"Empowered For Success Through Business"

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God's will therefore it is the final authority to which I submit to settle all the issues of my life it is the standard of my conduct and the basis of all my expectations shouted out I am what it says I am I possess what it says I possess and I can do absolutely everything it says I can do today I will be taught the Word of God by my pastor and that word when mixed with faith will provide victory because I'm a believer not a doubter I'm a doer not just a hero well that's good even come on let's go to the first chronicles chapter 4 yes indeed 1st chronicles chapter 4 I promise you is in your Bible 1st chronicles chapter 4 we are beginning our series this morning entitled empowered for success through business oh boy I hope you get excited empowered for success through business all right now we're going to look at 1st chronicles chapter 4 we got some scriptures who are going to go to through today because today I am just laying the groundwork what are we doing see because we've got to talk about why it's important and then who God wants to do it ok so the purpose of this series is going to be the stir the believer to walk in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and go into all the world and create affluence a bunch of money yeah influence and have a positive impact for the glory of God through the platform of business here it is again the purpose of this series is to stir you to walk in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit watch to go into all the world and create affluence or affluence ok influence and positive impact for the glory of God through the platform of business alright so let's look at 1st chronicles chapter 4 verse 9 and 10 and do this is more honorable than his brother yea jay-bez is a good guy come on and his mother call his name Jabez saying because I bear with him sorrow mm-hmm and Jabez called on the God of Israel saying oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed yeah and the Laurus my coasts yes man Han might be with me and that I would have keep me from evil hmm that it may not grieve me and God granted him that which he requested all right this morning I want to talk from the subject pray with me pray with me now we've been on this series we've been talking this year kind of around this theme of being empowered okay and Acts chapter one and eight says but you shall receive power well I was hoping for more of that after that the Holy Spirit has come upon you and then this watch it says and you will be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem in the Judea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth you and I have been empowered to succeed okay I didn't hear everybody on that you have been empowered to succeed get it in your spirit get it in your mind dream about it I want you to write it on your refrigerator put it in your phone set an alarm and wake you up every morning and tell you you've been empowered to succeed to desire to only survive when it is not a wartime or some kind of deep you know traumatic catastrophic season is selfish if all you want to do is survive that selfish yeah if it bombs hit everything and we're going through all these okay the Lord didn't let me survive I got it but in the absence of that there ought to be something down on the inside of your spirit that says I want more than just enough I want more than it just barely make ends meet I want more joy than just barely enough to get up and dragged myself to church the devil is a liar but I might need my other mic messing with y'all this morning we're supposed to be empowered to succeed and we all have a craving for it see I think you're going to get frustrated if all we do is come in here and try to pump each other up and celebrate and then it just faints through the week and then we need another fix this is not a drug our relationship with God is not a drug we have been empowered what does that mean that means that we live with an active awareness of the presence of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit that gives us authorization and ability and authority to conquer Satan self and any situation come on now so that we can show the Dominion of God be a light to those in darkness and be salt and preserve this world till Jesus comes we've been empowered somebody shall have been empowered I mean we gotta get a hold of that we've been empowered to make a difference in this world and we got to learn to take territory no you guys you guys you guys you guys see this is okay this just means I got work to do we got to learn to take territory it's time for a takeover years and years ago they wouldn't let me keep that shirt lady Tracy I had the shirt you remember that shirt from way back in day takeover training and in training whether to advance the kingdom enlisting operatives to violently evoke a revolution takeover yeah I had stains all on that shirt that was back when you had shoulder pants I was trying to still play it this year they wouldn't let me do it but we need to take over see because at some point you and I have to get to the place where we say it's not enough for us just to come in and celebrate and shout but God has a plan on his mind that he would use us to make a difference in our generation and that that's not going to come just because we speak in tongues it's not going to come just because we have good music it's not going to happen just because we build a couple buildings but every person has got to realize the hand of God is on your life to do something amazing and you owe it to God and us you owe it give me some more month in my monitors for me miss Betty so I won't holler my throat out we need to take territory see remember remember when God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt he didn't bring him out Sarah for them to wander in the wilderness he didn't bring him out so he they had a cloud