Caillou Makes Dinner | Caillou Compilations

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[Music] [Music] Caillou and Rosie were having fun playing together Rosie liked copying her big brother huh [Music] happy Rosie are you getting hungry Caillou is it almost dinner time it is and it's Friday night and you know what that means it's pizza night did somebody mention pizza night hey I have an idea why don't we make pizza tonight but we always order pizza it might be a nice change Caillou we have fresh dough in the refrigerator and lots of yummy toppings so we can make pizza just the way we like it Caillou wasn't so sure making pizza seemed like it would take a long time wouldn't it be faster if the pizza man brought pizza to our house faster isn't always better Caillou besides there's nothing more fun than making homemade pizza [Music] first you need to wash your hands and you do Rosie [Music] I think I think that's enough soap for now now that your hands are nice and clean I have a surprise for you Caillou loves surprises he wondered what it could be every Chef needs an apron [Music] and a dinosaur just like Rexy now we look like real chefs Rosie here you go you each got some pizza dough it doesn't look like pizza that's because we have to turn it into pizza and to do that we have to knead and roll the dough it feels squishy like modeling clay [Music] you have pizza dough on your nose Rosie like a clown now we're ready to roll the dough give it a try Caillou back and forth with your rolling pin that's it Caillou look Rosie there's one big pizza and two little ones can I have my own pizza daddy both you and Rosie can have your own pizza and you can decorate it but first we need to put on some tomato sauce I can do that [Music] I got sauce on my apron that's all right Caillou that's what aprons are for to help keep your clothes clean while you work in the kitchen [Music] Rosie thought her apron needed some pizza sauce too [Music] Rosie okay I think that's enough pizza sauce for now it's time to put on the pizza toppings onions yuck that's okay Caillou you don't have to put onions on your pizza [Music] foreign began decorating his pizza he was being very careful not to let anyone see it how's it going Caillou taking a picture but I wanted to be a surprise do you like my pizza it's a picture of me oh yes I can see that it looks just like you Caillou I think it's time to put these pizzas in the oven can I help my help sorry Caillou This is a job for grown-ups the oven is very hot but you could help me set the timer okay [Music] we'll set the timer for 15 minutes push this little button right here Caillou now we'll wait for the timer to ring and tell us when the pizzas are done Caillou didn't want to wait for the pizzas to be done he wanted to eat right away I'm hungry too Caillou but you can't rush a good pizza foreign [Music] he was growing tired of waiting for the timer to ring five more minutes I don't think these pizzas are ever going to cook mommy maybe we should play for a few minutes until they're done I know we can play restaurant I'll be the waiter and you can be my customers okay okay okay I've never been to Caillou's pizza parlor before what a lovely place my name is Caillou and I'll be your waiter can I take your pizza order sure let's see we'd like to order 22 pizzas please we're very hungry okay what would you like on them Caillou was having fun being a waiter he even pretended to write down his customers orders let's see we'll have one with chicken and mushrooms that's right peppers and how about a pineapple and a ham pizza or maybe a cauliflower a mashed potato pizza mashed potatoes okay soon Caillou was laughing so much he forgot all about the real pizzas cooking in the oven until our pizzas they're ready [Music] so what do you think Caillou it's yummy I think we should make pizza every Friday night it sounds to me like Caillou's pizza parlor is a big success it sure is and that's how Caillou learned that making food at home can be lots of fun [Music] mommy and daddy were going away on an overnight trip [Music] something tells me you wouldn't be interested in a grown-up golf trip he went to take care of us don't you remember Grandma and Grandpa are going to spend the night [Music] that's probably them now [Music] hi there Caillou hello Rosie thanks for coming over to take care of the kids it's our pleasure we're going to have lots of fun aren't we kids yeah [Music] have fun with Grandma and Grandpa watching mommy and daddy leave gave Caillou a funny feeling in his tummy but Rosie felt even worse thank you it's okay Rosie there there Rosie [Music] we're going to have so much fun together you and I and Grandpa and Caillou [Music] have a good time Caillou noticed how quiet the house was without mommy and daddy who's hungry for grilled cheese sandwiches [Music] I'm hungry Caillou love grilled cheese sandwiches he couldn't wait to eat lunch until Grandma served the sandwiches a little differently that's not how Mommy makes them she always cuts them straight across oh boy and Mommy gives us blue plates with carrots not celery not to worry Grandpa and I just do things a little differently but we'll work it out [Music] here you go no those aren't for Caillou and Rosie these ones are right kids no how about these ones or these no no stop that's right there now everybody's happy Caillou and Rosie were happy Grandma's grilled cheese sandwiches were almost as good as mommies Grandpa can you tie my shoe please I sure can that's not the way Mommy does it it's a double knot to make sure they're nice and snug there see now they're super tired never to come on dumb shoes [Music] still wasn't sure he liked how Grandpa tied his shoes but they certainly were very snug [Music] I can't find it Caillou how about froggy no I always have a bath with my paddle boat well maybe you'll just have to do things differently this time froggy here could be lots of fun can I try I had to admit froggy was kind of fun [Music] I don't want a different pair of jammies I want my horsey jammies but they're in the wash Caillou oh I like different jammies maybe they'll fit me hmm who do you put on pajamas does this go on your head [Music] or maybe you wear this like a cape [Music] or how about backwards no no [Music] you wear jammies ah so that's how it goes on let's see Goldilocks and the three stairs bears oh yes Bears it is one day Goldilocks said what a beautiful house in the forest that's not Goldilocks mommy and daddy do the voices differently Oh you mean Goldilocks should sound like this no Goldilocks how about like this no Goldilocks talks like this hi I'm Goldilocks oh then Mama Bear should sound like a I'm mama bear no mama bear talks like this and papa bear talks like this can you