Emergency Preparedness - Best Ways to Purify Water

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hey guys and back with Bob Griswold were ready-made resources and last time we talked about food I can't remember what we did last time I was your friend now I must be a good friend who's made two videos very good very good awesome sounds good but we did food stuff so if you want to check out that video I'll provide a link below we've also done ham radio stuff in a metalia we really haven't gone down that road as much as I'd like to said like to revisit hey how to build a base station and absolutely no that's a passion a little bit more of the how-to since you're the radio guy so anyway this one's all about water filtration and Bob's going to help us in two areas one is kind of outdoor stuff whether it's camping hiking something you put in your car or mobile and the other one's more indoor you're filtering water for your entire family or more families or a community it's more a long-term solution that's less mobile so Bob let's see what you got me well let's start with the in-home one because we've used one that it's very very popular big berkey we've used it for you bought one yes I did use it for about 15 years now okay so it's basically grab one right there nice thing about this is you can actually go get water if there if the city water went down or your well water went down you can actually go and get water out of a mud puddle anywhere and pour it into this thing and it would filter it and give you clean drinking water a little tip trick you can do is that the water has a lot of particulates in it just take your t-shirt put it on use it as a pre-filter so you get larger particulates out it'll filter them but you know just clog the filters up quicker so it's just a little trick you can do to pre-filter the water if you're getting really dirty water from outside you had a pond and you wanted to pour it in there just to give it a little pre-filter but it takes it cleans it all the way down to the bacteria level you know the things people get to get from drinking outside their to diseases kind of big names but it's Cryptosporidium and Giardia I was about to say the cryptids Cryptosporidium I was about to say that say it backwards oh I was doing good to say it forward okay back I'm not going to do that either I'm going anyhow so that will take to the those two bacterias out of the water which it can be particularly nasty if you get them those are gonna be the ones you're going to get the most if you're outside during Super Colon blow kind of stuff absolutely I do not want to get those or very nasty you will need medical treatment in an emergency they could kill you because you don't have a life support at that point and you're going to do the colon blow thing after that anyhow big berkey you have different sizes for different family needs we use the big berkey for black filters we like the black filters for kids takes out more heavy metal toxins we actually add the fluoride filters which are an additional cost you got those I did that as well I've got to the charcoal filters and the fluorides on the bottom and that's what we're drinking all our water and making our coffee with and it's just part of what we did they go fluoride are thrille cheap cost like 20 bucks or so and if they cents a gallon though uh yeah I know but still the upfront cost you're going to dump a few hundred dollars on filters and the filter itself I was looking at him for years and finally when I met Bob and he's all dork tout and all the cool emergency preparation stuff which I'm interested in as well that's why it's on my channel it's like how is this warrior-poet anything I'm like I don't know you love your family's want to protect them part of that could be you know moving into this area but really it's kind of like I'm just interested and if you're not you should watching this video anyway should be interested because it's so family you know what you should be interested to back all and we've talked about the colon blow you don't want to get that so knowing what's : you can't run and gun if you're you do want your friends to get regularly if you can't on an airplane on a roast or my favorite movie all that's funny but you can't run a gun if you're dealing with the other thing you know it's hard to be hard and we'll be clearing rooms alone sorry we will go talk on we're gonna be like oh you're gonna stop there no one is snacking on you and I was going in that room with you yeah we'll stop there this was a good enough joke to kind of keep going okay welcome atta to you I so bad diseases and stuff big berkey is something you also have a perky light a birthday light you run here in the shop and that big berkey took your house that's all basically it's polycarbonate set a stainless steel and it actually has some lights in to give it a cool looking nightlight at night the light reflected the water and kind of no kind of anything I would have to be honest okay well that's inside and that's our favorite inside water filtration device and that would be the main one I would go to outside we have a lot more options we talked about another video taking the comes out of 4-pack you can buy them individually but you can get the four pack of these you had mentioned that if you wanted like water filtration for like a community okay the name of that guy it's called the trekker and that's real inexpensive it's not inexpensive but it would make you very popular if there was a like a disaster we had water down for a while this is basically a portable water plant you hook it up