Is THIS the closest voice EVER to Elvis Presley's? Or... is it ACTUALLY Elvis?!

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hi there guys welcome back to another reaction video today we're checking out a song by um Pastor Bob Joyce I've heard that this man sounds a lot like um Elvis Presley so today's video I'll be checking out the comparison between the both of them to the song American triology without further Ado guys let's check what this guy has to offer and I always will hang loose I'll be with you in a minute hang loose we're gonna get through this by the grace of God and I believe we're going to be stronger than we was before [Music] [Music] oh God [Music] [Laughter] wouldn't be a sad thing if everybody walked in like I did I mean you know good God I say where am I at it turned into the funeral I don't understand what's going on [Applause] did somebody die did somebody die [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you second fellas [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my God [Music] amen this is your time this is your hour to cut loose and be yourself and rejoice in the Lord [Music] of minutes I don't relate to do something are you sure this man doesn't have any relation with Elvis Presley because if I wasn't watching this I would say that was either way it's all Elvis like the whole thing is the whole thing was from Elvis wow that could be brothers this this is mind-blowing remember would I have thought that there would be anybody who sound so much like I like almost identical maybe a little bit of a little there's a difference between them it's gonna be very very very little difference between the both of them singing see I love that everything I mean that could be Elvis it's amazing guys I I really don't even I I'm so strong right now I've never seen so much I've never seen so much similarity between two people that are not twins obviously laughter and everything it's it's all guys this is this is this is amazing wow wow oh baby the Elvis fix is dead and I don't know ended up becoming a pasta who knows maybe changed his face and everything for his voice and love that remain the same foreign guys thank you so much for sharing this with me thank you for watching the videos man I really hope you enjoyed it so if you did guys did not hesitate to give me a big thumbs up consider hitting the Subscribe Button as well and I'll see you guys in my next video today stay safe be kind and bye [Music]
Channel: Sarah Dengler
Views: 687,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: s THIS the closest voice EVER to Elvis Presley's? Or... is it ACTUALLY Elvis?!, elvis presley, elvis voice, elvis rocks, elvis presley cant help falling in love, elvis presley movies, elvis presley hound dog, elvis presley reaction, elvis presley suspicious minds, elvis presley songs, elvis presley jailhouse rock, elvis presley unchained melody, elvis presley movies full length movies, elvis presley live, elvis presley burning love, elvis presley in the ghetto, elvis rockstar
Id: GnA4Lwjt_a0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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