Emily’s NEW Bathroom! Making A Barbie Doll Washroom - Toilet| Bath| Shower| Sink| & More!

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hey everyone I'm Ava and this is the room that we recently made for Emily and now I think it's time to give Emily a bathroom I want to do this for such a long time so that's what we're doing today I did already build the base of the room out of foam board it's not huge or anything it measures 14 by 14 by 10. I have these two long pieces of foam board one much wider than the other and I'm going to glue them together and then glue that into the back corner of this wall then I have these pieces of foam board where one side has a really nice shine or kind of a gloss to it I take one of the big pieces and I glue the other ones all around it this is going to be the bathtub so it's nice that we have that nice gloss on it like I said earlier not all the sides have the gloss but I just strategically glued everything together so it looks like all sides have the nice shine and I'm basically going to glue that right in here I feel like this foam board might look a little bit off-white compared to the rest of the room but um we're just gonna ignore that I cut out a window on this back wall I printed out this concrete design and I'm going to glue that onto the floor and now to make tiles for the walls I cut a bunch of one by a half an inch pieces of paper board and glue them onto the walls so that this corner area here is completely covered and when I tell you this took forever I mean it but hopefully it'll be worth it in the end it better be I have some gesso or basically just like white paint and I'm gonna paint these walls when I tell you there are so many layers of paint on this right now this took forever I don't even know exactly how I feel about this tiling right now but I'm gonna pretend I love it because this literally took like 10 hours as for these walls over here I'm gonna cover them in this really light pink color that I just printed out on my printer I cut a piece of clear plastic that I'm going to glue on the outside of the window then I glue foam board strips around the window now to make a glass door for this bath slash shower area I cut a long piece of clear plastic and I round off one corner I cut a thin strip of foam board that's the same length as our plastic piece and I painted silver with my X-Acto Knife I make a cut on one of the sides going all the way down foreign and then I poke the plastic into that cut and then I just glue that in place over here as for actually inside of the shower I have this shower head with little knobs and I actually got this a really long time ago from a giveaway that I won I actually do have a video for it check it out here and they just included some random like extras and this is one of them and I'm finally getting around to actually being able to use it and I'm just gonna glue that right into the back here and then I made my own little quick faucet thing with some mirror paper and foam board and then there's also this little like handle knob thing that actually came with a sink um that I'm also gonna use I'm gonna glue these both right under here and then this also came with the shower head thing um but it's just like a little oops but just a little rack that I'm gonna glue into the wall so we can like put some stuff on there I cut out three big pieces of foam board that I glue together and then I'm gonna cover that in the same paper we used on the floor and then I'm gonna glue that in this corner against this wall here to make the toilet I have this long piece of paper board that I'm gonna Bend and then glue these ends to more paper board and cut off the excess and then I glued the edges on one side down onto more paper board again cutting off any excess and then I'm gonna wrap it in white paper I trace around it on more paper board and cut it out I glue it to more paper board cut it out I repeated that so that it's three layers thick and then I'm going to cover that in paper as well and now because I don't really think I'll have any purpose to have the lid opening and closing I'm just going to glue the lid right on top and then I'm gonna glue the whole thing against this concrete block we made earlier I quickly made this little thing that's supposed to be like a modern flusher I don't know but it's just like two different button looking things out of some paper board and paint and I'm gonna glue that above the toilet over here I cut the ends off a popsicle stick and I glue it on top of here and then I'm going to glue more jumbo sticks above that one to make a shelving unit above the toilet I cut three pieces out of a toothpick one that's long and these two little pointy pieces and I paint them all silver then I have this little toilet paper roll that I made a long time ago and I'm gonna slip it onto the long toothpick piece and then glue the shorter pieces on the side with Another Toothpick I poke holes into the wall foreign and then I poke the toilet roll into the wall and just look how cute that is oh my goodness I cut a half an inch wide piece of foam board then I'm going to glue on this back wall for a baseboard I have these two little pictures here I just found these prints off Pinterest and just wrapped them around pieces of foam board and I'm gonna glue them against the swallow over here above the toilet paper similar to how I did the toilet paper roll I poked some holes into the wall under the window here and stuck in some wooden dowels and then I have this longer piece I'm just going to glue in front so that I can hang a towel on it and now I want to work on the sink like countertop thing that's going to go over here I have a rectangle of foam board and I glue strips around it and then I'm going to cover the top in popsicle sticks just like that and I also made another piece that's like the same size as this one except the corners are cut out then I have some long skinny strips of foam board I glue two of them to our countertop piece then I'm gonna glue on the piece with the corners taken out so the legs fit into the slots and then I glue on the other legs and then I put that in place and I'm really loving this whole wood look going on I wasn't originally planning on that but I'm really happy with where it's going so I have the sink here that I got off Etsy and the reason actually took forever to make this washroom is because I waited for the sink to arrive so you know what I'm gonna do not use it yeah basically it's actually kind of huge I mean just look at it on my countertop it really is not doing it so we're gonna make our own thing I glue pieces of foam board together and now because I don't want this thing to go completely