Rod Stewart on Piers Morgan's Life Stories (UK) - Full Interview + Live Song

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roadster is the original naughty boy rocker what I wanna know is how the hell he pulls all these beautiful blondes half his age my life is an open book I'm interested to see what's gonna last me he has been there done it drunk it slept on own place we look round and if he gets our handout smacking on it Roderick David Stewart yeah your fault I got look it was John Baldry who was the guy who discovered you on a railway station when you're playing the harmonica and he came up with perhaps the best Rod Stewart quote of them all which was that you were just a Randy old sod who gets away with it every time spawn I did wanted to start with women I didn't want to know if we could head women as well you had the most extraordinary mm success with women over the years what do you put it down everyone else has had their say what's the Rod Stewart formula man I've got the odd job line which always seems to work but hello darling what you got in that basket okay get some you know I know that I'm not a particularly standard wise good-looking guy I have a big old turn a funny haircut I think I've got you know some sort of charm obviously do you have a favorite type of woman I married her of course look people ask me a lot you know because of blondes you know why blondes and the only thing I can put it down to is when you know I was a kid there was pounding on Merriman grow and J Mets field and after that it was Brigitte Bardot you know they were the three big bombs you know so I was obsessed with blonde not obsessed with blondes but it that's the way the cards came down oh so there's loads of brunettes and redheads watching this thinking what's wrong with us well no no I've been out with brunettes and we don't know ism no but I've only been married do you actually sometimes and live all being blocked yes indeed yeah so there is a track record yeah and one which is discriminatory against redheads and brunettes it certainly is a night it's the way came down honestly I could name at least a dozen you know brunettes and redheads I've been out with oh god not now I got a why can you remember every woman that you've had a liaison with no no absolutely I'm not rather than percentage-wise I can remember the good shakes you know what you do you know the you remember the bad ones no you remember the ones that taught you how to nasty how do one how to nasty what laughter I teach the little things little tricks and evening yeah yeah in the old days it used to be a woman up a few years older than me as Maggie Mae was 33 after was a Margaret right she was a Margaret and I was 16 or 17 you've certainly changed a few I mean I was surprised when I looked at your back catalogue some interesting names popped up wrong well join along Lee I didn't realize him yeah a wonderful woman no but I wouldn't have put you two together well she was so you know upper crust and and I was actually scared to talk she did your aunt talk hopefully wonderfully and you are I mean look dear I'm coming out tonight and I was actually scared to speak with Joanne because I was you know North London her but she was just she was wonderful bless you ended this relationship because I did tend to her in that day I was it's horrible that I know who I can defend myself is I was going through the cards you know just going and trying to find the right woman Roger 65 now and a lot of things have happened to you in that time some good some bad the one thing that's remained completely constant is your hair rhod the one-time mod with his distinctive croaky voice was destined for stardom rods always been a snappy dresser he's always had a great haircut is just you know he cares about himself and he looks good in suits you've got to have a certain amount of talent but you've got to also got to have the front to carry it off you know and he sure has got that he just has not only the amazing voice but he has an aura about him that when he walks into a room people stop and look and there aren't that many people that have that crazy brilliant a genius a Blackman in a way chill his voice is so like almost pitch perfect with a raspy voice and he said it's sort of a voice that I've dreamt to have you know I don't have many cigarettes you smoke but he's got the voice for it definitely dad said to him you know when he started singing why don't you get a proper job little did he know I love your Hana famed for dating and marrying leggy blondes Rod Stewart is the ultimate rock star fast cars beautiful women wild behavior what a terrible image poor sod he definitely likes women a lot taller than him so they definitely know the weather before he does with his wild days behind him rods now settled with his third wife penny at first they had a charmed life with son Lannister born four years ago but more recently things haven't been quite so easy having a second baby has proved much harder for them dull me like with Alistair it it didn't take too long to make him but this is a long journey and have to be very committed and very understanding with one another and then when you're told that unfortunately although embryos were