Strategic Perspectives Classics - Tom Horn

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who in the world thought it was a good idea for me chuck Missler I mean really did you hear that presentation before lunch whoo man I mean this reminds me of having to follow our good friend dr. Willard Cantillon many years ago who before he died in 1999 spoke at the Brooks old-fashioned camp meeting in Brooks Oregon on the subject of creationism and his opening opening line was man is not a transcendental ideation of intra septic auto Caracalla derek redaction nor an orgasmic individuality of mobilized aggressives nor a no typical modality of ultra knife transfuse affirmed differentiation spontaneously race mated into homogeneous individuality for pete's sake dr. caddel on went on to explain that all he had said was man is not a process of evolution and his point was how the evolutionist will often wrap their arguments in very complex language in order to deceive the public to make it appear as if it's more academically or scientifically or historically or geologically supported than what in fact it actually is wow it was much easier for me to follow the story of the little girl who came to her daddy with the same question and said daddy where did people come from and the father said well honey a long time ago God made Adam and Eve and they started having babies and that's where people came from well the next day the little girl thought about that overnight went to her mother the next day and she said mommy where do you think people came from and the mother said well a long time ago there were monkeys there were Apes and we evolved from the Apes well this really confused the little girl who then went back to her daddy and said daddy you told me that God made Adam and Eve and that's where people came from that mommy says that there were monkeys there were Apes and we evolved from the monkeys the father said well honey it's really not that difficult I was telling you about my side of the family and she was telling you about her [Applause] brought your love kids well that's funny but that's not what I'm here to talk about I want to talk to you today about the coming technological singularity I want to talk to you about transhumanism I want to talk to you about the coming human enhancement revolution because folks there is a growing serious body of individuals in the world today who actually imagine the use of those monkey genetics as well as synthetic forms of life and other forms of what not if you will as being applied to our human biology in the very near future towards a post human condition they are called transhumanists and for those of you who may not know what I mean want to use that term transhumanist or transhumanism that is simply the title that is given to describe this growing diverse cultural movement that imagines that we now have it within our grasp to pay to take man into the next step in our evolution we are going to brain machine interface ourselves with artificial intelligence systems at the germline level we are going to genetically alter the human species so that all life-forms born down line from Homo Sapien will be a new form of man we are going to use technocratic tools genetics robotics artificial intelligence nanotechnology synthetic biology neuropharmacology just a whole lot of stuff that ends with the phrase ology we are going to use that to permanently undo God's creation and the first thing that you need to realize is that this vision ladies and gentlemen is no longer considered to be friends in military laboratories around the world from the executive level of governments on down in monster corporations that are betting trillions of dollars into the future there is a dream that is taking place and here's another thing I bet you don't know your tax dollars are being used right now to define the language around where this new creation if you will this new form of Nephilim Nietzsche's dream of the uber mention Hitler's dream of the Aryan super race we are literally moving towards not just the precipice we have stepped over the precipice and are now moving into a what is called the hybrid age which we will be talking about in a moment with regard to these slides now one thing that I should say very quickly is it is my habit to walk back and forth to point at that to use this little thing to point at that and everybody is telling me that is a giant waste of time don't do it and now I think they lied to me but I do see two blondes sitting up here so maybe not they told me there were two blondes with Tasers and that if I stepped away from this pulpit their job was to shock me back into position I'm not kidding and the thing was and what's scaring me is not just one of them told me that one told me and then the next one said the same thing in a different room and then chuck Missler told me that i believed him what's he got to lose huh he's already famous what's shocking one preacher like me going to do to his reputation that maybe build on it well any case ok here we go I was completely aware last year when I went to the science and supernatural conference in Dayton Ohio when I spoke there I was convinced that the average Ohio M was completely unaware of how right there in their state in recent years the Case Western Reserve Law School had been the recipient of seven hundred and seventy three thousand dollars from the NIH the National Institute of Health the National Institute of Health is the largest government department in the United States that hands out your tax dollars for health-related science and research but why did they give seven hundred and seventy three thousand dollars to Case Western Reserve Law School it was so that a professor by the name of Maxwell Melman the lead bioethicists at Case Western Reserve Law School what began a 24-month research period in which he would lead a team of law professors bioethicists scientists other interested and qualified parties over a 24 month period ladies and gentlemen for the express purpose of establishing two things if you want to look up on the screen number one in that middle paragraph there you'll see that it was to develop standards for tests on human subjects in research that involves the use of genetic technologies to enhance normal individuals to make them smarter to make them stronger and notice this little eugenic caveat to make them better looking so as we move towards our super selves and we develop terminator like eyesight I guess and we can really peer down on those bonds they've got guarding this front row up here or other people we're sure not going to want any homely people clouding up the landscape are we so as we go guzzling overtop buildings at all buildings in a single bound we're going to be so cookie as we do so imagine how our tax dollars are being used in ways that we don't know about but in any case the 24-month research period came and went because this is research that I do I had been waiting by the way this concluded a little over one year ago and I have been waiting with bated breath to find out in what ways standards were developed for the genetic alteration of the human species by the way if you read the full press release it was also to begin developing the guidelines that will be used for establishing public policy that is the law and how will the law need to be amended in order to extend constitutional and Bill of Rights privileges to human nonhumans this is humans who have been sufficiently genetically altered as to no longer even be considered to be human under our current set of laws they are Brookings Institute the number one policy think-tank in the world right now is writing a series creating the legalese around this whole debate called the future of the Constitution series I recommend you go there and read the series especially articles number 9 and articles number 10 where they are talking about within a decade the genetic engineering of homosexual communities number one policy think-tank in the world number one policy think-tank to the United States bends the air of lawmakers talking about genetically engineered gay communities and genetically engineered gay people who will need because we are their creators we will in need to extend to them what our Constitution says we have in terms of inalienable rights that were extended to us from our Creator so we are entering into a very unusual period of time now before we go any further if you're sitting here today amazed that I haven't rushed off to one side yet