If You Hate Elon Musk Watch This Video — It Will Change Your Mind | Elon Musk's Speech

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if i made that money i'd sit on a beach i'd  drink beer and i would just watch the sunset   kind of like a corona beer commercial have  you ever thought about that as a career option   you know i find that really pretty boring so that  would be torture if i had to do that every day   that would really be pretty awful for me i really  need to be preoccupied with something uh and i if   if i'm just sort of sitting there relaxing i can  only do that for a very short period of time and   then it becomes unbearable and you want to make  money but are you motivated beyond just profit   motive and racking up dollars yeah no i'm a  volunteer i mean i don't need the money um   there's nothing i i mean i i'm not like  i'm sitting here saying i wish i could buy   such and such a thing i could buy it um i get  paid minimum wage actually i don't get overtime   you know i think my sort of drive to get  it done is somewhat disconnected from   hope enthusiasm or anything else i just actually  just don't care about hope or enthusiasm   motivation just give it everything i've got  irrespective of what the circumstances may be you   just you just keep going and get it done i think  it's it's it's very difficult to start companies   and quite painful i think that's important to bear  in mind it's much easier to to get a job somewhere   much much easier much less stressful you'll have  more time for for other things but would you be   happier uh no i wouldn't be i'd be unhappier okay  so it's really like if you're sort of wired to   to to do it um then you should do it but but not  otherwise it's not gonna optimize your leisure   time or anything like that it's it's gonna be  extremely difficult and stressful so you must   feel compelled to do it um leave it this way if  you need inspiring words don't do it yeah i mean   it's really hard starting a company i mean you  have to basically prepare to work constantly you   know from when you wake up when you when you go  to sleep you have to be willing to deal with a   lot of difficult problems and thorny problems  willing to deal with an enormous amount of   stress you just got to push yourself super super  hard i i wouldn't recommend it for most people i definitely feel stressed yeah it's like you've  been incredibly difficult and painful the last   several months painful absolutely of course yeah  yeah i mean i'm sleeping with factory floor not   because i think that's like a fun place to sleep  you know terrible sleeping on the factory floor   doing why are you doing that because i  don't have time to go home and shower   i don't believe like people should be experiencing  hardship while the ceo is like off on vacation   i certainly never expected to to to see the  level of success that that's occurred because   i'm actually an engineer and but i discovered  that in order to do the engineering that i want   to do i have to have my own company otherwise  somebody makes me do something i don't want to do   for me it's always about does this does what i'm  doing matter if we are successful does it matter   to the world and so there are easier ways to make  money than starting a rocket company or say a car   company at the odds of me coming into the rocket  business not knowing anything about rockets not   having ever built anything i mean i would have to  be insane if i talk to arthur in my favor why even   begin when something is important enough you do it  even though vlogs are not in your favor how much   of your personal fortune have you poured into  this a 100 million dollars 100 million dollars   into something that you did not believe would  work at the beginning yes but at the age of 37   he hit rock bottom his first rockets failed to  reach orbit and an early model tesla roadster   had quality problems in 2008 the rocket company  is not going well you've had three failures the   car company is hemorrhaging money yeah and the  american economy has tanked in the worst recession   since the great depression right uh that was  that was definitely at the worst year of my life   if that fourth launch hadn't worked that would  have been it um we would have not had the   resources to mount a fifth you couldn't have gone  on at that point yes death would have been i think   inevitable because we did not have the resources  to to mount a person yeah i wish it wasn't so hard   there are people who've been in the rocketry  business for decades who say about you that you   don't know what you don't know what are you trying  to prove to them what i'm trying to do is to make   a significant difference in in space flight  and and and help make space flight accessible   to to almost anyone and i i would hope for as much  support in that direction as we as we can receive   what keeps you fighting for your vision  what helps you to reach your dream   well i mean i i think i'm kind of constitutionally  just geared to to just keep going it it certainly   there are times when things don't go well and then  that's quite disparity for sure and so then it's   difficult to proceed with the same level  of enthusiasm but i do think like i do   think the things that we're doing are pretty  important to the future if we don't succeed   then we'll be certainly pointed to as a reason  why people shouldn't even try for these things   so i think it's important that we do  whatever is necessary to keep going how do things get by that you really