End Times Vatican & Wormwood Prophecies | Tom Horn | Something More

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[Music] BD: Welcome to "Something More." I'm your host, Bob Duvall. And I'm here with Tom Horn. Now Tom has been a guest on "It's Supernatural!" many times, and Tom is a best-selling author, publisher, CEO of SkyWatchTV. He's a radio-TV personality. God's using you, Tom, in so many different ways. But I want to go back to when you were in your 20s. You were a new believer, and you died? TH: Yeah. BD: Tell me about that. TH: Yeah, so, you know, very, very hungry, young Christian, just very passionate, praying every possible hour of the day. And basically, begging God to please let me be involved in the ministry full-time, that's all I wanted to do. Like the Bible says, "The zeal of the Lord hath eaten me up," right? And so, I came home from work one day, prayed before I went to bed, for probably several hours. BD: Wow. TH: And then went to sleep. BD: So, you were hungry. TH: Yeah. BD: You were -- TH: Very much so. BD: Okay. Wow. TH: But went to sleep, and the next thing I know, I am standing in front of a very, very brilliant light. And it's actually impossible to put into words exactly what it was that I was seeing. There was a brilliance of rainbow-type colors, so this was more than three dimensional, this was 10-dimensional or 20-dimensional, or something. BD: Now, it was, like, instantaneous? You weren't going through, like, a tunnel, or any -- TH: No. BD: Okay. TH: No, it wasn't your standard, like, near-death experience. BD: Yeah. TH: Or maybe it was, I don't know. But anyway, I'm in front of a brilliant light. Now, somehow, I knew that I was standing before God. I also somehow knew that He had told me some things, and He had shown me some things. And in fact, part of what I never get into is, I also knew that a scroll had rolled out in front of me, and things were playing out on this, like I was seeing the future. BD: Okay. TH: But then all of a sudden, He tells me, "You have to go back now, and you're not going to remember." So -- BD: That's crazy, though. It's, like, He brings you up there, He shows you all these things, and then He said, "You're going to forget," you're not going to remember this stuff? TH: Yeah. Right. BD: Why? TH: Well, I didn't know until later, I learned later why that was the case. But the last thing I recall is me saying, "Please, don't let me forget. Don't let me forget, it's too wonderful. Don't let me forget." But He had told me I was going to forget. So, I started falling backward. It was just as if somebody had pushed me out of an airplane, and my back is towards the earth. I could literally hear the wind going around me, it was so vivid. And this light is moving away from me very quickly. Moments later, I literally saw the roof of my house go around me, right? And I landed on the bed with what felt like a thud, right, and I sat up in bed. Took in this deep breath [gasps] like that. And now I was no longer in this dream state, but I was literally physically awake now and sitting on the bed. BD: Well now, I've got to ask you, Tom, how do you know you really died? I mean, it could have just been a weird dream. TH: Right. Except for the fact that I hear weeping. And I turn and I look, and my beautiful, young wife is sitting up on the bed, her head is down inside of her hands, and she's been crying for a while. BD: Hmm-mm. TH: And I said, "Babe, what's the matter? What's the matter?" And when she's able to collect herself, she explains how she had woken up in the middle of the night, and I was dead. No breath, no heartbeat, no pulse, no anything. BD: Wow. TH: And she had literally spent quite a bit of time, something like maybe 15 minutes, trying to resuscitate me, trying to blow into my mouth, beating on my chest, trying to get me to respond at all. BD: So, you were dead-dead. TH: I was dead-dead. BD: I mean, it wasn't a like a minute, a 15-minute period. TH: A long period of time. And so, you know, I'm trying to take all of this in, and still wondering what had just happened to me; where was I, what was it that I saw, why was I told I would not remember? BD: Right. TH: You know, I probably shouldn't tell you this, but the next day, I went and found my pastor, right? And I tell him what happened to me. And his response, you know, was pretty much, "Well, you probably ate too many chili beans before you went to bed." BD: Ah. TH: He thought maybe I had even been poisoned somehow, right? But the idea of something supernatural just wasn't in his bailiwick. So, I learned really quick, you know, and the New Testament says not to give that which is holy onto dogs, or -- BD: Mm-hmm? TH: You know, pigs will turn in random under feed, and so, I'm not saying my pastor was a pig. BD: Right, yeah, yeah. TH: Nice AG guy, but he just didn't get it. And but what then happened was, that caused me to really withdraw into myself and not to talk about any of this