Emily’s NEW Office + Craft Room! Making A Barbie Doll Room - Computer| Printer| Coffee Bar| & More

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I'm Ava and this is Emily's desk where she works but now that school started back up and Emily does all of her schoolwork from home I think it's time we give her a bit of an upgrade so to start I quickly made this base structure out of foam board for Emily's new office and I also made it so this wall on the left can actually swing open and I did this by gluing some cardstock on the back wall and the sidewall so that it creates a bit of a hinge I also attached this toothpick to the bottom corner so it can just poke into the floor and hold in place okay so from here the first thing I want to do is cut out a big window over on that wall That was supposed to be a lot more satisfying okay then I printed off some wallpaper and flooring for the room and I glue it in place so I made this back wall Pink these sidewalls gray and used my favorite flooring but I will say I'm definitely not loving how that back wall is kind of bubbled up in some spots sometimes this happens but usually it'll just go away on its own however it has been overnight now and these are still here so I don't think they're going away but luckily this back wall will be really busy with a whole bunch of stuff going on so hopefully you won't really notice all that including all of these lines on the walls as well the next thing I want to do is work some more on this window also please ignore how busted out my hand looks with all of these cuts and everything going on it's not really look but I can't really do anything about it my nails on the other hand though I cut out clear plastic from some Barbie doll Packaging and then I'm gonna glue it on the other side of the wall behind the window [Music] then I glue foam board strips around the window and on the other side of the window as well now I want to build a shelving unit to go along that back wall and of course I'm going to do so using foam board so as you can see I've just been making these little Cube shelves before the rest of the shelving unit I'm actually going to do something a bit different and I'm going to glue a big piece right here and then glue on this last end then glue on the top piece here's how it's looking so far and in the process of gluing on this top piece I burnt myself really badly with a hot glue gun I'm pretty good when it comes to hot glue gun Burns I get burnt all the time but this one's really bad and you can already see it starting to blister and I'm sure it'll just get worse and worse throughout this video so we can watch it happen together yay no but it literally hurts so bad anyways I have these three wood rectangles that I cut out and I'm going to glue them on this big piece over here and then I'm going to glue it in place these wooden pieces are acting as fake little drawers then I have this L-shaped piece of foam board that's going to be the desk for the room then I have these skinny strips of wood that I'm going to glue to all the edges of the foam board that will be exposed I glue on some legs on the end and then I glue a piece between them and then I'm going to glue the desk in place also hot glue gun burn updates I don't really think it's getting worse but it's also definitely not getting better love to see it now I just have some long strips of foam board that I'm going to glue into the room for baseboards now for the window at first I was thinking I could put in some like pink curtains that would like drape down I even bought this massive roll of Dusty pink tool that I also thought would be good for an option but I quickly decided that that would probably be way too much for this small office space plus it's an office and I feel like the tool would definitely be out of place and again I feel like draping curtains would just be a lot for this space as well so instead I cut out this piece of paper board that will fit into the window and I'm gonna wrap it up in this pink fabric that will match the room perfectly then I have a wooden dowel that's the same length that I'm also going to wrap in the same fabric glue it to the top of our other piece and then I glue it into the top of the window to make roller blinds for the room they don't actually work but they do look good here's this adorable foldy chair that I got off either Etsy or AliExpress potentially Amazon actually I couldn't tell you but it's really cute and I think it'll be a perfect office chair it's a bit of a tight squeeze with the desk and the Shelf but there we go I also cut out three more strips of foam board and put that same wood trimming around the exposed edges and I'm gonna glue them over against this wall for some shelves oops I took the chair out I forgot to put it back just pretend that didn't happen Okay so I printed out a whole bunch of random printables some of these I just got offline some of these I got from a YouTuber called poppy seed mini and I'm gonna put some of these to use so there's this bulletin board that I printed out and it does already have a wooden frame but I'm still gonna glue in my own little strips of wood to frame it just to make the frame pop out and look more realistic