Elton John funny interview moments compilation

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] third isn't it one it takes a very strong imaginative effort to actually put this off into a crashes scene and enjoy it no not at all I mean it I would adapt of altering the occasion no no you have an immense reputation public somewhat and private indeed as being a generous person not only are you generous to other people or seemingly so though I haven't had a present from you yet that's still going but we gave you a kiss backstage for the champagne what more do you want I don't want the world to know about the depart from that I like very much and let me have a drop handlebar bicycles [Music] there's a child over here I mean everybody used as a car when they're 16 now I know at a pair at Lascaux so I was 23 you know I mean and you know you have to struggle and you didn't have hushpuppies either didn't know I couldn't have had four hush puppies and believe it no more no no hair sweat ins no no none of those awful pink and Mo Vaughn remedies from carnal history yeah I was forbidden to go down Carnaby Street imagine he's so daft liquidy although the old soldiers uniforms they're wearing bloody moth-eaten rubbish but didn't that tempt you to want to go up did you sneak down mm-hmm no never well I could never get into the clothes anyway so we depress me what are you when the entire it seemed the entire youth younger generation got into pot and getting a little goofy in the hell you're saying that any good reason they brought my records because they were stoned no not at all I've been to Six Flags in Kansas City and I've been to six no I shouldn't say this [Laughter] [Applause] what's there an elevator yes I must tell you a story incredible stories digression totally any English in England a isn't is a is a sausage and it's a North Country sausage seven million more brothers people are running for the edges this is true a is a north country Scottish and in any none and there's this permalink of birds I were frozen for food company and like we arrived at London Airport always poor old American tourists they get off the plane at 6:30 morning and they walk down the corridor on the first thing they see is have breakfast with a but I use each other away but you and Barbara I've sucked up big-time man you came through Barbara Oh baby yeah yeah do you know where I met oh yeah yeah yeah what you're nervous we were thinking about having you know like you know Michael Jackson's just having this you know child and getting married yeah putting on you know fatherhood sometimes you know it could have appealed to me I mean Barbara and I you know we're thinking about it yeah with my luck we were given birth to a 10-pound gay nose so I mean [Applause] and they're married mr. Michael in Austria I got married in Australia to all loonies get married no sorry why am in when you're going down there how often do you use your yours or John's yacht well isn't it quite a bit because he liked hearing he likes through driving it around and things I don't understand that I'm a bit friendly to see and after seeing jaws I simply never goes right in their Beach again I never have the time quite honestly I'd rather play tennis and go out on the boat I mean after five minnesota's I say well what else does it do so it floats ducks float I'm a bit like that on holiday you know on down the beach after ten minutes and I say well well well what's gonna happen next very restless that's why there are people aside to be polite here I was not sure whether I should be calling you sir Elton yes can you curtsy for me I can try thank you thank dad on your knees down with and Sherry's going to start the proceedings off how are you Oh bad we go back a long way you were teeny I was teeny yeah well inappropriate name for him if you could describe yourself in 20 words or less what would you say darling shy generous temperamental fabulous just an old tart basically where I was wondering actually I know you've got classical training I know you've trained at the Royal Academy so how come you got bumped over into rock and roll well you see I knew an early aids at these hands which are extremely small would not be suitable for classical music because you know most classical pianist have beautifully long fingers and most pianist have very long fingers I just about get an octave so I knew at an early age that I wasn't good enough for classical music I love playing classical music but I actually prefer to play rock and roll and so that's why I decided it was the hand I'm not small in every department possible don't believe what you read my reputation is gone within two questions oh yeah he's you gotta remember he's royalty so his backstage is posh I would say posh be posh and he's got all these nice things laid out and made me decorate the room and he's got it thousands of glasses and I'm gay and he's straight right the car is on reduced to this stainless steel no it's a bronze back wall bundling and German artist interested in food of course I mean that's why I said no I always see I've got this for horrible ability to eat the wrong things and I was put on so much great like I already eat a slice and mothers pride and I'm instantly the size of the Crystal Palace so I had a little peek at your rider your list of demands for your dressing oh really which is fascinating have to say apparently because it's winter the temperature in your dressing room had to be 68 degrees Fahrenheit precisely I have no idea what my rider is it's a little bit chilly well it gets better for large green plants well lads we know you have to have green plants three six foot long banquet tables covered in white linen tablecloths well they're not in my dressing room were you having a banquet in there today I don't have any memory most amusingly I thought was you requested one large flower arrangement nothing wrong with that but you stipulate no cause antonyms no lilies no carnations and definitely no daisies