but they they had fire by night some thought this isn't what Germain say I am free so they were like yes I'm free we don't have any slave masters I'm free and I got some shade and got some some heat y'all done about that no no indoors not the little stove or the heater that you burn yourself own but not like central heating air and they were just happy to wonder I'm sorry y'all ain't happy to wonder there's a promised land I intend to walk in it no my castor thank you thank you my cat you got to have it down in your spirit that it thank God see here's the thing we think that if we want more it means that we're not appreciative of what we have that's not true I can appreciate having raggedy furniture because I could be on the float but though I appreciate what is there it does not mean that I am not busting my tail to get something better because I wanted to look like God wants it to look and God wants me to have bad we gotta take territory he told them come out of Egypt and get out of this wilderness wandering around go in the promised land watch this now and don't just get you a little plot of land off to the side take the mess over Lord I ain't got no radical Christians in here door for well you got to start what you got Rose we have to be Kingdom minded remember the church is just the frame Jesus is the picture but the kingdom is the backdrop Jesus is the picture Church amen but the frame but the kingdom is the backdrop remember the kingdom is about strategic placement of believers in the positions of power purpose prosperity and influence again so we can show that our God is wise that our God has dominion see we can't be satisfied with a defeated life because it gives the wrong reflection of God you know you don't want you don't want your children to be walking around wreck Oh Lord altar what kind of key is there boy you can cut Doggett you anointed what kind of key were there c-sharp mmm let me tell you something but you want to see if we get upset ain't nothing worse than seeing somebody clean as a chitlin serve to the bishop own on New Year's Day and then their children come in raggedy oh you better not let me see you I will snatch that gold chain off your net and pawning it by your children's of gold your nails done and your children got holes in their shoes Oh yo y'all get me a mic I can hold I feel the need to have a holding mic no you don't do no foolishness like that you don't do no mess like that you don't let yourself be all great and imagine why because if I see your child and your child is raggedy and they look unkept they look uncared for they look stressed and down and defeated that says something about you what don't you think that God wants children that look like they've been capped look like they're blessed got enough jock come on god help me with this leg we got to be moving forward in the blessing of God the placement of God this thing is serious go with me to mark chapter 16 I want you to see something yeah that's good right there thank you Miss berry yes mark chapter 16 so you got changed the way we think no we got to change the way we think now because God wants us to take over through business mark chapter 16 verse 15 say Wiis week Oh God and I think on every preacher that comes here they tells them so we got a spiritual church he tells saying yeah y'all spiritual woman dad's been gone she said there you save since I'm gonna be saved just like that one day we just joked with each other like that just clown but uh they're all saying people come here he's like when when y'all singing he says just it's a is something different is there something different well here's my thing I thank God for a bit but I'm gonna need that to show up out there oh I wanna shout I wanna fall out I want to have ugly church I want to be mustard when I go home but I don't want to be mustard when I go home from church and then be on the couch all week long with no money and no victory if we don't shout in here we always lay out there push your neighbors hell you're killing out there you all have your sights set on something better mark chapter 16 see we're so devotional in our approach that's what the Lord told he was so approach a devotional we see everything so spiritually that I think we may be missing well-put like this we think we're seeing it spiritually we're seeing it devotionally which is more personal uh-huh why says March 16 verse 15 read that dot and he said unto them yeah go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature go into all the world and preach the gospel he said pastor that that sounds spiritual okay I just read a book by Bill Johnson and Lance wall now called invading Babylon and it challenged us to see the world in something other than purchase a devotional kind of I need to make sure I go to every street and every house and you do and share my faith and that's wonderful but it says the world is broken up into like mountains or platforms and he talked about really if you want to see the world you can see it from seven vantage points there's the government entertainment the church media education technology and science together in business that's the world we supposed to be going to okay okay okay see see okay here it is again you gotta write it down government entertainment the church that's where we stay that's all we see y'all know I'm telling the truth that's all we see Church what rap I love it you know I love a good shouting service hope the shout before I leave today but if I think that all of my Christian faith is about what I do in here but he look if I go over to ours y'all start getting up more so surely your faith can't be about they look two hours here yeah I know you wrong for that and then the other two an hour and a half at Bible study till you do right by me Kevin Wiese in government entertainment Church media education technology and science and business this is that's what comprises the world so why we are and listen we all now we're