Emmanuel Apostolic Church Portmore Live Stream

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today with one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and in every race there is a finish line and so past the white recognize that her time on the track was coming to a close so she passed on the baton to Bishop su Thomas and FA senior and shortly thereafter made her transition as the baton was passed bishop su and fa senior did not waver in their faith and under the leadership of the Holy Spirit many souls were saved numerous churches built sicknesses healed and the manifestation of many signs and wonders evident with every race comes another baton exchange and a successor being vital to the continuity of the ministry bishop su thomas the presiding prelate sought the lord for direction and was instructed to resign from the post of Presiding Bishop of the Emanuel Apostolic Church this resulted in a meeting of the church board and a vote was taken to elect the new bishop for the organization by popular vote Bishop C Everton Thomas was elected the presiding prelate for the manual Apostolic Church incorporated for such a time as this so in July 2007 the exchange was yet again made to pass the bishop C Everton Thomas holding the rain come on Emmanuel come on Emmanuel God is still with us many a battles we have fought many battles we have warned there is other bring us together than separate us come on in money well it's time to arrive in unity we come against every seed of discord we come against every religious propaganda that is been spread in the mighty name of Jesus we render them null and void I release the spirit of unity across the body of Christ in the mighty name of Jesus and you know what Adam a talk man a stepper and even though the devil the devil keeps stressing we keep stepping because we are too legit to quit this marks in your victory other bishops and pastors who have completed their leg of the race we pause to acknowledge all the ardent and committed bishops pastors workers in this ministry who alongside these giants of the gospel also completed their leg of the relay and have gone on to be with the Lord join me in saluting the stalwarts Bishop age leave Bishop G white Bishop our green Bishop see wash bishop sa Robinson Bishop W Stewart Bishop Murray Bishop ATT foster Bishop Russell Bishop J Watson Bishop L Walker Bishop n Walters Bishop our Morris Bishop T Palmer Bishop H Panton Bishop n Tracy and Bishop e Rowbotham though they may not be present the Pentecostal fire continues to spread across Jamaica and the world [Music] in the heart of London City me the traveling's of the poor these bright golden words were turned I have cried what won't I I have Christ what time I have Gras first time I have Christ what more biasing and dying woman stretched upon a career floor happy no wonder he come for I have Christ ah ah what time [Music] I whoa Oh he then ran to fetch her something wrong [Music] [Music] ha whoa [Music] Oh [Applause] Oh I [Music] ah Oh Oh [Music] praise the Lord everybody come on how we worship the Lord everybody is there anybody that is expecting to win in this season can you just lift your hands and say thank you Jesus because we know that you know a winning season hallelujah thank you Jesus [Music] up against your home [Music] lord we came up against your [Music] you will be a bump against your head try day [Music] it's [Music] the enemy came up against your feet we came up against your being [Music] who [Music] maybe with me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Bishop C Everton Thomas to officially declare convocation [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] how many of you feel like winners tonight look at your neighbors tell them you don't look like a winner when you sit there like that and when you sound like that you could never be a widow widows show with us with us make noise step your neighbor high five and tell them I expect to win [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] check your neighbor I have already a winner you know why you know what because the fight is fixed or you didn't hear me I said the fight is fixed glory be to God and I want to say to you tonight hear me anything that goes into your spirit without entering your mind can never guarantee change for your life it leads simply to feelings only you've got to understand that what we are doing tonight and what we are declaring even with this theme expect to win is more than a feeling it's more than a sensation oh yeah because it is high-risk hear me it is high risk to the wholesomeness of pure theology first for a concept to enter into one's mind or spirit without going through his spirit and thinking it through his mind first of all so whatever we say and whatever we declare tonight don't just get excited think it through and understand that the God the God of Abraham the god of Isaac the God of Jacob the god of Daniel the God of David is our God tonight and that's why we expect to win that's why we are winners tonight and so ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters it gives me great pleasure to declare convocation 2019 open in the name of Jesus right for the glory of God and to the honor of his name somebody shout hallelujah hallelujah God better turn around find five people and just bless them pronounce a blessing on them tonight five people [Music] yeah yeah yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hear me we don't permit you to use your cell phones in services but we will give you permission now to get in touch with some friends and tell them they can join us by livestream on the Emmanuel Apostolic Church Facebook page they can join us by livestream go ahead take out your phone heat up a few friends and tell them to join us in convocation 2019 on the Emmanuel Facebook page and at this time while the bishops come to the platform we want to invite to minister at this time charmagne [Music] good evening everybody turn to them I say it's a beautiful day turn to next to my face a beautiful day can I get some chuck in the monitors please many people died and never saw this name so I live I appreciate so in everything thank you for a I thank you for sure since the beautiful day it's a beautiful day please no person fun and of humans we got one life say it's a beautiful day a beautiful day can you walk I know see a figure know a walk to the sea oh no Weaver boom penis made when I see the cup pick him the way and things are nothing sir everything in life happens for a reason disappointment comes with a lesson he is for me to get wiser got to work harder so in the end I mean about this day [Music] thank you for sure it's a beautiful it's a beautiful day be some person fun let us humans we got one simple it's a beautiful day everybody thank God for life if you like whatever me if you got like me you may not have much for your leave it cannot play and no one [Music] it's a beautiful day amazing cut the music let some nights with Jesus [Applause] you know next week Saturday I have the privilege of launching my album my sixth album has been five years since I released our album and one of the things that God has showed me that he's with me with the amount of favors and the blessings and the connections that I've never seen of my career with a love and appreciation and a support it's not easy to stay out of the scene in an album movie for five years and just you know I mean so I thank God because what God is saying to me in this time is the huge the next generation we're losing I gotta lose sometimes we see them in front of us they are insured but they're not really here so I write still German I read what God said German focus on our next generation because we need to pass but my ears who my generation need to reach the next generation what God is looking for a relationship and sometimes we really want to replace worship with a relationship unless what I said worship relationship in the sense of a worship song it's just emotion what God want I see that's why I created Adam to be dwelling with money and idea today is to calm down when the cooler idea to just sit down with Manon but God want a relationship with two pieces sometimes God wanted us sit on but what we really want is put in a CD and those words the Lord what I'm gonna bow my knees but that I say you love me but what are you giving are you offering yourself as a living sacrifice only unacceptable everyday to your coworker know that you're a Christian because it shows his Christian teachers feel very selfish it's really about us that's why we like our horn family our music everything but the teams that we are winning and the only way we can will is in the purpose and the will of God it will be obedient to him and walk in His perfect will so the song upon a sing my final song is on my knees I know pastor requested Alleluia but I just felt like we need to go to go down right here not just Korea but communicating with God [Music] in 2019 I wanna know what got to be evidence so that the UDM can see Jesus in the world and wonder Wharf Gardens so many roads right there before me looks enticing but I know that's not why God wants for me one go no further unless I know he's leading me to five step forward but lost and stare because of me I made a decision that my life is gonna be about God I may not be famous cuz I wanna sing a righteous son but don't worry bout me my problems won't be money it's better to please God and loving everyone Bobby Knight Murphy some of going down on my knees I'm begging you to help me cuz I am nobody when you read my life I feel free me I'm begging you to help me cuz I am nobody [Music] I feel free when you're in my blood I feel free [Music] back in today's righteousness was thou shalt not but now in these days with sin and now it's hard to star got your brain to but few days later you're back because you didn't clean your spirits and flesh with Allah but I made a decision I'm gonna lose some of our friend change a number that my fans come to an end again mister no more to those songs that's fighting against