like Grandma and Grandpa's new voices they were even sillier than daddies [Music] oh dear we better finish this story it's almost bedtime Grandma I know something different we could try you do what's that letting me and Rosie stay up late I think that might be a little too different for tonight [Music] we're home hi did you have a nice trip we sure did what's happening over here we've decided it's okay to do things differently like sitting upside down oh that's right but I think sitting right side up is still my favorite do Grandma and Grandpa have to go now [Music] I think we can stay a bit longer [Music] yay now who wants grilled cheese sandwiches with carrots how you and Rosie realize that doing things differently can be just as much fun [Music] did you have fun at preschool today Caillou yes and I have a surprise for you a picture of Gilbert do you like it I love it Caillou it looks just like him we have a surprise for you too Grandpa's coming over and he's gonna take you somewhere special that's probably him now [Music] no hug Caillou that's better no I'll tell you I'm gonna take you bowling bowling Caillou was surprised he had never been bowling before isn't that for grown-ups no I learned how to bowl when I was your age and now I'm going to teach you at the bowling alley the bowling alley couldn't we just Bowl in the backyard I think you'll really like the bowling alley Caillou it has bowling pins and balls and it's a fun place to get some exercise what do you say we give it a try okay [Music] here we are at first Caillou was a little nervous especially when he heard the loud knocking of the pins but when Caillou looked around he was pleasantly surprised [Music] [Music] a friend at the bowling alley made Caillou feel even better are we going to play now grandpa as soon as we get our shoes [Music] can't I wear my own shoes I'm afraid not Caillou these are special shoes made for bowling on the wooden alleys this is my grandson's first time bowling well you're in for a fun time there laddy let's see I'll put you in Lane three Lane three thanks Seamus now you look like a champion bowler so we need to practice balls and here's where we get them from it's called the ball return to be careful when we're grabbing a ball we don't want the balls to pinch our fingers okay Grandpa I'll be careful now do you see those pins the idea of the game is to knock down as many pins as you can each pin is worth points this computer will keep track of our points and tell us our score now watch your old grandpa I'll show you how to throw the ball all right oh grandpa you knocked them all down indeed when that happens it's called a strike now it's your turn to give it a try foreign it's heavy Grandpa maybe you should roll the ball down the alley with both hands like your friend Sarah [Music] my ball didn't stay on the lane when the ball lands on the side like that it's called a gutter ball it happens to everyone even me the trick is to aim the ball right down the middle try again [Music] I did it I knocked down a pin now Caillou was feeling more confident hooray Caillou I knew you could do it now there's one more thing I need to teach you really my handy dandy bowling high five now we're ready to play oh sure I don't see why not let's ask them foreign [Music] wow your mom is good just like Grandpa look at all the strikes she plays on a team with other Bowlers they get lots of practice it's your turn Caillou [Music] yeah I knocked out a pin that's the way Caillou [Music] hooray Caillou two more pins [Music] another pin one plus two plus one is that's a lot of points isn't it Grandpa it sure is way to go Caillou you're doing very well thanks again for the game bye Caillou bye Sarah that was fun I'm glad you think so Caillou because I have another surprise for you how you could hardly wait to see what the next surprise would be so did you have a good game we sure did Caillou bowled a terrific game for a beginner well then this is for you for me but I didn't win everybody wins when they come out and try something new Caillou you deserve a ribbon oh thanks and I threw the ball and knocked down the pins and we wore special shoes and look the nice man at the counter gave me a ribbon I'm so proud of you Caillou yes it sounds like you had lots of fun at the bowling alley I did does this mean you'll go bowling with me again yes can we go tomorrow Caillou had learned that it's always good to try new things like bowling [Music] was having fun helping mommy in the garden are the raspberries ready now Mommy raspberry raspberries no they're not ready yet they need a little more time oh I don't like waiting I know what might help pass the time you've been such a good helper maybe you'd like to be my junior gardener [Music] oops sorry Gilbert you don't need watering oh Caillou sorry Mommy okay kids we put the seeds in the cups just like this then we'll give them some water and put them on the windowsill because bean seeds plus water plus sunlight make bean plants that's right class my what clever gardeners we have yes Caillou I'm a junior Gardener I'm helping my mommy grow a raspberry bush that's wonderful uh-huh and I'll have raspberries to share with the whole class that's very nice of you Caillou of course you and your family may want to eat the raspberries too we're going to have tons of raspberries and I'll make sure everybody gets them I could eat a million raspberries promise to bring them yes [Music] are the raspberries ready now not yet Caillou you're going to have to be a little more patient what I learned today bean seeds plus water plus sunlight make bean plants that's very good Caillou no Rosie the berries aren't ready yet mommy said so that's right Rosie when they turn bright red then they'll be ready to eat but if you're hungry we could have a little snack yes please hungry thank you aren't you going to drink your milk Rosie no but milk will help you grow up big and tall [Music] Rosie tall now oh yes much taller how you suddenly had an idea if milk could make Rosie grow bigger maybe it would do the same for the raspberry bush oh Caillou what are you doing so it'll grow big and tall I'm afraid that doesn't work with plants sweetie they only like water Caillou wanted the raspberries to ripen faster so he thought he'd give the bush more water now what are you doing Caillou I'm going to give the bush more water so the berries will ripen I think the bush got enough water today what it really needs is a little more time for the berries to ripen okay Mommy I can give them a little more time look the beans are starting to grow hey did you bring us some raspberries no they're not ready yet you will bring us some right you promised I'm sure Caillou will do his best to bring in some berries when