going on the missions trip the day after Father's Day we're going to Puerto Rico we're going to go over there men we're going to be helping the build we're going to be preaching the gospel we're going to be ministering the people it's gonna be amazing but here's the thing there's another way to see that we need to go into all the world you needed we need people that are born again in entertainment we need people to go into government [Applause] going to education going the science and technology go into business as your ministry you see we wouldn't have 100 preachers in the church of 112 if we would start letting people know it's just as much ministry to run a business as it is to preach everywhere we go it's manic I don't know what y'all I don't know where y'all are today yeah that's what I need never help me that right there let me just take this right off come on y'all where did we get this from where did we get this this from thinking that you're only in ministry if you preach on Sundays where did that come from where did that come everything you do I thought the Bible said every place that's the foot your feet trod that's what I get I thought that's what he said so if I work and if watches y'all if I work at Wells Fargo whether they're moving or not if I work there that's my place of ministry that's why I make the anointing they are on my job that's why that's my man if I'm if I'm Denzel Washington and I'm an entertainer but I can't because he cuz he going to hell down behind that can I ask a question oh I'm scared can I ask a question yeah Oh could play your life I just have to try and throw this out what what if what if I don't know you know I'm continually continue to be here in the build and do what we're doing the build on 4,000 cedar and do all of this happy as I can be fat just happens feta cheese factory happy but what if all of a sudden I go from this thing and I start going here and going there and you know then they say well Bishop we heard that you were giving up for adoption and we've heard that's you so and so and so so we'd love to do your life because if you ain't saved you can't play the glory of God on my life watch this now and you can't play me if you can't cuz cuz the first 20 [Applause] I'm just gonna leave it like this y'all say all I'm saying is we don't we have been tweeting the reason we said Lord everything is so bad now it's just so bad but we don't have anybody in entertainment we were we told them they were going to hell if they went into acting so now we all of a sudden if then we want to stand back in the church which dresses to the floor and can't even see nothing but our eyes and when we want to say why is the world getting so bad it's getting bad because we didn't understand the scripture they said come out from among them watch and be separate not separated if we're separated then we leave their presence if we're separate we remain among them with holy distinction somebody has got to be an entertainment somebody has got to be in media Dimmesdale and his wife are saved to the bone and they still play training day I guess I did that just y'all ain't ready for this doom or not I probably should have warned you a little bit more how we're gonna have a go reach the world how about gonna read how we're gonna reach the world who then put that scripture you wrote we can't even have a business you didn't called it the anointed cherub covering so don't push your neighbors they stop that foolishness stop it oh my god stop it I don't care whether you call yourself the holy and righteous cleaners either you can power wash my house so you can't I don't need you to name it something save I need you to show up on time I need you to do a great job I need you to have honest character that's what I need I don't need no she come on mama ha ha childcare service [Applause] [Music] [Applause] go into all the world go into all the world see it differently somebody need to make sick money just just just more money than you can blink at because the fluence provides influence which provides the impact and we need light in dark places by the way what I pay if I first-class when the plane get it the same time you gotta love the same service everybody just do like that right there you got to love to say oh my god you got to love them that's why I say that color Sam I get a tattoo every week I say I'm gonna give it say you gotta love the Saints so you just let everybody in first-class go to hell because you don't want to pay 300 dollars more that what we say go into all the preach this thing we have a new president and don't make no difference what you feel about it I said some of the other day see that's your president we can do all that at all we want to President Obama on the cruise right now he did he said I did what I was gonna do y'all just go home I ain't seen him but like twice he put his time in and he is in the Bahamas right now cruising we have a new president and and and watch this now our president is a businessman now get me first chronicles chapter 12 God wants to empower us to step in a new territory and let me tell you something the enemy is so faithful to try to deceive people I was talking to somebody the other day the enemy likes to get you distracted get you deceived or get you depressed he won't live in say something he comes at those things so they try to get people out of the depressed over circumstances or get them you know distract it with you know you know sinful kinds of things or get them deceived can't even enjoy I was talking I was talking the river about the situation and you know Oh Lord do I go into there yeah let me just yeah because you gotta find first Chronicles you haven't found it that's cuz y'all looking on your phone if you had a Bible you still be flipping you know a lot of times you see good good solid people who have a heart and then the enemy tries to get them dislodged from a place that could propel them to a high future see and so you