and besides that live in Idaho and maybe you are feeling a little bit envious right now of your Ohioan brethren and sistren yes I did say cistern and feeling like they might be getting the leg up on you in the genetic sciences fear not if you look at the screen you'll notice that Idaho as well as every state in the Union the genetics revolution is on when I knew that I was going to be speaking here today the first thing I did was I went to Google it's very simple you whatever state you're from do this just go type in words like genetic engineering GMOs whatever and the name of your state and then sit back in awe of how your tax dollars in your state are also being used some of the stories that popped up here in Idaho this is the National Association of science writers talking about genetically modified animals having the potential for food and medicine and they're interviewing here one of your scientists here in the state of Idaho the USA Today article talking about Idaho company trying to perfect a genetically modified potato that's tastier and healthier so you're famous Idaho spud is literally about to get a new life with emphasis on life of course here's the bioscience org website celebrating the birth of the first cloned mule born in America which was born here in the state of Idaho other articles by the way that popped up on the screen had to do with stem-cell sciences in Idaho had to do with the creation of human animal chimeras at the embryonic level which is part of the pharmaceutical research and by the way last night I wasn't even looking for this I was checking my email and I thought well I'll just check my Google News Alerts and here was another article from an Idaho farmer and the name of the article was GMOs making their way into your pantry and what this farmer was talking about is he is a farmer that raises large alfalfa fields here in Idaho and he's very concerned because his alfalfa is being contaminated by genetically modified alfalfa that's also being raised here in Idaho but that the dairy cows that are feeding on this alfalfa are assimilating the genetically modified organisms in their milk which is then going to your local Walmart superstore and you are drinking GMOs something that we absolutely do not know very much about in terms of its long-term impact on the health but ladies and gentlemen the point is this all across the United States it isn't just Idaho it isn't just Ohio the state that I come from Missouri at the University of Missouri we are raising humanized pigs pigs that have human DNA in them for experiments and xenotransplantation this is happening in every state in the Union and we are the laboratory rats well you might be saying oh surely Tom these have just got to be isolated news stories right I mean you just went out and picked a couple of stories to try to impress chuck Missler as if I could do that or to prop up your thesis to try to make it look like it's more important than what it really is here's the truth ladies and gentlemen before my house burned it down didn't your house burn down one time Chuck oh well thank God somebody lied to me before my house burned to the ground in January of this year and my wife and I walked away with not more than one Wilbur Oh lode of singed stuff I lost not only a library identical for 30 years but over 6,000 pages of documents on this whole area I could literally stand before you today for 10 hours and page through report after report peer-reviewed medical journals peer-reviewed science journals line items in military budgets here in the United States did you know that the 2011 presidential ii approved DARPA budget are our little friends out there the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency that this year's presidential approved budget has millions of dollars in it for figuring out how to edit the DNA of our soldiers did you know that in this year's DARPA budget there are millions of dollars for the creation of what is called bio design which is a new synthetic form of life something that has never existed before furthermore they want it to be militarized which we don't know what that means and more importantly they want it to be immortal something that cannot be killed literally what they're trying to do is figure out how to circumvent the curse they're trying to get around cellular death genetic death with a curse that God placed on Adam and Eve at the fall our science departments and our military trying to figure how to get around that and to enter some kind of immortal transcendence without Jesus Christ it's in this year's DARPA budget as a matter of fact I photocopied the pages and put them in the book forbidden gates just so people would know I'm not making this up well but anyway so that you know that I'm not making this up let's take a look at just a few of these various reports who is the state of the future the militia this is from the Millennium Project and by the way the last time I checked it had not yet published the 2011 report that's why it says this is the newest report the Millennium Project was founded in 1996 after a three-year feasibility study with the United Nations University the Smithsonian Institution futures group international and the American Council for the United Nations University it's a global futures research think-tank a futurists scholars business planners policymakers who work for international organizations governments including the government of the United States corporations nongovernmental organizations and universe here is a quick excerpt you can get the CD read the whole report here's the excerpt as computer code is written to create software to augment human capabilities so to genetic code will be written to create life-forms to augment civilization when I first read that I said what in the world are they talking about here so I read the report and followed up on it and here's what I found out some of you may be aware how that many agencies around the world including our government and our military especially has had a very strong interest for the past few decades and has spent billions of dollars in the quest to decode the secret brain language of the brain the neural code the neuron pulses of the brain we have an interest in this perhaps even for weapons technology purposes to be able to control literally the thoughts of individuals at a distance but beyond that there are practical applications imagine the benefits to a to a paraplegic who could drive a wheelchair by falling alone so there's a lot of benefits that could come out of this kind of technology is called brain machine interfaces but the military has been figuring out how to decipher the syntax the complex communication rules around the electrical firings within your brain they follow a consistent pattern that is repeatable and it has been a daunting task to try to figure out that secret language but over the decades well you may have gone to youtube at some point and you watch the one of the early illustrations there of a racist monkey and it's got a chip implanted in the hippocampus of its brain and it's got wires running out of its brain that's going into a computer and by thought alone the monkey has learned how to move a computer cursor around on a screen in order to make decisions and them to get rewards well that was a very early illustration of this technology the technology has gone crazy in just the last few years especially the last 36 months we have had amazing breakthroughs in the the algorithms that can work with breaking the neural processes of the brain down into digital code that is strings of ones and zeros where it can then be broadcast into a receiving station somewhere and reinterpreted to its exact meaning orders emotions whatever that might be then there you know what I'm talking about don't you you're sitting here right now you're listening to me and thoughts are going through your head that's neural activity you're sitting there thinking man this guy is out it is ever-loving bored or you're sitting there thinking geez I'd love to go to the bathroom but if I get up everybody's gonna look at me or whatever it is you're thinking that's the neural pulses of the brain well now by the way in just the last 36 months we have developed extracranial neural readers in fact this technology is advancing so quickly that at Christmas last year a couple of the games makers in introduced game systems where children can play games alone mind control moving characters around on a screen now this year I understand