they're ready you can't brush a raspberry [Music] come on grow rushing The Raspberries was exactly what Caillou intended to do pretty please scroll maybe you need more water you're taking very good care of the raspberry bush Caillou thank you but do you think the raspberries will ever be ready I'm sure they'll ripen soon they're getting lots of water and sunshine not to worry there's no sun Caillou was worried he knew that plants needed lots of sunshine to grow what are you doing Caillou the sun is hiding I'm giving the bush some more light so it'll grow that's very thoughtful but raspberries need sunlight not light from a flashlight oh don't worry the sun will come out again soon when I promise I'd take some raspberries to preschool but they're not ready yet oh I see they'll ripen up soon I promise you can't rush a raspberry that's what Miss Martin said Russia raspberry well Miss Martin is very wise now why don't we check them again tomorrow okay okay Mommy Caillou Rosie there's something you should see in the backyard Caillou was worried he thought something had happened to his raspberry bush [Music] Caillou was right something had happened to the raspberry bush raspberries [Music] that's right raspberries they're finally ripe so was it worth the wait yes I think we should all say thank you to Caillou for bringing in these tasty raspberries [Music] I love raspberries more than anything in the whole world thanks Caillou you're welcome yes Leo when are we going to eat our beans the plants are coming along nicely Leo but we won't be able to pick beans for quite a while we have to be patient right Miss Martin plants need time to grow that's right Caillou hmm maybe we should add that to our chart bean seeds plus water plus sunlight plus thyme make bean grass Caillou learned that you can't brush a raspberry bush or any other plant but they were worth waiting for [Music] hmm [Music] Mommy what's daddy doing oh he's working on something for you and Rosie really what is it it's something extra special Caillou couldn't wait to find out what Daddy was working on Daddy's building a skating rink a skating rink yay wink ah don't you think you should change out of your jammies first [Music] jammies [Music] oops [Music] that should just about do it daddy oh hi Caillou hi Rosie we're ready to escape daddy where's the ring this is the rink but I'm afraid it's not ready for skating on ready [Music] appointed [Music] right away well if you two help me the rink will get finished much faster good first we need some snow plows to push snow into the frame [Music] beep beep here comes the snow plow [Music] okay that's plenty of snow come on there's lots more to do we have to pack down that snow nice and tight and to do that we need to jump up and down like kangaroos who's a kangaroo Google [Music] now we're Giants fee fiee [Laughter] now the snow's good and flat [Music] [Applause] Caillou I'm sorry it's not ready yet it takes a long time to build an ice rink [Music] wondered if the rink would ever be finished [Music] not quite Rosie I'm watering the snow when it gets cold enough it'll freeze and turn into ice and then we can skate Caillou was growing impatient he wanted to skate right away [Music] laughs it takes a long time for water to freeze Caillou I know but I can't wait why don't you and Rosie Build a Snowman that'll be a fun way to pass the time okay [Music] daddy our snowman wants to skate with us that's great Caillou it's always nice to invite friends Caillou wondered if the rink was frozen yet so he decided to test it out the ice seemed like it was ready for skating or sliding Caillou no hey you are wet I'm sorry Daddy I thought it was frozen you need to be a little more patient Caillou good things are worth waiting for now I'll have to fix the rink how long will that take daddy well it should be ready by tomorrow morning tomorrow ah that's forever forever [Music] and could you swim in the snow I wasn't swimming Rosie I was trying to escape don't worry Caillou you'll be skating soon enough I know but waiting isn't any fun [Music] hey Caillou had forgotten his socks could slide on the kitchen floor look it's just like I'm skating okay you escape Caillou and Rosie skate we don't have to wait to pretend to skate well done it's morning yay Caillou was excited the rink was finally ready oops I almost forgot I can't skate with my pajamas on Caillou slow down the ice will still be there when you get outside I promise sorry Mommy I'm just excited [Music] so was the skating rink worth waiting for yes yes there are my little skaters who wants hot chocolate [Music] it might be a little hot so make sure you blow on it and let it cool down oh hot I think I burnt my tongue a little you have to be patient Daddy good things are worth waiting for this they are Caillou indeed next year Caillou would be a little more patient about skating on the ice [Music] Caillou and his family were enjoying a big spaghetti dinner [Music] okay [Music] my favorite you Caillou please just try not to slurp it when you eat Caillou loves spaghetti but it was very hard to eat it without making a slurping noise oops excuse me it's okay Caillou I know you were trying your best just like Rosie she's trying her best not to get her napkin covered with spaghetti sauce that's good Rosie but you're supposed to use your napkin especially when sauce is all over your face [Music] everybody laughed along with Rosie but while Caillou was laughing [Music] he made a noise come on Rosie let's get you cleaned up and you can help me with the dishes Caillou okay I'll help [Music] Caillou was extra careful not to drop anything but it was hard because of the noises he made whoa sounds like someone's got the hiccups the hiccups how do I how do I stop them just wait they usually usually go away on their own oh okay I can wait hey I waited but they didn't go away you have to wait longer than that pumpkin why not play in the living room while you wait okay Mommy [Music] Caillou decided to build a tower while he waited but oh are these hiccups ever going to go away how's it going out here hiccups are messing up everything [Music] I need them to go away just try not to think about them Caillou if you wait the hiccups will go away on their own but I've been waiting hmm well I have heard that sometimes hiccups can be cured by giving someone a little scare a scare I don't like scares just a little scare Caillou it makes the person gasp and then the hiccups go away do you want to give it a try if it'll make my hiccups go away then okay okay get ready and [Music] hey it worked uh it didn't work maybe it wasn't scary enough well we could take care of that right Rosie [Music] Caillou wasn't scared at all Mommy and Rosie were much too funny [Music] good thing