inside of you none of them actually attached and I'm sorry but the pregnancy that you've dreamed off is over that's that's really really hard to deal with twice the IVF treatment failed the couple wouldn't give up her determination has paid off as it proved to be third time lucky for one lovely lovely through two bits for him and Penny you know when I got that phone call it was just the most unbelievable moment I remember the nurse saying to me you know can you tell me your name your date of birth I'm thinking oh my god please don't keep me in this suspense and it vanishes you're pregnant I was like ah you know it was when you found out you working another baby which will be how many now eight eight eight children does it get even the way you're reacting when you you saw penny there's something really emotional you were emotional yourself it obviously means a huge amount to you it does I mean Jesus Christ it does yeah we waited for over two years and you know everybody was waiting my family Penny's family all the children they all knew we were doing IVF treatment so when we actually got there you know but I must submit the the build-up was very funny with the sperm bank and all that rushing down and doctors having I can't imagine you the sperm by sex at all funny times you know that's Jeff you have to like man he everything you put it in the bottle and get in the Ferrari I was saying too much so it was clearly though joking aside a very emotional time for the pair of you what was it like for you to see penny so upset really that she was unable to juice that second child fee um it was upsetting for both of us but I kept saying pen we'll keep on trying and we'll keep on trying until we get it right it was just I can't describe it it was just wonderful you know it's words fail me did you know what the sex of a child's going to be well we do now yeah we with the first with Alastair we decided to wait until he was born but this one there's gonna be a boy Ponyboy when he's 18 I've worked out you're happy you're gonna be 84 yeah that's probably it's probably the only downside you know and I did think about it I mean I didn't go into this blindly on I suppose you could say or perhaps it's being a little bit selfish but having a Picasso is still banging them out when he's in his eighties when do you think you'll stop procreating or as now that's in the office is definitely closed now is it I've had lots of fun toys I think you're a good dad I think I've learned to become a good dad how many years you know it's the sort of thing you don't get you know taught at school you pick it up as you go along and you know with Sean in Kimberley you know that I was away a lot you know there 13:31 out I was away a lot carving a career for myself so you know I was on the road so they didn't see me a great deal and we had you know about 10 years ago we had some fights over yes and I said well maybe you should have spoken to your mum she should have married a chartered accountant and not a musician she knew who I was but thank goodness we straighten it all out now and everything's cool well what have you learned about being a good father never telling me gonna do something and disappoint him and that holds with whether it be Alastair or the older kids never let me down when you made a promise have you done that in the past yeah a couple of times not too many times and usually it's been work but we're all good now everything's good because there's nothing I can't stand is arguing with my kids if one of them there's arguing with me it's like a black cloud over my head you know it really is worse I like them I love I love them and I like to be loved by all of them I can't even imagine how bad it must be for a young suitor to one of your daughters to turn up at the door and see you waiting in your tartan war-gear any big giladhiz a Kilda no I'm I'm pretty easy with her with the boyfriends that come on it yeah I'm pretty easy I've given the once-over but you know I can be pretty intimidating other one to me I I tend not to be well I was at the Jiki Awards when you hear it all Russell Brand a new one for his boasting about his alleged dalliance with Kimberly you were very upset by that my daughter I believe always tells me the truth she said she didn't and I'll go with that what did you actually say to him no not no no he apologized and he said you know I just get carried away sometimes threatening with a Glaswegian kid Nana a little mine he was fine about it your first child was a little girl called Sara I had with a woman called Susanna and you gave her up for adoption well we you know her ass was hanging out of trousers we had no money you know sue her mom we talked about it and we just would so absolutely stunned broke you know there's no way we could have given our halfway decent style in life and we both the ended decided to hood now be adopted do you regret that now yeah I certainly do and it's I missed it but we're seeing each other now and we're trying to make amends for what's gone on a big thing was you whenever you were asked how many kids you had I was 87 you wouldn't include her and as interesting tonight the moment I asked you yeah when you said I actually thought of her watching