Embarrassing Moments | Caillou Cartoon

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[Music] Grandma this is dinner time not story time well this is a story about dinner time and eating your vegetables back when Caillou was just three years old he didn't like vegetables very much in fact he hated them Caillou eat your vegetables grandpa will be coming soon to take you to the park but you can't go to the park if you don't finish your vegetables vegetables I cookies are for dessert Caillou [Music] Sam you can have a cookie after you finish your vegetables I love vegetables eat my vegetables daddy oh no you don't at least try to eat your vegetables Caillou [Music] come on Caillou let's go to the park I'm going to the park with Grandpa and after the park we'll go see Grandma she's making us supper [Music] caterpillars eat leaves so they can have the energy to turn into butterflies turn into butterflies [Music] what's the bird doing Grandpa it's looking for worms to eat [Music] worms give them the energy they need to fly south for the winter and squirrels eat nuts they say them up for later when it gets too cold to go outside [Music] we're home and we're hungry as Bears that's because we are bears [Music] peas and carrots yummy [Music] bears eat berries tonight these peas and carrots are our berries [Music] I'm a bear later that night mom and dad dropped by to pick up Caillou and how was Caillou today I'm a bear I'm a bear too and we both ate all our vegetables we ate our berries Grandpa and that means it's time for okay it's time for a story you guys see where Caillou went today today's story is called Caillou at daycare [Music] it was Caillou's first day and he was a little bit nervous [Music] to go Mommy I want to stay with you oh so do I call you but you know Mommy has to go to work and daycare can be fun you hear that hello I'm Anne Martin the teacher and you must be Caillou [Music] Caillou was scared and shy now I'm gonna have to go honey [Music] I'll be back Caillou don't be sad even Caillou's mommy was sad to leave him at daycare for the first time here Caillou have a glass of apple juice do you want me to introduce you to the other children okay maybe after your juice then [Music] hey those are my blocks your mommy's gone [Music] hi I'm Clementine what's your name uh Caillou that's Leo he doesn't like to share do you want to play I'm doing cutouts see here's an apple and that's a banana and this is raisin toast you can eat them though they're only pretend you like daycare I like staying at my grandma's better that's where you stay when your mom and dad are busy he's an artist and I get to play with paints and brushes and paper and cramps and chops and colored pencils we got all that stuff here oh boy I'm going to paint a a robin I'll do cutouts of what robins eat that's worms that's a good Robin could could catch me how to paint like that sure Leo if you teach us how to build a castle [Music] a castle lots of towers a worm has to have lots of twists and a robin has to have lots of red [Music] video you can make a flag for the castle how are you we have to make this Tower higher Caillou was having so much fun playing he didn't even notice his mommy and daddy I'm making a castle [Laughter] [Music] what's the matter kids [Music] our friends are supposed to come and they're not here well while we're waiting it's story time now what did Caillou do today today's story is called Caillou's friends Caillou was feeling very sorry for himself whatever's the matter Caillou you don't look very happy I've got nobody to play with don't you have any friends no I don't at that moment Caillou really thought he didn't have any friends and that made him feel even more sad and lonely I'm sure you must have some friends let's see if we can think of one what about that nice girl Clementine Clementine loves candies can I nope nope okay want some [Music] oh no I'm putting the yellow ones in a row [Music] Caillou that candy was on the floor it's not going in your mouth wait a minute I have some more here they're clean well that's one friend do you have any others I don't think so let's see now what about that boy Leo Leo bunny [Music] what's so funny you two not Mommy well no that's two friends do you have any others no really what about Gilbert isn't he your friend Caillou had forgotten about Gilbert of course Gilbert was his friend Albert you're my friend Caillou was much happier now he started out thinking he didn't have any friends but now he knew he had three and now that he knew he had three friends Caillou began to think about whether he had any more Rosie's my sister grandma but she's my friend too that's right Caillou hello everybody hello hello and Mr Hinkles my friend too I have lots of friends don't I Grandma yes you do look who's coming it's mommy and daddy mommy daddy you're my friends and so is Rosie and Gilbert and Mr Hinkle and Clementine and Leo are those all your friends yes aren't you forgetting someone oh yes and you're my friend too grandma foreign [Music] hiding it's story time now let's see did Caillou do today [Music] well