love  that really give you joy so rare so rare   i wish there were more things that's what we're  trying to do just make things that somebody loves a future where we are space-bearing  civilization and out there among the stars   this is very exciting this makes me look  forward to the future it makes me want   that future you know the things they need  to be things that make you look forward to   waking up in the morning wake up in the morning  look forward to the day towards the future the   future where we are space-faring civilization out  there along the stars i think that's very exciting   persistence is extremely important you should  not give up if there is if there's unless you're   forced to give up you know this there's no other  choice you know that that that principle can   be misapplied um if you happen to be trying  to um penetrate a brick wall with your head   you have to be cautious in in always saying  one should always persist and never give up   because there actually are times when you should  give up because you're you're doing something in   error but if you're convinced that what you're  doing is correct then you should never give up   and you know like life has to be more  than about solving problems you know if   if all that life is about is solving problems  why bother getting up in the morning there   have to be things that inspire you to you know  that make you proud to be a member of humanity   well it's like the nike slogan you know just do  it you know just showing up is half the battle   just you know you got to try hard to  do it and don't be afraid of failure   um as edison said you know it's one percent  inspiration 99 first duration not feel free to   innovate but also don't delude yourself into  thinking something's working when it's not   um or you're going to get fixated on a on a bad  solution yeah and i think also just just um don't   don't be afraid of new arenas uh you know you  can get a book you can learn something and and   experiment with your hands and just make it happen  find a way to make a way to get something done i   think people should be nicer to each other and  give people give give more credit to others   and don't assume that they're mean until you know  they're actually mean you know just it's easy to   demonize people you're usually wrong about it  people are nicer than you think get people more   credit i'm probably not the guy that most people  would bet on um who wins it's it's like a little   kid fighting a bunch of sumo wrestlers usually  the sumo wrestlers win we're a little scrappy   company every now and again those grandpa company  wins i i i think this will be one of those times   creating a company is almost like having a child  so it's sort of like how do you say your child   should not have food so one once you have the  company you have to feed it and nurse it even if   it it ruins you i think when i was i don't know  five or six or something i thought i was insane   it was just strange because it was  clear that other people did not   their mind wasn't exploding with  ideas it was like hmm i'm strange i don't think i don't think  you'd necessarily want to be me   it's very hard to turn it off it's like  a never-ending explosion all the time you've said that this has been the toughest year  for you the most sort of taxing year for you   like why 22 hours a day or like what how many  hours working so seven days a week sleeping in   the factory uh i worked everywhere from i worked  in the oaks in the paint shop general assembly   body shop you ever worry about yourself imploding  like just too much absolutely no one should   put this many hours into work this is not good  and people should not work this hard i'm not they   should not do this this is very painful painful  in what sense it's because my ears my brain   and my heart so it's this is not recommended for  anyone i just did it because if i didn't do it   then tesla good chat says it would die i mean  tesla really faced this fear threat of death   due to the model 3 production ramp essentially the  company was bleeding money like crazy and and just   if if we didn't solve these problems in  a very short period of time we would die   and it was extremely difficult to solve them  how close to death did you come we are within   single budget weeks i mean when we started tesla  i thought maybe our chance of success was 10   well i mean i can tell you my original plan um was  i thought okay i had like 180 million dollars from   my percent my portion of the sale of of paypal   and i thought you know if i invest half of  that uh in creating these companies then   i still have the other half which will be fine  yeah but of course that's not how it worked out we used up all the that that you know you've  invested 100 million then still need more money   and then there was the big recession of and 2008-9   and in the end i had to invest everything  and i was borrowing money from friends   to pay the rent you were on the edge of  actually and i didn't even know your house i didn't think it would be easy um   i like i said i thought they would probably fail  um but you know like creating a company is almost   like having a child so it's sort of like how  do you say your child should not have food so one once you have the company  you have to feed it and nurse it   and take care of it even if it ruins you yeah but supposing there wasn't tough times in   2008 end of 2008 how did you get through that  period of crisis do we just break for a second   i think that