publicly. But it was praying, every single day praying. You know, why did this happen? Why would You -- it didn't make any sense to me. Why would You tell me things --? BD: Mm-hmm? TH: But then say, "You're not going to remember." BD: Of course. TH: That just didn't make any sense at all. BD: Yeah. TH: But I also happened to be reading through the Bible for the first time in my life, book by book through the Bible. And a few weeks after that event, still praying about it every day, I'm in the Book of Job, Chapter 33. And you know what the charismatics talk about, the Logos and Rhema? BD: Right. TH: The difference between the printed word, and then when the word comes alive, right? BD: Mm-hmm. TH: And I was literally reading through, and here's what my eyes fell upon in Chapter 33 of Job, Verse 14, "For God speaks once, yea twice, yet man perceives it not." Now that's the first clue that there's something hidden here, right? BD: Mm-hmm. Right. TH: Verse 15, "In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed, then He opens the ears of men and seals their instructions that He may withdraw man from His purpose, and hide pride from man." And there, for the first time, was the answer to my prayer, really in great detail. He even explains why you're not going to remember. He says, this to withdraw man from His purpose. I totally understood that even as a young preacher, that if I had then saw the fact that someday I'd be sitting here with a guy like Bob doing television, and you know, on the Sid Roth program, BD: Mm-hmm? TH: And if I would have seen all of this, being a publisher, being a best-selling author, speaking at conferences, you know, what would I have done? I would have aimed at it, and I would have done everything I could do to go directly there and make it happen. BD: Right. TH: That would have been my purpose. He wouldn't let me remember why because He had a different path that it was important for me to walk through, both the good, the bad, the struggles, everything that I would have to learn that could season me and qualify me, that later on be able to do what I do. But He also says to hide pride from man. BD: Mm-hmm. TH: As much as I'd like to think that as a young preacher, if I had seen doing all of this stuff that I would not have been lifted up with pride, it's very possible, right? BD: [Laughs] Yeah. TH: Because again, not seasoned, not experienced. So, there was a methodology behind it. And so, BD: Okay. So now God, though, did have a purpose, and He did unfold to you later on some of those things that you received in Heaven, but you didn't remember. And when we come back, Tom is going to talk about one of those things that God showed him. [Music] It's an amazing prediction about the pope that came true. Come back and join us in just a moment. [Music] BD: Welcome back to "Something More." I'm here with Tom Horn, and before we get to your prophecy about the pope, one of the things that God revealed to you was something that was happening, or going to happen, in the religious institution you were part of. So, what happened with that thing? TH: Yeah, so I don't talk about that one very much publicly, because there are elements of it that are embarrassing to some of the executive members. I was, I went on to pastor, by the way, for 25 years in the Assemblies of God, or right at 25 years. I was an executive in the Oregon district of the Assemblies of God for about eight years. And right when I retired, and by the way, I've never been so busy, being retired, in my whole life. But right when I retired from the Assemblies of God, I had a vivid dream. And when I woke up, I wrote down almost a whole series of, like, 12 points of things that were going to happen, one of them even included the death of a young man, before it unfolded. BD: Mm-hmm-mm? Right. TH: And I sealed this and sent it to the state superintendent of the Assemblies of God, gave my son a copy of the letter. And not long ago, my son recovered that letter. And he came back to me, and he was just ashen white. He said, "Dad," he said, "This is spooky. It's scary." BD: Mmm? TH: He said, "Every single thing you put on here happened exactly as you detailed it, including the death of this young man." BD: Mm-hmm? TH: So that was one of the times. But again, there's a lot of elements to that that could be embarrassing to some members of the organization, BD: Right. TH: So, I don't talk about it often. BD: But the fact was, you heard it in a dream ahead of time. So that's sort of the pattern, then. TH: Yes. BD: God unpacking, unfolding these things to you at the appropriate time, like in a dream. You'll wake up and you'll have a knowing, TH: Mm-hmm. BD: That this is going to happen, and then you documented that. So, let's fast forward then, a little bit, to the whole thing about the pope. Now this goes back just a few years to, let's say, 2011. And you and a researcher you were working with, Chris Putnam, TH: Right. BD: Were looking