not very important on this anyway okay i think that about does it and now i just got to hook up the wiring uh let me how do i want to do this i know you are going to kind of want to see what i'm doing let me see if i can move things around a little bit here um i'm hearing people are coming with um different power supplies depending on where they get it from tripod saying go and swatch it swap it out um he's saying ditch it let's see different supplies depending on where you get them from i love the 600 that's in mine now uh al seems like he's doing all kinds of crazy upgrades good for him now i know why his wife is not happy all right i'm going to see if i can move this camera real quick let me switch to my wide shot so that i can switch this out without messing people up too much if my wire here doesn't get in the way too much okay let's see how much this helps that's not bad okay it's not great it's not super close but let's go to that um maybe it will show enough there we go let's see since they're watching me pierre says keep it run until it dies that was kind of what i was thinking not looking forward to it dying but we'll see we'll see if i just feel like it one day i'm sitting on amazon like i just want to buy something let's go and replace that power supply all right so i'm going to pull all my wires out here so that you can see what i'm doing and that camera is not going to want to just stay there there we go okay just trying to make sure all right decent picture okay so i don't really have any method to the madness here i just kind of go through it and uh you know go through them as i see them so this is going to be the extruder so that goes up here i'm not going to be doing any cable management because i'm not just i don't have the time in this stream to do it and see if i show you that then you can't see what i'm hooking it to like i just can't win i've got it let's do that and then let's get rid of the wide let's do that i like that okay then let's go with another long wire i'm always unwinding these as i go so this one is going to be for my x's so i'm going to grab this this is this x and then the small one is my end stop for my x so that goes over here how many people we still got in chat how many people are still watching this 78 i'm losing people but hey i appreciate everyone sticking around this is running longer because i talk too much but i figure it's better than being boring this one is y so i'm going to take this around this back one i'm going to take it up to the y and then i should have a y end stop i'm going to have to take care of this with cable routing more than anything but i don't really want it near the [Music] the y moving parts so i'm going to take it in front of that extrusion so that it's not going behind it um let me see i'm trying to see if i'm missing things all right what i got this is going to be z so this is one of the z's this is going to be the one that's on the other side because it's the longer of the two so i'm going to take this i'm going to run it it's not crazy i'm not doing any cable routing right now so whatever works keeping it out of the way making sure it's not going to get in the motors or screws or anything let's see next up this is my other z so this one's the short one so it's just going to go to the one that's close by there we go hello tripod he's still here purr don't let me keep you if you've got to get some sleep get some sleep uh go get the kids to school where are you garrett you may have already told me i apologize if i don't remember where are you located that you you are in the morning you got to get the kids to school um yes pierre that's exactly what i'm planning on doing so this is the three wire this should be my filament run out sensor boom and then we have the gantry here so let me show you how easy this is to fix from oh new zealand okay yeah it's getting about that time there so what i'm going to do let me switch back to the outside one all right so hopefully you can see this well enough i am going to take this bowden tube i'm going to pull it out completely okay it's got this nice curve already built into it you see i'm going to take that directly to my extruder see what i've done there now this is a shorter distance this can be run over here and now when this moves check that out super clean this is out of the way over here this is right here creating this nice arch for the filament this is how i run my other printer i had not really thought about it because i didn't realize that this was coming in the tube so if you're running into filament runout detection uh issues uh you can pull this apart there's just a simple switch in there you may need to bend the metal part of that switch a little bit pull it apart find out if that switch is detecting or not detecting where it should be just bend that metal piece a little bit just pull it apart yeah so let me go and finish showing you this while i'm at the wide shot so i'm going to take one of the cable ties it came with all right i am now going to take this which runs this way there is a hole already on the back of this that i can put that into you can't see it in that shot either but there's a hole and i'm just going to just put this right here and then zip tie this down and like this is the perfect solution for i i give it a little bit of you have to pull it all the way out don't let me mix that up pull this all the way out give it a little bit of of room then i'm going to tighten that down right there okay cut that out right there boom there you go so now this is easy to hook up this doesn't really get in the way it can move around a little bit uh oh let me go and do this too so you want to keep this up off out of the printer a little bit just zip tie this back onto that bowden tube real low see now it stays up with the bowden tube i'll probably be switching out the bone tube later but check that out now watch this so now as it moves it stays up if you have any problems move them around don't take this as gospel move things around don't don't don't pm me going hey hey chris um that's not working exactly the way you said just move things around a little bit this is how i run my other printer and it works great [Music] let's see okay so now i've got the last ones here