Emergency Wedding (1950)

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you I might as well start my story at the very beginning here at the California Maternity Hospital is where it all began yep that's me in the nurses arms the forceful looking gent with the moustache was my father Peter Judson Curt I was named June 1 life wasn't enough for a man like my father he was going to live it all over again through me well since he was an expert horseman jr. had to be an expert horseman hey I was willing but the horse wasn't and since seen he was an all-american halfback jr. had to be an all-american halfback pretty good halfback again unfortunately that wasn't me wasn't even my team meet me compared to my ball of fire Popeye well anyway I had a good seat and I kept it warm all season father was a department store tycoon so jr. had to be a department store tycoon and even after Dad passed on and I took over the old comparisons persistent he finally began to get me and I started thinking of selling out living my own life my own way well I did sell them I dropped the junior and I began catching up on all the things the old man never permitted me before and one of them was driving right behind me the absence of bradycardia indicates very little concussion I do notice a small hematoma of the right varietal region also there's some swelling of the lateral malleolus so there might be a fracture that left ankle perhaps there could be a crack of the tibia and fibula higher up so I think a picture of the entire leg oh hello for a minute I thought it was you spouting all that medical stuff it was this is dr. Honda Los Angeles doctor yes I was right behind you when the accident occurred oh really you need to be alarmed but you heard it may be nothing more than an extra hard bump on the head that puts you out for so long but we're gonna check to make sure well i be on my way on your way well you can't walk out in the middle of the case like this it's unethical this is dr. Wilson's case and you're in very capable hands of course dr. hunt if you'd like to step in no dr. Wilson I wouldn't think of it very well oh wait a minute doesn't the patient have anything to say about who's to treat him of course sorry you're the doctor seems like there are be something you can treat me for you saw the x-rays the only damage seems to be to your car Oh mr. Kirk I'll put your things in dr. hunts car thank you I'm afraid you'll have to take them out I'm in a hurry to get back to Los Angeles well that's exactly where I'm going would you mind an extra passenger well 500 miles is a rather long trip and you should really rest a few hours oh I find traveling very restful besides you'll be driving most of the night it's not safe for a woman alone sometimes it's safer but I guess I can risk it these lonely stretches always make me rather sad ever affect you that way mr. Kirk ordinarily yes right now No don't think it's about time and started calling me Peter Peter Peter Kirk not the big department store man only by inheritance jr. part of the inheritance why I've been wearing your undies ever since I was in pigtails from pigtails to prescription quite a jump not necessarily for many women doctors as beautiful as you oh the time I've wasted being well the last man that said that to me was 73 his age was his alibi I'm sorry but I do think you're pretty community is that my motor it isn't me oh nothing serious I'll have it fixed in a jiffy any place to get a bite to eat around here ratchet elves just down the road a bit we have time you slow leaders are fast ears they sort of need him your car will be ready by the time you get your apple pie let's suppose we don't like apple pie well you better like it's the only kind of ever had then all you actually do is travel and play around well as a matter of fact it is a kind of a pointless existence predicted one of these days I'm gonna get going on something I should think so five years of just wasting time if I hadn't been just wasting time I'd never met you we'd better see if the cars ready I'm anxious to get started why hurry we stay a little longer it's very nice here my vacations over oh there you are everything fixed yeah I just had to push the radiator back into place we're ready only and pushing the radiator back I uh busted your fan though you can replace it can't you I can replace a fan belt chuckling you can spit by only I ain't got a fan belt can't you get another one oh I can get one in a jiffy but not tonight you mean we're stuck here huh oh no ma'am I'll get you out first thing in the morning yeah it's lucky we found such a nice place to spend the night there's really no need of you're waiting until morning you can take a bus or something oh well there's no bus at this hour one comes along in 20 minutes can't ride the bus you know the gas fumes I get busted you can catch the train at the junction that's worse I also get train sick all I ever get is homesick homesick isn't it you home yep and I'm sick of it right this way miss well I guess you think I'm kind of a nuisance that's rather leading question you're around this sides well it if you're under the impression I'm sort of maneuvering aren't you yeah as long as we understand each other good night Oh doctor I still think you're pretty wonderful and I'm not 73 oh there's a little mix-up about the water in this room you see the hot water is marked cold and the cold water is marked hot but don't you worry about it we never have any hot water good night and now for you lovers of blood and terror KLM presents horror in the night Peter Peter Kirk what do you realize it's awfully late can't sleep after all what's happened today you've got to get some rest I tried no go I'll take care of that come in we take one of these and you'll be asleep in no time oh no no no I I can't take care to do as I say into bed I'd rather talk this is no time for talking take that robe off and get into bed well now there's no point in trying to make me take pills I can't swallow them you'll find taking a pill is very easy with a little water but I open at you I kitten there now that was easy enough wasn't it a little more water Matt did it sometimes