to a 12-volt car battery and it pumps water through several filters it uses a ultraviolet light which kills everything down to the virus level and you can make sixty gallons an hour which gives you the ability to make sixty people very happy it's a water filtration plant yet for a higher computer the community yes so or if you had a group of people that were just wanting to have something like that it's in it's over $1000 but so then that's out there for you guys who were loaded yay for that I'll stick with my vapor that I what else have you got so now we've done inside the home now we're more mobile okay well this is the nice thing about it feel how nothing how much isn't way that's awesome and this is mine I'm actually I haven't bought it yet but it's about to be mine that's a four pack he opened it to see I opened it so this is the one that I opened and so this is really what's carrying around I planned on putting this and my run-and-gun kit so like in my war belt or right in my all my body armor somewhere so now I can drink out of the stream this way put this guy on there it'll also screw into screws into most of the plastic bottles you would buy water in to begin with so you can just fill that plastic bottle up and take it with you put the cap on put that in your running running gun stuff and then when you take the cap off the water screw that on and drink right out of it so also you can put this in like a camel back so you can put your camel back codes here run another hose out here and then it's tucked inside your camel back you can just be walking you see a stream scoop up a bunch of water in your camel can this filter set for you so that's real cool I plan on putting this in my EDC pack I'll put one in my wife's vehicle my vehicle and also in my running gum good thing about that is you get four of them and that's less 100 dollars and each one this one right here will do up to a hundred thousand gallons of water that's you know drink that much in a lifetime so this is basically something even last you a long long you don't know how thirsty I get after last night I do I mean emphasis and we went on a hike up in the mountains and it was very humid and we got thirsty so yeah that was fun it's good it's like 3:00 in the morning before we were done playing our war games just coated nothing nothing was dry out because no I was does the same thing so my sweat was sweating he it was that's good sound that I was trying that do I happen to remember that one Iowa tell - yeah so anyhow this is very very popular for people who want to have some kind of lightweight water filtration system another one is the basically the SteriPEN two things very few waterborne diseases are viral contaminants but if you have a viral contaminant you need something that's going to kill it most of these water filtrate filters will not do that they'll take it down to the bacteria level bacteria much bigger than viruses this uses ultraviolet light you just turn it on just push that button right there green light comes on you sticking one of the ultraviolet light comes on and what it does is it disrupts the DNA of the virus so it cannot replicate so this is very lightweight uses for batteries stick in water and it'll treat water by the cup so much to buy I don't have one of those okay I've got the camping filters of outdoor water filtration I'm not new to I've had to actually survive drinking out of streams and lived outdoors for a long long time in my life and having to drink out of streams have used everything from iodine tablets to bleached kind of these camping filters that you'll show and so that's that's not a communal produce I never pretend this the ultraviolet light so you don't break it okay so you need something like this maybe it's it's nice again it does it will kill the bacteria it will kill the viruses it does not take out sediments you know whereas the Sawyer will take out sediments and bacteria but not viruses so it's a trade-off you're doing a trade-off here okay cool what else you got well another one that's very popular is the Sawyer same people that make that one just a Sawyer bottle you just unscrew it stuffs in there you fill it up screw it back on and then you can have a drinking bottle like you use any other drinking bottle there's life straw and I just got a life stroll up into my wife's car I think but maybe in a camping bag we saw like straw what do you think of this compared to that this one does 100,000 gallons or like straw doesn't do near that much so I'm going to the economy economy this is going to be good they both filter out the same thing and you're going to get a lot more water filters do this anymore like straw now this is basically something that uses employs one of these inside but you can just fill it up and then open it up like you do normally and drink out of it awesome and so it's basically you know if you just go on a little hike or jog or whatever this is great to carry so you know you had this even if you stopped and just open this up and fill it up a mud puddle it'll work the next one's a little bit larger katadyn has been around forever yes made you're getting quality I mean this is the top-of-the-line top shelf and far as quality katadyn again the swiss maids could be very good for you but this one's my favorite very Oh so what it means by Vario and you can adjust it for this level of particulates in the water if the water is really clear you can set up a clear look at how I'm Vanna whiting this okay well I'm gonna take it down to my mother no oh yeah sorry no I actually quite really yeah you know there she is we