today's story is called Caillou's hiding place it all started when Caillou's mommy and daddy went away for a few days Caillou and Rosie were staying with his grandma and grandpa Caillou where are you are you in here I can't see him anywhere [Music] well now what have we here it looks a bit like Caillou dig in there if I can just move this box and grab hold of this thing and now if I can get hold of this thing [Music] Grandpa what on Earth were you doing in there Caillou hiding in [Music] hiding in a hiding place eh that reminds me of something Caillou wondered what Grandpa was going to tell him candy quit Caillou yes Grandpa well I know where there's a special hiding place in the garden would you like to see it thank you I'm sure this is the right tree [Music] well if it wasn't on the other side it must be on this side go on then have a look well how is it [Music] a place in the world grandpa thank you Grandpa why don't you keep the flashlight can I [Music] can I I'll be there in a minute [Music] no you can't come with me this was Caillou's special hiding place he didn't want anyone else to know about it [Music] wow Caillou are you in there you better come in the house your daddy will be here to pick you up soon well well well I just don't believe it what is it well believe it or not Caillou that's a toy that belonged to me when I was a little boy just like you and when I was a daddy just like your daddy you must have found it in my special hiding place [Music] but it's your special hiding place now [Music] Grandma read us a story about Caillou let's see now this story happened when Caillou was only three it's called Caillou's summer good night [Music] when is she come she coming she'll be here any minute come in Grandma I can't fit grandma hey you're too big grandma was Caillou and Rosie's favorite babysitter in the whole world hi kids what have you got there Rosie [Music] after mommy and daddy left Grandma played games with Caillou and Rosie [Music] and then it was bedtime while Grandma read Rosie a story and put her to sleep Caillou washed his face and brushed his teeth then he went to bed and waited for Grandma to come and read him a story [Music] once upon a time there was a while grandma was reading the story Caillou got sleepier and sleepier night night Gilbert ow Caillou was wide awake again and he couldn't get back to sleep no matter what he did he tried rearranging his pillow [Music] but that didn't help it was summer and it was still daylight outside how could Caillou sleep when his room was so bright [Music] sleeping the wrong way around didn't work Caillou really couldn't sleep and now he was feeling quite cranky Caillou you're all mixed up your head is where your feet should be Grandma I can't sleep well I'm not surprised it's too bright in here and I can see why you don't have any curtains where are they oh yes I remember your mommy took them to the cleaners I have an idea Caillou was very curious about Grandma's idea there you are Caillou a night sky now you'll be able to sleep thank you Grandma but if it's a night sky I think something's missing don't you ready Caillou [Music] wow Caillou's night sky was so beautiful and dreamy that he fell asleep very quickly thank you Story Time kids what's the story today Grandma well let's find out what's Caillou up to now today's story is called Caillou's rainy day we are gonna run a few errands together with all that rain outside we have to dress up to keep dry [Music] we can jump in all the puddles oh this feels funny [Music] here let me help you it's okay I want to do it I didn't great need some help with your buttons [Music] let's go but Caillou had forgotten something very important yes dear I have to go to the bathroom laughs [Music] I'll wait for you here Caillou rushed off to the bathroom on his way there something caught his attention [Music] watch out [Music] Caillou Caillou Caillou Daddy what are you doing here I I was um going to the bathroom oh no I've gotta go now I really to go [Music] daddy look on airplane may I see your airplane please let's land your airplane back in the airport okay it'll still be here when you come back and have you forgotten about Mommy Mommy I forgot did Mommy wait for me Caillou came back quickly to meet his mommy but when he got there she was putting away the raincoats Mommy we going anymore oh no we're still going but look the Sun was shining so Caillou and his mommy didn't need raincoats but there were still plenty of puddles this one first and this one goes in here Mommy I think you forgot something [Music] I know they're fun but we have to run errands now um you know what we can do though we can leave tracks on our way to the store look [Music] hi YouTube It's story time now let's see what did Caillou do today today's story is called Caillou's big friend Caillou This is Andre his mummy and I have been friends since we were little Caillou didn't think Andre was little at all in fact Andre seemed very big you're already a big boy Andre how old are you I'm six now why don't you play with Andre while we talk [Music] do you have