must be read I'm walking away and I'm now looking bad said I'm going down on my knees making it to help me cuz I am nobody when you read my life nobody in your brain the secret nice I wanted to help me nobody when you read my life I feel free I feel free I feel free when your prayer you know [Music] Oh freedom freedom when your presence is in my life freedom no more change so leader freedom when I know I'm here freedom can you sing that let me hear the policy not much [Music] was nine [Music] no change [Music] I know freedom freedom when you're ready my say [Music] three [Music] god bless you CEO July 20th Ronnie Williams entertainment center come on what those hands together praise the Lord praise the Lord [Music] you Lord you are worthy [Music] Oh [Music] here's my watch my words [Music] [Music] there's nobody that can wash him [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] how about just worship the Lord as fast with eels to open us [Music] thank you Jesus let us pray Jesus we give you the glory Jesus we give it it honor Jesus we give her the highest grade thank you for bringing us together one more year thank you for keeping Lord Jesus you're good you're great and your mercy endureth forever we want to thank you for your goodness hallelujah you are more than in Nova Alleluia you have made us to win tonight we are more than conquerors through your blood hallelujah for the furtherance of this service tonight Oh God we are asking Lord to take full control we leave everything into your hand we pray for our presiding palade but you will strengthen him oh god I pray for the victory tonight I pray that you're back every dark clothes and give us the picture tonight we are determined to win we are bound to win in the name of Jesus hallelujah no powers of Hell can block our picture tonight because you are God you are still God still our Father always will be God all the time let your precious will be done tonight as we wait on you in Jesus name come on put your heads together if you expect to win tonight put your heads together one more time [Music] we're gonna be imagine to the microphone in this life evangelist Jennifer Ellison who will be doing the tonight's scripture reading hi scripture tonight is taken from Joshua chapter 10 from 1 to 10 now it came to pass when Adonis a king of Jerusalem had heard how Joshua had taken a and had utterly destroyed it as he had done to Jericho and her king so he had done too high and her King and how the inhabitants of Gibeon had made peace with Israel and were among them that they feared greatly because Gibeon was a great city as one of royal cities and because it was greater than I and all the mender of were mighty where for a dhansak King of Jerusalem sent unto or am king of Iran and on to pyrin king of chamber and on to Jeff fire king of Lachish and on to deeper king of Eglon saying come up on to me and help me that we might smite thee beyond for it I've made peace with Joshua and with the children of Israel therefore the five kings of the amorite and the King of Jerusalem and the king of Aaron and the king of Zhai mode and the king of lay sheesh and the king of Eglon gathered themselves together and went up they and all their hosts and encamped before he beyond and made war against it and the men of Gibeon sent unto joshua to the camp of gilgul same slap not die and from thy servants come up to us quickly and the save us and elbows for all the kings of the armour rights that dwell in the mountains are gathered together against us so Joshua assumed from Gilligan he and all the people of war with him and all the mighty men of valor and the Lord said unto Joshua fear them not for I have delivered them into thine hand there shall not a man of them stand before thee joshua therefore came unto them suddenly and went up from gilgul all-night 10th and last and the Lord has comforted them before Israel and slew them with a great slaughter at Gibeon and chased them along the way that go it up to best forum and smote them to Issachar and on to machi da these are the words of let the Lord fight your battles you will be winners hallelujah you may be seated today you may be seated and right at this time we're going to be invited the Bishop went down Bailey just to come and acknowledge our visitors and do some greetings god bless you put your hands together for Bishop Wendell Bailey shall we bless the name of the Lord praise His name tonight we stand on the promise on the authority that we're two and three of us are gathered we have the sure assurance that the expectation our our expectation becomes reality my name is Randall Bailey good evening and welcome to the manual family touching people's lives with love if it's your first time at Emanuel I want to use this opportunity to extend a special and warm welcome to all of you all wrapped up in the deep appreciation if our firstly for presiding prelate first lady the executive elders pastors missionaries on all members of the Emanuel family I want to quickly then make special welcome to our guest tonight first we have pastor janma Bartlett and wife from the grace workshop Kingston please make them welcome then we have passed a silver Thomas and wife and pastor Andrew Symonds Perrin Emanuela Florida make them welcome we have Minister David Hansen and wife evangelist Patti Anson first triumphant Church of Jesus Christ Oakland New York bless His name then we have missionary a Burrell Smith that is missionary Harold Smith please make her welcome brother Eric offender New York came especially for this convocation offended offend them thank you kindly open there and then we have Bishop McDonald and wife Miramar Emanuel Apostoli the Perrine family Mary Meyer family and last but not least bishop parchment and saint from strait gate poetry harbor praise His name in concluding tonight we stand and applaud and a brand of five days five nights session and ministering focusing on the theme expect to win I am confident that God will bring our expectation to pass god bless your hearts tonight i bless you god bless you there's a Honda Civic the license plate is 47 17 GU your headlights are on if you drive a Honda Civic your headlights are on for 47 17 G you okay so go and check it out we we have two districts that will be coming today to greet us the first district is going to be district 1 and we're going to be asking pastor ripley short just to come and represent that district district 1 everyone praise the Lord everybody let the church their victory let the church show victory hallelujah expect to win lift up your hand and declare I am a winner I am a winner in the name of in the name of Jesus it's indeed honor and joy for me to greet this great convention on behalf of region 1 and region 1 our presiding bishop for region 1 is Bishop Donald Charles McHugh could you please stand sir could you put your hands together for the captain of the ship amen we have past Ellison from Barrett Avenue and his wife god bless you Pastor and wife we have passed Goodlett and wife Amen from white horses god bless you in the name of the Lord Jesus we have overseer Bevin booth and wife could you please stand put your hands together for them amen and we have a race team reside in prelate bishop C Everton Thomas from this church god bless you sir and I am yours truly Ripley sure could all the churches in region one could you please stand at this time of knowledge region one say something say something say something god bless you in Jesus name you may be who has the final say [Music] [Applause] [Music] for region to the house [Music] finally tonight I wanna greet or presiding freely and convener of this holy convocation Bishop dr. Everton and all this organization and otherwise holy greetings is a wonderful name of Jesus to all pastors women and saints of the most high screeching in the wonderful name which is above every other name as I think about the theme expect to me I my mind went back to a situation in the life of the children of Israel where they were in the land of captivity and the enemy rose up against them and accused Sir John Meshach and Abednego of a plane to other God and the moment came when they must meet the king and because of who they are they are winners I can see that was shook in their neck and standing before the king I said O king live forever if I God will not deliver we will not bow and we know the end of that story hallelujah and so tonight I come in this convocation with one mind and that is to let the devil I'm not out yet and if I'm not out yet I am on the winning side and victory is mine so I'd watch I'd say a David now I can run to a Chu and leap over a wall god bless you put your hands together again there are several epistles that are written in the New Testament and the word epistles simply means message or a letter most people don't write letters anymore and so we have lost that sense but what you have a living epistle among your myths we don't necessarily miss letters so much that were written to the church we have our own living epistle among us today in the person of Bishop Everton Thomas after the last you just stand as we present to you our own living epistle bishop Everton Thomas put your hands Hill thank you god bless you may be seated interestingly when I was younger I used to think the epistles were the wives of the Apostles took me a while to find out how wrong I was how many are happy to be here tonight in the house just to just to acknowledge a few other friends who have come in dr. Henry Morgan you may hear on the radio from time to time a good friend that brother who is doing an excellent work over there and stretched down and he tried I invited him personally and he tried to slip in the back and just hide out but he was spotted so good to have you thank you for coming god bless you god bless you your work is not in vain what you're doing in the inner city amen is really an outstanding contribution to nation building god bless you and thank you for coming to be with us tonight we also want to acknowledge doctors gave and Keisha Stewart who are in the house well please