this works now go to bed believe me these things may put me to sleep with this you're not gonna fix what's bothering me what's bothering you you see I'm in love love with you that's good with me mm-hmm and and I have a strange feeling that someday we're gonna be married now say it's a strange feeling I don't mean today here tomorrow but someday well it's certainly nice of you to tell me before I read it in the paper I do it too minute I laid eyes on it's crazy absolutely crazy maybe but I just wanted to know how I feel is that all yeah Hey except I do want to marry you maybe you better take another one of these pills won't help I won't get a good night's rest till we're married good night tonight mr. Kirk whatever type of woman you've known is your business but I can assure you this kind talk doesn't appeal to me at all well if I said anything wrong I apologize you certainly have you've made a boy attempt to sweep me off my feet with the most insincere line of well just line I've ever heard in my life I said I loved you and I meant it it might have worked if I were a young girl with a piece of wedding cake under my pillow but I'm a woman I'm a mature woman with a cold clinical mind of a doctor what do you say to that well what do you think of that this can't be marriage is for women who can create homes for their men devote their lives to them I can't do that I've already signed over my future I have to continue in practice I have to practice darling you're perfect but I want to I've waited on tables work behind counters to see my way through Medical School it's the most important thing in my life all right so your practice don't you realize there isn't a moment of my life I can call my own but I do tea to my patients comes first even before my duty to her husband I'm not worried think what it would mean being married to a woman who can never call the day or night or own you don't want that will you marry me did you hear what I said I heard and I'm still asking will you darling well I tried over home mrs. Kirk Peter your home is charming that's the caretakers connington the house is up the driveway right Peter it's true then don't let it frighten you darling inside it's more like a little cottage hmm you know it's only a short drive from my office to the front gate the real trip is from the gate to the house well anyway there's not much traffic with all this your ideas what Kirk Manor used to be known his father's folly but good it's home well here we are at the threshold Oh here is this the cozy little cottage you were telling me about I've worked in hospitals that were smaller than this well help kind of help fill it up they're awfully quiet wired ahead getting the day off want you all to myself you mean I'm alone with a strange husband all alone wonderful hello Doctor Who Oh dr. hunt yes just a minute D your assistant how'd she know you were here I wired ahead hello Emma thank you honey call mr. Vandermeer what did he want oh I see how about mrs. Palmer did she have her baby yet why she's a slow one right Oh Emma I tried to reach dr. taehyun would you call and see if he can take my patience for one more week I would like to have a little honeymoon um well see you tomorrow what do you mean see you tomorrow I'm sorry darling but the doctor took over my patients left this evening on his vacation so now I not only have my own patients to look after I also promise to look after him oh well that other man had called oh that man been short for Vandermeer he's a friend as well as a patient I didn't know you had men patients what did you think you were Oh mrs. Kirk didn't hear a thing wouldn't you like to answer the phone well I'll do it but I won't like it hello who's calling her mrs. Burnside's nurse dr. hunts out of town Peter she just got back make it snappy darling the cold chickens getting cold hello yes rupture has there been any hemorrhage much that much how large as large as van what about the upper region infected the entire area have you drained it was there much oh no the bone showing any discoloration green well drain it thoroughly inject about 300,000 units of penicillin and apply cold packs I'll see your first thing in the morning right Peter what's the matter green I'm sorry here have a little water I'll be more careful next time I promise forgiven hey how about some proof hello who's calling it's for you mr. Vandermeer hello van yes I got your message but I was busy well thank you oh don't be silly mm-hmm oh come now that doesn't sound so bad you live through the night I'll get down to the office first thing in the morning Menon why oh I can't talk about it now yes then you ought to be shot alright say tomorrow so that's the way a doctor speaks to his patients he had a pain that why you laugh is that why you couldn't talk in front of me sounds that bad worse now what would you do if you were a bride with your husband listening and someone asks you what was so wonderful about the man you married hmm was embarrassing I had to mumble was that it and now I might as well tell you what you didn't hear I said you were the finest man I'd ever known and I considered myself a very fortunate girl oh I'm a jealous fool will you forgive me okay how about some of that proof stuff oh no not again this one's on me this happened all the time I'm sorry darling I warned you hello mr. Palmer yeah you're sure the pains are coming every 20 minutes I'll be right over where you going I'm terribly sorry the baby's arriving Mr Palmer's I should hope so mrs. Palmer's having it why didn't he have a baby on her own time I'm back I'm back remember me oh I went through three stoplights getting home to you I was it boy or girl the false alarm Oh tired Watson brandy coffee well give me some brandy and coffee and beautiful girl and you can have the brandy and coffee no agreement sugar thank you good morning good morning good morning mr. Kirk and congratulations thank you IDO why don't you wait me was early and you look so peaceful what time is it anyway 6:45 6:40 why don't know these boys looking out mrs. Burnside only get one that's turning green yes I also have a big day at the office oh yes with that