it's going to be 10 or 20 new systems coming out furthermore televisions next year beta televisions that you will be able to control by thought alone I read that said really I mean we're not already big fat dumb couch potato a enough but we're going to set there and just think I want my robot to bring me another beer and I want to change the channel 23 and turn up the volume really get it up and walk before you die beta versions of smartphones within the next 18 months where you will think call mom and what's happening at the University of Chicago had a report on this where they were talking about how this technology is being developed right now being tested in Afghanistan by our soldiers who are wearing a device I read the report no bigger than the Bluetooth that sits above their ear and extracranial E is reading the neuron pulses of the brain broadcasting it to a receiver where it can be interpreted and what the University of Chicago was talking about is how this is very quickly leading now to what will become a synthetic form of telepathy where soldiers will be able to communicate with each other by thought alone own and it's also leading to a synthetic form of telekinesis where soldiers will be able to control objects move about war robotic war fighting machines and they showed a guy wearing a helmet a soldier with a panoramic screen on the front of it and they were illustrating how he is watching the distant battlefield that a drone is flying over and by thought alone he would be able to tell the drone to drop its payload take pictures of something move on to a new place in other words we're building Terminator technology well so what the 2010 state of the future report is saying is as the computer code is written to create the software that will thus augment our human capabilities what is going to happen Ray Kurzweil talks about this in his film transcendent man which chuck Missler is in and in much of his other stuff if you've read his book the age of spiritual machines and on the technological singularity by the way technological singularity simply is the title they've given to explain the date when we reach what is called strong artificial intelligence basically a synthetic conscious mind and we will invent this authors like Hugo de garis if you've read his book the art elect war believes it and and Hugo is an atheist and he believes it's going to lead to what if you read he's only describing Armageddon but in any case strong artificial intelligence a synthetic God that's what hugo refers to it as we are building a deity is his words and it will be trillions of trillions of times smarter and more powerful than every einstein that has ever lived and many experts believe we're going to arrive at that moment within the next couple of decades well what they are talking about in this report is that all of these are this phenomena all of these advances in technology I seem to be rushing towards a point in time in which everything we have ever known about life on Earth and interactivity everything in one day is going to change everything is going to go out the door everything you've ever thought you had known your gray matter simply will not be able to keep up with it and as well as others as well as the state of the future what they're saying is since this of the potential of this technology will so outweigh our capacity to be able to handle it it is going to become necessary then to start changing us and that's what they mean genetic code will be written to create life-forms synthetic forms of life nanobots other things that will integrate with our cognitive ability and enhance our brains so that we then will be able to fully appreciate and enjoy all of the benefits of becoming Star Trek's Borg foreign policy magazine the Washington dc-based award-winning magazine of global politics economics and ideas just this month agrees with our Borg like the future and they have published a new fantastic special report called the future is now I would recommend you go there and read the entire report but here is one of the excerpts quote as we try to understand an incipient future in which technology has insinuated itself into every spirit look of human activity from the manipulation replication of DNA to space exploration and in which humans continuously seek ways to speed up their biological evolution to match the breakneck pace of technological evolution but notice this the only way to do that is going to be to incrementally integrate with technology launching an era of change and innovation that we call the hybrid age in quote this is only one of numerous special reports that are coming out now including military analysis that are referring to this term the hybrid age and ladies and gentlemen they mean exactly what it sounds like they mean they're saying there was the Bronze Age there was the agrarian age there was the post-industrial age there was the Industrial Age that was the Information Age that gave birth to the Internet but we not are going to we have entered into what is now called the hybrid age in which every living thing everything that God made is going to be hybrid I think about that the God who set barriers between the species and ordered that each kind only reproduce after its own kind has us in his face now Singh yeah but we think we're going to do something different we are entering into the hybrid age we are genetically modifying crops we are genetically modifying animals we are creating transgenic forms of animals we're talking about everywhere all across the world in the United States Europe Austria China all over the place this is happening we are genetically altering humans at the embryonic level in Britain right now there is designer baby technology which has already started sex selection hair color eye color the next step of course will be germline genetic engineering to start engineering their genetics at the earliest level the sperm level or the egg level or the earliest embryonic level so that it then becomes adapted into their genotype we engineer a new form of human whose genotype is different than yours is which means whatever we engineered that has become heritable everything born down line for that reengineered human will become as it is does this sound to anybody but me like this is something we tried on earth once before yeah this is happening we're entering into the hybrid age where everything is going to be altered I'll have to move quickly if I'm going to get through all this the mail online this is one of the top news stories I mean new sources out of the United Kingdom your children will live to see man merge with machines but will it save or destroy us here is the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America redesigning humans the final frontier and as a matter of fact professor Margaret McLean here is actually talking about people like Professor Gregory stock who is a leading transhumanist advocate of germline genetic engineering the permanent altering undoing will actually look at what he says here in that last paragraph here for we know that homo sapien that's you is not the final word in primate evolution but few have yet grasped that we are on the cusp of profound biological change poised to transcend our current forming character on a journey to destinations of new imaginations in quotes of course again I would take issue I don't think this is the new imagination or thought I think this is an old imagination or thought and by the time we get to the end of this presentation you'll see that I also think that it's very pathetic hey here's the Scientific American triple helix designing a new molecule you didn't even know your double helix is outdated to do here we sit Ford pintos Chevy Chevette not even aware that our benevolent overlords are working overtime to upgrade all of us at least a Cadillac if not Royals Royce altogether here's Christianity today that techno sapiens are coming when God fashion man and woman he called his creation very good trans human to say that by manipulating our bodies with microscopic tools we can do better are we ready for the great debate well the techno sapiens are coming but when are they going to be here only two weeks ago at MIT the famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology's in tech conference we were told get ready now for a new human species here's an excerpt from the article the ability to engineer life is going to spark a revolution that's the hybrid age revolution the new revolution that will dwarf