stand and be acknowledged as a matter of fact it's not just dr. Stewart dr. Dave or doctor Keisha Stewart it's doctor dr. Dave Stewart and dr. doctor they just got another degree so praise God we are happy for them congratulations amen and we also are happy tonight well before I announced the other person is there any other pasta outside of Immanuel is there another pasta in the house that was not acknowledged we hate to have you know the angels shepherds come and I know sometimes because I'm like that I like to sleep in the back but we just like to acknowledge is there another pass to visiting tonight that somewhere out there please just stand let's acknowledge you if not we will move right along but we just wanted to make sure now many many years ago one of my first Jobs was with a health insurance company Caribbean health I don't know how many of you remember that but Caribbean health was down I think on Berry Street I moved from there into life insurance with Mutual Life at the time my unit manager at Caribbean health was one mr. Erik often death and he has been a friend of Emanuel a very dear friend of my mom and dad before they passed he has been one who has supported Emanuel in many many ways and has given so much to this ministry even this beautiful beautiful floral arrangement was donated by mr. Eric offered them and he's here tonight and I'm going to invite him just to bring greetings and so please just make welcome mr. Eric often del as he worships with us again this year he was here last year and here he is again had a little accident with his foot and so we pray that God will give him speedy recovery as well welcome mr. hodda a broken ankle Wow god bless you and so just bear with a Bazzi shares and greets us tonight [Music] greetings sisters and brothers in Christ I am here tonight to pay tribute to the late bishop su Thomas as a loving tribute to bishop su thomas let us tell you of the life of our friend of today we came here to our convention at the same time I came here to honor him and what better way to do that than by being reminded of his life first of all let me speak of his family they were dear to his heart and in words and deeds he showed them every one just out there he was there was never a question about his love it was unselfish generous brothers sisters nieces nephews etc truly today is family rise up and call him blessed many times we find it easy to love those who are keen blood relatives but this one we pay tribute today love beyond the circle of his own relatives his love included many friends who benefited from his care one of the qualities he possess which made him a true friend was his spirit he never complained was never negative and did not condemn others if a friend shared a mistake or shortcoming for example like me his response was not a shock put-down but in encouragement to do better next time the church certainly played an important role in his life his faithful support of its programs and his record of service to the church proved Islam surely I could name many accomplishments of our dear friend oh if time and opportunity were given each of us could tell of specific times and places when our lives were touched by him he lives in our memories and what greater tribute could there be than for us to share his love joy giving positive spirit and his smile as we continue to serve our families friends communities churches and our Lord in his honor at this time as a mark of respect may we stand one minute of silent for the lead Bishop su Thomas praise the Lord thank you I I would be remiss if I did not mention the dis audience tonight our dear sister beloved sister Otto who is very good and I am asking all of you to remember her in your prayers not only tonight not tomorrow but always I thank you at this time I also would like to present a gift to Bishop Everton Thomas on behalf of Emanuel [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] these things were brought all the way from New York amen and we have here a banner a welcome home here Chris this is [Music] let's go [Applause] thank you so much sir thank you so much appreciate you don't look a day older than when I met you in nineteen he said I know I know I know he would like to hear us use these before he leaves tonight he met shake your Tam's arena god bless you amen praise God and did you notice that can stay did you notice when he asked us to stand for a minute some of you seem surprised that the time had flown away so quickly but those of you that know New York that's what you call a New York minute man everything is about pop pop no we don't waste and in New York amen praise God god bless you god bless you at this time it's time for the pre preach it's time for the they offering amen but we have another bishop in the house amen and and I was telling him last week I remember one of his messages he preached that he was circled I don't remember the message but I remember the illustration and he was preaching about a racehorse I don't remember if it was the name of the jockey or the name of the horse who remembers Suki and when he said on Suki is coming around as a youngster that just stuck in my mind and we are so glad to have you here tonight he also told me he got the Holy Ghost at Emanuel priest and Bishop he caught the Holy Ghost at Emanuel and his wife now also got the Holy Ghost at Emanuel Bishop McGowan the presiding bishop of the Bible Way Apostolic Church welcome bishop god bless you so good to have you thank you for coming amen and so it's time for the offering and the quieter we'll be ministering the Emmanuel Mass Choir please remember to contact your friends and let them know we are streaming the service live on the Immanuel port or Facebook page right now if you go there you'll see send some of your friends notifications and let them know they can join us live Immanuel port more Facebook page god bless you receive the Ministry of the International Convention Choir and during this time the ushers will serve you as you give the best offering that you can give the Facebook page and the stream information is on the screen we want you to give the best that you can give amen so god bless you as a choir [Music] nothing ah ah [Applause] grab somebody by the hand grab your neighbor by the hand and tell them don't panic it's only a test don't panic don't panic it's only a test hey Laura B the only attempt stretch your hands to these offering vessels and declare will be be fruitful and multiply replenish subdue and have dominion in Jesus name [Music] over the years we have shared wonderful friendships and relationships with ministry partners locally and overseas one such ministry partner has been bishop parchment from the straight game Apostolic Church you go to Old Harbor and make a right and go up and is it read ground right who said not right yes you make a right at all Harbor if you're if you're not on the bypass if you're not using the highway and so we're gonna ask him to come at this time and greet us on behalf of all the bishops and pastors who are here tonight bishop parchment god bless you hallelujah can somebody help me praise him in the house [Music] tell your neighbor it's only a test be strong hallelujah hallelujah thank you Bishop Thomas amen tonight I honor the precious and wonderful name of Jesus amen to the presiding prelate bishop Thomas and first lady Thomas to all the Amen siblings of them Thomas family to all the fine pastors and bishops saints of the Most High God greetings in the precious name of Jesus it is indeed a pleasure amen for us to be here tonight to worship with you we remember amen during the lifetime of our dear Bishop su Thomas day wonderful fellowship we had over the years and tonight we are very happy to be with you and we salute this wonderful convocation tonight and we want to pray that God's blessing will be upon this meeting and that many souls will be saved amen we are in spiritual warfare we are in a spiritual battle but we are winners hallelujah because our leader he is the one who never lost a battle but I stopped here to tell you tonight that we are there is a promise there will be problems but stay with the principles go through the process he'll make the provisions god bless you tonight be strong be strong pastors amen as you go back to your several places of aboard amen carry this theme with you because Joshua was a man of God and he stood up and he fought and he leave an example for us god bless you tonight in the precious name of Jesus thank you for coming I want to introduce to you a very special member of our choir one of the most powerful voices prophetically please meet Thalia [Music] [Applause] just wave to them till they just wave to them this just give them the princess wave god bless you put your hands together for her amen praise God train up a child in the way should go when he's old he will not depart from it and so we want to encourage you to utilize as many children as possible in as many ministries as possible we have convocation Awards this year it's just about time for the preaching of the word but we have convocation Awards and I'm going to invite elder Sam Collins for 60 seconds to say something and you can time him so when I pulled his coattail it's it's your fault 60 seconds after this the only thing we will do before the preacher comes is to receive a speaker's offering and we want you to give the best that you can give and so elder Sam Collins and the 60 seconds if you're happy and you know it say Awards and so on Sunday in the afternoon at 4:30 the Emmanuel Apostolic Church will erupt volcanic alley as we honor some persons who are winners will be conferring open to individuals from each assembly the Youth Service Award Bishop as a senior lifetime service award bishop su Thomas faithful service award pastor amiright evangelism award mother George Thomas grace and virtue award on station motivation award and they star warriors award and I want to quickly say something briefly the last two our station motivation is for churches with the exception of 12 slight Road and port more so