yeah home feeling really pleased and proud that you'd acknowledged her like that yeah well absolutely you got remember she had parents from you know 70% of the life her purchase only just lost her her parents you know not biological parents or her adopted parents so there's no there was no point in me shouting it from the rooftops I'm her father we all kept it quiet you know how do you get on now it's it's somewhat rocky you know I think I've got a sit down nothing's you've got a light just open up you know if we're gonna get on and you're gonna get on with my kids you've got to open up be more friendly be more cordial so we're really working on it I'm a federal government might address the other day so that's a big big plus Daisy could easy Bo I do I'm loving my monkeys you know I'm getting pretty good at it now two hands but it does bomb the family together and you can say things otherwise you may have said on the phone in haste and regretted you know I can do my emails in thing that look right they're going to read that the wrong way in Anna just at the peak of your powers a pair of you how bad did it get we took the Vantage and what red-blooded male would he's a dad Robert bought you your first guitar on your 14th birthday I heard that you would have preferred him to bought you a modern railway yeah yeah he didn't want the guitar no I didn't and to this day I you know I don't know why I bought it for me I think he must have thought his money in this a shrewd Scotsman do you remember your first performance singing yeah it was with the Long John Baldry and we played a twisted wheel in Manchester there was an all-nighter and I remembered a bass player he said it's no night tonight we go going to - don't finish till 4:00 he said you want to take this I was all set it was a black bomber you know there's a pill that they used in those days to keep you up like like speed is not yeah it was speed you know so I only had one song it wasn't the night time is the right time by Ray Charles and I went on there and just kept singing you know you see one song for like 15 minutes I remember not sleeping for three days ago hell was that all about and do you still drop a little black bomb revving and again North realizing that on stage before was that no way why in 1967 you asked to join the Jeff Beck Group yeah we only got to know Ronnie and you went and played with Jeff Beck you remember it this is New York in this probably because I was always trying to sound like black guy you know Otis Redding was Sam Cooke and I thought I can't go to New York there'd be black people in the audience watching me I don't think I'm a phony sorry I hid behind yemm's singing you know and then aid superstitious black cat cross matter and the audience went berserk I went hello they like it then I ran in front of the amps and Jeff said come on get down in front of the stage you're the singer no it was just when are you and Jeff as you went he wasn't really enjoying this because he was used to being the star of the show wasn't it um I don't think Jeff was okay with it I do think he was a little envious of Woody's and i's relationship because we would really like joined at the hip in those days you know he'd stay in the hilton and they're really nice sweet and you and Ronnie had to rough it in a twin double oh yeah that's okay use the pan lady and I would but what we didn't use to get his paid regular and we used to have to go out thieve you know limit goings we shouldn't like Nick eggs from cuz we had no money you know wasn't he legs yeah eggs and then go back and make an omelet there was healing eggs to eat stealing eggs to eat absolutely if Ronnie was here he'd tell you the same it wasn't Jeff's fault they were just late in getting their wages so you and Ronnie were as thick as thieves because anyone you reunited for the faces you first tasted proper success the small faces were one of the most influential rock bands of the 1960s when the original lead singer Steve Marriott quit robbers asked to join the band the small faces simply became the faces Rod's love of drinking made him fit writing we were just a fun band we enjoyed playing oh we hardly rehearse every time we rehearsed it was an excuse to go out the pub again I didn't mind him playing in the faces because I knew he he got a job although I didn't like what was going on with the faces you know the drinking and all that the whole band was really exciting people loved it they loved that bluesy aspect of it or partying they could relate to them they evidently all liked each other a lot they were very musical on a good night and a total shambles on a bad one ain't no rod was always because he was the frontman and singing and that's oh well the ladies would go for it first a second as well as fronting the faces rob was also juggling a solo career a first his bandmates were delighted for him and enjoyed sharing his success Mercury Records released his solo material Maggie Mae and every picture tells a story that was the huge success six weeks number one both sides of the Atlantic and of course he became very busy promoting that so he would be promoting that with the faces we played Maggie Mae life quite a lot and it was a big song and we felt