I'm here then I've got a few sure to work hiccup cures up my sleeve really sure I'm the world's number one all-time hiccup cure Champion come on I'll show you [Music] now some people cure hiccups by drinking water really fast from a hose but it's not as easy as it looks it can get a little messy I I don't care I want to try [Music] I thought you found out that drinking from a hose was very messy and so did Daddy hey whoops that's okay Caillou on a hot day like this some cool water is good for me and the grass but it didn't work I still have the hiccups don't worry Caillou I've got another cure up my sleeve the upside down solution always works [Music] only if you have hiccups Rosie this this is so my hiccups were lips will go away [Music] don't worry there's one more cure we can try I've saved the best for last this one's Almost sure to get rid of your hiccups what is it I'll show you you hop on your left foot and rub your head with your right hand hey you thought daddy looked silly and so did Mommy and Rosie oh my doesn't daddy look funny funny he does but Caillou really wanted to get rid of his hiccups so he started hopping too Spirit Caillou hop those hiccups away [Music] that's right Rosie you can hop too are you okay I'm fine I guess I need to practice my hopping more often flipping for ever and ever well I hate to say this but maybe I'll just have to stop making spaghetti for dinner since spaghetti seems to give you the hiccups but mommy spaghetti is my favorite and Rosie's favorite and daddy's favorite it wasn't the spaghetti that gave me the hiccups I know it wasn't and besides I think they might be gone let sin Caillou was right his hiccups had gone away perhaps I scared them away by saying I wouldn't make spaghetti anymore nah I think they went away on their own just like you said they would but are you really going to stop making spaghetti of course not Caillou I was just teasing phew that's a relief I love spaghetti Rosie too not right now Rosie we just had spaghetti but soon Rosie we promise uh-oh now I've got hiccups you had realized hiccups go away on their own with a little patience [Music] when is Grandma getting here you two are certainly excited to have Grandma babysit today maybe it has something to do with their promise to bring over something special to eat um I wonder what it is [Music] here now don't worry the kids will be just fine you have a good time golfing be good for Grandma okay have fun kids so are you ready for some treats treat yes please I went to a special cooking class yesterday and learned all about olives did you know they're healthy and delicious Caillou had never even heard of Olives before he wondered what they tasted like I made some homemade Italian olive bread try some [Music] the old leaves look like chocolate chips yummy Rosie really liked the bread so Caillou thought he would like it too [Music] Caillou didn't know what to do he knew it wasn't polite to spit out his food so what do you think Caillou didn't like the taste of Olives but he didn't know how to tell Grandma it tastes um great oh that's wonderful I wasn't sure you'd like it but now that you do I have lots more Olive treats in store for you yay more kids [Music] snack time I hope you like crackers with a special dipping sauce can't you just smell the olives [Music] oh [Music] Caillou didn't want to eat the special dipping sauce so he came up with a clever way to avoid it [Music] um oh I better go check on the oven here Caillou help yourself to some more [Music] [Laughter] so uh what are we having for dinner pizza yay Caillou loved Pizza especially the way grandma made it you could hardly wait olives that's right your favorite and mine olives Rosie too Caillou didn't want to eat the pizza but he couldn't think of a way to tell his grandma [Music] hide and seek [Music] [Music] are you hungry [Music] no Gilbert [Music] thank you [Music] is something the matter Caillou no I uh just saw some dirt on the floor and decided to clean it there all gone [Music] bro [Music] clean plates how wonderful since you both like Olive so much I'll have to make more Olive treats in the future [Music] and just wait till you try my special homemade dessert Caillou didn't like the sound of that he didn't want to think about what Grandma had in store for him next [Music] doesn't it look yummy eat up Caillou couldn't stand to eat another olive he realized he needed to tell Grandma how he felt about them so who's ready for some dessert lives I'm sorry but I don't like the taste why didn't you say something before Caillou I didn't know how to tell you and you worked so hard to make us all those treats Caillou was sure Grandma would be upset with him okay you I'm glad you told me how you feel aren't you mad at me no everyone has different tastes you don't like olives and I don't like beets to each his own besides I think it's nice that you were worried about my feelings Caillou was redeemed especially when Grandma revealed her special homemade dessert [Music] a single Olive in sight [Music] so did you have a fun day we sure did Rosie name you want me to help you put your name on it okay an olive slice what's that doing in here oops I guess I have some tidying up to do that day Caillou learned that he could be honest with Grandma even when it came to her cooking [Music] one day daddy and Rosie decided to play with some modeling clay and Rosie was taking charge small too big eels okay space robots flying through space space robots looking for aliens [Music] would you boys like to make something out of clay too no no thanks we're having fun playing space robots we're looking for aliens okay just take it easy then no problem space robots Turbo Power [Music] okay Rosie here you go your very own clay poodle be careful it's still soft oh wow what's our next Space robot Mission Caillou let's Explore More planets Leo and Caillou continue to play space robots upstairs when they almost had a cosmic crash [Music] oops sorry Rosie but I think it's okay you know that poodle looks pretty neat no her poodle is a guard dog beep beep aliens are in the area we have to go yeah [Music] Oh Come Back [Music] foreign [Music] foreign ERS pick up the space food alien hey orders that space poodle needs rescuing escape the aliens super turbo Power unfortunately for Caillou all of his Space robot flying made him very dizzy [Music] I've got it oh oh Caillou was worried he knew how upset Rosie would be if anything happened to her poodle and that poodle was squash a doodled that's right Rosie oh no it's Rosie quick hide it Caillou and Leo tried their best to keep Rosie from entering the room Rosie poodle [Music] you can't come in human it is not safe aliens everywhere danger cold red stay away you want poodle who wants