we're encouraged our station churches to take as many members as possible Wednesday down to Friday and on Sunday Wednesday to Friday a special award on a Sunday the big day an extra special award for you also take visitors and we are emphasizing mail visitors especially now what we want you to do we have one person station the greatest station in that Lobby another greatest station the top lobby we want our pastors and so are somebody that you are designated to go to those individuals tonight before you leave make sure you give the number of persons in your congregation and also the number of members and visitors it's a running errand okay we want you to do that without a ticket you can win it the next thing the Daystar warriors this is for thursday starting tomorrow and friday which church can take the most members to the day sessions and we have special awards for that so start calling your neighbors start calling your friends invite them out everyone to be here at converse vocation 2019 god bless you in Jesus there god bless you you cannot afford not get one of these cherished keepsakes it's the holy convocation souvenir journal and for six hundred dollars you can take home one of these wonderful beautiful articles and all kinds of interesting items on the inside you must get one of these this is the centennial of the apostolic Pentecostal message and movement the way we know it in Jamaica 1919 to 2019 we feature some of that in here we also have a number of activities that are scheduled by the Jamaica Castille Union apostolic the umbrella group for many of the Pentecostal churches in Jamaica these activities and parish services are scheduled in here listed here and it culminates it culminates at the National Arena on heroes Day 2019 you can't afford to miss it there is also going to be a centennial banquet at the Jamaica Pegasus a $10,000 per ticket so start saving and start planning to celebrate Pentecost in Jamaica in our 100 Year celebration the centennial of the apostolic Pentecostal movement so get a copy the ushers have them pick up a copy before you go and don't miss the opportunity to have one of these cherished keepsakes amen praise God I'm gonna ask you now to give a speaker's offering as we bless this man of God a humble man of God a man that's been used of God a mighty anointing on his life and so we are privileged and blessed to have him here tonight and while the ushers serve you OSHA's would you quickly just get the vessels and let's serve God's people as they give the best often they can for this ministry when you sow into good soil you are bound to get a good harvest and if what you're holding in your hand is not big enough to be your harvest it might as well be RC so we invite you to prepare to give the choir will be ministering during the lifting of this offering but may I remind you that tomorrow morning at 10 o clock we gather here and tomorrow morning at 10 we will be having a very special time as the missions department do promotions and they will also have a special speak up who would be here to speak on a particular subject in the afternoon session at one o'clock that you make a stock exchange representatives will be here to share with you and all of us how we can invest by the way did you know that the Jamaica stock exchange is the best performing stock exchange in the world yes not the largest but just simply the best Jamaica little but with Aloha in so many ways and so tomorrow at one o'clock the Jamaica stock exchange will be here on Friday morning it is the sunday school hour at nine o'clock and then at one o'clock the youth you can't afford to miss the youth afternoon on Friday they'll be talking about things that are really relevant to young people and social media cyberspace and all of that so bring bring your kids and make sure that everybody is here on Thursday and Friday god bless you as you saw at this time a very special offer a choir [Music] I will see your prey for you marvelous Horsham wha so Rachel yet my soul you have pretty No no one could care Wow let you thought my fellas worth saving and so you gave your old [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] don't you see my accomplishment [Music] you also see my feet [Music] Oh [Music] I could have [Music] [Music] you gay what a wonderful [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh Oh oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on look at yourself and say this is the Lord's going and it's marvelous marvelous in our sight we have also visited with us Bishop Lanford McDonald from the Pentecostal Lighthouse Church we just want to acknowledge you sir and bless you Father we acknowledge you today he bless you Lord for this offering that was collected father we pray Lord that you'll bless the hands of the givers those who gave those who did not give Lord bless them that in the next time they can also give bless the furtherance of this service we pray in Jesus name Amen and I'm going to be calling right at this time my own pastor Bishop Ernest McDonald just a compote your hands together for Bishop Madonna come on someone say hallelujah and somebody say thank you Jesus amen I look over here and just as I'm about to say thank you Jesus I know I was looking in the right direction because I look at some oh oh no I moved from thank you Jesus - oh my lord why you say that because I'm looking at some people who I saw in church just a few weeks ago so I know they are not from flybro amen and if they are not from life Road and I know them they meet from sunny hot Florida put your hands together for them amen come on get on better hand clap than that church I mean the big sacrifice big big sacrifice and I just want to make mention of my recent longtime resent getting close to no woman of God hallelujah put your hands together for her coming and we we told her about everything but I could not guarantee her and they pull in a cold and I couldn't I told her I'll do everything for her but I can't have the temperature amen so god bless you one idea but let me say this church right here agreed to the bishop and all the people all the saints and tonight in the name of Jesus but when it comes to convocation Church I remember when I just got saved I just got say but when I just started with the church I would try from hundreds of miles drive to Bishop father Ohio just to hear what the Lord is saying to the church Amen touch not what the Lord used to say to the church but what the Lord is saying to the church amen church because if the truth that is gonna set you free and man shall not live by bread alone but you are going to live by the every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God tonight we have one of God's general one of God's mouthpiece one of God's servant that is using all over the world and in so happen to be my good friend Pastor John Mark and is lovely wife let us turn Church let's give them I in him give him a Emanuel welcome if you can stand please stand put your hands together touch approach beside me I say be very careful in what you hear because it's a measure of your hearing you're gonna get your breakthrough tonight we are going to hear from the Lord and put the hands of water one more time and tell it all thank you god bless this great man of God that he comes in Jesus name thank you so much Bishop McDonald I thought that losing games was how it ought to be dead-end streets and broken dreams that was really me then in desperation I found a better way now my store is different and I have this to say even losers win some time I have a right to know if you see a smile on my face it's because I've met Amazing Grace and I have a brand new life to show I'm so honored and privileged to be here this evening and more so because my wife is here with me [Applause] and when I got saved she was the most beautiful girl in the church and after [Music] 34 years she's still the most beautiful girl in the world [Music] and she's my partner and my friend and other things which I will not mention because we are in the house of the Lord but it's just so wonderful to have her here I want to greet our Bishop and his wife Bishop C Everton Thomas pastor Gillian Thomas we are so grateful to the Lord for their fellowship for their support for their prayers and I remember about a year and eight months ago we had some problems and I remember getting a call from Bishop and he said to me if you are having any difficulties finding somewhere to worship we can work out an arrangement with you to use our facility that sly broad and Sundays and although we never did have to use the facilities we're so grateful just that offer was like a fresh drink of water it meant so much at the time and we're so grateful I always get in trouble because I don't remember all the names of everybody and I'm bound to leave somebody out but I would like to greet my friend Bishop McDonald lady McDonald amen silver Thomas and his precious wife Bishop Clovis Tracy and his wife and all the bishops and their wives and their husbands too because you do have female bishops but I know of dr. Helen Morgan god bless you sir amen the mercury my friend amen amen elder son Collins who taught me that the greatest school in all the world some years ago Wilma's boys school older than the United States of America and just everybody everybody everybody everybody I greet you in the name of the Lord make grace and peace be multiplied unto you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ thank you again so much for inviting me I'm very nervous right now and one of the most nervous speakers in the world it's so good to see Dave and Keisha that's special for me tonight to see Nathan Keisha my friends amen expect to win I am going to maybe just rearrange that a little bit and I'd like to use for my subject we are going to win we are going to win Bishop when I came and I heard you give the opening address and it was so much on point with what I have to say and I even thought of giving the sermon the title is Midas fixed and I heard you say the fight is fixed and then the song a while ago I don't