Priscilla Presley Shares Memories Of Elvis At Graceland With TODAY | TODAY

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so we are here in one of the most famous addresses in the world Graceland what was this place - office what did it mean to him this was home Homam I mean to the highest limits of how the highest I could I say you know as far as what people consider home this was our home there was a lot went on here this is where he would come home - this is where you know after movies as we all know or after tours he would always come here he couldn't wait to get back to Graceland because behind the gates this is where he felt comfortable behind the gates he could just be who he was he didn't have to you know worry about what do you wore what do you look like our fans stopping him and he could enjoy life nothing he not that he didn't enjoy all of that but sometimes you do have to you know that it has to be a place people go to spas people go traveling you know to get away from the from life and and although you know demands that are honest and he had home here he had Graceland this is where he went behind those gates once he was there he was you see him riding horses you'd see him on the go cards on the golf cart so he was like a little kid here just free and and relaxed and fun what about for you what are some of your happiest memories here I think the same thing you know when we came behind those gates this is our home and this is we could do whatever we want anyway I played just as hard as he did we'd go out to our stables and and early in the morning after the movies and just talk and I get it's probably one of my favorite times because that's when he would just talk about you know his concerns he was so cute because he put names on all the staples of the horses that need to belong there of the guys who are with us they'd have his dad name he goes no dad shouldn't be over there cuz his cows doesn't go with my and have to move him over here and he he'd get the paint erase the name and then go over it I mean he was he was really detailed in that way but I don't know those are all great memories and laughing at the dining room table having it you know we didn't have just a couple of people we had about eight or nine guys and and the jokes that were told laughter I still hear it sometimes it's it's um riveting so when you walk into these gates you can still feel that it's like I never left it's like I never left I'm here right now and it's like I can visualize him walking down these stairs there's so many things that that I look at and I go wow and it takes me right to those moments and and it's sad many times because obviously that that you know time was so special I think maybe you look back and you go wow it really was especially now with all you know think with this anniversary and all that's going on it's it's like I said it's just remarkable so you said you can still imagine I can yeah I can even with a music room in the back they'd go that you know in the mornings after the movie the same thing and he'd come downstairs and he'd start playing gospel music at the piano by himself and being in his world and I'd be sitting on the couch and and watching him singing his favorite songs and then we'd go stairs and you know go to bed maybe five o'clock in the morning so do you still feel him and this oh absolutely I do feel his spirit is here yes here more than in your yes absolutely mmm absolutely I mean you do feel it it's very surreal but it's very it's you you just there's a energy here and people are people who have been here have said that when we talk about 40 years ago talk about that day talk about the day for you because he was more than just Elvis to you yes of course talk about what that day was like I mean you know it was first of all it was shocking it was it was like everyone else not believing it that the phone call I got from Joe Esposito you know we would I don't know it was it was like you know are you kidding me don't because we'd kid around all the time you know and he was in the hospital a lots of times when he always made it through he always came out sometimes he would go to the hospital just to get away from everybody put all the blackout drapes in and just you know stay there for a few days just to D stimulate and so we were all used to that and I think that you know I think that it was just I don't even remember sometimes thinking when the streets were so lined up with people yes that was lined up all the way to the all the way to the cemetery and I just remember looking and seeing people grieving and being in my own world still shocked his we had his casket here in the back and between the living room the dining room and they said and I would go in a night like two o'clock in the morning and I had a bracelet that I gave her that she put on him and there's two hands brace embracing each other and we put it on his wrist and just you know look at him and still not believing that that it's like a it's just too surreal even going back to that time was it was devastating it was devastating he was so alive with so much energy and to think that it happened so soon 42 so young and he had so much you know left in him to to you know that he wanted to do and then yet there was a side of him that was wondering what to do you know how do you keep up with your fame how do you you know what you do then you've got to out do what you did the last time the last show the last project you have to outdo it there's a lot of pressure that comes with fame trying to keep on top you know this was always trying to entertain his all the audience and make them laugh and he'd play jokes or have jokes that he would play around with his band or with the inspirations and I think of those times and then I think you know there was still a lot in him and he could have done hello today fans thanks for checking out our YouTube channel subscribe by clicking that button down there and click on any of the videos over here to watch the latest interviews show highlights and digital exclusives
Channel: TODAY
Views: 262,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lifestyle, Big News, Pop Culture, Music, The Today Show (tv program), Today, NBC, Today on NBC, Rockefeller Center, Morning Show, Today Show Guest, Priscilla Presley, Priscilla, Presley, Memories Of Elvis, Memories, Elvis, Graceland With TODAY, Graceland, former wife of one of the most beloved entertainers, former wife, beloved entertainers, entertainers, history speaks, Jenna Bush Hager, living with Elvis Presley, Elvis Presley at Graceland, receiving the news of his death, death
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 41sec (401 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2017
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