and then I'm gonna glue it over on this wall I made a bunch of things using those printables most of which I'm going to take away for now and we'll bring back later when we do the little bits of decorating but I will keep the sewing machine around and I'm actually going to put it in this back corner over here now to make something for the back wall I'm going to cut out a piece of clear plastic I'm gonna draw some lines on it with a sharpie then I'm going to write the first letter of each day of the week well every weekday not the weekends then with my hot glue gun on the other side I'm gonna put a dot in each corner then back to the front side I'm gonna do the exact same thing and just try to go right over the dot on the other side and then I carefully paint the dots on the front silver and then I'm going to glue it to the back wall and when I glue it I'm gonna make sure to put the hot glue over top of the little dots that we already made so that you won't be able to tell that there's any glue on there I also printed out this world map which I just think will be so cool in the room but before I put it in place I'm gonna glue more wooden strips around to frame it and then I'm going to glue it in place on the wall okay now this next thing is about to be so random but I want to make a little sign over here because there's gonna be a little coffee station so I pulled out my 3D pen I have not touched this thing for like at least two years probably closer to like four but I do think it'll actually be the perfect tool to make a little sign plus I just want an excuse to use this thing because I recently remembered that it existed and I feel like it'd be kind of fun to put it to you so I put in some black filament into the pen and using a piece of wood just for a base to draw on I'm going to draw out a sign let's give this a go it's been a while so I'm not expecting to nail this the first try okay this is kind of backfiring this is not working out okay we're gonna know we're gonna not talk about that hmm [Music] it could use some work but it's not half bad especially for my first try oh we're gonna not talk about that I'm gonna try this a couple more times until I'm happy with it though okay that one was actually really good I think I'm gonna also put the word bar underneath so it says Coffee Bar hopefully oh okay girl calm down hopefully this doesn't ruin it because I really like how this one looks so far and it really barely sticks to the wood so it can just literally come right off and then I'm just gonna glue it over here beside the map and I actually love how that turned out I honestly forgot how great this thing is and let me know if you guys want to see me use it more or maybe I could even make a whole video dedicated to making some 3D pen things because I actually forgot how fun this thing was and hopefully it doesn't just get put back in a box for another three years but no promises then I have this little clock face that I printed out and I'm gonna Trace around on some clear plastic and cut it out then I'm gonna glue a strip of black cardstock around it and then I'm gonna glue the clock piece behind and I really like the effect that that gives so I'm gonna glue this right above our coffee sign and now I want to actually set up our little coffee bar area so I bought this adorable coffee maker off of etsy look how adorable this thing is oh my gosh I won't lie the price was a little bit ridiculous at least with including shipping but I'm still not gonna complain the little coffee pot opens up oh what's up is that broken they still tell me anything's broken already no okay so this little thing broke and I don't think that's supposed to be like that so I'm gonna quickly glue that back in place but um we're gonna pretend that didn't happen anyways this thing is adorable and it's in dusty paint which means it's even more amazing and I'm just gonna go ahead and place it in the corner over here then I'm gonna place in this little jar of sugar that I made a while back for my bakery I just have this empty little jar and I cut toothpicks and place them inside for little stir sticks I have this little matching plate and teacup set although the flowers are cute I don't really want them to be seen in the room though so the one on the play will be covered up by the cup and I'm just going to turn the cup so the flower will face against the wall then to make little napkins I just cut little squares out of a real napkin and I'm just gonna Place those next to everything with a little croissant on top as well for our little coffee bar setup now to work a bit more on this side of the room I cover a piece of cardstock in the same pink fabric that we used over on the window and then place it on the desk along with this little apple desktop computer that I think is actually so cute and I made it look like they're looking at my YouTube channel which I thought was a fun little idea and I'm gonna put that right on top of the mat along with a little keyboard and mouse to go with it then I made the most adorable little printer ever I actually love how this turned out and I do apologize that lots of the things I'm placing into the room are things I already have pre-made or made off of camera