any games we could play I know let's play catch not inside catch you broke my castle no I didn't you knocked it over you're not allowed to play ball in the house well let's play something else then let's play hide and seek okay I'll go hide okay I'll count one two three four five six seven eight nine ten here I come here I come Caillou where are you Caillou where are you Caillou couldn't resist that Barefoot he had to tickle it that's not fair I tripped yes it is fair well you're right Caillou let's play something else well okay do you have any toys in your room Andre was upsetting Caillou wait for me I'll get my robot Andre I got my robot what was that broke my chairs Andre are you hurt [Music] my am I really more Andre I'm so sorry let me get a little bandage for that cut it's okay Caillou was very angry with Andre but when he saw the cut he felt sorry for him is Andre hurt mommy I'm sure he's gonna be all right honey this chair s it in why don't you two play soccer outside for a little while but the soccer ball is stuck in the tree can reach it [Music] hey watch this wait up look kick it like this [Music] Caillou was having fun playing with Andre now yeah [Music] look the ball went in the tree again where are you hiding it's story time there you are now let's see what Caillou did today it's a story called Caillou looks for Gilbert [Music] Gilbert help [Music] ER the dinosaurs after me how you love to play dinosaur hunter it was even more fun when Gilbert joined in oh [Music] time time stay here hi Caillou what have you been getting up to I you must be very brave to go dinosaur hunting [Music] are you Caillou was upset he told Gilbert to stay but Gilbert hadn't listened to him [Music] he didn't for me well he's not in here and he's not in the living room where for my game [Music] Gilbert you're a bad cat Caillou was starting to feel very mad at Gilbert where could he be hiding oh what's going on Caillou I can't find Gilbert who was supposed to wait for me in the living room he's probably sleeping in one of the bedrooms let's go and look we'll be like detectives Detectives hmm well if we're detectives we'd better look for Clues what are Clues a clue could be anything that helps us find Gilbert so keep your eyes wide open [Music] is this I found the string from the dinosaur he and Gilbert had been playing with that meant Gilbert must be nearby that's a very good clue break he's not in here Mommy I think there's only one room we haven't looked in my [Music] room Gilbert come out Gilbert mommy the dinosaur another clue well you are a good detective [Music] you must be tired after your big game come sit next to me it's story time just look at that Caillou is playing soccer today's story is called Caillou's big kick [Music] Caillou was very excited because his friend Andre was coming to play soccer with him Caillou what's all that noise what are you doing Caillou what are you doing nothing nothing Audrey's coming I know we are going to play soccer Andre's the best soccer player I know he is sweetie but you're not supposed to play soccer in the house are you no Mommy decided to practice before Andre arrived [Music] Caillou look who's here hi Andre a [Music] oh yeah come on Wow Andre you're a really good player [Music] my turn how you wanted to be a soccer player just like Andre come on I don't like this game remember the time you learned to skate yeah yeah well you had to practice a lot before you got good at it didn't you here try again [Music] how you felt bad he wanted to show Andre how good he was at soccer [Music] just couldn't kick the ball [Music] no more come on Caillou you can do it I can't it's too hard just one more time hmm oh Caillou agreed to give it one more try [Music] okay you you do it [Music] Rosie we've come to play too [Music] way to go Caillou hooray now that he picked the ball Caillou felt like a real soccer player [Music] Grandma read us a story ah a story about Caillou just look what he's doing today's story is called Caillou plays baby oh morning Caillou and Rosie had been busy very busy oh no how could you two make such a mess really how about a little cleanup before lunch Caillou Caillou help me clean up please but Rosie isn't cleaning up all right let's try Rosie it's cleanup time see the toys go in here that's right sweetie now go get some toys it's not fear I want to play like Rosie Caillou Rosie is still too little to understand about cleaning up I'll do her share until she's bigger Caillou you're old enough to do your own cleaning up Caillou did not think that Mommy was being fair he was very angry in a training cup too all right [Music] [Applause] and I want my sandwich in little pieces like Rosie hmm me too Mommy a bib for you Caillou I like being a baby Caillou thought that being a baby was much better than being four I don't mind if you want to play Baby Caillou but please don't be such a messy baby [Music] Caillou and Rosie had lots of fun playing baby after lunch [Music] yes it's nap time for my two little babies get into bed Caillou and I'll come tuck you in Caillou didn't really want to have a