Vandermeer dye it's purely professional now what do you mean now well truly he did have a little crush on me crush on you mm-hmm is it so surprising that other men have found me attractive well no but I marry you and not then then why doesn't he keep away from you the answer is van hasn't been well and I happen to be a very capable position the answer is you're very beautiful and men are a lot of scheming treacherous wolves thank you thank you very much oh I'm sorry darling you're the best doctor in the world I really shouldn't forget it meaning you will meaning I love you you know kids like that can make a person forget all about the work yeah of course I could say that I was ill couldn't go to the office you'd like that wouldn't you no I've got to be strong Tony hey Kai what are you doing here so soon in the water just beginning till it man if you're Mabel kitty you can do my left and shine say yes morning miss Curt Arne Johnny Tony wanted clothes to shave in the house what's the got inside of you you know you can't take a closer shave you've got a skin like the wrong side of a baby I don't care about my face it's my wife's face I don't want to scratch why look gladdy you got a head sophistication now you get somebody help you spend your money happen kind of sudden didn't it mr. Kirk what's wrong with that take a mere instinct I got a married a quick I'm meeting my wife for a picnic we eat alive to drink a lot the moon she's a full of my heart the season full I asked her to marry me bingo my house is she's a fool Oh mr. cake is there nothing like a married life but I leave with the shop but I come home kissing my wife play with the kids we have a nice supper after supper we play cards gin rummy cannot sir oh you have a lots of father and then go to bed my wife as she talks it to me I talked to her she talks it to me I talk it to her she talks and she talks and she talks and she talks mom the mayor fishing on a stop of talking to some dad gonna cut her throat well take it easy with that razor you'll be cutting mine I've had enough accidents for one week accidents that's how I met my wife she's a doctor oh that's a nice sit I was their patient you wife wishes to take command patience what's wrong with that depends on what's wrong with a man yes I'm the doctors husband I had to know him I'll tell the doctor you hear she said with mr. Vandermeer mr. Andrews mr. Andrews and Richard Adams he says he knows all from college boy Lee I beg your pardon oh that's his nickname oily animals he's quite a fella to hear him telling you certainly is it's rather crowded in here wouldn't you like to wait in the doctor's private office Oh fine oh no no not that one if its own here this way yeah would you care for a magazine or something no no thanks Oh are you sure you don't want me to tell the doctor that you're here no I'm fine boy alien goose hater what are you doing here like that broken thumb why since when does a man with a broken finger have to strip to the waist Peter I suggest you wait outside until I'm finished with mr. Andrews yes I asked him a sensible question and I expect a sensible answer this morons been showing off what he thinks is a fine physique ever since he was 17 what's the matter Fred your wife will realize what yours should look like why don't you let me handle jr. jr. scuse me please what happened nothing just leave us alone please now just what did you mean by breaking into my private office I had the shirt off didn't me how did you know that before you broke in well it why I I guessed you guessed then perhaps you could have guessed the man was thrown from a horse and decides having a broken finger also had abrasions on his back he did yes he did these are my office hours what do you want here anyway just wanted to take your lunch and when you found out I was with a man you broke in is it because you don't trust me oh no I trust you completely well this is certainly an odd way of showing him oh you're right darling but please don't judge me by this yeah I realize how much your work means to you I know I have no right to intrude but well I'm so insane about your hair I just can't control my jealousy but I'll try I promise you I'll try well I guess I can't ask for more than that I never did like oily Andrews anything oh you're wonderful no how about that much Oh can't make it for lunch but you can take me to dinner yep I'll be waiting at home counting the minutes are up here isn't there anything you have to do until then no but I'll find something you you want to try it well just yet I think I'll start over here hello boys haha hello Vance hello al do you mind if I join you hey cookie oh and I didn't know you worked out here oh you always like to keep trim you know I'm an officer in a lot of corporations but this is the only one that pay dividends you don't get it yes success went to my stomach haha that's went to my stomach oh by the way querque I read about your marriage in the newspapers is this your first offense yeah yeah I've been married so many times I've got rice marks all over me I got rice oh listen Turkey I got a cliff advice for you you better get yourself a bottle of dandruff remover what for open what the boys tell me you're gonna have to get a certain lawyer named Vandermeer out of your hair they were anywhere near my wife I lock her in the closet and swallow the key in fact I swallow the lock I'm worried Oh Frank's mark all over me on I got the hook but I can't find the eye it's right there ah yeah I had in all mrs. Kirk looks just exactly like mr. Kirk always wanted his wife to look thank you thank you very much sure don't look like a hard-working gal I feel it I had a hectic day at the office Oh what did did Vandermeer finally come in no why just wondering what are you getting at Peter no nothing I just heard he was quite a fella it's very nice what are you treating him for that should sacrum fractured oh it takes a long time to heal it does now darling remember what you promised me this afternoon he's the man I refuse to marry you're the man I married just one more little question fire ring where is that place he was hurt the sacrum between the lumbar and the coccygeal