to go to the park we're gonna stay here with Mommy oh that was close but what are we gonna do Rosie will be so upset if she finds out we broke her poodle [Applause] Caillou and Leo came up with a plan to solve their problem let's make another poodle just like the one we broke yeah maybe Rosie won't even notice the boys got to work on making a new poodle dog for Rosie [Music] what do you think it doesn't look like a poodle it looks like a half elephant half poodle it's an elephant poodle [Music] the boy's creation seemed to get wackier and wackier that's not a poodle it's a hippopotamonkey and the boys giggling got louder and louder it's a lion noodle the boys tried one more time to make a poodle [Music] it looks like a poodle [Music] um well sort of it doesn't look anything like the one daddy made with Rosie oh no Rosie's back hurry we need to get this poodle back in front of our dollhouse if you space robots need to refuel I made some space lemonade [Music] indeed some very interesting animals hey there uh is there something wrong Caillou Caillou felt bad about trying to trick Rosie with their poodle he decided to do the right thing we were having fun with our space robots but we got a little carried away and and we squish Rosie's clay poodle we tried to make a new one but it's not very good Caillou turned to Rosie expecting her to be very upset he was surprised to say she was so happy I'm glad you boys admitted to your mistake but Rosie found the other animals you made and I think she loves them even more than the poodle [Music] I have to admit I like your aminals they're very inventive thanks look Rosie this one's a hippopotamonkey and this one's a lion noodle Caillou and Leo had learned an important lesson it was much better to own up to their mistakes and tell the truth [Music] oh no not again Caillou's neighbor Mrs Howard was cleaning up her Cellar it wasn't an easy job foreign [Music] oh hello Mrs Howard come in I hope you don't mind but I brought over something special I think Caillou is going to love it [Music] hello Caillou I have something to show you the lightning ball Express it's a perfect scale model of a coal-fired train complete with Caboose that's right Rosie a train an electric train it was my son's favorite toy when he was growing up what I hadn't seen it in years wow it's great I know what how would you like to borrow it for a while really yes please Mrs Howard thank you Caillou was very happy he couldn't wait to try out Mrs Howard's train [Music] for the rest of the day Caillou sent Mrs Howard's train traveling all over the house uh oh there goes my train of thought [Music] does the conductor want a snack [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yay peekaboo this is going to be great Caillou is having a wonderful time with Mrs Howard's train [Music] attention the Caillou Express is pulling into Gilbert the cat station [Music] [Applause] oh no Mrs Howard's train what am I going to tell Mrs Howard Caillou was very upset he had broken Mrs Howard's train he didn't know what to do Caillou is everything okay I heard a noise uh making up sounds for the train uh Chris smash crunch bomb okay huh Caillou wanted to make sure Mrs Howard never found out about the broken train he knew she'd be very upset hi Caillou what are you doing uh I'm not doing anything well then I think you've spent enough time indoors how about a trip to the park for some fresh air okay [Music] Caillou was having so much fun on the swings he forgot all about Mrs Howard's broken train hello Caillou [Music] that was a close one Caillou didn't want Mrs Howard to find him because he didn't want to explain what happened to her train [Music] hi Caillou I was hoping to run into you look what I found for the train set a cattle car uh thanks thank you that was odd yes indeed as Caillou and mommy walked home he worried they would run into Mrs Howard [Music] all right Caillou what's this all about why are you hiding hiding I'm not hiding [Music] Caillou I found another piece to add to the train set a water tower oh well isn't that nice Caillou now where did he go that's the second time he's done that today I wonder what's wrong is it something I said Caillou can you come out here please Mrs Howard and I would like to speak with you oh hi Caillou I hope you don't mind uh ducky and I are just having a little soak hi there Caillou uh I I don't mean to pry but is there something to matter I broke your train Mrs Howard oh the old Thunderball Express broken again I'll let you in on a little secret Caillou my son broke this train hundreds of times I became an expert on how to fix it because it got broken so often so don't worry Caillou accidents happen oh I'm so glad you're not upset with me me too Caillou but if anything like this ever happens again you need to ask for help rather than covering up your tracks I'll head on home and fix this up right away [Applause] all aboard [Music] Caillou was glad he wasn't hiding from Mrs Howard anymore because Mrs Howard was a fantastic train conductor [Music] hurray hurray Caillou and Rosie were in a cheering mood it was fun jumping for joy and being silly together hooray for Gilbert [Music] Gilbert oh phew hooray it's Debbie hooray daddy where were you Daddy you're missing her hoorays sorry kids I went for a run I'm training for a marathon [Music] what's a marathon a marathon is kind of a long race a race oh I like races I want to run a marathon too I'm sorry Caillou marathons are for grown-ups the runners have to run for a very long time for a far distance I oh I don't think so Caillou [Music] please Daddy can I just go running with you please well I guess I could go for another run around the block today [Music] now can we run not yet it's important to stretch properly we've just begun [Music] this looks easy hey oh sorry honey I didn't see you there foreign yes now we can go I'm going to run really far Daddy how you thought that if he showed daddy how far he could run he would let Caillou run in the marathon our Caillou's quite the little Runner isn't he Mrs Howard actually Mrs Howard I'm a big Runner [Music] how you wondered where that mailbox came from it seemed to pop out of nowhere you should always watch where you're going Caillou whoops sorry didn't see you there I guess I should watch where I'm going to see you later Caillou is beginning to feel tired he didn't want to stop running he wanted to prove that he could run in a marathon foreign silly dog doesn't he know I'm trying to run here Caillou's legs were beginning to feel very tired he wondered how much farther he could run [Music] are you okay Caillou I'm okay but how am I supposed to run a marathon if I around the block it takes a lot of training and practice to prepare for a marathon