into a 900-year-old prophecy by St. Malachy. TH: Mm-hmm. BD: About the popes. And what was that about? TH: Yeah, so allegedly, Malachy O'Morgair, he was an Irish bishop, and in the 1100s, he was summoned to Rome by Pope Celestine II, to give a report on his diocese. So, there's a big long story, we talk about it in the book, Petrus Romanus, he's traveling across Europe. BD: Mm-hmm? TH: He's saying the conditions of the average person -- and he was really a people's individual, he cared about people and their suffering. And he's seeing all this terrible plight across Europe, then he winds up in Rome, and it's just the opposite, the opulence, right? All the regality and the gowns and the fine wines and money and power, BD: Yeah. TH: That the popes were enjoying, and the cardinals around the pope. And he was really put off by it. So, he gives this report, now he's leaving Rome, and as he's coming over the top of the seven hills, according to the story, he suddenly receives a vision. And the vision's actually a judgment against the papacy. He sees that God is only going to allow this to go on so long. And so, he writes down a series of 112 lines, each one of them representing each pope that would arrive in succession. BD: Wow. TH: From Pope Celestine to the final pope, who he calls Petrus Romanus, Peter the Roman, right? And this would be the pope that would be sitting on the throne of Peter in Rome, when the earth enters into the great tribulation period, and the false prophet arrives, and the personage of this pope, pope number 112. BD: Okay, but that -- but that's, like, centuries ago. TH: Right. BD: So, let's fast forward a little bit. There is this Belgian Jesuit priest named Thibault, Rene Thibault, TH: Mm- hmm? BD: Rene Thibault, who studied this Malachy prophecy. And based on that, he decided, or he predicted that a pope would resign in, like, 2012. I mean, that was 60 years in advance. TH: Right. BD: And your associate, Chris, translated, studied what Thibault had to say. And you all came to the conclusion that yes, this was going to happen. And you had a dream in connection with this as well. TH: Well, so here's what, yeah, so this is what's interesting. Thibault never said that a pope would resign. BD: Okay. TH: He only said that pope number 112 would arrive based on his predictions. BD: Ah. TH: Which some of it was just based on just simple mathematics, the average span of a pope, you know, formulating that forward. BD: Mm-hmm. TH: He also got into some mystical stuff, you know, the stars and the moon and alignments, and just a bunch of stuff. But he predicted about 65 years now ago that the 112th pope, would arrive, he thought, sometime around April of 2012. Now here's what's very strange about what happens with me is, I will see something, I will write it down ahead of the event, ahead of the discovery, and share it with people. And the one about the Pope Benedict resigning in 2012, I spoke everywhere about that. BD: You went out on a limb. TH: I really did. Two thousand and ten, I go to bed -- and by the way, I don't know the significance of this. BD: Right. TH: Maybe somebody watching this show can tell me. It's always right at around 2:00 a.m. in the morning. BD: Hmm-mm. TH: When I fall into this place, and I'm back there now again, and the scroll is unfolded again. And I see this stuff in very vivid depictions. And this time it was really simple. All I saw were very dark clouds rising up over the Vatican, and I woke up. And the minute I woke up, I started to write it down. There wasn't a lot of detail, but then I started writing that Pope Benedict XVI is going to resign. And I even put a date and a time on it in April of 2012. So, came on Sid Roth's "It's Supernatural," I'm on all these different programs. BD: Right? TH: All kinds of media. BD: Yeah. TH: My own program as well, by then. And I'm saying, I predict that Pope Benedict is going to resign, he's going to do it in April 2012. Well, I'm saying this in 2011, right? BD: Yeah, but Tom, we get all the way through 2012, and nothing happened. TH: Yeah, that's what it appeared, right? BD: Yeah. TH: In fact, by the way, because I had gone so far out on a limb -- and I knew that this was going to happen, no doubt whatsoever. I had seen it. BD: Right. TH: None of these quickenings, revelations, so far have ever failed to come true exactly as I've seen them. So, this really had me bewildered. Now I was back to God again, now wait a minute, what's going on here? I don't get it. BD: Right. TH: So, we go all the way through 2012, but then what happens is, February of 2013, the Vatican announces Pope Benedict XVI has resigned, he is stepping down. BD: Okay. TH: Right? But that same day, and people can Google and read this for themselves, the L'Osservatore Romano, which is the Vatican's media outlet, printed an article, but they also gave an interview to a New York Times journalist. BD: Mm-hmm. TH: And in that interview, they admitted that