and what are you gonna get that lot well grows antonyms pretty horrible carnations don't look good in the vars lilies don't smell very nice and daisies I have nothing against whatsoever to tell you that when you play one of your the songs I request that I probably will cry so I'm just preparing warning the audience because every time I see you on concert I cry because this way to get bad seats the only thing I advise is a really simple collecting thing I think that's the visor size just what do they call people that collect things collectors collectors good spotting do you there's always I think they're fun feuds like sometimes it's Madonna sometimes Rod Stewart and you have actual it's not it's not cute at all it's been rhod and I kind of happened at the same time in America he happened a little before me and we've always been great friends I'm and it's been kind of a rivalry that still goes on we are so we're such good friends and some of the times we've been so horrible together but it's been really like for once in England he was playing a huge venue elf court which holds about 18,000 people and he had a big kind of one of those balloons about it you know like a little kind of what do they call this but airship things that they Rod Stewart here for three nights sold out so I had it shot down you come back from from a nice to be in the charts with someone fatter than me it's wonderful when you're making a record I have shown this man nothing but kindness to him he comes on Billy you may not follow cricket but you have one thing in common with cricket that elvenar I have never really experienced balls twice we hear about it every night she brings us up it up I know when you change your hair cells all the time it's like a lot of thought going into it or he's just kind of like don't feel like that anymore well knows basically the the Hair Weave runs out and you have to get another one remember the conversation about the pianos we're gonna play smaller venues yes so I said well why don't we use smaller pianos he goes fine you use a smaller piano remember yeah but I play a piano I play piano yeah I know but mine's 9 foot I can't play less than a 9 foot we got a pod so you can do like the bigger equipment honey it's kind of bro I mean Oprah yeah Oprah you have to have had a tantrum I think she must have had at least one don't you think I mean she's been fat so she must've heard bad but I mean it's a when you can get into a piece of globe you got and don't maybe something here right now a billy a long time ago because at another stadium tonight here in melbourne there's a final called the answer cup file which is the football thing right now we made Elton an omni member of some cool dough which Michael get in school says follows I'll so they were we're making you a nun remember right and killed you but we have to take the step further with Elton now right so just come over here badly variety love to see Dusty Springfield because she was my childhood sweetheart seventy million pictures of her from Ravalli stuck on my bedroom wall you know which when the wall went down or went killer yff very heartbreaking where was that you've reported all the time you know you you feel like football has helped to keep your name I like the people at the club I like the supporters I like the people from visiting club it just it they're very grounded when you go in there and do you turn up to a game he was so bloody hell you put on we're having yeah I don't like your new hairdo why don't you buy another one can't really be that Kenya Chinese tomorrow for the Oscars oh no no still have my Oscar party that's an annual thing isn't the off it is an annual thing and then I fly and meet Billy in Fukuoka if you pardon the expression to get a tip from me for the Oscars Best Picture Alton well anything with the tinton it's got a good chance so I'd say Titanic okay Billy Billy Titanic mm-hmm the best soundtrack Titanic yeah Billy yeah this theme song the theme from Titanic yeah Titanic movie with water in it best water with water and Titanic actress that's actress well Helena Bonham Carla yes yeah what about Judi Dench Oh Judi Dench Yeah right yeah Best Supporting Actor Burt Reynolds all Robin Williams Burt Reynolds have you seen Boogie Nights no your film I know I've seen it it didn't look real at the end didn't you think that thing helping your if you put out the invitation list yet for your for your Oscars partying and who of you are coming oh they're all coming Shari Lewis and Lambchop what are you we're at home on stage you're selling guns that's why not well having real family come in real handy you know you can lend them clothes I can do clothes that you're wearing on on stage on crime I bought some pictures to show really well how many changes do you make now um it depends what mood I'm in it sometimes three sometimes - it depends oh this one let me get this one first okay I love that one can you get a squirrel right now that's kind of that's the week I had up a review in The Hollywood Reporter they said I yeah I wore dull garb can you imagine she must have been wearing I know I can't wait to see her wardrobe I love you just a simple Bob Mackie outfit yeah $20,000 a wing well you know I'm oh I'm sure they are between share and I he can buy the Cayman Islands okay and this one a Maitre D' leather ball yeah I got enough experience as I've been a letterbox I went to see Marlene Dietrich for example in London and she left me so spellbound not because she sang great but she was just there and she gave off a great presence from the stage I mean she gave me a dishwasher for example no I'm so that again her no I was so mesmerized by her I came out of the theater and some was it off and I signed it yes best wishes Marlene Dietrich I felt a complete idiot this girl looked at me and said oh you put Marlene Dietrich and I was so embarrassed no ask Billy a question he's standing here like perspire no it's see I am sweaty what are you stand between because