Caillou so if I practice I'll be able to run a marathon well maybe one day the more you practice the farther you'll be able to run but for now let's walk home and have some lunch shall we running sure takes a lot out of you doesn't it well you're sure to have lots of energy now yes I'm ready to go running again uh-huh I can't wait to show you how much farther I can run this time okay Caillou [Applause] Caillou and Daddy had gone out for another run but Caillou was disappointed he still run very far ah I'll never be able to run a marathon I wouldn't say that Caillou I think you did well this time you did run farther yeah but not far enough I want to be able to run like you Daddy but Caillou I can run farther because I'm a grown-up my muscles are much bigger and I've had more time to practice I know I just think it'd be fun hmm do you know what else would be fun what last one to the house is a rotten egg [Music] ready Rosie good catch Rosie sure Rosie what do you say we all run to Mrs Howard's house and back okay that's easy come on Rosie hold up Caillou let's wait for your sister Caillou had forgotten Rosie couldn't run very fast or very far Rosie can't run like me just like I can't run like you that's right everybody has their own skill level you know I don't think I want to run a marathon just yet daddy you don't no I can wait till I'm a grown-up I just wish there was one for kids you know I think that could be arranged how about a mini marathon in the backyard a mini marathon yeah [Music] hooray you go Rosie [Music] we finished the race [Music] a mini marathon was just the right size and Caillou and Rosie were thrilled to finish the race hooray [Music] Caillou was excited because grandpa and daddy were taking him on a real sailboat maybe we'll see whales in the water or sea monsters this I guess anything's possible [Music] yay silly hold up there Caillou I'm glad you're excited but before we do anything we need to put on our life jackets but we're not even sailing yet Safety First we go ceiling [Music] not quite yet Caillou on a boat everyone has a job to do today I'm not just Grandpa I'm the captain so I'm in charge and daddy isn't just daddy he's my special helper which means he's the first mate and [Music] you're the lookout who didn't like the sound of that Lookout didn't seem nearly as important as being captain or first mate but I want to be captain sorry Caillou grandpa has sailed more than we have that's why he gets to be captain now come and give us a hand [Music] ah there's nothing like being out at fresh air Hoist the sails aye aye captain [Music] Caillou help me turn the crank I like Daddy I mean first mate [Music] that's my good sailor now sit on your Lookout chair and hang on [Music] had wanted to help Hoist the sale with Daddy and Grandpa but then he had a better idea now it takes more than a cap to make a Captain Caillou it takes a lot of experience too [Music] bear well then I guess you don't help me steer the boat yes I do [Music] that's it nice and steady you see Grandpa I could be the captain one day when you've learned how to sail you'll be captained but first you need to learn how to be a good Lookout Caillou watched first made daddy turn the sails and that gave him another idea Daddy I know a job that looks almost as fun as being Captain you do what's that Caillou first me we could trade jobs sorry Caillou first made is a grown-up job it takes a lot of experience you can have my shiny shell and lucky Rock every week Caillou Look Out is much too important a job to trade away [Music] Lookout doesn't feel like an important job it doesn't well that's because you haven't received your extra special orders yet you have to help us find our way to Treasure Cove Treasure Coast that's right we need our Lookout to spot each of these landmarks with these binoculars did you know my granddad gave these to me when I was your age did you think I was a sea monster no just a daddy from the sea now the first thing you need to find is a boy it's like a signpost floating in the water okay Caillou was a little frustrated he looked and looked out at the lake but all he saw was water and waves oh this is boring daddy grandpa I found the boy well done now you need to look for the little island with a rock and Tree on it I like first mate Daddy [Music] look it's the island I found I found it there she blows a just course first mate aye aye Captain Caillou was beginning to enjoy his job as Lookout now all he had to find was the Cove with the dog see anything yet can you not yet Captain that's strange we should have found it by now I'll take a look no grandpa I'm the lookout and the lookout uses the binoculars he does have a point okay Caillou spotting Caillou first mate prepare to come ashore in Treasure Cove aye aye captain [Music] well done look out Caillou without your help we might have missed Treasure Cove thanks is there really a treasure here there sure is our picnic lunch it was prepared by first mate daddy so it's sure to be yummy what's this sorry ship's logbook see here I am what I was look out and that's your daddy when he was Lookout and now your picture will go on the logbook too Caillou you mean look out Caillou Caillou was now proud to be Lookout he had learned that every job is important [Music] it was very early in the morning and both Caillou and Gilbert were happily dreaming until [Music] you wasn't finished dreaming yet hey what is it Rosie look wow Rosie you grew right through your pajamas I bet I grew too come on Rosie let's tell Mommy and Daddy [Music] Rosie be quiet Rosie found it funny to watch Mommy and Daddy sleeping but Caillou wasn't sure if they should wake them up [Music] Gilbert good morning my little early birds what was it growed all right Gilbert cut it out shoe I think I grew too can we check and see mommy please all right but let's let Daddy sleep in a little longer okay Gilbert however had no intention of letting daddy sleep in any longer okay Rosie you first stand still [Music] wow Rosie you have grown you just had a growth spurt that means you grew very quickly my turn Mommy Caillou hoped he had grown just as much as Rosie the pencil line is at the same place I didn't grow at all Caillou was very disappointed he hadn't grown even a little bit and he began to worry that Rosie would grow taller than he was don't worry sweetie you'll have a growth spurt soon you'll see daddy how can I have a growth spurt like Rosie I want to grow bigger a growth Spartan well it helps if you get plenty of sleep and exercise and you do your best to eat well I got lots of exercise at the park yesterday but I didn't grow like Rosie did how do people eat well they eat healthy foods like lots of fruits and vegetables oh and we can't forget about milk for