privileged and proud that we were playing that song that was a kind of instant success for rod he seemed to be doing everything I think I saw him or on top of the pops and I did those days in person as rod so no success rocketed attention was increasingly shifting away from the faces and resentment started to creep into the band we turn up at a gig and it will be Rod Stewart and the faces and we go look at that and rod we go what I didn't know anything about it's nothing to do with me I didn't know there was an original existing band and so I think they felt a bit put out when everybody was clamoring for rod I think there were suspicions within the band that rod was keeping his best original material for rod solo records rather than the faces in 1975 rod up stakes and moved to America becoming increasingly estranged from the rest of the group the end of God's involvement with the faces came in the blunt is two ways somebody came up to me and said oh I'm sorry to hear that rods left the pan I said oh is he what happened then and then I went out and got this newspaper or something and it was in there so I read about it so that was unfortunate well what do you say to that I think he was probably right it wasn't handled very well but you know woody I think not putting the blame on him he was ready to leave anyway and join the stones he was always gonna be a rolling stone I think between the two of us all of us we we took the band as far as we could you know but did you feel like this unstoppable thing I'm gonna be a solo performer now yeah I did yeah I did I wanted to although it was the faces were a tremendous band we were always pissed as fast I mean and that came about because we didn't think we were very good you know so we all got drunk and and in the audience got drunk all exploded you've been on the road for over 50 years now and it's been a pretty raucous ride most of the time probably because low disrespect the Ronnie would at the hustle peak of your powers a pair of you how bad did it get with the wife here witty life can stand on the edge of the stage and we used to make a hobby of this and just got a holiday in key out and go like this never be a movie a flock of women back at their hotel but you we took the advantage and what red-blooded male would not do will peak the pair of yours told you one of your favorite things to empty hotel rooms I mean literally just chuck everything out the faces and the who were the first two bands to ever do it you know a lot of bands have done it since you're quite proud of that right you're right yeah the first hotel right here and you know why we used to do it is because in those days we weren't accepted we were treated like rubbish you know and we thought let's get on back on them and in the end we used to check into hotels in America as Fleetwood Mac how close are you to Ronnie now very close I mean we we've got the same haircut same nose and probably the same sexual habits and we've been emailing each other all week trying to get together you know I love him dearly and I was supporting for the rest are you are you worried about him not all other people seem to be no please fine you always lands on his feet you know so good luck the breakdown of my marriage was a rejection in a way I mean it really broke my heart and it was painful but I didn't have the tools time my heart broke you were pretty controversial when you went solo I mean tonight's the night was banned from top of the pot yeah it was about you losing a virginity yeah hot legs is about having sex with a 17 year old yeah hey wrong with that I couldn't write a song like that nowadays to save my life I mean that's the way I felt in those days and you know just poured out the pen you know do the thing do you think I'm sexy on your own I tell you I'm the last person I do not like and I swear I see myself in the morning so does penny it's a like shambles in 1975 you moved to America your career was on fire and do you think unsexy became this anthem for the new Rod Stewart the success was nothing we anticipated we just thought it was quite a nice track and suddenly we were on to offer a year more than a year on the strength of that record you've got Prancer on the season he turn around and then he'd like shake his Bachman are letting on egos that will go crazy he'd always had luck with the girls but do you think I'm sexy turn rod into an international sex symbol overnight let's put it this way if you wanted to have sex every night running touring it was easily available it was just out whether or not you wanted to it was just pretty wild he's uh he was a sex symbol turned out to be the biggest selling single rods ever had the success came at a price he may've had a go on every arm but for many of his fans rod had sold out do you think I'm sexy I quite like but I hate the videos the kind of nonsense image and the Nath clothes laid out how much hairspray did you use now I realize why hairspray is still in business it's probably damn Rod Stewart who did that that look was very special it basically it may have it made him a bit of a laughingstock rod had an image problem the critics turned on him he didn't have another number one album for 25 years he kind of was huge