probably they shouldn't want to  be you it i think it sounds better than it is not as much fun being me as you think  this definitely could be worse for sure   but it's um i i i'm not sure i  would i'm not sure i want to be me   it has actually been a very difficult journey i  have to say my priority right now is to try to   add some more management band strength to tesla  in particular so that um i can take a vacation   and in the last 12 years i've only tried to take  a week off twice the first time i took a week off   the orbital sciences rocket exploded and richard  branson's rocket exploded in that same week   second time i took a week off my rocket exploded  the lesson here is don't take a week off well when my brother and i were starting our first  company instead of getting an apartment we just   rented a small office and we slept on the couch  and we we showered at the the ymca and uh we're so   hot up we had just one computer so the the website  was up during the day and i was coding at night   seven days a week all the time and i i so briefly  had a girlfriend in that period and in order to   be with me she had to sleep in the office so i  work hard like i mean every waking hour that's   that's the thing i would i would say if you  particularly if you're starting a company try trying to build a company and have it succeed  is like eating glass and staring into the abyss   i mean what tends to happen is it's sort of  quite exciting for the first several months   of starting a company and then then reality sets  in things don't go as well as planned customers   aren't signing up the technology or the product  isn't working as well as you thought and i think   that can sometimes be compounded by a recession  and it can be very very painful for several years when you had that third failure in a row  did you think i need to pack this in never   why not i don't ever give up i mean i'd  have to be dead or completely incapacitated   you know there are american heroes who don't  like this idea neil armstrong gene cernan   have both testified against commercial space  flight and the way that you're developing it   and i wonder what you think of that i was  very sad to see that because those guys are   yeah you know those guys are  heroes of mine so it's really tough   you know i i wish they would come and visit  and see the hardware that we're doing here   and i think that would change their mind  they inspired you to do this didn't they yes and to see them casting stones in your direction it's difficult did you expect them to cheer you on so they're hoping they would but there are a lot of negative things in the  world a lot of terrible things that are happening   all over the world all the time there are lots  of problems that need to get sold there's lots   of things that are yeah they're miserable and  kind of get you down but that life cannot just be   about solving one miserable problem after another  can't that can't be the only thing they need to be   need to be things that inspire you that make you  glad to be to wake up in the morning and be part   of humanity that's why we did this so what what  advice do i have for college graduates interested   in getting involved in the spheres you've  tapped into well certainly i'd invite you to   apply for a job at solarcity or tesla or spacex if  that doesn't work for whatever reason then i guess   apply to jobs at other companies in that arena or  try starting a company the space business is quite   it's quite hard to start a company in the space  business because it's such a capital intensive   business so it may be better to do something in  solar power or if you're going to do it in cars   do it in as kind of a component supplier for cars  or something like that if you study engineering   and you figure out how to design new things  then it's relatively easy to start a company   you just need to get a few like-minded people  with you how did you get the expertise to be   the chief technology officer of a rocket ship  company um well i do have a physics background   that's helpful as a foundation and then i read  a lot of books and talked to a lot of a lot of   smart people you know i think my sort of drive  to get it done is somewhat disconnected from   hope enthusiasm or anything else i just actually  just don't care about hope or enthusiasm   motivation i just give give it everything i've  got irrespective of what the circumstances may be   you just keep going and get it done what is  the one thing that has surprised you about   your life oh one thing wow well i certainly  i'm surprised about the whole thing honestly i certainly didn't expect to be to be  uh for any of these things to happen   honestly i know i wanted to be involved in  technology um and uh in fact the only reason   i started a company back in 95 an internet company  was because i couldn't get it there were only a   few internet companies and i couldn't get a job at  any of them i tried to get a job at netscape and   sent my resume and i tried hanging out in  the lobby but i was too shy to talk to anyone   and i was like okay well i guess i'll have to  start a company because i can't get a job anywhere   i wouldn't say i'm fearless in fact i i think  i fear i feel fear quite strongly but i um   if if what we're doing isn't what you know what  i'm doing is i think is important enough then i   just uh override the fear i think also people  tend to overweight risk on personal level it's   one thing if you've got you know a mortgage to pay  and kids support and that