Pope Benedict actually officially, secretly, resigned before the Roman Curia when he returned from a trip in March of 2012, and they accepted it in April. So, it involved both March and April. He did it in March, they accepted it in April 2012, just exactly as I had predicted that it would happen. And by the way, if you read the article, it says it was kept in a strict reserve, a for your eyes only, top secret security clearance required, right? But even for cardinals. Most of the cardinals were surprised, they had no idea that this had happened. BD: Wow. Did you get that? So, God showed this to him, he knew it, he knew it was true. And even though he went through 2012, didn't see evidence, but when they got to 2013, it turned out, yes, it really happened. Okay. I want to get to a more current prediction in the next segment. [Music] And this is something that's going to be coming up, and it's earth, literally, earth-shattering. You don't want to miss this, come right back. [Music] [Music] BD: Welcome back to "Something More." I'm here with Tom Horn. It's been a fascinating discussion. And Tom has so many different books on different subjects, and it's -- we could sit here and talk all day, but we don't have all day. But before the break, I talked about a more current prophecy, or more current prediction God has shown you that's going to come to pass. About a year ago, you had a dream. TH: Mm-hmm. BD: Tell me what that one was about. TH: Yeah, this was the most frightening, the most terrifying. And it kind of stands at odds with the fact that I'm a positive person and I like to speak positively; I don't like talking about things that are fearful. But this literally shook me to the bone. And we don't have time in this interview to go into the details. At first, I thought I was looking at a giant dragon that was way up in the heavens, moving, undulating, serpent-like, towards earth. But then I was pulled up above it, and looking down on it, I saw that it was actually a giant space rock. And the way it was turning is, it was moving through space, and the light of the sun was shining on it. It gave it the impression of being a great dragon that was moving through the heavens. Now, fast forward in that story, what I saw terrified me. I saw it impact the earth. It was catastrophic when it did. And when I woke up, I almost literally fell out of bed. This had more detail than any vision I had seen before; a lot of it is in the book, The Wormwood Prophecy. BD: Mm-hmm? TH: But when I woke up, I sat up in bed, I started to start writing down what I had seen. And it was as if a voice spoke in the room, and it said a single word, it said, "Apophis." Now, I knew that there was an ancient Egyptian chaos dragon named, Apophis, the enemy of light. BD: Mm-hmm? TH: I didn't know a lot about it. I also knew that NASA had named an asteroid "Apophis," and I didn't know anything about that. BD: Okay. TH: And so my first mission, as soon as I got out of bed, went to my computer, turned it on, as I started doing research into the Apophis asteroid, and all of the details around it, and what NASA first said about it, what they're now today saying about it, and the potential for it to strike the earth in just a bit over nine years from right now -- of all dates, by the way, Friday the 13th, April, BD: In 2029. TH: In 2029. Yeah. BD: Okay. Wow. So that's kind of scary, Tom. [Laughs] So, you know, especially believers, hearing that. What should they do? I mean, you know, we don't want to live in fear. TH: We don't want to live in fear. But of course, this is part of prophecy. The entire eighth chapter of the Book of Revelation deals with what astronomers, now, I learned this after the fact, actually believed is detailing the four elements of an asteroid impact on the earth, from each of the first four trumpets. It literally caused me to start reading the scripture differently. But when you say, you know, what should Christians do about it? BD: Right. TH: I read Luke 21, starting at 25 now, differently than I ever did 25 years as a pastor, but check out what it says. It says, "There will be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars" And the Greek word, there, stars, is asteron, asteroids. BD: Really? TH: Uh- hum. And, uh, "Upon the earth, distress of nations." That's exactly what I saw, "perplexity," that's exactly what I saw! "The sea and the waves roaring" That's exactly what I saw! "Men's hearts failing them for fear for looking after those things that are coming upon the earth." That's exactly what I saw. "For the powers of Heaven shall be shaken." That's exactly what I saw. But then note how this ends. "But then shall they see the Son of Man coming in the cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth nigh." All of the ancients believed that asteroids were messengers of the gods, and in the Bible it's a messenger of God Himself. And the message is, lift up your head. Look up. Your redemption is drawing