Emma and Andrew Real vs Fake Challenge

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ooh for emma yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum [Music] i love chocolate wait a phone [Music] wow emma emma can you help me okay [Music] i'll copy it to make another one huh [Music] what are you hiding nothing show me [Music] chocolate why are you hiding chocolate it's your chocolate phone emma oh i try to make another one by ruining yours instead ah just wait here emma okay uncle jay what do you need do you have a chocolate phone [Music] i don't need a real phone not real phone check it out candy yeah i'll buy two five dollar please [Music] thank you look i love candy no uh oh ah just wait okay [Music] wow huh [Music] oh three [Music] awesome wow one for you thank you and one for me sorry for taking your phone earlier it's okay andrew now let me eat it [Music] can you share with me but andrew you have yours it's so beautiful i want to save it okay thank you this is the best chocolate ever yeah bye look at my fries guys it's so cool oh hi emma wow uncle john's eating chocolate french fries that's so cool what happened emma where did you buy the chocolate french fries this one from mango store really i love them go buy something okay bye [Music] here you go thank you bye [Music] welcome to my store how may i help you can i have one french fry please okay coming right out [Music] [Music] here's your friend fry emma thank you two dollars okay here you go thank you let's see how the french fries look guys [Music] huh these are regular french fries they're not chocolate i'm okay i'm okay huh what happened emma these are regular french fries i want chocolate french fries huh why didn't you say so emma sorry i'm okay can you make me chocolate french fries okay emma here you go let's make chocolate french fries for emma guys [Music] [Music] so [Music] all done here you go emma thank you wow the chocolate french fries are so cool let me try it huh giant chocolate french fries that's even bigger than mine uncle king okay huh what happened emma you also saw giant chocolate french fries yeah ma it's on the menu can i get one giant french fry too sorry emma i have to deliver the french fry for auntie rose first uh how do i get to drying french fry don't worry emma i'll make one for you after i come back okay wait for me bye [Music] hi amber hi uncle john why are you here i want to buy more chocolate french fries okay huh okay emma uncle cake just want to deliver a giant french fry to auntie rose just wait for a little bit really but i'm so hungry maybe i go to another store oh no uncle k is gonna lose a customer uncle john huh what happened emma don't go to another store i'll make chocolate french fries for you really you know how to make it uh i think so i'll do it right now okay away let's make the chocolate french fries for uncle john hmm how do i make chocolate french fries guys maybe this is [Music] wow thank you emma you're welcome let's check the french fry guys i'm so excited wow huh eat your chocolate bar hey emma emma what happened uncle jones do you want more no emma you didn't make a chocolate french fries you should give me the chocolate bar no sorry uncle john that's all i could do here you go i go to another store really yeah because you don't know how to make it hi guys what happened i bought a chocolate french fry but emma gave me the chocolate bar really emma yeah i just wanted to help you i don't know how to make it sorry uncle kate that's okay emma uncle john can you wait for a while i'll make another one for you okay okay okay okay emma can you put some pan fry in here emma can you put the syrup and the milk in the bowl okay [Music] i'm gonna go okay what do put it into the microwave emma here you go thank you wow it's chocolate french fries okay yeah that's how you make it okay can you give me the box okay here you go okay thank you here you go go john thank you okay here's your monday thank you bye guys bye sorry okay i couldn't make the chocolate french fries that's okay emma here's your giant chocolate french fries wow giant french fries thank you uncle kay how much is it it's free because you helped me really yeah you're so nice thank you for watching our video hope you guys enjoy our show please remember to subscribe to our channel and click the bell button see you next time bye
Channel: Toys and Colors
Views: 42,146,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chocolate challenge, chocolate, toys, toy, kids video, for kids, emma, toys and colors, pretend play, food toys
Id: FkIxD23wcz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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