between us you might tell me why the public liked you so much that you've actually faced all your demons as they've come along you've not run away from any of them you've confronted them and you've said this is it yeah yeah and that must have taken some doing some guts I mean I'm the business sexuality I mean you know you did it at a time when it wasn't if you I wasn't I remember when it broke a newspaper we were at Rochdale we were in the fourth Division I was in Edinburgh and I was flying down to Manchester I was in Edinburgh or Glasgow and my mother came into the room with the newspaper said this would be interested in this after day I said yeah well so at that time Mike Keene was the manager and we were in the fourth division before Graham Taylor I was chairman of the club and it was I I went down there and I thought oh god this is the last thing I want but you know the easy he took me a scientist and we've seen the papers the players thank you you know the other channel that Club will support you and whatever and and it was fantastic I mean I was so relieved about it because football has been a huge part of my life I mean as a kid i sat on the touchline up for them but my cousin Roy Dwight was a player and so you know what that has given me some of the best years and the most memorable experiences I'll ever have and to be accepted like that not only by the team but most of the crowds who give me some stick but it makes you know if you don't it's the humor so that's amazing by what well I don't don't sit down miles around all your get a penis up your arse [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] I'm sitting in the director's bodger at Halifax another glamorous location and I was even's at the Shea and I'm sitting there and that and the pro-x watch is right near the pitch and so the Watford directors and their wives are saying what they singing in my mum's go nothing they standing right in front of it and if you if you're prepared to come out and say who what you are and you know live your life the way I do though I've never had any any trouble with any violence and Footwear matches Vegas you know they're just having a go at you and you have to take it on the chamber but it was embarrassing like I said what other any other gay chairman of the [Laughter] night and I not an item it got a little too old for me and Doug Ellis your safety there were a couple there were a couple when I was not with us anymore I'm not telling you who the way we're breaking over there were a couple of gay German but though it was like like a masonry things - nods to the right and the shake of the elbow I'll meet you in the ladies item you bought in your life that's brought you the most happiness vibrates oh definitely [Applause] [Laughter] starship mum was a Boeing 707 having all got on the plane a bedroom a bathroom I mean it was ridiculous you know way to go baby can't believe it I mean this whole plane which took everybody it was a lot of fun I remember being on it once there I was in a shitty mood I was my birthday and I don't know why it wasn't a shitty bit but I was but I was I was soaking up front people kept coming up to me saying Elton Elton come up to the organ Peter and some of the Munsters they were surprised you know happy so this went on for about ten minutes and in the end someone came up to me in tears and said you've gotta come up with Stevie Wonder's here and I was being such an and it was Stevie Wonder sitting at the organ playing happy birthday don't see me and it's like oh god I felt so awful I had sex on the plane fabulous and a fireplace fantastic main army planes you get on now now on fireplace I mean get that one richard branson leave anything a lot of these people to say yeah i think a lot of it's done purely to make money it's like charge like a ball said when she was asked what do you think of condoms and she said depends what's in it for me darling that was one of the things i wanted to ask you about actually the synthesizer i love electronic music i don't like when it's just on mass-produced robot records but when it's used properly I mean Kraftwerk I had the original four speakers from private studios in my house and I remember smoking a joint and listening to trans-europe Express and that was the first time I actually think I saw God no bomb it's a wiggly wobbly so I played with the side of it this hand was pulled out of the socket that was very strange I was on a 78 Excel CR you know with that right yeah and it's got a lot of torque to take off the line woman away in a red light anyway yeah this is the kind of music that studio 54 plays so talk us through what Elton John looked like when you were raving hair was different colors hot pants jackets sneakers whatever were you there when Bianca Jagger came in on the back of a white one I wasn't no but I was in a restaurant once when Peggy Lee was there and a horse came in and took a huge dump right stop that's another story yeah I know this is where your favorite artists and I can't happen to promote this Darrell because we're doing at the Academy Awards with John Chen line on 7:30 on Tuesday night and tonight one of your favorite artists and after the show you must go back to the hotel and cheering we've got a special on Madonna oh you have her fabulous Billy I love you she was the iceberg that the Titanic and crashing [Applause] a long time ago it used to bug me and I've developed a thick skin about it it's I mean this was that what the day they had an earthquake in India and this is on the cover well it says here obviously move for you what about the Backstreet Boys yeah they make videos but these boys can sing their ass off you heard them tonight they're brilliant everyone slags them off those boys can sing they have my ultimate respect they are great some of the other ones I don't know about but those boys are grave I've slept with all the boy bands I know them all [Applause] TLC the Dixie Chicks I don't know nothing about them my favorite