End of Photoshop? ChatGPT Now Edits Photos!

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so here we have our Dumbledore on a budget let's get it to chat GPT by dragging and dropping just like that and let's type in color grade it like the later Harry Potter movies with a greenish tint it explains you the steps of what it's going to do and starts processing so here we have our result let's put it side by side Oscar to do it there you go this is not the best color grading in history but it's just the beginning let's take a few steps back and understand how do you get all of this to work first of all you would need a chat GPT Plus Membership now before you rush to go and buy it wait for it watch the video this is not sponsored at all once you do get the Plus Membership you need to go to your settings click on the three dots click on settings and beta and inside of the beta features you need to make sure you turn on code interpreter also turn on plugins we'll talk about an image editor plugin later in the video but for now just turn both of them on and then before starting a chit chat with chat GPT you want to make sure gpt4 is selected and code interpreter is checked this will give you this button right there which allows you to upload files this time let's give it a simple task let's upload this photo you can click on the plus right here to upload the photo or you can simply drag and drop like this once you do let's ask it to make the image pop and give it a warm cinematic color grade and don't blow out the details please it gives you the entire steps of what it's going to do increase contrast warm color toning and even a vignette at the end that's crazy while this AI is processing let me share with you another incredible AI That's used in this very video how many hours have you wasted browsing through music tracks and trying to find the right one for your content sometimes having too many options can be a headache what if you could just upload a snippet of your video click on this magic button and boom the AI would automatically suggest music based on your clip and that my friend is the magic of sound match with epidemic sound the sponsor of today's video let's take an entirely different action scene drop the file click on sound match it analyzes the video Stone mood and Rhythm and gives you the soundtracks that fit best epidemic sound gives you unlimited access to all of their tracks and sound effects and with them you never have to worry about copyright strikes or takedowns check out this magic right now and click the link in description to get a 30 day free trial to epidemic sound any video where you use the music during the trials will remain safe and protected even if you cancel your subscription back to chat GPT let's see what it has done even after all of the explanation right here and all of the processes that it did it seems like it has all bark no bite so let's try it one more time another error right here let's try to make it simpler just give it a warm cinematic color grid please please there you go finally some processing let's put the before and after side by side well I like that it's subtle but it's more lip service than legwork if you had even little Photoshop skills all you would do is create a color lookup adjustment lip choose something like crisp warm and we're good to go now if the dogs are too dark and the highlights are too bright just create a curves adjustment layer beneath it and take the highlights down like this and bring the Shadows up like this there you go and you can do some tuning here and there and just with that little adjustment here 4 here's the after and you can always make a group of both of these and control the opacity and decide how much of it do you want that's all either way now let's see if we can download this there you go it gives you a download link you can click on it to download well right now you're getting this error but a week ago when I was doing it it didn't have that error so you can tell how amazingly stable this is now here I have an image of one of my speakers and there's a lot of noise as you can see let's see if we can brighten it and remove the noise again it gives you the steps of what it's going to do let's see if it's just all talk and no transaction or we might see a penny in there there you have the processed image not bad I would say it just Fades everything too but then again it did remove the noise yes you can do it better in Lightroom or other applications but still it's not bad keep in mind this is just the beta and the beginning but then again Adobe is also developing their tools at a super rapid speed if I were to do the same thing in the simple camera or filter not even the latest denoise feature that came in Lightroom I would just increase noise reduction reduce color noise reduce the details like that and it is a much better result I have to say now in this image as you can see the colors are not very impressive and also it's relatively dark let's upload that to chat GPT and type in increase the exposure of the overall image and improve the colors it does give you the adjusted image and it has not adjusted the color balance yet it's asking you whether you want to do it it is faded and yes I need the color correction I don't know what it is but it keeps apologizing for the oversight you have a lot of sight man but anyway it looks bad okay now it will try a different approach there you go I have to say it's not that bad now I have always wondered what about retouching let's get this image right here as you can see there's acne we need to soften the skin do some dodging and burning so let's get it to chat GPT so I just want to retouch the skin remove the blemishes and soften the skin but do maintain the skin texture seems like a complicated task let's see what it does however the processing is I have to tell I love the stories it tells of how it it's doing each and every process it's like having a conversation with a real editor who at the moment at least has no skills what in the world is it doing oh there's a detection going on now as you can