if you were to deviate   from your job that's well how you're going  to feed your family and pay the rent and okay   that's understandable but let's say you're young  and you're just coming out of college or coming   out of high school whatever the what what are you  what do you risk you know you're not going to stop   i mean it's it's really certainly not in any kind  of modern economy it's it's so easy to earn enough   money just to live somewhere and eat food so if  you i don't know what are they afraid of they're   mostly afraid of failure i think but people should  be less risk-averse when there's not much at risk   i always had sort of a slight existential  crisis because i was trying to figure out   what does it all mean like what's the purpose of  things and um i came to the conclusion that if if   we can advance the the the knowledge of the world  if we can do things that expand the scope and   and scale of consciousness then we're  better able to ask the right questions   and become more enlightened and and that's  really the only way forward what drives you   what what is it that when you wake up in the  morning do you see a problem and you want to   solve it i think the thing that drives me is  that i want to be able to think about the future   and we feel good about that that you know we're  doing what we can to have the future be be as good   as possible to be inspired by what is likely  to happen and to look forward to the next day that's that's what really really  drives me is is trying to figure out   uh how do we how to make sure that  things are great and gonna be so and um   that's the underlying principle behind tesla  and spacex i think you know particularly for   uh americans you know like think about america  is a nation of explorers uh people came here   from other parts of the world chose to give up  the known in favor of the unknown so i think   uh exploration like i think united states is a  distillation of the human spirit of exploration   i mean i thought both tesla and spacex would fail  at the beginning yeah you saw it yeah sure really   of course but nevertheless you put all your money  in that i expected to lose it well technically   what i i thought was well i'll take half the money  from paypal and if i lose half of it that's okay   um but then of course the companies encounter  difficulties and then have a choice of the   either like let the company die um or put you  know all the money into the companies and so   i really didn't want the companies to die  so i put all the money in the companies   and then i had to borrow money  for friends to pay living expenses   you know it's just looking just for evidence of  exceptional ability um and if there's a track   record of exceptional achievement then it's  likely that that will continue into the future   well it really depends on the stakes if the stakes  are high if it's really important then one should   then you know we'll overcome the fear and just  do it anyway but essentially i mean i just   drive over rights fear but i feel the fear it's  kind of annoying i wish i wish i felt it less toward the end of 2008 spacex prepared its fourth  attempt we were running on fumes at that point we   had virtually no money so a fourth failure that  fourth valley would have been absolutely game over   they said for spacex the first three launches  failed just barely able to scrape together enough   parts and money to do the fourth launch that  fourth launch had failed we would have been dead   so multiple failures along the way i tried very  hard to get the right expertise in for for spacex   i tried hard to to find a great chief engineer  for the rocket but not the good chief engineers   wouldn't join and the bad ones well there was no  no point hiring them so i ended up being chief   engineer on the rocket but flight 4 was flawless  in musk's world it lit the darkness when critics   say you can't do this your answer to them is  we've done it and then just work like hell i   mean you just have to put in you know 80 hour 80  to 100 hour weeks every week if other people are   putting in 40 hour work weeks and you're putting  in 100 hour work weeks then even if you're doing   the same thing you know that you will achieve in  four months what it takes then a year to achieve work hard like i mean every waking hour that's  that's the thing i would i would say and i mean   if you do simple math say like okay if somebody  else is working 50 hours and you're working 100   you'll get twice as done as much done in the  course of years i think it's important that   humanity become a multi-time species i think  most people would agree that a future where we   are space-bearing civilization um is inspiring and  exciting um compared with one where we are forever   confined to earth until some eventual extinction  event that's really why i started spacex you
Channel: Business Core
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Keywords: elon musk, elon musk motivation, elon musk motivational speech, elon musk speech, elon musk inspiring speech, elon musk best speech, elon musk crying, elon musk emotional speech, elon musk inspirational video, elon musk emotional, elon musk hard path, elon musk tears up speech, elon musk tears up, elon musk holding back tears, business core, elon musk best video, elon musk ultimate motivation, elon musk motivation compilation, if you hate elon musk, hate elon musk
Id: I9D4ifGzndY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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