and was great and everybody loved it and then he kind of went home and sort of went to America and behave like a prat the charges he went America behaved like a brat you can't please Balkan you what's your regulations about because it was obviously a hugely pivotal moment in your career you had this monster hit but it was done in a way that was gonna always inflame the purest I guess you I didn't know that you know I suppose you could say I jumped on the bandwagon to disco bandwagon and lighten up you know it's just a song it's gone now did the backlash surprise you yeah it did it did but then again on reflection it was well deserved because there I was someone that was steeped in the blues and R&B and and to come out with with that song you know just it just it just rubbed all the critics up the wrong way it was a point where I stopped seeing it he did it so much really loved it now really loved it how long did you not sing it for our for two or three years to kazoo you what slightly ashamed that yeah it damage your credibility with the people that you care a spot on spot on yeah you said at the time after do you think I'm sexy for a couple years I almost lost interest in music altogether I was just going out shagging and drinking I believe everything I read about myself and it all kind of went to your head and you want to be crazy yeah he went it did go pear-shaped and I was believing everything I just thought I was God's gift to women of love but everything I read about now I believed you know I was it's just stupid stupid period I said I straightened out pretty quick was it fun you betcha I suppose the obvious question what is do you think you're sexy um thank you very much Janos yells the question yet oh shut up that's at the end of the interview now you've been married three times hmm tell me about your first wife Elana and Shimon got married I was 35 and I'm Emma calling me Dad from Tokyo so I'm dubbed oh I'm getting married and he said you're too young unfortunately I was still sewing the Wild Oats you know and I wasn't ready for marriage you weren't faithful no I wasn't with Rachel you worse you'd learned your lesson yeah you cleaned up your act yeah better husband tell me about that marriage and in terms of your memories of it it it was as far as I was concerned I think as well with right with Rachel it was a big success we had two children I can't think of anything that was wrong with it you know it still didn't work you must have been pretty cut about her um I suppose the breakdown and my marriage was a rejection in a way I mean it really broke my heart you know she changed she started growing up and she was 21 21 I met her and who knows what goes on in a woman's head but you know that's life happens every day of the week couples break up and life goes on well what advice to give people to go through heartache oh I always say King Solomon's once said all things must pass so eventually the heartache will go away you know that's why I always say two people are in trouble how long did it last for you oh good five or six months after we split up I was still not yearning to go back with her but just devastated that my ego its I gonna pass you know and that was a wonderful learning lesson it was painful that it was a learning lesson that I wasn't prepared for I didn't have the tools so I'm a heartbroken when it happened to you you say learned lessons what did you from that well just I wasn't prepared you know it never happened to me before had never been rejected as far as I known and certainly it came as a total surprise you know I'd been an absolutely loyal husband for 89 years and I think I was being a really good father and all of a sudden it just crumbled but you know looking back it really wasn't her fault you know I I think I I know that I married her too early in fact my sister's at the wedding should you know buddy this is not going to last resist a very yeah I'm sure it didn't but there's no blame attached rod second marriage to Rachel Hunter was on the rocks and she wanted out I would say that was the first time rod had had his heart broken and you could tell there was a difference in him it had to be federal buddy feel for him can be honest be a rod wasn't destined to be alone for long a chance meeting with a 27 year old photography student the night club in 1998 quickly put the old spring back in his stead straight away he said well how do you fancy the opportunity to come in to one of my shows I'll give you a press pass and you can take photos all night I was like ah what an opportunity fantastic thank you very much and then he said before you go are you a good dancer and I said well I enjoy dancing so he so coming up I'll come on shoo so I thought oh god this is so embarrassing and he sat at the bar and watch the stars for a while and then called me over to the bar to join him for a drink and I thought this is more than I expected but just as rob was looking forward to a brand-new start with his new girlfriend he received some devastating news to be told he had cancer I mean I mean who wants to be sitting there and hear that from a doctor and he didn't want to tell anyone he he wanted to kind of save other people from feeling the pain and