Email Automation - How to embed Excel table in email using Microsoft Power Automate for desktop

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hi guys welcome to ms power automate in today's video we will learn how to send email with data table over here i have a set of excel file here i would like to read the range of values and then this will be stored as a data table variable however power automate not able to send an email with a data table variable an alternative solution is to convert our data table to a html table alright so how to do that firstly let's start with terminate process to ensure our excel file is always closed next we'll make use of launch excel and then we will get the first free row afterwards we will read the data okay and don't forget to enable this option next we can close our excel as we are not going to use it anymore okay so next once done here we need to declare a variable as our table body so we are going to populate this table body and create our own html tag all right so to do that let's create a variable here table body and then as a start we will always begin with html body table border equals to one it's up to you to set this table border but for styling purpose i will set this and then tr it stands for table row all right so once this is done the next step what i will do is i need to determine how many columns are there and then i add so i will use for each values in my excel data under columns all right and i will rename this as current column okay for each of my columns here what i will need to do is i will append line to text the original text i will select my table body and the variable produced i will make i will make use of the same variable okay and the line to open here what i need to do is i will indicate th stands for table header followed by my variable of current column and a closed tag of th okay and now once this is done what we need to do next is to append another line here and we'll need to add a closed tr all right now the first step is done for generating our columns so next we are going to add the data so to add the data for each item in my excel data then what i will need to do is i append another line here and this will be my another table row so it will be open tag table row and then i will use another for each current column in excel data why do i need to use this because in order for me to access a data table remember that we need to make use of excel data apologies current item followed by a square bracket of our column name and then we can get the value right so what we will need to do is for each current item in excel data and i will make use another for each item in my columns so from here i'll add my td stands for table data and then i will use current item followed by open square bracket and my column current column and then close td okay so once done here what we'll need to do is we will need to append another line to close the tr so from here we will basically you copy go to launch off and select the steps below that you want to put above then you paste it will automatically populate here all right so from here you will add a closed stack here and then this is done [Music] all right so let's check so if i open here let me expand this and you can see all my table item and table rule okay over here i missed out something i open html and body i need to close as well so where do i put this i need to use another append line and i will put it right at the last step here and this timer i will put close text html sorry it should be table and then body and then html okay then we click save now let's try to run this flow okay so let's take a look at our table body here we copy this we need to for verification what i'm gonna do is i will create my own table text here and then once done right what i will do is i will change the extension to html and then if i open this i able to see my table populated accordingly all right so if this is completed then we can make use of our next step to launch our outlook and then we can you send email i'm going to indicate my account and i will send it to myself subject is process completed and the body here what i wanted to do is i will add hi followed by br stands for break which is a new line and then i will put another brick the robot has completed the process please see the table below and i will add another break here afterwards i will add my table body i will add another brick and then i will put regards break power automate bot okay not to forget you need to enable this option and then you click save you see if i open my outlook here if i go to my unread portion here are able to see the table populated accordingly we have completed the steps on how to send email with data table so if you're keen to learn more do remember to subscribe our channel you
Channel: MS Power Automate
Views: 10,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft power automate desktop, microsoft power automate, power automate desktop, power automate, power automate desktop tutorial, power automate tutorial, power automate desktop for beginners
Id: dgE5_qo-SNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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