Elvis Presley Not Acting Right (Actual Video)

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so I like it more credible are you scum have what what made you decide to come to Texas oh well you know detain the food I started out here in Texas I I think the the the first shows that our work was down here we had around Houston remember well I worked and work Houston or to Corpus Christi I have a little townie a Longview man yeah you name it I've been there really I've been all over Texan what do you think I like it well the they asked me to do it and I was anxious to do some live appearances you know I haven't it been a long time since I've been on stage in front of me but it alive and I was anxious to do some live appearances and I very big the opportunity to get in front of the people never have excuse that it's a big place man you know change now well I think the overall thing is improved overall sounds improved I mean I think it's a corner the songs I just do whatever I feel onstage as always did that hope to well I'd like to make better films and well better than the ones I've made before take his fresh air man I'm used to the back the garbage can at the International Hotel man I can you smell some grubs I don't feel at home now I'll tell you know there's nothing as far as I know visit Colonel anything in there working on 8-millimeter Walt Disney special we're doing next year thing I don't know there's nothing as far as I know well it'll be the time stuff that I do it's a mixture of things you know it's it's a little rock and country-western yeah it's the same type of thing a lot of different type of songs so I just hope I put on a good show man I can't get him out a Nashville man they they got stuck in Nashville and you know they make so much money and they do they do so well in Nashville you can't get him out of there I think it's fantastic you see country music was always a part of the influence of my on my type of music anywhere it's a combination of country music and gospel and rhythm and blues all combines what it really was as a child I was influenced by all that I would hate to say strictly country because of the fact that I liked all different types of music when I was a child you know of course the Grand Ole Opry was the first thing I ever heard probably but I liked blues and I liked the gospel music gospel quartets and all they sound funny much they got a lot of echo on them man I'll tell you but that's what I mean I think the overall sound has improved today you know oh yeah well I think the most important thing is the the the inspiration when I get from a live audience I was missing that I didn't it was always tough but I enjoyed it I did something I enjoyed like I know I'm gonna enjoy it here because it's just it's live audience and it makes a world of difference he's trying somewhere ask him how long day what are you up to it's just fresh air man a lot of evidence of sartorial splendor does this indicate that the the entire is not one that we're familiar thing it's uh it was taken from a karate suit just a regular karate type outfit are they coming to get me idiot with your time dressing everything now that you're changing a little bit of style perhaps and deference to what you did a few years ago I don't I don't know I I think that you should have to see the show you know it's difficult to tell I don't feeling me different you know I don't think the dress hasn't much to do with it I got the idea from a karate so because I studied karate for a long time no I had to make up a couple suits like a karate yeah if you can relax doing this I don't know no III read a lot and there go horse by ride and stuff like that Memphis about half the time yeah half the time in LA I'd like to you know all kinds of records I hope I was in Vancouver Canada well I think slow if it's the right type of song it's the right type of maturity yes a hell I did in the ghetto and no I would like to do all that type stuff you know in other words I would like for everything to be a message because I think that there's still entertainment to me you know
Channel: Erich Davison
Views: 3,356,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elvis presley jungle room sick bathroom graceland august 16 1977, lisa marie rare alive elvis aaron aron vernon god jesus tribute, donald trump make america great again, melania ivanka trump nude 2016
Id: kkkrcu4GVlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2015
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