know as believers you know we come we celebrated we worship the Lord on the first day of the week that's the way the early church did it in honor of the resurrection of Jesus that's what history they completely shifted so that they could honor the pivotal thing in our faith and I've watched and I've heard and I've seen people who get pulled by side doctrines that try to take them back into the law to get you I've seen women that on fire for God and loving God and then some we had to have one two years and years ago then they went somewhere and the people convinced them that they cuz they didn't have on the skirt and had on makeup they were going to hell and I thought to myself there are there are seven over seven billion people in this world and you really think that the difference that God wanted to make could be nullified by the fact they got on blush I'm gonna need you to sit on that for just a moment but see you watch this month watch how the enemy tries to get you distracted see because if we ever start taking the power of the Holy Spirit and yes let it work on our heart yes let it work as we worship but begin to move us into greater levels of influence out in the world remember dual placement if we ever let God begin to start speaking to us and showing us that business is not just possible but it is his intent so that we can make a difference in this world and it provides the fluence that we need to be able to not just fund the church but live like God's children all the lives watch what I tell you are you at first chronicles 12 yeah we have a new president y'all watch this first chronicles 12 verse 32 and these children of Issachar watch another children of esseker we're for men to have understanding of the time they were who men that have what y'all understanding of the what time you got to know the time you're living in we're not still living in the 60s you have to have understanding of the times just this is past week it was 50 years ago since dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated horrible but the reminder and I bought one of the time magazines that goes through and shows and I encourage you to get encouraged you know it shows the the numbers and where we really are in the country and let me tell you something I thought it was real significant that everything and it was black and white and there are still very serious racial issues but can I remind y'all something this country ain't run off black and white this crunch country is run off green y'all better hear what I'm telling you I'm trying to help you I'm not saying we don't need to work on stuff we need to work on I'm not saying we should never protest we sure but I hear I need you to understand your voice is louder when you got money okay I got three hands five hands the children of mr. Kerr were men that had understanding of the what come on to know what is or ought to do that's right the heads of them were 200 and all their birthing were at their commandant yes because they understood the times that they were living in their brother they had commandant over folks in other words they were given authority because they understood the times and knew what needed to be done you can really get some Authority this morning I say you get ready to get Authority this morning because you need to understand that we are living in a day where there is privilege associated with those who would take advantage of business Chris Jenkins is one of our members Krista's waving everybody about look around that's Chris Jenkins phenomenal man of God and has a accounting firm and I need you to I asked him I said Chris can you help me tell me about these new tax laws because you got a businessman in the White House what do you have he don't care nothing about community stuff and people and kidding about that Nana says we come and we talk all along all day long the American of they load into me but here's what you need to know while long seeing I need to figure out how to flow wasted time tell my son anti-trump no no what is it what you do what are the laws how do I need to posture myself so Chris took it upon himself so he went he pulls some things together he's a bishop you have to understand that in this day if you just earn a wage you end up with this amount but if you have your business set up so that you draw your ways through a business you gonna end up right here now y'all the difference between one hand and the other it's money y'all didn't get there the difference between one hand and the other is what so what that means is right now if I would be wise then God would allow me I could push my way into the business arena because there's something in you that's amazing okay let me preach to whoever said listen there's something in you that has a that almost it's like a river that flows that wants to bring affluence and influence so you can impact and you got to get enough confidence to stop believing the lies of your yesterday you got to get enough confidence to believe that God can use you to do something brand new in your day you gotta stop seeing yourself and struggling all the time and realize now we got a businessman in the white house now businesses are going to get more credit okay yeah large corporations they don't get the majority of it but small business owners will get it too and if anybody can be a small business owner now you have to understand let me give you a got three points today all of your kids oh right there's number one you get the power to command when you have knowledge of and take advantage of opportunities you get the power to command that means influence and authority when you have knowledge of and take advantage of opportunities Bishop Jake's told us this he said poor is when you pass over opportunities repeatedly yeah you are not get power to command when we have knowledge of and take advantage of opportunities the children of this occur said they understood the times and they knew what we ought