to waste I'm gonna use the tap and knobs and glue them onto our own DIY sink and then I'm going to glue the sink in place and I think I might actually glue it so it's a little bit off center and kind of to the right here a little bit just so we have some more actual counter space for a mirror above the sink I am going to use mirror paper I always love using the stuff for Making Mirrors but this time I'm going to try it with a piece of clear plastic and wrap the mirror paper over the clear plastic because I've tried a foam board paper board cardstock and it always gets this weird texture on all of my mirrors so maybe if we try clear plastic we'll get a nice smooth result foreign work okay so far so good oh no is that an air bubble okay wait I'm actually really happy with these results this might be my new go-to method because although there is a little bit of texture on the mirror it's nothing compared to what it usually looks like I think this turned out pretty perfect and so now I'm just going to glue it in place and I'm actually going to switch out that white towel for this kind of purpley one I just cut it from an actual old towel of mine and I just feel like it kind of brings in a bit of a different color in the room because there is a lot of white going on already I have these cute little plants here they're pretty straightforward these are just some like fake plants I got from the dollar store put them in these pots and I'm gonna put them in the corner here and then I am going to bring back that white material but just put a little rug on the ground there in front of the bathtub I have some more of that purpley towel and I'm gonna just drape that over the side of the bathtub or maybe it'll look better over here I cut a jumbo popsicle stick into four skinny pieces and I'm gonna kind of line them up beside each other and then glue on little pieces at the ends and I'm just going to put it over the bathtub for a little bath tray once again I did that same toilet paper or towel holder method where I poked holes into the foam board and I made this little holder for a little hand cloth just gonna hang it over like that I made this quick box out of some foam board and I'm going to glue twine around it I then put a couple little towels in there and I'm gonna put that underneath the sink or like a little basket that can hold the some towels and now at this point I'm basically just gonna put in a bunch of accessories and clutter things up a bit over here in the bath tray I'm gonna place a little plant some little magazines and a water bottle because why not I guess it's kind of compensating for the fact that there's literally no water in the bathtub and that is a downside of this bathtub is that I couldn't ever be able to fill it up with actual water because that just would not go well but I mean it looks good at least I made these little quick bottles that are supposed to kind of be like shampoo and conditioner and I'm gonna place them up here and look at this little loofah like are you kidding me I actually got this from an old Barbie doll bathtub set thing and I've I completely forgot about it until now and I'm so happy that I remembered I'm just gonna hang it right here oh my gosh I love that I also have this adorable little tray of like lotions and soap and stuff I got this from an Etsy Shop a while back and I think it'll go perfectly right beside the sink there I have like the smallest little thing of toothpaste I got this off AliExpress and I'm just gonna lay it on the counter I'm also gonna steal one of these little toothbrushes in here and also lay that on the counter and I'm also gonna place this little glass us over here as well again got that off AliExpress I have this little roll of paper towel and I'm gonna put it on the bottom shelf here I don't actually know if it makes sense to have it in the washroom but I mainly just want an excuse to use this thing because it's adorable now I'm just gonna place a bunch of random things on those shelves back there okay I just had a really fun idea I have like a little cotton pad here and I'm gonna take some of the fluff from the inside and like roll little balls and then put them inside a little glass jar [Music] to make like a little jar of cotton swabs oh my gosh that's the cutest thing I've ever done I also do have a little lid for it too I'm a genius I did end up getting the entire shell filled I did most of it off camera because I'm the most indecisive person ever and it took me forever to figure out how to organize this also this is kind of random but I just remember to show you guys that there's this little piece of like water that came with this tap and I can just push it into the tap to make it look like there's running water how cool is that and here's Emily's completed washroom I'm not gonna lie I had my doubts in the beginning but I do think it really came together well I've never made a washroom for the dolls before and this was super fun and just different for me here's Emily in the room and I do think she fits the space well yeah I could definitely see this being Emily's washroom definitely let me know which part of the room is your favorite I like a lot of things but I think the shower slash bathtub might be my personal favorite and you'd hope so with the amount of time it took me to make those Bricks now before we end today's video the shout outs for today go to shine forever Caroline s and pumpkin girl thank you so so much for supporting the channel and remember if you and a chance of getting a shout out all you have to do is subscribe to the channel click the notification Bell and comment down below with the hashtag DB Squad and you'll have a chance being a shout out in the next video thank you so much for watching I really hope you enjoyed seeing this space come together and I hope you like how it looks give me your honest thoughts in the comments don't forget to subscribe to see me some more Doll rooms in the future and I just really would appreciate it and I'll see all of you in the next one bye
Channel: DelightfulDolls
Views: 3,894,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barbie, barbie doll, barbie doll room, emily and friends, gen z doll room, diy barbie doll room, diy, crafts, how to make, miniature, trendy barbie doll room, realistic barbie doll crafts, barbie house, barbie crafts, diy barbie house, emily, chase, barbie doll washroom, barbie doll sink, barbie doll toilet, barbie doll bathroom, barbie doll shower, barbie doll bath, diy barbie doll bathroom, Emilys bathroom, miniature bathroom, barbie doll plants
Id: t5egxDPy6Ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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