hurt that he was feeling I was really grumpy about it when I found out because I said to him how can I support you if you if I if I'm kept in the dark but he's very private with that stuff very private keen to protect those closest to him Rodney told one person his long-term PA Annie chalice that he was ill penny was also kept in the dark and it was Annie he was there for rod on the day of his surgery they said it would be about an hour and a half and I sat there and i sat there and i sat there and it was about five hours later and they took a while because they had to cut him slit his throat and they it was so close to the voice box they had to do it so carefully and slowly because they didn't want to to do anything obviously to that and I kept thinking the worst scenarios of course being the fact that it was taking so long the surgery was a success and rob was told he wouldn't need further treatment but this was by no means the end of his battle such a serious operation on my throat meant there was a chance his distinctive singing voice wouldn't survive well it was very hard for him he was having vocal lessons he was exercising he was doing everything he could he was just so frustrated that he just didn't know whether it would come back when you heard the dreaded c-word Jesus ray what went through your mind well I'd like everybody you know why not me I'm fair I play football I'm Jacqueline but you know cancer knows no bounds cuts everybody down to size you didn't tell anybody no I didn't want to worry everybody especially me kids you know when you heard the incision would be near your voice box see like that they didn't tell me they didn't tell me that how do you reacted if I had Oh listen hold on a minute they told me after the operation that it's so near to the nerves that control the voice box one little slip to the right or the left out of them he's really been an earthquake in California could have been all over but you know I was it did take me a long time to get my voice back and I was thinking about becoming a landscape guard were you really having a kind of thoughts it really it was over because they cut you the muscles so that the muscle memory goes it's like when you have an operation on your leg any of your leg shrinks up a bit gotta learn how to run again same loose rope and it wouldn't come back month ah what what are you thinking well that's going on when you can't sing but it's a it was frightening you know but thank God it came back I decided to just get the band in the garage Surabhi amps and just scream at the top of my voice until it came back and it did auto move on to penny you were clearly pretty struck quite quickly with and why not was very beautiful like yeah in term you know we don't need just finish broken up with Rachel I I bumped into penny but I didn't want to make any approaches to her I wanted to keep try and keep my side of the street clean you know I didn't want the press I don't look at blood chasing birds already so we kept a distance and I gave the phone number to my bass player who didn't let me have it for six months he actually said you're not worthy of this girl right now really yeah well look at her look at she's just fabulous looking and and brilliant you know she's big old half kindhar you know when all the family you know my family I have family I have an argument she's the one then with my kids she's the one cuz guys sit down you know she's a very old head upon those wonderfully beautiful young shoulders I think she's the love of your life huh yeah without a doubt and I may get me leg over tonight this nose this haircut his voice I was put on this earth to sing I got you under masks you can pay yourself you other artist you have natural rivals in your head no not at all yeah look at me Jaguar thing I'll see you up too I should be no no no it's not I'm great admiration for makeup great admiration for Elton and all of us who get no old farts you don't have a kind of friendly rivalry with oh then the other you lit out there yeah well can I go back long ways yeah we usually pretty competitive in a jokey way yeah yeah we were Phyllis and Sharon you know that's how it goes yeah what kind of things have you done to each other oh dear girl I'll tell you one embarrassing instant we had Christmas together and I bought Elton a little portable fridge thing you press a button and it comes out like that and it's all ice thing is bottles of vodka and everything like that and I thought it was a pretty good present it cost me two hundred thirty quid from Harrods he gave me a Rembrandt wish I was dead I did and I've still got it it takes pride of place in my hand boom in it houses they still got the Frog very much there it probably broke down after a couple of weeks but I thought it was a big expenditure do you know how much you're worth do I know yeah of course I do lil ended tomorrow what do you work you don't really think I'm gonna sit here and tell you that dear I've no idea you easily rich list you know you mean I've seen your fortune estimate anything hundred million hundred minute they say son 100 yen is that about right yeah I'd probably should be in that region yeah what is it that drives people like you to keep going anything