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[Music] after a long and glorious rule and procon she had launched China into a golden age the hi ching era upon his death in 1722 Emperor Yong Chun inherited the throne but would he live up to his father's expectations the kangxi emperor had many children counting over 30 sons born in 1678 future emperor yong chun named incan was his 11th although he was only the 4th Prince to survive into adulthood his mother was a court attendant of low rank so he had little chance of ascending the throne especially since Connie's second Prince was chosen as a Crown Prince nonetheless come she chose to educate his sons bringing them on Imperial inspections around the capital of Beijing where they would learn governance and administration the Emperor also showed his songs military leadership as when he campaigned in 1696 against that song gar Mongols Prince him drunk followed he did not participate in the decisive battle of tiamat war but was appointed as honorary leader of the plain red banner during the campaign one of the eight military divisions of the manchu army in his free time Prince he and John was very quiet and studious indulging in studies of Chinese classics and Confucianism as well as Buddhist literature in the imperial court sessions he actively took part in political debates sharpening his mind and acquiring diplomatic skills gradually the future emperor rose through the ranks becoming a prince of second rank in 1698 and prince at first rank in 1709 the same year Kang XI stripped his second Prince from the title of crown prince slowly a possibility of ascending the throne appeared before him who he tried to keep a low profile that the succession struggle that was just created but item Kang XI died in 1722 he in turn was already 44 years old he was designated as a successor in unclear circumstances possibly against his late father's true wish nonetheless upon the reading of the late Emperor's that was possibly tampered with it was in John who was selected to succeed he numbered pristine Tran officially became Emperor Yong Chun he understood that his position was still unstable and to strengthen it the emperor tried to eliminate the power of his rivals mainly his own brothers within two years he had either elevated some to high positions to hold them under control send them far away from the capital or stripped them of their titles another problem however arose the eight banners military and nobility divisions were distributed among royal and noble families originally only one was on the control of the Emperor but bad atomic Yong Chun three of them were in the hands of the ruler designated as the three upper banners but the other five was still controlled by princes and Nobles who technically had absolute authority over their respective members in 17 of each set of eight banners Manchu Han Chinese and Mongol the Emperor replaced leading personnel and stripped their leaders of many privileges therefore Yong Chun had out stood political rival and secured his control over their Ching dynasty concerning the military young trunk preferred not to lead conquests letting trusted officials lead the campaigns much like his grandfather shown true when in 1723 the holeshot Mongols rebelled against the Kings Authority in the region of Ching hai the Emperor appointed general yang dong Yeol to pacify the region within one year the general had successfully crushed the rebellion and sing high was formally annexed into the Empire the same year in 1724 following the path of his father who had forbidden Christian missions in the Empire Yong Chun issued a decree forbidding Christianity altogether after some priest came to protest he stated what would you say if we were to dispatch a group of bonzes and llamas to your country to preach their doctrines how would they be received Lima doll came to China in the first year of the one Lyrae we will not discuss what the Chinese at the time did we are not responsible for that then you were few in number and it hardly mattered new Christians did not have your people in churches in all provinces it was only on the terrain of my father that he began to build churches everywhere and your doctrine started to spread rapidly I observed this but dared say nothing you may have known how to deceive my father but don't think you can deceive me in the same way that being said Jesuits working in scientific domains and the capital were still tolerated although the persecution of Christians would steadily increase in the decades that followed Yong Chun was careful not to execute Chinese Christians to avoid creating martyrs as it would reinforce the Christian communities he nonetheless enforce strict monitoring of Christians issuing a secret letter to provincial governors in 1729 scolding them for their negligence in surveilling he reportedly lamented that although Christianity and missions had been banned for several years there were still many missionaries living in the country and local rogues who followed their teachings a year after he had banned Christianity in order to manage and have control over trade with the Europeans in Canton or control the Emperor created a trade organization regrouping local Chinese merchants called ko Hong Hong Hong this organization would later be the bulk of the Canton system that would lead to the opium wars later in history also in 1725 Emperor Yong Chun decided to restore the Drule family reigning family during the previous Ming Dynasty by creating a header tree title for his head therefore draw Trillian became a marque this allowed many ming loyalists to accept that shing the dusties authority and reinforced a good image of the Ching dynasty within the population political issues in the southwest were however far from resolved in 1727 and teasing Nobles from Lhasa murdered others who supported the dynasty but Tonga Mongols ally of the anti Ching Tibetans jumped on the opportunity to support the political change fearing another rebellion you'll drunk sent an army of a couple hundred thousand men within the year Tibet had been pacified and that seemed court-appointed to UM