know if we believe some of the songs we say I really don't know it's really although we are still in it but the fight is fixed there's no way we can lose so we are going to win and I'd like to ask you to open your Bibles to Romans chapter 8 28 to 31 I have not come to tell you anything new if any preacher comes to you and tell you he has something new to tell you it's not true and there's very little that's original with any speaker because we all share the thoughts and expressions of men who have gone before us as well and I'm not the first person to speak from this text I won't be the last and I won't be the best there are many men in this room who can preach the gospel better than I can but they can't preach a better gospel than I preach they can preach the gospel better but they can't preach a better gospel Romans 8:28 of 31 elder Andrew sign line lady silence because you lady Webster good to see you I I always forget people and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose for whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified and whom he justified them he also glorified what shall we then say to these things if God before us you know that's not a hypothetical dish you know it means since since God is for us who can be against us Lord you know our weakness on our insufficiency you know that before we even start to try to declare your word there's a sense in which we have already failed because who can really tell it like it ought to be told poor said who is sufficient for these things so Lord if you do not help us tonight we will surely fail but be merciful to us this once and hide our weaknesses and our frailties in the name of Jesus Christ we pray amen so brothers and sisters I'm not a typical preacher I just talk a little bit I don't shout a lot and I don't like to show before I understand I am one person who believes that there is too much ignorant shouting in churches I have to know what I'm shouting about I don't show my face just like that when I showed I show because I have received a word because a friend of mine who is a pastor told me bishop that during a conference in the church that he passed us the pastor was shouting the preacher was shouting and he said he said our God is a magnificent God and he said yes and he said our God is a wonderful God and the people said yes and he said oh my god is a ridiculous car and the people said yes romans 8:28 is to my mind at least one of the most remarkable verses in the entire bible because in this verse paul gives an absolute guarantee and absolute guarantee that for those who love God as a result of their being called to fulfill his design purpose every detail of their lives is continually woven together to fit into God's perfect plan of bringing good into their lives this word all by itself should be enough to convince us that we are going to win this verse all by itself all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose all things prosperity and adversity joy and sorrow success and failure victory and defeat fullness and lack life and death all of these things and more are included in this statement so it really doesn't matter what happens to me I can't lose it's not that all things in themselves are good but when God gets fool with them they will be good can you imagine Jesus saying to Peter in the upper room Peter Satan have desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat if I were Peter I would have said to the Lord what did you tell him I'm sure you told him no and the Lord said no I told him he could have you he's going to sift you as wheat is sifted in a sale and he told people it's going to disturb your equilibrium you are going to fail you are going to fail Peter said never he said you're going to fail but I've prayed for you and when you are converted there's no difficulty you are converted you are going to use that Sam failure to strengthen your brethren it's my distinct I like to say that God never has to resort to plan B because his plan always work and what seems to us to be Plan B is really planning all things work together for good but know what dispose amazing guarantee based upon his choice all things were he didn't just say our good faith my failure together how can that be can you tell me can you tell us what is that statement based upon it must be based upon some very marvelous premise so Paul uses the next two verses verses 29 to 30 to explain to us the basis for his guarantee and the reason for his great assurance and he uses five words to do this for no predestinate call justified and glorified he said that's why the fight is fixed you are four known predestinated called justified and purified so in these two verses he highlights the sequence which we may call the golden chain of salvation he gives the order in which Almighty God saves his people he says listen now he tells us that salvation from start-to-finish is a work of God start to finish it is a work of God listen to what he says for whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom she called them also justified and whom he justified them he also glorified nothing you said about your contribution I'm sorry as if you are working for it [Applause] your name is [Applause] no God who did this for nine is the God who did the predestination the God who did the predestination is the God who did the calling the God who did the calling is the God who did the justifying the God who did the justifying is the God who didn't clarify [Applause] Paulo that God will bring to completion every project that he begins [Music] he never begins a project that he doesn't bring to completion and he is never dependent on human beings to accomplish anything he does he told Jeremiah I watch over my word to perform it he said Jeremiah you think I could rely on you when I put a word in your mouth I superintend the word I'm not depending on any mind i watch over it and it must be done because I have to be true all of you can be liars [Applause] everything God starts he finishes everything and when people said to me pasta I'm not sure I shall make it I have one question for them I said did God start if God starts it's all over if he couldn't finish he wouldn't start fight his fate [Music] being confident of this very thing that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it will bring it to a successful completion until the day of Jesus Christ who began the degenerate who does like to finish it you puny Oh foolish you silly me master me anything I catch is bound to be ruined anything man touches is bound to be ruined anything that's not of Jesus will go down listen folks I told some folks a couple days ago every organization every every church every movement has an expiry date on it you don't believe that none of the churches that Paul pioneered is still around today and that was Paul where are we so arrogant why do we think what we build will last forever do the best that you can while you can but make sure you give glory to God [Applause] God God God God listen God it God is never in trouble God is always in control the sight is fakes God is never scratching his head wondering what am I going to do when he plays Adam and Eve in the garden he knew that they would feel their failure didn't take him by surprise he didn't scratch his head and talk to the angels and say what in the world are we going to do we didn't expect this to happen so if you didn't expect it to happen why do we read about a lamb slain before the foundation of the world I already planned for your failure I knew you would fail and your failure is a part of my plan so that I can usher in grace because if nobody fails nobody will know what Gracie see the devil thought that Adam was the ultimate and he was right to think so in his own mind because I guess he must have said whatever comes first is the original and everything that comes after is a cocky and so he made sure to mess Adam up quickly before he had any children because if Adam had had children before he was messed up the children would have been born without the sinful nature and so he would have to mess up children do but if you mess Adam up before he has any children then you mess up everybody that is in run by the devil you notice that nothing really happened when Eve ate first because there are nobody in Eve everybody's in Adam I'm sorry sisters there are nobody in you everybody's in me I'm the only way somebody can get in you but ah damn it big problems because everybody's in Adam and so the devil thought he had one but what he didn't realize is that if first Adam was really the original Adam so God sent the copy before the original what he didn't know is that no all of us died in Adam but because all of us who died in Adam work in Christ that we are all by this week saying have your fun I don't like to give the devil credit I don't sing songs about the devil I don't like to call his name he knows his destiny and he knows that I know his destiny first step in the salvation of any individual is not their hearing the gospel is God's foreknowledge of them God's foreknowledge of them he says Paul says let me tell you why I can guarantee you that no matter what happens to you it's going to work together for good let me let me give you the first reason first reason is you were four known of God this means more than just previous knowledge which really means two for ordained God's deliberative judgment designating the believer to the position of a saved person before the foundation of the world that's what he says in Christ God knew me he chose me before there was a river Paul goes on to say that he predestinated me unto the adoption of sons we'll get to that shortly but let me tell you a little story to try to illustrate the point there is a woodcarver the greatest wood carver in the world he has carved many wonderful images and they are in a gallery in his workshop but it has come into his heart to carve some images of his son whom he loves he has a song that he loves more than anything else in the world and he has decided to carve some images of that son and so he goes