iPhone 13 Pro LiDAR vs. Survey Total Station Accuracy
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Rami Tamimi
Views: 114,742
Rating: 4.8467555 out of 5
Keywords: Surveying, Land Surveying, Civil, Civil Engineering, Engineering, Total Station, GPS, GNSS, Boundary, Topographic, Boundary Survey, Boundary Surveying, Topographic Survey, Topographic Surveying, Stake out, Staking, Construction, Construction Layout, Layout, Surveying Engineering, Survey Leveling, Leveling, EDM, Transit, Geodesy, Satellite Positioning, Survey GPS, emlid reach rs2
Id: R9lGi4wMdQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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