nap but if he was going to be a baby like Rosie he had to have a nice nap Caillou [Music] what's going on Caillou I don't want to have a nap that's what all babies do in the afternoon I don't want to be a baby I want to be four again good how about a game of animal snap okay I'm so glad you're for again Caillou [Music] [Music] would you like to hear a Caillou story kids yes please now let's see what Caillou's been doing lately ah yes today's story is called Caillou's getting older Caillou and his daddy were in the garden one day when suddenly look what is it is it dead daddy uh yes I think we should bury it don't you [Music] why did the bird die daddy well now that's rather a big question Caillou Caillou didn't think it was such a big question well it probably died because it got too old old uh-huh it died because it was too old Caillou couldn't wait to be older he wanted to be a big boy but this was the first time he'd ever thought about being too old are you doing that Daddy I can't see as well as I used to I think I need glasses boy I must be getting really old when Caillou heard that he remembered what his daddy had said about the bird dying because it was too old just look at Rosie she's eating all by herself you really are growing up and getting older aren't you Rosie [Music] um wow hi to you do you like my inline skates oh yes they were birthday presents a birthday present wow yes I'm a whole year older now Caillou was very upset [Music] oh you're a big boy now and you're getting bigger and older every day I don't to be older why not you said Rosie's getting old and you said you're getting old and Sarah said she said she's the little bird died because it was too old ah the little bird I see Caillou whispered to his daddy that he was afraid of getting older and dying I understand Caillou listen you have lots and lots and lots of time to get bigger and older so you really don't need to worry about it now I promise okay okay Daddy [Music] which one is the oldest do you think and which one's the youngest so the dinosaur must be the one in the middle yes Teddy's the oldest yes and he has lots and lots and lots of time to get older too doesn't he just just me yes just like you [Music] Story Time kids would you like to turn the pages of the book as I read it okay we're all set this story is called Caillou goes bird watching [Music] no need to rush the birds will wait grandma was taking Caillou bird watching today and Caillou couldn't wait he loved going on adventures with Grandma nobody's here are you sure listen carefully Grandma I see them look there would you like to see them closer grandma always knew what to do almost like magic how you didn't know what to expect next [Music] here open your hands seeds that's right you'll see we'll get some company very soon watch thank you Grandma the bird is eating hey Bird come back it's all right Caillou you see small birds are afraid of big people like us we have to stand very still and be very quiet so they won't be afraid soon a new bird came to eat some seeds then another and a few more how you couldn't believe it [Music] oh boy let's try a trick can you stand up good put your arms like this in front of you and stand very still the food Grandma it's on my hand Caillou was so excited he'd never had a bird sitting on his hand before [Music] thank you we're leaving why are you whistling well it's like talking to the birds and if we're lucky the birds will talk to us that's a good try you'll see it takes a bit of time you have to practice grandma was happy Caillou enjoyed watching Birds she decided to give him a special present the house yes but not just any kind of house look [Music] at the zoo coming out that's right they're supposed to come out this is a bird feeder I've had it for many years I thought you might enjoy it now Wheels I don't know we'll find out Caillou decided to hang the bird feeder the back porch this is a fine place you'll be able to watch the birds from inside the house that's how Caillou became a bird watcher just like his grandma [Music] are you ready for story time yes we are now let's see what Caillou did today story is called Caillou and daddy bye bye mommy bye sweetie now don't get into any trouble you two bye bye Caillou's mommy and sister Rosie were going out for the day and that meant Caillou would be spending the whole day with his daddy that's what I like a good strong cup of coffee [Music] you remember our secret plan Caillou was helping daddy make a special surprise for his mommy [Music] [Music] do you think Mommy's going to like her surprise bookshelf oh Daddy [Music] I love spending time with his daddy like this just the two of them together [Music] now this should dry very quickly so we can oh no oh no oh no what is it Daddy well in the first place you're covered with paint [Music] hmm yes you're right and in the second place I forgot to buy the blue paint that goes on top of this undercoat I'll tell you what we're going to do we're going to take care of business that's what we're going to do yay yay there you go are you ready yes then let's go and take