Mastering Cold Calling in 2024

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so what is cold calling cold calling is the action of calling a business or a person directly from a business technically it's before they've expressed interest in wanting to know more or explore other alternatives to what they might be using today so it's cold because you're calling them out of the blue uh so they're not technically a warm lead someone that perhaps marketing or you as the sales rep have warmed up and nurtured regarding your Outreach to them when it comes to an email or when it comes to a LinkedIn touch point or a message it's hard to really articulate and personalize it to the extent of what a natural phone call can do for you don't be that rep that hits all your kpis predominantly because of emails Auto emails at that because it's not going to have the same exact effect as a a phone call would the problem with green bdrs AKA someone that is brand new in a role that has never done cold calling before is that lot of the times during their onboarding or during their training they're taught to just pitch their product up top or pitch why their company is awesome through their value proposition in hopes of hooking whoever's on the other side of the phone and the issue with that is that it's not tailoring to the prospect's needs uh or problems or challenges that they might be experiencing within their day-to-day and so they sound like every other salesperson that's calling them another problem with average cold callers is they have a tendency to not not be active listening they're so fixated on getting through their pitch getting through the 30-second intro and and making it perfect without listening to what the prospect is saying and lastly they're self focused versus customer focused so what I mean by that is if it's halfway through the month or halfway through the quarter and you're severely behind your kpis or your quota you might have a tendency to Just Dial for the sake of dialing just for the you know because you're desperate and you're in scarcity mode versus actually tailoring your calls and personalizing personalizing them to the best of your ability to to get the most Roi so I've got four basic tips that I think will help out when it comes to cold calling and will enhance the effectiveness of your overall uh workflow key number one to enhancing your cold calls memorize your first 30 second intro why I think this is so crucial is that you only get one first impression on every single phone call when you have a live person on the other side typically when it comes to the average cold callers they might have a four if not 6% connection rate meaning out of all of the phone calls that they make in a day only about five or 6% of them are actually going to pick up their phone call so what that means is you're only going to have a handful of live conversations and you don't want to accidentally butcher the intro to your call and then thus losing your prospect and losing the opportunity to land a meeting so that being said I'm a big advocate for just knowing your first 30 seconds eliminating fillers and having something that you know for a fact uh gives you a a structure to how you're going to start your call Tip number two is know what challenges and problems you're solving for you might ask the right questions to the wrong people meaning you might be asking questions that are more tailored to someone that's more uh of a senior manager more of an executive for a company that might be more questions that you should tailor to someone that is an individual contributor or Frontline manager so make sure that and this is a pro tip that I tell everyone is have uh two separate battle cards if you will a little or have two separate playbooks A playbook for how you're going to handle an executive type of conversation versus uh how you're going to handle a lower level conversation I categorize and again it depends on each company but an executive in my mind is anybody that's got a director senior director VP or above title anybody that's under a senior manager is considered in my mind a lower level someone that's more Frontline managing a team of some sort so that being said lower levels versus Executives care and prioritize completely different things so if let's say in your shoes you're pitching or you're trying to sell a software of some sort maybe the angle to a lower level conversation might be about the challenges that they might be experiencing with their features and functionality maybe it's very manual or maybe it's that they don't have something in place and they've got like an Excel sheet that's kind of keeping them you know afloat for right now something that's not going to be automated or streamline their workflows right so that might be a pain point for someone that's a lower level because they're in the trenches dealing with the software that you might be wanting to replace versus a CTO or a CIO they're not living in their day-to-day in that software that you're trying to pitch so they might be thinking higher level initiatives such as reporting such as things that are going to be helpful for cutting costs just be thinking about tailoring your talk track and your Discovery questions to the person that you're speaking to on the phone so you might think Bri why why am I suddenly only talking to higher ups why don't I just prioritize the decision makers and not prioritize or call any of the lower levels because the lower levels might not necessarily have any influence that's a great question well again if you only have a 4 to 6% answer rate overall when it comes to our call block the likelihood of that 4 to 6% being all decision makers is relatively low so if you have a really low connection rate or a low answer rate I'll do an entire teaching topic different video on how to enhance that a little bit but a pro tip would be to call lower levels of an organization just to get better insight and information regarding what challenges and what key priorities that the decision makers care about next key here and it's so funny one of my guys this week actually asked me the same exact question what do you do when you get so anxious in starting a call Blitz and you start to get the butterflies of oh my my gosh I'm feeling a little anxious great question so to get over that anxiety that you might feel at the very beginning of a cetz I call it the 5c rule shout out to Mel Robbins for this one so what she talks about in her book called the 5c rule it's give yourself 5 seconds before you initiate and jump into the task that you might not necessarily want to do so you literally before you hop into a call Blitz you might be thinking oh my gosh I'm nervous I'm getting oh my gosh I might sound you know weird in front of my colleagues and especially if you're new you got all the Jitters in you cuz you're not as experienced it's all good literally just do a count up of 5 4 3 2 1 and then just dial the first 5 to 10 calls gets you warmed up and then after that it does get relatively easier for the remainder of your call blits Key number four is commit to 50 minimum calls a day guys I can't tell you how frequently I get asked Bri you know I don't know why I'm not hitting quota can you give me Insight or help or guidance on how I can hit quota as a bdr or an SDR majority of the time believe it or not when you jump in and you look at the stats and you look at the key performance indicators not just from like one day or one week but like for the month or for the previous month for the last 90 days a good majority of the time it's that people aren't making enough calls and so that being said said if you commit to doing 50 dials every single day as a bdr to build up your pipeline to build up your momentum to build up the amount of times that for some prospects their preferred method of communication is a phone call so in doing so you're going to get conversations that lead you to meetings or lead you to the right people 25 in the morning 25 in the evening I always tell people to make sure you're calling at the right times so I'll do another whole teaching video regarding just the proper times of getting a hold of people but just commit to 50 dials a day and I can promise you if you inspect that with your manager look at your kpis via your crmm or your sales uh loft or your Outreach whatever you're using you're going to notice some sort of correlation on how to enhance your your calls and how to enhance your workflow in doing so but just keep it basic keep it simple $50 a day keeps you on Pace towards hitting your quotas typically follow And subscribe for more business development strategies
Channel: Bri Galarza
Views: 97
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, brigalarza, business, marketing, personalgrowth, motivation, productivity, day in the life, management, salesempowerment, cold calling, business development, sales development, BDR, SDR
Id: uCQ2FBReiak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2024
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