to do I'm believing God that by the end of this year that almost all of us will have started a business and we will be operating in overflow that we're willing to put the work in willing to put the study in willing to get trained so that we can have the increase in our lives because when a believer has more we can do more mr. tonin said poor is when you pass over opportunities regularly or repeatedly given Luke chapter 7 let me taste of whether it's an LLC or limited liability corporation whether it's a I am see was it and here watch this old Thank You whole ago whether you're incorporating watch this please everybody listen is in fact stop don't even look first Chronicles right now where I'll tell y'all to go well that's why you don't need me in Chronicles alright don't even look for Luke right now just cuz you're Christian don't mean you need a non-profit I know y'all don't think I had to say that but I declare now I have both myself hi yes no seriously so I have something that for real estate then I have nonprofit and you know where I show and help and give in to different things yeah got a non-profit and got you know bishops wings that kind of stuff I'm getting ready to get a big icy machine and get that all the flavors and that real sour stuff oh no I don't ain't mad at Kona ice but Kona Neal Oh about Neal O'Neill's freezing so something frozen pops up y'all let go had church with me yes but we need to have something and everything that had to be non-profit God wants us to make profit okay everybody say that with me the Lord wants for me to make profit man we have brother we have a brother in here brother Eric more phenomenal business man knowing that man of God I asked him to send me some things on business y'all it was so good I tried to figure out how to send the money back through the computer I thought to myself doc I don't even know what I want to say some of this need to be in a book he said a lot of people run a business and don't know you're supposed to make profit just doing the work and bringing money in doesn't mean you got a prophet a prophet is what you have after everything else is paid y'all not gonna talk to me so we have to make sure that we go in with the right mindset all right let's go to Luke okay Luke Sarah come on I'm just trying to lay the groundwork Luke seven hurry hurry verse 33 32 but the Pharisees in Lord women they not that they're not there I'll give them five seconds it's Lou all right Matthew Mark Luke all right chapter 7 verse 33 32 but the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsels of God themselves being not baptized of him the church ofoh would not listen that's what that's talking about the church ephone it said the people went only got baptized when they heard what they needed to do the normal people normal folk went on and followed it there's a folk in here today they may not know Jesus yet and they don't hear what I say and they're gonna be it all the look glasses and they're gonna get their business together and be and you got folk that you combos can't change the service over there I don't know I just don't read and the Lord said we run too thin shall I liken the minute this generation Jesus should I like it these people too and what are they like watch verse 32 they are like unto children sitting in the marketplace and calling one to another and saying we have piped unto you and you have not danced we have mourned to you we have not where help me holy ghost jesus said you want to know what the church is like he said the church is like a bunch of children sitting in the oh god I need you to get that I need you to get there the church is like a bunch of children sitting in the tommye we ain't we shout this Sunday Oh y'all not gonna talk to me we piped in you didn't dance let me tell you something God did not create the church just to give us something to do on Sunday mornings and Wednesdays God created the church to be the vehicle through which he operates to expand the kingdom in the earth we're supposed to be coming in here giving him worship but being fed faith being fed strategy being fed ability being prayed over why so when we go out y'all are not Holland with me when we go where we can start turning it out in business in government in education in media in science and we in here coming past a hoot in a while now you know I love a good hoop too good as anybody wait you said Britain Britain said I went up to what key B flat note C sharp earlier but no this was last Sunday that's probably why my voice a little weak today no he said I went on up I usually am in a flat what's a flat yeah that's it right there he that is all and then he said but I ended up where ha now as funny as we are that's when we that's when we think we have a church yeah and I'm here to tell you I love who but just as much as the next person but I hope you're like me I don't care how my how well anybody hoops if I can't pay my bills just don't sound the same I don't care how many folks shout if I got to go home and live in hell let this don't do it for me I'd rather have a somewhat Drive service and have a flourishing life I'd rather be able to buy my car in cash be able to give a million dollar offer I can shout in my kitchen what's that they got that he comes shot in the music right that shot music y'all have heard that who has the hands that I walk in well that means we need on there I told you doc I told you if I could play like that I'd be somewhere every night playing $200 right there while you eat you'll be sitting up in Logans beautiful sounds coming to you from the keys who what you put your shout music home and you can buy a city and you go in go for broke but when I come to church I want somebody to deal with me where I am I want them to deal with my issues y'all ain't talking to me now I want them to deal with the issues the things that are holding me back the things that I believe that are not true the voices in my head that are saying something