of all I saw you in Australia was dressed in Mary Antoinette I think it was with the moment of Symphony all the bottles Mary aunty Chopin oh sorry [Laughter] well you got my number rising write to me I thought I was Chopin for everybody else story of my life very slowly yes there's my ante by over there in the red skirt my uncle Hubert over there in the red skirt - yeah but it's you know they're still filing it at that point I think the end of the contents are always better than the start because everyone's been in here he's having a much better time and the start that everyone's kind of got great expectations of course we always let them down thank you very much and I'm glad the hysterectomy worked out for you we had a like close knee to knee and a counselor for him and counsel for me and they just asked me questions and he busted Meeks completely he just he thought I was gonna hit him or walk out the room which was probably my normal behavior but I actually just stood there and took it and decided from that moment on that he was right and this is what I should do what he told you what was wrong with you yeah he said you're you're on a bulimic you're a drug addict you're an alcoholic you're a liar and you have to write a list of everything that was wrong with me went on for ages and money and then I had to write a list of what was wrong with him and the only thing I opposed does not put CDs back in the car i'm very very humbled to be in a room with so many of my ex-boyfriends three and a half thousand of you I think not to do this at all but because I was talking to some of the band members earlier on yeah and I did a slope I'm not gonna name names but several of them shave their testicles yes and I'm curious as to whether you sir Elton John a knight of the realm you go down there with the Mac three ways that and get it signage and it's not now whether you have in the pastor I put it to you you have I have not yeah I bet you have I don't shave my testicles I use a cream that you combine the sweetie and you leave it on for about four minutes it sounds like you're doing a recipe diet for four minutes and then don't leave it on any longer as the skin comes off as well and then you go in the shower and you come off and it's like fabulous but you know and I've been around my plastic onto so many I'm sure many times so you know I think a little bit of fast down below gives a man a bearish appeal what about your wife does she like the old pubic hair and the teeth [Laughter] [Applause] I bet your testicle is a like a sama bin Laden's beard trim I just don't shave too many people who can play I'll never get to a stage of a pianist half of me thinks there's no point even trying you do it because you want to be brilliant at it right well yeah that's why you give them sex no no now seeing Joe Stalin play never play the piano and I'm just he just blows me away don't add at the speed of it let me come round and I'll blow you away Caesars Palace residency well I some really really enjoyable I mean it's an wild show that's been designed and produced by David LaChapelle Bryan photographer a video maker and it's really quite an amazing extravaganza it's an hour and a half of it's a bit like going on a roller coaster ride for an hour and a half with all the visual stuff that's going on and then me trying to survive it on stage but it's really good fun and everyone is seeing us at a great time it's very you won't see anything like that anywhere else alright in the world one thing is if this you know when everyone said I was gonna go to Vegas everyone thought oh well you know you know play few hits get the old money take the money and run but I didn't want to do that and I got David LaChapelle to do the show and it's quite outrageous somebody for all you heteros out there there are more tips than anything else in the whole dancing and it's great it's great fun I like with it yeah say tips on the radio PC swear word no I did [Music] [Music] come on get him out hey mister you were very close to Prince Diana but even before that you I think you played at Prince Andrew's 21st yes at Windsor Castle yes yeah and that was a very nervy experience because Ray Cooper my percussion player and myself played and suddenly you looked in the balcony these are all gold chairs and suddenly they fell out anything Oh God we played and I came down I changed and I was in a ballroom with the band and Diana Spencer she wasn't Prince Charles his wife Anne and she said you want to dance so I can't dance anyway but we did a faux Charleston and then we went in to dinner and then it was a buffet dinner and then Princess Anne said should we go to the disco and I said priceless that's quite as disco you've ever asked with Princess Anne Tegan you know what I was born in a counselor system very surreal and then the Queen came in and she said can we join you and I said no off right I mean they wanted record company who are here tonight [Applause] the starters they call company and also make Christmas albums and you know cover albums Motown Records but that is so silly you know I'll leave that to Rod Stewart and people [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] movie [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a little bit funny this feeling inside the one of those easily ha I don't have much money but for here a vice to the house for a couple of weird espouse the stop but then again no or man who makes potions it got a shoe [Music] I'm the but but as the I can't do my gift is my song game and this one's for you [Music] and give the tell everybody this is your song [Music] now that is tough [Music] how wonderful life is for you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Mrs. Phalanges
Views: 86,538
Rating: 4.9000783 out of 5
Keywords: music, elton john
Id: r0-qvnuTuog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 43sec (2263 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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