the Industrial and digital revolutions drop down to the bottom because we can engineer our environment and ourselves Humanity is moving beyond the constraints of Darwinian evolution and the result may be an entirely new species here's New Scientist magazine agreeing with the new species of man and in this article evolution machine genetic engineering on fast-forward they are talking about some of the instruments that are being used to move us towards our posthuman future including gene sequencing machines and they're talking here about how the technology is becoming much more affordable the machines are becoming much more powerful notice under that that little italicized a right on that line that little italicized opening remark automated genetic tinkering is just the start this machine could be used to right the language of life and create new species of humans and notice that interesting graphic they created where it's got the double helix coiled a human coil going into the machine and at the top being spat out all kinds of alien green wonderful forms of new humanity mixed up with all kinds of other stuff well among the thousands of laboratories around the world where creators have been honing these skills towards our post human future human animal chimera research has been a very important model I want to talk about this news story here for just a moment first notice that this is Reuters news I want you to know that this is not weekly world news when you see what they're talking about here I don't want you to think I grabbed this from the tabloid section as I was exiting that Walmart Supercenter Reuters news and look at this headline scientists want debate on animals with human genes but look at this first paragraph a mouse that can speak a monkey with Down's syndrome dogs with human hands or feet British scientists want to know if such experiments are acceptable or if they go too far in the name of medical research now please note that this article was published 24 months ago why would I include this article with these more recent statements that are being put forward you'll understand that in a moment and let me give you just a very quick background to this this article was an interview with scientists in Britain who had been doing research into human animal chimera creation now why would the pharmaceutical industry have an interest in creating a part human part animal at the embryonic level and you should know because this is mostly what's driving a lot of both stem cell and human animal chimera research it's really quite simple it's because it is a daunting task for pharmaceutical corporations monster corporations to get permissions to do human trials with new drug therapies and it and they have the potential of making untold amounts of money and how many know that when it comes to the giant corporations it's really all about money it's not about ethics it's about money most of the time well they stand to make trillions of dollars as we move into the future with new drug therapies and one way to test a new drug therapy against human enzymes is to create a part human part animal or a part animal with human enzymes that then allows them to bypass the human trial requirements the daunting task of getting permission to do so and now they can test their drug therapy to see if that part of the human genetics in that animal is responding in a particular way ok so this is what these scientists were doing human animal chimera research in Britain and they went to the government of Britain and they wanted to know if they could have access to public funds tax dollars to fund their research into this well people in Britain started finding out about it and especially among the pro-life community there were those who did not like the idea that their money would be used to create a part human part animal that then would be experimented on and then killed that might be okay with some of us no I don't take so well I wasn't okay with in either and so what happened was that was kind of an uproar and so the government of Britain decided to host what they call the embryology discussions which was kind of an open forum in which they invited in all kinds of disciplines scientists bioethicists even members of the clergy and get this the Vatican sent to bishops to testify during the embryology discussions and one of the Vatican's spokesman said that if a woman participated in these experiments by providing egg or ovum and then later developed a crisis of conscience I wanted to raise this part human part animal as her child she ought to have the right to do so that was the advice from the bishop from the Vatican well in any case the embryology discussions came to an end and then the government of Britain began doling out tax dollars to these scientists on a case-by-case basis for the creation of human animal chimeras all right now fast-forward twenty four months ago and that's where this interview came in the same scientists were back now and they wanted to know would it be okay if we take the next step can we now start raising these half humans half animals to full maturity can we start raising islands of dr. Moreau I'm doing long-term experiments on creatures that are part human and part animal the other thing that this article was very interesting in is that it the scientists admitted that they are satisfied okay with 50/50 integration of humans and animals because most people have been led to believe especially in the stem cell sciences that is the amount of human material in one of these creatures is so minut as to be inexcusable and what these scientists admitted was they were okay with fully 50/50 integration between humans and animals and furthermore they employ in this article that some of their colleagues were already pushing the boundaries anyway and raising these things to full maturity well is that the case just last month so that was 24 months ago now just in the last month the Academy of Medical Sciences in Britain admitted that such science is advancing so quickly that an international regulatory commission is needed to oversee the creation of mature human animal chimeras but look at this graphic they created here on the right hand side is what appears to be a microscope lens and what is depicted is all known forms of life from animals pigs dogs donkeys fish whatever and notice the little line going over and integrating that genetic makeup in the man that is standing there in the middle wrapped in the double helix coil out of the back of the man with the double helix coil it goes back into animals and as you begin reading this report you come to understand that this graphic depicts the fact that they are acknowledging first of all that experiments are happening around the world at breakneck pace in which we are integrating humans with animal genetics and animals with human Jeanette and this genie ladies and gentlemen is out of the bottle this is actually a portion of the summary that says this report considers research that involves the introduction of human DNA sequence into animals or the mixing of human and animal cells or tissues to create entities we refer to as animals containing human material oh by the way in the Old Testament these were called Nephilim gibble Reem they had other names for what ultimately wound up being fantasized in Greek mythology that that science was occurring such approaches I'm back to quoting now such approaches are long established and thousands of different AC hm this is a terrific admission by the way on the part of the Academy of Medical Sciences out of Britain thousands of different AC hm have been used in biomedical research yet they have received relatively little public discussion now what type of creature creations are they talking about these bullet points on here are actual exact extracts from this report even the part that's in red which I've only highlighted to point out to you know number one extensive modification of the brain of an animal by implantation of human derived cells which might result in altered cognitive capacity approaching human consciousness or sentient or human-like behavioral capabilities number two situations look at this where functioning human gamuts ladies and gentlemen we're talking about we're talking about the fertilized cells that can fertilize gannets eggs and sperm might develop from precursor cell types in an animal and where fertilization between human and animal gamuts might then occur we're talking about the creation of species that can cross