healthy bones you really wanted to grow bigger so he thought he'd take Daddy's advice [Music] okay I think that's enough for now anymore and you'll be swimming in milk [Music] what are you doing Caillou I'm exercising if I stretch my arms and legs I'll grow bigger well why don't you stretch yourself into the hallway and put on your shoes we're going to the grocery store [Music] well hello there haven't seen you in a while [Music] why yes you have you're getting to be such a big girl Caillou was waiting for Ted to tell him that he'd grown too hi Caillou it's nice to see you again are you enjoying preschool [Music] I was disappointed didn't say that he was a big boy well have fun shopping [Music] oh my you really are getting to be a big girl can I push the cart mommy oh I don't know I think the card is still a bit big for you Caillou please okay but be careful he was determined to show everyone that he was a big boy [Music] oranges [Music] oh no [Music] I'm sorry Ted it's okay Caillou it's not your fault these displays aren't made for little guys like you thank you no Rosie I'm putting it away oh is he too no I think you're a tired girl time for your nap Rosie now Rosie got bigger this made Caillou think about what Daddy had said earlier he needed plenty of sleep to grow bigger [Music] thank you [Music] it's too bright no fair Gilbert you can sleep anytime that was Andre at the door Caillou had forgotten he and his friend had made plans to go to the park Andre how did you get to be so big I don't know my mom says it's cause I eat lots of peanut butter I don't always like being big really sure sometimes I'm too big to do the stuff I want to do and my pants are always too short and the bouncy elephant oh me first hey I don't fit on here anymore you can ride it [Music] you fit just fine on the bouncy elephant I'm going on the monkey bars but he was more interested in playing with Andre wait for me I'm getting too big for these I'm not but do you want to go on the slide instead yeah are you two having fun yeah but Andre's too big for a lot of stuff maybe I like being small is it okay if I don't grow big for a little while longer I'm afraid I don't have any control over that but I like you just the way you are okay thanks Daddy wait for me Andre Caillou decided being little was okay he had lots of time to grow bigger today was a busy day at Caillou's house [Music] mommy and daddy were throwing a surprise party for Grandpa [Music] one birthday cake done and only about a million other things left to do well don't worry about the decorations that's my job whoops and my job is to lick the icing off the beaters right yes and your other job is to go for a hike with Grandpa to keep him busy right but what's Rosie's job her job is to help wrap Grandpa's birthday present but I think she got a bit sidetracked listen I forgot to draw a birthday picture for Grandpa you'd better hurry they'll be here any minute oh I'll cover the cake hide the bows [Music] hi everyone oh you two are getting so big yes pretty soon you'll have to give me the piggyback rides so tiger are you looking forward to our hike today ah yes I'm sure you'll have a great time and when you get back we'll all have a nice quiet dinner together [Music] so Caillou I was thinking we could ride our bikes out to Blueberry point and then hike to the top how's that sound blueberry Point Caillou had a wonderful idea he could pick blueberries for his Grandpa's birthday present well Caillou what do you say grab your bike and let's get rolling to Blueberry point [Music] thank you [Music] I haven't been here in years blueberries well they're not out here by the road but we might see some along the trail let's go which ones are blueberry trees none of them blueberries grow on bushes listen a cardinal see it anywhere he's a bright red bird no well maybe I can call them closer who it who it who it why don't you call him two wait who it who it it worked well grandpa I didn't know you could speak bird now this is where you might find blueberries sunny and hilly Grandpa look [Music] a whitetail deer She's a Beauty why are they called that her tail isn't white well they show their white tails when they're startled [Music] um like that I think we interrupted her lunch he's our blueberry bushes berries [Music] foreign there's hardly any left she was hungry come on Caillou the best view in town is straight ahead Caillou snuck the blueberries into his bag he hoped they would find lots more [Music] but he was disappointed when they reached the top of the hill and there wasn't a blueberry in sight Grandpa do you do you berries or raspberry raspberry berries no but check out that view [Music] I don't think they'll hear you Caillou but they might see us wave [Music] ah what a perfect day did you know today is my birthday oh yes what's wrong tiger I wanted to pick lots and lots of blueberries for you as a birthday present but I hardly found any Caillou you've already given me a terrific gift I got to spend all afternoon with my grandson what more could I ask for [Music] that's funny why are the lights off ha surprise what happened to having a quiet family dinner I thought this might be more fun you thought right [Music] thanks for keeping Grandpa busy did you have fun yes but I didn't find many blueberries that looks like just enough to me just enough for what oh it's lemon cake with blueberries on top my favorite come here Caillou you too Rosie help me blow out the candles one two three [Music] that day Caillou learned the time spent with a loved one is the best gift of all [Music] look at him go what is he doing he's going for a run even hamsters need a little exercise now who would like to feed Hamish okay Caillou you can feed Hamish today [Music] not too much now Caillou was very careful not to over feed Hamish [Music] I think he needs more water you're right I'm impressed Caillou you're very good at taking care of our class pet it's Miss Martin how would you like to look after Hamish for the weekend really sure how come I don't get to look after Hamish I like hamsters me W I'm taking care of pets now children I've spoken to all of your parents and everyone will get a turn to have Hamish for a weekend really [Applause] but this weekend it will be Caillou's turn and Caillou could hardly wait [Music] we'll leave Hamish here for the moment till we find a good spot he ating in my room I'm not sure that's a good idea Caillou hamsters are up through the night he might keep you awake I don't mind this is Hamish he's our class it mostly cute no Rosie he's a hamster not a mouse Rosie feed Mouse no she's already been fed and he's a mouse not a hamster I mean a hamster not a mouse now see like Teeth uh no melty doesn't like cheese I think there's someone