switch over to this shot okay so i'm going to plug in [Music] i'm going to pull my bed down here gonna plug in the bed pop this is the bed thermistor it should be labeled as such yes it says bed thermistor awesome and i'll pop that in then i've got my other thermistors the only other white wire the actual nozzle heater here are the thick red wires plug those in uh blue and yellow are the hot end cooling the part cooling then we have the hot end cooling which is the red and black again if you need up close of this please watch my other video my original which is a lot closer and then i've got the bl touch which is the five wires and that's it again we can do a quick test and now if you're a person that says i shouldn't be doing this because i'm creating the back flow of electricity to the board you're absolutely right it could short out my board i have not seen it happen if it does happen it's on me but this moves making sure i'm moving it slow keeping the voltage down motors produce current when you move them but notice this this now is no tighter than it needs to be everything seems to move the way it's supposed to this is the fullest extent everything is fully extended and we're good the bl touch wires on this one this one had the brown combination the brown orange red okay so see how clean that is see how good that looks alright so what's left i need to pull off i'm going to come around front here hopefully if i've got enough wire i'm going to pull these off actually let me come around back i'm gonna pull these off let's check this whole thing out switch back to the wide shot okay so here is huh i guess it works that way okay so here is my brand new screen i will tell you typically i do not print on this side but then again on the original one i got this side was not this pretty it did not have the nice texture on it i typically print on the glass side that i've already put wonderful fingerprints on i like the glass side better i'm willing to give this new surface a shot it's like the ultra base which you clean with ipa typically and it will stick like crazy so i will give this one a shot on this printer since it's new i usually pull these back a little bit apparently this scratches really easily so be careful there we go hey streaming problems oh just walk around chris just put it on don't worry about it all right here we go okay so am i missing anything in the chat have i messed anything up chris why are you only answering other producers what um what am i saying five five five pints what do you mean answering other produces i assume that's a typo or something um let's see texture side works quite well from why i do not want to use ipa on it will ruin the coding okay thank you thomas didn't know i'm going to check my book see if it says anything about cleaning it luke says ipa won't hurt it i guess i'll find out chris why are you only answering other content creators have i only been answering content creators i think i've been answering pretty much anyone that has answered ask questions did five pints ask a question that i did not answer i don't know no i'm answering everyone here i don't even know who content creators are here except for uh thomas thomas creates content tripod creates content i'm talking to everybody ah okay anything else it looks good right so do i have a plug i've already got one down here because this is where my under five plus was previously uh is it turned off it's turned off yes i have spider webs on it because i'm in my garage what's going on am i going to install new z bearings lm10s um um no not unless these are damaged so what i typically have done what i did on my other ender five plus is i actually pull these out just unscrew them see if they move freely without any noise or without any knocking and if they're fine then i leave them alone now if i were to have one that wasn't moving smoothly yeah i would replace it in fact i've already purchased some i've got these right here waiting in case i ever need them from ziltek so i am prepared if i need to um see you guys in 15 minutes all right garrett i'm going to try not to go too much longer i'm way over time here so i'm going to plug it in all right so let's let's get this ready i'm going to make sure i do this right for you guys let's go ahead and make sure that you can see what the display does so that's what you want to see right let's see if that's it okay that's pretty good is that good too good for you guys uh those uh this is a zyltek let's go and i'll type it for you ziltek that's who i order a lot of parts like that from i think if you use the code kerzy fabs it will save you um oh sorry about the georgia accent i try to keep it down i really do but the more excited i get the more i talk the more that accent comes out but i know i have an international audience here and i try to keep that down if you use i'll tech zyltek twenty percent off if you use that code i've been supporters of theirs for a long time they've got great products and they're relatively cheap all right now that i've had a a drink before we do this let's see what the results are think i've got a good view here if you can't see something let me know let's cut it on looking good not getting um there it goes all right oh man what you get when you throw your garbage all over the floor okay so it looks good let me move my monitor around so i can see myself i want to make sure you're getting a view here that's useful i think most of you have seen this before maybe not i don't know there we go okay so look good everyone yes okay let's see so settings now this is about the best view i can do to give you the screen and give you the printer um let's say settings and the first thing to do on here is leveling and i know the biggest complaint that i get from most people with the leveling is you hit leveling and your bltouch crashes in your nozzle crashes in and all hell breaks loose so let's find out if that's um what's going on so leveling i'm going to have my finger on the power button just in case that you know bad things happen man it is loud i forgot i've been running the silent board for so long let's see am i going to crash or is it going to do what it's supposed to i did get a really nice straight bl touch probe it's not bent or anything