region where's that huh back there rather sit down well yeah I can't seem to get a Samba if it's a rumba well I can't get a rumba too Oh Peter your mouth is open who is that bad man certainly gets around for a guy with a fractured sacrum well it's almost well they yd have to keep treating him I told you it takes a long oh I just have to repeat my congratulations in person thank you then this is my husband Peter Kirk Peter this is van well congratulations old man how I how are you oh I think that's with a little doctor to the side close it down oh boy honestly Helen that news was the biggest surprise of my life there I was just waiting for your return without a thought in my mind about what was happening up there in the mountains yeah well it was rather sudden sudden I actually had theater tickets for the night of your return when I call the office in the morning well you can imagine how you'd have felt if you were told that the person you were trying to lure in the marriage up and married somebody else hi how long have you known mr. Kirk long Oh long enough longing uh-huh do you hear that go ahead how long he's known you and she said long enough I didn't mean it that way bad and you know it of course you didn't darling but can't you let a poor old bachelor have his little joke I'm resigned to my defeat just a professional appointment now in there for consolation I beg your pardon sorry slim that's quite all right if you'll excuse it then my husband and I were just about to dance of course oh one last thing losers privilege a kiss for the bride are you alright what happened if you care to step outside I'll give you my version of what's going to happen now your please circle legit no Jeff he has 18 feet tall Peter Kirk where you going I'm sleeping in the guest room may I say something may I say it for you we've been married three days and in that time you violated every rule in existence as to how to treat a wife Vandermeer I tip not you oh so you did tripping but well I didn't mean it was an uncontrollable impulse just as it was with oily Andrews I suppose I don't blame you for being angry now that you've conceded that what am I supposed to do leap into your arms and say I forgive you well Peter I don't know I haven't had a quiet moment since you put this ring on my finger oh please huh I have to think this out alone you Peter come to bed oh darling what affair married and arguing before we know each other we have about as much chance for happiness as two ducks in a desert but I'm a silly a food as you are and there's no use being silly alone nice hey nice well mr. Kirk I wish I knew which one she'd like couldn't you ask her this is a surprise but maybe I could get a clue yeah use the phone yeah now if you'll open up please ah-ah-ah gardeny my nurse is out of line hello oh hello darling I just want to ask you one little question I know it's gonna sound kind of silly but dick what's your favorite color Peter I hate to sound a drop but I am awfully busy I just want to know what your favorite colored green green swell see you dinner green now we'll try once more ah hello sorry - body again darling but it greens the wrong answer it's got to be either red black white gray or brown very well Brown now shall we try once more oh hello hello you sound mad oh hello van no not a bit angry excuse me you can close now no I'm just busy look look I just have to see a Helen light my back has been killing me ever since I took that for last night well I do have a rather full schedule but if you get down here ever can squeeze you and I'm sure but I can I can't move I'm in bed anytime before them if it's that bad I'll come out right I am sorry shall we try again yes but if you don't mind ah oh I'm sure she'll love it well I hope still because this you suppose she's got a mink coat don't you no no I just met her a couple days ago Oh see I have to quote Peter just beautiful I'm a patient book like I've been overcharging them why what's this it must have belonged to one of the mains Oh Peter coat and now I feel like the jackpot winner out and stop the music just a short one for me darling I have to go over to bands to speak Ben's house yes he's an agony can't get out of bed well I could have gone directly from the office it was early I'll be back in a half hour well it's getting a little dark outside you want me to drive you over no thanks I'm only going to give him a shot in the sacrum natural look couldn't you give him a pill I'll give him a pill too mr. Cochran dinner alone or will mr. cocky wait for mr. Cox wife I'll wait for mrs. Kirk she had an emergency call yes sir mr. Vandermeer we still found in here what do you say it that way no it was just such a shock sir I saw mr. Vandermeer cook at the market to them she said he was in excellent health he is yes sir was it done extensor no probably viruses they say that stuff hits you like an earthquake yes sir yes do you mean no leaving drederick Devan America is mr. Vandermeer Fredrik good evening good evening I've been waiting for you I thought you were ill how else could I induce you to come over fan of all the childish things I've ever heard of in my life just a moment congratulations hello wouldn't you let her finish them oh yes what were you gonna say to the wicked man thank you well how did you all get here I didn't see any car we parked all the cars behind the house look at them all dressed up I I think I'd better have a drink I think we all better have a drink then how could you do this to me oh it's nothing nothing at all wait a minute you don't expect me to stay here without my husband no of course not we have a call through for him right now cuz I couldn't ask the both of you go together you're to suspected something you must at least have a vague idea of how he feels about you yeah well I guess we were both a little childish last night oh well I hope before the evening is over we'll be very good friends I know you will he's a changed man oh well there's happiness to you both thank you carpenter huh but mr. Koch is not home that's odd he was home when I left well tell cook the whole dinner yes no Frederick I don't want to keep everyone waiting okay