Italy is giving famous car brands to China after auto-industry collapse

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the prime minister of Italy has set to stantis either make more cars here in Italy where they they don't make that many anymore or we're going to give away your Brands to Chinese car companies apparently uh they've actually already offered these Brands to China hello my friends welcome to the channel I'm Sam Evans you're watching the electric Viking it's great to see you thank you for tuning in now one of the people who post in our Facebook group by the way guys if you want to join the Facebook group I'll put a link in the description um a friend of mine actually he's a good guy but he made a comment that is categorically false saying that people they don't care about Brands when it comes to EVS they've done their research and they'll just buy the car and the truth is people human beings absolutely are influenced by the brand name on a vehicle I mean really g sell extremely well in Europe and byd does not now that's because no one in Europe knows that mg is actually a Chinese car brand and yeah they don't know who byd are so brand named recognition absolutely does matter and it definitely influences sales enormously so this could be crucial now we know that uh Chinese car manufacturers have been trying to buy the Alpha Romeo brand and other brands from stellantis so the CEO of stellantis actually revealed that information about a few months ago he said Chinese car brands are keep on making offers for the stantis the stantis car brands which to be honest they're not doing well I mean Alpha Romeo it's not that far off being a dead brand the same thing for Jaguar we know Chinese car brands have tried to buy the Jaguar brand from TARTA in India that could actually work I mean to be honest Jaguar is pretty much a dead car company they just got rid of all their models they have they are ceasing production of five different models they only have one single model of car you can buy and yeah Jaguar sales have just fallen through the floor so that's what Chinese car brands car conglomerate are planning on doing and it's to be honest it's worked sake motors have proved the point mg for example no one knows like I said that mg is owned by a Chinese basically a Chinese government owned company same thing with lotus lotus is now owned by one as well Italy's government is considering taking over by decree defunct Auto Brands owned by stantis and now I should mention guys I just remembered another one what about Volvo well they're owned by J Chinese car conglomerate so the Italian government are offering these Brands to Chinese companies to encourage them to build cars in Italy now of course these Chinese car brands wouldn't actually manufacture the cars in Italy they'd have you know big factories there and they'd assemble them so they' sendle the parts the batteries and everything else that the structure they'd send it all over Italy and have people working in factories there to assemble these vehicles that's what Italy wants the plan would involve the inner Senti and auto Bane Brands both shut down in the 1990s now you may be think I don't know know who they are but people in Italy do know these brands in aen was famous in the 1960s and the 1970s for producing an Italian version of the British mini before it was taken over by Fiat now part of stellantis former Fiat unit Auto byan produced upmarket City cars including the a112 and the y10 auto byan you got to meit it's kind of a cool sounding car name I really like to name of that brand and there is a a famous bike brand called bian that's that's known worldwide basically if you're into road bike riding as in push bike riding uh you'll know who bian is I've owned a couple of bianes a very very nice bike so it has that kind of connotation towards premium up Market product I think it does anyway the newspaper said Italy's industry Minister has registered versions of these brands at the national patents and Brands office using different Graphics from those registered by santis group but the truth is the government has made a rule allowing them to actually take over these Brands and give them the China the industry Ministry which according to the report is studying the move was not available for comment but santis told Reuters it had seen the media reports but had not been informed by the government about any such plans and the government says that's not true the government says they have mentioned this in discussions with the CEO of santis so I believe that government here actually telling the truth because it sounds like this is actually a bit of an ongoing saga in Italy ill sold said the government's appropriation would be made possible under a law passed in December therefore stantis have known about this since at least December of last year and a draft implementing decree under examination by the court of Auditors concerning brands that have been unused for at least 5 years kind of makes sense guys but you know what one brand that just came to my mind Sab Sab is doing nothing it's welln it's actually quite a love brand maybe they could Target s once under government control in Italy the Brands could be given to companies including foreign ones they intend to invest in Italy or moved to Italy manufacturing activities located abroad the law says so basically the government Italy is trying to get car companies or businesses to set up in Italy because a lot of them have left Italy and one of the key reasons is because the cost of manufacturing in Italy has gone up significantly prime minister Georgia Maloney's nationalist government has for months been at loggerheads or has been arguing publicly with Fiat parents stantis accusing the automaker of neglecting its historic production bases in Italy and this is true I mean uh Alpha Romeo they owned by stantis they just brought out a new car they changed the name of that car to the Alpha Romeo Jr because the name they gave it implied it was made in Italy right it was an Italian name so the government in in in Italy said guys you're misleading consum by calling an Italian name it's not an Italian car it's made in Romania or somewhere like that Poland or Romania one of those countries so stantis when okay and they changed the name to the Alo junr I think the name junior is terrible but anyway apparently um government has engaged in talks with santis now for quite a long time they are the country's only major automaker and they're trying to get them to boost production in Italy to 1 million vehicles per year which is to be honest nothing I mean there's about 76 million Vehicles sold every year so it's you know 1.4% of the global car market so they're not even at that they've also said they want to expand their domestic industry by attracting a Chinese automaker to Italy and they've also targeted Tesla the Italian government have been very very open and transparent about how much they want Tesla to build a gigafactory in Italy now Tesla did consider this but I believe they decided against it on Thursday Fiat unveiled at its historic turine headquarters in Northern Italy it's Serbian made Panda EV which is apparently going to be about €25,000 and they celebrated their 125th anniversary industry Minister Al Al Doo erso who attended the event urged stantis to relaunch its manufacturing activities in Italy so as you can see there's a good chance Chinese car companies will at some point be s selling cars in Europe under Italian Brands and there's a few of them there's quite a few Brands one of them it's not doing a whole lot aside from Alpha Romeo is Lancia Lancia Delta integral is one of the most popular and famous historic cars in history imagine if a chinese car company was to get its hands on Lano which it very well could and to make a new Lancia Delta integral an EV give it huge power make the thing as lightweight as possible put in a really really Advanced battery battery pack and make it look like the original like kind of like a a reimagined version of the original that thing would be insane people would absolutely love that they love that car and that could happen I can see it what do you think thanks for watching
Channel: The Electric Viking
Views: 33,103
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Keywords: electricvehicles, evs, #electriccars, electricfuture
Id: sInLPOOzuUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2024
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