see it is facing memory constraints because the images of super high quality so I have resized it to be under 1mb let's try one more time finally it will do some frequency separation I don't know whether action will speak louder than words but let's see it reminds me of the people who say great things about themselves like I own this I own that I did this I did that but then again when it comes to doing the job in front of your own eyes something comes out after something it's been five minutes still working let's try one last time what in the world the blemishes have been removed you mean the entire image has been removed and all that is left is a blob that even cannot recognize the person I don't even know what I'm saying because I'm an absolute loss of words what is this and it's still I'm losing hope I'm not doing this there is in fact an incredible series of AI plugins that I use and highly recommend and those are this just make a copy of the background lip let's go to filter retouch for me so let's say you want to remove the blemishes you would go to heal and it actually this time analyzes the blemishes without apologizing for the oversight you can decrease or increase the sensitivity to choose how much blemishes you want to remove let's keep it all the way up like Fat Joe and hit apply I want to make the mask hit apply so that only the blemishes are removed in that layer so as you can see it's pretty darn good here's the before and here is the after bit wait for it that's not all let's create a stamp visible layer at the top by pressing Ctrl alt shift and E and this time let's do some some dodging and planning let's go to filter retouch for me retouch for me Dodge burn and by the way you can try these plugins absolutely for free check the instructions in the description to download a free trial so how much dodging and burning do you want less or more I want a little more of it maybe about 150 I want to create a soft light layer hit apply it creates an actual gray layer for dodging and burning and bright other areas which it has dodged or brightened and dark other areas which it has burnt or darkened let us change the blend mode from normal to soft light and there you go just with that so here's the before and here is the aftermath now that is actual professional retouching with AI now finally to end this let's give it the most basic task so here I have an image let's say I'm going to post it to Instagram crop it to square and I want to make sure that the faces are not cropped so let's drag it and drop it right here crop and resize for Instagram square and don't crop the faces so it says it's gonna detect the faces the detected faces have been highlighted green rectangles but where are the faces and I cannot see them okay there is a crop it did detect the faces it did crop square but that's definitely not what I wanted now guess what you can enable an image editor plugin for chat GPT you might ask Umesh why haven't you talked about this yet well because it's very limited remember we activated plugins in the beginning after you do that right now you wouldn't see any plugins if you're doing it for the first time you can go to the plugin store just click on right here click on plugin store and there are lots of plugins that you can work with there's a Wikipedia plugin for information there's some browser plugins so that's interesting just search for image and you'll find this image editor click on install I've already done it and just activate it click on the drop down make sure image editor is checked now here is the drawback there is no plus button right there there is no way you can actually drop an image or upload an image if you try to do that it doesn't really do anything you have to have the image somewhere on the web and you can only post links so I'm using this website from Google search they have not sponsored me I don't recommend it I don't know how private this is gonna be but anyway let's drop the image right here now this my friend will give you a link now let's type in upload the image paste the link and resize it for Instagram Square don't crop the faces now as you can see it is using the image editor so there will be less apologies for the oversight I'm three inches shorter and two inches wide image has been reset I don't know what the point was for this video but just so you know just for fun image editor does have some commands that you can apply like resize crop blur and rotate and everybody is scared that AI is taking over but the reality is just as technology has developed so far AI right now at the moment of this video is just a tool I don't know what the future will hold but at the moment AI is just pushing it to a higher position of being a director because AI needs a director it can do the small manual jobs here and there but then again it would need you to tell the AI how you want to take the creative process I hope you always keep in mind that nobody can be you but you you are uniquely you and that is something AI cannot do it may try to do your style it may try to learn from you but then again you can come up with something unique that nobody else can even think of so what are your thoughts how do you think this will develop in the future let's talk about it in the comments thank you so much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it and if you did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you my friend don't miss any other future tips tricks or tutorials thank you so much for watching I'll see you in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you you keep creating we're up here on cloud nine and somehow we get it right every time cause these days we're Upon Us in crime and I like it like that foreign
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 333,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt photo editing, chatgpt, artificial intelligence, adobe, photoshop, openai, Image editor, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: o_fTx6UQ6kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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