tender that contradicts the Word of God I want the kind of preaching that tells me I know your mama was sweet but your mama was wrong God let God be true alright let's look at this he says you all are like like kids in the marketplace kids don't belong in the marketplace because they're kids that they want to play they want to dance they don't want to do business you know I thought it was serious that Jesus said I must be about my father's my not ministry because there's an intensity you bring to business where you look for a profit y'all are not talking to me he said I don't want you in nothing he said in fact God is so serious about business and about this concept of profiting he said that to whom much is given much is required what is he saying he said I love you and you love me but I've got an investment in you and I want to return and you better bring me more than I gave you boy I wish I had anybody there is money everywhere that you are willing to put wisdom work and a will to succeed God wants me let me show you something in this one D come on down I'm ready for you I was sitting there talking to one a couple weeks ago and when I was a child I wouldn't make these little hearts and I will put a cross in them you probably remember maybe as early as backdating but I went there this was when I was real young and I was talking with her and she said Bishop this is you and she showed me that and it when I tell you I went down trace it's gone and I she showed me picture I said oh my god that's this that's what that's that's my symbol that's my she said my husband made that do what now watch this she showed me something else get me something ESDA oh my god I told myself bring this for me this morning that's a bag of money women how you doing TJ come on show me how you gonna do it I see oh my god bring me that lion I said he makes this just say yeah he's a real thoughtful kind of guy go out in the backyard and and just he just goes out in the backyard I said well turn is there cash register in the backyard is that no cash register in the back Shirley please tell me there's a cash register with Wyndham squares in the backyard tell me watch this now every bit of the little if you gotta keep see you gotta keep tools somewhere so that part of the house would be tax deductible and then tell me that all the wood and all the what do you use them what kind of sound don't tell all your secrets whatever you use to make this stuff all that stacks deductible and then because you got a drive to get some of that so then my let's come watch it if you don't even sell nothing you still get thousands back because of your expenses we sitting up here letting thousands of dollars go because we don't know our own value now I've been to a lot of places ain't seen nobody backyard but stuff like this this is a member of our charge and I told him today I said doc this thing is so smooth I'll you can stop by the office will negotiate pricing right after church in the name of Jesus give me that Lance let me see that last four to that cook Oh Lord he got all kind of stuff look at the elephant oh my god oh yeah mmm to me what kind of musician can't afford to be without thought I can't talk about it no more this one's mine no I'm about this one thank you Jesus other yeah Scott now watch this so here's my thing how dare you die with that kind of talent what's now and the world don't get it see because watch this we swear just something I do I told you I watched a special about the guy that took old bullets and turned them in the jewelry and folk buying them right steady people taking things they have some kind of vision and they start eating y'all are going to look at you they started what business now I'm not telling you that you do stuff without training I'm not telling you that you don't investigate but I am telling you every one of us has millions of dollars in our hands and the world needs to see the kind of stuff watch that we can produce what you will you will have done God a disservice for him to have given you an ability that he intended to bless your life and intended to move you to a platform where you could discuss things with other people where you would have interaction with folk you know what I told him you would have done God a disservice let me finish that sentence if you don't put it into that arena where it belongs watch now and get paid for it now watch this I told him I said you got your name and I ain't saying he should use my name but I'm just saying I saw heart he art seeing the beauty of the world through the eyes of a man well that sounds just the sentence when I tell you you ain't got to have a whole bunch I would get one these walls have them put something up have some of those pieces spotlighted and you get one of the people in here with all those you know voices then we'll you know let me see huh Lydia the ants that's what yes yeah that's when you just get up you say something like there'll be an art show this Friday evening exclusively done what and then you say and are you going you show a few pieces designed and and and you could say there can be private showings because won't feel better about you bringing stuff to their house so you tell how we can do a private showing for something for you $4,000 if we can come in and set the art up so that you and your friends can see it and then you just end it with heart with the small with the H and the E but then art in all caps sing the beauty of the world through the eyes of a man Wow that's money that's just money sitting there and if you try to take it before he gets it done I'm coming for you all right God told us to go into all the world and we have to realize that wherever we work whatever gift we have that is ministry okay I ain't got much y'all but that is ministry wherever you work that's your ministry God wants to use the platform of business let business let me let me try to move this to some of some people God told me now and I have