then we'll start yes sir but keep trying mr. Kirk very good sir you know van this is such a lovely gesture you really deserve a big kiss that maybe Peter no you better let me go you keep everybody quiet everybody quiet where is she which is Heidi hey what are you talking about oh you can save the innocent act I saw you kissing it hold that well yes that pretending to be sick so you could be together alone in this big house now wait a better Kyle tell her odds are just jack you're all upset and she's thought of my way all right Kirk if you won't let me explain maybe I let Helen I'll tell her you're here you can also tell her she's a false faithless phony I'll tell her and an unscrupulous deceptive she-devil tell I'll have this marriage annulled I'll tell appalling with people's affection bleeding them on who does she think she is Carlin O'Hara I'll ask you that was that so you finally decided to face me mr. Vandermeer couldn't come to the office say you had to go to his home you cure all your men patients with love and tender kisses Peter what in the world the matter with you I was at the window I saw you kiss him oh that yes that that that well you weren't the only witness here are the others then when you leave us alone please Hey easy Kirk you followed me tonight you followed and spied on me if you have rushed out of the house like an overgrown schoolboy consumed with jealousy you would have been invited here and you would have learned as I did that van and these other friends of mine were giving a surprise party for us sit surprise party yes for you and me holy Hannah now Peter Kirk you get out of this houses insolate listen you get out and don't take those antlers off maybe somebody will shoot you please darling can't we talk this over calmly all right let's talk it over come can you offer any explanation for your conduct that would be accepted outside of a mental institution no can you give me one logical reason why I should continue to put up with this nightmarish game of peekaboo no from the day we've married you've questioned my every move you spied on me so much I'm I'm afraid to look into a patient's throat for fear you'll be down there looking up at me I know I bothered you quite a bit but to have so little faith in me as to humiliate us both as you did tonight it was all a horrible mistake but well there wouldn't be any trouble if you just agree there's no need for you to work we've been all through that Peter you know what my work means to me no but I thought maybe you thought that I'd throw aside something I can do that's worthwhile and join you in doing nothing no thank you I have to have a reason for being on earth well I told you I was planning to get into something you know it isn't true and you know why it isn't true you're afraid you might fail and you couldn't bear that what are you talking about you're the kind of a person who never faces a problem you run away from it it isn't people or comparisons you're afraid of it's yourself rather than chance defeat you quit oh you're just upset I'm perfectly calm calm enough to know that your jealousy isn't just some silly boys quick it goes much deeper all the way down to your sense of guilt and inferiority to other men I'd feel the same way if I were just wasting my life without purpose or ambition you're having a very high opinion of me in spite of everything I do love you Peter but I just can't respect a man who doesn't respect himself much less a man who's afraid I'll pack my things well it's as much your home is at his mind I'll get out no Peter I'm leaving you hello mr. Kirk hello miss you Kurt oh wow it's Kurt hi Sam hey how's my favorite customer fine you wanted the whole works mr. cake once over lightly what's the matter you don't want a close shave what a scratch your wife sprays never mind my wife spacious once over lightly manicure mr. Kurt not today maple something that tells me the wine of a love is she's Eterna to vinegar it's my own fault ed Tony I've known you for a long time haven't I hey if you you place Touche but what have I done with my life since then why are you you were nothing what contribution have I made to society well you you nothing no wonder I'm jealous of every man who even goes near my wife I guess I do feel inferior to them inferior mr. Kirk no man would have millions is inferior maybe but your favorite customer is finally gonna get going on something get a job get a job Mamma Mia I'm a worker 20 years he just acquitted the job the whole worried she's upside down well I'm gonna set my little place in it right and believe it or not I'm gonna do it on my own to start right from the bottom we'll see if I can step into my father's shoes well you do what you want to mr. Cregg but I always just say people want to step into other people's shoes sometimes they get athlete's foot I see by your employment application mr. Billings that you were a flier in the war he flew about a thousand hours sir well with what I have in mind your knowledge of planes will come in mighty handy quite a gadget hmm 2895 you should sell a lot of these oh I'm sure I will sir well then you should have no trouble staying on well I I don't expect to stay on big pardon me well what I mean is I expect to work in every department move right up to the top boom when you pass me on the way up I trust that you'll remember me kindly but while you're down here you'll please rember to be courteous and alert now on your toes well otherwise you seem to have very clean record Oh madam would you like something for the little girl I gave her but she deserves I give her a hit in the head well I'm sure she'd behave if you got her a nice toy what about one of these lil yo-yos they're only 15 cents they they work just like a jar um I'll take that you'll come back here to me they'll be able to find something you write how do you do his daddy says he can have anything he wants well we have everything here all right brother you pick out something I have to run over to the stocking counter I'll be right there don't you worry about a thing I'll take good care of the little man I want to bean bag a lot I want a bean bag I know what you like an airplane I