Elon Musk says losers use LiDAR. [Explanation video]
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Theoxa
Views: 87,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elon musk interview, elon musk award, elon musk, Tesla, electric cars, ev, battery, 4680, electric airplane, full self driving, dhl ceo, ceo interview, german factory interview, tesla cars, model 3, waymo, LiDAR, cruise, Zoox, apple car, fsd, LiDAR is lame, LiDAR is a crutch, solve vision, autonomy, andrej karpathy
Id: BFdWsJs6z4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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