low Asterix up here God Allah has allowed some of us to get to the point of utter frustration because we have settled for far beneath what he wanted to do so God has had to allow persecution frustration and a shaking up to get us moving acts 1 & 8 says he gave us power huh and we're supposed to go into all the what that's right and then axis head injury I believe Jerusalem going to Judea Samaria are the most parts of the earth acts 8 and 1 said basically because they didn't go God let persecution Center hit him to scatter them I hope some of you that they will see that God is trying to get you the stretch that's why he's let things get tight and dry because he's trying to push you into the thing that he had called you to a long time ago y'all ain't saying then to me so the first thing I told you I wanted you to write down was what that we get power when we have knowledge of and take advantage of opportunities second thing I forgot to tell you our own Luke chapter 7 we must stop piping and start profiting I think I we covered that pretty decently man we gotta stop this pipe in and start profiting number three we gotta believe that it is for us first chronicles chapter four let's get ready close this thing out it says if jay-bez was more honorable than his brothers his mother called his name jay-bez saying she bore him with sorrow she called him a headache and jay-bez called on the lung God the God of Israel saying oh that I would has blessed me indeed enlarge my territories god I need somebody to pray with me on this he's this is the pray prayed he didn't just pray now watching you ought to be holy everybody said no he God wants us holy but watch this he said God I want you to bless me this is what he prayed I want you to enlarge my territories I want your hand to be with me keep me from evil that it won't grieve me and God granted his request what he asked for he asked for a full blessing he asked for expanded territory he asked for God that keepers anointing on him and to keep him from evil and oppressive temptation but I need you to see something about jay-bez jay-bez came up notice his position J's Bears came up and all they said about everybody was they lived and died they lived and died they lived and died then right in the middle of where you think this is about nothing it talks about jay-bez and it breaks up the lived and died we got too many people just living I need some Jesus I need some people say everybody my family's contempt to just live and not leave any kind of impact not not gain oh god where y'all at this morning not gain anything but JB I'm not like that JB said even though I'm around people that have been content to just live and die all they want to do is just go to work maybe pay some bills struggle a little bit and they're good no Jay they said that's not gonna beat me and you gotta make up your mind that you feel like God has more for you and you gotta be willing to say God I don't know about anybody else but I want you to bless me I don't want to be in the struggling Lane my whole life I want Judah his position is in the midst of people who don't care but can I tell you your position it's not an excuse I said your position is not an excuse I don't care if everybody in your family been on assistance you need to hear what God is saying to you god I wish I had some more people in it it felt like every Church you need to be able to hear regardless of where you are right now regardless if you ain't got two nickels to rub together I'm not asking you to have the answer today I'm asking you to pray with me I'm asking you to just say God bless me indeed don't let me stay like I am don't let me stay where I am I don't want to be just like everybody else I believe you called me to be different I believe you called me to do something I believe you called me that have something look at this look at this position and then look at his pain or its past what's this his mama thought it was a headache she named him that can I tell you some people are gonna always be irritated with groundbreakers y'all don't feel like having Church today people don't always be irritated because you don't seem to be settled like everybody else that's some people don't even understand your choice of church they don't want to say cuz you got to drive so far to get here and they said where there's a church across the street and I mean no disrespect but you have it in your mind it ain't enough for me just to go and sing and shout and still live in defeat I got to be somewhere where people are challenging me to come up and get on one of the platforms to go into all the world and do something with sides just try to barely make it I find your neighbor and say I don't care what they call me I want God to bless me I don't care what my mama don't understand if my daddy doesn't understand my brothers and sisters don't understand I believe God told me to make a difference in this world I believe God told me to excel in business touch your neighbor say this is the brokest you gonna ever see me that's God's getting ready to do something crazy I believe this is mama this is my season for grace for favor this is my season to read what I've sold say you better play a praise right there will be increase increase increase increase increase increase him his mother called him sorrow but it ain't about what they call you it's about what you answer to you ain't hear what I'm telling you God getting ready to move folk 2 millionaire status because he's getting ready to show you some avenues of how your business is gonna meet needs these get ready show you voids and you get ready step into it God told me use my influence to create affluence so God is connecting me know who can hear me by the Holy Ghost this morning listen he was proactive in nature what is his position was in between people who were content to just live and die and not do anything his past was that indicate was assists a whole system of pain because his mother