Maddie and Jannie's Healthy Fruit Smoothie Challenge for Kids

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[Music] I don't like it soda is [Music] better I have to go to the dentist dentist bed I have a tooth AEG let's check I'll will clean your teeth jany uh okay jany not so much soda okay get B thank you bye bye Ready set go I [Music] win I don't like that soda's better what toothache oh no Eddy I have to go to a den dentist dentist I have a tooth in h let me check take a seat okay open wide uh we need to clean your teeth okay your teeth are clean remember to not drink so much soda understood DST bth bye hi Maddie are you okay yes the dentist cleaned my teeth CH it okay 16 my turn oh no I'm tired check [Music] this yay I can do it here go huh oh see you H let's find out what Maddie's Secret is [Music] ready m a strawberry that's Maddie's [Music] Secret what happened Jenny I'm tired you want smoothy no Jenny let's go with Maddie okay Maddie tell us your secret M SMY okay M hold it in here okay oo wow wow Janny you can do it I can try awesome looks good Jenny let's do strawberry for you you will like it [Music] okay y m healthy and delicious Let's Play Let's [Music] Go my turn good job be healthy and have fun I don't like water huh how about this water bottle Ellie no water how about this funny water bottle [Music] wow I just don't like water let's go play with the water slime yeah [Music] woo Ellie Ellie this is super fun right yeah this is super fun yeah now drink some water no nothing thank you I just want m t what is it wow so as you see water helps the plants grow big but this one it has no water so it's wilting but that's a plan I'm not a plan I just don't water time to go to S reading time okay once upon a time a long time ago there was a little girl who did not like water one day she chased the dragon the dragon chased her she ran away I need [Music] water she drinks so much water she became so strong she was so strong the dragon was so scared and ran away yay do you want to defeat the dragon yeah I'm good I just want to go to sleep but the dragon huh let's go it's so hot I need water it needs really needs water huh the trees the roses need water and I need water [Music] too was that a [Music] dream hey Ellie you want to play soccer here let's play [Music] y stop huh water [Music] break remember to drink water keeps you hydrated bye what happened these plants need water how do we know how much water to drink easy peasy these are each2 o glasses we help you see if your body is hydrated or dry oh no I'm dehydrated quickly you got to replenish your H2O of awesome what about the [Music] plants friends remember to keep your H2O level up by drinking water Apple I don't like it how about this one okay uncle [Music] Sam orange I don't like it kayen why are you so strong I eat bananas and I will go you want some bananas it's very healthy uh no thanks I don't like fruit a have some fruit Ellie they're all healthy uh no thank you why does everybody like fruit I just don't like it hi morning class good morning Mr Bo we have a pop quiz today I studied I'm not scared I got this this is not going to be easy first Alex okay [Music] [Applause] mhm M good job Alex you got an A+ [Music] next Kaden 1 + 2 = g g + 4 = seven M good job Kaden you get an A [Music] too okay your turn [Music] Ellie 5 + 5 is 6 7 - 6 = 3 uh-oh Ellie that's not right 5 + 5 is 10 7 - 6 is 1 sorry you got an [Music] F don't be sad Ellie you can try again next time now is the time for PE class an apple before PE here you go [Music] Ellie I don't like apple thank you okay okay Kanan Ready set go go go go [Music] go good job Kaden Alex it is now your turn let's go wow I finished three rounds now 10 push-ups wow good job Alex very impressive okay Ellie it's your turn now just one round for me and Mr Roy I'm so tired okay Ellie we'll try next time Ellie Ellie eat more frood it'll make you strong and healthy but I don't like [Music] fruit ah can I play sure I'll be the goalie here Uncle go go go go go go I'm getting tired is everyone tired no no no I'm not tired keep going we can play Forever I'm so tired oh Ellie I eat a lot of fruit candy I'm still tired fruit candy that's just candy come on let's get real fruit I got some refreshing watermelon [Music] juice here you go thank you you thank you here you go Ellie M that's yummy see food is Yum MH mhm how about some fruits [Music] yay [Music] M time for a rematch let's go Ellie go Ellie oh Ellie no yeah yeah yeah I did it yes the fruit made me stronger and healthier more fruit more healthy wow I picked [Music] this what else should I get I've got chips soda popcorn lollipops gumballs I I have fruits and vegetables no thank you a ooh [Music] chips [Music] gumballs M more Chips please uh-oh I ran out of chips huh I have soda wait wait Eric huh you're late for jump classs sorry treadmill let's go okay can I get a drink that was only a few seconds please okay go and hydrate huh huh um never mind Eric Eric I have more chips [Music] yes are those chips uh-oh Eric Eric here's your water thank you oh never mind another soda Eric uh no Uncle soda makes you tired water hydrates your body oh [Music] okay break is over oh come on see you next [Music] bye popcorn Eric how about some grapes no thank you thank you bye [Music] a hey Eric tell me where energy okay C3 wait wait candy won't give you energy here bananas will help I'll try it come on Uncle let's go wow I did it I'm [Music] done wait you dropped this ooh Eric we're about to start oh come on hurry first round jump R first Uncle Sam uh good luck Eric come on uh-oh here you go Eric good luck [Music] go a we have a winner Eric how about a soda [Music] okay huh huh I got the hiccups I get race with the hiccups I don't know what to do water makes hiccups go [Music] away thanks Andrea time for round two mini hurdles go your shoes don't tight huh what I'm going wi [Music] shoes Uncle Sam win I'm so tired Eric lollipops can help all the sugar is making me tired Eric how about an apple w now how do you feel Eric now I feel energized last race wins it all okay got to go ready go yeah yay Eric won I won I'll get some grapes sure I have them thanks for your help Andria you're welcome a I'm sorry my snacks didn't help today it's okay now we know too much junk fuit is not good that's correct eat more veggies and drink lot of water bye
Channel: Toys and Colors
Views: 15,924,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toys and colors, toys and colors kids, made for kids, jannie, maddie, healthy drinks for kids, kids smoothie challenge, fun kids games, family fun activities, fruit smoothies for kids
Id: 9svdoe7qwnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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