care of business hmm which color do you think mommy would like [Music] this one let's take it are we are in care of business daddy you bet we are Caillou and his daddy decided to have a hot dog for lunch foreign [Music] it's dry Daddy what on Earth have you two been up to we've been taking care of business mommy look oh a bookshelf it's just what I wanted but wait a minute it looks like I have a new book too I made it Mommy oh it's getting cold outside I'm glad we're in here for our story time now let's see what Caillou did today story is called Caillou rakes the leaves [Music] hey you and Rosie were having so much fun they didn't even notice that their mommy and daddy were watching them Caillou Rosie well it looks like you two are having fun Daddy Daddy [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] daddy you blew the leaf show me a red leaf Rosie [Music] for you here's a yellow one mommy and one thank you Caillou and thank you Rosie Caillou loved spending all day with his family having fun in the leaves [Music] I think it's time to go inside and make supper come along you two I'll stay and rake the leaves Caillou was enjoying himself so much he didn't want the fun to stop he wanted this special day to last forever can I stay and help Daddy with the leaves sure I think that's a great idea oh wait there's an awful lot of leaves Caillou do you think we can rake them all yes [Music] foreign [Music] well it's rather hard work but it's fun when we do it together Caillou liked helping his daddy but he also liked playing he imagined that the piles of leaves were big houses in the city I want to live in this one [Music] Caillou was having so much fun pretending that the leaf piles were big houses he didn't even notice that it was almost dark come see my house wow that's a great house did you make it all by yourself yes come on in you two supper's ready Daddy I had a fun day so did I I like it when I have my whole family around me me too did you finish raking the leaves and there were lots and lots of them I made a city too Caillou helped me a lot didn't you hey what's that on your head [Music] just look at Caillou he's all dressed up let's see what's going on this story is called Caillou's new babysitter Caillou's mommy and daddy were going out for a special dinner Caillou it's our anniversary that's a special day for Mommy and Daddy but we have something special for you and Rosie too a brand new babysitter isn't that nice I don't want babysitter that must be Julie now I'll go and let her in I don't like Julie was a new babysitter you wanted his regular babysitter so he made up his mind he wasn't going to like Julie at all hi Caillou I'm [Music] just press this button [Music] doesn't your mommy look pretty in her dress and doesn't your daddy look Smart in his tuxedo let's wave goodbye laughs later that evening it was supper time I don't want any supper [Music] you can't make me I have an idea your mommy and daddy are going out for a special anniversary supper so why don't we do the same um even though Caillou had decided he wouldn't like Julie curious about this idea come on then what are we waiting for now you look just as handsome as your daddy do I really you bet Caillou discovered he was starting to like Julie now let's go and make Rosie look as nice as your mommy hold it Caillou like Julie's dressing up game but he still didn't care very much for salad come on Caillou you have to eat I don't want any supper Anthony suffered too well if you don't want supper why don't we have breakfast instead hmm how can we have breakfast it's supper time it's easy from now on everything's going to be the opposite way around you'll see oh [Music] hi Caillou hi Julie did you all have as much fun as we did we had breakfast really but what about your supper I thought they could have their supper tomorrow if that's all right I'm sure that'll be fine Julie and now if you're ready I'll take you home no daddy no Caillou had been having so much fun with his new babysitter he didn't want her to leave don't worry KU I promise I'll come back and see you very soon [Music] look Caillou's a mailman and that's perfect for today's story time because today's story is called Caillou mails a letter are you having fun dear yes Mommy what a wonderful sunny day I'm going to draw the Sun I think the males arrived [Music] I wonder if there's any nice letters today [Music] bills bills bills nothing but bills it sure would be nice to get a letter for a change hi Caillou is anything the matter Mommy wants to get a letter does she now Caillou explained how mommy didn't like bills and wanted to get a letter well why don't we send her one in fact I think you've already made one yes look that would make a wonderful letter can we send it to Mommy absolutely we'll make sure the mailman brings it tomorrow morning Caillou knew that people sometimes put kisses on letters with an X a kiss now what we need is an envelope where they are Daddy I'll be right back how about a stamp [Music] oh Gilbert Caillou where are you now what are you two up to nothing nothing at all isn't