so you guys aren't really getting a tutorial for it but if there is anything in particular that you guys want a tutorial for let me know but lots of the stuff I've had for a long time as well and just have been waiting to get a use for anyways I'm gonna place this beautiful little printer right below the bulletin board over here and then I can put in a little piece of paper as well to make it look like it's printing off something this is just a little math formula sheet I printed out this little cutting mat that looks literally exactly like the one I have and I just love this pink color I'm gonna place it right in front of the chair then I'm gonna place in some of those items that I made earlier including this adorable little X-Acto Knife look how amazing this is this little ruler hot glue gun mini glue stick a little graphing calculator and again so many of these things I literally just find online like for this I just searched up graphing calculator shrinked it down to size glued it onto some layers of cardstock painted the edges and that was literally it this other little cutter I have this little square of like mirror and I like to use these little pieces as coasters and then I'm gonna place a water bottle on top I know water bottles really don't need a coaster but I really wanted to use it there's this little Mod Podge I'm gonna Place Emily's phone over here because I'm sure if she's working in the office she'll have it close by I'm gonna put some little pieces of cardstock onto the mat to make it look like she was actually cutting something up or working on something I really don't want to clutter up the space too much but I think instead of this little cutter here I actually have this little toolbox full with all sorts of tools that I got a long time ago for Michael's and I do in fact actually have a video on my channel it's like one of my first videos so you can go watch it I won't stop you but I will warn you because that Ava was a different Ava okay anyways one of the tools in here is actually this little pair of scissors like you've got to be kidding me come on and I think that would look better over here and the rest of the tools I think I'm just gonna place on one of the shelves over here and again I don't want to do too much over here but I think the last thing I'm gonna do is just place a little pencil so this can kind of be her little craft station for when she wants to work on something I have these three little designer brand magazines which are actually printables that I got off of etsy and I did steelies from my designer doll room which is still currently in its Barbie doll room form I have not touched that room since [Music] so I think in the meantime these will look really good in here just on this back shelf maybe it doesn't necessarily match the office Vibe but I like it then I also have this little martial arts trophy which actually came with Emily because she was the martial arts Barbie doll and I just think it's kind of cool to have a little piece of that in this office so I'm gonna put that right next to those magazines and then these little Beats headphones that I made a long time ago oh I'm also realizing that I have the Louis Vuitton and Dior magazines upside down nice I'm gonna glue little papers onto the bulletin board I absolutely love this little periodic table and then I also have this little photo of Chase and Emily which I think will be really cute on the bulletin board as well now let's fill up these shelves over here I have this old thimble you can tell it's old it's kind of like rusting it looks a little nasty but I kind of like The Rustic look and I just have a whole bunch of pencils inside I'm just gonna place that on the Shelf over here and I'm literally just gonna place a bunch of random things on here okay now this is something I might regret and I have debated doing but I think I'm gonna take this mini Brands Rubik's cube out from its packaging I know the packaging is adorable and maybe I can even get it back in there if I ever want to but where's my scissors for the sake of decorating this room we're gonna open this up okay oh okay that actually wasn't bad at all I think I could I could easily get it back in the packaging if I want to not me expecting it to actually work but either way it's super cute and I think it'll look great over on the Shelf I'm thinking we should probably add some sort of greenery to this space I have some little pieces of wood that I'm gonna glue together and then I slide that into one of the shelves and fill it with tiny pieces of paper make a little paper organizer for on the shelf and then I'm also just gonna fill with some random things like this little container that I literally used to keep my baby teeth in um but we're supposed to tell we don't know that even though I literally just told everyone I have these little like fake envelope letters that I made such a long time ago and it kind of shows but I'm too lazy to make new ones so we're gonna use them here are these three little notebooks that I've had for so long and I actually used to sell these on my Etsy shop and I think they'd go perfectly in the room but first on one of them I'm going to write notes this is really difficult