to the lumberyard and he calls the owner of the lumberyard they know each other very well he's a famous wood carver that's where he gets his lumber and he says I have decided to carve some images of my son you know my son and the owner of the lumber yard says well yes I know you love that boy very much so let me take you to where I have my finest number finest wood in the world and the wood carver says no I want you to take where you have the pile of rejected lumber the pile of lumber that no other wood carver works will pile of lumber that is crap and discolor and what in fact take me to the pile that you are going to use are you crazy I thought you said you wanted to make images of your side I know how much you love the boy what do you want to use the best one and the wood carver says no I want to use the worst material because I want some glory I want your son nobody else will work with rejected flower master so not when I put out the products everybody will know that no other will come on the world like me so in eternity before the universe was created the defined carver had in his heart to make images of his son the Lord Jesus not carved out of wood but carved out of living personalities he passed by the elect angels he passed by the fallen angels and chose inferior material lost human beings creatures full of sin rebellious toward him they they the most mild material that he could find because he would get more glory to himself by choosing this kind of material than if you had used wonderful material so in perfect justice and perfect righteousness he passed by the ages and chose you from the firewood made something beautiful of your life I am God and because I am I have already won can't play no tricks you can't play the mind games on me anymore I know the Word of God no I'm not just an emotional person jumping up and down and then going out and not sure when I'm saved or not I'm tired of making noise in church and going back to a life of insecurity I don't think that's what that's why I have to here before I show I don't like to shoot and then go back and live a defeated life second steppin and I have to worry can step in the salvation of a person is God's predestinated them to be conformed to the image of his own Swati says those whom he foreknew he confirmed he predestinated to be conformed to the image of his son predestination the greek word means to set a limit on beforehand to set a boundary on beforehand it means to reserved for a special purpose before you are really ready to do the work carrying out of god's will in the case of those who were fourth ordained to service so what does that look like in the story after the wood carver has selected the lumber that he's going to use remember now that these are defected pieces of lumber after he does so he says to the owner of the lumber yard and not yet ready to work it's going to take me years to start the world so I want you what we need to find a way to reserve these pieces of lumber so that I will know when I'm ready to start the work that these are the pieces of lumber that I am going to work with and he says I want you to put a label on every piece that I have selected I want you to put a tack on them all right what is it Todd supposed to say it's the tapestry to be conformed to the image of my son so that you'll remember and I will remember the purpose for this defective pieces of lumber I'm going to use them too over myself in glory so because God has predestinated me he has CCC there are other pieces of lumber in the lumberyard that the wood carvers went to use but not for that purpose he's going to use pieces of lumber to carve the images of kings and princes and those will be valuable but he there is a special place in his heart for those who is going to carve images of his son those are special so in the ages of eternity God put attack in his immortal mind in his eternal mind that would remind him that when you came on the scene you would be reserved to look like Jesus tell your neighbor you are here to look like Jesus and it's not dependent on you he has predestinated you to be conformed to the image of his soul and if he has to drag you to it he will oh I hear people say God doesn't force anybody to serve Him yes which Bible are you reading which Bible are you reading when saul was riding to damascus he was breathing out threatenings and slaughter he didn't wake up with his mind stayed on Jesus well not in a good way he was going to persecute the church and God knocked him off his horse God said you get down there didn't ask you many questions after he was done when he was down underground the Lord said why are you persecuting me who are you lord alright now you're ready to talk to me Jeremiah complained to God and Jeremiah said I did not want this ministry but you asked me I didn't know God would do that there are lot of things we don't know about God see we have gotten our little test tube and I was a puny brains we feel like we have figured a moutain God won't do this and God will do that honey you don't know what God will do see we sing a son I feel like a fire shut up within my bones singing pure hallelujah you sing that because you don't understand Jeremiah's testimony Jeremiah said I told myself I was not going to preach anymore Jeremiah was not talking about the Holy Ghost giving him a good time he wasn't singing glory hallelujah he was saying I swore that I won't do this anymore but your was I could not hate myself you are I don't really want this [Applause] like twice did Jeremiah have what twice did God give to Jeremiah he parted before you were born I knew you why you are in the wall my new you how could you know me before I was in the womb Jeremiah said Lord God said don't say you are returned because you will go where I send you God is sovereign he does what he wants to do when he wants nobody can tell him no if you resisted it's because he allowed you to resist it [Applause] I'm predestinated God with a boundary he put a limit on me I could run but I couldn't hide he caught up with me one here third step in the salvation of a person is God's effectual call them whom he predestinated them you're so calm car required is Caleo it speaks about divine someone it's the summons that was given in the Greek Court the person who was someone could not say no couldn't tell the person who gave it someone I'm not coming you have to you will read many are called but few are chosen that call there's a different word from Callao that word means an invitation this is not an invitation this is a summons many are called many people are in charge Bishop and hear the message going out but not all of them are chosen the chosen door must respond because there's a program in them that Huff's to respond that all love a child he pass her she saw Peter and Andrew were mending nets passed by and said follow me and they followed him left their nets some honest person a little further saw James and John dear father Zebedee was there he didn't call any names you just said follow me Zebedee it cop James and John care few weeks after that he passed by Matthews tax collection booth mafia wasn't up one of the provincial tax collectors he was on an overseeing tax collector he was a wealthy man and Jesus just passed by his booth and said follow me and mafia cat shop he fails something a compulsion Who am I going to live I don't care about that follow me and it has to respond as a shaman I hope it won't disturb you if I told you that these men were already belong to Jesus before the day of Pentecost they were already saved Lord Jesus Jesus was in the upper room praying to his father you know that Jesus had a father right you know that right you know he is not his own father you know that right he had a father Jesus was not a nutcase he wasn't praying to himself you don't pray you don't cry tears with strong crying to yourself Hebrew says he prayed and with strong crying and tears unto him that could deliver him from death Lord Jesus and he was praying the Lord's Prayer that's a real large prayer in John 17 and he says in John 17 I have revealed your name to the man that you gave me out of the world vine they were and though gave us them to me so let me ask you when did this time they were relationship begin think with me and tell me he says to his father they were yours and you gave them to me so when did they start being God's forgot to give them to Christ they were already gods they already belong to God and he kept them as a gift to Christ that's what Jesus says so they had already belong to him he said to them in the apparel you are already clean clean everywhere you looking at me like Alice in Wonderland here emember when you got the car summons some of you worried some of you are in another man's bed sleeping with another man's wife when God said calm and that woman is wondering up until now where did he go call of God Karlis when God cause you can say no I remember when I was nineteen years old I was sitting in my bedroom with a spliff in my hand yes I was a marijuana smoker yes I had aligned myself with the twelve tribes of Israel yes I was a vagabond but that's the best part of me that's the part of my testimony that I can give because if I told the rest you couldn't deal with it because the church is not ready to hear everybody's testimony [Applause] we know I don't love any Church in Jamaica that can hear the testimony of some of the Saints you don't know who's preaching to you right now but anyway I was sitting in a chair smoking and while I was smoking I was reading a book can you tell me what the title of that book was it's not a title that you would associate with a spliff smoker the title of the book was how to receive the Holy Ghost and I pour God I said I can't do this I said if you will save me and leave me with my marijuana we can deal with this I said I can't give it up and I heard a voice I heard a voice you shot McDonald I heard you say recently you were giving a testimony I said maybe that's the only time God ever spoke to you well maybe this is the only time that I ever spoke to me he