reproduce with humans number three cellular or genetic modification which could result in animals with aspects of human-like appearance skin type limb or facial structure or characteristics such as speech really I mean is this science really going on all around the world one day after the Academy of Medical Sciences published their report The Mail Online reported on only two of the tens of thousands of laboratories that are in Britain that are involved in this research and in only two of them 150 human-animal hybrids had been grown in UK labs but ladies and gentlemen it isn't just in Britain the United States published its own similar report beating the United Kingdom by 20 years and in their 1982 report splicing life the United States President's Commission for the study of ethical problems in medicine and biomedical and behavioral research looked at the social and ethical issues of genetic engineering with human beings including interfacing humans with nature and animal as well as combining man with new forms of life they were actually back then imagining synthetic biology which of course the JC J craig Venter foundation has since accomplished integrating man with synthetic forms of life the report imagined that the dawn of this science would occur within 10 to 20 years now why did I put down there how prophetic well you're going to find out in a few moments they cause report after report from the government this was published in 82 they imagined within 10 to 20 years which would take us approximately to where we are now or sometime around in and around the Year 2012 a date that continues to show up in government report after government report telling us that any time after the year 2012 the first baby steps will be established that will ultimately lead to a new form of life a new form of human will emerge upon the earth hang on to that thought for a moment all is well though because at Emory University just last month rabbi Michael Brodie step forward to argue that Jewish law will support such animalized humans so long as it produces superior people and there's the Emory University screengrab here's a quick excerpt genetic engineering in which the traits of different individuals ravenel animals are come mine already has resulted in amazing combinations Jewish law would support similar intentional human human chimerism in which the embryonic material of two fetuses is mixed or human animal chimerism in which the cells of a human are mixed with the cells of another mammal here's the washington post of mice men and in-between scientists debate the blending of animals in human forms here's the New York Times merely human that's so yesterday here's counterpunch monsters inc the Pentagon plan to create mutant super soldiers here's the Center for Bioethics and human dignity the future of the human species here's Discovery News part human part machine transistors devised here's the Danger Room at the Wired magazine Pentagon looks to breed in mortal synthetic organisms and I want to say something about this news story two top Pentagon scientists fear brain modified foes this is an article that was published about three years ago I have included it with these newer reports for this reason this was the first time that the public began to learn that some of the top think tanks that provide advisory information to the United States military now see the human enhancement revolution as the next arms race that's right in much the same way as the old Soviet Union competed with the United States during what is now called the Cold War for nuclear supremacy top advisors such as the Jason's who are the Jason's you can read it they are the celebrated scientist on the Pentagon's most prestigious scientific advisory panel and that's all you ever will know about them unless you have liked chuck Missler top secret security clearance or access to such because these people are very guarded of their identities but survives to say they're among the scientific and academic intelligentsia and the Jason's have been advising the US military in this report and one that I did not include in this PowerPoint presentation that you should google and read is a newer report called the 100 dollar genome implications for the Department of Defense in which get this they tell the Department of Defense that they only have until December of 2012 now why that date December of 2012 and they said if we don't get ahead of this technology by that date our military risk these are their words falling unrecoverable behind in the race for personal genomics and they in that report by the way they talk about genotype and phenotype if you remember your basic biology in school genotype is what you are basically internally I mean this is what you inherited from your parents this is your genetic makeup but phenotype is how that is expressed externally it's the way you walk the way you talk the fact that you're bipedal it's what makes you look to me like you look to me that's your phenotypic expressions and the information from the Department of the Department of Defense from the Jason's what it is implying is as we begin altering humans in terms of their genetic makeup they are going to start looking different they're going to start walking different they're going to start acting different they're going to start becoming different and once again I think this happened once before in history but this article right here three years ago was the first time the public began to learn that these high-ranking top intelligence agency advisory panels now see human enhancement as potentially the next arms race well I got to go very quick Discovery magazine looked into this technology and in the hands of transhumanist aspirations concluded that it is the most dangerous idea in the history of the world there are hundreds more similar news and peer-reviewed articles on the coming human enhancement revolution that we don't have time to talk about so let's take a little turn in the road here now and let me talk to you for the next little bit about something else how soon this is the big question before the human hands enhancement revolution is widespread now you say okay Tom you mentioned the year 2012 do you believe that the December 21st 2012 the end of the Mayan calendar arrived and all of a sudden the floodgates open and the earth is swarmed with new Nephilim no I hope not although Isaiah did say open the gates you ruler I give command and I bring them and in the greek septuagint says Giants are coming to fulfill my wrath opening a gate and this after the destruction of Babylon so this is all very prophetic okay so maybe but I sure hope not but the point is this that this is the date that the experts believe that what we have been doing to genetically modified crops what we have been doing to genetically modified animals we are going to begin doing to humans and ultimately it's going to reach an exponential curve where there will be widespread commercialization of the altering of humans it's going to start on the battlefield it's in this year's DARPA budget for editing soldier DNA but just like so many other things DARPA invented the internet but now we all participate in it the military developed a global positioning satellite systems and now every one of us have phones and GPS navigators in our car so what begins in the battlefield is going to ultimately make its way into the broader culture at large and for whatever reason like this report right here converging technologies for improving human performance it's got bullet points it's got graphs in it all talking about how these Sciences are going to be used to create a new version of man in fact remember the old commercial that showed an egg inside of a frying pan frying and it said this is your brain on drugs well if you read this you'll understand why they show a man with his brain on the front of it because this is your brain on transhumanism that's what this is all about but I think there's something about oh and this was published approximately a decade ago in which they speculated that approximately within a decade sometime around the year 2012 the first baby steps towards the emergence of a new form of man now what's very strange about this to me and I will apologize here if suddenly I start becoming a little bit of a preacher maybe is that okay anything to wake you up there's something here that I can't quite put my finger on but it is very usual and you know that one of the approaches in the cornea Institute is you deal with