got an airport oh well not an airplane like this this one has a real motor end goes almost 100 miles an hour see all you have to do is just spin the propeller and then with this tether here see this wooden handle these two wires this makes you the pilot you just attach these right there to those wires there you are how's that I don't want an airplane I wanna be you see by spinning the propeller you started the motor when it builds up to the proper rpms to take off on his own car not be able to control every movement with this sick why you don't worry I'll pay forever you'll pay put y'all paper p JK you sent for me sir young man I'm willing to assume that the aeroplane getting away was an accident however your employment card lists you as Peter Billings is that correct no sir what is your name Peter Kirk Peter judson Kirk isn't it the Peter Johnson Kirk well I I suppose so well then why do you use the name of Billings well I didn't want to trade on the Kirk name I wanted to get a job on my own very commendable but I'm afraid our employees don't see it quite that way miss Nielsen and mr. Hoff represent our employees I let them talk for themselves mr. Kirk somewhere in this city is someone who's been deprived of this job whose family at this moment maybe without food without proper care because you a millionaire have taken it well I hadn't thought of cutting some poor fell out of a job it's just that trying to get started on something is the most important thing in my life right now are you trying to tell us that you were broke well I didn't say that then what are you trying to say I'm only trying to say I need a job for personal reasons all I ask is you treat me like you would any other employee keep me if I do my work well fire me if I don't I'm sorry Kirk I think that a man in your position shouldn't be taking jobs he should be creating them okay mr. Kirk your Pat sir the usual mr. Mandor ma'am yes please two daiquiris very well well I never questioned a request to take an attractive woman to lunch but requests like that coming from you I'll get right to the point van I'm divorcing Peter and I want you to handle the legal end I can't say I'm too surprised but all right must tell you though I usually advise my clients to attempt a reconciliation but in your case I well you know how I feel about you you know I think you're a great guy then let's not talk about it now okay we won't talk about it now but we will talk about Tom yes mr. Kirk Kirk hi cookie I didn't see you sitting over there pocket Turkey oh boy I still celebrating hey none of our matter will dislike you I'd still be celebrating through and just to show you I'm the least bit envies I'm gonna help you celebrate Oh bartender another Gibson and a double order of onions yes sir did you hear that yeah you know gargy oh boy you know how to live you really do here you are wearing out your elbows over a scotch and soda and your little wives at the office working their pretty little fingers to the bone okay Oh fingers to the bone you gotta remind him an old gags my wife is a hard-working woman wish I had a couple more like her a couple more like I'd say querque isn't that your wife over there with Vandermeer yeah that's my wife well somebody ought to tell her somebody oughta tell her Oh drinka it's check awful thing on his check I'll be over here all right yeah the weather my fault the kid ran right in front of the cab kid well nevermind who's followed eschatos boy are you to a hospital or maybe fami hurt I'll take their responsibility easy would cost for the couple of livestock all right seems to be hemorrhaging badly this boy requires immediate surgery or we might loosen we'll go ahead dr. white operate huh I'm not a surgeon listen there's someone else here who can oh remember this is a private hospital we'll get somebody immediately turned out the king if the country can get dr. Mitchell yeah Mary get dr. King Oh dr. Mitchell emergency hello miss to me how do you do doctor hi I just came in to chat is dr. white busy yes he is well but you may go in doctor hello is dr. King there no dr. King oh come in dr. Hampton something serious I'm afraid so I I wish you'd verify my diagnosis well please doctor if you wish dr. King is in surgery and they can't locate dr. Mitchell keep after it there is not much time to lose can't we try the dr. Mitchell and dr. King we'll keep trying and try dr. Keppler yes it well how about you are you a surgeon dr. hamer was one of the leading surgeons of Vienna unfortunately I am not permitted to operate not permitted this is an emergency nevertheless dr. hammers not license to practice in this country he hasn't served an internship here internship for a leading surgeon Vienna I never heard of such a thing just the same I could go to prison but doctor the boy well under the circumstances we take the chance he will be as good as new would I tell you mom I'll be back some papers in a couple of days you just worry about getting well leave the papers and the rest to me I'll see you tomorrow no no everything will be all right Oh doctor you can send me the bill oh no no no no bill but I want to pay all I ask is that you don't how do they say in the movies a squeal to the cops well if I do any talking it won't be to the police believe me are there many doctors in your situation hundreds hundreds yes fine physicians and surgeons working as waiters clips taxi driver what do you mean working is waiters clerks those who can't afford to go through internship you mean all that wonderful skill and knowledge going to waste there are a few American doctors fortunately only a few with power and influence are glad to see it wasted keeps out competition patents their bank accounts oh this is an outrage this is the law laws can be changed public opinion can do their however that takes time I'm loaded with tie and money I've got more money than time it is wonderful but no man alone can do this I don't intend to do it alone I know somebody who could be of great help to us in this a fine doctor to dr. hunt hunter oh yes fine man that man happens to be my wife Sharon I'll put you down to therapy at 2:30 I'll be fine thank you excuse me