Bank Imperial residents acting as governor's to supervise Tibet humbugs would continue to be appointed in Tibet until the fall of the Qing Dynasty in 1912 the dongers would remain a problem for the dynasty their new ambitious leader golden sidin immediately upon taking control of the car mates launched campaigns against the Kazakhs on one side and hull her Mongols their long-term rivals on the other since the halter had become vessels of the ching-yuen Chung had to defend them he dispatched a force of ten thousand soldiers he will however crushingly defeated by the tongue goes near Horton Lake but tongue gars could however not advance further as the hull ha would successfully keep them at bay the trunk proved to be a capable leader he conducted many economic reforms that would prove very effective in ten years the Treasury would double from thirty to sixty million taels of silver furthermore he kept a close eye on government officials making corruption much harder to take place he also forbade them to group themselves into cliques therefore avoiding threats to the stability of the government in 1729 the emperor officially banned opium for the first time in China this much like the establishment of the Canton system would be decisive step leading to the opium wars a little over a century later to better administer military affairs yung-chun implemented the ground council in 1733 this organization eliminated the complicated therefore somewhat inefficient bureaucracy of previous councils as the Ching dynasty would progress the Grand Council would gradually become an essential part of the government's in globing many more functions it would last until the penultimate year of Imperial China learning from his father's example of inspection tours and Pro Yong Chun paid attention to the functioning and maintenance of irrigation systems and canals used for agriculture which increased production he often oversaw infrastructural works of that nature on the occasional natural disaster the emperor was quick to organize famine relief programs as well as build orphanages and pauper houses for the victims while he criticized and had ban Christianity he was tolerant of all other religions in 1732 yung-chun converted his formal personal quarters where he had lived as a prince into a tibetan buddhist temple for young Halla massery the signs were written in Manchu language Chinese characters Tibetan and Mongolian it still stands and serve as a temple today this action was undoubtedly a political move to gain influence within the Tibetan Buddhists as it is most likely that young drunks personal faith lean towards Chan Buddhism much like his grandfather shroom drew in his quest of faith and during the last years of the Emperor's life young drunk formed a circle of erudite stew study Chan Buddhism this group consisted of five princes five Buddhist monks three high officials want hours priests and the Emperor himself out of their work a collection of many writings were published as well as the reprinting of old Buddhist works listening to the preaching of Taoist followers young Zhong allowed himself to be convinced in theories of longevity and immortality achievable through rituals and potions he gradually began drinking elixirs and taking pills of immortality in increasing quantity and concentration these obviously served him no good on the 8th of October 1735 while reading court documents the Emperor collapsed and died it is believed he poisoned himself by overdosing on the Taoists potions therefore becoming the last emperor in history to die in this fashion in any case young trans reign that lasted only 13 years was over at the fourteen children the Emperor had only five four sons and one daughter lived into adulthood by the time the emperor died only three sons remained during his life Yong Chun had seen the terrible crisis that succession disputes could create for this reason he had decided neither to continue of the Manchu custom of equal rights accession nor were his father's choice of designating an heir instead he had devised a new system he wrote the name of his chosen successor on 2 Scrolls of paper one of them would be sealed in a box placed behind the steel ii of the palace of heavenly purity in the Forbidden City and the other would be kept with him at all times upon his death this scroll would be withdrawn and the other unsealed trusted officials would then compare both pieces and if they were judged authentic the new emperor would be revealed this system known as the secret designation of the crown prince would keep going for the rest of Imperial China in 1735 after Jung trongs death the scrolls were compared the officials then announced that his 4th son Prince Hong Lee would ascend the throne as the son of heaven he would become emperor qianlong the rule of young dong is often overlooked as his father Kang XI and his son Channel accomplished many spectacular feats nonetheless Yong dong was a good ruler for the people on the his rule the finances of the Empire skyrocketed corruption was kept at bay political power was centralized greatly in the hands of the Emperor Yong drunk in an act of jealousy and perhaps paranoia had also shown harshness and cruelty to many of his brothers and officials with severe punishments in any case the Empire was prosperous as ever paving the path for an even greater reign that of his son Channel thank you for watching my video I hope you enjoyed it if so please leave a like and subscribe to the channel if you have any questions or requests feel free to leave them in the comment section dinner you [Music]
Channel: History of China
Views: 11,327
Rating: 4.9283156 out of 5
Keywords: qing dynasty, chinese culture, ming dynasty, history of china documentary, high qing era, emperor yongzheng, yongzheng wangchao, yongzheng dynasty, yongzheng emperor history, yongzheng emperor, history documentary china, qing dynasty documentary, history of china, qing dynasty drama, qing dynasty music, yongzheng emperor documentary, Qing Emperors series
Id: xsDToC-V9YY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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