Emma Wendy and Jannie Funniest Pretend Play Stories and Videos for Kids

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wow it's my new candy machine emma [Music] can i have one please okay just one thank you here you go [Music] what's wrong emily you asked for one okay it's good though yeah my candies are the best one more please you want more too much candy is not good please ah only if you win some of my challenges super fun game all you have to do is hit the middle and you win okay my turn good luck emma it's pretty windy here [Music] you're just lucky emma can i have one candy and uncle all right wait instead of candy how about some apples or even milk too much candy's not good emma no i'm okay you have candy now okay wow i get all of this uncle no emma just won okay it's good but can i have more please no emma how about an apple no i don't want apples i want candy but apples are good for you emma hmm [Music] candy [Music] okay only if you win the next challenge hmm i'm getting stronger [Music] let me show you my turn five ounces we got [Music] okay this one please okay [Music] no more candy how about some milk it's good for you wow what's wrong emma uh nothing can i have more candy please if you win one more game okay but if i win i get the whole machine i already have an apple and milk i'm super strong okay emma let's go the power of milk and apple uh oh my god oh my shirts but we got oh it looks like a wine yeah we're going to win but my teeth hurt look i told you am i too much cute it's not good what should we do we gotta go to the dentist now emma hi what's wrong guys oh i see come sit over here [Music] all right everything's done thank you dentist no problem don't eat too much candy okay milk and apples are better than candy thank you [Music] thank you no one goes to my store thank you here's your money bye [Music] what happened ellie it's broken okay okay i'll help you sorry elliott [Music] guys i could fix it but i don't want to i'll go to wendy's store bye [Music] welcome would you like pepsi or coke i like a coke please why is it so expensive because ellie can't sell soda anymore so the prices had to go up [Music] i think i can fix it all done try it ellie wow [Applause] yay hello delivery sorry i can't do that bye 67 yay i got an idea hi uncle george oh so you like coke but i live in the mountains can you deliver sure i can deliver it to you ellie uncle george wants some coke okay [Music] okay i'll deliver it to him bye hi here's your coke uncle whoa thank you alex has the best service here's your money thank you bye hello uncle jason hi can i have a sprite please oh but i live 20 miles away can you deliver oh so you like sprite okay ellie uncle jason wants fries okay i'll deliver it to him bye uncle jason hi here's your soda wow thank you alex here's your money thank you bye [Applause] give me your money ellie yeah i'll do delivery too hello uncle james [Music] wendy what sorry i can't take this okay thank you miss your money bye bye paul why does ellie's store have so many customers it's because they've got the best service oh okay wendy wendy help us okay [Music] can i have a sprite please okay coming right up wow thank you here's your money thank you it's the best soda in town hi hi do you sell any drinks yes i'm selling healthy combo juice do you want but of course thank you [Music] yo yo yo [Music] tana all done look at my juice [Music] [Applause] jenny are you done almost [Music] all done here's your drink thank you wow the combo is so big yeah try it sure let's try this one first do you like it no it tastes like pizza i don't like it try the second one i hope you like it okay broccoli i hate broccoli how about this okay oh chicken tastes good right now [Music] huh you're back how's my drink terrible huh pizza broccoli mushrooms chicken how can you make drinks with this food why not they're healthy food no pizza's not healthy anyway ten dollars oh i won't pay for the bad service hi jenny what's wrong the customer didn't want to pay for my drinks huh you made drinks with these ingredients yeah yeah well these ingredients are not good for juice or smoothies huh what do you mean uncle george okay let me show you oh what is this uncle this is the fruits and these are the vegetables usually people make drinks with fruits with veggies they usually make salads how about pizza chicken and meat oh you got it jenny yeah let me help you make some drinks to yourself thank you uncle george are you ready yeah all right let's make juice okay wow now let's blend them up right [Music] wow look at the juice [Music] cool now you can sell juice yeah thank you uncle george you're welcome but i have to go now bye bye [Music] [Music] give me one more chance man it's got better really this time i made drinks from healthy food look [Music] oh it looks much better i'm gonna try is it good [Music] is it bad [Music] they are actually awesome they're great refreshing they're awesome really so you're gonna pay sure here's your money thank you banter time [Music] yummy wow your soda machine's so cool wendy yeah it's the best one in town hmm ah can you give the machine to me huh no way ah what if i give you a lot of toys if you give me cool toys i'll think about it okay right here [Music] how about this wow giant coca-cola is not bad but it's not filled with coke sorry you can't have the soda machine yet but you could have some coca-cola [Music] here you go emma thank you [Music] i'll give you another toy to have the soda machine okay hmm i don't have any more cool toys hmm i'll buy wendy a new toy hi okay hi what do you need emma i need a toy [Music] wow wendy's gonna like the coca-cola vending machine five dollars please okay here you go thank you enjoy your toys how about this one okay let me check [Music] a lot of coke that's cool but you do not deserve my soda machine yet okay i'll try to find you a new toy wait emma you can have some sprites [Music] here you go emma thank you your soda machine's so cool i'll ask uncle jason to make you a cool toy so i can have the soda machine okay good luck uncle jason huh can you make me a cool toy ooh cool tour ah now decoration [Music] check it out emma what is it uncle it's a candy machine you can dispense candy check it out [Music] wow wendy's gonna like it thank you no problem emma how about this wendy let's see if it works cool toy right can i have this soda machine now not yet but i gave you a lot of toys already but my soda machine is the best you cannot have it wendy you shouldn't ask for toys you should share with emma okay uncle cool bye guys bye now can i have it no that's my machine i'm gonna have some coke now but you promised uncle i don't really care [Music] huh come on why is it not working uh oh i think i can fix it for you wendy almost there [Music] all the time try it wendy okay [Music] no problem i'll go now we can share the soda machine really sorry i was mean to you earlier no problem let's have some soda now i'll have coke i want sprite here's emma now come christina hi wendy can i get two snow cones please which flavor would you like uncle can i get grape and cherry please okay coming right up next up cherry you go uncle jason two dollars please thank you wendy you're welcome all right he's so happy watch out oh right away what what oh [Music] did that duck belong to the two of you yeah kinda but why was it running away well it's yourself hi guys oh my god how much is for the duck please here you go thank you here's your duck uncle mike enjoy thank you aunty [Music] and that's what happened oh i see it wasn't your fault we're sorry uncle jason let's buy you a new one yeah okay let's go this way [Music] sorry i'm all sold out where can we get more snow cone we're sorry i'll go jason we can't buy you a snow cone i know where else we can go follow me okay do you have any snow cones available yes i do what flavor would you like can i have strawberries i want lime watermelon please lemonade please come right off [Music] that looks really wow nice and cold thank you oh another one here you go thank you [Music] thank you let's draw for me please oh nice here you go thank you very much you're welcome jenny's gonna be so happy doc doc where's my dog [Laughter]
Channel: Toys and Colors
Views: 51,349,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emma, jannie, wendy, kids pretend play, kids video, stories for kids, stories, adventure stories, bedtime stories, compilation, funny, funny kids, video for kids, family fun, stories about good behavior, useful stories, toys and colors, emma pretend play, pretend play
Id: HA2aV8-zk2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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