probabilities sometimes you can't really nail something down beyond a shadow of a doubt but what you can say is it's 99% probable that this is the way it is and when I deal with mathematical probabilities I can't understand why for instance all of our reports are looking to the year 2012 but did you know that for thousands of years occultic societies around the world prophesied not just the Maya that in the year 2012 that would come the emergence of a new form of man upon the earth see the Maya didn't say that December 21st 2012 would be the end of the world and you see these modern Maya in fact don't we have something like a group of them right now going across the United States with 13 crystal skulls talking about all this I think I read something about that in the news or heard something about it and they're celebrating the the coming of 2012 but they're going to wind up in some place like New York on 11/11/11 all of these are very powerful occultic numbers but what these new Maya and what the old Maya what they actually were saying was there's going they first of all it's all based on the precession of the equinoxes rotation of the planets doodly doodly do and they were very well I just want to get into that they were very strong smart astronomers so somehow they either knew it or an invisible spirit whispered it in their ear which might be part of a thousands of year old plan to lead the great deception could be but in any case somehow they knew it and they set their calendar in in 2012 but the Maya they're their prophets by the way one of their prophets became a Christian and he combined his prophecies with what he called the Christian Last Judgment and still believes that the year 2012 is significant but then from a and this would during the 1600s by the way with pop sees from the Bible in any case what they believed was if I can get my head on track here first of all that there is going to come the return of their feathered or winged dragon God there serpent God that you see celebrated throughout meso America which would be during the time of Great Tribulation upon the earth followed by the emergence of a new light of an enlightened man on earth a new form of humanity the Aztecs believed the same thing and also set their calendar to end in the year 2012 also accompanied with the return of their feathered or a serpent God that has the power of flight and by the way that's a very interesting iconography that turns up over and over and over in these belief systems if you if you read the book I wrote apollyon rising 2012 in which I show how this date 2012 is encoded on the Great Seal of the United States more importantly the prophecy on the Great Seal the Novus Ordo seclorum is taken from the Kume Sibyl a priestess of Apollo who prophesied that at the end of time Apollo would return to the earth and it would give birth to a new golden age well the golden age in Greek mythology is when the gods and the demigods walked upon the earth and a prophecy is not just that Apollo will return but that it will give birth to a new race of people who have been merged with the gods so again the same kind of symbolism but Apollo's father according to her prophecy is Jupiter and if you look at ancient depictions of Jupiter he has pulled through the heavens by two flying wing to serpent so over and over again you see this imagery of a fly a dragon that has the power of air a giant serpent that has the power of air the power of flight returning in the year 2012 well let's go further the Hindus they set their Kali Yuga calendar the age of the male demon to end in the year 2012 here in America 200 years ago the Cherokee Indian tribe during an entire frenzied moment of apocalyptic prophecies also set their calendar to end in the year 2012 and again with the return of their feathered rattlesnake God their flying serpent that had the power of air but did you know this 700 years ago see my legs wanting to walk 700 years ago Jewish mystics in the Zohar this is the most important book of Jewish mysticism Kabbalah magic occultism 700 years ago these Orthodox priests who rejected Jesus Christ as their Messiah when speculating about when the Messiah would arrive in the vieira section of the Zohar under the subsection signs heralding may Shaq set the date of his appearing in the Jewish calendar year 50 773 which an hour drag Orion calendar guess what begins in the new moon 2012 and extends into the following year 2013 a 700 year old occultic Jewish prophecy from guys who said when our Messiah comes it will be the year 2012 because they rejected Jesus Christ who are they talking about they're talking about the coming of the Antichrist in the year 2012 but did you know that a hundred years before that another occultic figure a catholic priest a prophet by the name of Malachy or more guerre or who the Catholics more commonly know as Saint Malachy went into a frenzy and also prophesied and he prophesied a famous prophecy that today is known as the prophecy of the popes in which he named every Pope that would exist from his day to the final Pope from soliciting the second all the way down to the final Pope who he named Petrus Romanus Peter the Roman and guess what Benedict the sixteenth is the next to the last Pope Benedict is 85 years old he's having health issues he's already talking about retirement and there was also a threat on his life the very next pope if this prophecy is accurate and by the way if you study the prophecy it is mysteriously accurate for whatever occultic influence that was there it seemed to know something the very next pope will be Petrus Romanus who Saint Malachy said will give assistance to the rise of the Antichrist so ladies and gentlemen all around the world prophecies from thousands of year from all kinds of disparate societies who we have no we have no information no knowledge that many of these cultures knew each other but all prophesying a four word moment in time now how could that be possible do I put the prophecy of the Maya or molecule morgue air or any other old air on a level with the prophecies of the Bible absolutely I do not my interest is this is why this occultic presence for thousands of years separated by time and distance and all these cultures has been fascinated with a date in which they are mad if they imagine the return of their great dragon having the power of flight and the emergence of a new form of man on earth by the way the khoomei Sybil's prophecy about the return of apollo that if you dig in your purse or wallet and put out a $1 bill you've got that prophecy in your possession right now the Novus Ordo seclorum the return of Apollo at that date Apollo turns up also in New Testament theology when speaking of the Antichrist it says he will be the son of perdition and this term is Apulia apollyon Apollo it is the ancient word that depicted the god Apollo and so even New Testament theology would seem to imply that the spirit that is going to inhabit the Antichrist which was prophesied 700 years ago by Jewish mystics who rejected Jesus Christ as appearing in September the new moon of 2012 ladies and gentlemen what is going on and then the big question is why have all of our government reports and these various agencies in the science community why do they keep fascinating about the year 2012 after which there is going to be the emergence of a new form of man I believe there is something deeply occultic about this deeply deceptive about this I think that a ton of the new-age community and tens of thousands of people around the world are being deceived and looking forward to the coming of some space age of Savior if you will who could appear around that time now is that going to happen I don't know but I'm telling you that mathematically the the EM probability this has got to be in the hundreds of millions to one that all of that concatenation of prophetic significance from an occultic societies all around the world speculating about this date and then our own government telling us that yeah we agree with that 2012 sounds like a good date for me for it all to become a little demagogues sorry well whereas 2012 maybe look back on as the dawn of the human enhancement Revolution Time magazine considered the matter interviewed mr. singularity himself rakers well and concluded that 2045 is the year that man becomes immortal some believe the new man is going to be here even sooner however and they are preparing for it at the School of Law Burke back the university of london preparations are already being