pardon is the doctor in now mr. Kirk don't start him again there hasn't been and I just want to talk to her I don't think she wants to talk to you just tell her I'm here oh please she's had a very tough day look she's still my wife and if I want to see her I'll see it alright mr. Kirk I'll tell her you're here he's here again would I be too curious if I asked who was here again mr. Kirk tell him I'm busy that didn't stop him before and it certainly isn't gonna stop him this time he's got that same while look in his eye well tell him to come in I'm sticking around - that won't be necessary Emma well I am I know those rich boys when they don't get what they want and I'm sticking around hello hello Peter I a anything we have to say to each other can be said in front of him oh oh I ran across the situation that disturbed me very much and I thought you and I working together on I could really do something about it you and I well yeah it's kind of your alley it's about doctors foreign doctors who aren't allowed to practice in this country I think something should be done about this what brought this on Peter well I suddenly came face-to-face with the situation oh you did well yes you see a newsboy saved my life almost got killed doing it well there he was bleeding away with one of the finest surgeons of Vienna just standing there unable to treat him simply because he couldn't get a license to practice in this country that's a very interesting story you don't believe me do you even if I did you and I working together Peter it it wouldn't be wise well you don't think I came up here just it perhaps not nevertheless I'd advise you to stick to whatever you're doing with yourself and leave these matters to the Medical Association it seems to me it's been left to them too long and what's more your high and mighty Medical Association can be wrong for your information I just happen to approve of their position you approve yes approve and if you'd like to know why I am certain dr. White's already told me why and if I have been a great disappointment to you may I you you more than balanced the books I came up here because well there's some people worth fighting for now I see there are a few people to fight against but I get that bulb in Charlie here comes the cow they're no boundaries to human suffering and they're no boundaries to the endless fight against it as great as the medical profession is today it would not be as great if it weren't for the development of penicillin by dr. Fleming's Scotsman the discovery of insulin by dr. Banting and canadian the advancement of surgery by durante in italian if it weren't for men like Modesto for Russian air like a German Sauk L an Austrian yet with all these tremendous contributions to the science of medicine made by doctors of foreign birth our laws prohibit prohibit men of dr. hamer's eminence from practicing their profession here simply because they haven't served their their years of internship in this country now if this were only an injustice to dr. Heim er and the men like him it's quite possible I wouldn't be here today but this is an injustice to you and me and the hundred and fifty million people like us were deprived of a skill and a knowledge and the desire to serve of these fine men I hope this committee will place the interests of that that great majority above the interests of the selfish few and put an end to this ridiculous and undemocratic state of affairs thank you dr. hunt I will try to be as brief as possible simply because I agree with everything mr. Kirk is said however the internship law is not directed at the dr. hamer's the men have established reputation and practice it is directed at the countless unknowns from remote countries and medical schools whose standards are admittedly far below our own certainly there are some in justices since we cannot have a separate law for every doctor who comes into our country but is it an injustice to expect people coming here to practice medicine to meet the same high requirements we demand of our own doctors is it an injustice to refuse licenses to the men with only two three or four years of college when we demand the minimum of eight plus a year's internship for our own men and women is it an injustice to say that the interests of the hundred and fifty million people mr. Kirk talks about are best served by improving our standards not lowering them if mr. Kirk hadn't been so eager for a fight and a chance to sling mud he would have learned that our problem is not one of demanding internship for the immigrant doctors it is one of finding places where they can serve these internships more hospitals if mr. Kirk really wants to render a public service I suggest you do something about that and leave the management of the medical profession to the men and women who have built it into the great institution that it is the doctors mr. Kirk the committee agrees with dr. hunt and it shall recommend the law remain exactly as it is I'm sorry Peter my good friend dr. white and I became so absorbed in my personal problem we did it carry us away I'm afraid dr. hunt is right but some Goods come out of it though now I realize how serious your problem actually is our person with my kind of money can really help you you Peter oh hello Doctor how I busy thanks to you I'm sorry I'm late that's all right I heard it for you well I've seen it aren't you proud of yourself I guess so you don't look so well a mess I've made it my marriage is finally becoming official I'm not really good at riddles you know my wife's been in Reno that is even more baffling our perhaps I can put it into scientific terms for you husband feeling own inadequacies subconsciously resents men of achievement resentment turns into insane jealousy which makes married life horrible nightmare result divorce Peter this institution were the opportunities that provides for men like me and the hope that it gives countless thousands of other displaced victims of war Nate was not built merely by the writing of your checks it took you your time your energy your planning and above all the will to better this world we living but this is a great achievement and you