nigh. Preaching the eminency of the second coming of Jesus Christ is something that's been missing in the church for the last few decades. But I actually believe that by 2025, people are going to be able to take a telescope at their home, look up into Heaven and they're going to see Apophis racing towards the earth. BD: Mm-hmm? TH: Twenty-four months later they'll be able to see it with the naked eye. BD: Right. TH: And what I saw was everybody on the planet on their face begging God to deliver them from this menace that was coming. So, I think this could actually initiate the next great awakening; a final revival, if you will, that will help to usher in literally millions and millions of people around the world. And then there's one other element about this, and there's a precedent for it in scripture, and that is that the judgment could be averted. If enough people pray, if enough people turn to God and rend their heart, it says, instead of their garments, it could be averted. There's a pattern for that all through the scripture. BD: Absolutely. TH: The book of Joel, "If you will turn to me, I will send you a blessing instead of a cursing." The story of Jonah being sent into Nineveh, up and down the streets, you're going to be destroyed in 40 days. BD: Yeah. So, there is, there is good news. Tom, thank you for being my guest on "Something More." And thank you for watching us and visiting with us today. You know, there is good news. There is good news of revival coming, of people seeing the threat and turning to God. If you know Him already, follow Tom's example. Be hungry, be desperate for God. Be open to hearing from Him. And if you don't know Him yet, today is the day of your salvation. Turn to Him. Where there's hope, where's there's, there's excitement in living the life that God has laid out for you to live. God put in Tom instructions and things for his life, but God has a plan for you as well. Thank you again for joining us on "Something More." Come back next time. >> Thomas Horn is the author of the best-selling books Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope is Here, and The Rabbis, Donald Trump, and the Top Secret Plan to Build the Third Temple. Now, he has released his latest end-time revelatory book about the cosmic cover-up of end-time proportions. Call and get Thomas Horn's brand-new explosive book and his exclusive three-part audio CD revelatory series, "The Wormwood Prophecy: NASA, Donald Trump, and a Cosmic Cover-up of End-Time Proportions." This is an exclusive offer for our "It's Supernatural!" audience, yours for a donation of $35. Shipping and handling is included. Ask for offer number 9675. In the Book of Revelation Chapter 8, we read, "A great star from Heaven, burning like a torch, fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of the waters. The name of this star is Wormwood," Revelation 8:10-11. Through Thomas Horn's brand-new revelatory book and exclusive three-part audio CD series, you will discover that the Wormwood star could be an asteroid, which scientists believe is headed on a collision course with planet Earth in 2029. Through the book and three-part audio CD series, you will find out about the mystery of Wormwood, understand why Thomas Horn believes that Wormwood is not an angel but instead the asteroid Apophis, discover the truth behind NASA, Donald Trump and the cosmic cover-up of end-time proportions, understand what this means for America, Israel and the world's future concerning God's prophetic timeline and the return of Jesus. Learn that NASA just decided to fund a deep-space Armageddon asteroid telescope. Understand why President Trump launched a new branch of the military called Space Force to combat approaching threats to our nation. Discover how the biblical feasts of the Passover, Trumpets and Tabernacles are relevant to the timing of the coming of the asteroid. Be a part of the greatest outpouring of God's glory to be poured out on planet Earth. Don't miss out on getting Thomas Horn's brand-new explosive book and his exclusive three-part audio CD revelatory series, "The Wormwood Prophecy: NASA, Donald Trump, and the Cosmic Cover-Up of End-Time proportions." This is an exclusive offer for our "It's Supernatural!" audience, yours for a donation of $35. Shipping and handling is included. Ask for offer number 9675. Call, or you can send your check to Sid Roth "It's Supernatural!" PO Box 39222, Charlotte, North Carolina 28278. Please specify offer number 9675 or log on to sidroth.org. Call or write today!
Channel: ISN – It's Supernatural! Network
Views: 623,662
Rating: 4.8373108 out of 5
Keywords: end times, vatican, wormwood, Tom Horn, Tom Horn wormwood, prophecy, Bible prophecy, asteroid, Pope, Something More, Bob DuVall, ISN, It's Supernatural! Network, wormwood prophecy, 2029, last days, prayer, faith, Jesus
Id: ymzBPvBWiIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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