talked about Birkbeck is one of the leading law schools that teaches crime scene investigation and they put out a press release not long ago talking about CSI and if you know anything about CSI of course right this is specially trained law enforcement officers right they're trained they go into a crime scene they make detailed measurements in the crime scene they take photographs they rope it off so that those who are not trained to be there won't be and then they start collecting all this forensics information it might be a drop of blood it might be a drop of spittle a drop of sperm it might be a hair fiber it could be a cotton fiber it could be something out of a car it could be a tire track it could be a footprint they want to make a cast of if there's a body there it could be the way the body has been treated but in any case then they meticulously and carefully collect all of the forensics information put it in special containers to avoid cross-contamination unless this is OJ Simpson's crime scene and then they scoop it all into a giant bag and go like that and then they send it to the crime laboratory where the entire crime scene is put back together and ultimately they come out of this hundreds of years by the way of this analytical type of a law enforcement science they come out and basically they say something like we are looking for probably a Asian male between the ages of 18 to 24 years of age he is probably part of an affluent community or he is addicted to drugs or whatever the analysis has told him and then this becomes a very powerful tool for profiling who the perpetrator of that criminal activity might have been well the Burke Mack University recently said if we go down this road we are going to have to introduce new crime scene analysis classes for dealing with crime scenes that have been perpetrated by human nonhumans and the whole point is that if a serial rapist for instance is part wolf this thing might behave in ways that we can't even comprehend way outside the paradigm of our understanding well ladies and gentlemen that such things are going to have to be talked about sooner than later was actually dramatically illustrated in research not long ago by Professor Yvonne Balaban at the McGill University in Montreal Canada and what Balaban did was he took the developing brain matter of embryonic quail and he genetically engineered it into the developing brain matter of embryonic chickens and the developing chickens grew up to exhibit head bobs and vocal trills that are natural to quail and what his experiment so dramatically Illustrated is that very very very complex behavior patterns can be transferred across species line from one species to another through genetic engineering well how big might the implications from Professor bulla band's research be here is the front cover of the global governance 2025 at a critical juncture 2025 is only 13 or so years from now so basically this report is talking about what might occur this decade now what is this report about first notice this that this is published by the United States Office of the Director of National Intelligence working with the European Institute of security studies this was published 13 months ago so we're talking about top-level intelligence agencies in the United States and Europe working together for what purpose to try to determine what might set in motion the need for a global government that's why it's called global governance 2025 ah basically what they're saying is what could happen that could suddenly cause all of the nations of the world to have to come together in mutual protection of one another against an unprecedented threat that's what they're talking about and so they talk about biological warfare they talk about the collapse of the economy which chuck Missler was talking about before lunch today they talk about all of that as potentially leading to the need for a one-world government but then on page 35 look how things start getting interesting no forum currently exists for dealing comprehensively across the scientific community industry in government on measures needed to diminish the risk posed by the biotechnology revolution in addition biotechnology can drive new forms of human behavior and Association creating profound cross-cultural ethical questions that will be increasingly politically contentious few experts believe that current governance instruments are adequate for these challenges that's what the Birkbeck law school was also saying for example direct modification of DNA this is germline genetic engineering which we talked about earlier at fertilization is widely researched with the goal of removing defective genes however discussions of future capabilities open the possibility for designing humans with unique physical emotional or cognitive abilities in quote so ladies and gentlemen imagine this now the top intelligence agencies of the United States working with the top intelligence agencies in Europe saying ok boys what do we imagine could be the trigger event that will set in motion the need for all of the nations of the world to come together under a single umbrella in mutual defense of an unprecedented threat and among the things that they chose to talk about is the emergence of a new form of human well is this word from the American and European intelligence communities overstating the facts not according to a series of recent House Foreign Affair committee hearings that were held in California a while back a california democrat brad sherman who's known for his expertise in the spread of nuclear weapons our nucleon web weapons of mass destruction among terrorists was picked to chair these meetings well what were the meetings about a journalist for congressional quarterly magazine by the name of mark Stenzel attended the event listened to the h fa hearings then went back and wrote a feature article for secu magazine called futurist genes Without Borders in which he described listening to the HFA hearings as sounding more like a Hollywood pitch for a sci-fi movie than it did a sober discussion of scientific reality with all of its discussion of super animals super intelligence and super humans on the near horizon that represents an existential threat against which mankind is not prepared well ladies and gentlemen and designing humans with unique physical emotional and cognitive abilities I believe that we could be witnessing the unfolding of Biblical prophecy anybody agree with that first of all genetically altering living organisms could unleash plagues of end-times proportions what does God know that we don't know besides a lot about why he put barriers between the species that we are now so freely crossing over we used to look at verses like Zechariah 14:12 talking about people splash consuming off of them while they stand and we would interpret this as possibly radiological contamination from a nuclear confrontation and that might be what it is but now with the biotech revolution ladies and gentlemen we are opening a Pandora's box to a million kinds of a molecular biological nightmare we could unleash in one day I don't want scare you but a black death or it could be intentionally contrived by a terrorist organization and right now security experts are staying up at night and can hardly sleep knowing that you can go on eBay and buy a gene sequencer and open a lab in your garage and start synthesizing living organisms as a matter of fact this stuff is becoming so easy that all College colleges across the United States right now have what they call the eye gym competition where college kids are creating new forms of novel life in fact it's called a gym because it has to be a living machine it has to actually accomplish something an awards are being given out on our universities every year now for new synthetically formed creations of life I believe that what we're seeing in the biotech revolution and by the way let me insert something here I don't believe everything happening in the biotech revolution is negative somebody I was doing a radio show recently said what do you see anything good coming out of biotech and I said oh there could be all kinds of good things that could come out of it if we could learn to how to simply turn off a cancerous cell that would be a great thing right my issue is in altering humans genetically re-engineering and tampering and crossing species barriers that is an assault upon the divine order and when you assault god you're probably not going to win in that boxing match