there we go there we go it did not crash it's looking good is it going to crash this time nope didn't even crash that time okay so i'm going to do this quick tutorial this is going to be the end of the stream because like i said i have gone way over here and i do have to get back to regular life first thing i'm going to need is a sheet of paper because i still do the paper method bed doesn't seem level probably isn't i just pulled it out it's probably not level in fact i know it's not going to be level uh in fact i do hope i brought my yeah i brought my ruler i'm going to show you the method i use to level this bed all right so here's what we're doing i'm going to turn it off okay first thing i'm going to do i want to make sure that my left and my right gantry are relatively aligned they don't have to be perfect because the bed leveling is going to take care of a lot of this so i'm going to go from the plate right here at the edge i'm going to go from the plate to my gantry i'm going to pick up a measurement so for example i'm going to pick 6 centimeters now i'm going to move this up to 6 centimeters now i don't have to be perfect here again my bed leveling is going to take care of the rest but i want to know that my left and my right are accurate so i'm going to do six centimeters i'm going to go over to the other side i'm going to do the same thing and it's way off so i'm going to go down and i'm going to hit six centimeters there we go now at least i know that my left and my right motors are the same um i like this way as opposed to using the the you know the actual bars the the z-axis itself i like this way because what it does is it aligns it to what's actually doing the printing so this is a little bit better the other way is probably fine but i'm going to cut it back on again i'll see if i have time i'm not promising again i'm way over time here um let's see so settings leveling i should have heated it first okay let's go and do that i need to heat it if i'm going to do leveling so temp manual i'm going to set the nozzle for what i usually print at which is 205 and it doesn't want to hit two because i'm typing this at a weird angle 205 okay i'm going to preheat the bed to 60 which is what i usually print that i'm going to let it heat oh it's not going to like that at all i plugged it into a ups and that ups is going to scream at me because it's going to try to battery back up something that it can't support so let me switch that over turn it back on ups is do not like a printer that pulls this much power so yeah mark i ordered this one straight from the website this one came directly from ender reality 3d official nope dan you're great that's the better one good premium power supply uh what did marco ask i ordered straight from the website um do you need to order a meanwhile um it's up to you you can wait and see if the power supply came with dies on you or you can go and proactively uh replace it with the meanwhile 500 or 600 go watch my video that i did on the meanwhile power supply on the power supplies failing in here i think that will provide more information than i can right at this very moment um i'd rather do that than go over all of it so if you want to be proactive yes go get you a meanwhile now if you're willing to see if yours last then keep the one you have mine lasted six months before it died no it was under heavy printing i mean i can't say i printed constantly for six months but if you see my channel i do a fair amount of printing not just on weekends so uh average use over six months you know not it wasn't sitting by itself most the time it also wasn't printing non-stop so average use for six months so let's get this heated up sorry if i missed that marco it wasn't intentional i try to catch all the comments there's a lot going on well it's heating up i see a little of the filament that they tested the printer with in there so i will say i have noticed this printer was tested first of all i could see that right here where they had removed the screws there was some marking that this had been screwed in before i am noticing that filament is coming out of the nozzle so this printer was built it was powered on it did print something because they have filament in it so they do test their printers before they leave the factory i know some people try to claim that they just slap these in a box but that's not the case there's proof yeah if you want to if you want to wait till it dies and you want to rma it you can if that's what you want to do with the power supply that's fine let's see what filament do i have down here i have some something that says 3d print filament i'm sure this is good high quality stuff while it's heating up i can get this in here i'm going to snip off the filament at some angle some people say 60 degrees it's something and then i basically just snip the tip a little bit so that it doesn't have a sharp tip on it and this filament is already breaking on me let's find out if something fails blame the filament at this point because this is old stuff this is not the stuff i usually print with it's what i had under the table so like i said clip the tip straighten it out with your fingers so that it goes through should be pretty easy to just get that in there i'm not going to push it all the way in the hot end i'm just going to get it near it so that's near it okay go to brand of pla filament one i have tons of it love their stuff prints at 205 for all their regular colors 215 for their sparkly specialty stuff it prints so good i never have to worry about it screwing up my printer filament one i can give you guys a affiliate link if you want to help out the channel later but if not just go over there and buy some because they have excellent stuff um i love it okay so we're heated we're gonna go settings leveling i use these little tie pliers for everything gets filament off terrific i'll have to say um i know you're asking thomas i'll answer too if you don't mind the uh 500 is probably enough i have had zero complaints about the 500 i've had no one tell me that the 500 has died on them the 600 has overhead so if you want overhead get the 600 if you the 500 seems to be fine for most people um okay so as i said leveling menu ready to go i'm just going to do the