Elon Musk’s Neuralink is Scarier Than We Think

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January 29th 2024 Elon Musk announced that neuralink had successfully implanted a brain computer interface device the company named telepathy in a human on the day prior and that the patient was recovering from the surgery on February 20th musk stated that neural Link's first human trial participant had been able to control a computer mouse through thought musk makes some very cool things this in my opinion is the coolest time as a position I'll be able to use this type of technology to help my patients and I cannot wait you can search the internet with your brain or order food just with your thoughts experts warn much more testing and research is needed before any kind of widespread use of these devices the future is going to be us looking at each other and downloading each other's thoughts great power comes great responsibility and we are not sure it's a word that Elon Musk understands welcome to Nexus news and today we'll be talking about how neuralink will transform the world but before getting into details sticking electrodes into brain tissue is really nothing new in the 1960s and '70s electrical stimulation was used to trigger or suppress aggressive behavior in cats by the early 2000s monkeys were being trained to move a cursor around a computer screen using just the thoughts neural link is one of a growing number of companies and University departments attempting to refine and ultimately commercialize this technology the focus at least to start with is on paralysis and the treatment of complex neurological conditions the human brain is home to around 86 billion neurons nerve cells connected to one another by synapsis every time we want to move feel or think a tiny electrical impulse is generated and sent incredibly quickly from one neuron to another scientists have developed devices which can detect some of these signals either using a non-invasive cap placed on the head or wires implanted into the brain itself the technology known as brain computer interface or BCI is where many millions of dollars of research funding appears to be heading at the moment neuralink device about the size of a coin is inserted in the skull with microscopic wires which can read neuron activity and beam back a viess signal to a receiving unit the company has run trials in pegs and claimed that monkeys can play a basic version of video game pong it received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration for human trials in May 2023 one of its main Rivals startup called synchron backed by funding from investment firms controlled by Bill Gates and Jeff basos has already implanted its stent-like device into 10 patients but for Elon Musk solving brain and spinal injuries is just the first step for neuralink the longer term goal is human AI symbiosis is something he describes as species level important the real Tria will be developing a system which can interpret or translate the signals coming from the brain with a far greater level of accuracy if and when that happens humans may be able to communicate with computers and other electronic devices in a way that is difficult to comprehend today imagine being able to order a takeaway with your thoughts or search the internet or translate one language to another immediately your head just by thinking about it musk himself has already talked about a future where his device could allow people to communicate with a phone or computer faster than a speed typist or Auctioneer in the past he has even said saving and replaying memories may be possible although he recognized this is sounding increasingly like a Black Mirror episode you lose memory and this could help you with you know restoring your memory but for now let's just say in the present how many ways can the current technology help us musk said neural Link's first product would be aptly named telepathy this enables control of your phone or computer and through them almost any device just by thinking the billionaire said initial users will be those who have lost use of their limbs the idea of connecting the human brain up to a machine is not new in the '90s scientists began testing electrode implants in human brains but the technology is moving on rapid L computer chips have shrunk to microscopic proportions while artificial intelligence software has made it possible to better interpret the signals from human brains musk has claimed another future use for neuralink could be to give sight to those with impaired Vision he dubbed the technology blind sight the Tesla chief executive said the implant could beam direct Vision to the brain by stimulating the visual parts of the cortex creating a mental image of the wall before the patient other scientists have already achieved similar Feats in clinical trials in 2021 researchers at Miguel Hernandez University in Spain revealed they had attached a chip to the visual cortex of a retired teacher Berna Gomez which was then connected to a pair of glasses with a video camera she was able to discern several letters of the alphabet and play a basic [Music] game in 2021 musk predicted that neural link would be able to restore full body functionality to someone who has a spinal cord injury while neuralink has not released any evidence to support this ambition other scientists have made breakthroughs last year a Dutch man y Yan oxom who had been paralyzed in a cycling accident was fitted with a brain implant that viously communicated with a second implant in his spine allowing him to walk again musk has also speculated that brain implants could be used to control epileptic seizures during an epileptic episode The neurons in the brain fire abnormal bursts of signals causing a seizure scientists have been experimenting with whether brain implants can either predict these signals allowing patients to prevent oncoming fit with drugs or even counteract them entirely using electrical pulses playing video games is another feat the technology has achieved in the past during one of its early demonstrations of neural linkx technology the company showed off a monkey playing the video game pong using brain signals the monkey had been taught to play the game with a joystick being rewarded with fruit juice the joystick was then taken away and the monkey was able to think about playing the game instead humans have achieved similar Feats in 2004 Matthew Nagle a Massachusetts man who had been left paralyzed after a stabbing was able to play the game using a machine linked to his brain although the device was very bulky and invasive among musks more specul and entirely unproven claims are that neural link could be used to enhance human memory in a video from 2020 must claim uh in the future you'll be able to save and replay Memories the entrepreneur has also speculated that brain implants could allow humans to communicate using only their thoughts speaking to the podcaster Joe Rogan he claimed you wouldn't need to [Laughter] talk the most outlandish of musk's claims about neuralink is that connecting the human brain to computers and the internet will help save off a potential AI Apocalypse in 2019 the billionaire went so far as to claim brain interfaces will allow emerging with AI so humans can achieve symbiosis with artificial intelligence he claims this will allow humans to increase their cognitive abilities to superhuman levels on a par with futuristic AI that is some way from his more palatable goal of helping people with severe disabilities and not one likely to be approved by Regulators for a human trial one thing that almost every expert in the field agrees on is that this kind of Cutting Edge technology is decades away at best from a High Street brain surgeon near you mosque as well has suggested that the ultimate goal is not to speed up your takeaway order but to better protect Humanity from the risks of AI something he has described in the past as an existential Threat by better combining human and computer brains we're less likely to be left behind as a species with a high bandwidth brain machine interface we can actually go along for the ride neuralink promises to revolutionize the World by Bridging the Gap between humans and Technology this groundbreaking innovation has the potential to enhance cognitive abilities restore lost functionalities and pave the way for new Medical Treatments as we stand on the brink of a neural Revolution the future future holds exciting possibilities with neuralink we're not just imagining the future we're actively creating it ushering in a new era of human potential and in the hope of a better world it's time for us to call it a day but we do hope that you like the video and found it informative subscribe to our Channel and don't forget to click the Bell icon your valuable suggestions are very important to us so do post them in the comment section and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Nexus News
Views: 20
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Neuralink, Elon Musk, Brain-Computer Interface, Future Technology, Neuralink Concerns, Ethical Technology, AI and Humanity, Mind Control, Technological Advancements, Privacy Issues
Id: 23NYZn0YCqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2024
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