else who would like to meet Hamish Hamish had already met Mommy and Daddy and Rosie Caillou couldn't think of anyone else oh [Music] there's no Legos I'm sure he just needs to get used to Hamish if we keep a close eye on Gilbert and pay him lots of attention I'm sure everything will be just fine but Caillou found it hard to pay attention to Gilbert with a cute little hamster in the house bear how's that Hamish now you've got a good view of my toys and you've got your wheel and your food and your water bottle [Music] there was too much fussing going on to pay attention to a playful Gilbert [Music] Hamish is getting yummy mmm looks good thank you oh I forgot to feed Hamish may I be excused as long as you come right back okay we race through the kitchen he didn't realize he'd knocked over Gilbert's food dish that evening Gilbert had forgotten all about his runaway food [Music] a mouse toy I bet Hamish will like playing with this [Music] I see you're all ready for bed don't forget you promised to fill Gilbert's water dish okay mommy I'll do it now foreign [Music] [Music] Caillou forgot all about Gilbert's water dish [Music] the next morning Caillou was a little concerned can't find Gilbert Mommy somewhere although come to come to think of it I haven't seen him either [Music] uh oh I forgot to fill Gilbert's water dish poor Gilbert I think you're taking good care of your class pet Caillou but maybe you need to spend a little more time looking after your own pet you knew mommy was right [Music] yeah I need to go find Gilbert foreign [Music] Caillou finally found Gilbert in his room right in front of hamish's cage [Music] sorry Gilbert I thought you were after Hamish but you're thirsty come on let's go get some water here you go Gilbert a tree I'm sorry Gilbert I was so busy looking after Hamish I didn't take care of you Gilbert seemed to forgive Caillou does this mean we're friends again [Music] and they were all friends when Caillou realized he could share his time [Music] Caillou and his family were finishing a very special breakfast Daddy's surprise birthday breakfast um did you like it I sure did thank you for making such a delicious breakfast all of you [Music] happy birthday thank you Rosie oh I better get moving I promised Grandpa to help him with his yard work boy look at all those weeds I guess I have some work to do in our own yard it'll have to wait tell Grandma and Grandpa we say hello we'll have to have them over for dinner later this week yeah will do [Music] Caillou looked out into the garden it did have lots of weeds that gave Caillou an idea can we give Daddy another birthday surprise what kind of surprise maybe we can get rid of the weeds for Daddy before he comes back that's a nice idea Caillou then he can relax for the rest of the weekend Rosie help Rosie help we'll all help right after we put on some sunscreen we [Music] we Mommy why do people pick weeds well they tend to take over the garden and they take food and water away from the other plants can't the other plants grow if there are weeds they can but they won't grow as well if we pick the weeds the other plants get more food and water so they'll grow better oh okay I'm gonna get those weeds not so fast I need to show you which are the weeds and which ones are my flowers I don't want you pulling up my petunias mommy showed Caillou and Rosie which plants were the weeds and which ones were the flowers Caillou was very interested so my little Junior gardeners are we all set to do some weeding aha oh there's just one more thing I've noticed some Ragweed at the back of the garden Ragweed it's a kind of plant that makes Rosie sneeze so you two will have to pull out the weeds here while I pull out the weeds back there okay okay I'll keep an eye on Rosie she can be my helper Caillou was enjoying weeding the garden he was sure they'd finish the job that is until Rosie got an idea of her own Rosie [Music] you can pick them they're flowers not weeds rosie no pick no you need to pick these ones just the weeds no Rosie not the flowers we need to pick the yucky Wings leave the flowers alone Caillou could see things would move a lot faster without his helper Rosie this is all weeds you can pick anything you want here look watch me see Rosie we can pick all the weeds from this part of the garden and Rosie Rosie Rosie was heading towards mommy and the Ragweed that made her sneeze no rosie come back [Music] play in the sandbox yeah that'll be fun [Applause] there now you can dig in the sandbox while I pull out the weeds okay okay [Music] Rosie [Music] to dig up the flowers Rosie I know do you want to play with some of your toys and dollies outside okay you stay right here I'll be right back with your toys I'm going inside to get some toys for Rosie okay remember rosie no picking flowers Caillou wanted to keep Rosie really busy Outdoors so he decided he'd have to bring out a lot of toys [Music] oh I did it Rosie oh no no no no we're supposed to pick the weeds not the flowers daddy birthday birthday you mean you want to give flowers to daddy for his birthday birthday that's nice Rosie but I want to give daddy a garden with no weeds not a garden with no flowers Rosie didn't understand and Caillou was worried he would never finish pulling all the wings out of the garden there's so much to do Rosie the flower beds and the lawn it's still full of dandelions pretty what's pretty the dandelions they're weeds pretty flowers I know Rosie why don't you pick some of these yellow flowers for Daddy That'll be nice okay okay wow would you look at that we all work together do you like it I sure do two birthday surprises in one day thanks you should know it was Caillou's idea and he did a lot of the work himself really wow pulling weeds from the garden is a big job thank you Caillou you're welcome oh and there's one more birthday surprise right Rosie yes happy birthday Caillou wondered if Daddy would like Rosie's weedy gift oh they're beautiful Rosie thank you it had been a clever idea letting Rosie pick the dandelions and it had worked out beautifully
Channel: Caillou Compilations - WildBrain
Views: 272,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #caillouholidayfun, caillou, caillou live, caillou picnic, caillou suprise egg, caillou suprise toys, caillou surprise eggs, caillou toy, caillou toy house, caillou toy videos, caillou toys, caillou toys and surprise eggs, caillou toys caillou, caillou toys commercial, caillou toys on the go, caillou toys r us, caillou toys video, caillou toys youtube, cailloutoys, eggs, surprise, surprise eggs, toys
Id: Om0QNeh61N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 0sec (6300 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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