paper method and i'm just going to move the z offset z down z down z down z down until it's tight now on this printer i have noticed that it's better to go tighter than looser so i go to the point where it's actually tight and again that's just from experience if you need to loosen it back up later play with your adjustment later because i normally wouldn't make it that tight but with this interface for some reason tighter is better then i go into the aux leveling and it's already squeaking so still recommend upgrading to the palm nuts i wish they'd just ship it with the palm nuts because it squeaks like crazies without them the ptfe oil or ptf grease also does a good job of getting rid of the squeaking okay so first things first we know one should already be leveled let's hit one okay that is tight where i left it all right let's do two and i always have my paper underneath it ready to go it keeps you from scratching the build plate that's a little tighter than i want i can't even pull that out so that's pretty good okay again this is tighter than i normally would on other printers like the regular ender 5 i don't have to go this tight don't know why it's that way on this printer okay and this is a filling thing you'll get to the point where you can feel this a lot better and know how tight it needs to be just from experience it's something hard to explain what something feels like man these things are cranked all the way down which is good it's a good place to start this one's too tight yeah that one's too tight unfortunately so i may have to go a little looser and work separately now that i've already done this once so what i'm going to do since i'm finding one corner too tight now that i've made adjustments all the way around what i'm going to do i'm going to go back up and i'm going to back out again i'm going to go to leveling again so that it will re-home and the reason i'm doing this is so that it i get to start over i'm finding something that's not working exactly right so i'm just going to re-home it [Music] this is not obvious to a lot of people that you know have not done this before that things adjust now since i adjusted these three corners the whole bed is different than it was before i started in terms of like the the plane that the bed is on there we go okay let's go one loose for this part all right let's do that aux and then i'll bring it back down one right before i'm done in this menu [Music] [Music] all right press one again all right so it's loose i'm going to leave it there for now 100 viewers this must be the part everyone was waiting on okay so i'm going to loosen this one again again it should feel like the center one does see since i re-homed after i moved those first three it's going a lot better this time sometimes you just have to start over since you're not getting the results you expected the results you want you start over and you do it right okay now all of these are feeling really good from where i would want them to be i'm going to check out one again since i removed the whole bed see now this one's tight again adv 3d good to see you first three first i was just talking about the different leveling points so now this one's too tight i'm going to have to do this again i'm going to loosen it now it's loose again i'm going to go to aux leveling again keep going around until you get it level this is not a one and done sort of thing sometimes it will take two or three times to get a bed level particularly for the first time it's heating up it's you know changing its shape make sure you don't get your uh paper in there and so you're going to have to make modifications as you go [Music] all right let's go to one again it's too loose don't know why it's so loose i get out down again okay box leveling again thanks asker for dropping by i appreciate it this is where most people struggle it's a very time consuming process particularly the first time to get it right it's not intuitive necessarily because you don't know that you have to re-home sometimes to start over particularly when you've moved three out of your four screws and now the entire plane of the bed has shifted so i'm hoping this video helped maybe i'll pull this part out to show that it's not easy to show that it's somewhat time consuming but see the reason you don't have a lot of youtubers doing videos on things like this is because it's long it's not the most interesting thing to watch and so unless you're looking for this specific content it's not going to get that wide of viewership no i never press that offset to zero i've never done that and i don't know if other people do that and maybe that's where they get screwed up because i've never had to press that center button to reset the offset this keeps things working better from what i've seen um sorry if i'm missing a lot of questions right now i know that i'm not 100 in the chat because i'm doing this there we go i think this is going to be pretty level uh i've made it all the way around without anything really getting off let me check one again if one is good i'm going to call it level it's still tighter than i'd want it to be but we're going to try that because i'm hoping that i've been around a couple of times i've gotten as level as i can i'm going to do the measured leveling at this point that squeaking is the z screws my other printer did this as well a lot of other people's printers did this as well it's either going to take ptfe grease something really good some ptfe oil ptf great ptfe grease on it to work out those noises or switch to the palm nuts which is what i recommend and you won't have any more squeaking let me show you what i use so this is what i use on mine let's see let's do down here there we go so that's what i use dupont white lithium grease uh with teflon that's what i do use on it it took care of it for me before i switched to the palm nuts so that's what i recommend uh the pitch of these knots i'm gonna have to look that up i don't remember off the top of my head maybe someone in the chat remembers [Music] um let's see [Music] what is m600 601 i don't know off the top of my head that that g code i know a lot of g codes i don't know 600 601 off top my head fill me in so i don't have to look it up um it usually gives me really