doing this in the air I should probably not have done this but that's not too bad and I'm gonna Place those on a shelf I fooled some cardstock to form a box and I'm going to glue it together and then I'm going to cover it in that same pink fabric that we've been using and then I'm going to slide it into the Shelf it's it's a tight squeeze this is never getting taken out ever again and I made a second one as well this one fits in a lot nicer I then made this blue recycling bin and I'm just gonna scooch it under the table over in this corner and you best believe after crafting this room I have some scrap pieces of paper that I'm gonna put into the little recycling bin so technically I'm recycling my little scrap piece of paper to put into my dolls recycling bin so that they can recycle the paper I don't know if that makes sense but I like it I'm gonna push this back into the corner now I do have a little garbage can coming that I ordered on Etsy but in the meantime oops I stole this one from Chase's room and I'm just gonna put it right next to the recycle bin okay now I'm very excited about this I have a whole bunch of Amazon packages that were sent to me by an Etsy shop called catchy Charisma Miniatures and these are going to be great for this space so I'm gonna pile some over in this corner and then put a couple more over on this last Shelf and I feel like the little Amazon boxes are so realistic because these things cover my room I have this little adorable purse here that I got from an Etsy shop called Huang handmade doll that I reviewed in my last video actually and first of all this is like my favorite purse ever now and I thought it looked kind of cute just slinged over the chair here like I know we're not capturing it's full Beauty this way but I still just wanted to put it in the room I feel like the space needs more Greenery so I actually stole the little plant that I put up on the Shelf over there and I'm gonna put it on top of the magazines over here instead yeah I like that and then I just put a different plant over there then I cut out some of the smallest pieces of paper just in some fun colors to look like little sticky notes and I wrote some random things on there and I'm gonna glue them to some of the spots on this board back here and oh my gosh I just think that looks so cute and so much better with those little sticky notes on there and guys I think we are done with this room the only other main thing that I would add is some of my wooden letters above the map over here except I have no idea what I should spell out let me know what you guys think or if I should even put anything up there in general I could put Emily's name but I'm interested to hear if you guys have any other good ideas for what would be good for this office now I know I say this a lot after I make new rooms but I think this one might be my new favorite like I'm so happy with how it turned out let's also not forget that this wall over here can open up to kind of let more light into the space and also will help me film from different angles for example if that wall was still here we wouldn't be able to get this nice angle of the room and I think I'm gonna start doing this in more of my doll room because it's really cool to feel like you're more in the room with the dolls and again there's so much more light being put into the room with this angle as well now this is Emily's office after all so let's go get her here she is and I definitely think she fits right into the space let's put her in the chair and see how it really looks with her fully embracing the office and here she is sitting down on her desk I love how she looks in this space and I really like how she kind of has two stations you can kind of have her craft station here or where she wants to kind of lay out some papers to do stuff and if we just flip her around and oops that was her purse I knew this was not going to be convenient she can work on her computer so overall I really spot where she can she can work plus a ton more definitely let me know what you guys think and what your favorite part of the room is and let me know what we should build for Emily next I really hope you enjoyed today's video and if you did don't forget to subscribe and turn on the notification Bell so you can become part of the hashtag DB Squad thank you so much for watching and thank you guys so much for 500 000 subscribers that's halfway to 1 million and that's just mind-blowing to me you guys are awesome love you all so much and see you all in the next one bye
Channel: DelightfulDolls
Views: 1,424,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barbie, barbie doll, barbie doll room, emily and friends, gen z doll room, diy barbie doll room, diy, crafts, how to make, miniature, trendy barbie doll room, realistic barbie doll crafts, barbie house, barbie crafts, diy barbie house, emily, barbie doll office, barbie doll studio, barbie doll craft room, barbie doll school, barbie doll desk, barbie doll printer, barbie doll crafts, barbie doll sewing machine, barbie doll workspace, supplies, emilys office, emilys new office
Id: aaOEjXH0Lh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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