should no longer feel inadequate frankly doctor I don't bet well after all the embarrassment and humiliation I've caused it that was the old Peter cook that's what I keep telling myself well you are talking to the wrong person tell it to her I don't know you really think oh you're Peter if your marriage is worth saving it is worth fighting for maybe I should can't lose what I've already lost now don't mix me up again there's a plane leaving Killeen on an hour you sure no but you could die easily find out all right Peter take this she may want you to autograph it for her you how long will you be staying mrs. cream next weeks and you mrs. haze six weeks how long will you be with us mrs. younge six weeks thank you how long will you be staying mr. Kirk but a half an hour if I'm lucky what I beg your pardon let's say indefinite well we put you in two oh six a favorite number will there be anything else sir there's a dr. hunt Helen Hunt staying here yes sir I know her sir tell us he's wanted in 206 oh but I couldn't do that don't worry she's my wife just want to surprise her but still I fifty bucks it's an emergency yes sir Helen I was on my way up to see you what have you been well I just left our chiapas office yeah and you'll soon be the ex mrs. Kirk and the next mrs. Vandermeer then I hope this time would be different it's a promise Helen Oh dr. hunt yeah sorry to bother you dr. hunt but you're needed in room 206 it's an emergency I'm sorry Sam but dr. hunt isn't dear professional it's an emergency van I'd better go I'll be back as soon as I can right this way doctor thank you oh this is the emergency actually it is my wife's about to divorce me and I'm not gonna let her variant yester that is no it's enough you sit out sorry sit down right over you dad's yes sit now look I didn't come all the way up here to plead or crawl I just wanted to tell you that I'm no longer the Peter Kirk your divorce I've changed well you certainly have maybe it's because I finally done something I'm proud I don't know at least it's something I'm gonna stick with should Peter I read all about the wonderful work you're doing but as far as we two are concerned it's too late it can't be too late we're still married well it is it's too late and just for handling this little deal for me gives me 50 bucks 50 bucks Yeah right here who is this guy fella by the name of Peter Kirk 206 so I'm gonna latch on to him hey you keep out of my territory I have plans of my own Peter they don't include going through the same ordeal again but I've gotten to the root of all our troubles there's no more reason for me to be jealous anymore of anybody look you can do what you want have any friends you wish I'll invite ban over personally having out that dinner the weekend anything we'll even adopt them if you like I'm afraid van was counting on much more than that when I left it five minutes ago five minutes ago D Dan's here y-yes with you naturally he's been coming up here weekends weekends mm-hmm well that's a cozy situation I must say you might at least have waited till our marriage was cold before you started running around so this is the new Peter Kirk this is the man with his face on the magazine cover the man with his two feet on the ground but but what Peter oh I guess you're right no use I'll never be able to control my jealousy must be some crazy streak in me I'm afraid so Ben and I are going to be married thank heavens I'll be some peace in my life no more scenes are snooping he'll trust me I don't blame you for preferring a guy like van there isn't a jealous bone in his body well I give up to borrow a phrase from your van lose his privilege kiss for the boy good luck what that this is a fine emergency well look you've got this whole thing you were kissing a watcher you are you how did you know that before you broke in hmm well I you get Oh van you - no no Ellis bone in his body now you keep out of this keep out of it the lady happens to be my wife she may be your wife but she's engaged to me yeah now that both of you stop it I don't consider myself married or engaged to anybody and I'm not going to be goodbye come in just want to leave some clean towels I don't need any thank you you're not going certainly a.m. change your mind about the divorce I guess just as well if you ask me men don't grow on bushes I'm not leaving town I'm merely going to some quiet place where there are no men and no bushes hey hey let me help you dearie I know I shouldn't be saying this but when a girl is pretty as you are hates men something must be wrong there's nothing wrong only the man I was about to marry turned out he's insanely jealous as the man I'm divorcing well isn't that wonderful wonderful yes not to me I've been married four times and never was one of them ever jealous of me for a single minute that was the trouble that's why I was married four times they just didn't care that's too bad my last one he was the worst of all if only she had just slapped me now and then did yours certainly not well then jealousy is the next best thing shows they love you Paul if I had two men jealous of me I'd be a bigamist or else I pick out the one I really wanted and we live jealously ever after there though dreaming again you come in dr. rumack this is really an emergency those fellows up in tool 6 and quite a fro and one of them is really hurt let's go Peter are you alright don't worry about me I'm alright that big stiff that needs a doctor you're the only one I care about if I ever get you not being jealous I'll come back here now really divorce you you mean it yeah oh what's the matter my back when we went over that chair let me see what's your sacrum listen if I ever catch even looking at a man say from our wall appears to help me oh darling that's wonderful you
Channel: Chris Johnson
Views: 525,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Larry Parks, Barbara Hale, Willard Parker, Una Merkel, Alan Reed, Eduard Franz, Irving Bacon, Don Beddoe, Jim Backus
Id: S3p_3Uzxfjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 50sec (4670 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2016
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