Elvis’ granddaughter Riley Keough Unveils an Inside Graceland First for Fans

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we mentioned that you come from music royalty your family and your grandfather was Elvis Presley yes that's incredible Riley Kio is not only carrying on the iconic Legacy of the king but is also breaking new ground at Grayland with a commitment to making the historic estate more accessible and inclusive she's unveiling a range of exciting initiatives but as fans eagerly Embrace these changes one question naturally arises how will Riley kio's Vision transform the gron experience for Elvis enthusiasts and newcomers alike watch this video as we delve into the details Riley Kio Elvis Presley's eldest granddaughter has shared an exciting Christmas surprise for fans an exclusive experience inside Graceland after the passing of Lisa Marie Presley of this only child earlier this year ownership of the king's graand estate was transferred to R Val k k has said that she is committed to preserving graceland's Legacy as a museum and pilgrimage site for eldis fans around the world she has also expressed her desire to make the estate more accessible to the local Memphis Community one of the first changes that Kio has made to Graceland is to open up the property for more public events in the past Graceland was primarily a tourist attraction but K has hosted concerts film festivals and other cultural events on the grounds she has also made grund available for private rentals such as weddings and corporate events Keo has also made some changes to the Graceland Museum itself she has added new exhibits that focus on Elvis's personal life and his impact on popular culture she has also made the museum more interactive and engaging for visitors it's amazing what they've done I think this one when I when we walked in we just went w this is really well done H stewardship of Graceland has been praised by Elvis fans and critics alike many people believe that she is the perfect person to carry on the legacy of her grandfather's estate Riley Kio is taking commendable strides in making Graceland more accessible and inclusive she has formed a partnership with the Memphis music Foundation allowing for free admission to grund on select dates throughout the year furthermore Kio has spearheaded a new educational program specifically tailored for Memphis school children enlightening them about Elvis's life and his iconic music committed to inclusivity she has also ensured that the Gand museum is friendly to All by incorporating ramps elevators and other features to cater to people with disabilities in addition K is using graund as a platform to embrace and celebrate the rich diversity of Memphis and its Culture by hosting a Myriad of events at the estate K's vision for Graceland is to make it a place where everyone can come to learn about and appreciate Elvis Presley's Legacy she wants grin to be a place where people can come to be entertained inspired and educated K's Endeavors aren't just about restoring grin's physical structure and attraction she is infusing a renewed Spirit into the iconic estate emphasizing community outreach and education recent collaboration ations with local Memphis artists have birthed a series of workshops and interactive sessions for the Youth focusing on music art and history these initiatives aim to integrate the rich Heritage of Memphis into Graceland allowing a seamless blend of the past and the present through these efforts Riley Kio is ensuring that Graceland is not just a museum but a vibrant cultural Hub now the 34-year-old has revealed an unprecedented opportunity for fans to savor this holiday season NBC is set to broadcast a brand new hourong TV special titled Christmas at Graceland which will be filmed live at Elvis Presley's iconic Memphis Mansion this event which will showcase some yet to be announced prominent celebrities paying tribute to the king's music is scheduled for Wednesday November 29th at 10 p.m. eastern time /pf time it will also be simultaneous ly broadcast on peacock Riley who serves as the executive producer of this project shared a heartfelt message with fans today Elvis granddaughter expressed my family and I are elated to open the doors to Graceland in this first of its kind special she continued with intimate musical performances drawing inspiration from my grandfather Elvis's cherished Christmases in Memphis viewers will be invited to experience firsthand the magic that is Christmas at Grace it's well known that the king Elvis Presley kept his Christmas decorations up until his birthday on January 8th there are a few reasons why Elvis may have kept his Christmas decorations up for so long first he simply loved the festive atmosphere that Christmas created he enjoyed the lights the music and the overall sense of joy and Goodwill second Elvis was a very religious man and Christmas was a special time for him to celebrate his faith he kept his nativity scene up year round and he often spoke about the importance of the Christmas message finally Elvis may have kept his Christmas decorations up until his birthday because it reminded him of his childhood he grew up in a poor family but Christmas was always a time when his parents made an extra effort to make him happy he would often reminisce about the Christmases of his Youth and he wanted to keep that feeling alive all year year long delving deeper into why Elvis might have kept his Christmas decorations up until his birthday reveals a few possibilities he might have viewed the prolonged display as an opportunity to extend the joy and happiness of the Christmas season Additionally the decorations could have added a warm and inviting Ambience to Graceland Elvis was ever conscious of his fans and he might have wanted to maintain the Christmas spirit for the many who visited grin during the holidays lastly his penchant for Aesthetics could mean he simply relished the visual appeal and feeling that the decorations brought to his home ultimately the reason why Elvis kept his Christmas decorations up until his birthday is a personal one but whatever the reason it is a tradition that has become a part of his legacy this cherished tradition deeply intertwined with his legacy resonates with many who value his influence and Heritage NBC's Jen Neil expressed gratitude for the opportunity to celebrate the holidays at graceand and be a part of Elvis Presley's Legacy considering it both an honor and a dream come true she extended her thanks to Riley and her family for granting them access to Elvis's iconic home enabling them to share an intimate musical experience that aligns with what Elvis himself would have cherished Jen Neil said to celebrate the holidays at Graceland and be a part of the king's Legacy is both an honor and absolute dream come true we thank Riley and her family for allowing all of us to visit her grandfather's iconic home and share an intimate musical experience that Elvis would have truly loved she added this could potentially Mark a groundbreaking moment for Graceland with rally overseeing the estate it's intriguing to consider the possibility that she might eventually include the upstairs area in the tour although that remains uncertain fans can can only hold on to hope for such a development Riley K's transformative efforts at Graceland are setting a new standard for preserving the legacy of Elvis Presley her dedication to accessibility education and celebration of Memphis vibrant culture is not only honoring the past but also ensuring that the future Generations can immerse themselves in the magic of the king's world as fans and visitors continue to enjoy these exciting changes Grayson's Legacy Stands Strong and inviting thanks to Riley kio's unwavering commitment what aspect of Riley kio's initiatives at grund are you most excited about and how do you think they will enhance your future visits to this iconic estate leave a comment below and let us know your thoughts and if you found this video interesting and want to stay updated on similar topics 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Channel: Celebrity Lifestyle & Moments
Views: 1,403,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elvis presley, elvis, CL&M, lisa marie presley, priscilla, riley keough
Id: 8I5sUUcd8mE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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