close measurements the same time i can't say that they're identical i don't i don't believe i've pulled out my chart and seen if they're exactly the same but they're pretty good [Music] drug drive or bowden for every for ender five plus any preference i have my new direct drive from microswiss i already have in hand it's one of my upcoming reviews that will be the first time i can tell you for sure whether i like direct drive better on this printer so i reserve judgment until i've tested it oh filament change i don't know i don't think i've tried m600 or m601 on this stock firmware i know i've built it into my firmware uh on my upgraded main board so i recommend i don't know i haven't tried it on the upgraded firmware i know i have everything that you need to do the filament change uh thomas two millimeter pitch four millimeter lead um yep tripod is saying direct drive because he actually has one um uh the nuts the nuts are these right now they're brass on here uh if you want to switch these out for the palm nuts go check out my top five upgrades for the ender five plus video my top five upgrades for another five plus video has everything you need to know about switching these out for the palm nuts it will absolutely get rid of your squeaking because you will have no more metal on metal there uh-oh froze up let's see i know what happened there we go sorry about that i'm back it was just the camera the camera goes to sleep okay so that's it uh bed should be level now i'm going to be brave and do a test right here on camera let me get out some of this filament all right i don't have one of my test sd cards handy so i'm going to pull theirs out clearly filament is extruding well wow that's stuck to that bed really well it's hot let's take their sd card that came with the printer it goes in upside down if i remember correctly so if you want to know about my leveling results i think you can still see those here leveling results uh i have a zero in every first position except for this one down here and this one down here that's what i look for in bed leveling to know if i did a really good job if that tenth is is if i only got one or two of these in the tenth position everything else is super level relative to each other um and again notice this point one is only point zero zero two five off from this one so it's well within range there's a little bit of a bulge here but this should compensate for it so auto leveling i have turned off i don't need it so i'm just going to back that up next print you tell me i can't see anything on their sd card wow that sucks this is the one that came with it i thought that i have one in their directory do i have to move one around no pre-sliced files print nope interesting that's kind of lame i don't know if i have i have anything pre-sliced probably not for this configuration in any way because all of mine are going to be for an upgraded one let me check otherwise that's going to be it for this stream it probably should be anyway to be honest i've gone way over time see what i can find on this usb drive nope everything i seem to have is an stl i'm not going to take the time to slice everything appears to be working the next thing i'll do of course is run a test print with something that i already have i still have my original profiles um let me see here so i think that's about it guys uh i'm i know you all wanted to see a test print but i think i've gone way longer than i planned to here uh i have shown you the printer does boot up i am able to get it leveled the way i want it to i will do a test print on here when i get a g-code ready for it i think that's going to have to be it because otherwise i'm going to put a g-code in here that's not really designed for what i currently have set up so uh recommended slicer cura cura is the only one i've practically ever used i've played with some of the other ones but the uis were weird and they have kind of a learning curve i've played with crucial but again i'll learn i could learn it but i'd have to take the time to learn it um let's see i appreciate everyone joining me for this extra length stream thank you for joining me all of you guys that took the time to spend your afternoon with me all of the time that um for all of you that that left the super chats thank you for the donation to the channel like i've told you all of that will go directly back into the channel at this point i'm hoping not forever but at this point all money that the channel makes goes back into the channel for buying parts for buying printers uh equipment lights cameras all of that to keep everything better i hope that this stream had better quality and the just the overall content was better than ones i've done before if you have enjoyed this please leave a like if you would like to support the channel long term please check out patreon paypal links down below again everything else is appreciated guys thanks for just watching all of your likes all of your hits everything that you've um that you've given me on this channel have been terrific thanks for the views i will keep making content for you and thanks for everyone that particularly if you're in europe if you're somewhere else in the world and you've stayed up late with me thank you very much uh let me see thank you luke um thank you per marco tripod thanks for everyone joining me if i've missed your name here at the end i hopefully hopefully i messed you excuse me hopefully i mentioned you during the stream manual emanuel thank you very much again i'm chris and this has been kersey fabrications actually building a printer today you
Channel: Kersey Fabrications
Views: 11,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d printer, 3d printing, Ender 5 Plus Live Build, Ender 5 Plus Live Stream, creality ender 5 plus, creality ender 5 plus 3d printer, creality ender 5 plus assembly, creality ender 5 plus bed leveling, ender 5 plus, ender 5 plus assembly, ender 5 plus bed leveling, ender 5 plus bed leveling issues, ender 5 plus build, ender 5 plus build instructions, ender 5 plus setup, kersey fabrications, best 3d printer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 44sec (8684 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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