Emptying a 5000 bushel grain ring and fun with mermaids!!!

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we're gonna auction probably and [Music] you I gotta look at her human ears this attack cable broke on there they don't have the new one Anya hey guys how's she going today well state who of our multi early hauling adventure and we got 1500 bushels left to bring on the contract so that's like two and a half loads on the big trucks here and turn out two and a half loads out of this five thousand bushel ring and then the rest I'll have to transfer into I'm thinking the fifty three hundred bushel bin there and we got one bin bottom left in 1950 so there's 500 600 bushels there yet also to move so that's kind of the plan for today we load up both trucks I'm gonna make one more run to the elevator and a spawns gonna make two since on trucks faster and then we'll use the International truck to transfer to bins out of the pile so anyway [Music] get this move so I'll talk to here in a bit [Music] I just left the yard here for the load on and looks like there's a couple hitchhikers here standing on the side of the road coming for a ride little hitchhiker all right some good video you guys running hand hose here so Antoine got stopped by the boys in blue and they're a pack of and said you know there buddy yeah 30 bushels too heavy on your front axle go and park and empty that out before you can go anywhere so here we are shoveling out a three tandem trucks 30 bushels out the front anyway and Christ said dad why she just lifted the hoist up and let it all run to the back 30 bushels too heavy just open the gate let her go on the highway there Fox she's late now pretty dumb make Iggy yeah christ almighty very good parking at subway pond that's impressive that's worthy of being in the video Alva are you impressed with the park jobs [Laughter] well that action shots that we're getting probe there got a hard time focusing because all the water droplets everywhere yeah Paulo fun and games a bill devil later heat drokken robbed road I would see old Emily well we made it all the way there and back again without getting arrested that was nice whereas goddamn Guney bastard anyway dad loaded up the brown three tunnel we are gone and we just started into the international truck here and we had to move the back so we could reach her on the pile a little better there's what's left of the file anyway so Diggins gonna do some troubling I guess dad maybe we should just set up an auger and let him go exactly yeah anyway Antoine's getting the 4440 you're ready to put on the big augur and we'll get things set up we'll talk again here in a few ya mean I wanna buy it yep how about 7 grand all yours he's gonna have a hard time getting it in there you didn't spit on it first ha he is off of it oh the oil thick it is going down single-acting cylinders on the air a so the oils thick like molasses treating all trying to go down so anyway tones gonna get that lined up and I'm gonna go get the freight liner filled saw an exciting Rob oh boy Kwan's got a real hard time hitting the hole the next day he's struggling there we go [Applause] well we're so I got a truckload in the half for two maybe two truckloads left in the bin they're in the ring yet after this by volume so my volume has probably been about forty five forty seven hundred whatever ish in there after dockage but by weight the way it's laying up with what we took out of there already back to the bin we're at about thirty now after this probably about thirty six hundred bushels so that's kind of nice got a quite a bit more then I thought it was gonna happen so oh what a day and then seat cleaner phone and he wants us to bring we'd seat tomorrow to get cleaned also Santorin sweep in the box of the freight liner out and it'll be ready that way and yeah that's kind of the plan anyways to get the trucks loaded with wheats either wheat to be cleaned for seed once we're done this I'll have a couple tandem loads each roughly that'll have to get cleaned so anyway we're gonna get this loaded and we'll stocked again here in a few while we're down into the bottom of the Ring here and there's a bit more spoiled on the bottom than usual because of how a disgusting our phone was with all that rain it really doesn't matter a to me though because I need chicken feed anyway so but there's only three inches across the bottom of the Ring here so there really isn't very much that is foiled are not really spoiled but stains see how it can see the yellow earth spots and then the later that white fire Li because what they want for the same yellow they really don't want so not a big deal but anyway we're gonna get her cleaned up here and talk to you and this thing's empty Wow she's virtually empty other than chicken feed that's left on the bottom of it there's a little bit more good barley left than I thought shine the light up in here's probably straighter than 50 bushels I think maybe give or take maybe not quite maybe a little more there's quite a bit in here again actually so anyway we're going to go dump this and that bin and set up an auger and get our wheat seed loaded up in one of these trucks social once again we'll talk to em fu [Music] well that's the 50 puddings running of this stuff clearing the middle of snow out of the way here in front of a swan spins baby sweet out of the one out here proceed [Music] Oh roll that's all up out of the way Oh is ring I didn't really explain it very well but you just start from the middle and work your way out from there because we've taken all the way from one side it'll flop the plywood over all the weights they start in the middle and it's kind of spiral your way out tell she's empty so hot like I said gonna get this bit of snow rolled up out of the way and that will probably be [Music] No for watchin [Music] and well talk to y'all in the next one [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: South Sask Farmer
Views: 20,687
Rating: 4.9312625 out of 5
Id: qV2DBlL67xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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