did we can either I didn't think you with an open oh man yeah so here just a little straw comes out to get a little stopper plunger that yeah there's no water there's a little bad guy and it comes out it's like feel so pretty easy pretty good I've gotta get your bag of all the horse at home this one's a little bit newer than mine when you died yeah just let you just pump it again has an inlet and outlet so you just pump it like that the water comes in and goes out and it filters it down again to the bacteria all it takes out sediments so again it's not that heavy so nice thing to put in your pack and you carry with it this right here could service several people so if you had like a group of six people hiking this you have one of these that's all you need and that can take care of the six people in your hiking group so awesome nice my least favorite way because it does add that taste you want to I think you mentioned it you know it will sterilize the water it doesn't take sediments out but it will sterilize the water but it adds a particularly taste I don't care for but it's a cheapest way to go and again versus you know six dollars versus Cryptosporidium or Giardia I'm going to drink this stuff you know it doesn't taste good I know all right much deeper rock on next thing is really I carry one of these in my truck this is really nice it's made by coming by lifesaver feel heavy that plastic is yeah this thing's not going to break you get a toss and turn this thing leave it in the back your truck it rolls around it's not going to hurt it the the element here the pump element is protected you actually pump this thing up so you put it under pressure you can fill this up a little bit water you can leave the water in there as long as you need and then you just pump it up puts it under pressure and it's a nice spicket the water actually skorts out and again you're taking it down to the filters inside it that's the filter yes right in here you can buy replacement filters for it ten thousand liter and they make a ten-thousand liter and a twenty thousand liter version you can buy that spare filter right there so you can get the spare filters and it's very simple as far as the parts are concerned and I like because it's under pressure so the water squirts out just think if you're out and you're camping or something like that you get something in your eye you can take that little hose and you'll get like a huge water gun right you can how much is the like pressure like how far away do I have to be well I'm going to tell you Maggie I'm not going to tell you this so I'm going to say half as much as it really does so I can get further away and still get you you can't get me in the work okay I had anything else no that's about it that's what I would recommend much so you gave me a bunch of options inside the home what am I getting absolute the perky and you'll help coach people through that because it can be a little bit you by the Berkey and then you got it it'll come with some filters but they may want to plus up and then there's different parts and if somebody called in or messaged you and I'll have links below for all this stuff if they call it in you'd be able to walk them through gladly as I mentioned last video I really enjoy doing it it's part of I can find this stuff is someplace other than ready-made resources y'all aren't the only game in town but I like Bob's mentorship I want somebody to tell me legit what I need so Berkey for the house what about you had to choose one of these options to throw in a camping backpack for a week absolutely I would use this sort of any filter if it's for myself that's deep little guys and if it was camping weekend for a family I would pick the Vario okay are we good what about something like an EDC bag or you absolutely EDC bag I would take this okay something to put in your car something put in your car you know in a real emergency you don't want to hang around too much water because people can get if they're thirsty you know little pushy so I could fill that thing up and go and last for a while with water okay cool but this is absolutely what I carry in mind what I would consider my go bag bug home bug out what do you want to call it I can take this thing it's very very lightweight doesn't anyone and I can it'll service me as long as I need 200,000 gallons yeah guys I'm kind of proud of us right now I mean warrior-poet Society yeah we're gun stuff or defense we're philosophy and history theology but emergency preparedness I mean we're really building kind of a wide knowledge base kind of growing and learning together so hopefully this was interesting to you it is to me that's why we're going through it and I'm making purchases today based on Bob's recommendations if you guys want to hop into links in the description help his business he's a good dude so anyway thanks for tuning in guys so y'all take it easy Oh pleasure awesome
Channel: Warrior Poet Society
Views: 116,872
Rating: 4.9326944 out of 5
Keywords: water purification, emergency preparedness, prepper, berkey water filter, big berkey, end of the world, prepare for disaster, economic collapse, clean water, purify water, water filtration, camping, apocalypse, sawyer filter, lifestraw, iodine tablets, how to purify water, best way to purify water, camelback, hurricane, natural disaster, charcoal filter, flouride filter, Hurricane Harvey, Samaritan's Purse, Red Cross, Disaster Relief, Help those in need, looters, Houston Texas
Id: 11qohzGPDzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2017
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