I believe it could also be a fulfillment of Luke 1729 where our Lord says that his appearing would be as in the days of lot if you go as I said earlier to the Brookings Institute right now you'll see where they're making the arguments for the creation of homosexually genetically engineered gay Gattaca communities and then lastly I believe it could be a fulfillment of Matthew 24:37 when our Lord's disciples closest disciples said Lord tell us what shall be the sign of thy coming and the end of the Aeon the end of the age he gave them a whole series of signs that are all unfolding around the world as we speak and then he ended it by saying as the days of Noah were so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be what was it that happened in the days of Noah ancient records around the world tell the story of powerful angels genetic scientists who left their habitation and descended to earth the story includes genetic alteration of human and animal genetics in fact the Bible itself by the way tells us that the flood came because all flesh both man and beast had been corrupted and many of the ancient records even describe the blending of these species which then later turns up in Greek mythology but the result was to create a body into which they could extend themselves later became known as the Nephilim some scholars believe the story is reflected in Genesis 6:4 which says there were giants in the earth in those days and also after that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bare children to them the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown but even if someone disagrees with that assessment discredits the prophetic questions that I have raised or disagrees with certain theological situations like the angel theory of Genesis which I happen to believe which is very interesting because when I was a young preacher and knew everything there is to know about doctrine in the world because I graduated from a Bible College and blessed God I'm the answer man I was a Seth I I no longer believe this and the man and the first person that brought this theory to me I said you are out of your mind but when you're honest and I was this is I I came to believe that everything in history supports this theory now again you don't have to agree with me but you would need to recognize that neither God nor evolution so it doesn't really matter what your worldview is if you're sitting here today you're not a Christian you're you're a Darwinian evolutionist you would have to admit that what we are doing now was not allowed by God or evolution and as a result I think we could soon learn what I call the brundlefly lesson want to know what I mean have you seen that old movie the fly and there was this scientist by the name of Seth Brundle and he was conducting teleportation experiments and one day he goes into machine a not aware that a common housefly had flown in there and he pushes the button is discombobulated he is transferred to machine a where he is ream alekhya lized walks out of the machine feeling fine not aware that his genetics have been combined with the genetics of a common housefly well very soon he starts becoming the transhumanist dream come true he's got lightning-quick Agility's superhuman strength the sexual proclivities of an African lion but then something else happens and he starts mutating into a horrific monster and has to be destroyed Jeff Goldblum who starred in the remake of that film also starred in the Jurassic Park movies and I love the scene in the first Jurassic Park he's playing a character by the way a Weasley looking guy Jeff Goldblum plays a very good Weasley looking guy by the name of Ian Malcolm who is a scientist that subscribes to the chaos theory and he is in the back of the Jeep do you remember this scene and I think the guy's driving and the woman sitting here and they are being chased down the road by a giant man-eating Tyrannosaurus Rex that is nipping at the back of the Jeff Goldblum characters head who's leaning forward and he says to the people in front of him who in the world thought this was a good idea who thinks what I'm talking about is a good idea members of government military philosophy futurists the science community academia and this is happening by the way I'm going to be interviewing professor Hobart who was in the film with chuck Missler at Stanford University in the spring for our film documentary on transhumanism and he said when you get here I want to introduce you to the transhumanist society students group or whatever they're called on campus that's happening all across the United States every campus Stanford University Oxford University the people that hold the prestigious seats there have written their thesis on transhumanist values such as Professor Nick Bostrom's you can go to Nick Bostrom comm and read his report on transhumanist values in which he celebrates how we are going to combine ourselves with animals and the good of this he says is because animals can they have modes of perception that we do not have well I read that I said you're right the Bible tells me that that baylin's donkey could see the angel and Balaam could not some animals might indeed be able to see into the spirit world and I think that this is part of the problem here there are invisible entities that are inviting us to make contact and ladies and gentlemen it may not end very well there is the cover of the book forbidden gates I don't have time to talk about any of that other stuff here is the new book pandemonium's engine which dr. Missler was so graceful in writing a chapter for we tried to abduct him into anything we're doing anytime we can about Christians have got to get involved in this discussion don't wait on your church or your pastor to do the job for you get personally educated on the basic issues the basic ethics secondly employ your particular talent or strengths to engage so if you're involved in politics if grandma wants to get on her knees and take this to God that would be okay with me there is power the devil trembles what he sees the weakest Christian on their knees right from meadia if that's what you do to education whatever it is you do make the issue of transhumanism some part of your sphere of influence it doesn't have to die nature life but at least have a basic knowledge of what is coming because ladies and gentlemen the average American is completely unprepared for not only what is coming but how quickly it is going to be here actually already is here there were two children born in Britain recently that are the genetic offspring of three genetic donors were already doing this in the earliest stages but so make it a part of your influence also remember to operate in love and respect of others that's why by the way the title of this book have you ever seen a longer title forbidden gates how genetics robotics artificial intelligence synthetic biology nanotechnology and human enhancement herald the dawn of techno dimensional spiritual warfare the National Science Foundation report the most the newest one ethics of human enhancement twenty five questions and answers that little picture down on the bottom to the left I did not include in today's discussion about this is an NSF another report that you paid for and Patrick lamb who is the co-author of that report went on the institute of ethics and emerging technologies the IET and referred to me as a pig and as a person who would make people like Ted Kaczynski the Unabomber proud and what was my crimes against humanity I had written an article called open letter to Christian leaders on biotechnology and the future of man it was picked up by the wire it was published at Wired magazine and all I was asking pastors to do is read the stuff that these people are saying and be aware of it well he didn't like that and so but the book the point about all of this ladies and gentlemen is that I know from experience we have entered into an ideological battle we are at war for the mind of the generation make no mistake about that thank you very much for allowing me to come here today and take some of your time you
Channel: Koinonia House
Views: 49,071
Rating: 4.8739839 out of 5
Keywords: Tom Horn, apostles, jesus, christ, chuck, missler, koinonia, house, khouse, institute, End times, prophecy, transhumanism
Id: wnfvHsLhEV0
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Length: 74min 49sec (4489 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2017
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