said to me this is the last one you will ever smoke I'm not kidding you and right then and there every craving for the thing left me right then and there the least I used to smoke was three per day I had started to grow anything in my backyard because I realized from early that I wasn't an academic so I said if I don't make it in school I'm going to make it somewhere else let me try to experiment it and I was so sure that it was the last one that I smoked that thing until it burned my fingers cause I said I have to get everything out of you because this is the last one was 1983 and if I go into the camp and they're scans of smoke all around me I don't feel a thing deliverance because of the call not because of me if it was left up to me I would be in Bellevue now our dead I know it I know it I'm not just saying that for effect I know it because everything I did what was out on a limb so let me let's let's go back to the story quickly I'm going to finish the woodcarver after a couple years as he loves he sends his assistants he says I want you to drive my large pickup truck to the lumber yard and I want you to load up in that pickup truck all the lumber that I'm going to use to do my work and they said sure how will we know which pieces of lumber to take he said you can't miss them the March there's a label on them and even if there wasn't be a label on it just ah what if I would just - is no good one that's our twenty reject just ask for the messed up one just a sweaty cook at it's just a funny prostitute just ask for the homosexuals can I say that and if you if you are here and say you're a preacher and you will believe that there are certain classes of people that God cannot save you need to turn in your license and sit down and shut up you are a disgrace to the gospel call of God fourth step fourth step is is that we know justification justification those who make our he justified was justification it is God taking a sinner and putting them into a position as if they had never seen how does that happen that happens by imputation some years ago and I I must confess this to these men these clergymen here I was of the view that it was the death of Jesus Christ alone that purchased my salvation and saved me I didn't know that his life saved me also now how does it work atonement how does that work how am i justified so Jesus comes and lives a perfect life under the law he had to if he had not done so he could not have become my substitute you see he died in my place that's true but he could not have died in my place if he had not lived a perfect life under the law he had to earn the right to become my substitute by living a perfect life under the law if he had once thought an unclean thought he would have been eternally disqualified he could not have repented and so let's start this thing over he had to live a sinless life why not really for his own benefit because he lived a sinless life because he overcame sin in every way he was tempted in all points as we are yet without sin one of the greatest judges of men Pilate said I find no fault in him so he he earned the right he was qualified to die for me when he died for me he died in my place but what does God do see when he died in my place God took my sin and put it into his account she became sin not a sinner he became sin he didn't become a sinner he never committed sin it's easier to become a sinner than to become sin everybody here is a sinner I'm sorry your long dresses and hats and jackets untie that doesn't frighten me all of your struggling with something preachers apostles everybody struggling with something just that my struggle is different from yours you don't have it all together I've got something that we have to fight against knows what buttons to push - none of you are fooling me and I have learned that I don't have to pretend I don't have to try to act like I have it all together there's a lotta nastiness still in this preacher let me just tell you from upfront and God is still dealing with my mess and if he was waiting on me to be perfect before he gave me a ministry I would never have a ministry so what he does he takes - and puts it on Jesus and then he takes the perfect life that Jesus lives and puts that in my account impute to me the righteousness of Jesus Christ he sees me in the same way that he sees Jesus that's why he's able to strum up your mess because he sees you like Jesus you looking at me strange that's why you can stand before God because when he sees you he sees Jesus CC I'm trying to get folks to sing songs that make doctrinal sense I I don't mind some of the songs we sing but there really no profit either this get a stir on and perspire a little but they don't help us at all to learn anything and I used to hear that the songs the old hymns you know they have stickability because they were written from an experience but the songs that are being written today don't have stickability because they are written for money that's not true some of the songs of today are some of the best songs I've ever heard in my life and some of the songs of yesteryear don't make no sense Cyrene the man of firing is nonsense and you let me tell you how crazy some of us are we sing that song siren the man I'm sorry help Jesus carried across 18 and 2 miles from pilots Hall of the Calvary it wasn't even two miles but you have him going 80 and to me that's further from here to or Cheerios and you are singing that Jesus carried across so different then as far as Princeton is to Ocho Rios and you're speaking in tongues over that that's why I know your terms ain't real because the Holy Ghost is not a liar something else is making you speak in Tamil [Applause] you speaking in tongues a feel-good feeling gives you the utterance it's your program you have comes as a track in your system and whenever it hits that pleasure spot you speak in tongues is not the Holy Ghost that son shouldn't have at least sing the truth and by the way who is that son glorifying [Applause] [Music] but but the songs that stick whether they're new are old are the sons that are doctrinally sound you can know songs that were written by people who are theologically sound my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and write his righteousness Isaiah said all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags you know what that is you know what filthy rags can you bear to hear what they're you ladies some of you have something that happens to you every month and you wear some things to help you deal with the problem and when they are messed up you have to discard them carefully that's what Isaiah was talking about he says they are like a men's garment so when you try to push your righteousness in the face of God it stinks to high heaven all your fasting and all your your pray logbook and all your thoughts that my faithfulness in tithing is earning me merit points with God they are filthy right you do good works because you are saved not to keep yourself you do good works because the follicles is giving you the will the desire and the energy to do good worlds and a lot of what what passes for spiritual works is works of the flesh in church a lot of our worship is just fleshly no spirit in it comes in it but no spirit dancing it but no spirit we better get right with God justify so when God sees me he sees he sees Jesus Christ I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus knew when darkness veils his lovely face I rest on my prayer and fasting I rest on my years in church what do i rest on his unchanging grace in every high and stormy Gale my anchor goes with his old his covenant his blood support me through the whelming flood not my prayer not my fasting not my given I'm sorry there is nothing that the human the human beings hate more than to hear that you have nothing to offer God because inside of our carnal natures there's always a desire to get glory you watch us all of us myself included let's just do any good thing and we say Who I did it for the Lord you know glory to God but let somebody else forget the praise for it and see how you feel somebody else be praised for what you did for the Lord and see how nasty you feel you didn't do it for the Lord you did it for yourself [Applause] the story justified so here is the wood carver in his studio no carving the wood and here comes a visitor to the studio and he says you are making images of your son with that defective material so flawed so discolored so cracked so marred how can you do that don't you see how poor the material is that you're working on and the wood carver says no every time I look at this piece of wood I see my son and that's all I can see from the day that I chose this piece of material I saw an image of my son in it it never occurred to me that the wood was defective after I saw my son in it when I chose them they look defective but as I began to work I saw my son I can't see any flaws I can't see any imperfection do we have frozen imperfection you bet we do what else he works on us I can't see any God can have defined forgetfulness Balaam went to curse Israel and as he stood looking over Israel he looked over Israel and said well look at them look at them they're no good I'm gonna pronounce a curse on them and the Lord said I have seen no iniquity in Israel not seeing the same thing Bela I'm seeing the finished product all you are seeing is Mars and flaws but I'm seeing the work already finished they are justified I stand in their place I am their justification and if my character is maligned because I have chosen such inferior material so be it I am not ashamed of any one of them did you see the run around messing up last night I sure did but she's still my daughter he's still my son I got in trouble once because I told a group of people that the Sun is always a Sun everybody in here who has a son stand up you have a son stand up answer this question for me when will your son not be your son becoming smart ID still your son he still yeah sorry so so when is any of godson naughty son you are wicked I am wicked and I won't disown my son and