looked down on him but I need y'all to see his proactive nature please tell me you see them verse 9 he was more honorable than his brother II see listen this was where the church sometime misses it - don't do this this way we sometimes miss America because what we want to do we want to wait till we get there - all of a sudden learn about how to manage people learn about how to deal with sin oh no no no no no you got to learn how to do it right now you're not talking to me you don't wait until you get a million dollar job to be or a million dollar career or a business that's gonna let you one hundred million dollars to learn how to work a budget you got to be able to work a budget on that $500 you bring home y'all are not talking to me but you got to be more honorable before you even get your prayer answered jay-bez was more honorable jay-bez got up like he was going to work even before he had the job he was putting on decent clothes I done lost him Jesus I lost him he was putting on decent clothes he was beginning to change the way he spoke he was beginning to look people in the eye I know he worked at chick-fil-a but he was on his way to owning the franchise and he already knew it I guess some of you all today let's say God even before you answer my prayer I'm gonna start getting myself ready I'm gonna start carrying myself like I got the money carrying myself like I'm going to get the breakthrough see what here jay-bez did not wait to become timely excellent to learn to manage people and resources he didn't wait till he got him he was that before he prayed let me give you this last thing look at his prayer look at his prayer just play something from done enlarge he said god bless me see that's what he said enlarge with territory see because I understand I'm a part of the church so as a part of the church God's looking on Kingdom he wants Kingdom so that means he wants us to take territory I gotta take over in this realm oh I'm still sweet but behind the grin I'm thinking how can I take this to the next level let me tell you something every last one of us have look at your phone you know what there was a time when what's in your hand took up the whole wall of a room you can find out anything you want from the phone and and no excuse for being broke in our day thank you for that clap doc I was looking for Sun and no excuse and you just gotta believe that it's for you I don't care what your past is I don't care how many people dogged you I don't care listen I don't care if you spent the first 40 years of your life clowning and cutting a fool I'm here to tell you at the day when you hear his voice harden not your heart and say Oh God would you bless me would you enlarge my territory would you keep your hand on me would you keep me from evil so it won't grieve me [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me tell you something something in you baby God wouldn't have me preaching this if it wasn't for us as we talk to the beginning of the year and I said I'm gonna be in it in April she said known O'Neill I'm going in March I said I said I don't know I just feel like I get past that first that first quarter to get our minds right but God is saying it's time it's time for you to put away what you've been told and what they've said about you it's time for you to stop accepting less from yourself it's time to take over god wants somebody to take over entertainment I can't believe Tyler Perry he's supposed to be saved he up there doing all that stuff now he has a television studio somebody got to have it that knows Jesus somebody's got to have it that can pray with the people up there y'all not talking to me somebody's got to be called to go in the government somebody's got to be called to go into media and become a media mogul somebody's called for Science and Technology and it's just as saved as if you were whooping on a Sunday but whatever you do we're gonna teach you how to be profitable this year profitable in your stuff but until you believe is for you it won't happen until you believe God's talking to you jay-bez he said enlarge my territory come on how many pray for increase I want you to just take a second right then get that in your spirit will you pray that with me oh I feel something breaking [Applause] [Music] I wish I had some serious things never just get up and let God do that right now come on where you pray they're not just I always want to hold on give me that one more time come on what they say bless me come on church [Music] come on just tell them enlarge my territory go right now I just need you to pray it just let him notice what you wore what you pray for [Music] come on say it again stay right there come on come on come on come on yes sir [Applause] [Music] come on one more time how many praying that [Music] Cree's with heads bowed and eyes closed let me tell you the first thing God wants to do he wants to empower you to have a life filled with real joy and a connection to his love all that God wants to do in our lives through business or government all of that that is how he wants to use us but God wants to save us before he uses us that's his desire to be in relationship so if you're here today
Channel: Bishop Rosie S. O'neal
Views: 3,989
Rating: 4.8878503 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop, Rosie, O'neal, Koinonia, Christian, Center, Church, Jesus, Greenville, Preaching, success businesss, business, marketing tools, business owners, successful business owners, word of God, praise break, worship, gary Vee, business tools, Rosie Oneal, ted talks, marketing strategies, motivation, entrepreneur, network marketing, Jesus Christ, Td Jakes, business ideas, business insider, business motivation, sucess story, sucess motivational speech, entrepreneur motivation
Id: Y6RyTN6Swa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 42sec (3642 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2018
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