that right Caillou [Music] if we want Mommy to get her letter in the morning we'll have to have everything finished tonight and we have to get up extra early in the morning yes [Music] now what else do we need to do we need to stick on the stamp that's right [Music] the next morning Caillou and his daddy got up extra early so they could meet the mailman [Music] Mommy Mommy the mailman's coming foreign [Music] I think you have a letter today well this letter looks interesting [Music] wonderful surprise [Music] surprise to sign it Caillou I'll keep my letter forever [Music] come on it's Story Time kids now let's see this story happened when Caillou was only three and Rosie was just a baby today's story is called Caillou goes shopping [Music] Caillou time to get up it's snowing outside look I want to make a Snowman Let's get you dressed first now where are your sweaters but but I want to wear these if you wear shorts outside you'll feel as cold as a Snowman [Music] when we go shopping and we need some eggs too because I'm making a special surprise cake special surprise cake yay Caillou and Rosie always like mommy's special surprise cakes but they never knew exactly what the surprise would be Caillou it's time to go to the store put on your coat and boots but mommy play with my time my dinosaur you can play with him later now come on we're waiting for you how you'd like to go shopping but he always took a long time to get ready because he liked playing too Caillou get in the car please are we gonna make a snowman well yes as a matter of fact we are yeah yeah but right now we have to get going Mommy I want to ride like Rosie okay but let's get going or there won't be time to make that Snowman I want these Caillou we're having a special surprise cake remember so we don't need cookies too okay what is the special surprise cake if I tell you I'll spoil the surprise now when we get to the checkout I want you to look after Rosie while I take care of the groceries all Caillou could think about were those cookies but he forgot exactly where he'd seen them before he knew it he was all alone lost and feeling afraid what happened you went away no Caillou you did but I'm very glad we found you let's go home Caillou was still feeling upset but he was very happy to see his mommy and Rosie again I didn't like it when I was lost mommy I didn't like it either sweetie so let's make sure you don't get lost again now let's finish making that special surprise cake but I wanted to make a snowman we are going to make a snowman only we're gonna make him right here in the kitchen cake Caillou and Rosie were absolutely right they had guessed what Mommy surprise was going to be but really A Snowman then he must be cold let's give him a scarf anyone up for a story come inside by the fire it's nice and cozy storage tonight's story is called Caillou's Snowman got one me too let's make a snowman a snowman wow do you want to help me oh you thought that was a great idea even though he didn't know exactly how to make a snowman yes yes why don't you start making the head I'll make his body okay [Music] I can do that hey okay I can't do it I hate making the Snowman how's the head coming along can you hmm I can't make it you can don't worry I'll show you how we're going to make the biggest snowman in the world the biggest snowman in the world in the universe I think that snowball is big enough let's make new ones first you have to make a tiny snowball see how you liked having Sarah to show him what to do snowball you did it hey [Music] but Caillou wouldn't stop Sarah didn't think the game was funny anymore fine if you don't want to make a snowman I'm leaving Steve please I want to make a snowman with you now look it's easy I'm finished all right let's put our snowman together we have to put it on top of this one are you ready [Music] I think it will hold now we need a head it's your snowball okay ah hi kids I have a surprise for you look in the bag a carrot we can use it to make the Snowman's nose [Music] the bag was full of great surprises and very soon the Snowman had a big smile on his face hmm I have something else let's see if it fits look Sarah he's beautiful and he's the biggest snowman in the universe wonderful now how about coming inside for a snack we what's this fall no it's a man thank you
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 174,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #caillou, #cartoon, caillou, caillou Christmas, caillou and rosie, caillou cartoon, caillou english, caillou full episodes, caillou gets grounded, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou holiday movie, caillou pizza, caillou remix, caillou song, caillou theme song, caillou theme song remix, caillou wildbrain, cailou, cajou, calliou, cartoon cartoon, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, cartoon video, childrens cartoon, classic caillou, kayo, slime, 까이유
Id: HU0nK3ywUU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 27sec (3627 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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