God you think he's going to disown any of his son where did you get your theology from which Bible are you reading why are we so condemned Natori and judgmental why do you think listen folks God made a choice of me from an eternity I'm finished now he made a choice of me in eternity do you think he could have made a choice of me in eternity and make a mistake a few weeks ago bishop invited me to a prayer breakfast in Portmore and i said then I said listen listen Paul says that he predestinated us unto the adoption of children and I said then we have heard of unwanted pregnancies maybe there are persons in here who know what I'm talking about but we have never heard of an unwanted adoption every child who is adopted is warranted we you have you go to the agency or the hospital or wherever it is that you can choose you don't have to take a child that you don't want to take you you go you can leave that agency and go somewhere else and you don't do don't make a choice until you find one that fills your mind well Paul says that before there was a star in the sky God walked through the adoption agency of the universe and he walked through and saw you and said I'm going to have you and he saw you once said I'm going to help you and he saw you and said I'm going to have you and he saw you and said I'm going to have you he selected you and when he selected you he already knew that you would get pregnant and have a child out of wedlock in the church but he still chose you he knew you to it but he still chose you it's not a mistake she's not afraid to deal with your mess lady McDonald he's not afraid of mess he will get his hands dirty because he loves you paul says those who me justified them he also glorified listener glorification is something that is going to take place when the Lord comes back it hasn't taken place yet it is a future event all the other things that we mentioned have already taken place but glorification has not yet taken place when the Lord comes back he is going to put the same person into a position where he or she can never seen again and our fire bodies will be fashioned like unto his glorious body and he will so constitute us that it will be impossible for us to sin again but Paul says them whom he justified them he also glorified he didn't say he will glorify them he didn't say they are being glorified he speaks of it in the past tense because Paul knows that the fight is fixed every person that God grants initial salvation to will be glorified if well let's tear the page out of the book because Paul must be a liar so folks I'm done with the tip tour Christianity I'm done with the scaredy-cat Christianity I'm done with the freaking about the rapture Christianity I am going to win I don't just expect you when I know I'm going to win not because of anything I have done because I stand in the righteousness of Jesus Christ Paul says there is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus you understand what that means if you are in Christ Jesus there's no way you can be condemned let's say this is Christ Jesus if I am in Christ Jesus the only way that you can get me is to get Christ Jesus because I'm in Christ Jesus so if you want to condemn me you have to condemn Christ Jesus but you can't condemn Christ Jesus because he has already been condemned for my sin and public jeopardy says you can't try among twice for the same crime so nothing God can get me if I'm in Christ Jesus so from in Christ Jesus there's no condemnation who can bring a charge against God's elect stand to your feet tell somebody beside you the fight is really fixed tell them I can't lose oh no no no no no no there's always with some voice that says you're crazy and you don't know what you're saying and that's greasy grease and you're encouraging people to sin if you think that if that's true you don't know anything about grace the only thing that can teach you holiness is God's grace the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared unto all men teaching us teaching us so now rather than sisters how are we going to live our lives are you going to be scared the next time you go to the airport and somebody said I'll pick you up at twelve and they don't come until 2:00 and the first thing you can think about is I miss the rapture let me run inside and look on the TV and see CNN is saying the raptures Bobby can you lift your hands and worship Jesus 'lord house let me tell you what God has done for me has delivered me he has delivered me from the need to see immediate results so I don't have to churn nobody Ronit an orator I believe that the Word of God can change people's lives without me harassing them I'm not saying you don't you don't have to give an Oracle card I still give out a card but I don't have to jerk nobody a row and try to make a service look good by having a full auditor and preying on people's emotions and telling them this could be your last night if it's your last night and God wants to save you he will save you I want us to leave this place being confident that because I am for known because I am predestinated because I am called because I am justified because I am already glorified all things work together for good doesn't matter what the devil does I'm a winner one more time lift your hands and worship Jesus God richly bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] he knew me yeah he loved me he-hey [Music] I'm so on ah [Music] [Music] get one key [Music] here's mine I wish we could sing that for 15 minutes but we don't have the time please don't leave unless you really have to we're we're finished we're just about finished but I want to remind you that tomorrow night a possum delroy's Smith begins tomorrow and Friday night I want to remind you and inform those who don't know that on Saturday we will be showing the film on plan it's a movie of an abortionist who gave it up couldn't continue she had participated in over 22,000 abortions and did about for herself and on the last abortion that she participated in she saw the throbbing of the heartbeat of a little 13 week old fetus it ripped her to pieces she couldn't do it anymore Saturday evening 5 o'clock it will be shown here it's a $200 admission because we have to pay a license fee to the production company overseas bring your friends and stay for a panel discussion with dr. Bishop Alvin Bailey dr. sherry Simpson a medical doctor our own dr. Daniel Thomas and Christina Milford out of the Montego Bay pregnancy crisis center there will be a panel discussion right after the showing of the movie you can ask any questions you want Bishop what if I got raped and I'm pregnant why can't I have an abortion bishop what if I'm married and I have a oops I am not prepared for any more children can I have an abortion come on Saturday and get your questions answered Saturday at five o'clock it's a $200 admission I don't want you to go before we pray this is a very this is a very hear me please don't move this is a very sensitive message the message of grace the message of grace and yet the Bible tells us that evil men have turned the grace of God into lasciviousness grace is a teacher but when you turn it into lasciviousness that word turn means to change places so you put a severe sness in the place of grace and instead of allowing grace to teach you to walk righteously and soberly in this present world if you put less severe sness in the place of grace you will live as a careless ungodly life because you have turned the grace of God into lasciviousness but by the grace of God we have been saved and it is His grace that is gonna keep us and take us through amen can we sing that song once more before we close in prayer tonight I know many of you have to go if you're not saved and you'd like to be saved please come to the altar we pray for you I'm not on an ego tree just calm should ball I make mistakes and often sleep like I just did just calm the chair [Music] but I prove something is what I say I love a special car that's why I say everybody say you love me [Music] worthy I such person hee hee what's all yet when he was on the cross you and I you and I what not yet what hee hee [Music] halleluyah halleluyah or somebody thank you for amazing grace what is so amazing about grace it's the amazing grace save the wretch like me and keeps me hallelujah join hands with somebody come on join hands squeeze the hand gently the person you're holding Bishop McGann please come and pray just pray pray over this congregation forever this convention as we close tonight pray for the grace of God to just be poured out in our lives father we love you we worship You Father we adore you will lift your name and I glorify you we love you lord thank you for your grace thank you for your love thank you for your mercy it's your love grace and mercy that brought us thus far your look grace and mercy for the leader song thank you for this convocation thank you for the preacher that preach your word come I'm continually cover your people today tonight as we're about to see the one from another we all seem to go with us you were Sheila your Butler be a rock of defend save us for your kingdom bless this assemble Lord bless the preacher the one that you sent here to control his flock the leader the Shepherd but cover him cover his family cover your people at this time let this convocation be a success by the week out Lord somebody will cry out from somewhere I hear I hear it can only happen when you be with your people bless us now as we approach to go governor's why we'll look to you at this time we say thanks in the name of Jesus in Jesus name never perish [Music] god bless you we won't say a benediction until it's over no benediction until it's over god bless you get home safe get home safe get home safe please please just listen just reminding all pastors
Channel: Emmanuel Outreach
Views: 6,582
Rating: 4.4920635 out of 5
Id: HNdvMimQwjQ
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Length: 188min 8sec (11288 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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