it's it's what I'm born to do I mean I really believe this knows this he I got this I I was born put on this earth to sing and and I treat success and failure fairly equally you know since the late 70s you've had lots of success but you've kind of always quietly craved proper critical acclaim the idea for the American Songbook albums have been in the back of Rods mind for a long time remember in 1982 sitting and at dinner with rod and his wife of the time Alana Stewart and um he said to me I'd like to do and how of those songs you know like those songs my parents used to sing any name songs like they can't take that away from me in the way you look tonight he said what do you think of that it said I think it'll be the end of your career I don't think the time is right but maybe the time will come 20 years later rod finally got to make an album of cover versions but the drastic change in musical direction was a big risk critics historically they don't like cover artists so that this was definitely controversial what his fans that have followed him all these years would they would they feel that he was a traitor he'd kind of given up the rock and roll instead it was you know loved and in the last nine years since his album started we know we've sold over 21 million records which is a staggering amount for an artist of his age passing years worship laughs we are the American Songbook collection was a huge commercial success but for rod the crowning glory was at long last he was to get the recognition from his peers but it eluded him for so long well the American Songbook was such a turnaround for him not only did it diversify his range of music that he could sing and perform when he was on tour um it gave him his first Grammy he was on tour in Australia and I remember calling and I said well I have amazing news and I was very emotional about it a lot of my life into this you won the Grammy you know that's great night penny and I are having just a little private time talk to you in a bit what that you don't want to talk about this I mean it's back to romance in Australia this inmate that comes first but I'm really happy goodbye that's a wonderful although you were feeling breaking her heart of honor your management underneath it you must have been thrilled to win the Grammy one yeah I was yeah but I was also enjoying not having a Grammy you know I mean you know it was something a special little club we haven't won a Grammy but I'm pleased I've got one but does it matter to you to get that kind of recognition it's not to be on an end or a woman's mind say no to another one you mind if I say you seem to have calmed down do you object to that as a great rocker do you feel like they don't insult if I say you've come oh no you've got to I'm 65 I can't we don't look it you know thank you to me oh thank you know as such over yeah he's trying you track you know I'm I have so I've slowed down one does you got to I try and act like a 65 year old most of the time you still wear women's underwear not anymore no but you did I did and that was a simple reason is I'd forgot me underpin actually II haven't is it you wore them women's knickers quite long as you like the softness on your skin it's probably because the trousers were so tight and I didn't want ever Nicola Ross having tried to under your skin all night I think it's time that you had your turn singing I've got you under my skin ladies and gentlemen Rod Stewart I've got you under masking I got you deep in the heart of me so deep in my heart that you're really I got you under masks I tried soon matter your I said to myself ya know go so the washer I try to assess no soul and I got you under masking sacrificing for the sake Oh man with its repeat you man salary welcome to reality but it's time to just makes me stop before I begin I got you mascara yeah sack class soothing for the sake of having near vas-tu comes in the night it repeats repeats am I never can win wake up wake up Chewie but it just makes me stop before I begin gotcha Pass gotcha Sun catches bring me gotcha asking yeah gotcha and one more time ah gotcha ask what a legend now next week in her first major interview Susan Boyle talks to peers about her amazing journey from unknown to superstar now tomorrow night another rock legend Sir Paul McCartney tells dermot o'leary about the fascinating story behind the wings album Band on the Run that's at 10:15
Channel: kapat45
Views: 366,887
Rating: 4.6698413 out of 5
Keywords: Faces, To, TV, full, Stewart, Joanna, Hamilton, broadcast, rare, Moon, Kelly, marriage, tour, Lumley, McLagan, music, Sean, The, Rod Stewart Musical Artist, Hunter, Rachel, Morgan, Dee, Rod, Grammy, romance, vocal, Got, television, baby, Me, Ian, singer, I've, kids, Penny, Chen, Wood, love, Kimberley, career, celebrity, band, volume, Harrington, My, Jim, Piers, Alana, UK, Skin, Britain, rock, Stories, Under, American, Cregan, Lane, Songbook, Life, Phil, Jones, 2010, You, interview, Kenney, Great, candid, Lancaster, Ronnie, Emberg, thyroid, cancer, Fly, album
Id: QPklny74FaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 56sec (2816 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2012
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